Tuesday, March 26, 2019

1375: Giving up the idea

#1375: Giving up the idea
Comments 451
Sky over Demon Im­pe­r­ial City, Lit­tle Demon Em­press silently looks that Yun Che and his par­ents gather, has not gone to dis­turb them.
„His didn't pro­found strength have the means to re­store re­ally?” She asked to Su Ling'er.
Su Ling'er gen­tly says: „Hu­mans af­fair does not have ab­solutely, is only his Pro­found Vein is spe­cial, feared that is the hope is un­cer­tain. Per­haps...... Mas­ter will have the means.”
The lat­ter half a word words, Su Ling'er said is very light. She had in­ves­ti­gated Yun Che's body con­di­tion a mo­ment ago, ob­vi­ously, even if Yun Gu, should be also help­less.
Lit­tle Demon Em­press vi­sion slightly gloomy, after silent for a long time, said: „If un­able to ex­e­cute fi­nally, must lengthen his life essence with every ef­fort...... Re­gard­less of any price.”
She can ac­cept Yun Che be­comes a dis­abled per­son, be­cause they can pro­tect him, does not make him be in­jured tiny bit. but she was un­able to ac­cept him pass­ing be­fore her in the fu­ture...... The or­di­nary body, means or­di­nary life essence.
„Un......” Su Ling'er nod­ded slightly, is ac­tu­ally not able to give the ex­plicit com­mit­ment, her vi­sion trans­fers, looks under, lightly said: „Long ago then knows, Elder Sis­ter Yuechan was the once Blue Wind Na­tion first beau­ti­ful woman, was re­ally not false.”
„Snort, cheap was all given to oc­cupy by him.” Lit­tle Demon Em­press lightly snorted.
Su Ling'er cov­ers the lip: „Right, par­tic­u­larly your this Lit­tle Demon Em­press, all can oc­cupy with can­not oc­cupy, prob­a­bly was oc­cu­pied to be clean by him.”
„......” Lit­tle Demon Em­press beau­ti­ful eyes has trans­ferred like light­ning, pupil light slightly chaotic. She knows cer­tainly what Su Ling'er said is any­thing...... In the past after she and Yun Che got mar­ried, thinks that only re­mained three years of life span, the biggest hope can leave be­hind a child to con­tinue Demon Em­peror blood­line with Yun Che, at that time Yun Che told her se­ri­ously, to have the child as soon as pos­si­ble, must fluc­tu­ate un­ceas­ingly var­i­ous body pos­ture pos­tures, in dif­fer­ent places......
Re­gard­ing the mat­ter of men and women, Lit­tle Demon Em­press is a through white paper, but Yun Che is moves Il­lu­sory Demon, not does not get sick med­ical Di­vine Doc­tor, nat­u­rally he said that any­thing is any­thing. Fi­nally, dur­ing that time...... Her solemn Il­lu­sory Demon Realm Lit­tle Demon Em­press, was ma­nip­u­lated var­i­ous types the ashamed pos­ture that ex­tremely makes every day in­clud­ing the brothel fe­males by Yun Che, re­quests to his var­i­ous ex­ces­sively is the in­com­pa­ra­bly clever amenable co­or­di­na­tion......
Until af­ter­ward Yun Che went to God Realm, when she and Feng Xue'er, Su Ling'er refers to the boudoir the mat­ter, knows that orig­i­nal are re­ceiv­ing Yun Che's to vi­o­late sex­u­ally the hu­mil­i­a­tion daily!
„Snort, looked that I do not tidy up him today well!” Lit­tle Demon Em­press bites the tooth slightly.
„Okay,” Su Ling'er cov­ers lip to smile: „That tonight gave you him, you may prob­a­bly gain well cheaply.”
„Was right, Elder Brother Yun Che he most likes is......” her flow­ery lips draws close to the Lit­tle Demon Em­press ear near, light, how­ever lan­guage.
„~! @#¥%......” the Lit­tle Demon Em­press beau­ti­ful ap­pear­ance cov­ered one ten­derly and beau­ti­fully to be red to the ex­treme cake all of a sud­den, then a form rev­o­lu­tion, fled to the wilder­ness.
„When hee......” Su Ling'er sips lip chuckle, her vi­sion re­turns, the com­plex­ion grad­u­ally be­comes se­ri­ous.
„Cer­tainly will have the means.” She dis­cussed lowly.
East­ern God Ter­ri­tory, Snow Song Realm, Ice Phoenix Tem­ple.
Washes every­where wind and snow, Mu Xu­anyin is drop­ping from the clouds, grad­u­ally walks into, vi­sion ice-cold and ab­sent-minded, has not dis­cov­ered Mu Bingyun un­ex­pect­edly in the palace.
