Sunday, March 10, 2019

1348: Heaven-Destroying War (Middle Part)

#1348: Heaven-Destroying War (Middle Part)
Comments 290
The black fog, rapidly is spread­ing in Star God Realm, every time spreads one inch, Star God Realm will be then many one inch deadly hell.
Des­per­ate aura fills the air in Star God Realm, each breath, has the in­nu­mer­able life to bury to ex­tin­guish in the black fog. But Star God Realm cen­tral Star God City is black glow every­where, ter­ri­fy­ing power wreaks havoc on this piece of East­ern God Ter­ri­tory most sa­cred land crazily, space each layer upon layer was being torn in­stan­ta­neously, leads en­tire Star God Realm, trim Star Ter­ri­tory un­ceas­ingly is trem­bling.
The piti­ful yell day after day, the black blood flies hor­i­zon­tally, but this each piti­ful yell, each blood froth, is came from Star God Elder...... From Di­vine Lord!
A dy­nasty Di­vine Lord, ten thou­sand Shi­jie to re­vere. Since God Realm, each achieve­ment Di­vine Lord per­son, their name its po­si­tion has the clear record, be­cause of the bound­ary of Di­vine Lord, is the limit that human can reach, can con­trol the world, Realm of human clos­est god.
Has such power, can bird's eye view var­i­ous world all liv­ing things. The slaugh­ter ex­tin­guishes myr­iad spir­its, only in con­ve­niently, such as shears worth­lessly.
But today, these Star God Realm show­ing dis­dain for Di­vine Lord, in­stead de­gen­er­ated into front of Jas­mine un­ex­pect­edly worth­lessly, each round dance, each black glow, their one by one, even bury­ing into death abyss.
They never know, own power, own Di­vine Body un­ex­pect­edly such not being able to with­stand with frail. They have, ob­vi­ously is in this world high­est plane/level power...... power that pos­si­bly how such col­laps­ing at the first blow, al­most will strug­gle con­tin­u­ally does not have!?
All these not real...... im­pos­si­ble real!
Night­mare! All is the night­mare!!
A black mark, passes through two to trem­ble to want the heart of crack, two big Star God Elder's body ex­plode from the chest spot, sprin­kles the next two ape black blood rain.
Star God 36 el­ders...... In an in­stant, ex­tin­guished 19.
En­tire 19 Di­vine Lord!!
Each Di­vine Lord per­ished, even if died in bed of old age/be ex­hausted, shakes the trim God Ter­ri­tory im­por­tant mat­ter. But this but sud­denly to the night­mare, lets Star God Realm's Star God and Elder under Devil Wheel such as by the rep­tile of being run over and dying, dies with­out the bur­ial ground one after an­other.
Yes...... Night­mare......
Today, is Star God Em­peror and in the Heav­enly Ori­gin Star God mouth is very im­por­tant, will cer­tainly write down Star God Di­vine Scrip­ture and a day of God Realm his­tory. Be­cause of this day, arranges and plan for a long time „cer­e­mony” fi­nally the es­sen­tial fac­tor all be­comes, can open per­fectly.
Jas­mine and Caizhi, si­mul­ta­ne­ously are Heav­enly Slaugh­ter Star God and Heav­enly Wolf Star God, Star God Realm dou­ble Princess all be­comes Star God, but per­fectly be­comes the sac­ri­fi­cial of­fer­ing of cer­e­mony, this is be­stowed by heaven, is heaven bless.
Star God Em­peror and Heav­enly Ori­gin Star God so said, they also so be­lieve and think. Even if, Heav­enly Slaugh­ter and Heav­enly Wolf sor­row­ful be­comes the sac­ri­fi­cial of­fer­ing, de­gen­er­ates into under de­spi­ca­ble plan­ning, but, if can make Star God Em­peror ob­tain power of closer god, mak­ing Star God Realm mount higher plane, they did not think that has the mis­take...... Al­though, all such as Yun Che said like that dis­obeys the de­fy­ing Heaven's Way human re­la­tions.
