Sunday, March 10, 2019

1349: Heaven-Destroying War (Last Part)

#1349: Heaven-Destroying War (Last Part)
Comments 340
Once Star God Realm died at the age of star light to be fill­ing the heav­ens, such as was pro­tected by the stars, is com­mon peo­ple in the eyes true sa­cred land. The star light has no time, Star God Realm each inch space is also too beau­ti­ful to be­hold, sur­passes im­mor­tal realm.
But at this mo­ment, looks dis­tantly, star light of an­cient sparkle had been cov­ered dark, black mark clear span­ning in en­tire Star God Realm, be­side re­mote Star Ter­ri­tory, can hear that sad and shrill to al­most the wail­ing sound that tears to pieces the world faintly in­nu­mer­ably.
No­body knows, no­body can be­lieve, black fog with break­ing under mark, the Star God Realm life, has buried to ex­tin­guish 70%...... More­over this fig­ure un­ceas­ingly is still ris­ing sud­denly.
The Jas­mine vi­o­lent anger, Star God, Moon God, Eter­nal Sky and erup­tion of strength of Brahma Four Di­vine Em­per­ors in that split sec­ond De­stroy the Heav­ens and Ex­ter­mi­nate the Earth, the en­tire world was ripped the ter­ri­to­ries of five de­struc­tion by five shock­ing strength, in the world of avalanche, the ter­ri­to­ries of these five de­struc­tion also twists, in which four pieces con­cen­trate about in the same place, the vol­ume to that piece of dark space.
Rum­bles Cā---
The world in col­lapse caves in again, along with it, each cor­ner of world, rips open fear­fully to the ex­treme space storm.
„Quick...... Walks!!”
Re­main­ing Star God Elder is star light pro­tects the body, in the world that was flooded by the dis­as­ter com­pletely es­capes to leave fast...... Right, is es­capes to leave.
Be­cause, this is they are un­able...... Does not have the fierce bat­tle of qual­i­fi­ca­tions in­volve­ment.
Does Di­vine Lord, as the human power limit, in this world exist to link them not to have the fight of qual­i­fi­ca­tions in­volve­ment?
If be­fore today, no­body be­lieves, will be Star God Elder they will raise head to laugh, heard this world ab­sur­dest joke likely.
But, such fierce bat­tle ap­peared.
East Ter­ri­tory Four Di­vine Em­per­ors re­sists a match with joint forces, this un­prece­dented pre­sents in them at pre­sent, pre­sents in Star God Realm, that de­stroys the day bro­ken, buries to ex­tin­guish void power to dis­ap­pear them suf­fi­ciently in a short time.
power that each erupts in­stan­ta­neously was telling them, this was Ini­tial Stage Di­vine Lord, even pos­si­ble In­ter­me­di­ate Stage Di­vine Lord not to have the un­ri­valled fierce bat­tle that the qual­i­fi­ca­tions par­tic­i­pa­tion and ap­proached!
Six Star God were also flown by the dis­tant bang, they spell are not being will­ing the stu­por, dull looks at the pre­sent world, the line of sight and soul are one piece ab­sent-minded......
Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang......
power of each flash erupts makes these Di­vine Lord trem­ble fright­ened, Star God Realm each trem­bling is trem­bling in­stan­ta­neously.
Other three Di­vine Em­peror ar­rive to­gether, mak­ing this the heart fall the des­per­ate Star God Em­peror reig­ni­tion hope, erupts is sur­pass­ing the limit power, but grad­u­ally, along with fast in­ten­si­fy­ing of his in­jury, the hope of reig­ni­tion again tends col­lapse.
Moon God Em­peror, Eter­nal Sky Di­vine Em­peror and Brahma Di­vine Em­peror...... They just now wit­nessed the pres­tige of Evil In­fant, in the heart early had the con­scious­ness, but at this mo­ment, faced the pres­tige of Evil In­fant per­son­ally, was one by one with amaze­ment the heart is ac­tu­ally star­tled.
The strength of three Di­vine Em­peror sup­press the strength of Evil In­fant short, Brahma Di­vine Em­peror raids se­cretly suc­cess­fully the Jas­mine wound, but her power ac­tu­ally not be­cause of it ema­ci­ated, in­stead erupted the heav­en­shak­ing anger.
