Friday, March 15, 2019

1358: Soul war casualty

#1358: Soul war casualty
Comments 325
Phoenix space dim, the pupil of that pair of scar­let Phoenix is re­leas­ing the only ray. But this scar­let flame glow falls in Yun Che's eyes, re­frac­tion is ac­tu­ally in­com­pa­ra­bly dim pupil light.
Space quiet, for a long time did not have any sound again. Yun Che dull looks at the front, an eye pupil not tur­bu­lence of chang­ing col­ors, re­sem­bled pulls out to the soul.
Phoenix Spirit has not said a word again, it is very clear, to pro­found prac­ti­tioner, be­comes the dis­abled per­son, is the ratio dies also wants the bru­tal re­sult. Es­pe­cially, Yun Che he once was built on sum­mit of the piece of con­ti­nent, once had the in­nu­mer­able mag­nif­i­cence and hon­ors, once cre­ated never has the mir­a­cle...... Even mir­a­cle.
Ac­tu­ally after a dream, be­comes the dis­abled per­son.
No­body can ac­cept night­mare that this comes. Even if God Realm pro­found prac­ti­tioner...... Even if supreme Di­vine Sov­er­eign Di­vine Lord, be­cause of it, but will col­lapse.
Es­pe­cially...... Night­mare that for­ever im­pos­si­ble re­gains con­scious­ness.
„Has...... The method of restor­ing?” He asked, the sound is very weak very slow.
„Not only dies, and dis­cussed what comes back to life.” Phoenix Spirit replied: „Pre­sent you, are only a mor­tal...... Mor­tal who needs slowly to re­store from weak. Once all, all changed to the mist.”
„...... I, but can also cul­ti­va­tion?” Yun Che asked again.
„Can­not.” Even if the fact is bru­tal, Phoenix Spirit will not con­ceal: „Your Pro­found Vein, as be­fore is Evil God's Pro­found Veins, but was ac­tu­ally dead Evil God's Pro­found Veins. In this world, can re­gain con­scious­ness Evil God's Pro­found Veins that with­out any power died...... Only if, you can find blood of the drop of Evil God again.”
„......” Yun Che looks at the front, dull how­ever soul­less.
The Ice Phoenix young girl of bot­tom of Nether­frost Heav­enly Lake has told him, in the past Evil God to leave be­hind this drop of In­de­struc­tible Blood, ahead of time per­ished own ex­is­tence. Also means, in the past Jas­mine in Evil God In­de­struc­tible Blood that South­ern God Ter­ri­tory found, is world only Evil God In­her­i­tance. Again the blood of other not pos­si­ble also Evil God.
In other words, he not only lost all Di­vine Power, but also is un­able to cul­ti­vate again.
For­ever...... De­gen­er­ates into the dis­abled per­son!
„...... Hehe......” Yun Che has smiled, in­com­pa­ra­ble with­ered that smiles: „You in...... Crack­ing a joke...... This is...... Price that I live? This is...... So-called...... Nir­vana......”
Phoenix Spirit: „......”
So-called Nir­vana...... This short sev­eral char­ac­ters, with­out doubt are to Phoenix dig­ni­fied af­fronting, but Phoenix Spirit does not get angry, be­cause it is very clear, such re­al­ity, re­gard­ing Yun Che is the how bru­tal at­tack.
„Why did not let my happy death......” the Yun Che hoarse low roar: „At least can also ac­com­pany her...... I com­ply to meet her to go to an­other world to­gether...... Why does not make me die...... Why......”
Few words, after then let him , the air/Qi is dif­fi­cult, at pre­sent the dim-sighted line of sight, mak­ing the mirth­less smile of his cor­ners of the mouth cold and dreary...... He far more than has aban­doned, in­clud­ing one to get sick rad­i­cally greatly in the old peo­ple of bed was in­fe­rior.
That day he rushes to Star God Realm, has never thought can res­cue Jas­mine...... But at least, can ac­com­pany her al­to­gether dead.
Al­though, homi­cide many Star Guardian, but also has killed Star God Elder, but will not hin­der „cer­e­mony” com­pletely car­ries on. Own stu­por that many days, to the pre­sent, the cer­e­mony has de­cided how­ever has been com­pleted. But as the sac­ri­fi­cial of­fer­ing of cer­e­mony, Jas­mine and Caizhi also with­out a doubt died,
But com­plies to ac­com­pany Jas­mine...... Also is ac­tu­ally liv­ing......
