Sunday, March 31, 2019

1381: Disaster Azure Cloud

#1381: Disaster Azure Cloud
Comments 454
Su Ling'er shoves open the door, on spa­cious bed, Xiao Lingxi is draw­ing by the cor­ner/horn, im­merses in deep los­ing...... Side, the shop dis­perses is ripped bad small cloth­ing by Yun Che.
Sees Su Ling'er, her body shrank to the quilt slightly...... Does not have other any­thing to re­spond, only has the pupil light even more gloomily.
„Elder Sis­ter Lingxi.” Su Ling'er sits the bed­side, looks at the lus­ter of the skin half re­veal Xiao Lingxi, her in the eyes flashes through very deeply shock­ing with ac­claim­ing. She ex­posed curve out­side, the flesh such as the porce­lain jade of shiny smooth non- flaw is per­fectly more com­mon, mak­ing her have the in­tense im­pul­sion that wants to put out a hand to move.
She be­lieves, any man fac­ing the so per­fect lus­ter of the skin, will turn into wild beast that is in­sane.
Let alone Yun Che......
The Su Ling'er words have not made Xiao Lingxi have the too big re­sponse as be­fore, deeper dan­gling of her small head among the knees, said sud­denly gen­tly: „Ling'er, he to me...... Is only then...... Kin­ship?”
Su Ling'er had not asked why she asked these words, but did not have any scru­ple say­ing: „This issue, no­body has the qual­i­fi­ca­tions to reply, be­cause you are the only one feel­ing most re­ally and most di­rect per­son, what he is more to you are the kin­ship, is the sen­ti­ment of men and women, you should be clearer than any­body.”
Xiao Lingxi: „......”
„I only know, he looks at your look each time, warm trea­sures...... Wishes one could to give you en­tire world all finest things.”
The Su Ling'er words, let in Xiao Lingxi eyes low-spir­ited was sub­sti­tuted by the dim­ness grad­u­ally, she lifts the head slowly: „But, he...... Why......”
The fol­low­ing words, Xiao Lingxi is un­able say­ing that but Su Ling'er knows that she must say any­thing, she smiles slightly, flow­ery lips ap­proaches near her ear, gen­tly lan­guage.
„Ah?” Xiao Lingxi shouted lightly, flow­ery lips opened wide.
„This is the rea­son.” Su Ling'er cov­ers flow­ery lips lightly: „Elder Brother Yun Che is not does not want you, is not your rea­son, but is his rea­son.”
„But...... But......” Xiao Lingxi sur­face dyed red rosy cloud, ten­der and beau­ti­ful not local prod­ucts.
„Why do you know can like this?” The Su Ling'er smile ex­plained: „Man body the con­di­tion, when is ex­tremely anx­ious will ap­pear. In other words, he is not does not want you, but crosses too trea­sures, or wants, will there­fore be anx­ious at that time...... You do not know, he ran a mo­ment ago is an­noy­ing, added one­self did not have the face to see you, hee hee.”
The mat­ter of men and women, Xiao Lingxi is a white paper, but Su Ling'er ac­tu­ally ex­tremely ex­cels at the med­ical prin­ci­ples, her words, Xiao Lingxi na­ture a wee bit sus­pi­cions will not have, in heart low-spir­ited and loses goes, all changes to a cav­ity to blush bash­fully, she draws the quilt to ob­struct one­self cheeks, be­tween lips ying~: „...... Also was looked to laugh by you......”
Looks at Xiao Lingxi to re­store the habit, the Su Ling'er lit­tle stretch/leisurely one breath, then pulls open by the cor­ner/horn, one­self also drilled, in she ten­der slip­pery lus­ter of the skin paws: „If you that want to be eaten by Elder Brother Yun Che, must learn on own ini­tia­tive...... Wants me to teach you?”
Xiao Lingxi sends out calls out in alarm in­ter­mit­tently, had not ac­tu­ally op­posed, in­stead used min­i­mum voice/sound „un”.
Next day, Yun Che had early in the morn­ing, the sleep/felt is only re­fresh­ing, high-spir­ited.
He is draw­ing Xiao Lingxi, goes boat­ing in Il­lu­sory Demon Realm most beau­ti­ful water Xi­anhu, was or­dered not to ap­proach in in­clud­ing Feng Xian'er ten li (0.5 km), on this day, this en­tire water Xi­anhu is only them.
The lake water rip­ples, the light ves­sel slowly, Xiao Lingxi snug­gle in the Yun Che's bosom, does not want to leave...... The life does not want to leave.
The sun­set glow re­flects spa­tially, the dim light of night sinks, they re­turned to Xiao Clan, Xiao Lingxi by Yun Che over­bear­ing hug­ging in the bosom, her beau­ti­ful eyes closed, the pow­der rosy cloud on snowy face com­pared with the sun­set glow of hori­zon also wants ten­derly and beau­ti­fully myr­iad.
