Monday, March 4, 2019

1342: The life falls

#1342: The life falls
Comments 336
Clears, the blood that but the peo­ple seethe and trem­bles the soul that swings in any event not to be ac­tu­ally have re­turn­ing to nor­mal slightly, they felt that own whole body each cell, each hair fell into alarmed and afraid deep Yuanzhi, that is in a night­mare has not had trem­bling.
As re­mains the grad­ual dis­si­pa­tion of light­ning, world thor­ough peace­ful, did not have a sound again. Drifted in the air blood en­ergy and ma­lig­nant in­flu­ences in air is also swal­lowed by, dis­si­pated most prob­a­bly.
Yun Che lies to bend down in the place, mo­tion­less, silent. That blood-stained all over the body, ac­com­plished Heaven Smit­ing Sword of in­nu­mer­able night­mare to leave the hand, silent lying down in his body side.
This time, is not only aura, in­clud­ing his ex­is­tence, mea­ger to is al­most un­able to find out by se­cret in­quiry.
But, in the fear­ful si­lenc­ing, these Star Guardian ac­tu­ally for a very long time no­body ap­proaches, even no­body for­ward one step. Under night­mare that time and time again Yun Che cre­ates, they al­ready thor­ough de­gen­er­ated into the fright­ened per­son. They feared that this ghosts and gods with were the same a mo­ment ago are only tem­po­rary se­cure Qi, once ap­proaches, then will im­me­di­ately wake up, was in­volved in the death them abyss.
„Fi­nally...... Fin­ished.” Heav­enly Ori­gin Star God Tumi closes the eye, long ex­pi­ra­tion. As mind set­ting of slightly, he de­tected, the pale hair and beard drench com­pletely the cold sweat un­ex­pect­edly.
By his plane/level, na­ture as­cer­tain­ment, that De­stroy the Heav­ens and Ex­ter­mi­nate the Earth pur­ple, is Yun Che final power. This time, he is the thor­ough oil lamp is com­pletely dry.
„......” The Star God Em­peror face is twitch­ing, both hands grip stub­bornly tightly.
„His life aura and Soul aura si­mul­ta­ne­ously be­come in­com­pa­ra­bly weak, it seems like, this dis­obeys the com­mon sense power, very pos­si­ble to take the self-de­struc­tion life and Soul as the price, but sur­passes one­self to with­stand the limit power, first is dam­aged must be Pro­found Vein, very pos­si­ble...... His Pro­found Vein has also aban­doned, my King wants to leave be­hind him, was im­pos­si­ble.” Heav­enly Ori­gin Star God said slowly.
„Lets...... He...... Death!!” Star God Em­peror low and deep say/way. He has at first wants to stay be­hind Yun Che, cur­rently has how wants to make him die.
„Good cer­e­mony just started, this ac­ci­den­tal/sur­prised does not have the wound car­di­nal prin­ci­ple.” Heav­enly Ori­gin Star God said. If the cer­e­mony car­ries on to pull out to fus­ing the power com­mit­ted step, many Star Gods and Elder so di­vert at­ten­tion, the con­se­quence feared that is in­con­ceiv­able.
„Has de­stroyed him.” Heav­enly Ori­gin Star God or­dered: „He did not have power thor­oughly, likely died. De­stroys com­pletely his body, can not stay be­hind any trace!”
Nu­mer­ous Star Guardian si­mul­ta­ne­ously re­ceives an order ac­cord­ingly...... But, an in­com­pa­ra­bly awk­ward ap­pear­ance, a breath...... Two breaths...... Three breaths...... The nu­mer­ous Star Guardian vi­sion re­gards mu­tu­ally, ac­tu­ally ob­sti­nately no­body for­wards.
„I come!” In Star God Em­peror will soon fly into a rage, one per­son's shadow one step, then shoots up to the sky for­ward, is Tian­gang Star Guardian com­mands im­pres­sively. As Star Guardian com­mands, is braces one­self must on first.