Is liv­ing on dis­hon­or­ably as a for­ever dis­abled per­son......
His both hands in shiv­er­ing get hold of lit­tle, want to hold up, but will only holds up the waist, then weak lets fall.
Pre­sent he, even to me­di­ate, is un­able to achieve.
„I un­der­stand your mood.” Phoenix Spirit said: „Life, is on be­stowed by heaven gives each life most pre­cious thing. Even if be­comes again lowly, should awe and trea­sure. Let alone, in your pre­sent life, re­ally com­pared with dying more im­por­tant thing?”
„......” Yun Che for a very long time silent. Pic­tures, face one after an­other passes in his inner world, grad­u­ally, his gloomy eye pupil starts to shiver, and more and more fierce......
Here, is Pro­found Sky Con­ti­nent...... He came back.
Per­son who these he misses day and night, he can see them fi­nally, told them to come back...... But along with it, in hearts ac­tu­ally flood heavy ter­ri­fied...... He is afraid sees them.
Such...... How should also go fac­ing them......
Long-time si­lence.
„Thank you, has given my sec­ond life.” Yun Che makes noise slowly, the sound as if re­stored some gen­tle, but both hands still grip in the same place.
„Pre­sent you, are not cer­tainly able to ac­cept such re­al­ity.” Phoenix Spirit said: „Has not re­lated, does not need to force one­self im­me­di­ately to ac­cept, the time, will make you find sec­ond grad­u­ally the mean­ing of life. Per­haps, some day you will dis­cover, be­longs to or­di­nary is not a mis­de­meanor.”
Fac­ing pre­sent Yun Che, it can only com­fort with this lan­guage.
For­ever is the dis­abled per­son, this re­sult routs any pro­found prac­ti­tioner will suf­fi­ciently. The Yun Che pre­sent life is it gives, it does not hope Yun Che in not hav­ing end gloomy quiet leaves un­cul­ti­vated it.
„......” Yun Che has not re­sponded.
„you can go.” The Phoenix scar­let pupil nar­rowed the eyes slightly at this time: „The sec­ond life, is not only a gra­cious gift, can be a test. If can you get through this dif­fi­cult time de­pend­ing on own will. You ob­tain not only will be the life re­birth, per­haps in also mind...... Gen­uine Nir­vana.”
Yun Che: „......”
Phoenix eye pupil at this time closed, the world be­longs to the dark­ness, then shin­ing has the in­nu­mer­able bright lights.
The sur­round­ing world silent cut, Yun Che re­turned to the en­trance of place of Phoenix trial.
for­ma­tion again to seal/con­fer He, but the front, Feng Xian'er, Feng Zu'er and Feng Baichuan...... The also nu­mer­ous Phoenix clans­men wait there, on each face is bring­ing deep worry and anx­i­ety.
Sees Yun Che come out, their fa­cial ex­pres­sions com­pletely trans­fer the con­cern, Feng Zu'er and Feng Xian'er first for­ward, one on the left and other on the right sup­ports him.
In the Yun Che dim heart raises wipes the warm cur­rent, their worry con­cerns from the bot­tom of one's heart, had not had the slight false­ness and con­tempt be­cause of one­self for the dis­abled per­son. He shows a smile re­luc­tantly, said: „Phoenix se­nior, is I makes Xian'er lead me to come, do not blame her.”
The Feng Baichuan smile shakes the head: „First gets bet­ter, other mat­ters, are unim­por­tant.”
„Bene­fac­tor Elder Brother, we hold you to go back first.” Feng Zu'er said: „Mother just cooked bam­boo soup, you will cer­tainly like drink­ing.”
two peo­ple brings Yun Che, in­com­pa­ra­bly care­ful is walk­ing, Yun Che looks at the front, the vi­sion is star­tled as be­fore how­ever soul­less.
Here is Phoenix loses, cen­ter sit­u­ated in Ten Thou­sand Beast Moun­tain Range, all in line of sight, and in mem­ory basic ex­actly the same, only has the sky to hood­wink red in­dis­tinctly...... That should be Phoenix Spirit to pro­tect Phoenix Lost Clan, but for­ma­tion under sup­pos­ing.
Five years ago when he and Feng Xue'er ar­rive then ex­isted...... Also or, early be­fore that then ex­isted.