But fi­nally, pre­sents in their pre­sent is not be­stowed by heaven, but is Heav­enly Pun­ish­ment...... In the God Realm his­tory is most bru­tal fear­ful Heav­enly Pun­ish­ment!
The Star God Em­peror body star light in vi­o­lent flash­ing, in the hand „Twelve Heav­enly Stars Sword” the ray of each breath is in­ten­si­fy­ing. Six Star God caused heavy losses, 36 el­ders was mas­sa­cred one after an­other, in the past, per­ished any was the huge loss that to be hard to ac­cept, but today...... In his heart drain­ings the blood, is ac­tu­ally mo­tion­less.
Until this mo­ment, star light on sword frames fi­nally.
Gen­uine di­vine tool that Twelve Heav­enly Stars Sword, Star God Realm has, al­though its star might far in­fe­rior Era of the Gods, but through­out is True God Ar­ti­fact that Prog­en­i­tor Star God leaves be­hind, is each gen­er­a­tion of Star God Em­peror com­mands the sym­bol of ver­bal com­mand Star God Realm.
Is Di­vine Power that Di­vine Em­peror en­tire seven breaths con­dense the what kind of con­cept? If in di­rect at­tack, makes any Star God cause heavy losses ab­solutely suf­fi­ciently in­stan­ta­neously.
„Draws back!!”
Star God Em­peror bel­lows, Twelve Heav­enly Stars Sword rolls up and pushes along star light, straight thrust Jas­mine...... This is he uses fully strikes, is he bets all hopes a sword, in his hand the sword sparkles, is most daz­zling star light that this life re­leases.
star light rips open the dark­ness, rips open the space, flick­ers to punc­ture be­fore the Jas­mine body. Jas­mine turns around cold, Evil In­fant’s Wheel of Myr­iad Tribu­la­tions straight bang on.
The star light and dark bumps into the sky, such as some day under crack­ing day thun­der­clap bang, be­comes two halves the world in­stan­ta­neous cleav­age, half star light daz­zling, half do not have dark up.
The en­tire ten thou­sand li (0.5 km) space flick­ers blast­ing open, along with it flood like stormy waves space tur­bu­lent flow. But the light and dark com­mon Bor­der, the cen­ter of space tur­bu­lent flow, Twelve Heav­enly Stars Sword and Evil In­fant’s Wheel of Myr­iad Tribu­la­tions refuse to com­pro­mise in the same place, but, Jas­mine face is in­dif­fer­ent, but Star God Em­peror...... His lip angle col­lapse blood, both eyes wants to crack, both arms in faint shiv­er­ing.
He con­denses the en­tire seven breaths power, Jas­mine has not re­pelled un­ex­pect­edly, even if one step.
Even if in pre­sent this muddy world, even if Evil In­fant’s Wheel of Myr­iad Tribu­la­tions power only re­stored less than 1/100010000, its ter­ri­fy­ing is not the pre­sent mor­tal can un­der­stand as be­fore.
„Jas......​mine......” Star God Em­peror bites tooth to crack, eyes showed plead­ing: „Is the fa­ther...... Knew...... Shame re­gard­ing you...... You may be cut to pieces me...... But here is...... Lives you to raise you...... Gives you Heav­enly Slaugh­ter Di­vine Power Star God Realm...... Is our an­ces­tor gen­er­a­tions of painstak­ing care...... You want re­ally...... Ruins it......”
The Star God Em­peror words, have not let the ten­der face and black pupil of Jas­mine ap­pear, even if tiny bit fluc­tu­a­tion, replied his, only al­most tore into shreds his heart the sound of crack­ing.
a jet black fis­sure, from Twelve Heav­enly Stars Sword and Evil In­fant’s Wheel of Myr­iad Tribu­la­tions hit po­si­tion, slow spreads to the en­tire sword blade.
„......!!” Star God Em­peror ex­ploded the raised eye­ball in­stan­ta­neous hy­per­emia.
Twelve Heav­enly Stars Sword, their Star God Realm only di­vine tool, is Di­vine Em­peror, makes world myr­iad weapons sub­mit to suf­fi­ciently.