His body also brings by the scar that a Yun Che sword shakes, the body to have the strength of Ninth Level Di­vine Sov­er­eign, his vi­sion cold and res­olute, but pupil light ac­tu­ally ob­vi­ously some­what er­ratic of deep place. He for­warded lit­tle, as if again did not have the guts to ap­proach, the hand heaven light flashes, then must shoot at Yun Che by far.
The pro­found light in his hand just con­densed, sud­denly sees, Yun Che in line of sight dis­tant place...... The re­main­ing left arm moved gen­tly.
In­com­pa­ra­ble light body tremor, is makes this Tian­gang Star Guardian com­mand the whole body to shake, is nearly star­tled soul de­stroyed/ter­ror-stricken, al­most gets down with the en­tire life quick­est speed nose oven, draws back to com­pared with the po­si­tion that for­merly was far away from, clean that the pro­found light in hand is also de­feated and dis­persed.
Still shaken within, he had then re­al­ized that own re­sponse and ac­tion lose face and ashamed, but, ac­tu­ally and no­body throws to de­spise the vi­sion of taunt to him, be­cause of the lines of sight of all peo­ple, cen­tral­ized in Yun Che's body, every­one floats with his same sur­face panic-stricken.
Be­cause, Yun Che re­ally.
His left arm in slow ex­tends, grasps falls in the the front ground, is dri­ving the body, dif­fi­cult moved for­ward lit­tle, then, the arm stretches out once more, grasps falls...... Bit by bit, such as a life soon will be inch by inch thor­ough the late in life old per­son on the wane, with arm that only re­mains, creeps along for­ward......
But di­rec­tion that he crawls...... Im­pres­sively is Jas­mine and Caizhi is.
The Yun Che's world, is a gloomi­ness.
With­out the light, did not have sound, can­not feel the pain, could not feel own ex­is­tence. He does not know where one­self, can­not see Jas­mine where, but his feel­ing, his final in­ten­tion and will ac­tu­ally tow him to crawl to that un­known di­rec­tion.
The world be­comes more peace­ful, not only did not have the sound, time as if also al­ready com­pletely sta­tic. All peo­ple, all lines of sight de­cided there, was star­tled how­ever looks at Yun Che, no­body made noise, has not ap­proached......
Yun Che creeps along slowly is very very slow, every time lifts the arm, dif­fi­cult as if must ex­haust whole body all power, ac­tu­ally can only will move such sev­eral cuns (2.5 cm), each time, seems his final limit, ac­tu­ally can lift the arm again.
The world is main­tain­ing strange peace­ful and frames, the thing that one type is un­able to ex­plain fulls floaded op­er­a­tion each chest cav­ity of per­son, is spread­ing the chilly wound and dis­com­fort of not being able to say.
They all could see, Yun Che crawls, blocks Jas­mine for­ma­tion.
When the threat dis­ap­pears, the mind is calm, they sud­denly re­call, pre­sent Devil, never has any bit­ter ha­tred with them, he ar­rives today, is, is only Jas­mine......
For their Star God Realm Heav­enly Slaugh­ter Star God.
For it...... Does not hes­i­tate the blood to dye Star God City, ruins own all.
Her fa­ther, but wants her dead.
But he, for she does not hes­i­tate to go.
The in­com­pa­ra­ble tap web, the in­com­pa­ra­ble satire, lets they in­com­pa­ra­bly un­com­fort­able con­trast.
Faith that they have stuck, in this mo­ment by in­vis­i­ble thing mov­ing ruth­lessly, silent trem­bling in this mov­ing is swing­ing...... For a very long time is hard to stop.
Jas­mine de­cides looks at Yun Che, has not shouted, with­out tears, even does not have a fa­cial ex­pres­sion, such is star­tled how­ever looks at his lit­tle near­ness, agrees does not make Yun Che leave her line of sight, even if small­est in­stant.
In peace­ful world, flow­ing of time as if ex­tremely slow. Orig­i­nally is in­com­pa­ra­bly re­mote, in dis­tance that all per­son in the eyes this im­pos­si­ble ar­rive, under the will that in his alone arm and is not will­ing to di­verge such as the mir­a­cle gen­eral is pulling closer lit­tle.
