Monday, March 4, 2019

1340: Dies Returning Star

#1340: Dies Returning Star
Comments 236
„37th Elder!!”
In order to work loose the Sat­urn Chain self-de­struc­tion right arm, in­com­pa­ra­bly re­nounces, breaks the pain of arm, should make the will of the peo­ple rip the soul crack, is in deep sor­row, but Yun Che is the sin­gle arm ex­plodes un­ex­pect­edly in a flash at­tacks Xing Mingzi, Xing Mingzi's power cen­tral­ized on Sat­urn Chain, has a dream can­not think that Yun Che meets the self-de­struc­tion arm, can­not think after he breaks the arm, may erupt un­ex­pect­edly in­stan­ta­neously......
Even if he is supreme Di­vine Lord, was pounded heav­enly soul/crown of the head by a Yun Che vi­o­lent anger sword, is also jet black at pre­sent, the con­scious­ness is de­feated and dis­persed.
The Yun Che's body sways, kneels down fiercely, but sud­denly lifts the pupil im­me­di­ately, hat­ing the light flash to move, Heaven Smit­ing Sword that the sin­gle arm holds erupts the scary power and in­flu­ence as be­fore, pounds to Xing Mingzi.
But this sword, ac­tu­ally can­not fall on Xing Mingzi body that the con­scious­ness is de­feated and dis­persed, his be­hind calls out day after day, over a hun­dred Star Guardian have bul­lied fu­ri­ously near, over­laps in the to­gether air wave to make Yun Che under se­vere wound such as be swept away by the hur­ri­cane, the sword po­ten­tial dis­place­ment, sword bang place, then falling ruth­lessly falls.
The frac­ture of his right arm is welling up blood, the whole body is dyed by the blood com­pletely fully, ap­pointed no one will sus­pect, soon, the blood of his whole body can drain off. He has stood slowly, sur­round­ings, 100...... 200...... 300...... 500...... But more and more Star Guardian si­mul­ta­ne­ous/uni­form wells up, layer upon layer en­cir­cles in which him.
But, stands up until him com­pletely, does not have Star Guardian to lash out, es­pe­cially near­est that Star Guardian, pupil fierce trem­bling, twitch­ing of heart is un­able to stop all.
The chest was passed through, the right arm by self-de­struc­tion, the whole body wound were been in­nu­mer­able, the blood stream nearly does...... Ac­tu­ally can also stand, body suf­fo­cat­ing of aura as be­fore evil spirit.
„He is the spent force...... Hur­ried to kill him!”
This, is Star God Em­peror own com­mand, in­di­cated that his Star God Realm King dreaded what sit­u­a­tion to Yun Che. If not for is un­able to be sep­a­rated from the cer­e­mony and for­ma­tion, he must be able not to give a thought to the sta­tus to make a move per­son­ally, writes off him thor­oughly.
His voice just fell, nu­mer­ous Star Guardian has not re­sponded with enough time, the blood light was mix­ing blood blast­ing open to­gether......
From the sta­tic to the erup­tion, only re­mains an arm ob­vi­ously, ter­ri­fy­ing of this sword makes all Star Guardian be star­tled as be­fore, more than 30 Star Guardian were si­mul­ta­ne­ously swept by a sword flies, al­most com­plete se­vere wound,
The blood shade in a flash, Yun Che's form such as the ghosts and demons pricked in Star Guardian gen­er­ally, blood-stained Heaven Smit­ing Sword also pierces two bod­ies of Star Guardian, their cruel strings above giant sword blade.
The des­per­ate ma­li­cious ghost piti­ful yell sound re­sounds once more, along with the red flame reig­ni­tion, the piti­ful yell sound stops sud­denly, two Star Guardian the body of Di­vine Sov­er­eign ex­plodes in the red flame, the Star Guardian ig­ni­tion of bro­ken flame sprin­kles big piece panic-stricken, arouses one piece day after day to call out piti­fully once again.
In this world, is more fear­ful than the devil, is the angry devil, is more fear­ful than the angry devil, is the des­per­ate devil. He grad­u­ally, a sword sword, under each sword bang, must bring every­where stump resid­ual limb blood, de­stroys to ex­tin­guish, bod­ies and lives of Star Guardian.
In­nu­mer­able spear and sword and pro­found light bang falls on his body, mak­ing his body scar pro­lif­er­ate, al­ready could not find a wee bit com­plete places, but, the at­tack of Star Guardian, he does not dodge does not evade, has not shifted, even if half silk power sup­presses the in­jury, what­ever own body is tat­tered and torn, but Heaven Smit­ing Sword under alone arm, as be­fore is ac­tu­ally bran­dish­ing sword might and roar­ing flame from des­per­ate abyss.
The world in Yun Che line of sight al­ready in blood-color fuzzy, his body layer upon layer dis­rupts, again and again was pierced by the wound, but his eye pupil is ac­tu­ally the tran­quil fear­ful­ness, only has to hate and kill...... But own life, eng was unim­por­tant.
Like the past years, after the Su Ling'er life fell, that is very tran­quil, in­com­pa­ra­bly des­per­ate he......