But, Evil In­fant’s Wheel of Myr­iad Tribu­la­tions what kind of ex­is­tence? In Pri­mor­dial Era of the Gods, al­though it is a tool, but it in the pri­mor­dial chaos sta­tus, but must faintly above Cre­ation God and Devil Em­peror...... Al­though Twelve Heav­enly Stars Sword is god los­ing, but be­fore Evil In­fant’s Wheel of Myr­iad Tribu­la­tions, ab­solutely con­tin­u­ally does not have with the qual­i­fi­ca­tions that it places on a par!
Also is a black mark ap­pears on the sword body, Twelve Heav­enly Stars Sword starts to shiver, and sends out nearly des­per­ate call­ing out in grief, star light that short and re­fuses to com­pro­mise dark also in this mo­ment sud­denly gloomy, then by dark­ness du­pli­cate, layer upon layer bites to ex­tin­guish.
„Jas­mine, you...... Eah!”
The third fis­sure ap­pears, the right arm of Star God Em­peror also cracked in this time body, his physique backed up along with the star light rout step by step, every time drew back one step, star light will be dim a point, call­ing out in grief of Twelve Heav­enly Stars Sword even more is also sad and shrill...... But the Jas­mine dou­ble pupil as be­fore is nearly empty in­dif­fer­ence, such as a suf­fi­ciently swal­lows all des­per­ate abyss.
„Has not made a move!”
Eter­nal Sky Di­vine Em­peror is un­able to main­tain tran­quil fi­nally again, a low roar, dive under.
„Wait/Etc.!” Brahma Di­vine Em­peror puts out a hand, has not ac­tu­ally been able to pre­vent Eter­nal Sky Di­vine Em­peror.
„It is not good, could not wait for them!” Moon God Em­peror said solemnly: „Evil In­fant ex­ceeds the imag­i­na­tion fear­fully, this at all is not dif­fi­cult of Star God Realm, but is dif­fi­cult of East­ern God Ter­ri­tory! Star God Realm has partly de­stroyed, if Star God Em­peror dies, will be then few for one point to re­sist im­por­tant power of this dis­as­ter!”
If said that God Realm most hopes per­son who Star God Em­peror dies, that with­out a doubt is Moon God Em­peror.
But his voice just fell, then sud­denly flushed, body blooms deep pur­ple moon glow.
„The strength of Evil In­fant is only neg­li­gi­ble re­stores, will use for one point to be few surely a point, at the ap­pointed time......”
The Brahma Di­vine Em­peror words just ex­ported, the Moon God Em­peror form in­te­grated dur­ing for one round pur­ple moon/month. His com­plex­ion fluc­tu­ates, fi­nally fol­lows.
Star God Em­peror backs up step by step, re­gard­less of power or the will, grad­u­ally is on the verge of the brink of col­lapse. But at this mo­ment, is seething the sky of space storm, re­sounds shakes the heart to shake chant­ing in a low voice of soul:
„heaven de­fy­ing does not have the way, myr­iad evils re­turn to noth­ing!”
This chant­ing in a low voice makes Star God Em­peror mind shake, makes the pleas­antly sur­prised sound: „Eter­nal Sky!”
The dim ray in this time dark, re­mote sky, a cov­ers the sky big hand turned round once again under......
The en­tire Star God City ground, has un­der­cut sev­eral about one zhang (3.33 m) in this split sec­ond.
Be­fore Jas­mine , the stance of press­ing stops, under physique fierce ground sub­mer­gence...... Star God Em­peror and Eter­nal Sky Di­vine Em­peror, strength of si­mul­ta­ne­ous/uni­form press/pres­sure two Great Di­vine Em­peror above Evil In­fant’s Wheel of Myr­iad Tribu­la­tions, sup­pressed Jas­mine sinks fast...... But, the po­ten­tial of this sup­pres­sion only con­tin­ued a breath then to stop, the Jas­mine physique stopped, the arm wel­comed the strength of two Di­vine Em­peror to raise sud­denly.
