Monday, March 18, 2019

1363: Wuxin (unintentional) Yuechan (Last Part)

#1363: Wuxin (unintentional) Yuechan (Last Part)
Comments 295
„Small mon­ster!?”
Feng Xian'er has not re­sponded, the lit­tle girl such as was stepped on cat of tail, has got­ten angry all of a sud­den: „You said that who is small mon­ster!”
„Eh......” The Yun Che vi­sion re­turns, he has sized up girl one eyes very much earnestly, said with a smile: „Nat­u­rally was is not say­ing you, your looks such cute, how can be the small mon­ster.”
„Snort!” The girl tip of the nose curls up­wards, as if com­pletely en­joys re­gard­ing Yun Che boasts her cute.
„Lit­tle Sis­ter, do you name?” Yun Che asked...... But, he had not re­al­ized, the heart falls dimly, all does not have in­ter­est to all, un­ex­pect­edly ini­tia­tive...... And com­pletely is sub­con­scious talked to her . More­over the sound and vi­sion were the un­usual tem­per­ate­ness.
Lit­tle girl ag­gres­sive im­pos­ing di­rect re­ac­tion: „I called Yun Wuxin, who were you? Why must ap­proach here! could it be that does not know that here is I and my mother's do­main!”
„Yun Wuxin?” Yun Che has not replied her, but said with a smile: „Quite strange...... The vol­ume, very name of pleas­ant to hear, is who gives you to get up?”
„Nat­u­rally is my mother!” The lit­tle girls said, in the star pupil still full is vig­i­lant, the line of sight has swept the under foot of Yun Che and Feng Xian'er un­ceas­ingly, seems is using the vi­sion to tell them, can­not step into bam­boo for­est re­gion one step ab­solutely.
„Wuxin (un­in­ten­tional)...... Why does your mother want to give you to give this kind of name?” Yun Che also asked, he also had not re­al­ized, one­self ini­tially will see why the name of lit­tle girl to have the in­ter­est to one.
It looks like dark, in­ex­plic­a­ble pal­pi­ta­tion that one type is un­able to un­der­stand makes him want to un­der­stand her......
Feng Xian'er looks at Yun Che, tem­po­rary stay­ing...... Be­cause he in line of sight un­ex­pect­edly is over the face smile, the line of sight does wink looks at the lit­tle girl in the front bam­boo for­est.
This month, Yun Che has to smile, but his smil­ing is al­ways very stiff, is very re­luc­tant, passes the low-spir­ited and chilly wound that every­one can feel. But, at this mo­ment the happy ex­pres­sion of his lip angle, un­ex­pect­edly in­com­pa­ra­ble na­ture and warmth.
Feng Xian'er looks has been star­tled, for a while for­got draws Yun Che to leave...... Leaves this seems like cute, reg­u­la­tions ex­tremely dan­ger­ous „small mon­ster”.
„My mother said that” lit­tle girl face is se­ri­ous, haunches one to have the stance of de­ter­rent force dili­gently very much: „World all things multi- sor­row, do not want to down­cast sadly, must achieve not to have ab­surdly Wuxin (un­in­ten­tional). Wuxin (un­in­ten­tional) only then does not have ab­surdly, does not have only then is not ab­surdly sad, not sadly only then re­gret­less!”
„......” Yun Che gawked, has laughed: „Ha­haha, does the lit­tle miss, you know these words the mean­ings?”
Feng Xian'er:......( Eh?)
Lit­tle girl who this say­ing asked one dull, said in­dig­nantly: „I...... My I know cer­tainly! y-y-yo-you has not an­swered my issue! Who you are, why must ap­proach here! Is any dan­ger big evil per­son!”
„My looks likely evil per­son?” Yun Che said with a smile, laughed in spite of try­ing not to sud­denly...... Wait, her sur­named Yun?
Isn't sur­named the phoenix?
More­over...... In Il­lu­sory Demon Realm, Yun Fam­ily is Guardian Clan that no one does not un­der­stand. But in Pro­found Sky Con­ti­nent, sur­name Yun is ac­tu­ally a very rare sur­name.
The lit­tle girls stared at Yun Che one very much earnestly, sud­denly eye­brow one curved, has smiled: „Uncle Wa!, you are quite weak! hee­hee­hee......”
Big...... Uncle......
The Yun Che's cor­ners of the mouth twitched ruth­lessly. As the Pro­found Sky Con­ti­nent and Il­lu­sory Demon Realm and East­ern God Ter­ri­tory and West­ern God Ter­ri­tory first pretty boy, he first time so was said. He re­veals com­pared with a lit­tle girl more in­dig­nant fa­cial ex­pres­sion im­me­di­ately, say/way that al­most clenches jaws: „Uncle? You see have looked like the uncle who my such jade tree faces the wind!”
