Monday, March 4, 2019

1341: Other shore purple glow

#1341: Other shore purple glow
Comments 186
Xing Mingzi died, per­ishes Star Guardian under Yun Che sword same dead with these with­out com­plete corpse...... Even, is more piti­ful than most Star Guardian death shapes.
But his death, with the death of Star Guardian, is the en­tirely dif­fer­ent con­cept, is suf­fi­ciently the shock en­tire East­ern God Ter­ri­tory im­por­tant mat­ter.
Be­cause, Xing Mingzi is gen­uine Di­vine Lord!
Di­vine Lord, the Chaos Di­men­sion high­est plane/level pow­er­house, was not hav­ing the True God world, they are supreme Di­vine Spirit, was clas­si­fied as „world con­trol” ex­is­tence of name.
Is bet­ter than Star God Realm, ex­cept the unique Star God in­her­i­tance, this gen­er­a­tion of Di­vine Lord also only 37, on av­er­age must put in order for even thou­sands years, will pre­sent one.
But in High-Rank Star Realm, then needs the av­er­age ten thou­sand years, even sev­eral tens of thou­sands years will pre­sent one.
The strength of Di­vine Lord they have, is doomed they are in this world most is hard ex­is­tence of per­ished, their final out­comes, can only die in bed of old age/be ex­hausted ba­si­cally. Al­though Xing Mingzi is Star God Realm 37 el­ders end, but he is true Di­vine Lord, his death, waits for demise of same High-Rank Realm King, alarms East­ern God Ter­ri­tory each lands suf­fi­ciently, each cor­ner.
But he, does not die in other King Realm or other Di­vine Lord hands, but is buried in Yun Che, was buried in one just achieve­ment Di­vine King, the age was less than half sixty-year cycle ju­nior's hand.
In own Star God Realm, under the nu­mer­ous Star Guardian link en­cir­cles......
With­out a doubt, this mat­ter, if spreads, even if Star God Em­peror word per­son­ally, will def­i­nitely not have a per­son to be­lieve.
But is such pre­pos­ter­ous mat­ter, is liv­ing, bloody per­for­mance in their at pre­sent.
„my King...... This......” Star God Great Elder looks to Star God Em­peror, but the lat­ter, did not re­spond to his words.
Star God 37 el­ders, hence­forth only 36 peo­ple.
They are car­ry­ing on the blood sac­ri­fice cer­e­mony, cer­e­mony started, to guar­an­tee the max­i­mum suc­cess ratio, in the en­tire cer­e­mony process can­not di­vert at­ten­tion......
But now, this is very im­por­tant to Star God Em­peror, in they ex­pected that will pos­si­bly be re­lat­ing the Star God Realm fu­ture cer­e­mony...... As if had for­got­ten by them.
Their pupils and thoughts, all over the body were sup­ported by that blood-stained per­son's shadow com­pletely fully.
The flame that scat­ters in the vi­o­lent com­bus­tion, quick is burn­ing on the Xing Mingzi flesh as be­fore com­pletely com­pletely, has not stayed be­hind in­clud­ing ashes. But flame on Yun Che body and sword ac­tu­ally in this time ex­tin­guish­ment slowly, Golden Crow Phan­tom God that just re­leased also from the sky dis­si­pates, Heaven Smit­ing Sword heav­ily, his body also kneels down , the head lets fall...... Is again stir­less.
Very light wind has swept, ac­tu­ally blood en­ergy and ma­lig­nant in­flu­ences in air has car­ried off most prob­a­bly, that fear­ful pres­sure dis­ap­pears, only has may at­tach the bone life­time ice-cold and fright­ened makes all Star Guardian un­con­trolled cower as be­fore.
„He...... Died?”
Also is light breeze has blown, the ma­lig­nant in­flu­ences and blood en­ergy once more changed pale sev­eral points. Yun Che as be­fore is mo­tion­less. The right arm breaks bro­ken, the whole body all in­jures, but under his body does not have the blood stream to store up...... Per­haps the whole body blood, al­ready drained off.
„Died...... He died!!” A cry re­sounds, ex­cited is bring­ing shiv­er­ing.
Fac­ing mo­tion­less, aura is de­feated and dis­persed, likely died Yun Che, these Star Guardian do not have one per­son to for­ward for a very long time.
„Has not solved him im­me­di­ately!” Looks at this crowd dis­tinctly al­ready by Star Guardian of being star­tled bro­ken guts, Heav­enly Ori­gin Star God said solemnly.
If other sit­u­a­tions, these Star Guardian so can­not with­stand, he will be dis­ap­pointed, deeply thinks the shame. But at this mo­ment, he does not have anger, be­cause of him, Star God Em­peror, alarmed and afraid that in the heart flood is un­able to con­tain, let alone Star Guardian.