Pū rum­bles---
Star God Em­peror whole body in­tense shock, in the mouth spits a big counter blood fiercely, Twelve Heav­enly Stars Sword si­mul­ta­ne­ously the split open three fis­sures, but the sim­i­lar fis­sure also ap­pears, in that has only come from above the great hand of sky, shortly will spread the five fin­gers, lets far spa­tial above Eter­nal Sky Di­vine Em­peror showed a look of shock.
But at this time, the day glow again changed, Moon God Em­peror grasped Pur­ple Tower Di­vine Sword, the whole body moon glow shin­ing day, such as the falling from the sky bright moon, sank to the dark world.
Star God Em­peror, Eter­nal Sky Di­vine Em­peror and Moon God Em­peror, the strength of three Di­vine Em­peror also erupt, split sec­ond, se­verely wounded Star God, sur­vival Star God Elder...... The great strength vol­ume that these supreme Di­vine Lord com­pletely linked they are un­able to re­sist flies, de­gen­er­ates into the Star God City com­pre­hen­sive col­lapse of bat­tle­field, all Pri­mor­dial pro­found array col­lapse.
The 12 Star Gods palace that creakied van­ishes in a puff of smoke fi­nally com­pletely, the avalanche of em­bod­i­ment space rolls up and pushes along one to over­lap in the to­gether space storm piece by piece.
The space storm is fear­ful peer­less, but in the strength of three Di­vine Em­peror, with also wants under fear­ful World Ex­tin­guish­ing Devil Wheel com­pared with three Di­vine Em­peror, un­ex­pect­edly ap­pears some­what not wor­thy of men­tion­ing.
Strength of unions three Di­vine Em­peror, press Evil In­fant’s Wheel of Myr­iad Tribu­la­tions to­gether. They have cer­tainly a dream have not thought that in this world, will pre­sent ex­is­tence that needs them to unite un­ex­pect­edly.
But is more fear­ful, under the strength of their three Di­vine Em­peror, the op­po­site party does not have one to burst to de­feat, even...... Sim­ply had not been sup­pressed!
Evil In­fant’s Wheel of Myr­iad Tribu­la­tions re­leases heaven-swal­low­ing black glow as be­fore, Jas­mine that pe­tite slen­der and del­i­cate form such as is ac­tu­ally being de­cided under the strength of three Great Di­vine Em­peror in air­borne, does not have half step re­treat ac­tu­ally...... But just erupted that split sec­ond in the space storm, the Brahma Di­vine Em­peror form ap­pears under the space fis­sure in the Jas­mine rear area to­gether, the golden glow thorn emp­ties to­gether, above Jas­mine's back.
The Jas­mine's back slightly shakes, that wipes golden glow to stag­nate in her back in­stant...... Then passes through from her devil body.
In the Jas­mine mouth the blood fog ex­plodes, sprays above Devil Wheel, her com­plex­ion cloudy , the whole body demon mark glit­ters fiercely, the top of dark sky, trans­mits Evil In­fant angry sharp neigh­ing.
Under the blood fog of Jas­mine blowout, Evil In­fant’s Wheel of Myr­iad Tribu­la­tions erupts to annex and de­stroy all black glow, an in­com­pa­ra­bly giant black pro­pel­lor shade ap­pears in the world, the cover was in­volved in un­ri­valled dis­as­ter the place of King Realm to Four Di­vine Em­per­ors and this piece.
In the Four Di­vine Em­per­ors com­plete heart star­tles greatly, the strength of their Di­vine Em­peror also crazily surge in this mo­ment, erupt East­ern God Ter­ri­tory most peak four power.
Bang buzz------------
In sub­merg­ing all rum­bled sounds, the Star God Realm sky blasts out com­pletely.
Jet black abyss takes Star God City to crack as be­gin­ning to­gether to the Star God Realm end, en­tire vast Star God Em­peror will suc­ceed in giv­ing up two halves.
The uni­verse storm, in the myr­iad spir­its cog­ni­tion the most fear­ful dis­as­ter, in Star Ter­ri­tory crazy that Star God Realm is at curls up....


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