Wednesday, May 23, 2018

1124: „Flaw

#1124: „Flaw”
Comments 115
In­de­pen­dent Se­cret Realm nat­u­rally col­lapses, will not af­fect out­side world. But the col­lapse of imag­i­nary sea well is ex­tremely frigid, in de­struc­tion arouses an in­com­pa­ra­ble berserk space tur­bu­lent flow in­stant, rips open a lot of space fis­sures, flick­ers to em­bez­zle Il­lu­sory Is­land.
Re­mains be­hind Il­lu­sory Is­land three Star Realm dis­ci­ple to make any re­sponse with­out enough time, was swal­lowed into the space fis­sure, van­ishes with Il­lu­sory Is­land in so­ci­ety to­gether.
The tran­quil sea level rushed Il­lu­sory Is­land that van­ishes given space tur­bu­lent flow crazily, a sur­round­ings sev­eral hun­dred li (0.5km) sea area curls up chaotic whirlpool for no rea­son, raises the dread­ful rough sea waves calmly.
Il­lu­sory Is­land pre­sented the Em­peror Im­mor­tal Grass aura news al­ready to spread, to at this mo­ment, had the mas­sive neigh­bor Star Realm pow­er­houses from drown one­self in the sea in all di­rec­tions, but, many per­son from Mid­dle-Rank Star Realm.
The rough sea waves that curls up for no rea­son make all peo­ple one star­tled, but they also in the fu­ture and will in­quire about the out­come, then the com­plete com­plex­ion will be star­tled changes, orig­i­nally was body stop­ping of full speed flight stub­bornly there, does not dare to go for­ward one step.
Be­cause of the the front world, is turn­ing round a ter­ri­fy­ing peer­less pres­sure, such as sky is vast, such as the earth is bound­less, they dare to come this place, is the haughty side, even com­mands a pow­er­house, but in front of this aura, they felt that one un­ex­pect­edly base and low such as mos­quito ant, from the body to Soul, only has trem­bling of fear.
Does not dare to go for­ward, even does not dare re­treat.
„This...... This is...... What power?” pro­found strength has achieved Di­vine King Realm old man trem­bling said.
„could it be that...... Is some...... Does Di­vine Lord ar­rive?”
Same read­ing wants to flash through in the mind of every­one flashes through, mak­ing them look deathly pale im­me­di­ately, re­gen­er­ates ten thou­sand times of panic-stricken.
Di­vine Lord, is built on the Di­vine Dao peak, in pri­mor­dial chaos truly to seal|con­fer Shen to ex­ists high. God Realm in­nu­mer­able pro­found prac­ti­tioner have lis­tened to Di­vine Lord that like the myth leg­end, looks up to and is yearn­ing for ex­is­tence of Di­vine Lord, but poor its life, had not ex­pected that can wit­ness its ex­ists, do not say that with­stands its un­par­al­leled Wei ice by one­self.
But ter­ri­fy­ing of aura at this time they the sen­sa­tion ar­rives, non- sev­eral fold has sur­passed their cog­ni­tion to the Pro­found Dao, that seems fear­ful power that ex­is­tence in­clud­ing world is de­feated, in front of such power, they puts to­gether com­pletely half a life­time prac­tice, being proud power is in­ex­haustible. „Di­vine Lord” two char­ac­ters, ap­pear, in they trem­ble in the soul that swings.
The space fis­sure heals com­pletely, Il­lu­sory Is­land com­plete dis­ap­pear­ance, has not left be­hind grain of sand dust. After whirlpool high sea chaotic wreak­ing havoc, sub­sides fi­nally slowly.
Then, that al­most star­tled bro­ken in­nu­mer­able pow­er­house heart and Soul pres­sure also sud­denly van­ishes.
All per­son whole body pines that ap­proaches, such as ten thou­sand zhang (3.33 m) moun­tain sud­denly ex­so­m­a­tize. But in their eyes alarmed and afraid has not re­duced, turns around in abun­dance, al­ways when the di­rec­tion fast runs away, does not have one per­son to dare to ap­proach again half step.
