Sunday, March 24, 2019

1373: No word

#1373: No word
Comments 75
The ar­rival of Yun Wuxin, such as day falls the bright moon­light with­out doubt, the fe­males en­cir­cle her like many things around a cen­ter in the mid­dle.
Does not know that is loves it and every­thing that comes along with it to Yun Che's, Yun Wuxin has a pleas­ing charm in­born, they look at her look, all such as in look­ing at this world most mag­nif­i­cent most and ex­pen­sive Supreme Trea­sure, wish of the heart pro­tects in­ti­mate, un­ceas­ing was ask­ing her strange ques­tions, grad­ual dis­ap­pear­ing ac­tu­ally in her heart anx­ious dis­turbed.
Ac­tu­ally Yun Che, in­stead has been at the for­got­ten edge.
Su Ling'er takes the Chu Yuechan wrist/skill, the mo­ment fin­ger is chang­ing to her chest, after care­ful in­ves­ti­ga­tion, her palm puts down, the look also ob­vi­ously re­laxed sev­eral points.
„How?” Cang Yue some­what anx­ious ask­ing.
Su Ling'er shows the smile: „Relax, is not in the way, al­though Yuechan Elder Sis­ter lost pro­found strength, but con­sti­tu­tion is at vari­ance with the av­er­age man, adds it to have heaven bless again in the body, from now on only need scat­ter cold qi, re­cu­per­ates a pe­riod of time again, can be well.”
„......” Yun Che wants to say very much, Chu Yuechan spe­cial con­sti­tu­tion came from his Dragon God di­vine breath!
„Real!” The Su Ling'er words make Yun Wuxin jump for joy pleas­antly sur­prised: „That...... After mother good, but can also cul­ti­va­tion?”
Su Ling'er vis­its her, gives her a re­lieved look: „Your mother's Pro­found Vein ex­tremely dries up, dam­ages by no means com­pletely. To the av­er­age man, must very be dif­fi­cult to be very dif­fi­cult its restora­tion, but...... Has your Aunt Xue'er , the re­cov­ery is very sim­ple mat­ter.”
In fe­males, youngest of Su Ling'er, but she is the same with Yun Che, has the ex­pe­ri­ence of sec­ond and re­mem­bers, does obei­sance Yun Gu after the mas­ter, she is in­fat­u­ated in med­ical skill, tem­pera­ment even more gen­tle el­e­gantly sim­ple, soft gen­tly says such as the driz­zle sleek/moist heart, mak­ing the per­son not con­trol self be­lieves.
Es­pe­cially when Xiao Lingxi is at to­gether, as if she is Elder Sis­ter.
Yun Wuxin body has trans­ferred, had found the Feng Xue'er form very much ac­cu­rately, the pupil light is grace­ful: „Aunt Xue'er, you must save my mother, after I grow up, cer­tainly will repay Aunt Xue'er.”
The Feng Xue'er smile, shakes the head gen­tly: „Does not need to repay, this is Xue'er...... The aunt should do.”
„,” Yun Che said out loud: „Xue'er, Xin'er body has to in­herit self- Phoenix Blood­line, but she has not re­paired World Ode of the Phoenix. There­fore, I want to make Xin'er ac­knowl­edge you as the teacher, how do you think?”
„Eh?” Feng Xue'er looks being as­ton­ished color: „If Elder Brother Yun wants, nat­u­rally does not have the issue. But, Elder Brother Yun why don't teach her?”
„Eh...... I teach am not, but my pre­sent pro­found strength com­pletely loses, teaches some to be not quite con­ve­nient.” Yun Che slows down the lan­guage fast, al­though he did not have pro­found strength, but nat­u­rally can­not for­get that World Ode of the Phoenix Di­vine Art, ex­ceeds any­body to its un­der­stand­ing of rev­o­lu­tion and prin­ci­ple, the words that but teaches in­deed do not have any issue.
But the issue is, by his pre­sent body con­di­tion, „in­struc­tion” Yun Wuxin time at least must be away from sev­eral li (0.5 km) far, so long as oth­er­wise her power loses con­trol slightly, can fear death his sev­eral hun­dred times.
