Wednesday, March 13, 2019

1355: The dream returns to Sky Profound

#1355: The dream returns to Sky Profound
Comments 327
The Moon God Em­peror dies news lets cast the Evil In­fant shadow East­ern God Ter­ri­tory to turn huge shock again, the fear to Evil In­fant is there­fore is even more strong.
In­nu­mer­able pro­found prac­ti­tioner such as head­less fly is or­di­nary, is search­ing high and low the Evil In­fant trail with the faith that fright­ened and even must die, var­i­ous King Realm al­most turn out in full strength. They must while the Evil In­fant se­vere wound, find as soon as pos­si­ble and her sup­press and kill.
But day-by-day passes, in­nu­mer­able pro­found prac­ti­tioner al­most swept the East­ern God Ter­ri­tory land every inchs, had not ac­tu­ally found the Evil In­fant trail......, even if tiny bit did not have.
Al­ways crosses for day, then means that Evil In­fant can re­store a point, twines in East Ter­ri­tory pro­found prac­ti­tioner, es­pe­cially the anx­i­ety in King Realm pro­found prac­ti­tioner heart in­creases day by day, the shadow even more is also strong......
Com­pares this to be very likely to be re­lated to the East­ern God Ter­ri­tory des­tiny the im­por­tant mat­ter, East­ern God Ter­ri­tory first bor­ders on King Realm--- Star God Realm that buries to ex­tin­guish in­stead is not in most peo­ple's at­ten­tion.
Once King Realm the ru­ined scorched earth, resid­ual devil qi has been swal­low­ing all as be­fore, the sky is pre­sent­ing the gloom of dif­fer­ence, if some peo­ple vis­ited this place, they do not be­lieve that this once was Star God Realm, only thinks one­self stepped into dan­ger­ous, des­o­lated and gloomy North­ern God Ter­ri­tory.
„We had searched for most Star God Realm, only in the fring­ing field, found some sur­vivors, the total...... is about sev­eral thou­sand peo­ple, more­over re­ceives devil qi to bite mostly rem­nantly.”
Be­fore Star God Em­peror body, Star God Great Elder said low-spir­ited.
„At­tached Star Realm?” Star God Em­peror asked.
Heav­enly Jade Star God Aster said: „That war caused the uni­verse storm of very wide scope, sur­round­ings Star Ter­ri­tory was af­fected se­ri­ously, at­tached Star Realm also all suf­fered very big dam­age.”
„......” Xing Juekong to close both eyes, then weak lifts the hand: „Nu­mer­ous po­si­tion Elder con­tinue to search, Aster, you in­form other Star God, found ap­pro­pri­ate at­tached Star Realm as far as pos­si­ble.”
Aster looked at Star God Em­peror one, wor­ries say­ing: „my King, your in­jury......”
„Un­ob­struc­tive.” Xing Juekong said in­dif­fer­ently: „Goes.”
Aster flow­ery lips moves, she wants to in­quire whether seeks for the Heav­enly Wolf Star God Caizhi trail......, but fi­nally, she gave up this thought.
Such mat­ter, bi­o­log­i­cal fa­ther, im­pos­si­ble will still be for­given even......
Re­main­ing six Star God and 17th Elder leave again, Xing Juekong sits well same place, for these days, he was so, has al­most not all stood.
„Coughs...... cough cough......”
He is cov­er­ing the chest, the painful cough, be­fore that as if spits the end­less black blood froth dis­perses all over the body again the jet black land for­ever. Al­though Evil In­fant’s Wheel of Myr­iad Tribu­la­tions only re­stored ex­tremely neg­li­gi­ble power, but its power plane/level is too high, in­vades devil qi of body, if the in­nu­mer­able dev­ils, are swal­low­ing his body and life in his within the body un­ceas­ingly.
By the body of his Di­vine Em­peror, may de­press re­luc­tantly, slow re­cov­ery. But, the Star God Realm pre­sent sit­u­a­tion, also all these roots, let his soul hard to be calm and se­cure, con­strain­ing in mind and suf­fer also want by far body. Sev­eral days later, his in­jury, not only has not changed for the bet­ter, in­stead also de­te­ri­o­rated for sev­eral points.
The strength of re­stored Di­vine Em­peror, can­not catch up with by the speed of rem­nantly bit­ing.
His wish was calmed down by own heart, but opens the eye, is the Star God land of sores all over the eye, closes the eye, is Jas­mine that end­less ha­tred dark pupil light......
Ini­tially he and Eter­nal Sky Di­vine Em­peror has said that one­self died must die here. But, if gets down, he also re­ally may die here. Pre­sent he, must find one pos­si­bly to let the place of his calm­ing the mind, but he can­not go to Eter­nal Sky...... his one gen­er­a­tion of Di­vine Em­peror, how may live under sub­ju­ga­tion!
