Saturday, March 30, 2019

1380: Left the important matter

#1380: Left the important matter
Comments 235
Yun Che is never that type has the in­ten­tion but not the guts the per­son, but only re­gard­ing Xiao Lingxi, he has the most spe­cial sen­ti­ment, is he most is fond, per­son who does not hope the tiny bit in­jury.
There­fore, even if Xiao Lie per­son­ally has per­mit­ted long time ago their re­la­tions, even if all peo­ple are well aware, even if Xiao Lingxi ex­tremely fiercely will never re­sist him, he did not have to want Xiao Lingxi.
In­clud­ing Lit­tle Demon Em­press and Feng Xue'er these two pieces of con­ti­nent to ex­isted high by his vi­o­lent treach­ery, only Xiao Lingxi as be­fore was in­tact.
But Su Ling'er today's words, played very major role with­out doubt.
The Xiao Lingxi lips is or­di­nary just like the flower petal, soft touch and creamy...... Yun Che's both hands also fell on this time on the clothes of her waist have taken.
Xiao Lingxi „”, the breath pants, Lianx­i­ang spits lightly, the fine eye­brow trem­bles in tight gen­tly, snowy face un­know­ingly the pink color has pro­lif­er­ated, re­sem­bles the both eyes blur of gath­er­ing. Hazy , the clothes belt/bring of her waist had been pulled open by Yun Che, jade knot also one by one of skirt clothes un­ties, his palm pushes di­rectly into, raids into the un­der­wear di­rectly, fol­low­ing wil­low slen­der waist up­ward......
The di­rect con­tact of flesh makes the Xiao Lingxi eye eye­lash fierce jumps, beau­ti­ful eyes stares in a big way, in the mouth even more sobs...... But she has not re­sisted, only has the body to trem­ble lightly in the anx­i­ety.
Her out­side clothes were pulled open, the un­der­wear was raised, the strange feel­ing fills the air qui­etly in within the body, that pair is en­croach­ing upon her hand also as if be­comes more and more blaz­ing, grad­u­ally, she felt one­self clothes un­tied by Yun Che com­pletely, pure body com­plete ex­pos­ing with noth­ing left under his body...... She soft­ens the fine the waist to start un­con­scious sway­ing from side to side gen­tly, in the nose sends out the un­con­scious­ness the respite sound, the sur­face dyed red rosy cloud, in the eye pupil is a piece reel­ing drunk how­ever.
But at this mo­ment, she felt that Yun Che stopped the move­ment sud­denly...... More­over for a long time again has not moved.
Xiao Lingxi timid opens the dim eye, Yun Che's both hands still grasps on she ten­der soft milk-white bosom, but is mo­tion­less, the look is piece of she looks not clearly strange......
„Lit­tle Che......” her sound en­ergy melts Soul soft mur­mur­ing.
The Yun Che whole body trem­bles, then sud­denly leaves the body of Xiao Lingxi, turns around run­ning off that runs away also re­sem­bles.
„Bang”...... The door was taken.
The world be­comes peace­ful, the en­tic­ing dry and hot air cools rapidly, but also has taken faintly slightly coolly some. Xiao Lingxi ab­sent-minded has drawn by cor­ner/horn, blocks from the snow fat lus­ter of the skin, on the face is los­ing that is un­able to re­lease for a long time.
Since she con­tin­u­ously clear, Yun Che fe­males how out­stand­ing...... Es­pe­cially Feng Xue'er and Lit­tle Demon Em­press, they are ex­tremely daz­zling, their two peo­ple bril­liance, feared that is two pieces of con­ti­nent other fe­males adds not to com­pare.
In Demon Im­pe­r­ial City, that many Royal Fam­ily and Guardian Clan again and again visit Yun Fam­ily, wants to climb the re­la­tions by mar­riage ea­gerly, even if for the con­cu­bine is the maid...... But these, may be king woman and world fe­male, the noble in nat­ural tal­ent, cul­ti­va­tion base, fam­ily back­ground, sta­tus, ap­pear­ance as well as bone, is she does not com­pare.
But these, Yun Che from no re­sponse......
She knows, in Yun Che these fe­males, she has or­di­nary how...... Each as­pect......
Feng Xue'er was Phoenix God­dess, Lit­tle Demon Em­press is the em­peror of Il­lu­sory Demon, Cang Yue is the sov­er­eign of Blue Wind, Su Ling'er is the dis­ci­ple of Saint Doc­tor, Chu Yuechan is once Sky Pro­found Num­ber One Beauty, but also had a daugh­ter with Yun Che......
But she, ex­cept for with the sen­ti­ment that Yun Che ac­com­pa­ny­ing grows up, any­thing does not have.
even/in­clud­ing has fol­lowed side him, Feng Xian'er that the maid poses as, ex­ceeds her in any as­pect.
