Sunday, March 10, 2019

1346: Star God nightmare

#1346: Star God nightmare
Comments 435
„Rests in­jures my King!”
Heav­enly As­tral Star God Shen Hu bel­lows shock­ing, he re­strains by force the in­jury, the body under Tian­gang Di­vine Power that wells up crazily is ris­ing sud­denly, changes to a about two zhang (3.33 m) high giant in a flash, but his arm is the in­fla­tion to sev­eral chi (0.33 m) thick­ness, each mus­cle, the tex­ture of each flesh, is re­fract­ing metal cold light.
Heav­enly As­tral Star God, he is in all Star God body strength most pow­er­house, is in all Star God does not only have the per­son of life pointed weapons, be­cause of his fist, is en­tire Star God Realm most ter­ri­fy­ing kills, a fist de­stroys to ex­tin­guish the stars suf­fi­ciently!
“Hah! ”
In­vin­ci­ble might that in the big roar, under his fist bang, has just like ten thou­sand Yue Qi­hong, straight Evil In­fant’s Wheel of Myr­iad Tribu­la­tions.
The fist and Devil Wheel bump into, ex­plodes is the sound of earth-shat­ter­ing, Evil In­fant’s Wheel of Myr­iad Tribu­la­tions is hit un­ex­pect­edly ruth­lessly...... The Star God Em­peror body demon presses goes, his re­treat, looks in a panic own grey bone com­pletely re­veal both hands, pupil panic-stricken cow­er­ing.
This is any power...... How to have such fear­ful power!
Devil Wheel was shaken draws back, the Jas­mine body also lean back under the strength of Tian­gang, along with it, she likely is thor­ough en­rag­ing, her eye pupil, Devil Wheel in also hand re­leases a darker black glow sud­denly, fill­ing the heav­ens Evil In­fant wail, as if be­comes gloomier sad and shrill.
Shen Hu bel­lows, was sturdy to the fear­ful arm once more rose sud­denly un­ex­pect­edly one time, giant fist such as the ham­mer of deity, heavy bang under.
In front of turn­ing into giant con­di­tion Heav­enly As­tral Star God, the body of Jas­mine is ex­tremely re­ally pe­tite, was still in­fe­rior to his fist, fac­ing de­stroy­ing the strength of star, dark devil qi be­comes the dis­tor­tion is sud­denly fierce, Jas­mine in the eyes hates the light to ex­plode shoots, is bring­ing World Ex­tin­guish­ing Devil Wheel, wel­comed the fist of Tian­gang!
Fist of World Ex­tin­guish­ing Devil Wheel and Tian­gang col­lides in the sky, a black mark tears in air­borne, tears in the pupils and souls of all peo­ple.
Over­whelm­ing power peer­less Tian­gang Di­vine Power such as the shat­tered soap bub­ble is de­feated and dis­persed, that say/way black mark from the fist of Heav­enly As­tral Star God is the be­gin­ning, tear­ing to his arm, Heav­enly As­tral Star God that ac­cu­mu­lated the arm of un­par­al­leled Di­vine Power, likely is being a ve­la­men cleav­age bam­boo, was cracked cru­elly two halves.
This pain, breaks it arm bro­ken is fiercer, bru­tal far more than thou­sands of times, the Heav­enly As­tral Star God rem­nant arm moves, ex­udes the rend­ing piti­ful yell sound, but the blood that every­where sprays, is hav­ing un­ex­pect­edly clearly the quiet black color.
„Shen Hu!!”
Rear many Star Gods sends out panic-stricken des­per­ate to bel­low, but di­vided Devil Wheel of Heav­enly As­tral Star God arm ac­tu­ally to re­lease the ter­ri­fy­ing black glow at this time, was a black mark...... Was darker than it a mo­ment ago the pro­found black mark, in Evil In­fant dur­ing laughs wildly to cry loudly, neighed Shen Hu body that to put from the pain.
The re­mote hori­zon, Eter­nal Sky Di­vine Em­peror, Brahma Di­vine Em­peror and Moon God Em­peror ar­rive in world most peak speed, their eyes saw that black glow cir­cles the body, the black hair dance day young girl...... As well as, in her hand that such as eye of Devil jet black Devil Wheel.