Star God Realm at­tached Star Realm, is the only choice.
devil qi vi­o­lates once again chaot­i­cally, Xing Juekong chest, vig­or­ously sup­pres­sion, after com­plex­ion fluc­tu­ates, fi­nally "wa", puts out big nearly en­tire black blood.
The com­plex­ion, changed for the bet­ter fi­nally that some. After a fierce asthma, his aura slightly was also tran­quil.
How­ever, at this mo­ment, the space of the front bare­ness, ex­plodes sud­denly pro­jects wipes ice blue cold light.
This cold light, clear pro­jects from void, from the Xing Juekong body, only then less than one zhang (3.33 m) dis­tance.
That is an ice has no time white/in vain, flow­ing light that the sword of blue light glis­ten­ing, such as flashes to­gether sud­denly, thorn to the chest of Xing Juekong...... one zhang (3.33 m) dis­tance, in this flashes to under the blue light is equal not to have rad­i­cally.
The Xing Juekong eye pupil shrinks sud­denly, but he heavy the in­nu­mer­able time of body and debt Pro­found Vein ac­tu­ally made any re­sponse rad­i­cally with­out enough time, the cold light tap web, ice-cold has passed through the body of his Di­vine Em­peror to­gether.
Xing Juekong both eyes ex­plode raised, con­tracts in the pupil of peak, ap­pears an ice blue fe­male form. Then pass­ing through the sword of body of his Di­vine Em­peror, grasps in her hands.
Shocks, panic-stricken, un­be­liev­able...... him not to see so ice-cold eyes, ice-cold ar­rives at suf­fi­ciently trim world frozen to be­come Hanyu.
Al­though he ex­pe­ri­ences per­son­ally the heavy losses, pro­found strength dam­ages greatly, and mind is hot-tem­pered chaot­i­cally......, but he after all is Star God Em­peror, has not de­tected her ex­is­tence un­ex­pect­edly slightly . More­over, by her nearly to short one zhang (3.33 m) in!
Silent, dis­ap­pear with­out a trace, from a void heart­less sword...... do not say that pre­sent he, even under the most flour­ish­ing con­di­tion, may not evade.
She has as ice-cold as peak eyes, has to let the ap­pear­ance that world all snow and ice change col­ors.
„Re­cited...... the snow............ the king...... Wu!”
The crabbed sound exit|to speak, an ice crys­tal is cen­tered on Snow Princess Sword ties fast, frozen his body, in­ter­nal or­gans, blood and pro­found en­ergy...... and even Pro­found Vein, blocked this weak Di­vine Em­peror all the hopes of strug­gling.
Mu Xu­anyin has not made the sound, coldly vis­its him, ices in the pupil in­sti­tute Yun's cold light, wishes one could to twist world small­est de­bris him.
One day ago, she ar­rived here, con­ceals the body by Bro­ken Moon's Flick­er­ing Shadow by far, waits for time that she is want­ing.
Fi­nally, in a mo­ment ago, all Star God and Elder was far away, far away from her Spirit Sense is un­able again the sen­sa­tion to any­one. She holds up Snow Princess Sword, punc­tured it to this lofty East Ter­ri­tory, myr­iad spir­its bowed the head, be­side Evil In­fant no one ex­cept for the em­peror of King Realm dares to of­fend.
cold ice layer by layer, silent con­geal­ment. Star God Em­peror from in­side to out­side, thor­ough frozen, until frozen ar­rives at even his aura un­able to over­flow.
She has not drawn out Snow Princess Sword, cold wind brings cold ice that Star God Em­peror blocks, along with her flew to the re­mote dis­tant place.
Snow Song Realm, Nether­frost Heav­enly Lake.
Snow Princess Sword flies back, blocks the Star God Em­peror ice crys­tal to fall down high, shat­tered be­comes the ice dust that every­where dances in the air. Was sep­a­rated frozen, has not ac­tu­ally been sep­a­rated from the ice-cold night­mare, the Star God Em­peror paral­y­sis lies down in the place, the whole body is shiv­er­ing rolls up, is un­able to stand up, the even/in­clud­ing body is hard to con­trol......
He never knows that cold can be so fear­ful un­ex­pect­edly.
His Di­vine Em­peror Pro­found Vein, by a cold qi sup­pres­sion block­ade stub­bornly, is un­able to re­lease least bit pro­found en­ergy. He is un­able to un­der­stand......, al­though pro­found en­ergy dam­ages greatly, but the Star God source strength still, why pro­found strength also In­ter­me­di­ate Stage Di­vine Lord Snow Song Realm King, can frozen ar­rive at so the de­gree his Pro­found Vein un­ex­pect­edly.