She was placed on soft bed by Yun Che, what­ever he un­ties one­self women's cloth­ing, strokes blas­phemes her per­fect lus­ter of the skin, as well as......
In is too long, the door that cov­ers tightly was shoved open, a Yun Che per­son walked come out, sat in the in­sti­tute on a stone, a face black pic­ture has wiped the soot.
Over the two days was not ac­ci­den­tal/sur­prised, did not fin­ish, but started!
Is he sums up the rea­son to at the first place is not right, after all Xiao Clan is the place that they grow up to­gether, has the spe­cial sen­ti­ment. There­fore he is thick the fa­cial skin, bring­ing Xiao Lingxi to change many places...... Yun Fam­ily, sum­mit, lake­side and Im­pe­r­ial Palace bed­room palace...... Fi­nally even also Frozen Cloud As­gard......
But re­gard­less of be­fore­hand your Nong my Nong how, even if wants the flame to com­mit sui­cide by fire the blood ves­sel quickly to blast open...... So long as ar­rives at the final time, im­me­di­ately the at­ro­phy will fall.
Each time is so.
More­over in Xiao Lingxi per­son of body so, other peo­ple cer­tainly does not only have this shape.
To solve this prob­lem, Su Ling'er even of­fered a very ran­cid ad­vice...... Pre­scribed med­i­cine to Yun Che qui­etly...... Is very vi­o­lent that.
The ef­fi­cacy af­fects in body, even if has any mind bar­rier also to dis­re­gard.
Under the ef­fi­cacy erupts, Yun Che be­came com­mit­ted sui­cide by fire to lose the wis­dom im­me­di­ately wild beast...... But, what mak­ing Su Ling'er stare dumb­founded, tossed about Yun Che of most of the day in Xiao Lingxi body, re­sponded ac­tu­ally at the final mo­ment sud­denly does not have!
Fi­nally ac­tu­ally builds one­self, tossed about many days walk cau­tiously.
Later, Su Ling'er of­fered a more ran­cid ad­vice...... She and Xiao Lingxi two peo­ple, faces Yun Che on the same bed to­gether.
Fi­nally, in Su Ling'er body, his nor­mal is not good, changes to Xiao Lingxi body, with­ers in­stan­ta­neously.
Su Ling'er did not have the means thor­oughly...... Be­cause this is not med­ical skill can ex­plain.
Came under a spell sim­ply likely!
„Lit­tle Che, has not re­lated.”
After in­nu­mer­able is de­feated, Yun Che face de­pressed sit­ting in the bed­side, Xiao Lingxi grasps him from his be­hind softly, once again com­forted: „To be able daily with you in the same place, to be how good.”
Yun Che nod, then turns around to grasp her, but...... Pos­si­bly how not to have re­lated! Has much to do with is good!
This es­pe­cially what's the mat­ter!!
Re­ally is I to the psy­cho­log­i­cal bar­rier that Lingxi has some me not to re­al­ize? Felt that was more like gets down some strange curse to be the same by whom!
The time grad­u­ally passes, dies Blue Pole Star from Yun Che, al­ready past sev­eral months.
In vast God Realm, will pre­sent the in­nu­mer­able daz­zling novas every year. But nova dies will make per­son sigh wan, but ap­pears along with more novas, will for­get quickly.
But Yun Che this but sud­denly the stars re­ally are ex­tremely daz­zling, even if dies, still no one for­got. After all, he broke High-Rank Star Realm to mo­nop­o­lize the Di­vine Be­stow­ment Bat­tle his­tory, brought in has recorded ten thou­sand world Ninth Level Heav­enly Tribu­la­tion suf­fi­ciently.
They do not know Yun Che also to live, but, ac­cord­ing to him of old stock world is not that once the stars of il­lu­mi­na­tion whole world, planet that in own com­ing, he ac­com­pa­nies the parental daugh­ter every day, the side beau­ti­ful woman sur­rounds, crosses is easy and com­fort­able and waste­ful.
If per­son of the God Realm sees him at this time, even if knows that Yun Che has not died, even if knows his name is Yun Che, does not think ab­solutely ab­solutely he and reaches Di­vine Be­stow­ment Bat­tle Yun Che is the same per­son. Not is only his body does not have pro­found strength, could not find the least bit be­cause of his body ini­tially in the Di­vine Be­stow­ment Stage ver­ti­cal se­vere wound to the courage and up­right­ness and all-out ef­fort that being on the verge of death is not will­ing to drop down and proudly.
The Blue Wind Na­tion pro­found beast tur­moil is get­ting more and more se­ri­ous, this month, faintly had not the nor­mal trend in­clud­ing Snow Re­gion of Ex­treme Ice pro­found beast un­ex­pect­edly. But be­side Blue Wind Na­tion, other de­pended on the east­ern state also to start to have sim­i­lar con­di­tion, Il­lu­sory Demon Realm was also so.