But that body is giant, is re­leas­ing the per­son of star­tled human and god pres­tige, with­out a doubt is Star God Heav­enly As­tral Star God--- is pre­cisely the con­di­tion of Tian­gang Di­vine Power com­pletely re­lease.
Devil Wheel dances in the dark­ness, plun­ders to come from the abyss black mark to­gether......
Under the black mark, has Tian­gang Di­vine Power to pro­tect the body, car­ries Heav­enly As­tral Star God of strength of Ninth Level Di­vine Lord...... Breaks around the mid­dle.
This, lets speed away, but to three Di­vine Em­peror such as si­mul­ta­ne­ously by a great ham­mer front sur­face bang body, stub­bornly stag­na­tion air­borne, in heart flood dread­ful mon­strous waves.
„God...... Tiger?”
„Shen Hu!!”
One of Star God Realm 12 Star Gods, Heav­enly As­tral Star God dies!
His that has the Tian­gang pro­tec­tion, Di­vine Dao pro­found prac­ti­tioner all-out at­tack thou­sands of years will not have a wee bit dam­ages, want to rip open wound very dif­fi­cult Di­vine Body in­clud­ing one­self, under Evil In­fant’s Wheel of Myr­iad Tribu­la­tions, flicker the crack arm, two flicker to ex­tin­guish.
„Heav­enly Slaugh­ter...... Star God!?” Moon God Em­peror sees, that devil qi all over the body, grasps the Devil Wheel young girl, clearly is Star God Realm Crown Princess! Her body...... Is that what kind of one aura? That freezes Soul ice-cold, punc­tures and hate of mar­row, lets the space hun­dred li (0.5 km) away in trem­bling killing in­tent......
What's the mat­ter? What ex­actly had?
„It seems like, is un­lucky.” Eter­nal Sky Di­vine Em­peror mut­tered: „Evil In­fant...... Re­ally pre­sent world.”
Jas­mine world, dim, hate, blood­thirsty and killing in­tent, des­per­ate, vi­o­lent anger...... Is flood­ing the in­ex­haustible neg­a­tive mood......
This seizes her com­plete world...... All damn...... All ought to be de­stroyed......
In the hand Devil Wheel holds up, black qi in­flates dozens times in laugh­ing wildly of Evil In­fant, sev­eral hun­dred times, her body com­plete being de­feated.
The Devil Wheel bang place, the in­nu­mer­able say/way black marks go to the sur­round­ing fast ra­di­a­tion, spreads to ten li (0.5 km) and hun­dred li (0.5 km), thou­sand li (500 km) and ten thou­sand li (0.5 km)......
In the black mark, black qi fills the air, en­tire Star God City was flooded in an in­stant then by black qi, changes to the world that black light winds around.
In black qi, a fear­ful swal­low­ing feel­ing raids from whole body all spots, mak­ing panic-stricken Star God and Elder si­mul­ta­ne­ously star­tle greatly, strength of the quick re­lease Di­vine Lord, will eclipse devil qi of body to de­press, but their sur­round­ings, ac­tu­ally trans­mit star­tle the place shock­ing the piti­ful yell sound.
In Star God City, all Star Guardian were cir­cled the body by black light, their both legs, both hands and faces...... The body that all pos­si­bly sees will shortly turn into the burned black color, they in the strength of re­lease Di­vine Sov­er­eign in the fear and piti­ful yell go all out, wants to scat­ter black qi, but, eas­ily rem­nantly bites in­clud­ing the body of Star God Em­peror, in a flash breaks power that ex­tin­guishes in­clud­ing Heav­enly As­tral Star God, can it be that they can re­sist.
What­ever they so strug­gle and shout, the body was swal­lowed as be­fore layer upon layer, short counts breaths, all Star Guardian all are the body bites com­pletely, the black bone ap­pears ex­ter­nally...... Heav­enly Ori­gin Star God soars, goes all out to ex­claim: „Walks! You walk quickly!”
His voice just fell, pupil fierce shrinks.
That piti­ful cry and not only in Star God City , came from out­side Star God City. Lives in the upper air, he looks help­lessly that group of black glow are cen­tered on Star God City, as­sumes ring-like spreads to go to the four di­rec­tions......
