Wednesday, March 20, 2019

1366: Hopes

#1366: Hopes
Comments 14
The say/way that „these years, you...... Yun Che have been ab­sent­minded painstak­ingly”, he can say, only then these in­com­pa­ra­bly pale words.
„Not painstak­ingly.” Chu Yuechan shakes the head: „In Frozen Cloud As­gard, I have been used to it like this tran­quilly. Let alone, also Wuxin (un­in­ten­tional) in side.”
„You...... Has to think which day leaves here?” Yun Che asked.
Chu Yuechan shakes the head as be­fore, she sees daugh­ter, the pupil light presently is com­plex: „Side Xin'er day-by-day grow­ing up, I can­not for­ever keep her, she must go to out­side world, seeks own life. How­ever...... Rapid­ness that too she grows, makes me be afraid quickly.”
Yun Che: „......”
„Six -year-old time, her within the body then vol­un­tar­ily grew pro­found en­ergy, there­fore, I tried to di­rect her to cul­ti­vate, fi­nally, her pro­found strength growth quick fear­ful­ness, one month of Nascent Pro­found, three months of True Pro­found, six months of Spirit Pro­found, seven -and-a-half years old then Earth Pro­found, eight -and-a-half years old is Sky Pro­found, have not reached ten years old have be­come Throne...... Now, is Em­peror Pro­found Realm Ninth Level, has ex­ceeded the Frozen Cloud As­gard all pre­vi­ous dy­nas­ties an­ces­tor.”
„More­over, she each time Realm sur­mounts, does not have the trace of bot­tle­neck.”
Al­though Yun Che has ex­pe­ri­enced mak­ing a move of Yun Wuxin, but in heart as be­fore fierce shock...... But if Chu Yuechan these words fall in the ear of Pro­found Sky Con­ti­nent pro­found prac­ti­tioner, de­cid­ing is each char­ac­ter such as hears fan­tasy story.
With­out a doubt, growth of Yun Wuxin on Pro­found Dao is not nor­mal.
„So, in­stead makes me be wor­ried, does not dare to make her leave this place.”
Worry of Chu Yuechan is nor­mal.
She does not know that out­side world turned into any ap­pear­ance, but a lit­tle with­out a doubt, 11-year-old Throne, is Late Stage Throne, once the pre­sent world, ini­ti­ates will be Pro­found Dao nearly earth­shak­ing trem­bling, this of all alone lives surely also will cer­tainly un­able to be peace­ful.
„Mother, I do not ar­rive at out­side world, I must ac­com­pany mother.” Snug­gles up to mother's side, Yun Wuxin said with a smile: „Fa­ther, will you later be ac­com­pa­ny­ing also us?”
The Yun Che smile, has not spo­ken.
When he can see the Yun Wuxin speech, eyes deep place that yearns with the ray of hope...... She wants to leave here, she wants to look out­side world, but she does not want to make mother lonely.
„You?” Chu Yuechan asked: „In the past, did you live? Why can also......”
Once when that im­ma­tu­rity, the ray ac­tu­ally com­pared with roast­ing the date also wanted the daz­zling young­ster, see again/good­bye, is ac­tu­ally such going down in the world and gloomi­ness.
Yun Che raises head slightly, his mem­ory, re­turned to the be­gin­ning of one­self life, silently is think­ing, his in­ner­most feel­ings sud­denly be­come in this mo­ment tran­quil: „In place of that a half year Dragon God trial, I with you said that every day the in­nu­mer­able words, told the in­nu­mer­able sto­ries, but, I never told your gen­uine me have been what kind of per­son, came from where, and spoke many lies, lies and joke......”
Chu Yuechan: „......”
„Had not found your 12 years, I ex­pe­ri­enced many mat­ters, lis­tens in you, cer­tainly will think il­lu­sory, but...... I will not de­ceive you like the past years again, each char­ac­ter that I must say, is real......”
The be­gin­ning that he nar­rated was not in the past at the Heav­enly Sword Villa dis­as­ter, but was his des­tiny point sail­lant--- from Azure Cloud Con­ti­nent to Pro­found Sky Con­ti­nent Sam­sara.
He nar­rated one­self des­tiny Sam­sara, nar­rated and meet of Jas­mine, nar­rated he knew the true life ex­pe­ri­ence under the gov­ern­ing sword stage...... Re­turns to Il­lu­sory Demon Realm to the dream...... Ar­rived ex­tin­guish­ing Xu­anyuan, but sal­va­tion...... Ar­rived Frozen Cloud As­gard a se­ries of dras­tic changes...... For those equal to Pro­found Sky Con­ti­nent in myth God Realm......
