Sunday, March 31, 2019

3848: Decides the victory and defeat


MGA :: VOLUME #8 预言之战

#3848: Decides the victory and defeat


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„Makes for today's gam­bling, you also re­ally take great pains.” Chu Feng said.„Ha­haha, we think our matches are Yuan Shu, nat­u­rallymust metic­u­lously pre­pare, after all that boy, re­ally has the abil­ity.”„Told the sen­tence truth, we had for­mu­lated also the spe­cial com­petion way, if de­fers to our plans com­pletely, even if Yuan Shu comes , is doomed to de­feat.”„Nat­u­rally, has coped with your this young brat, did not need to be so trou­ble­some, only needed this bound armor, as well as this whisk­ing, suf­fi­ciently coped with you.”„Our se­cret Dongqun Saint that the boy, can com­pel, uti­lizes these two trea­sure, you were also some abil­i­ties.”„Was a pity that the match who you run into is we, there­fore , you were too ten­der.” se­cret Dongqun Saint el­dest child, face self-sat­is­fied say­ing.„se­cret Dongqun the Saint, you are too not con­cerned about face sim­ply, copes with a ju­nior, 11 peo­ple si­mul­ta­ne­ously make a move, un­ex­pect­edly also uti­lizes two trea­sure to plot against the op­po­site party.”„se­cret Dongqun Saint, your win not mil­i­tary.”At this time, red clothes sa­cred land nu­mer­ous Elder, sat­i­rized.„Vic­tory not mil­i­tary?”„Two sol­diers bat­tle, since the an­cient times there can never be too much de­cep­tion in war, only then the di­vi­sionof vic­tory and de­feat, what Laisheng not mil­i­tary?”How­ever, re­gard­ing the taunt of red clothes sa­cred landnu­mer­ous po­si­tion Elder, ac­tu­ally thinks oth­er­wise ac­cord­ing to the el­dest child of se­cret Dongqun Saint, in­stead justim­pos­ing, seems like the right mat­ter that he does is or­di­nary.„Elder, with this shame­less one, does not need to speakthat many.”In this time, Chu Feng loud said.Freely, se­cret Dongqun the Saint re­veals two trea­sure.Al­most has the su­pe­ri­or­ity that thought that but on Chu Feng's face, ac­tu­ally not too many hor­rid­ness.„Boy, gives you two choices.”„One, you admit de­feat.”„Two, you con­tinue to in­sist, then the fa­ther every­wherewill look for the tooth that you will hit, till you will admit de­feat.”se­cret Dongqun the Saint el­dest child said to Chu Feng.But Chu Feng is light smiles: „What to do my two don't both want to elect?”„You must choose one, if you do not elect, I elect foryou.” se­cret Dongqun the Saint el­dest child said.„Re­ally is the big tone, you think re­ally, you have con­trolled all?”Chu Feng asked.„Young brat, you may re­ally refuse to be con­vinced until one is faced with grim re­al­ity.”se­cret Dongqun the Saint el­dest child said.„Right?”How­ever, Chu Feng is ac­tu­ally the satire smiles.Af­ter­ward, the Chu Feng's vi­sion, sud­denly be­comesswift and fierce.Sees only its both hands over­lay, pinches the law to de­cide to­gether, that is must con­trol a stance.„Also can put up a last-ditch strug­gle?”Sees that se­cret Dongqun Saint col­lec­tive voice, but is the sound of satire.But looks at such Chu Feng, red clothes sa­cred land nu­mer­ous po­si­tion Elder, then some­what loves dearly.Chu Feng today's per­for­mance, al­ready enough out­stand­ing, ac­tu­ally Chu Feng ad­mits de­feat, they will not blame Chu Feng.But Chu Feng, fac­ing this sit­u­a­tion, as be­fore has not ac­tu­ally ad­mit­ted de­feat, this spirit, mak­ing them be moved.Rum­bleMay, this earth start to shiver sud­denly fiercely.A daz­zling light beam, starts to run out from the placebot­tom deep place un­ceas­ingly.Mean­while, a for­mi­da­ble aura, trans­mits from the placebot­tom deep place, fills var­i­ous world places.Waits and sees care­fully, ray that in­ter­weaves, col­lectedgreat for­ma­tion, but that great for­ma­tion was cen­tered onChu Feng, al­most cov­ered the en­tire is­lands, nat­u­rally, cov­ered se­cret Dongqun the Saint in mid­dle.