Sky over dis­ap­pear­ance Il­lu­sory Is­land, Mu Xu­anyin and Lit­tle Jas­mine dis­tant look­ing at each other. Sur­round­ing ocean waves tuck dive, but the sea areas under their body ac­tu­ally smooth such as the mir­ror is com­mon, does not have the mighty waves.
pro­found en­ergy is as­signed away from the cap­i­tal as be­fore, but they as if by prior agree­ment hid­den has got­ten down the pro­found light, again has not fought. Short si­lence, Mu Xu­anyin coldly start to talk: „Cai Zhi Princess, the Star God Realm King youngest daugh­ter, the liv­ing body is today weak, is most mediocre in Star God Realm King all chil­dren, be­cause the birth mother early per­ishes to be sub­ject to des­o­lately, ac­tu­ally per­fectly in­her­its the strength of Heav­enly Wolf Star God five years ago, rumor is also Star God Realm in his­tory only one per­fect con­junc­tion.”
„Has not thought ac­tu­ally that I un­ex­pect­edly one day to fight with Heav­enly Wolf Star God!”
The blood sex­ual ha­rasser pupil on Heav­enly Wolf Saint sword closed, dodges along with the blue light, the Heav­enly Wolf Saint sword van­ished in the hand of Lit­tle Jas­mine.
Re­ceived the Heav­enly Wolf Saint sword, Lit­tle Jas­mine aura changed im­me­di­ately, the look also re­stored limpidly nim­ble and re­source­ful. Re­gard­ing Mu Xu­anyin ac­cu­rate ex­poses her sta­tus and name, she is not strange, lip curls up­wards, both hands hold the chest, mum­bled low voice: „You not only for­tu­nately and this Princess fights, had not been de­feated, you cer­tainly were fa­vorite.”
Mu Xu­anyin: „......”
„But...... But!!” Lit­tle Jas­mine sound sud­denly big, her cir­cle stares both eyes to look at Mu Xu­anyin: „You...... Will you so be why fierce? y-yo-you are you re­ally only Mid­dle-Rank Star Realm Realm King? All High-Rank Star Realm Realm King this Princess have seen, but you equally fierce per­son, com­ing of ten fin­ger num­bers.”
„About your in­for­ma­tion, you ob­vi­ously should be only Fourth Level Di­vine Lord, why can...... More­over you are so fierce, Star Realm that even if you are is the cat puppy, de­pends on you, should ad­vance into High-Rank Star Realm to be right, why is Snow Song Realm Mid­dle-Rank Star Realm? Is could it be that you have been hid­ing the strength?”
„If were known the Snow Song Realm un­ex­pect­edly such fierce peo­ple, even if my Royal Fa­ther, will have a scare, it is es­ti­mated that en­tire East­ern God Ter­ri­tory will alarm, High-Rank Star Realm cer­tainly will be also many.”
„Has noth­ing to do with you!” The Mu Xu­anyin pupil light is in­dif­fer­ent, her Snow Princess Sword has not re­ceived, still aims at Lit­tle Jas­mine...... Al­though the op­po­site party lets Cai Zhi Princess that ten thou­sand realms bows the head suf­fi­ciently: „An­swered me the be­fore­hand issue! Why you must se­cretly with him!”
Cai Zhi Princess head one crooked: „Snort, does not want! I am will­ing with him, you un­able to man­age. Ha! Your big courage, knew this Princess sta­tus, un­ex­pect­edly also dares to be so im­po­lite, you do not fear the this Princess vi­tal­ity!”
Mu Xu­anyin ice pupil one cold: „Is it pos­si­ble that...... Do you know him and re­la­tions of your Elder Sis­ter?”
A probe of Mu Xu­anyin, mak­ing the eye­brow of Cai Zhi Princess fierce jumps, face trans­ferred all of a sud­den: „You...... How do you know?”
„Re­ally!” The Mu Xu­anyin fil­a­ment eye­brow sinks: „Re­gard­ing him...... You also know any­thing!”
Cai Zhi Princess lip half, then rope char­ac­ter: „I know that he called Yun Che, from re­mote Lower Realm, ar­rived at God Realm to look for my Elder Sis­ter, I also know that he came to here to seek for Em­peror Im­mor­tal Grass, was in order to sees my Elder Sis­ter.”