She can feel that her feel­ing at­tached to as well as one type of Yun Che to the de­pen­dence that are in sole pos­ses­sion of...... But, even if the biggest emo­tion and psy­cho­log­i­cal bar­rier Xiao Lie early has ap­proved their re­la­tions, even for it joy­fully, Yun Qing­hong and Mu Yurou also to all her kinds af­fec­tion, Feng Xue'er, Lit­tle Demon Em­press, Cang Yue and Su Ling'er they also with her in­ti­mate......
He never has ac­tu­ally bumped her.
Ac­tu­ally, she cares very much.
But had also re­al­ized with she most in­ti­mate Su Ling'er, there­fore reg­u­lar sug­ges­tion Yun Che this mat­ter.
But Yun Che this flee­ing to the wilder­ness sud­denly, un­doubt­edly ag­gra­vated her los­ing and low-spir­ited.
Yun Che re­or­ga­nizes the good clothes, Su Ling'er that the run­ning out front gate hur­riedly, al­most and comes hits in the same place.
„Elder Brother Yun Che, you?” In looks at Yun Che to be red the flood black com­plex­ion, Su Ling'er looks as­ton­ishedly.
Yun Che goes for­ward to hold on the hand of Su Ling'er hastily: „Ling'er, I hap­pen to have mat­ter to look for you......”
The words have not said, he in­com­pa­ra­bly has swept sur­round­ing one dis­cretely, did not con­firm that other peo­ple in side, pulls down voice/sound, anx­ious say/way: „Had the big prob­lem, I a mo­ment ago...... I a mo­ment ago with Lingxi...... Wanted...... Sud­denly...... Has not re­sponded!”
„No...... Re­sponse?” The blinked eye of Su Ling'er doubts, un­der­stands sud­denly, the slen­der waist is light, „pū chī”.
„You also smile!” The Yun Che's face is not gen­eral black, as the man, as one is in­domitable spirit, once haughty world man, un­ex­pect­edly in body of woman...... Xiao Lingxi body that his most trea­sure trea­sures...... Sud­denly is not good!
This will let any man star­tled ashamed and re­sent­ful des­per­ate with­out doubt...... His whole life, is not two life­time both never so crosses, even if loses pro­found strength this year, he can as be­fore the daily and Lit­tle Demon Em­press Feng Xue'er their music and song mid­night.
„I...... Be­cause does not have pro­found strength not to know to con­trol in this year, what there­fore Yang en­ergy is in debt?” Yun Che voice/sound some­what trem­bles.
Re­gard­less of the how for­mi­da­ble man meets this mat­ter star­tled de­sire to burst. Very ob­vi­ously, Yun Che is no ex­cep­tion.
„Can­not ab­solutely.” Su Ling'er is ac­tu­ally un­hur­ried, in­stead is very the def­i­nite say/way: „Al­though your pro­found strength com­pletely loses, but your body is bet­ter than any­body, if I your body does not re­cu­per­ate well, later does not have the face say­ing that was Mas­ter dis­ci­ple.”
„But...... But......” Yun Che as be­fore flus­ters one. He is skilled in the med­ical prin­ci­ples, in ad­di­tion has Su Ling'er in the side, the body finds out any issue to be dif­fi­cult. But the issue is...... He sud­denly „was not a mo­ment ago good” is ac­tu­ally ap­pear­ance re­ally!
„I look.” Su Ling'er jade-like fin­ger stretches out, under the Yun Che lower ab­domen, was then slow moves, along with it, her com­plex­ion be­comes strange.
Yang en­ergy of Yun Che within the body does not have fee­bly, in­stead moves in hot tem­pered flee­ing, is eager to vent. Very ob­vi­ously, he should be a mo­ment ago and Xiao Lingxi tan­gled up was very long, stops at the final mo­ment.
Su Ling'er cor­ner of the mouth slightly raised, takes up Yun Che's hand sud­denly, presses on chest that in one­self soft have stood tall and erect, beau­ti­ful eyes lifts, the pupil light is blurred, if the fog, the cherry petal com­mon ten­der lip sends out charm­ing low nan: „Elder Brother Yun Che, Ling'er now...... A lit­tle wants......”
Pulls up the sound of soul, split sec­ond ex­ploded Yun Che body flees the flame to ig­nite com­pletely thor­oughly, in his hand grasps, the body goes for­ward fiercely, presses Su Ling'er heav­ily on the wall...... But under flick­ers, he gen­tly was shoved open by Su Ling'er.
„Your this also called Iya? you should not not to be good...... Thinks that big day­time plays a dirty trick to me, in­ten­tion­ally bul­lies my?” Su Ling'er pupil light like water, said with a smile.