Him one month ago dies in Star God Realm, il­lu­sion re­birth......
West the burn­ing sun moves, the stars in­un­date spa­tially.
All ex­pe­ri­ences, all sad happy, all se­crets, he be out­spo­ken were say­ing...... Re­gard­ing re­gain­ing Yuechan and Wuxin (un­in­ten­tional), he wishes one could to com­pen­sate one­self en­tire world to them, with­out any con­ceal­ment, with­out any re­ten­tion.
Also is he since birth the first time, so reck­lessly drip­ping pour­ing out.
star light is gloomy, the burn­ing sun reap­pears. Be­side bam­boo for­est, Feng Xian'er has not gone to dis­turb they meet­ing again, but also has not left, sta­tic de­fend­ing there.
In the bosom of Chu Yuechan, Yun Wuxin does not know when has gone off, she rests is very fra­grant calm and steady, a lip angle vague faint smile.
She does not know that one­self fa­ther in this piece of con­ti­nent is what kind of leg­end, does not know own body has, is what kind of power.
Looks at her tran­quil face, Yun Che's cor­ners of the mouth un­con­scious bring­ing back. It is not able to de­scribe that this is what kind of one feel­ing...... this pe­riod of time has twined his gloomi­ness, that he once has thought per­haps for a life­time mind abyss that is hard to be sep­a­rated from truly, in front of her smil­ing face un­ex­pect­edly is such col­laps­ing at the first blow, rout dis­ap­pear with­out a trace of al­most.
He re­mem­bers mother to look each time when one­self that pam­per, gen­tle to melts all pupil light suf­fi­ciently, he had un­der­stood fi­nally that feel­ing, the un­der­stand­ing, is also ex­pe­ri­enc­ing per­son­ally she twenty years of shame......
„, The growth of Xin'er so is no won­der as­ton­ish­ing.” Chu Yuechan gen­tly said, en­clasps the daugh­ter who in the bosom sleeps peace­fully. Al­though she body does not have pro­found strength, but re­gard­ing Yun Wuxin, she is in the world is al­ways warmest, great­est de­pen­dence: „Orig­i­nally, she has a myth fa­ther.”
„Was a pity, her fa­ther's myth, al­ready died.” The Yun Che smile, was speak­ing these words, un­ex­pect­edly ex­tra­or­di­nary has not lost at heart. He feels faintly, nat­ural tal­ent of Yun Wuxin in­com­pat­i­ble com­mon sense should with one­self re­lated, not only in­her­ited his Phoenix Blood­line and Dragon God Blood­line, un­usu­al­ity of her Pro­found Vein, very pos­si­ble...... Also came under the in­flu­ence of his Evil God's Pro­found Veins.
Al­though, one­self lost power, but can bring so proud nat­ural tal­ent to the daugh­ter, the feel­ing of sat­is­fac­tion in his heart ex­ceeds all.
Chu Yuechan puts out a hand, wipes the dirty dust of his fore­head gen­tly: „You so are here long are not will­ing to leave, does not know how should go fac­ing them?”
The so short time, can ac­tu­ally make him go down in the world to so the de­gree old, it can be imag­ined this pe­riod of time his soul sank what kind of abyss.
But such abyss, she has ex­pe­ri­enced, she un­der­stands how that is des­per­ate. At that time from ex­plod­ing Pro­found Vein her, only had the dead will whole­heart­edly, was Yun Che pulls back from abyss her, then mar­velously saved her.
„......” Yun Che to close both eyes, then gen­tly nod.
Chu Yuechan lightly said: „Al­though has ex­pe­ri­enced these many mighty waves, saw world that count­less other peo­ple are un­able to imag­ine, but your nat­ural dis­po­si­tion, is ac­tu­ally has not changed. You are al­ways fa­mil­iar with, even over­bear­ing wants to pro­tect other peo­ple, be­comes other peo­ple's de­pen­dence, is ac­tu­ally not able to ac­cept it­self only to rely on other peo­ple...... Es­pe­cially in heart im­por­tant per­son, is un­able to ac­cept it­self be­comes their bur­dens.”
Yun Che: „......”
„Rec­ol­lec­tion in the past, I was com­pelled into the hope­less sit­u­a­tion by that two flood drag­ons, to kill them, fi­nally has to from ex­plod­ing Pro­found Vein, be­comes the dis­abled per­son.”
