Saturday, March 23, 2019

1370: Settling

#1370: Settling
Comments 102
„......” Yun Che has not gone to hold Ling Jie, even is not sur­prised to his ac­tion.
Be­cause he is very clear, the Chu Yuechan in­ci­dent, to Ling Jie, is his heart heavy pres­sure...... Al­though, this is not his mis­take, but, this is his per­son­al­ity, is Yun Che most ap­pre­ci­ates his place.
„Mother?” Does not excel at with Yun Wuxin sub­con­scious hid­ing that the by­stander con­tacts in Chu Yuechan be­hind, a face vis­its her con­fus­edly.
The re­sponse of Chu Yuechan is quite light: „You do not need so, to have noth­ing to do with you, not your mis­take.”
„No,” Ling Jie shakes the head, voice/sound is hoarse: „Al­ready man­ner, when for­gives for mother. In the past mother be­cause of being jeal­ous to live to hate, did to be hard to for­give the mat­ter to you...... Is good be­cause of if heaven pities me, all your is well, oth­er­wise...... Oth­er­wise......”
He spoke of here, is the sob­bing dif­fi­cult word.
He is not some ini­tial that also weak naive Ling Jie, but is pres­tige il­lus­tri­ous Blue Wind Sword Saint. But at this mo­ment is ac­tu­ally tears rain flood, is un­able to stop.
In the past, Yun Che after de­feat­ing Xu­anyuan Went­ian, the slaugh­ter Sun Moon Di­vine Hall and Mighty Heav­enly Sword Re­gion two big sa­cred ground, have been noth­ing less than cruel. But, he has ac­tu­ally let off Xu­anyuan Yufeng...... This he hates per­son ex­tremely.
Ling Jie un­der­stands why this is...... Be­cause that is his mother.
This to Ling Jie, is one point of huge gra­cious­ness and friend­ship, is he heavy bur­den that is hard to get over an emo­tion. There­fore, he left Heav­enly Sword Villa, a per­son of sword trav­e­les across the world, ex­pected that can re­trieve life and death un­known Chu Yuechan for him.
Al­though Chu Yuechan he does not re­trieve, but sees with one's own eyes her safely, and with the Yun Che same place, he can put down the heavy bur­den and lit­tle ashamed crimes fi­nally.
„Lit­tle Jie,” Yun Che knits the brows: „You said a mo­ment ago...... My late mother?”
Ling Jie to close both eyes, slowly said: „In the past...... After Mighty Heav­enly Sword Re­gion de­struc­tion, mother her per­son­al­ity big change, every night of night­mare is en­cum­bered...... A two years ago night, she re­turns to the Mighty Heav­enly Sword Re­gion's for­mer home grounds, with the place that my fa­ther meets...... sui­cide......”
These words, Ling Jie said is es­pe­cially dif­fi­cult.
„......” The Yun Che chest fluc­tu­ates, sighs.
„Mother, al­though goes, the sin still, as the per­son child, when re­deems in full for her.”
His words fall near the Yun Che ear, mak­ing his steep sleep/felt not won­der­ful, anx­iously said: „Lit­tle Jie, you......”
But, how pre­sent he pos­si­bly pre­vents Ling Jie...... The Ce­les­tial Yang sword of under foot flies, the rain­bow light flashes to­gether sud­denly.
Under sword light, the Ling Jie left mid­dle fin­ger and ring fin­ger si­mul­ta­ne­ously break, flies by far.
"Ah!" Feng Xian'er and Yun Wuxin all are one call out in alarm.
Chu Yuechan snowy face has leaned, sighed lightly: „Crime not in you, you why must so.”
„Lit­tle Jie, you are......” look that along with the bro­ken fin­ger that the sword wind goes far away, Yun Che shook the head.
Re­gard­ing life cul­ti­va­tion base Sword Path pro­found prac­ti­tioner, was all bro­ken two fin­gers is what con­cept...... It goes with­out say­ing.
Two fin­gers of si­mul­ta­ne­ous/uni­form bro­ken, on the Ling Jie face re­veals is not the pain, but is con­fi­dent of feel­ing re­lieved. He from break­ing , is not only fin­ger, mind shack­les of also these year con­tin­u­ously self- fet­ters.
Ling Jie with­out doubt is to the side heavy per­son who the friend­ship looks.
The rec­ol­lec­tion in the past he and Yun Che's ini­tially met, at that time, he was the Heav­enly Sword Villa two young mas­ters, but Yun Che, was only un­known pro­found man­sion dis­ci­ple, but in Blue Wind Im­pe­r­ial Palace three at­tack wager, he lost to Yun Che, was pre­cisely is de­feated under lat­ter's plan­ning, he was will­ing the gam­bling to con­cede as be­fore, sweet posed as the lit­tle brother by being of Yun Che Heav­enly Sword Villa two young mas­ter in front.
To today, even if has ex­pe­ri­enced again the multi- mighty waves, never has changed.
Al­though Xu­anyuan Yufeng is vi­cious woman, but in the Ling Jie world, that is his birth mother, is lives him to raise him, to in­fi­nitely mother who he pro­tects the af­fec­tion, he must pro­tect by the fate sim­i­larly, must not hes­i­tate all for her atone­ment.