Cai Zhi Princess will say one every time, the Mu Xu­anyin eye pupil ice-cold point: „How these you know! This mat­ter, he will not tell oth­ers to be right!”
„How you know!”
„I am his Hon­ored Mas­ter!” Mu Xu­anyin coldly said: „His all, I nat­u­rally clear.”
Snow Princess Sword blooms ice glow, cov­ers into Cai Zhi Princess the sword glow: „Now this you an­swered my issue. His im­pos­si­ble told you cer­tainly on own ini­tia­tive, ac­tu­ally you how knew...... His body, ac­tu­ally also any­thing flaw!”
Looks at the Mu Xu­anyin dig­ni­fied look, sen­sa­tion the chill in the air in her sword glow, Cai Zhi Princess was un­der­stand­ing any­thing fi­nally, the fa­cial ex­pres­sion a loosen, has smiled im­me­di­ately: „You care about him prob­a­bly very much.”
„I am his Hon­ored Mas­ter, nat­u­rally must care about him!”
„Why you must be so omi­nous to him a mo­ment ago, but also he......”
„An­swered my issue!” The Mu Xu­anyin tonal­ity is colder.
„Hee hee, good.” Cai Zhi Princess vig­i­lant and anx­ious goes, [say / way] with a smile: „You care about him prob­a­bly re­ally very much, more­over he is will­ing with you say­ing that mat­ter about Elder Sis­ter, def­i­nitely very much be­lieves that you are right.”
Mu Xu­anyin: „......”
Cai Zhi Princess said: „Ac­tu­ally, is not con­sid­ered as that any flaw, has the lit­tle co­in­ci­dence.”
„Prob­a­bly was six months ago? this Princess runs away to play se­cretly, runs into a bad uncle, this Princess wants to lose play­ing that bad uncle, but he ac­tu­ally sud­denly clashes, help­ing this Princess expel the bad uncle.” Cai Zhi Princess very nose: „His ex­pelling bad uncle, what uses is the Heav­enly Wolf's Di­vine Tome of Im­pris­on­ment first sword.”
„......” Mu Xu­anyin pupil light con­cen­trates.
„That sword vis­i­ble has po­ten­tial to be athe­is­tic, he also in­te­grated the flame, other peo­ple def­i­nitely can­not look. But but this Princess Heav­enly Wolf Star God, most fa­mil­iar Heav­enly Wolf's Di­vine Tome of Im­pris­on­ment per­son. After Big Brother dies, can dis­play the Heav­enly Wolf's Di­vine Tome of Im­pris­on­ment per­son, should, only then a this Princess tal­ented per­son is right, but Elder Sis­ter told me, in this world a also per­son, he did not draw sup­port from Heav­enly Wolf Star God power and blood­line, has built Heav­enly Wolf's Di­vine Tome of Im­pris­on­ment, only then the first sword.”
„Un­ex­pect­edly...... Will have this mat­ter!?” Snow Princess Sword dan­gles slowly, Mu Xu­anyin body aura also grad­u­ally re­strains. She does not know Yun Che's body also Heav­enly Wolf Star God Di­vine Art...... Was sep­a­rated from Heav­enly Wolf Star God power and blood­line force­fully has ac­tu­ally built the Heav­enly Wolf's Di­vine Tome of Im­pris­on­ment first sword, all over the world, in­deed also only had to have Evil God's Pro­found Veins Yun Che to achieve.
She be­lieves firmly that Yun Che de­cides how­ever with Jas­mine will not in­form other peo­ple the con­tact, once oth­er­wise passes on to Star God Realm, the con­se­quence will be very se­ri­ous. There­fore, she must know that his body ac­tu­ally also any­thing flaw made Cai Zhi Princess stare at him un­ex­pect­edly...... Orig­i­nally, can be the so strange co­in­ci­dence un­ex­pect­edly.
He gets rid to res­cue Heav­enly Wolf Star God un­ex­pect­edly...... Heav­enly Wolf's Di­vine Tome of Im­pris­on­ment that uses......
„Has not dared to be­lieve firmly that he is that per­son who Elder Sis­ter said that this Princess qui­etly with him, then dis­cov­ered that he and Elder Sis­ter said looks like more and more, in a while, this Princess knows that he cer­tainly was that per­son who Elder Sis­ter said.”