„This is, for­ma­tion tech­nique?”At this time, se­cret Dongqun the Saint was also scared.They can feel that aura is for­mi­da­ble, to must for­mi­da­ble above their abil­i­ties.„In­deed is for­ma­tion tech­nique.”In this time, Chu Feng said.„Is this you arranges?”„Is im­pos­si­ble, you al­ready by bound armor in­sti­tutebound, such for­ma­tion tech­nique how can arrange?” se­cretDongqun the Saint shakes the head again and again.„I had not said, this for­ma­tion tech­nique is I arrangesnow.” Say­ing that Chu Feng smiles.„What mean­ing you are, you said that be­fore this for­ma­tion tech­nique is you, arranges?”se­cret Dongqun the Saint el­dest child asked.„In­tel­li­gent.”Chu Feng said.„Damn, has your this young brat, from the be­gin­ning, arranged un­ex­pect­edly for­ma­tion tech­nique?”„When mat­ter is? When do you arrange?”„Such for­ma­tion tech­nique, even if you arrange in se­cret, must cost a lot of time to be right.” se­cret Dongqun the Saint el­dest child said.„For­tu­nately, has not spent the too long time, a dou­ble-hour is much lit­tle.” Chu Feng said.„Is a dou­ble-hour much lit­tle?”„, You are when with small 11 fights for­ma­tion tech­nique that arranges?”„Damn, had been sus­pended one by this young brat.”Sud­denly, the peo­ple of se­cret Dongqun Saint are sud­denly en­lighted, air/Qi the tone of speech changed.Not is only they are sud­denly en­lighted, peo­ple other on the scene are also sud­denly en­lighted.They know why Chu Feng's strength, in se­cret DongqunSaint that small above 11, may for­merly ac­tu­ally also prob­a­bly with him, get enough one dou­ble-hour.Did for quite a while, Chu Feng not only in­ten­tion­ally hidthe strength to be so sim­ple.He dur­ing that the method of uti­liza­tion hid­den, in the place bot­tom of this square, has still arranged this great for­ma­­cret Dongqun the Saint, thinks that they have twotrea­sure in the hand, had vic­tory in the hand.Ac­tu­ally does not know, Chu Feng from the be­gin­ning, has been ready.When re­al­izes after all, red clothes sa­cred land nu­mer­ous po­si­tion Elder, held in high es­teem to Chu Feng.The Chu Feng's tal­ent has been need­less say­ing that isthis thoughts, then has given them once again a pleas­ant sur­prise.If not for Chu Feng has made prepa­ra­tion ahead of timein se­cret, then this war, but must de­feat re­ally with­out doubt.BangSud­denly, the daz­zling ray is get­ting more and more abun­dant.chains, grazes from the place bot­tom, di­rectly soars se­cret Dongqun the Saint to­cret Dongqun the Saint also wants to re­sist, but how, that chains is too strong, pen­e­trated their strength of For­ma­tion di­rectly, af­ter­ward ties up them.For­ma­tion chains, twines in body, im­me­di­ately the steam as­cends, mor­tal body tear­ing.„”This, se­cret Dongqun the Saint is also to start for a while to send out wails in­ter­mit­tently.It is not their bear­ing ca­pac­ity is too low, but is the Chu Feng that great for­ma­tion strength, is too strong.„We admit de­feat, we admit de­feat.”Quick, se­cret Dongqun the Saint then starts to beg for mercy to admit de­feat.After they beg for mercy, Chu Feng has also taken backthe strength of Spirit For­ma­tion method.At this time, se­cret Dongqun the Saint, lies on the ground un­ex­pect­edly com­pletely, al­though can­not see theirfa­cial fea­tures, but looks at their move­ments, com­ing outthat can also look, they breath­ing heav­ily in gulps.Freely, the suf­fer­ing time of that Spirit For­ma­tionmethod is very short, but re­gard­ing them, has ac­tu­ally caused the enor­mous dam­age.But, looks at se­cret Dongqun Saint that dis­tressed ap­pear­ance, the red clothes sa­cred land peo­ple very happy, this pre­cisely they want to see.


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