Saturday, March 23, 2019

3830: Real status


MGA :: VOLUME #8 预言之战

#3830: Real status


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„You......”The peo­ple look to Fan Chou, the vi­sion full is panic-stricken.Es­pe­cially Li Xiao and other ju­niors.Fan Chou in their im­pres­sion, is one is low­born, strength mediocre ju­nior.He can be in­vited by Grand­mas­ter Yuan Shu, Li Xiaoand oth­ers is un­able to un­der­stand.But, this Fan Chou gives out will cul­ti­va­tion realm, so be how tyran­ni­cal at this time?Supreme Ven­er­a­ble Realm, he un­ex­pect­edly is Supreme Ven­er­a­ble Realm, wants tyran­ni­cal many com­pared withZhang Duo­tuo.„Ques­tioned Lit­tle Brother Asura, then ques­tions me.”But when the peo­ple are puz­zled, that Fan Chou fa­cial fea­tures change sud­denly.He changed to an ap­pear­ance of mid­dle-aged man.Is tall, the fa­cial fea­tures are hand­some, the cloth­ingalso had the change.A white cloth­ing, the bear­ing is ex­tra­or­di­nary, is sim­ply im­pec­ca­ble, looks is not the com­mon great per­son.„Grand­mas­ter Yuan Shu?”Calls out in alarm from in­ter­mit­tently re­sounds in all di­rec­tions.But such sound, is makes Chu Feng know, this Fan Chou real sta­tus.Has done for quite a while, this Fan Chou is Yuan Shu.„Grand­mas­ter Yuan Shu, how is you......”At this time, Zhang Duo­tuo is also over the face is anx­ious.Al­though, he in Rein­car­na­tion Upper Realm, has the sta­tus char­ac­ter, may also in Rein­car­na­tion Upper Realm.How­ever Grand­mas­ter Yuan Shu, in en­tire All Heav­ens Star Re­gion, has ex­is­tence of ex­tremely heavy weight/quan­tity.After all, he is Rein­car­na­tion Upper Realm strongestWorld Spiri­tist.But Li Xiao as well as Meng Rufei and oth­ers, is fright­ens looks deathly pale, trem­bles.Hides own elder be­hind, does not dare to say the words.Thinks, Fan Chou that they for­merly like that treated, un­ex­pect­edly is keep­ing aloof Grand­mas­ter Yuan Shu.This may re­ally be Jupiter head break­ing ground, tired of liv­ing.BuzzFac­ing the peo­ple flus­tered ap­pear­ance, Grand­mas­ter Yuan Shu has not said any­thing, but is the big sleevewields, the For­ma­tion gate ap­pears be­fore the peo­ple bodyto­gether.„Lit­tle Brother Asura, trou­bles you across this gate.”Yuan Shu said to Chu Feng.But Chu Feng un­der­stands that Yuan Shu mean­ing, heover­stepped that to say the For­ma­tion gate di­rectly.Over­steps safely, all peo­ple are hold breath cold air.On the scene, ba­si­cally is World Spiri­tist, re­gard­less ofthe strength height, ac­tu­ally also looks, that said the func­tion of For­ma­tion gate.That is to­gether, only has ju­nior to be able through the For­ma­tion gate, Chu Feng passes safely, is then rep­re­sent­ing, his age, se­ri­ously is within hun­dred years old.„Can also some peo­ple, ques­tion me?” Yuan Shu asked.„Re­ally is the hero has the young­ster, was old man my faulty vi­sion.”Zhang Duo­tuo forces one­self to look cheer­ful.But other peo­ple, opens the mouth in abun­dance, startsto praise Chu Feng.„Good my faulty vi­sion, to be dif­fi­cult to be in­ad­e­quateDuo­tuo Grand­mas­ter as well as, wants with my faulty vi­sion, to still this mat­ter?”„Just, you must bully the weak, make a move to teachthis Lit­tle Brother Asura.”„If not for I make a move to stop, he en­coun­ters the mishap, has pos­si­bly, can your my faulty vi­sion, level the crime that you vi­o­late?”The smil­ing face of Yuan Shu ridicule, sweeps by the cold vi­sion wear a look to the peo­ple.This peo­ple peo­ple even more awk­ward at the same time, more ac­tu­ally fears.„Asura young hero, is old man my faulty vi­sion, todaynearly makes the huge mis­take, but also looks at Asura Siryoung hero not to cross the vil­lain, has for­given old mantime.”Sud­denly, some peo­ple open the mouth to beg for mercy di­rectly, un­ex­pect­edly is Li Xiao se­nior.He is not afraid of get­ting into trou­ble timidly, but can­not of­fend Yuan Shu.After this, other peo­ple also in abun­dance open the mouth to beg for mercy.Ar­rived fi­nally, that Zhang Duo­tuo, un­ex­pect­edly is also a face ashamed rec­og­nizes to be wrong with Chu Feng.But re­gard­ing this, not to men­tion they, the per­son of sur­round­ing, thinks should.After all, that is called the Asura per­son, but there isGrand­mas­ter Yuan Shu to take re­spon­si­bil­ity.Com­ing out that every­body also looks , the process of this mat­ter, is Zhang Duo­tuo and oth­ers is not in­deed right.After even if the peo­ple apol­o­gized, Yuan Shu di­rectlyhas not ac­tu­ally me­di­ated this mat­ter, but looked to Chu Feng:„Lit­tle Brother Asura, do you think like this fea­si­ble?”After Yuan Shu opens the mouth, Chu Feng also im­me­di­ately re­sponds:„To a Grand­mas­ter Yuan Shu face, this mat­ter then con­sid­ers as fin­ished.”