Tuesday, March 19, 2019

1365: Pouring out

#1365: Pouring out
Comments 30
bam­boo hut is very small es­pe­cially sim­ply, neat, but is pass­ing gen­tle and warmth of dif­fi­cult word lays out.
This ex­quis­ite bam­boo hut, is the dra­cena that Chu Yuechan used in the past builds per­son­ally, these years, ex­cept for their mother and daugh­ter, any­body have not en­tered and ap­proached, Yun Che is first „out­comer”.
A Yun Che both eyes in­flam­ma­tion, did not have pro­found strength, he sim­plest de­tumes­cence is un­able to achieve. If at this time, these fa­mil­iar, knows his per­son to see that he is going against a bi-pass red­eye ap­pear­ance now, it is es­ti­mated that the eye­ball can fall com­pletely most East­ern God Ter­ri­tory.
„In the past, why will you come here?” He asked that the vi­sion looks at Chu Yuechan from time to time, from time to time looks at Yun Wuxin, first time thought only lived two eyes is how was in­suf­fi­cient.
Yun Wuxin ac­cord­ing to by the Chu Yuechan knee, both hands rests one's chin in one's hands the help/gang, often qui­etly is siz­ing up Yun Che. Chu Yuechan is tak­ing her small hand flood dimly, the vi­sion slightly. Her ob­vi­ous changed, com­pared in the head of past Frozen Cloud Seven Fairies, per­son­al­ity ice-cold to nearly heart­less Fairy of Frozen Beauty, al­though pre­sent she is as be­fore chilly, but looks and in pupil light, ob­vi­ously many a point...... No, is many gen­tle­ness.
Be­cause she no longer is Fairy of Frozen Beauty, but is one, for „dead” Yun Che dis­carded all past fe­males, a girl's mother.
„In the past, in Heav­enly Sword Villa, all peo­ple thinks that you died in ‚gov­ern­ing sword stage’, also at that time, I dis­cov­ered that one­self has been preg­nant un­ex­pect­edly, in order to stays be­hind your blood­line, I left Frozen Cloud As­gard......”
„......” Yun Che is clear, how she is sim­ple „leaves Frozen Cloud As­gard”, to leave, she re­nounced from aban­don­ing Frozen Cloud Se­cret Arts, but also car­ry­ing made guilty with the re­spon­si­bil­ity for an of­fense that Sect was shamed, was shoul­der­ing at that time en­tire Blue Wind Na­tion biggest „scan­dal”......
Af­ter­ward, along with the Yun Che the great strength of strength and power and in­flu­ence, this „scan­dal” also be­came „charm­ing story”...... When strength type of thing, for­mi­da­ble to enough Realm, it changes merely is not one­self, will also change all peo­ple's cog­ni­tion to the same thing.
„I want to find a tran­quil dwelling place to give birth our chil­dren...... But, I have not left snow ter­ri­tory, then has en­coun­tered the am­bush, these per­son of strengths are greatly strength­ened, I just from waste Pro­found Arts, the pro­found breath was in ad­di­tion chaotic at that time, was in­jured by them...... Was for­tu­nate enough to have the storm at that time, I es­caped with the aid of the snow phoenix beast......”
„Is Xu­anyuan Yufeng!” Yun Che makes noise tran­quilly, but both hands ac­tu­ally stub­bornly grip tightly.
Be­cause of Ling Jie, he al­ways does not have to kill Xu­anyuan Yufeng, but re­mem­bers each time, in his heart ample hate in­tent...... At this mo­ment, is as in­tense as peak.
„I know them am the Heav­enly Sword Villa per­son......” Chu Yuechan al­though at that time from aban­don­ing Pro­found Arts, but pro­found strength still, Em­peror Pro­found Realm pro­found strength, in then Blue Wind Na­tion, can com­pel into the hope­less sit­u­a­tion her few, but Heav­enly Sword Villa ab­solutely is one of them: „After I es­cape from the snow ter­ri­tory, stu­por in a chaotic for­est...... After wak­ing up , dis­cov­ered that in­jured , is not only I, the child in also my ab­domen.”