At this time men­tioned, her sound tran­quil was bring­ing gen­tly: „That time I am un­able to ac­cept it­self be­come a dis­abled per­son, only wants death will set­tle every­thing. You still re­mem­ber how you are pull back from the dead will mire me?”
„......” The Yun Che lip moves lightly.
„You to pro­tect me, to me show that your will, you hug me to enter the bound­ary of Dragon God trial to­gether...... Not only so, the trial dif­fi­culty mul­ti­plies. You must the di­vert­ing at­ten­tion force com­po­nent pro­tect me. At that time, did you have to blame me is a bur­den?” She asked.
Also was dur­ing that time, his rigid pro­tec­tion, melted in her heart all solid ice, reignites be­cause of him to the hope of life...... And after he „dies”, is will­ing to leave be­hind blood­line to be­tray Sect to him, al­ways has no com­plain and re­gret.
Yun Che shak­ing the head with­out hes­i­ta­tion: „How can, you how be able to be the bur­den!”
„, You like pro­tect­ing me, by feel­ing that I rely on?” She asked again.
Yun Che as be­fore nod with­out hes­i­ta­tion.
„Such being the case, why aren't you will­ing to rely on them?” Chu Yuechan smile: „Your parental fam­ily mem­ber, your friend, your wife...... They love you, be­cause of your great strength, is not be­cause you can make them rely on, be­cause of your ex­is­tence, be­cause your well liv­ing in their life. Can rely on you, nat­u­rally is a hap­pi­ness, but, if can rely on by you, can pro­tect you with own power, to all loves your per­son, is an­other hap­pi­ness.”
„Such as you pro­tect them, re­lied on to be the same by them.”
Yun Che is star­tled, in the heart, like has any thing silent melt­ing, he shakes the head, said with a smile lightly: „I re­ally...... Passed silly, un­ex­pect­edly in­clud­ing such sim­ple mat­ter not to think clearly.”
Ac­tu­ally, if yes­ter­day, changed a per­son, with Chu Yuechan said that ex­actly the same, his mind is un­able to get rid as be­fore gloomily. Chu Yuechan words, but has whisked off the final level bar­rier in his heart, the words of true change, are the Yun Che's state of mind.
„also a few words...... A few words that in the past you and I spoke, my clear re­mem­ber­ing, a char­ac­ter has not for­got­ten.” Chu Yuechan vis­its him, the point said gen­tly: „Re­gard­less of I lose any­thing, only if not life, so long as I am also liv­ing, cer­tainly has the hope that re­cov­ers. Lives is being the high­est hope, lives is hav­ing the pos­si­bil­ity on all!”
„......!” The Yun Che vi­sion frames...... This was in the past, when Chu Yuechan from ex­plod­ing Pro­found Vein, was filled with the dead will, he roars the come out words.
He gets hold of the hand of Chu Yuechan, has smiled, has cried to do the tears ob­vi­ously, but why does not know, the eye socket again be­comes dim...... He knows that Chu Yuechan these words mean­ings, she not only whisks off in his heart all haze, but also wants him to have the hope.
„Lit­tle Fairy,” he calls lightly said: „You could rest as­sured that I will be liv­ing well. Be­cause I have you, has Wuxin (un­in­ten­tional), has par­ents who re­gards me to sur­pass the life, my wife is the Blue Wind em­press, my fi­ancee is con­ti­nent first God­dess...... also that many love my per­son, I have any rea­son not live is bet­ter than oth­ers.”
„For a life­time does not have pro­found strength, I will also try hard live is very long, hun­dred years...... Mil­len­ni­ums...... I will ac­com­pany Wuxin (un­in­ten­tional) to grow up...... I must hav­ing a deficit your mother and daugh­ter...... Thou­sand times of ten thou­sand times makes up......”
He grasps both hands of Chu Yuechan to tighten lit­tle, this time, he will not let loose.
„Good.” Looks at his eye, the Chu Yuechan vi­sion is hazy: „Re­mem­bered your words, if you have for­got­ten, I will say that lis­tened char­ac­ter by char­ac­ter to you......”
Her voice stops sud­denly, then com­plex­ion fierce one white.
Yun Che steep feel­ing dif­fer­ence: „Lit­tle Fairy, you how......”
The scar­let blood­stain sprays in Yun Che's body, such as myr­iad scar­let steel nee­dles dig in the Yun Che's pupil and soul.


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