His an­other re­joic­ing, in­com­pa­ra­bly in­com­pa­ra­ble re­joic­ing, re­joices Yun Che in the prime of youth, goes to stu­pidly for Jas­mine, oth­er­wise...... Oth­er­wise...... As long as he bears pa­tiently slightly, will not need the too far fu­ture, Star God Realm to incur a how fear­ful dis­as­ter.
He so thinks, so re­joiced, other Star God Em­peror and Star God are so.
Heav­enly Ori­gin Star God made, the world has still con­tin­ued the peace of count­ing breaths, along with it, most the front 12 Star Guardian also set out, charged into Yun Che to­gether, the body pro­found light also blooms in the short­est time peak.
Was mo­tion­less fac­ing one, aura com­pletely loose „de­ceased per­son”, this en­tire 12 Star Guardian, ac­tu­ally com­pletely leans fully, has not had any re­ten­tion.
They far more than were star­tled to break the guts!
Yun Che is as be­fore mo­tion­less, can­celled in these Star Guardian hearts fi­nally the se­ri­ous fear and shadow...... But, in ten two Star Guardian power will soon touch Yun Che, he lets fall the quiet for a long time head sud­denly to lift.
That essence such as the vi­sion of blood ruth­lessly pricks in 12 Star Guardian pupil, in­stantly, sev­eral be­came ten two Star Guardian of fright­ened per­son is star­tled, has not de­pressed close to the strength of Yun Che's Di­vine Sov­er­eign sud­denly, but re­turns to re­move in panic-stricken...... Sub­con­scious re­turn­ing re­moves com­pletely.
Yun Che has not set out, the left arm wields, Heav­enly Wolf howls spa­tially.
This sword does not have the flame, be­cause Golden Crow Di­vine Blood and Phoenix Di­vine Blood also burnt through, but its pres­tige its po­ten­tial tyran­ni­cal is as be­fore peer­less, chaos under panic-stricken rum­bles ten two power of Star Guardian loose, com­ple­men­tary waves com­pletely have not swept away in their body, shakes them by far flies.
A rear Star Guardian si­mul­ta­ne­ously piece of strange roar, such as sees the deep sleep Devil God to be awak­ened, al­most most Star Guardian re­treat, the both legs trem­ble in a panic.
Heaven Smit­ing Sword, Yun Che also heav­ily kneels once more, again did not have the sound. Was shaken 12 Star Gods that flies in cow­er­ing to set out, after being still shaken, dis­cov­ered...... Own body is com­plete, Star God armor is also loss­less, has not re­ceived any wound un­ex­pect­edly!
These Star Guardian...... When in­clud­ing as Xing Ling and Xing Lou that Star Guardian com­mands dies the piti­ful con­di­tion to come clearly into view, but they under the pres­tige of Yun Che's sword un­ex­pect­edly are per­fect, after being alarmed and afraid, what wells up crazily is to save a life wild with joy, the fear in heart also all of a sud­den then di­verges most.
„He is not good...... He was not good!” Mid­dle Star Guardian ex­claimed with ex­cited sound: „On...... On us!”
Yun Che's con­di­tion and ten two Star Guardian with the roar makes in all Star Guardian hearts the big quake, the heart fear the sharp de­cline safely with­out doubt. Is­sues an order, but big piece Star Guardian si­mul­ta­ne­ous/uni­form press/pres­sure, wishes one could to kill with one's own hand Yun Che, be­fore snow past an­i­mos­ity, shame.
As if felt that their si­mul­ta­ne­ous/uni­form wells up on, Yun Che of kneel­ing place had the sound once more. This time, he has not stood up, only then sup­ports the arm of sword to lift, as if his rem­nant strength in­clud­ing con­trol­ling Heaven Smit­ing Sword es­pe­cially is re­luc­tant, his move­ment is very slow, until big piece Star Guardian to hun­dred zhang (333 m) , he arm lifts up high, the sword refers to the heaven.
The star­tling thun­der­clap clear sky crack, shock of this thun­der, is al­most star­tled nu­mer­ous Star Guardian nearly to plant to fall on the place to­gether, in the shock­ing thun­der­clap, does not know where depth pur­ple light­ning from chops to fall in the Yun Che hand on the sword, sinks above the sword blade and Yun Che's whole body in light of this, hot tem­pered flash­ing crack­ling.
Is de­feated merely the light­ning of Yun Che body and sword blade, is ac­tu­ally strange shin­ing en­tire world bril­liant vi­o­let one piece.