En­tire Star God Realm made a con­nec­tion with and hell abyss chan­nel likely, was swal­lowed dark hell fast...... This dark devil qi fear­ful, they asked for ad­vice by one­self. With­out a doubt, black qi, is myr­iad spir­its will bury to ex­tin­guish, is in­fer­tile.
But this, sim­i­larly clear in­com­pa­ra­ble pre­sents in three Di­vine Em­peror in the eyes.
At that mo­ment, they have seen with one's own eyes hell.
„Lives...... Hand! Jas­mine...... Stop!” Star God Em­peror eye socket com­pletely cracks, the hiss­ing ex­claimed.
„She is not Your High­ness...... But is Evil In­fant.” Heav­enly Ori­gin Star God said that in the sound is pass­ing a de­spair of faint trace.
Vast Star God Realm was com­ing from Evil In­fant’s Wheel of Myr­iad Tribu­la­tions devil qi to swal­low fast, soon, en­tire Star God Realm will be per­haps thor­ough, changed to the place of death com­pletely.
Di­vine Em­peror, all Star God and Elder are dam­aged under back­lash of for­ma­tion dis­in­te­gra­tion, power also greatly dam­ages, pro­tects falls into all Star Guardian of side com­pletely des­per­ately. Re­gains con­scious­ness fac­ing the pre­sent world sud­denly, is bring­ing to Evil In­fant’s Wheel of Myr­iad Tribu­la­tions that the Star God Realm end­less hate re­gains con­scious­ness......
Star God Realm...... Ended......
„She is Evil In­fant......” Star God Em­peror reads one lowly, in the mouth shouted that „Evil In­fant” two char­ac­ters, his eye is ab­sent-minded a while ago, is un­able to be­lieve as be­fore, all these un­ex­pect­edly real.
Along with it, he sets out slowly, in the hand sil­ver glow flashes, that is a sil­ver wide sword, the sword in­lays 12 stars, his sword refers to Jas­mine, makes the peak low and deep sound: „She was in­sane...... Makes a move com­pletely...... Com­pletely!”
Near the ear, the Star Guardian piti­ful yell sound was small grad­u­ally, they large ex­panse of drop­ping down, changes to the grey de­feat in dark devil qi the ku bone......
Star God Realm three thou­sand Star Guardian, any can trem­ble three thou­sand Di­vine Sov­er­eign of side, in dy­nas­ties, buries to ex­tin­guish un­ex­pect­edly com­pletely.
Half, die of the Yun Che's des­per­ate strength \; Half, die of the Jas­mine end­less hate.
Star God Realm and Tumi that shat­tered for­ma­tion, was shaken eas­ily, were flick­ered Shen Hu of body...... All was telling them, at pre­sent they are fa­mil­iar with strange Star God Princess, be­came how fear­ful...... That has sur­mounted all cog­ni­tion, has over­stepped the bound­ary of per­son, has sur­mounted Heaven's Way power!
They saw such power for­tu­nately, saw pre­sent world Devil Wheel for­tu­nately, has the pos­si­bil­ity, be­comes the first wave of sac­ri­fi­cial of­fer­ing that re­gains con­scious­ness under Devil Wheel...... Even if they are com­mon peo­ple in the eyes supreme Di­vine Lord!
Hiss Cha!
Devil Wheel of bang place raises, the black glow crack is spa­tial, does not have the in­stant stop, is bring­ing more Heav­enly Fiend air/Qi bang to Star God Em­peror...... Her fa­ther, ac­tu­ally be­came she at this mo­ment most hated, most wanted to kill the per­son. Is be­cause she, be­lieves and obeys to his com­pro­mise, has harmed Caizhi, has harmed Yun Che, that final kin­ship main­tains, has be­come huge sor­row­ful with joke, fi­nally grows, only has the de­sire the body and Soul com­pletely tear­ing hate in­tent.
Al­though Devil Wheel re­moves, but that in­nu­mer­able black mark is still bring­ing fast spread of black qi in Star God Realm, per­haps soon, then thor­oughly being de­feated en­tire Star God Realm.
Star God Em­peror has not moved, his be­hind three Great Star God si­mul­ta­ne­ously has made a move, the Heav­enly Flame Star God palm grasps, the roar­ing flame that the flame wear­ing out black glow, straight Devil Wheel, ex­plodes to­gether flick­ers to burn the pow­der devil qi, both sides day pos­i­tive Star God and day soul Star God si­mul­ta­ne­ously bel­lows, the star light shin­ing day, one on the left and other on the right cap­tures.