It is not able to un­der­stand, small Mid­dle-Rank Star Realm Realm King, what to come rea­son and guts act to his King Realm Realm King, but also braves the great dan­ger to bring...... her could it be that not to fear the con­se­quence him hence!
„You...... may...... know that who...... this King...... is............” short a few words, in in­com­pa­ra­ble dis­in­te­gra­tion that under his body ex­tremely fierce shiv­er­ing said that he strug­gles strongly, but by frozen Pro­found Vein, is ac­tu­ally not able to over­flow, even if power, even/in­clud­ing scat­ters some cold qi un­able to achieve slightly.
„You did not fear that...... this King...... ex­tin­guished...... you...... Snow Song Realm......”
His spo­ken lan­guage, has not made Mu Xu­anyin have slight chang­ing coun­te­nance, only has com­pared with Nether­frost Heav­enly Lake also wants bit­ing cold ice-cold: „Xing Juekong, you per­se­cute to death my dis­ci­ple Yun Che, com­pelling the strength of Evil In­fant to awaken...... ac­tu­ally must tell the world, he dies of the hand of Evil In­fant......”
Her words tap web, words hates, to grasp full shakes the hand of Snow Princess Sword to shiver fiercely, ice glow that the sword blade fluc­tu­ates also grad­u­ally bor­ders on out-of-con­trol: „your...... crime... de­serves... ten thou­sand... deaths!”
„......” Xing Juekong is shocked in ice-cold, he thinks, Mu Xu­anyin will know these, only then pos­si­bly was she planted soul crys­tal to Yun Che. He is shiv­er­ing the frozen blue and pur­ple lip, is un­able to be­lieve say­ing: „Dies be­cause of this King be­cause of...... Yun Che...... be­cause...... your Snow Song Realm small dis­ci­ple...... you...... wanted...... to kill this King un­ex­pect­edly!?”
The Mu Xu­anyin beau­ti­ful teeth bite: „Snow Song Realm small dis­ci­ple...... is, in your Di­vine Em­peror in the eyes , he how is...... comes lowly young pro­found prac­ti­tioner...... again out­stand­ing, in­signif­i­cant...... but...... you may know...... you to know......”
Her aura thor­ough chaos, the sound shiv­ers, is ac­tu­ally not able to say again, Snow Princess Sword con­strains ac­tu­ally as be­fore the hate in­tent thorn of col­lapse with her vig­or­ously to Star God Em­peror, deeply pricks in his dant­ian.
Under Snow Princess Sword, is un­able to over­flow by the frozen blood, Xing Juekong also has not felt any pain.
„Star God Em­peror...... these three char­ac­ters, should be your whole life most im­por­tant things.” Her chest in­com­pa­ra­bly is fluc­tu­at­ing fiercely: „You de­stroyed me im­por­tantly............ Yun Che...... I...... de­stroyed your strength of Di­vine Em­peror...... to make you know that what kind of one pain this was!!”
„......” Cow­ers Star God Em­peror is ac­tu­ally a dis­tor­tion smiles lowly: „De­stroyed my strength of Di­vine Em­peror? De­pend­ing on...... you?”
He fin­ishes speak­ing, pricks Snow Princess Sword sud­denly bloomed daz­zling ice glow of his within the body, rich such as dark blue stars rup­tur­ing. This flash, com­plex­ion chang­ing sud­denly of Star God Em­peror...... whole body nerve orig­i­nally al­ready frozen to numb him, had the in­nu­mer­able steel nee­dles to prick his Pro­found Vein in this time clear feel­ing, had Pro­found Vein tear­ing of Heav­enly Chief Di­vine Power pro­tec­tion him, twisted bro­ken...... twists again bro­ken......
Spirit Sense that he only re­mains told him, that clearly was one...... hardly under his most flour­ish­ing con­di­tion power!!
If the strength of In­ter­me­di­ate Stage Di­vine Lord, even if his pre­sent con­di­tion, has Star God source strength pro­tec­tion Pro­found Vein also al­most im­pos­si­ble to be de­stroyed truly. But, at this mo­ment in­vades his Pro­found Vein, is ac­tu­ally one pow­er­ful to power that he has a dream can­not think, his body crazy con­vul­sion twists, on the face is ten times and hun­dred times of in be­fore panic-stricken: „no...... no...... for­gave me...... not!! I am Star God Em­peror...... no one can so...... my any­thing be able to promise you to me...... no...... no...... Wuaahh!”