At the same time was say­ing, he takes ad­van­tage of op­por­tu­nity to straighten up the cheeks...... Ac­tu­ally touches to reck­less dregs of full hand and par­tic­u­larly rough skin.
He is shocked im­me­di­ately.
Has Rage God Di­vine Art, his body each breath in nour­ish­ing of World's Spir­i­tual En­ergy, each inch flesh is firm, if Tian­jin Steel Fac­tory at the same time, quite white and ten­der has no time, more­over by heavy wound, will not leave be­hind slightly the scar.
The ap­pear­ance seems, through­out 20-year-old ap­pear­ance, even if crosses again mil­len­nium for ten thou­sand years is also so.
But he after com­ing back to life, did not have pro­found strength Di­vine Body, does not have the spir­i­tual en­ergy to quench the body, Lower Realm pol­lu­tion aura, moun­tain breeze that every day sways, body weak...... Es­pe­cially in heart heavy in­com­pa­ra­ble de­pressed, is let­ting him in fast old.
Short one month, ac­tu­ally likely was old sev­eral years old.
The Yun Che's words make lit­tle girl flow­ery lips cast aside, stick out one's tongue said: „Speech does not know to shame re­ally! More­over your grown man so is un­ex­pect­edly weak, but must hold by a fe­male stu­dent, does not know that shames!”
If oth­ers come such one, to Yun Che with­out doubt is a silent at­tack. But fac­ing girl's the lan­guage of de­spis­ing, Yun Che is ac­tu­ally shakes the head to smile: „Okay good, you said right, I am am very weak, has not known the bash­ful uncle. You looked, I am so weak, surely does not have the dan­ger is right? Let me have a look to be good to bam­boo for­est in?”
„It is not good!!”
The Yun Che voice just fell, Yun Wuxin face then whiz changes, just re­laxed the lit­tle star pupils also all of a sud­den to re­store...... Vi­cious? She ten­der white small hand refers, warned: „Here is I and my mother's do­main, no one can ap­proach. Oth­er­wise...... Oth­er­wise I do not want po­litely! Told you, do not think that I can bully young, I was very fierce!”
„Bene­fac­tor Elder Brother,” Feng Xian'er has drawn Yun Che, if Yun Che di­vine sense still, will re­al­ize that at this time Feng Xian'er is pro­found en­ergy is re­leased ex­ter­nally, pro­tects be­fore his body: „We go back, oth­er­wise...... Will have the dan­ger.”
„......?” The Yun Che brow smile, he deeply looked at an ar­ro­gant stance lit­tle girl, puz­zled said: „Should she re­ally not be the small mon­ster that you said?”
Feng Xian'er: „......”
He has not lis­tened to the Feng Xian'er words, in­ex­plic­a­ble pal­pi­ta­tion in heart, in­stead made him step for­ward gen­tly one step, stepped on the bam­boo for­est re­gion edge.
„Can­not come!!”
Is this small one step, stepped on likely on the heart of lit­tle girl, she sent out a scream, long hair must dance sud­denly, bam­boo for­est dragged at this time vi­o­lently...... Re­sem­bled the vol­ume to cross fresh breeze sud­denly.
"Ah!" Feng Xian'er star­tled re­cited, moved side­ways to keep off be­fore the Yun Che body hastily. But this sub­con­scious ac­tion, made her foot step on the bam­boo for­est re­gion.
Yun Wuxin face changes, hand that white and ten­der, has not grown com­pletely in this split sec­ond sud­denly...... Or is con­di­tioned re­flex ex­tru­sion.
In­com­pa­ra­bly de­pressed rum­bled re­sounds on this tran­quil lands.
Feng Xian'er any re­ten­tion, all pro­found en­ergy have not re­leased in split sec­ond com­pletely, keep­ing off stub­bornly in the front...... In the de­pressed rum­bled sound, a space ob­vi­ous dis­tor­tion, she and Yun Che were flick­ered to shake draw back, with­drew from the bam­boo for­est re­gion.
„wu......” The Yun Che whole body shakes, the dan­ger spits blood. But Feng Xian'er hur­ried to grasp him: „You are all right, has in­jured?”
The girl who just sub­con­sciously made a move in this time some re­ceiv­ing hands of los­ing pres­ence of mind, looks that the com­plex­ion ob­vi­ously be­came pale Yun Che, in her pupil flashed through one to hurry, in a hurry for­ward sev­eral...... Has drawn then back im­me­di­ately, stut­ter­ing said: „You...... You...... All right? My I...... I am not in­ten­tion­ally...... Who...... Who makes you not lis­ten to my words......”