Three Star God col­lab­o­rate...... what kind of mar­velous sight. Or in can this world, what as­pect match­ing have to make three Star God col­lab­o­rate?
One group of fire do­main blasted out be­fore the body, has scat­tered gloomy and cold and gloomi­ness of world, but this wiped the flame light from Star God ac­tu­ally only to con­tinue one in­stant, the Jas­mine body demon mark flashed, that such as the fine white arm of du­pli­cate but­ter­fat, ac­tu­ally in sud­denly, the erup­tion sold Heaven's Way for the dark demon light that it trem­bled......
Under the demon light, fire do­main flick­ers to ex­tin­guish, was un­able three Great Star God com­plete of near body stuffy, was shaken by far, the black glow is rolling up and push­ing along af­ter­im­age, lead­ing World Ex­tin­guish­ing Devil Wheel heart­less tan­gen­tial her most to want the de­struc­tion Star God Em­peror king.
Also was Star God keeps off in the Jas­mine front, as be­fore was Heav­enly Ori­gin Star God. His whole body each spot is mov­ing the star light in shin­ing, used the full Heav­enly Ori­gin bar­rier to re­sist Devil Wheel stub­bornly, in the mouth has also ex­uded one to bel­low: „form...... the array!!”
Twelve Heav­enly Stars For­ma­tion, only may tie for­ma­tion by Star God, ten two Star God's power orig­i­nally broth­ers, Twelve Heav­enly Stars For­ma­tion, once forms, its pres­tige ex­e­cutes the day to ex­tin­guish the world suf­fi­ciently. It is the Star God Realm strongest bat­tle­field, builds Star God more, the might is tyran­ni­cal.
Heav­enly Ori­gin Star God is­sues an order, in the many Star Gods heart big quake, then with rapt at­ten­tion de­fends the heart, fast knot. But, Heav­enly Ori­gin Star God the bel­lows is makes his aura re­lease, be­fore Evil In­fant’s Wheel of Myr­iad Tribu­la­tions sud­denly presses, black qi erupts, breaks the Heav­enly Ori­gin bar­rier fiercely ruth­lessly.
Heav­enly Ori­gin Star God whole body in­tense shock, com­plex­ion one white, but dark Devil Wheel en­larged in his pupil, is in­volved in an end­less dark­ness his world.
Three bom­bard­ments of dark Devil Wheel, re­sist by his both arms and power dif­fi­cultly, but the fourth time, he is also again in­ca­pable of re­sist­ing, the both arms were shaken, pro­tects one­self pro­found strength to be crushed, Devil Wheel is rolling up and push­ing along abyss black qi, straight his chest.
A Heav­enly Ori­gin Star God blood has not spurted com­pletely, dark Devil Wheel then once more rum­bles to his chest......
Heav­enly Ori­gin Star God Tumi, Jas­mine in child­hood the mas­ter of Pro­found Dao, is one of el­ders she most re­spects. But at this mo­ment, that dark Devil Wheel not any hes­i­tant with pity­ing, such as the night­mare gen­eral again and again bang in his chest, is bro­ken his chest and bone cruel bang, is in­volved in more and more deep dark­ness his Heav­enly Ori­gin body......
In the Heav­enly Ori­gin Star God mouth the blood spurts crazily, each, will take com­pared with for­merly graver ape black, his pupil light in lax, con­scious­ness grad­ual being de­feated and dis­persed, other even/in­clud­ing Er­bian Star God screams are un­able to hear clearly grad­u­ally.
black light blast­ing open, the Tumi rem­nant body in in­un­dat­ing the dark­ness fog flies, de­parted was very very far. Star God Em­peror eye socket wants to crack, roars to fly lowly, grasps to Tumi in fly­ing up­side down...... But he just set out, the fear­ful peer­less black glow has de­lim­ited his cor­ner of the eye to­gether.
Evil In­fant’s Wheel of Myr­iad Tribu­la­tions de­parts from the Jas­mine hand, the wheel blade of re­volv­ing rolls up and pushes along the jet black space whirlpool to fly to Tumi, cuts cru­elly from the rem­nant body his head.


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