„What!?” The Yun Che body play shakes, com­pared with once pol­lu­tion eyes of non- sev­eral fold, ac­tu­ally flood in­com­pa­ra­bly fear­ful of­fense light: „They...... In­jured Wuxin (un­in­ten­tional)!?”
The Yun Wuxin blinked eye, looked at it­self, face puz­zled.
„At that time, I can only go all out to pro­tect Wuxin (un­in­ten­tional) by pro­found en­ergy that only re­mains, ac­tu­ally does not know that in the fu­ture should...... re­mem­ber that time sit­u­a­tion to where”, her sound faintly rec­og­niz­able.
„......” Yun Che gets hold of her hand, the fierce con­vul­sion of heart in the stab­bing pain. Be­trays Sect, shoul­ders the in­famy, was chased down by Heav­enly Sword Villa...... That time was Heav­enly Sword Villa the what kind of con­cept? The Blue Wind Na­tion first over­lord, ab­solutely un­sur­passed in­vin­ci­ble ex­is­tence!
It is not able to imag­ine, then she, what faces is how des­per­ate......
„Do you still re­mem­ber?” A Chu Yuechan voice slightly rev­o­lu­tion, be­comes es­pe­cially gen­tle: „In the past in the place of Dragon God trial, you to let Pro­found Vein is com­pletely waste, I who is filled with the dead will main­tain sober, said with me about you and other peo­ple's story, has, one knows as one pleases is false, but also some, per­haps real.”
„......” Ini­tially in place of that a half year Dragon God trial, he said to the Chu Yuechan words, over 90% is in­deed false, is he force­fully arranges the come out joke...... Al­though one time has not pro­voked laugh­ter she.
„I re­mem­ber at that time in­dis­tinctly you once had said that your Phoenix Fire strength not Di­vine Phoenix Sect from Di­vine Phoenix Em­pire, but from one place that called Ten Thou­sand Beast Moun­tain Range. There cen­ter is liv­ing in seclu­sion on the wane, and Phoenix Lost Clan that does not know for the com­mon peo­ple, there Phoenix de­scen­dant es­pe­cially good sim­ple and hon­est, and there is a Phoenix God pro­tec­tion, ten thou­sand beasts do not dare to ap­proach......”
„......” Yun Che is star­tled. En­tire a half year, for does not make the Chu Yuechan will quiet, he will hug her say­ing that every day many words, many recorded clear not to say any­thing to him...... Then could not re­call to mind on such as him at this mo­ment to her has said the Phoenix Lost Clan mat­ter.
Even some sur­prise...... Chu Yuechan in­deed ear­li­est knows per­son who he has Phoenix Fire, in ac­quain­tance first day, he to com­pel Poi­son Spirit of her within the body, has ex­posed Phoenix Fire be­fore her. But the Phoenix Fire ori­gin is he biggest se­cret one, and re­lates to the Phoenix Lost Clan safety, can­not men­tion to the by­stander......
But thinks that in place of that a half year Dragon God trial, he grad­u­ally gets over an emo­tion. Kills 99,999 pro­found beast bru­tal trial, not only each is at mo­men­tar­ily suf­fers the fatal at­tack in in­stant the dan­ger, but must pro­tect Chu Yuechan...... mind ex­hausted will in­deed make him to say the se­cret ab­sent-minded come out did not know.
„There­fore, I then ar­rived here. When I ar­rive, here, has one to be very strong, strong has not dis­carded Pro­found Arts to me, for­ma­tion that also im­pos­si­ble breaks open.” Chu Yuechan nar­rated gen­tly.
for­ma­tion that Chu Yuechan said that with­out doubt after is the past years and he and Cang Yue left, power of under Phoenix Spirit by de­fen­sive bar­rier that re­main­ing sup­posed.