„Yuechan,” Yun Che said: „About Xu­anyuan Yufeng, you......”
„I don't hate her any­more.” Did not wait for Yun Che say­ing that Chu Yuechan said faintly: „In­clud­ing her ap­pear­ance, I al­ready faded from the mem­ory.”
Her a few words, let this gen­tly are bear the tears Ling Jie whole body trem­ble, the vi­sion tears flood move once more.
„Good, I also for­gave her.” The Yun Che smile, looks at Ling Jie sin­cerely said: „Al­though, she al­most makes me lose Lit­tle Fairy, but...... They fi­nally are safe and sound. More­over, if not for be­cause of your mother, my this whole life, will be few good broth­ers, in light of this...... call it even.”
The two peo­ple words, par­tic­u­larly Chu Yuechan word per­son­ally, to the Ling Jie mind with­out doubt is the warmest re­demp­tion, he is filled with ex­cit­edly, sud­denly being hard said a word, then must knock on once more......
„Good good, has not hur­ried!” Yun Che goes for­ward, makes an ef­fort to en­train him: „My Lit­tle Fairy now is your sis­ter-in-law (saozi), is not your se­nior! Al­ways kow­tows to do!”
Ling Jie: „Eh......”
„Mother, what is brush (saozi)?” Yun Wuxin asked low voice.
Chu Yuechan: „......”
„also!” A Yun Che face is in­dig­nant: „You broke the fin­ger are happy, but can you hit move of Hu! you to frighten my daugh­ter next time to know be­fore­hand! Has not got­ten up!”
„...... Ai?” Ling Jie in­stan­ta­neous com­pels ig­no­rant: „You...... Daugh­ter?”
„ahem, Wuxin.” The Yun Che sur­face ori­fice gets up, re­veals has the dig­nity fa­ther stance: „This is your Uncle Ling Jie. He cut the be­hav­ior of fin­ger a mo­ment ago is ex­tremely wrong, you can­not study!”
„......” The Yun Wuxin opened the lips petal, half body hides in Chu Yuechan be­hind, calls low voice lightly: „Uncle... Ling Jie?”
Looks at Yun Wuxin, Ling Jie mouth opened wide: „She... sh-sh-sh-she's your daugh­ter?”
„Right.” Yun Che nod.
Stut­ters, his hur­ry­ing has stood, si­mul­ta­ne­ously is fast by pro­found en­ergy seals up the bro­ken fin­ger blood stream...... Mat­ter Blue Wind that in the past Chu Yuechan was preg­nant all knew, but mat­ter al­ready past sev­eral years...... Ling Jie al­ready saw Yun Wuxin, has not ac­tu­ally thought that this ten -year-old over girls could be the Yun Che daugh­ters.
He is thrown into con­fu­sion ring in body and space paws, had not ac­tu­ally found any nice thing, fi­nally steels one's heart, has hung in chest front gem has picked, owes the waist to say to Yun Wuxin: „Has not thought that Boss had the daugh­ter un­ex­pect­edly, but also was so big. You called...... Wuxin (un­in­ten­tional) is right? Re­ally is a name of pleas­ant to hear, uncle has not brought any nice thing, this...... Gives Wuxin (un­in­ten­tional) to work as the gift on first meet­ing.”
Looked at gem in Ling Jie hand, the Yun Che's cor­ners of the mouth has pulled out.
That clearly is the Heav­enly Sword Villa Young Villa Mas­ter token!
Had this token, Yun Wuxin to Heav­enly Sword Villa, can un­scrupu­lous walked side­ways...... Al­though does not have this token she also to walk side­ways.
The Yun Wuxin body also slightly re­liev­ing, low voice in­quired: „Mother, can I ac­cept?”
Chu Yuechan nod­ded with a smile: „Since is Uncle Ling Jie de­liv­ers your gift on first meet­ing, that then ac­cepts.”
Yun Wuxin then puts out a hand to re­ceive, gem in hand, re­leases she has never been see­ing the dif­fer­ent light in her eye pupil, she eye­brow bends im­me­di­ately, happy say­ing with a smile: „Quite at­trac­tive, thanks...... Uncle Ling Jie?”
As if to this name is not too def­i­nite, her words tail took a point to doubt the sound.
„Does not need to thank does not need to thank, should.” Ling Jie beck­ons with the hand hastily, then ap­proaches Yun Che say­ing: „Worthily is the Boss daugh­ter, is re­ally lik­able.”
If he knows that this 11-year-old fe­male doll Pro­found Dao cul­ti­va­tion base is higher than him, it is es­ti­mated that can be star­tled to kneel.
Yun Che grasps the hand of Ling Jie, looks at his bro­ken fin­ger, sighed lightly: „Lit­tle Jie, after today, any atone­ment and so on words, a char­ac­ter can­not raise again.”
„Good!” Ling Jie nod, in the item flood, wants the bright bril­liance com­pared with these year of any times joy­fully.