„Elder Sis­ter!” Sees her to re­turn, Mu Bingyun for­wards: „Found his fam­ily mem­ber?”
„...... Found.” Mu Xu­anyin some­what wooden reply.
„Has to tell them?” Mu Bingyun walks, two sis­ters stand­ing up same places, draw a Snow Song Realm most only beau­ti­ful pic­ture im­me­di­ately.
„No.” Mu Xu­anyin ice-cold is bring­ing light vast.
Mu Bingyun is in this world most un­der­stood that the Mu Xu­anyin per­son, from the Mu Xu­anyin pupil light, she saw the dif­fer­ence, had not in­quired, nods slightly said: „How if Elder Sis­ter does not know opens the mouth, then goes by me.”
„Can­not go!” The Mu Bingyun voice just fell, Mu Xu­anyin has re­sounded fierce.
„Why?” Mu Bingyun frowns slightly.
„I said can­not go, can­not go!”
A lan­guage exit|to speak, she re­al­ized rapid of one­self tone, slightly closed both eyes, voice/sound slow under: „Yun Che, al­though dies, the stir that but he once caused is too big, his body se­cret, as be­fore is many peo­ple the thing that longs for in­quir­ing about. But he in the God Realm be­gin­ning is my Snow Song Realm, per­haps still many eyes are star­ing here. I have Bro­ken Moon's Flick­er­ing Shadow in the body, no one may know my trail...... But you, if goes to there, was in­ferred some trails, may for there tak­ing away dan­ger.”
„......” Mu Bingyun sta­tic vis­its her, has not ac­tu­ally waited for look­ing straight ahead of her vi­sion. She sighed one lightly, said: „I un­der­stood.”
Her im­mor­tal shadow has trans­ferred, grad­u­ally leaves...... But when close to palace gate, her foot­steps stop, beau­ti­ful eyes shuts, lightly said: „Elder Sis­ter, did you dis­cover? Once, your any mat­ter, will not hide the truth from me. But for these years, so long as about his mat­ter, you is al­ways mov­ing aside and con­ceals......”
Mu Xu­anyin: „......”
„We are the blood­line con­nected sis­ters, is each other only fam­ily mem­ber. You can hide the truth from other peo­ple, can de­ceive it­self...... You think re­ally, my what can't re­al­ize?”
The Mu Xu­anyin pupil light is tur­bu­lent.
„Al­though is ju­nior, al­though is mas­ter and dis­ci­ple, but......” Mu Bingyun small head is supine, looks at such as the rain­bow fly­ing snow, be­tween lips said that per­haps said is link­ing she un­be­liev­able words: „Body re­ceives the Cre­ation God strength, going that for you can not fear fac­ing Fire Prison Horned Dragon, used for short three years then to de­feat once Four Di­vine Chil­dren, twisted piece of chaos Star God Realm, let Heav­enly Slaugh­ter Star God for his in­car­na­tion Evil In­fant...... This kind of per­son, I do not be­lieve that mat­ter that Elder Sis­ter likes him is not being able to with­stand. On the con­trary......”
The chest under snow clothes fluc­tu­ates gen­tly, she has not said, the step leaves.
„He has not died.” Her be­hind, trans­mits Mu Xu­anyin's voice.
The foot­steps stop, Mu Bingyun fierce turn­ing around: „What you said!?”
„He has not died.” The Mu Xu­anyin rep­e­ti­tion say/way, closes one's eyes as be­fore: „In that world that called Blue Pole Star, I saw him.”
Mu Bingyun turns back fast, ices the breath slightly chaot­i­cally: „But, his soul crys­tal has bro­ken to pieces ob­vi­ously, even/in­clud­ing his cause of death dead shape, you look clear, how can......”
„I do not know.” Mu Xu­anyin shakes the head: „But, that is he, will not be wrong. His pro­found strength all loses, per­haps was he uses any method to get rid of the death, and place that re­turned to him to come, but the price, loses all power.”
Such de­ter­mi­na­tion that Mu Xu­anyin said that ver­ti­cal ex­tremely in­con­ceiv­able, Mu Bingyun was un­able not to be­lieve: „You......”
„I have not seen him.” Mu Xu­anyin said, her pupil light has trans­ferred fi­nally, is be­comes es­pe­cially tran­quil: „He in that side is very good, al­though loses pro­found strength, but the body is well. There, has to care for his par­ents and clans­men, has his friend, has his wife, the there is still one cute daugh­ter...... That world most for­mi­da­ble aura, the best fe­males in his side, do not have the dan­ger, does not have the pres­sure, does not have the enemy, in­clud­ing can threaten his per­son not to have.”