With a ice glow of ful­mi­na­tion and chaotic re­frac­tion, Xing Juekong Pro­found Vein...... Di­vine Em­peror Pro­found Vein, was de­stroyed thor­ough de­bris, ar­rives at for­ever the im­pos­si­ble restora­tion thor­oughly.
Se­lects point star light to scat­ter from his body, but...... that is the Heav­enly Chief Star God source strength, it that loses the car­rier dis­perses to the re­mote sky, fi­nally does not know the dis­si­pa­tion where.
„......” The Star God Em­peror paral­y­sis on the ground, raises head Heav­enly Chief star light that looks at grad­u­ally goes far away, vi­sion dying em­bers and de­spairs.
His Pro­found Vein de­stroyed, fol­lowed his life­time Heav­enly Chief Di­vine Power pow­der......
To pro­found prac­ti­tioner, the most bru­tal mat­ter, is pro­found strength is aban­doned with­out doubt.
Is more bru­tal than it, is Pro­found Vein is de­stroyed.
Xing Juekong...... one of the East Ter­ri­tory Four Di­vine Em­per­ors, on this day, at this mo­ment, from the East­ern God Ter­ri­tory high­est peak, dropped most low­est level dis­abled per­son di­rectly.
More­over, is for­ever dis­abled per­son.
This makes him die, wants bru­tal thou­sand times...... ten thou­sand times......
„Killed me...... to kill...... me......” he to look at the col­or­less sky, lost the soul read lowly. In both eyes, did not have an ap­pear­ance again, only has the gloomy des­per­ate and dead will.
„Killed you?” The Xing Juekong piti­ful con­di­tion, is un­able to ex­tin­guish in her heart as be­fore hate, her coldly said: „I in­deed...... in­com­pa­ra­bly want to tear to shreds you. But...... you're not wor­thy...... you're not wor­thy happy death!”
Fluc­tu­at­ing of chest is get­ting more and more fierce, was higher than the chest that stands tall and erect, must break open the snow clothes in fluc­tu­at­ing, but on she ice-cold beau­ti­ful snowy face, ap­pears slowly wipes...... this life has not per­haps had the fierce­ness: „I will not make you die, I will also make you live, well is liv­ing!”
„Here, is my Snow Song Realm Nether­frost Heav­enly Lake, is Yun Che stays the longest place! I your frozen this place, let­ting your each quar­ter, each breath with­stands the pain of ice blade tap web! The body of your Di­vine Em­peror, also here spir­i­tual en­ergy will make you be in utter mis­ery! You...... kneel for­ever ex­actly here...... con­fess to him here, to his atone­ment!!”
In the ear-spit­ting ice crys­tal con­geal­ment sound, the body of Xing Juekong by seal in cold ice, he in ice crys­tal had been knelt to Nether­frost Heav­enly Lake, in col­or­less pupil, re­fracts is not being able for­ever the wak­ing up night­mare......
An­other space.
Con­scious­ness, lit­tle re­cov­ery. He feels ex­is­tence that one­self con­scious­ness, grad­u­ally, felt ex­is­tence of body, was only the in­com­pa­ra­ble heav­i­ness.
Where is this......?
Is the heaven, is hell?
...... Peo­ple like me, cer­tainly is under hell.
The sore feel­ing trans­mits from var­i­ous whole body places, the eye­lid is the in­com­pa­ra­ble heav­i­ness. He is try­ing open­ing, wipes the weak ray, ac­tu­ally thorn ruth­lessly his eye.
He puts out a hand to block the ray sub­con­sciously, has not brought the heavy arm, only then the five fin­gers moved gen­tly.
Near the ear, at the screams that this time trans­mits a young girl.
„Bene­fac­tor Elder Brother...... you awoke...... you to awake was right!?”
It is not the mis­con­cep­tion, that in­deed is a voice of young girl, nearly near ear, with ex­cited and anx­ious shiv­er­ing.
His lip moves lightly, wants to say any­thing, but sends out, is ac­tu­ally only in­com­pa­ra­bly hoarse chant­ing in a low voice.
But is strug­gling of this hoarse sound and fin­ger makes near the ear young girl send out pleas­antly sur­prised to yell again, she runs off sud­denly, the ex­tremely hur­ried foot­steps seemed like stum­bling of heav­ily to any­thing, re­sounded her to bring shout­ing of sob­bing sound faintly: „Fa­ther...... mother...... Elder Brother...... you come quickly! Bene­fac­tor Elder Brother awoke...... bene­fac­tor Elder Brother to awake!”
„......” He wants to open the eye dili­gently.
Where is here?
If hell, why will have such clear elu­sive girl voice.
Can could it be that, be a heaven?


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