„Ah!?” Yun Che these words make the Feng Xue'er beau­ti­ful ap­pear­ance change col­ors, Lit­tle Demon Em­press fierce turn­ing round, Xiao Lingxi and Su Ling'er si­mul­ta­ne­ously the slip of the tongue calls out in alarm.
Al­though, they have not re­al­ized ex­is­tence of pro­found en­ergy from Yun Che body slightly, but each of them be­lieves, this is Yun Che pre­sent cul­ti­va­tion base is too surely high, was un­able to un­der­stand Realm--- that and find out by se­cret in­quiry to them after all, in the four years he in that leg­endary God Realm.
„Does not use such anx­iously,” a Yun Che face with a laugh, say/way of not car­ing at all: „pro­found strength did not have did not have, had you , did I have pro­found strength to be im­ma­te­r­ial.”
He is very clear, if lose, they same will lose with them­selves, but he is re­laxed sense­less, they can the gen­uine slow under heart.
golden shadow flashes, Lit­tle Demon Em­press ar­rived at the Yun Che body side, shin­ing white fin­ger in his chest...... Mo­ment, her beau­ti­ful eyes has trans­ferred, lightly said: „Also can re­store?”
Yun Che shakes the head with a smile: „My Pro­found Vein is quite spe­cial, should un­able to re­store. How­ever this was best, does not have pro­found strength not to need to take the trou­ble the time-con­sum­ing cul­ti­va­tion, did not need to shoul­der any re­spon­si­bil­ity, had you, Pro­found Sky Con­ti­nent and Il­lu­sory Demon Realm did not have the dis­as­ter not to con­tract, even if left Duke Ming and Xu­anyuan Went­ian again, you can also solve with ease.”
„But...... But......”, al­though, the Yun Che per­for­mance is es­pe­cially re­laxed and does not care, how bru­tal con­cept but each of them es­pe­cially clearly be­comes the dis­abled per­son to pro­found prac­ti­tioner is. Let alone, Yun Che is such nat­ural tal­ent and al­ti­tude, is ar­ro­gance like that......
„Lingxi,” Yun Che said with a smile: „In child­hood, I did not have pro­found strength, re­gard­less of met any­thing, al­ways meets rou­tine hid­ing in your be­hind. Now, prob­a­bly re­turned at that time, later must make you pro­tect me.”
„Xue'er, al­though I now have be­come the dis­abled per­son, but our en­gage­ment has de­cided that en­tire day the ser­vants know, you want to re­nege on a promise also with­out enough time!”
„Ling'er, later I, if falls ill, you may want......”
„Good!” Lit­tle Demon Em­press hor­i­zon­tally his eyes, he one string of dis­gust­ing words in­ter­rup­tions, coldly snorted and said: „This kind of words you alone coaxed them say­ing that also did not fear that Xin'er was lis­ten­ing strangely! How­ever...... With­out pro­found strength, to you, pours in­deed is a big good deed! Also so, does not need to be wor­ried you again four years ago throws down us not to have the mes­sage lost to view, do not want to do to cause trou­ble again, is a wom­an­izer!”
„Is a wom­an­izer is un­cer­tain.” Cang Yue slightly sips lip.
Yun Che: „Eh......”
The Lit­tle Demon Em­press star pupil moves slightly, very light ex­pi­ra­tion, voice/sound slightly soft under: „In the four years, did you achieve wishes?”
„......” And the pic­ture of Jas­mine dis­tinc­tion passes in the brain, lets in the Yun Che's heart a fierce pain, but on the face as be­fore is the re­laxed happy ex­pres­sion: „I, since came back, nat­u­rally achieved wishes.”
Ini­tially, he went to God Realm with Mu Bingyun, can see again/good­bye ar­rive at Jas­mine to own rea­son, said good­bye with her com­pletely.
Saw, said good­bye......
But, was achieved wishes.
„That is good.” Lit­tle Demon Em­press con­tin­ued and asked: „Later, will also go?”
Also will re­turn to God Realm?
Re­turns to Pro­found Sky Con­ti­nent these two months, he has never thought this issue...... Was not he for­gets to think, but was he in sub­con­scious es­cape.
Two months ago, he wants to re­turn, but can­not, but his death, mak­ing him re­turn to here per­fectly. In God Realm that world, he died in the cog­ni­tion of all peo­ple, all wind­ings in his body vi­sion, heavy pres­sure and cri­sis , the na­ture dis­si­pates.