7 mil­lion lives...... That ten live the blood debt that tenth is un­able to clean......
The blood over­spread one piece
Lands, with scat­ter­ing the flame light re­flects a scar­let the sky.
In for­ma­tion, Star God Em­peror, many Star Gods and Elder dull looks, the ex­pres­sion twitches from time to time, from time to time frames, is for a long time, again does not have a per­son to voice. in the eyes, is the blood stump resid­ual limb and Star Guardian one after an­other to die life, near the ear, is sword might rum­bled and does not have the piti­ful yell that the twin­kling stops to cry loudly......
But the whole body is the blood, does not know that was pierced many wounds Yun Che by Star Guardian, how is ac­tu­ally not will­ing to drop down.
They do not know, this night­mare, ac­tu­ally when can stop.
But at this time, Xing Mingzi body twitched, then has stood fiercely.
Di­vine Lord can it be that so is also easy to be routed, was fi­nally re­stored at this time by a Yun Che sword bang loose con­scious­ness, he sets out in a panic, the head trans­mits the bit­ing cold se­vere pain, he lifts the hand to grasp slowly, touched on the skull clearly sev­eral fear­ful fis­sures.
The skull is a per­son body most solid spot, the skull of Di­vine Lord can be imag­ined firmly, but the skull of his Xing Mingzi was ac­tu­ally pounded the crack...... He is very clear, if not for Star Guardian en­cir­cles im­me­di­ately, under he con­scious­ness to be de­feated and dis­persed, Yun Che wanted his life ab­solutely suf­fi­ciently.
The fear, trem­bles, fear, anger and hu­mil­i­a­tion...... Xing Mingzi whole body each blood ves­sel in­dig­nant open/stretch Yulie, he sud­denly fiercely grasps the chest, in the mouth spouts big paint red blood.
„Essence...... blood essence!?” The Xing Mingzi ac­tion makes Star God Elder call out in alarm makes noise.
„Was 37th Elder in­sane?”
„He not in­sane...... His side anger al­ways with the shame today, this is must not hes­i­tate to dam­age blood essence ex­tremely, must kill Yun Che.” Star God Great Elder said solemnly.
blood essence drenches falls, then in his hands re­leases strange red light, the palm closes up this red light, all power also along with shiv­er­ing of body rushes both hands crazily, small pro­found array takes shape slowly, to fi­nally, pro­found array, has hiked up slowly wipes the red glow.
This wipes the red glow, only then fist size, it ap­pears in­stant, is makes the Xing Mingzi sur­round­ing big piece space pre­sent the over­lap­ping dis­tor­tion sud­denly, but the vi­sion touches this to wipe red light, the line of sight on such as sud­denly down­cast end­less abyss, Soul, made an ef­fort to tear by fear­ful power likely, sev­eral want the ex­so­m­a­tize.
„Yes...... Ex­tin­guish­ing Ghost De­stroy­ing Star!”
„Re­ally!” Star God Great Elder spits the one breath: „Re­leases Ex­tin­guish­ing Ghost De­stroy­ing Star in­clud­ing me quite re­luc­tantly, ex­e­cutes Ex­tin­guish­ing Ghost De­stroy­ing Star by Xing Mingzi cul­ti­va­tion base, not only need dam­age blood essence greatly, will also make his cul­ti­va­tion base at least mil­len­ni­ums bog down. How­ever then, Yun Che is the real ghosts and gods, was the death bur­ial ground.”
„Is only this price...... Oh.”
Re­leases strange red light star light to take shape com­pletely, Xing Mingzi eyes opened wide, was stuck on the full face by the blood pleased of bloomed dis­tor­tion, he plunges Yun Che's to be, in mouth hoarse bel­low­ing: „All boils to me!”
The Di­vine Lord anger sound, through thorn soul, be­sieges Yun Che's Star Guardian sub­con­sciously looked that orig­i­nates to the sound, the vi­sion touches red glow in his mouth, is whole body in­tense shock, at the max­i­mum speed scat­ters in all di­rec­tions to go.
The Xing Mingzi vi­sion looks straight ahead Yun Che, in hand the red glow locks him stub­bornly: „Yun Che...... Death!!!!”
This calls out, re­sem­bles must in all hos­til­ity hu­mil­i­a­tions the heart re­lease com­pletely, his arm wields, the red glow shoots to go to Yun Che im­me­di­ately sud­denly, the speed is more rapid than the day falling me­teor.
Red glow every­where one visit, the space looks like by power that is un­able to re­sist is torn, layer upon layer con­trac­tion, ray swal­lowed dim.
This fear­ful­ness, mak­ing many Star Gods Elder trem­ble with fear for it in­ner­most feel­ings.
This is Xing Mingzi by power that blood essence and fu­ture will trade, has sur­passed First Level Di­vine Lord plane/level, when Yun Che at first berserk most flour­ish­ing con­di­tion, im­pos­si­ble will with­stand de­ci­sively, let alone now.
„Ex­tin­guish­ing Ghost De­stroy­ing Star” crazy fierce peer­less, less than 1/10 in­stant have ap­proached Yun Che, the eye pupil of Xing Mingzi also opens peak, he in­com­pa­ra­bly de­ter­mines Yun Che red
First that color star light moves will then be de­stroyed in­stant the pow­der dust, he must wit­ness this well, will not let in­stan­ta­neously off.