„Is filled with dis­ap­point­edly when me, this de­sire leaves, for­ma­tion ac­tu­ally sud­denly vol­un­tar­ily opened a gap......”
„Is Wuxin (un­in­ten­tional).” Say/Way that Yun Che does not con­trol self: „She in­her­ited my Phoenix Blood­line. My Phoenix Blood­line is the source blood that Phoenix Spirit grants di­rectly, but Wuxin (un­in­ten­tional) is the sec­ond-gen­er­a­tion suc­ces­sor of Phoenix source blood. Al­though had not been born, after Phoenix aura then suf­fi­ciently ex­ceeds grows into the Phoenix de­scen­dant.”
Had not been born to af­fect Phoenix for­ma­tion, Phoenix Lost Clan, is Di­vine Phoenix Sect, in­her­its Feng Xue'er of source blood ex­cept for and him equally di­rectly, every­one im­pos­si­ble achieves. But Wuxin (un­in­ten­tional) ac­tu­ally...... Be­cause that is his daugh­ter!
In the past, Chu Yuechan Pro­found Arts just aban­doned is then dam­aged, was chased down by Heav­enly Sword Villa, af­ter­ward Di­vine Phoenix Em­pire on a large scale in­vaded...... Yun Wuxin that if had not been born opened Phoenix for­ma­tion, per­haps his again also im­pos­si­ble sees them.
„Here, with is the same, is place of gen­tle extra mun­dane you ini­tially said. Here per­son, in the eye does not have the evil, they sur­pris­edly with guard­ing against my ar­rival, when know­ing me har­bors the em­bryo to help me, in I ex­pressed in­dif­fer­ent after re­sis­tance, they also no longer dis­turb me......” Chu Yuechan gen­tly to close both eyes: „These years here, I have al­most never left this piece of bam­boo for­est, does not have to occur to­gether with them...... Be­cause I am afraid, can­not be­lieve any­body again...... Does not dare to leave......”
„...... I un­der­stand.” Yun Che nod, pale in­com­pa­ra­ble three char­ac­ters, but being fond and ashamed in­tent in heart al­most let his great pain and grief.
„Your pro­found strength...... Did not have, right?” Yun Che ask­ing gen­tly. Al­though he did not have di­vine sense, as but be­fore through the eye, he re­al­izes.
Chu Yuechan nods, is not dis­ap­pointed and des­o­late, only has gen­tle: „Wuxin (un­in­ten­tional) in my ab­domen was in­jured by sword qi, when I come here, aura was es­pe­cially weak. In order to pro­tect her life­line, I com­pel blood essence and source strength un­ceas­ingly......”
„!!!” The Yun Che body in a flash, the face clearly has shown once more off.
„Af­ter­ward, my source strength cleared, Pro­found Vein lost plant, Wuxin (un­in­ten­tional) has guar­an­teed fi­nally, was born......”
„......” The Yun Che lip shiv­ers...... blood essence dam­ages greatly, Pro­found Vein loses plant, faces the child­birth, this in his cog­ni­tion, must die rad­i­cally the bound­ary.
He wants to ask how Chu Yuechan at that time was, but the words have not ex­ported, he then knew the an­swer...... Can cre­ate this mir­a­cle, only has mother.
„I at that time...... To en­trust Wuxin (un­in­ten­tional) to them, then peace­ful goes off...... How­ever, looks at the eye of Wuxin (un­in­ten­tional), is lis­ten­ing to her weep­ing sound, I do not hate......” Chu Yuechan to ca­ress daugh­ter's hair lightly, once the ice-cold pupil light at this time only the piece suf­fi­ciently melted all gen­tle­ness: „I want to visit her to grow up, best...... Can looks look like you......”
„But, my looks looks like mother, not like Fa­ther.” Yun Wuxin looks at Chu Yuechan, then spits the tongue to Yun Che gen­tly.