Strength of--- Four Di­vine Em­per­ors has never ap­peared in the God Realm his­tory, the com­mon peo­ple hun­dred live power that hun­dredth is un­able to imag­ine, in the Devil Wheel again and again bang by Jas­mine hand was ac­tu­ally ex­tin­guished, Four Di­vine Em­per­ors com­plex­ion gloomy, every time makes a move is fully, each power erup­tion is heav­enly might star­tles the world, as King Realm Star God Realm step by step is buried, is ac­tu­ally not able to de­press is in the Four Di­vine Em­per­ors power core Jas­mine, in­stead is very painful grad­u­ally under the fill­ing the heav­ens demon pres­tige that she erupts.
They are East Ter­ri­tory Four Di­vine Em­per­ors! Un­prece­dented cer­tainly now union, un­ex­pect­edly...... It is not able to sup­press Evil In­fant that just re­gained con­scious­ness as be­fore!
Bang! BANG!!
Two dark whirlpools curl up, in­stant con­trac­tion, ex­plodes vi­o­lently, such as dark Sun of two rounds in the sky rup­tur­ing. Under ex­tremely fear­ful demon light, Four Di­vine Em­per­ors com­pletely in shout­ing aban­dons at­tacks to de­fend, was rum­bled is very very far.
The Eter­nal Sky Di­vine Em­peror cor­ners of the mouth ooz­ing of blood, all over­flows a blood threads along with it both ears, nos­tril and cor­ner of the eye, in­vades the dark ma­lig­nant in­flu­ences of body, only then lit­tle, makes the body of his Di­vine Em­peror un­able to with­stand un­com­fort­ably. Looks that line of sight dis­tant place that is built on the young girl in dark­ness, his whole body flood the den­sity of right cone mar­row.
Ac­tu­ally Star God Realm is realm clos­ing is mak­ing what? Evil In­fant’s Wheel of Myr­iad Tribu­la­tions why in Heav­enly Slaugh­ter Star God body? Not is only Heav­enly Slaugh­ter Star God, why and wants blood slaugh­ter Star God Realm...... These ques­tions are one by one se­ri­ous, but now was unim­por­tant, be­cause they face at this mo­ment, after is Era of the Gods had fin­ished, most fear­ful ex­is­tence of pre­sent world.
They can­not have tiny bit re­ten­tion again!
„Star God Moon God, blocks her!!” Eter­nal Sky Di­vine Em­peror bel­lows, his both arms open, be­fore the body , the azure light flashes, has ap­peared hun­dred zhang (333 m) the high big caul­dron: „Brahma helps me!”
Four Di­vine Em­per­ors is ac­quainted for over ten thou­sand years, al­though each other is not re­ally har­mo­nious, but es­pe­cially knows very well. Star God Em­peror and Moon God Em­peror have not had any ques­tion, star light and moon glow also sparkle, the star moon/month shines on each other, rips the dark­ness.
Xing Juekong and Yue Wuya, these two have the in­nu­mer­able en­mi­ties, each other per­son of hate, this is they this life first time shoul­der to shoul­der fights.
Eter­nal Sky Di­vine Em­peror ca­resses the big caul­dron, on the caul­dron body hid­den flashes the cyan glim­mer, Brahma Di­vine Em­peror moves side­ways to the side of Eter­nal Sky Di­vine Em­peror, does not need half char­ac­ter to in­quire, his golden sword re­ceives, the hand twists the pro­found Se­cret Art, a gold/metal blood spurted above green caul­dron.
Golden blood bead...... That is Brahma Di­vine Em­peror blood essence.
As the head of East Ter­ri­tory Four Di­vine Em­per­ors, vast East­ern God Ter­ri­tory this has not matched of his buckle blood essence cer­tainly. But asked for ad­vice Evil In­fant ter­ri­fy­ing by one­self, this golden blood essence, he of­fered sac­ri­fices with­out hes­i­ta­tion.
His palm stretches out, presses green caul­dron with Eter­nal Sky Di­vine Em­peror to­gether, a golden chart ap­pears in his palm slowly, opens, until du­pli­cate com­pletely en­tire caul­dron body.
BOOM! Whish---
„Has not made a move...... AH!!”
Strength of union Four Di­vine Em­per­ors can con­tend with Jas­mine re­luc­tantly, but only Star God Moon God two peo­ple col­lab­o­rates, short counts breaths in Jas­mine under the hand/sub­or­di­nate then step by step re­treated, is sur­rounded by per­ils. Moon God Em­peror body depth pur­ple moon glow has been de­feated and dis­persed most, but the Twelve Heav­enly Stars Sword thor­ough dis­in­te­gra­tion in Star God Em­peror hand, his blood spits fi­nally crazily, flies hor­i­zon­tally in the dark­ness, was in­volved in dark whirlpool im­me­di­ately......