What stranger is, the long time, ac­tu­ally from be­gin­ning to end no­body lashes out Yun Che. Does not know is under the fright­ened shadow does not dare, is......
Does not know how long, no­body re­al­ized past how long, in line of sight, Yun Che is away from for­ma­tion that Jas­mine is at un­ceas­ingly al­ready nearly to hun­dred chi (0.33 m) dis­tance, that is only bro­ken to let­ting the per­son the arm that en­dures to look straight ahead is not stretch­ing out as be­fore...... Grasps falls the tread, bit by bit...... 99 chi (0.33 m)...... 90 chi (0.33 m)...... 60 chi (0.33 m)...... 30 chi (0.33 m)......
Until close dis­tance.
Caizhi makes an ef­fort to cover own flow­ery lips, does not make a sound stub­bornly. Yun Che, this she or makes fun, or was shout­ing de­light­edly „brother-in-law” per­son, this Elder Sis­ter is work­ing as her mother's spirit tablet the per­son who she be­troths force­fully, he orig­i­nally how of out­stand­ing abil­ity un­com­mon, but...... Pre­sent he, the cloth­ing is com­pletely bro­ken, under en­tire body each spot was stuck to dye by the dry thick blood, all over the body turns the wound of crack, the whole body is bro­ken re­veal bone out­side...... Could not find a wee bit com­plete, place that even if can see slightly.
Com­pared with the Pur­ga­tory ma­li­cious ghost who crawls from the blood pond, but also wants fear­ful thou­sand times of hun­dred times.
„Elder sis­ter...... The hus­band......” she was read­ing gen­tly, she does not know, in this world, some peo­ple are will­ing for an­other per­son, for her Elder Sis­ter, to achieve so the sit­u­a­tion un­ex­pect­edly......
He is „idiot who” in the Elder Sis­ter mouth again and again talked over, in this world, im­pos­si­ble had com­pared with the per­son of his also idiot again......
Yun Che's arm moved in an ice-cold bar­rier, his body stopped fi­nally, the arm was strug­gling up­hold, grasped to pre­vent­ing his bar­rier, was ex­pect­ing can rip to put on it......
Jas­mine putting out a hand gen­tly, fair ex­quis­ite hand ap­pears ex­ter­nally with that pha­lanx, the dry blood spreads the fear­ful palm of dye­ing to be away from a col­or­less in­vis­i­ble for­ma­tion fit­ting in the same place...... Ac­tu­ally for­ever, is un­able to move.
„Jas­mine...... Li......” Yun Che sends out mos­quito calls is weaker, rubs com­pared with the sand­pa­per also wants the hoarse sound, he was un­able to re­gard the thing, can ac­tu­ally feel Jas­mine clearly in his side: „I think...... Let them...... For you...... Being buried along with the dead...... How­ever...... I...... Al­ready...... Can­not achieve............”
„I...... What...... Doing...... No...... Ar­rived......”
„......” Jas­mine very light shak­ing the head: „Has not re­lated, has you to ac­com­pany me, was enough.”
He could not hear any sound ob­vi­ously, but in the hearts, the sound is ac­tu­ally swing­ing Jas­mine's words, each char­ac­ter is very clear, he moves in for­ma­tion be­gins gets hold of lit­tle, ap­proach­ing of death, never had clar­ity: „Jas­mine...... Li...... If there are next life...... We...... Also can...... see again/good­bye sur­face......”
„Meet­ing.” The Jas­mine smile, is very light, but in­com­pa­ra­bly firm nod: „Next life, re­gard­less of you are per­son are the demon...... Is the grass is the beast...... I will find cer­tainly you.”
„......” The Yun Che's cor­ners of the mouth move lightly, seems smil­ing, ac­cord­ing to palm in bar­rier, ac­tu­ally in this time falling slowly.
two peo­ple sound slightly such as rem­nant smoke, in­dis­tinct like mist, but on the scene is Di­vine Sov­er­eign Di­vine Lord, each char­ac­ter hears clearly. Star Guardian dan­gles to go one after an­other, in­ten­tion is un­ap­peasable, in for­ma­tion, Heav­enly Demon Star God and Heav­enly Jade Star God...... They have left the face, dis­com­fort that in heart is un­able to ex­plain.