Chu Yuechan smile...... This, frames in Yun Che's soul in­stant.
This is the first time, he sees Chu Yuechan to re­veal the smil­ing face......
This once, was only the scenery that in his dream can pre­sent, now, ac­tu­ally such near pre­sents in his at pre­sent.
Be­cause he is also liv­ing.
In the past, he once looked for the Chu Yuechan where­abouts through in­nu­mer­able meth­ods, mak­ing Cang Yue use the strength of im­pe­r­ial fam­ily to seek in Blue Wind Na­tion, lat­ter bor­rowed the strength of Black Moon Mer­chant Guild, later even sought by the strength of Di­vine Phoenix im­pe­r­ial fam­ily in en­tire Pro­found Sky Con­ti­nent through Feng Xue'er......
All has achieved noth­ing.
Has searched through that the place, he never has ac­tu­ally thought „Phoenix Lost Clan”.
Be­cause here is place of un­known extra mun­dane, the place of se­cret, the strength of his Phoenix came from here, nat­u­rally be­fore can­not let here ex­poses the com­mon peo­ple, in the sub­con­scious will also not want to dis­turb them, has not thought Chu Yuechan will come to here.
Five years ago, he and Feng Xue'er come this, ac­tu­ally be­cause of dis­cov­er­ing ex­is­tence of Phoenix for­ma­tion has cho­sen has not dis­turbed Phoenix Lost Clan...... Orig­i­nally, they have left such near, once nearly, only then close re­mote.
He also un­der­stood why ini­tially could not find her in­clud­ing Jas­mine.
Jas­mine in re­mould­ing the body, after grad­u­ally re­stores Di­vine Power, two times re­leased di­vine sense, cov­ers en­tire Pro­found Sky Con­ti­nent to seek for Chu Yuechan aura...... two times told him Di­vine Power to be short as be­fore, can­not suc­ceed.
Until she leaves, has in­formed his truth through the soul sound that Hong'er leaves be­hind, non- is her strength can­not, but was she had not found.
Chu Yuechan after waste Frozen Cloud Se­cret Arts, when her aura did not have the Frozen Cloud As­gard char­ac­ter­is­tics, Jas­mine to re­lease in the past di­vine sense sought, can only look every­where all has the Em­peror Pro­found Realm aura per­son, thinks that she will pos­si­bly make the break­through, searched for Tyrant Pro­found Realm...... Even Sov­er­eign Pro­found Realm.
Ac­tu­ally has achieved noth­ing.
Af­ter­ward, Jas­mine sup­posed that Chu Yuechan pro­found strength backed up, searched for Sky Pro­found Realm aura force­fully...... Sim­i­larly had not found Chu Yuechan.
Pro­found Sky Con­ti­nent 100 bil­lion lives, Jas­mine again strong, her di­vine sense also im­pos­si­ble care­ful has swept every­one, par­tic­u­larly pro­found strength is lower, aura is weaker.
Jas­mine told his bru­tal fact to the spo­ken lan­guage that Yun Che left be­hind: Em­peror Pro­found, Tyrant Pro­found and Sov­er­eign Pro­found...... Under to Sky Pro­found, does not have Chu Yuechan aura again, that only pos­si­bly has two re­sult--- ei­ther, she died, ei­ther, she was aban­doned.
But lat­ter...... By the Chu Yuechan looks, if she had been aban­doned, the fate only dying is more piti­ful, by her per­son­al­ity, is rather die than......
Fact that also start­ing from that time, Yun Che has to ac­cept Chu Yuechan die.
Today knows, al­though she lost pro­found strength, was ac­tu­ally not aban­doned, but to pro­tect Yun Wuxin, caus­ing the Pro­found Vein source strength to clear, dries up until death.
Xu­anyuan Yufeng......
Yun Che bites the tooth se­cretly...... Even if you are the Ling Jie birth mother, I also re­ally should be cut to pieces you!!


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