But at this mo­ment, Eter­nal Sky Di­vine Em­peror and Brahma Di­vine Em­peror si­mul­ta­ne­ously ray greatly hold, sends out heav­en­shak­ing howl­ing.
green caul­dron rolls, if the sound the thun­der­ing, rum­bles Jas­mine. Its speed seems like not quick, but all space storms this time strangely were ac­tu­ally stop­ping, when green caul­dron near body, Jas­mine's body also ap­peared ob­vi­ously stag­nates...... Space that be­cause, she is, also sank into by vast bound­less power under frames.
Buzz BANG!!
The green caul­dron heavy pres­sure on Evil In­fant’s Wheel of Myr­iad Tribu­la­tions, the giant caul­dron body blooms ten thou­sand zhang (3.33 m) rays of light.
Jas­mine whole body in­tense shock, was flick­ered to shake draws back dozens li (0.5 km), in her pupil black light flashes, Devil Wheel sends out se­vere Howl...... But in same in­stant, above green caul­dron sud­denly golden glow sud­denly, ap­pears a huge golden chart, split sec­ond, such as sky presses the body, Jas­mine whole body in­tense shock, in the mouth the blood fog sprays.
“Hah!! ”
Eter­nal Sky Di­vine Em­peror and Brahma Di­vine Em­peror rip spa­tially, but, both hands si­mul­ta­ne­ous/uni­form ex­plo­sion above green caul­dron, the glow and the golden chart ray green caul­dron is more abun­dant, im­me­di­ately, Devil Wheel black glow com­pletely ex­tin­guishes, Jas­mine is a blood fog blowout, pupil black glow in­stant is also lax, such as rem­nant leaf -like flew hor­i­zon­tally.
Eter­nal Sky Di­vine Em­peror both hands turn over, green caul­dron turns round sud­denly , the jet black caul­dron mouth such as may swal­low the Sun Moon end­less black hole, will sprin­kle Jas­mine and Devil Wheel in in­stan­ta­neous en­gulfed in which blood fly­ing up­side down, the golden chart trans­verse shift on, seal­ing stub­bornly above caul­dron mouth.
Eter­nal Sky Di­vine Em­peror ex­cited bel­low­ing, but the move­ment and pro­found strength ac­tu­ally do not dare to have the slight­est bit to stag­nate, dashes to green caul­dron, ex­claimed: „She al­ready sealed within the caul­dron, quick!!”
The voice falls, his both arms were bring­ing the strength of heavy bang Di­vine Em­peror above green caul­dron, erup­tion power void flick­ers to break ten thou­sand li (0.5 km).
Brahma Di­vine Em­peror fol­lows closely, but , the strength rum­bles green caul­dron, ex­plodes cov­ers the sky golden glow in the caul­dron body. Next in­stant, Star God Em­peror and Moon God Em­peror also move side­ways erup­tion that but, Four Di­vine Em­per­ors sub­sta­tion four, pre­sent age topest power is out­spo­ken above green caul­dron.
This caul­dron named „Di­vine Sup­pres­sion Caul­dron”, is Eter­nal Sky God Realm di­vine legacy item, not only has to de­stroy the star to de­stroy the strength of des­o­late, but also the em­bod­i­ment de­struc­tion space, can sup­press and bury to ex­tin­guish to swal­low into all, the bang in power of caul­dron body will also change to the caul­dron space the strength of de­struc­tion, once were sealed into, ten deaths and life­less, again not pos­si­ble being de­liv­ered from op­pres­sion.
Strength of nearly crazy erup­tion Four Di­vine Em­per­ors, even if Jas­mine caused heavy losses, and seals into Di­vine Sup­pres­sion Caul­dron, they do not dare to have as be­fore re­tain slightly. A breath...... Two breaths...... Five breaths...... Ten breaths...... Sky over each breath, such as ten thou­sand star­tling thun­der­clap to­gether re­sounds through.
With­out the strength of Evil In­fant, du­pli­cate spa­tial black glow fast dis­si­pa­tion. Fi­nally, along with the erup­tion of strength of last Di­vine Em­peror, the world started slightly is more peace­ful, only had the space storm to sweep across as be­fore wreaks havoc, for a very long time was hard to ex­tin­guish.
Di­vine Sup­pres­sion Caul­dron is silent, the azure glow seemed to be that does not have.
„Hū......” the palm of Eter­nal Sky Di­vine Em­peror to put down, his heavy breath­ing one breath, the whole body passed was never hav­ing the se­ri­ous pros­tra­tion feel­ing.
„Good Eter­nal Sky brother the Sup­pres­sion Caul­dron belt/bring in body, oth­er­wise......” Brahma Di­vine Em­peror also se­ri­ously breathes.