„Phoenix se­nior,” Yun Che makes noise sud­denly: „You al­ready know that I have aban­doned, right?”
Is sup­port­ing by the arm his palm tightly si­mul­ta­ne­ously slightly one.
The Feng Baichuan foot­steps stag­nate, then vis­its him, gen­tle say­ing: „Ten days ago, then when Sir Phoenix God you sent men­tioned this mat­ter.”
Yun Che: „......”
„Al­though my Pro­found Dao cul­ti­va­tion base is mean,” Feng Baichuan con­tin­ued: „But also un­der­stands that this de­cides the mat­ter that is un­able to ac­cept to you. How­ever, to our clan, re­gard­less of you turn into any ap­pear­ance, you are our en­tire clan biggest bene­fac­tors...... This point, never changes.”
„Bene­fac­tor Elder Brother, should not be dis­cour­aged.” Feng Zu'er said with a smile: „All these are only tem­po­rary, per­haps, wait­ing for you gets bet­ter, slowly will re­store. Ok...... Even if re­ally ir­re­triev­able, at the worst...... Prac­tices!”
„Un!” nod that Feng Xian'er makes an ef­fort very much: „Bene­fac­tor Elder Brother is so fierce, is only twenty years old on Un­par­al­leled Under Heaven. So long as bene­fac­tor Elder Brother wants, cer­tainly can the quickly changes as be­fore fiercely...... No, is fiercer.”
Feng Baichuan the face, in heart have not sighed se­cretly.
Yun Che grieved smile: „Thank you.”
In the past, when this to hav­ing eight -year-old brother and sis­ter, in look­ing to him, what in pupil glit­tered was the stars dif­fer­ent light, that was a look of in­com­pa­ra­ble re­spect wor­ship.
Even if now, they are pair of ten time pas­sages, when vis­it­ing him, in the eye pupil will glit­ter as be­fore star light of wor­ship.
How­ever, they ac­tu­ally do not know, they have re­spected and yearned , the per­son of chase start­ing from eight years old, de­gen­er­ated into a thor­ough dis­abled per­son...... For­ever dis­abled per­son...... Com­pared with be­fore the it 16 years old Pro­found Vein dis­abled must un­able to with­stand.
At least at that time, he also had El­e­men­tary Pro­found Realm First Level pro­found strength, can glit­ter the weak pro­found light.
In the murky line of sight, pre­sented a low old tree, a with­ered crack, crooked wants to fall, such as the old age old man, sev­eral pieces of with­ered and yel­low rem­nant leaves are send­ing out final moan in the light breeze.
„I want to go to that side to sit a while.” Yun Che fin­ger that old tree, lightly said.
Feng Xian'er and Feng Zu'er are flow­ery lips slightly opened, seek­ing help looks to Feng Baichuan, the lat­ter look is com­plex, nod­ded slightly.
Two brother and sis­ter sup­port by the arm under Yun Che old tree. Yun Che is re­ly­ing on the with­ered old tree, wel­comed the slightly cool moun­tain breeze to look to the dis­tant place. He wants to calm the mind, wish was ac­cepted the pre­sent re­al­ity by one­self. But, his will, his soul sank to bot­tom­less abyss likely, could not find exit|to speak that flees.
„I think sta­tic a while.” Looks at the front, his sound also wants light vast com­pared with the moun­tain breeze.
Feng Baichuan has not de­clined, nod­ded slightly. He com­pared with Feng Xian'er and Feng Zu'er these two mind also pure ex­ces­sively peo­ple un­der­stands what Yun Che with­stands is how gloomy.
„But...... How­ever can only a while, long you catch cold. I and Elder Brother pass the lit­tle while to meet you.”
Feng Xian'er does not feel re­lieved „urg­ing”, this in turns head to leave re­peat­edly.
The moun­tain breeze slightly be­came strong some, be­fore hav­ing the Yun Che vol­ume, dis­or­derly hair, but his both eyes delay was as be­fore athe­is­tic, cold and dreary in heart had not car­ried off the slight­est bit by the moun­tain breeze.
His vi­sion, has be­longed to or­di­nary, the crushed stone of dis­tant place, he is un­able to see clearly slightly.
A bird near the ear chirp, he had not ac­tu­ally re­al­ized when it falls.
A piece of with­ered leaf falls on his shoul­der, he ac­tu­ally can­not seek the path that it falls gen­tly.
Fu­ture life, so.


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