But these, Yun Che oc­ca­sion­ally knows, but never in­quired about. Pro­found Sky Con­ti­nent has Feng Xue'er, Il­lu­sory Demon Realm has Lit­tle Demon Em­press, pro­found beast al­though ran­domly strange, but can de­press eas­ily...... Pre­sent he is the dis­solute young mas­ter mas­ter, this he should not the mat­ter of wor­ry­ing.
Blue Pole Star, an­other piece of con­ti­nent.
Azure Cloud Con­ti­nent.
This is the world that on Yun Che first is, he re­trieves Su Ling'er, after her fa­ther and Mas­ter Yun Gu belt/bring to Il­lu­sory Demon Realm, then again has not vis­ited this place.
If he ar­rives at this piece of con­ti­nent at this mo­ment, will de­cide will be sur­prised.
Be­cause of here, nearly changed to a world of dis­as­ter.
In all di­rec­tions is the pro­found beast rave and neigh­ing sound . More­over the in­com­pa­ra­ble mania, in all di­rec­tions is the erup­tion and earth of de­stroyed voice/sound pro­found strength.
It is not one, is not some re­gion, but is...... Trim con­ti­nent!
Human Race and beast clan, Azure Cloud Con­ti­nent main two races, per­son the ter­ri­to­ries of some peo­ple, pro­found prac­ti­tioner when need­ing to be in­formed and ex­pe­ri­enced, will at­tempt to tread the ter­ri­tory of Nascent Pro­found beast. But com­pares human, pro­found beast draws con­scious­ness, lit­tle treads the ter­ri­tory ex­tremely, to en­ter­ing human of ter­ri­tory re­gion often will also at­tack to pur­sue.
But, rule that this Azure Cloud Con­ti­nent has through an­cient times, ac­tu­ally al­ready com­pre­hen­sive avalanche.
All re­gions, all states, re­gard­less of were once tem­per­ate fierce and bru­tal, all pro­found beast all such as in­sane gen­er­ally ran out of the ter­ri­tory, at­tacks all lives that is see­ing, is more fear­ful, is these ex­ists in the major re­stricted area cen­ters, for­mi­da­ble pro­found beast that the hid­den world has also turns out in full strength, low­ers a piece by piece ter­ri­fy­ing peer­less dis­as­ter on the Human Race land.
Com­pared in Pro­found Sky Con­ti­nent and Il­lu­sory Demon Realm is only the pro­found beast tur­moil of small range, Azure Cloud Con­ti­nent al­ready com­pletely is cov­ered at pre­sent by the dis­as­ter, every day, had the in­nu­mer­able lives to bury to ex­tin­guish the in­sane vi­o­lent under the pro­found beast claw, every day, had the in­nu­mer­able lands to be shat­tered the ruins.
Al­ways no­body knows why this dis­as­ter will erupt, when also will fin­ish.
On this day, strange pro­found ark ap­peared in the Azure Cloud Con­ti­nent sky.
Along with the stag­na­tion of pro­found ark, four per­son's shad­ows ap­peared under pro­found ark, the vi­sion si­mul­ta­ne­ously swept to this piece of chaotic con­ti­nent.
These four peo­ple are three male fe­male, the body be­fore per­son of mid­dle age face , the fa­cial color quiet chill­ing, body fluc­tu­ates Pro­found Dao aura that this world for­ever is un­able to un­der­stand.
Other three peo­ple of young faces, left man tall sturdy, the ap­pear­ance is vi­cious, the right man clearly is op­po­site, the stature seems some­what frail, the fa­cial color is fair and clear, pretty passes in some fem­i­nine|gen­tle and re­served, tran­quil both eyes is plun­der­ing the cold glow of fear heart in­dis­tinctly.
Mid­dle fe­male stature beau­ti­ful and grace­ful, face, if the peach blos­som, has the ob­se­quious at­ti­tude, seems quite self-con­fi­dent to own stature, her wear ex­poses very much, the arm and col­lar bone ap­pear ex­ter­nally, two slen­der pure white thighs are al­most all ex­posed out­side, both eyes that passes un­ceas­ingly often are flash­ing as if in­her­ent flat­ter­ing light.
„Aya, this small planet looks like mis­er­able.” The charm­ing fe­male looks under, soft such as in cot­ton wool voice/sound is pass­ing pity­ing.
„Here pro­found beast as if ex­tremely does not suit.” Sturdy male said solemnly, does not need eye, car­ries Di­vine Dao pro­found strength, in this can only call „ex­tremely lowly” in plane, the side that his di­vine sense can re­lease eas­ily is far, these pro­found beast ex­cep­tion­ally berserk aura take in every­thing at a glance, he looks up to the the front mid­dle-aged per­son: „Mas­ter, could it be that is......”
„Snort!” Is the first mid­dle-aged per­son brow is tight, vi­sion gloomy: „Good heavy devil qi, is re­ally not the mis­con­cep­tion. It seems like this time, we make the great merit.”
His words, let the rear three young peo­ple are the whole body slightly shakes, the item split the dif­fer­ent light.


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