„Boss, your pro­found strength...... he asked re­ally”, still can­not be­lieve.
„Un.” Yun Che nod­ded with a smile: „Has not re­lated, at least I also live well. More­over, pro­found strength did not have not re­lated, you do not think my fe­male......”
Sud­denly feels the Chu Yuechan vi­sion, Yun Che's voice/sound stops, rapid im­port: „My side is in this world the fiercest per­son, who can harm I!”
Pro­found Dao is com­pletely waste, this to pro­found prac­ti­tioner with­out doubt is the most bru­tal mat­ter, is for­mi­da­ble, is bru­tal. But looks at the Yun Che's ap­pear­ance, in the Ling Jie heart sighed, heart­felt ad­mir­ing said: „Worthily is you, my Grandpa is also good, Xu­anyuan Went­ian also good...... In this world, any­thing is not re­ally able to strike down you.”
Yun Che shakes the head with a smile, said: „Have your years, out­side trav­elled for plea­sure?”
„Un,” the Ling Jie fa­cial ex­pres­sion is firm: „Did not have Mighty Heav­enly Sword Re­gion this backer, Heav­enly Sword Villa in­stead to gain the true free­dom. These years, Heav­enly Sword Villa vi­o­lates big mis­take con­tin­u­ally, the pres­tige fell into the trough, I with my sword, re­cast Heav­enly Sword Villa faith and once honor.”
Yun Che pat­ted has feared his shoul­der: „If you, cer­tainly can achieve.”
„Later, I should live Il­lu­sory Demon Realm Demon Im­pe­r­ial City, if your which date passed by, do not for­get that looks for me, let­ting me to wit­ness your growth.”
„Said it and meant it!” Ling Jie heav­ily nod.
two peo­ple said good-bye, Ling Jie went far away.
Broke two fin­gers, ac­tu­ally also re­leased in the heart Blue Wind Sword Saint of heavy bur­den, his fu­ture growth, will be with­out doubt more no­tice­able.
Chu Yuechan said: „Ling Yun is in the sword the gen­tle­man, the el­e­gant bear­ing, the ice, but is not ar­ro­gant \; Ling Jie nat­ural tal­ent wins his brother, and so heavy friend­ship, Heav­enly Sword Villa lost the backer, ac­tu­ally had two ex­tra­or­di­nary later gen­er­a­tion.”
nod that Yun Che deep to be so: „Their fa­ther Ling Yue­feng, al­though self­ish­ness stresses, re­gards the Heav­enly Sword Villa ben­e­fit to ex­ceed the Blue Wind Na­tion dan­ger, but aban­dons this mat­ter, his life be­hav­ior, ac­tu­ally also matches on ‚cor­rect path’ and ‚gen­tle­man’.”
„How­ever their mother Xu­anyuan Yufeng...... As the fe­male of Mighty Heav­enly Sword Re­gion's Elder, ac­tu­ally be­cause of being deeply in love with Ling Yue­feng does not hes­i­tate to leave the sect to the fa­ther, re­turned to small Heav­enly Sword Villa along with Ling Yue­feng, even if knew in the heart that Ling Yue­feng is very pos­si­ble to want through her to climb up Mighty Heav­enly Sword Re­gion's tall branch, dozens years do not leave not aban­doned, have no com­plain and re­gret.”
„They will train the so out­stand­ing later gen­er­a­tion, is not strange.......” Yun Che shook the head: „Ling Yue­feng has the crazy love in you, Xu­anyuan Yufeng will have hates you. A good woman, once falls into the hate abyss, will turn into the fear­ful devil.”
„......” Chu Yuechan trans­fers the pupil: „You meant, was I com­pels the evil per­son Xu­anyuan Yufeng?”
„Eh......” Yun Che to al­ways the quick­est speed beckon with the hand: „no, no, no, no no, no, no, nat­u­rally is not this mean­ing. I meant...... Eh...... Ah...... Your charm is too big, any man...... Also not right......! Right, Wuxin (un­in­ten­tional)!”
Yun Che has held daugh­ter's hand, points at the front say­ing: „Front has your fa­ther I had touched to­gether in the past per­son­ally the stone, I lead you to have a look.”
Yun Wuxin: „Ah?”
Looks that Yun Che draws run­ning that the daugh­ter is run­ning away also re­sem­bles to be far, the Chu Yuechan lip angle moves lightly, pupil light slightly pre­sent dream gen­eral dim­ness.
Frozen Cloud As­gard chilly not wants, she thinks that can be own life.
With a half year that Yun Che that does not di­vide day and night, after she re­turns, ac­tu­ally dis­cov­ered one­self no longer „pure-heart”, she had the de­sire again, she wants to de­press vig­or­ously, but knew that Yun Che death news that mo­ment, she truly de­tected, the de­sire in one­self heart, was al­ready in­tense to being will­ing to be­tray Sect for him......
Now, the side has him, has the daugh­ter, this is the true life, com­plete life...... Re­gard­less of will be where in the fu­ture.
be­hind, Feng Xian'er looks at their one three peo­ple silently, is not will­ing to send out voice/sound to dis­turb.


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