Jas­mine died......
Caizhi died......
Qingyue cuts off the de­part­ment of hus­band and wife with me, kept Moon God Realm......
Shen Xi...... Al­ready non- face see again/good­bye she......
Does not have face see again/good­bye Hon­ored Mas­ter......
But...... Even if he wants to re­turn , was un­able to re­turn.
„Again.” Yun Che replied with a smile, the whole face is as be­fore re­laxed, can­not see slight wor­ry­ing and con­strain­ing, he shrugged: „Said again, by my pre­sent con­di­tion, even to re­turn can­not go back.”
Chu Yuechan looks at his one eyes silently, has not spo­ken.
„These are unim­por­tant.” Yun Che has drawn the Yun Wuxin small hand: „Xin'er, your Aunt Xue'er is in this world the fiercest per­son, lets her, when your Mas­ter is good? After such wait­ing for you grows up, can a bet­ter pro­tec­tion I and your mother.”
„Fiercest per­son?” Yun Wuxin blinked eye.
„Xue'er, you make Xin'er look at her fu­ture Mas­ter fierce.” Yun Che said with a smile.
The Feng Xue'er sweet faint smile, snowy hand lifts, to a sky gen­tly point.
The bound­less sky re­sounds res­o­nant in­com­pa­ra­ble Phoenix cry im­me­di­ately, in a twin­kling, en­tire Blue Wind's Im­pe­r­ial City, and even the most Blue Wind Na­tion sky be­comes the scar­let piece, such as over­spreads the sun­set glow.
But above red sky, huge Phoenix opens its pair of wings slowly, sprin­kles the end­less Phoenix spirit pres­sure to world.
At that mo­ment, en­tire Blue Wind Na­tion al­most fell into the com­plete si­lenc­ing, ex­cept for Phoenix cry, does not have other again. The in­nu­mer­able pro­found prac­ti­tioner knees kneel, trem­bles all over, such as sees Di­vine Spirit.
Di­vine Pro­found Realm...... Al­though is only Di­vine Essence Realm, but in this plane, is true Di­vine Spirit!
„Ah---” Yun Wuxin small mouth be­comes big „zero”, this with­out doubt is most gor­geous that this whole life sees, is most mys­te­ri­ous, the most in­con­ceiv­able pic­ture, is hav­ing the ex­tremely pow­er­ful im­pact on her im­ma­ture mind.
Looks at her re­sponse, the Feng Xue'er white hands takes back, im­me­di­ately, the phoenix shadow and every­where sun­set glow also dis­si­pate, such as has taken back a beau­ti­ful and il­lu­sory dream­land.
Be­fore Yun Wuxin slightly jumps the step ar­rives at the Feng Xue'er body, the star pupil of di­a­mond is still sparkling to shine: „Xue'er aunt, after my my me, can like this?”
Feng Xue'er smile: „Nat­u­rally. You are only 11 years old, is Em­peror Pro­found Realm, was greater than your Daddy in the past, so long as you try hard to study, soon, can cer­tainly achieve.”
„I must study me to study!” Yun Wuxin ex­cited con­sec­u­tively sev­eral jump: „Aunt Xue'er teaches me, I will be quite cer­tainly easy to learn, then gives mother to look.”
Evil God Di­vine Aura, Phoenix Blood­line and Dragon God Blood­line...... Al­though Yun Wuxin is the girl who has not grown into, but in her blood­line, is ac­tu­ally hid­ing and to the pro­found strength in­her­ent hope. More­over this hope will be get­ting more and more in­tense along with the growth of her age.
With­out the re­sources, with­out the op­por­tu­nity, has not suited her Pro­found Arts, even/in­clud­ing Pro­found Vein com­pletely has not taken shape, Chu Yuechan gives , the most basic di­rec­tion, she can ac­tu­ally at age 11, then reach Em­peror Pro­found Realm Ninth Level, is away from achieve­ment Over­lord not to be far.
Now, she will have Pro­found Sky Con­ti­nent and Il­lu­sory Demon Realm most top re­sources, the en­vi­ron­ment of most top, has Feng Xue'er for the mas­ter, and cul­ti­vates most suits her World Ode of the Phoenix, her fu­ture growth...... Even if Yun Che, does not dare to fore­cast.