„Does not have my this to be se­vere to him, both beat­ing and curs­ing Hon­ored Mas­ter, every day, com­pared in God Realm, good a lot of times that crosses.”
„So, why must dis­turb him again.”
„Not, but.” The Mu Xu­anyin pupil light is even more chilly: „Thinks that Heav­enly Slaugh­ter Star God died, in­deed is the pain of his life. But if makes him know that she has not died, does not have power him to the pre­sent, will be only more bru­tal. I think, Heav­enly Slaugh­ter Star God, if knows that Yun Che is still alive, de­cides does not hope that Yun Che knows she is also liv­ing, will not look for him.”
Mu Bingyun flow­ery lips moves lightly, looks at face cool-col­ored Mu Xu­anyin, she does not know that should say any­thing.
„Com­pared his these years sit­u­a­tion, the pre­sent as­pect, to him with­out doubt is the best re­sult. Lets him in the world that he should stay, care­free, does not have this life that the dis­as­ter not con­tracts, do not make him be in­volved in God Realm right and wrong griev­ances again, do not have his mem­ory about the God Realm again...... Has not com­pared this, bet­ter re­sult......”
The quiet lan­guage en­ters the heart, two sis­ters were both peace­ful.
In the Yun Che's world, Jas­mine died, but does not change to Evil In­fant, but in the God Realm cog­ni­tion, Yun Che died...... These to Yun Che, in­deed are the best re­sults, en­abling him not to have the dan­ger and wor­ry­ing again.
„Elder Sis­ter, did you de­cide re­ally so?” Mu Bingyun asked that voice/sound was very light is very light. A Mu Xu­anyin ten thou­sand years of pure-heart, was melted by Yun Che in sev­eral years...... She is deeply in love with one per­son dif­fi­cultly, at this mo­ment will then have the chilly wound.
„Later, I will again not go to there, you can never go again, when he has never ap­peared.” She leisurely and was say­ing firmly, has turned around, fac­ing tem­ple cen­ter that woof Hanchi: „After you leave, an­nounced three mat­ters to all sect.”
„Its one, for­merly to arrange Pro­found God Con­fer­ence, but opens Nether­frost Heav­enly Lake greatly, loses to the Heav­enly Lake spir­i­tual en­ergy greatly, from at this time mil­len­ni­ums, if no spe­cial con­di­tion, will open in no longer Nether­frost Heav­enly Lake, nu­mer­ous Elder, Palace Mas­ter and God Hall dis­ci­ple may also not enter!”
„Its two, Yun Che died, in sect any­body can not pro­pose this again, oth­er­wise...... Pun­ishes se­verely!”
„Its three, ac­cept Mu Feixue is di­rect dis­ci­ple, after seven day, holds the sect con­gress, the rit­u­als of line of ac­knowl­edg­ing as teacher.”
„......” The Mu Bingyun hear, nod­ded slightly, then grad­u­ally leaves.
Be­fore ar­riv­ing at the palace gate, the out­side wind and snow as be­fore, have not stopped sev­eral months. The Mu Bingyun foot­steps an­chor, calmly turned round to look at Mu Xu­anyin back one, in the heart sighed quiet, has not said any­thing even­tu­ally, silent went.
The Mu Xu­anyin ice pupil gath­ers, mo­tion­less. The cold pond of tem­ple cen­ter, is em­bell­ish­ing pure white Ice Feather Spirit Flower.
In the deep cold pool of water, it never will be on the wane.
As Il­lu­sory Demon Realm „Demon Monarch”, saves Pro­found Sky Con­ti­nent „Tran­scen­dent Yun”, he is not only the Pro­found Dao myth, two pieces of con­ti­nent, the old and young women and chil­dren, al­ready no one did not know.
Yun Che from the news of higher plane world re­turn spreads at the ex­tremely quick speed in ad­di­tion, but si­mul­ta­ne­ously spreads with it, is his pro­found strength is com­pletely waste, be­longs to rumor of mor­tal.
Be­com­ing the con­di­tion of dis­abled per­son, he al­ready ac­cepted, and there is a life-long such prepa­ra­tion, will then not cover up to evade, such rumor he never makes the per­son pre­vent, when the per­son of side asked that also never con­cealed the taboo.
Parental where, the fam­ily pro­motes, has the wife to have the fe­male, the beau­ti­ful woman sur­rounds, does not have the enemy, does not have the mis­ery...... Com­pares in God Realm lost/car­ry­ing heavy pres­sure and cri­sis, such life, with­out doubt com­fort­able as sat­is­fied as ex­treme. Es­pe­cially his fe­male, is other peo­ple ten thou­sand world does not dare to ex­pect.
Sat­is­fied to let­ting the per­son is hard to re­al­ize fast pass­ing of time.


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