„How­ever, your Rein­car­na­tion Upper Realm these cul­ti­va­tor, far more than are my faulty vi­sion, I looked that was also at heart blind.”„Only be­cause of me is Saint-cloak World Spiri­tist, con­cluded that I am not a ju­nior, is re­ally laugh­able.”Chu Feng this words said that Zhang Duo­tuo and oth­erswas spit­ting blood at heart.Isn't Chu Feng this say­ing, is scold­ing them?But, they at heart again un­com­fort­able, was ac­tu­ally the words that half a word con­tra­dicted does not dare to say.After all Chu Feng said that but ac­tu­ally ac­tu­ally also inprin­ci­ple.Today, they se­ri­ously were my faulty vi­sion.Today, they se­ri­ously were also in the wrong.„Since Lit­tle Brother Asura no longer in­ves­ti­gated, the mat­ter of today then con­sid­ers as fin­ished.”„I hope, such mat­ter do not occur.”„Every­body min­gles among many years of per­son inmar­tial cul­ti­va­tion, should know the cul­ti­va­tor moral char­ac­ter.”„It is not all peo­ple, looks like the Lit­tle Brother Asuraheart to be so broad, does not like hag­gling over with the per­son.”„If you meet today, is such as you are same, is a per­sonof being cal­cu­lat­ing, that is the what kind of con­se­quence, you think.”Yuan Shu these words, have filled taunt­ing as be­fore.How­ever, he said that this words, then van­ish to dis­ap­pear.Van­ishes with him to­gether, Chu Feng.After Yuan Shu and Chu Feng walk, these for­merly mustdeal with the Chu Feng's peo­ple, re­laxed.Even but if so, they ac­tu­ally are also the stream­ing with sweat, the ice-cold sweat, has dripped wet the whole body.First did not say, Grand­mas­ter Yuan Shu puts their horse, but words that rec­ol­lec­tion Grand­mas­ter Yuan Shuspoke , is rea­son­able.This is in a ju­nior, has Ven­er­a­ble Realm cul­ti­va­tion realm, and has the ju­nior of Saint-cloak World Spiri­tiststrength.Syn­the­sis, even com­pared with the All Heav­ens Star Re­gion strongest tal­ent, Nan­gong Yifan also wants on strongsome.So the ju­nior, has to ob­tain Grand­mas­ter Yuan Shu soto think highly, de­cides how­ever be­hind has the colos­sus to make the sup­port.In other words, if no colos­sus sup­port, is un­able to trainsuch tal­ent.Of­fended such tal­ent, but can also main­tain a liveli­hood, in­deed was equal to sav­ing a life to come back.How­ever, the hu­mans af­fair does not have ab­solutely.Even if most peo­ple have re­al­ized, this is called the Asura ju­nior, the back­ground is not sim­ple.De­cides se­cretly, in the fu­ture will meet, de­cides how­ever to hide.That Zhang Duo­tuo vi­sion, ac­tu­ally flashed through has wiped gloomy and cold............This time Chu Feng, was brought a lone­some and quietplace by Yuan Shu.This is a gar­den, gar­den is sit­u­ated in the sum­mit of cliff, the cliff op­po­site, has wa­ter­fall in groups to fly to fallunder.Here land­scape, is ex­tremely se­ri­ously beau­ti­ful.Falls here, mood, was be­comes has re­laxed much.„Can­not think of se­nior, side me, but I have not ac­tu­ally rec­og­nized se­nior, I was re­ally my faulty vi­sion.”Chu Feng said with a smile.If not for Yuan Shu re­veal the ap­pear­ance/por­trait, Chu Feng has not seen a flaw se­ri­ously.„Be­cause of my sta­tus, do not call me se­nior.”„If not ac­tu­ally must be, I am not big­ger than Lit­tle Brother Asura on many.”„Was in­fe­rior, your I am sym­met­ric by the broth­ers.”Yuan Shu said.„This is not quite good.” Chu Feng looks awk­wardly, after all Yuan Shu and Ox-nosed Old Daoist, is the good friend.If Chu Feng is sym­met­ric with Brother Yuan Shu, if thismat­ter is known by Ox-nosed Old Daoist, does not knowcan kill Chu Feng.„With why not proper? I look at Lit­tle Brother Asura you, likely isn't this ar­rest­ing in the per­son of sec­tion?” Yuan Shu asked.„Em­bar­rassed say­ing that I did not call Asura ac­tu­ally, my name was called Chu Feng.”Sud­denly, Chu Feng stands up, at this time his fa­cial fea­tures are also start to change, changed to the orig­i­nalap­pear­ance.He thought, Yuan Shu waits him to be sin­cere, heshould not con­ceal in him.Today this has the goal, sooner or later must lay cards on the table.„Oh?”„That does not know Lit­tle Brother Chu Feng, why canhide to col­lect?” Yuan Shu asked.Af­ter­ward, Chu Feng the process of mat­ter, has then in­formed Yuan Shu.Not only, one­self do not want to bring the ha­tred for the fam­ily, the mat­ter that there­fore changes ex­ter­nal ap­pear­ances only, has in­formed Yuan Shu.Also the trip of goals, has in­formed Yuan Shu.„Orig­i­nally Lit­tle Brother Chu Feng you, are dis­ci­ple of teacher good friend.”Knows the truth, Yuan Shu is also an item of re­veal ex­claimed in sur­prise, he is pleas­antly sur­prised, and is re­ally ex­cited.Even, he stands up, sizes up Chu Feng un­ex­pect­edlyonce again.The vi­sion of that burn­ing hot, was un­ex­pect­edly kindersev­eral points.


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