„Elder sis­ter...... Brother-in-law! Brother-in-law!!”
Trans­mits the pro­found array pro­found light flash, per­son's shadow has not ap­peared come out com­pletely, anx­ious voice/sound has then trans­mit­ted.
Yun Che turns around, Xia Yuanba that hill gen­eral body has dashed to to­ward him, ex­tremely ex­cited, his pro­found en­ergy slightly loses con­trol, half Im­pe­r­ial Palace that every step shakes trem­bles faintly.
re­treat that Yun Che in great sur­prise, ner­vous does not fall: „Yuan...... Stops from time to time to stop...... Stops!!”
Feng Xue'er lifts the hand rapidly, a pro­found en­ergy bar­rier in­stant ap­peared be­fore the Xia Yuanba body.
„”, Xia Yuanba hit above the bar­rier, dis­tant shoot­ing, stand­ing of his "Sou", a face com­pelled ig­no­rant.
Yun Che full head sweats, points at Xia Yuanba one to bel­low: „Yuanba! You have worked as these many year of Ab­solute Monarch Sanc­tu­ary Saint Em­peror, can steady!”
By Yun Che this small physique, such is thrown by Xia Yuanba now, iron­clad at the scene tiny bits.
Xia Yuanba roared one, looks at Yun Che side that sta­tus scary fe­male, he as if some­what un­der­stood: „I dis­turb the brother-in-law...... Re­union?”
„This is not the key point!” The Yun Che stride moves to­ward him: „First, I did not have pro­found strength now, you I may hang with the strength slightly, sec­ond...... You are like this easy to frighten my daugh­ter!”
Then, his laughed heartily, goes for­ward heav­ily to grasp thor­oughly com­pels ig­no­rant Xia Yuanba.
Above clouds, Mu Xu­anyin silently looks at Yun Che, the vi­sion does not have mov­ing away of mo­ment.
Orig­i­nally is „clos­ing up” she, fi­nally to Mu Bingyun in­quired Blue Pole Star is, she wanted to find the Yun Che's fam­ily mem­ber, the news that in­formed die his, then, left be­hind the profit to them in their life­time Heav­enly Lake jade pill.
But, has not waited for her to find his fam­ily mem­ber, ac­tu­ally saw him......
Orig­i­nally died, pre­sents Yun Che in her line of sight liv­ingly.
He did not have pro­found strength, the ap­pear­ance also to fade, but, that was Yun Che, her first had then de­ter­mined.
She wants to rush, comes be­fore him...... But, looks that his side is crowd­ing around his fe­male, looks that he laughs the friend who sup­ports tightly, feels their aura and firmly is in his body in­ten­tion......
She re­treats fi­nally.
She never sees the ap­pear­ance that Yun Che so with ease has given birth for the first time.
In Snow Song Realm, he in order to par­tic­i­pates in Pro­found God Con­fer­ence, the cul­ti­va­tion of going all out, out­side Snow Song Realm, his body for­ever fol­lows the dan­ger and heavy pres­sure...... Ar­rived fi­nally, him even stared by the East­ern God Ter­ri­tory most fear­ful per­son, was forced to flee to West­ern God Ter­ri­tory......
In West­ern God Ter­ri­tory, in the Dragon Em­press Shen Xi ter­ri­tory, does not know how he crosses.
It can be said that he in God Realm every day, is in deep suf­fo­ca­tion.
But here, is his fam­ily/home, is place that he comes, al­though lost pro­found strength, but all these crises and heavy pres­sure, did not have com­pletely, does not need to be wor­ried again dis­turbedly, does not need to take the dan­ger to fight tooth and nail again, does not need to be­come a fugi­tive again in all di­rec­tions, a nar­row es­cape.
This world most for­mi­da­ble aura in his side, again no­body can threaten him, in­jures him.
His fe­male, each some­what leans the world to ac­com­mo­date...... This to the son, with­out doubt is the per­fect life.
„Also good......” her to pro­nounce un­stressed, the form framed in air­borne, thinks with read­ing that he met, if were walked by the light cloud band, among dis­si­pa­tion in the heart.
Why does not know, her line of sight blurs grad­u­ally, the chest is press­ing any­thing likely, for a long time is un­able to breathe.


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