Ob­vi­ously he is an in­truder, he has dis­turbed the cer­e­mony ob­vi­ously, has killed that many Star Guardian, but also has killed Elder...... Lets they that clear feel­ing, one­self are the un­for­giv­able crim­i­nal.
Not the nor­mal at­mos­phere change makes the Star God Em­peror fa­cial color con­tin­u­ally change, fi­nally an­grily roars: „Are you doing...... Has not killed him!!”
The anger of Di­vine Em­peror, if in­nu­mer­able star­tling thun­der­clap in the nu­mer­ous Star Guardian brain crack. Tian­gang Star Guardian that for­merly the face coun­te­nance lost en­tirely com­manded runs out hastily once more...... But this time, he has not dared to ap­proach as be­fore, he grasps the Star God spear/gun, flashes to fly to throw in star light.
The Star God spear/gun pierces hun­dred li (0.5 km) space, the straight Yun Che's back of the body, passes through from his body, deeply pricks below ground, along with it ex­plod­ing star light shakes sev­eral fis­sures the Yun Che's body in­stan­ta­neously.
Yun Che has not strug­gled, not hav­ing the pain to re­cite...... Even does not have any feel­ing, but ap­proach­ing of death, seems also quick on that some.
„Ah...... Brother-in-law! Brother-in-law!!” Caizhi body heav­ily hits above bar­rier, she has cried fi­nally, cry­ing in­com­pa­ra­ble sad des­per­ate, a pair of hand doom is whip­ping the bar­rier, but under power by sup­pres­sion, is ac­tu­ally not able to cause the tiny bit dam­age to for­ma­tion.
„......” Jas­mine is silent, silently vis­its him as be­fore.
Strikes to go well, Yun Che did not re­spond, Tian­gang Star Guardian com­mands the eye to stare, puts down the soul thor­oughly, loudly calls out, the di­rect im­pact goes. Rear Star Guardian also all fol­lows closely on, split sec­ond, in­nu­mer­able spear and sword and star light rush to be first Yun Che lock­ing.
The ver­mil­ion light glow flashes through to­gether, Hong'er comes in the Yun Che's body side, she throws Yun Che's body, grasps his arm, has not opened the mouth, then has sent out to rip the big weep­ing sound of heart: „Mas­ter...... You how............ wū wū wū...... You get up...... You get up Ah......”
Hong'er and Yun Che Soul is con­nected, usu­ally in does not have hap­pily is not only sad, as if when for­ever wor­ri­less she, in feel­ing Yun Che Soul pow­der, never has the sad­ness and fear are falling in tor­rents all her tears.
Red...... Son......
Quick...... Walk­ing......
Yun Che was un­able to make the sound, this shout­ing, is his final thought.
Be­tween he and Hong'er „con­tract”, from „Soul Star Rel­e­ga­tion that” Jas­mine ex­erts force­fully, he wants to re­lieve on own ini­tia­tive is un­able to achieve.
His final soul sound flut­ters in the Hong'er soul, what must come is she more rend­ing cry­ing: „...... No...... Hong'er does not walk...... So long as Hong'er Mas­ter............ Mas­ter you are quick...... After Hong'er, cer­tainly lis­tens to your words...... Later not glut­to­nous, does not let the Mas­ter vi­tal­ity/angry in­ten­tion­ally...... Mas­ter...... You are quick......”
Also is a Star God spear/gun puts on spa­tially but, passes through the Yun Che's body, erup­tion power shakes to break his body, next one flick­ers, the in­nu­mer­able star light crazy bang fall......
The Hong'er final weep­ing and wail­ing pow­der passes in the air, in star light that the chaotic bang falls, a bro­ken body of Yun Che power had not been de­stroyed the in­nu­mer­able frag­ments im­me­di­ately, Hong'er is also de­feated and dis­persed in the final ver­mil­ion light cen­tral China, van­ishes in the world.


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