This sud­den mu­ta­tion lets close to the Star Guardian heart lives steep rest­lessly, fig­ure also for it fiercely, in they stare in the straight line of sight, refers to spa­tial Heaven Smit­ing Sword falling slowly, the move­ment is very slow is very slow, each point of path looks in­com­pa­ra­ble clear.
That flash when the sword blade and ground move, their un­folds at pre­sent sud­denly fill­ing the heav­ens pur­ple light screen, this light screen is un­able to make the slight­est bit re­sponse by them the speed bang vol­ume, but, their being de­feated, the sound of thun­der, de­layed at ear ex­plo­sion sound.
Rum­bles Cā---------
If the god of thun­der is born, pur­ple glow more/com­plete empty/sky, the pur­ple light beam shoots up to the sky to­gether, punc­tures the space and sky, passes through to un­known and re­mote Star Ter­ri­tory.
Huge light­ning do­main is cen­tered on the Yun Che's body blasts out, un­folds boil­ing the sea of light­ning, end­less Heav­enly Tribu­la­tion light­ning bolt is swal­low­ing all at the ful­mi­na­tion, is tear­ing all, Star Guardian heart­less en­gulfed that the big piece throws fully......
Rip--- Cā--- hiss Cā------
Star God City such as was ex­tin­guished by the Heav­enly Tribu­la­tion bang, thun­der­ous shock­ing, but each light­ning, each a light­ning ray of light, is true power of Heaven's Way. In boil­ing the sea of light­ning, space by com­plete dis­tor­tion, earth by dis­rup­tion layer upon layer, but buries into Star Guardian to be torn to pro­tect one­self pro­found strength, was torn Star God armor, was torn the body in­ter­nal or­gans, was torn the in­nu­mer­able more and more bro­ken slight frag­ments again......
But the call­ing out in grief of earth and space, is the ghost piti­ful yell of Star Guardian, thor­oughly was sub­merged in thun­der­ous.
„This...... This is......”
„Heaven's Way Tribu­la­tion Light­ning!!”
In for­ma­tion, an eye pupil of nu­mer­ous Di­vine Lord is re­fract­ing every­where pur­ple light, as panic-stricken was burst as sev­eral near gods.
The scene ob­serves the Di­vine Be­stow­ment Bat­tle per­son, when will not fade from the mem­ory that Ninth Level heav­enly thun­der bang falls un­folds shock­ing on Di­vine Be­stow­ment Stage, but pre­sent, clearly was looks like that...... Likely is Yun Che by the body of mor­tal, sum­moned Heaven's Way Light­ning Tribu­la­tion!
„He al­ready...... Can con­trol Heaven's Way light­ning com­pletely.” The Heav­enly Ori­gin Star God Tumi sound, for­merly shiv­ered is fiercer.
Heav­enly Tribu­la­tion Light­ning Em­peror For­ma­tion...... Yun Che in­te­grates ban­ning of Yun Fam­ily Pur­ple Cloud Arts to incur of de­struc­tion „Deep Prison Light­ning Em­peror Array” grows Heaven's Way Tribu­la­tion Light­ning, but this fu­sion, be­fore the sev­eral days, truly is com­pleted in Sam­sara For­bid­den Land.
These Star Guardian, are the lives that the first wave is buried in this Heaven's Way mine­field pat­tern for­tu­nately.
Cen­ter, Heaven Smit­ing Sword weak falls from the Yun Che hand, falls again in the place. Yun Che knelt for a long time physique also slowly to in­cline, falls down on this ice-cold lands.
light­ning was roar­ing as be­fore, as in the surges, Yun Che was ac­tu­ally mo­tion­less, body final aura such as the rem­nant smoke mist, silent and loose.
Has not known how long, along with the stag­na­tion that the space trem­bled, that ter­ri­fy­ing sank fi­nally, filled the hori­zon pur­ple glow also fast to di­verge.
Hiss...... Rip......
Resid­ual light­ning as in un­ceas­ing crack­ling, but ex­cept for the light­ning rem­nant cry, the en­tire world heard a sound again...... Even can­not hear the sound of any breath and heart beat.
Huge light­ning do­main, ex­cept for resid­ual light­ning, can­not see a life, can­not see a corpse...... Even if the rem­nant corpse, pro­found stone paves, the earth that the pro­found array in ad­di­tion holds has un­der­cut three chi (0.33 m) depth.
Eight hun­dred Star Guardian, dis­ap­pear with­out a trace, inch has not re­mained.
The re­mote rear area, sur­plus Star Guardian screened out all seven soul six souls likely com­pletely, dull stand­ing there.
Star God Elder that three thou­sand Star Guardian, only half, re­main be­hind has also buried to ex­tin­guish, the skele­ton not saves.
This is, the night­mare that Star God Realm for­ever for­ever im­pos­si­ble for­gets.


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