Yun Che body half rev­o­lu­tion, red glow makes him be hard to come to a stop close to the brought space shake, as if rad­i­cally is also in­ca­pable of es­cap­ing, his right arm holds up, Heaven Smit­ing Sword wel­comed to the red glow, very light wielded......
The red stars and Heaven Smit­ing Sword move, then such as by the light that the mir­ror re­flects, turns back sud­denly...... In the pupil of Xing Mingzi has not pre­sented „Ex­tin­guish­ing Ghost De­stroy­ing Star” Yun Che in­stan­ta­neous de­struc­tion one, in­stead saw that wipes has rum­bled is get­ting more and more near in the line of sight to the Yun Che body red glow, big­ger and big­ger......
rum­bled, de­pressed such as the en­tire God Realm earth tilts sud­denly. The star light bom­bard­ment that turns back in Xing Mingzi's body, blast­ing open red light has shot up to the sky, passes through sky, but Xing Mingzi's body was brought to the re­mote upper air, red light in his body crazy twin­kle, if there are in­nu­mer­able stars to blast open in his body un­ceas­ingly, each blast­ing open can bring day after day piti­ful yell and big piece blood rain......
„What's wrong...... What's wrong...... What's the mat­ter? What had?”
Even if their nerve were al­ready shocked today by Yun Che numbly, cog­ni­tion torn smash­ing, but, let this nu­mer­ous Di­vine Lord thor­ough panic-stricken de­sire once again cer­tainly.
Under Xing Mingzi gets angry ex­tremely, does not hes­i­tate to dam­age Ex­tin­guish­ing Ghost De­stroy­ing Star of blood essence re­lease again, un­ex­pect­edly by Yun Che...... A su­per­fi­cial sword bang re­turns!?
Pos­si­bly how to have this mat­ter!? Even if Star God Em­peror, even if it's ten or a hun­dred Star God Em­per­ors...... Can re­sist with ease, cer­tainly is not pos­si­ble to re­turn to Ex­tin­guish­ing Ghost De­stroy­ing Star such power in­stan­ta­neous bang!
Bang... Bang... Bang... Bang... Bang... Bang... Bang... Bang... Bang ............
red light as be­fore se­ries blast­ing open on the body of Xing Mingzi, enough over a hun­dred fi­nally stop from now on. Xing Mingzi from air­borne falls, the whole body is cov­ered with blood, is badly-dam­aged, but that flash that he falls down, the Yun Che blood-stained form threw in the strange roar, Heaven Smit­ing Sword pounds to fall sud­denly.
Di­vine Lord is Di­vine Lord, Xing Mingzi ver­ti­cal is de­stroyed half a life­time by own Ex­tin­guish­ing Ghost De­stroy­ing Star after all, as be­fore is ac­tu­ally sur­viv­ing the con­scious­ness and power, his both hands raise, brace stub­bornly on Heaven Smit­ing Sword, the two peo­ple eye pupil col­lides, scar­let like ma­li­cious ghost.
„Eh...... Aaah!!”
Yun Che roared, Heaven Smit­ing Sword de­pressed sud­denly, in a ful­mi­na­tion, breaks by press­ing the both arms that Xing Mingzi raised, in his pupil the blood light was more abun­dant, such as a devil of thor­ough crazy, sent out a strange roar, Heaven Smit­ing Sword such as in­sane the com­mon wheel on the Xing Mingzi rem­nant body.
Xing Mingzi right arm smash­ing.
The Xing Mingzi shoul­der neck cracks.
The Xing Mingzi both legs were pounded four by a sword.
The breast­bone rib of Xing Mingzi si­mul­ta­ne­ously changes to pow­der dust, the in­ter­nal or­gans flies hor­i­zon­tally.
„Aah! Stop!!”
be­hind re­sounds the Star Guardian big cry, they swarm to throw, wants to res­cue the life of Xing Mingzi, Yun Che ac­tu­ally not re­turn, Golden Crow Phan­tom God flies to shoot to go from his body, in Star Guardian that in flush­ing ex­plodes Yel­low Springs Ashes heart­lessly.
Bel­lows turns into the in­nu­mer­able piti­ful yells im­me­di­ately, Star Guardian that the golden flame will ap­proach buries into to burn to ex­tin­guish Pur­ga­tory com­pletely, but the sword of Yun Che punc­tured at this time again, passed through the body of Xing Mingzi, deep pricked the Star God City land.
„Eh...... Eh......” the Xing Mingzi pupil light is com­pletely lax, his lip in fright­ened trem­bling, is mak­ing this life final sound......
„Mon...... ster......”
On Heaven Smit­ing Sword flame con­fla­gra­tion, burns the body of Xing Mingzi in­stan­ta­neously, lets all per­son heart and liver dis­rup­tion with one ful­mi­na­tion, was burnt the body of Di­vine Lord burns to blast open under the sword by the flame, dis­perses the in­nu­mer­able flame frag­ments.


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