Dark dis­si­pa­tion rapid­ness of more and more, Star God Realm starts the heavy every day light. But, col­lapse Star Ter­ri­tory, buries the life that ex­tin­guishes, ac­tu­ally al­ready for­ever im­pos­si­ble restora­tion.
„Heav­enly Slaugh­ter Star God must die with­out doubt, but, Evil In­fant’s Wheel of Myr­iad Tribu­la­tions im­pos­si­ble by de­struc­tion. So...... Only has it for­ever seals in the caul­dron, can­not let its pre­sent world again.” Moon God Em­peror breathes heav­ily to say.
Eter­nal Sky Di­vine Em­peror nod.
The night­mare has as if ter­mi­nated, but Star God Em­peror does not have the happy ex­pres­sion of least bit, under his paral­y­sis slowly, looks in the line of sight the de­struc­tion world com­pletely, is un­able to say a word, for a very long time loses the soul......
„Star God Em­peror, this what's the mat­ter?” Brahma Di­vine Em­peror asked.
„......” Star God Em­peror had not replied.
„for­get it/that's all,” is wit­ness­ing the Star God Realm piti­ful con­di­tion, Eter­nal Sky Di­vine Em­peror se­ri­ous sigh, said: „Evil In­fant ex­tin­guished, the dis­as­ter has dis­ap­peared, as for other, can let's dis­cuss later. Star God Em­peror, you now......”
A slight crack­ing, ac­tu­ally such as to­gether the thun­der­clap re­sounds near the ears of all peo­ple, the eye pupils of three Di­vine Em­peror si­mul­ta­ne­ously jump, even/in­clud­ing loses Star God Em­peror in soul also fiercely to raise the head.
Be­cause of this slight crack­ing, came from Di­vine Sup­pres­sion Caul­dron un­ex­pect­edly!
„What's wrong...... What's the mat­ter?” Moon God Em­peror trem­bling said. But his voice just fell, pupil then en­larges to nearly to ex­plode in split sec­ond.
If crash­ing were only light such as the mos­quito cry, hid­den as mis­con­cep­tion, then trans­mit­ted at this mo­ment, ac­tu­ally ear-spit­ting such as ten thou­sand realms avalanche.
a jet black fis­sure blasts out from the bot­tom of green caul­dron, then such as the bro­ken spa­tial light­ning, passes through the hun­dred zhang (333 m) caul­dron body to­gether.
„Wha...... What!?” Eter­nal Sky Di­vine Em­peror loses one's voice panic-stricken. But his re­sponse is also ex­tremely quick, the strength of Di­vine Em­peror wells up in­stan­ta­neously......
But, all al­ready with­out enough time.
Buzz BANG!!
Night­mare black light pro­jects from the fis­sure to­gether, puts on the hori­zon, hun­dred zhang (333 m) green caul­dron in black glow that in ex­plod­ing flashes, will blast open, the de­struc­tion storm that ex­ploded under the Four Di­vine Em­per­ors panic-stricken des­per­ate pupil loudly just will be lax to count breaths Four Di­vine Em­per­ors to shake ruth­lessly.
Di­vine Sup­pres­sion Caul­dron and Eter­nal Sky Di­vine Em­peror life is con­nected, Di­vine Sup­pres­sion Caul­dron was de­stroyed, to Eter­nal Sky Di­vine Em­peror is the con­se­quence that the life­line play cre­ates, he be­comes dark at pre­sent, the whole body con­vul­sion, the seven ori­fices si­mul­ta­ne­ously col­lapse blood, in the pupil that he changes col­ors, has screened Jas­mine that mon­ster dif­fer­ent peer­less form...... Her whole body blood-stained, grasps Devil Wheel in­dif­fer­ently, face as be­fore soul­less, but black glow in her pupil, changed to two groups of jet black flame.
„No...... No...... im­pos­si­ble...... im­pos­si­ble......” Eter­nal Sky Di­vine Em­peror is ab­sent­minded, was the same with Star God Em­peror, fell into night­mare abyss.
Di­vine Sup­pres­sion Caul­dron, true di­vine legacy item, is im­pos­si­ble by pre­sent age any power, ex­is­tence that any other pro­found tool de­stroy. Even if other Di­vine Em­peror grasp di­vine legacy item also im­pos­si­ble to de­stroy its slight­est bit sim­i­larly.
But, in the Jas­mine hand, was ac­tu­ally an­cient times Gods and Dev­ils alarmed and afraid pri­mor­dial chaos first Devil Weapon!


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