Pre­sent Yun Che far more than had the re­sponse, re­sponded as in­tense as sev­eral near blast­ing open sim­ply, in his heart star­tled re­treats im­me­di­ately com­pletely, the son strong wind makes the self-con­fi­dence of his avalanche straight the 30,000 zhang (3.33 m), but he can also con­trol other now, for­wards fiercely, con­tracts Su Ling'er again.
A Su Ling'er body rev­o­lu­tion, has cher­ished from him gen­tly eas­ily es­capes, said with a smile lightly: Oth­ers who „last night tossed about were in­suf­fi­cient...... Looks for your Lingxi to go.”
The ten­der sound falls, her form in a flash, dis­ap­peared in the Yun Che's line of sight...... Pre­sent Yun Che, gives him ten legs un­able to over­take again.
Yun Che grin­ning, deeply has in­spired, then has no more to do with run back own gar­den.
The door by fierce shov­ing open, was let put on small cloth­ing Xiao Lingxi one to call out in alarm, along with it, she had been fallen down by Yun Che ruth­lessly on the bed, just put on good small cloth­ing by he di­rectly crude rip­ping open.
„Lit­tle Che, you...... wu......” She just ex­ported, voice/sound then once more changes to one piece to sob.
After ten breaths, Yun Che goes out of front gate, the com­plex­ion was black seems like dried sev­eral days of bot­toms of the pot.
Su Ling'er that this de­sire peeps help­lessly looks at Yun Che to walk come out, she from air­borne falls lithely, looks at Yun Che's com­plex­ion, asked low voice: „Elder Brother Yun Che, when you be­come...... Such quick?”
„Hū......” the Yun Che hand-held fore­head, long sigh­ing of: „It is not the quick issue, a mo­ment ago...... Sud­denly is not good.”
„......” This Su Ling'er has not smiled, but look­ing pen­sive, then ex­plained and com­forted: „Ling'er promised you, your body lit­tle issue does not have, par­tic­u­larly man as­pect. Your this ap­pear­ance words, only then pos­si­bly was the men­tal issue, be­lieves that Elder Brother Yun Che also def­i­nitely want to ob­tain.”
The body is well, the con­di­tion is well, when fac­ing Su Ling'er nor­mal is not good, but in Xiao Lingxi body ac­tu­ally...... Con­tin­u­ously two times.
So, the only ex­pla­na­tion, was the psy­cho­log­i­cal bar­rier.
As Yun Gu dis­ci­ple, Yun Che nat­u­rally wants to ob­tain this point. But the issue is...... He had not felt one­self have any bar­rier to Xiao Lingxi psy­cho­log­i­cally......
Ini­tially, but he even/in­clud­ing can a fin­ger stab to death the per­son who in­nu­mer­able Lit­tle Demon Em­press dare to start him...... Dares to fall down in­clud­ing Shen Xi this kind of ex­is­tence, even if knows after later Pri­mor­dial Chao's most supreme Dragon Sov­er­eign loves her be­comes crazy, does not have the bar­rier.
Why will have bar­rier in Xiao Lingxi body?
If there is bar­rier, which bar­rier is also? If there is bar­rier, I should not feel is very clear?
Looks at a Yun Che's face ig­no­rant shape, Su Ling'er com­forted: „Also has the pos­si­bil­ity, is you today is only be­cause of my words, but con­ceives a plan tem­porar­ily, not enough prepa­ra­tion, in ad­di­tion ex­tremely trea­sures her, there­fore in the con­di­tion some de­vi­a­tions, should be good to­mor­row.”
„......” Yun Che's com­plex­ion fi­nally slightly af­fa­ble, nod­ded.
„You com­fort Elder Sis­ter Lingxi first, your this ap­pear­ance, scared cer­tainly her.” Su Ling'er said with a smile.
„you can go.” Yun Che lifted the hand to cover fore­head once more: „Which also face I see him now...... You said, Lingxi later can look down upon me?”
„......” Su Ling'er flow­ery lips sips, shakes the head say­ing: „Nat­u­rally can­not. Even if world all peo­ple look down upon you, Elder Sis­ter Lingxi can­not.”
„It is not, I said is not that looks down upon, yes... Yes... Was......” the Yun Che palm is up­ward, grasps on the scalp: „In brief...... In brief...... I go to Xue'er that first.”
„Okay.” Su Ling'er has to con­sent. He knows cer­tainly that Yun Che must go to do...... If looks for Lit­tle Demon Em­press or Chu Yuechan, this time greatly may be pat­ted very much, will have Feng Xue'er any time any place not to re­ject him.
Yun Che flees two steps, must turn round sud­denly, se­ri­ous said: „This mat­ter, ab­solute im­pos­si­ble told any­body.”
„Knew.” Su Ling'er says with a smile.


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