Yun Che cov­ers the chest, the dis­com­fort of chest cav­ity in the surges, but these he does not pay at­ten­tion, his eyes stare is star­ing at the lit­tle girl, such as is look­ing at one should not the mon­ster of ex­is­tence.
A mo­ment ago...... That clearly is the dis­tor­tion of space!
Al­though the Blue Pole Star space can­not with God Realm com­pares, but is not easy to twist. Must cre­ate so ob­vi­ous spa­tial warp­ing, at least, wants Em­peror Pro­found Realm cul­ti­va­tion base.
But at pre­sent this lit­tle girl, sup­ports also ten years old over, un­ex­pect­edly...... Has Em­peror Pro­found Realm pro­found strength!?
Em­peror Pro­found Realm, in Blue Wind Na­tion, this is the strengths of four big top sect Great Sect Mas­ter ranks! In the past Blue Wind first per­son of Ling Tianni, is Sixth Level Throne.
But Feng Xian'er to pro­tect him des­per­ately, under must not dare to re­tain, the full pro­tec­tion is ac­tu­ally only sub­con­scious mak­ing a move shakes by her draws back...... Also means that her cul­ti­va­tion base, but must above Feng Xian'er!?
Not is only Throne, also pos­si­bly is In­ter­me­di­ate Stage, even Late Stage Throne!
„You...... You...... This year...... Sev­eral years old?” Yun Che asked that exit|to speak words, al­most com­pared with lit­tle girl must stut­ter.
„11 years old.” Lit­tle girl some replies of being flus­tered, but in star pupil as be­fore vig­i­lant.
Yun Che in­hales cold air se­cretly, 11-year-old Late Stage Throne...... Let alone Blue Wind Na­tion, en­tire Pro­found Sky Con­ti­nent, and even Il­lu­sory Demon Realm, def­i­nitely has not had!
This age, most pro­found prac­ti­tioner Pro­found Vein just took shape, steps on re­luc­tantly in the Pro­found Dao be­gin­ning...... When he was 11 years old, but also was hid­ing under the knee of Xiao Lie, was any­thing re­ally has not un­der­stood in­clud­ing Pro­found Dao.
The pre­sent lit­tle miss, can ac­tu­ally hold the dis­tor­tion space!
Pro­found Sky Con­ti­nent, when pre­sented such a small mon­ster!!
Un? Small mon­ster?
No won­der Feng Xian'er must shout her small mon­ster! This es­pe­cially far more than is small mon­ster Ah......
See­ing Yun Che should not have the mat­ter, in the lit­tle girl heart re­laxed fi­nally lit­tle, but face ac­tu­ally closely stretches: „Uncle, you re­ally quite weak! Snort, knew my fierce! If there is feared, hur­ries to leave, oth­er­wise...... Oth­er­wise, I...... I may prob­a­bly be angry.”
„Bene­fac­tor Elder Brother, let's go.” Feng Xian'er anx­ious say/way. Lit­tle girl mak­ing a move of sud­denly, let this mo­ment fear.
In the Yun Che heart surges up, he does not have to in­sist again, nod­ded slightly.
When has turned around, he deep looked at lit­tle girl one eyes...... Why does not know, in the heart is surges un­ex­pect­edly in­com­pa­ra­bly in­tensely does not aban­don.
Strange, why when vis­its her, does the heart­beat be­come such chaotic?
could it be that, is her men­tal strength is also very strong, but my was men­tal strength too weak?
Looks at two peo­ple to leave, the Yun Wuxin lit­tle stretch/leisurely one breath, the ex­quis­ite form then dis­ap­pears in bam­boo for­est.
Mo­ment, bam­boo for­est drags, cool breeze blows, brings to wipe the sound of chilly and gen­tle fe­male.
„Xin'er, were you cul­ti­vat­ing a mo­ment ago?”
„It is not mother,” this time, is girl's voice: „The strange un­cles want, but was ex­pelled by me.”
Does not cal­cu­late that near dis­tance, at the Yun Che pre­sent aural acu­ity, this im­pos­si­ble hears this to mother's and daugh­ter's voice.
But this wisp of cool breeze, ac­tu­ally swayed to Yun Che the di­rec­tion, will curl im­mor­tal sound to stroke into his ears.
The wind car­ries im­mor­tal sound, the light vast mist, lets Yun Che such as sud­denly by the heav­enly thun­der bang body, de­cided all of a sud­den there......


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