„To look for Elder Sis­ter, he runs up to God Realm to come, this Princess has is moved lit­tle, there­fore fol­lows to pro­tect him be­hind him, so as to avoid he be­fore see­ing Elder Sis­ter died, , he since has you such fierce Hon­ored Mas­ter, this Princess does not need to fear ap­pear­ance that prob­a­bly again he died...... Went back to ac­com­pany Elder Sis­ter to be good.”
„About his mat­ter, how many your Elder Sis­ter said? Be­sides you, whom did she also tell?” Mu Xu­anyin pur­sues asks.
„Elder Sis­ter said are more, cer­tainly imag­ines you are more. But only told me.” Cai Zhi Princess smiles: „I have Royal Fa­ther, there are many uncle un­cles Big Brother Elder Sis­ter, but Elder Sis­ter, is ac­tu­ally my only fam­ily mem­ber. Re­gard­ing Elder Sis­ter, I am also her only fam­ily mem­ber.”
She was smil­ing faintly sweet, but be­hind the strange voice, Mu Xu­anyin ac­tu­ally felt an in­de­scrib­able mis­ery.
„Elder Sis­ter will be in a daze fre­quently sud­denly, meets times to men­tion about his mat­ter on own ini­tia­tive, Elder Sis­ter any­thing is will­ing to me, the only that red skirt, she to hug fre­quently in the bosom, ac­tu­ally never al­lows me to move one time.”
„Wants about him, Elder Sis­ter will be­come com­pletely will be dif­fer­ent. I very much have wanted to know that is ac­tu­ally what kind of per­son, will make Elder Sis­ter have that big change. Elder Sis­ter has added that this life this life, im­pos­si­ble see again/good­bye ar­rives at him, but I know, if can see again/good­bye, she very be cer­tainly happy. Al­though she......”
The fol­low­ing words, Cai Zhi Princess an­chors sud­denly, has not said.
Mu Xu­anyin aura takes back com­pletely, the pupil light re­turn is tran­quil, only then the deep place is shak­ing some­thing com­plex some: „What you have not ar­rived at God Realm him tells you Elder Sis­ter?”
„Nat­u­rally does not have!” Cai Zhi Princess [say / way] with­out hes­i­ta­tion: „You can­not say with any­body!”
„Does not need you to re­mind!” Mu Xu­anyin cold words, in her heart have doubts and se­cu­rity elim­i­nate, no longer stay, no longer talks too much, turns around to fly from di­rectly, but in the heart has ac­tu­ally been left over one point of deep shock.
Cai Zhi Princess, ac­cord­ing to rumor, she has com­pleted the in­her­i­tance of Heav­enly Wolf Di­vine Power five years ago, be­comes new Heav­enly Wolf Star God. The short five years, Di­vine Power should be only the pre­lim­i­nary fu­sion, the strength then al­ready for­mi­da­ble to so the sit­u­a­tion, in five years...... Ten years...... Hun­dred years...... When she fuses Heav­enly Wolf Di­vine Power com­pletely, to what kind Realm, will un­able imag­ine for­mi­da­ble sim­ply.
The leg­end she might in the fu­ture very much be­comes in the Star God Realm his­tory strongest Star God...... It seems like is not a wild talk.
„...... Wait / Etc.!”
Be­fore body of Mu Xu­anyin, color movie in a flash, Cai Zhi Princess al­ready an­i­mated keep­ing off be­fore her body: „Big Sis­ter, this Princess very much earnestly an­swered your issue a mo­ment ago, you also...... Earnest is a very reply this Princess issue good!”
„...... What issue?”
„That......” Cai Zhi Princess sud­denly be­comes shyly, face hangs slightly, but also red­den, starts to speak but hes­i­tates slightly, she looked at Mu Xu­anyin to stand tall and erect to want the snow clothes of crack, looked at an only will micro pros­per­ous chest, fi­nally has had the great­est courage: „Wants...... What to do, after grow­ing up, can be­come is the same after you are raised curls up­wards?”
Mu Xu­anyin: „......”
【Must open Pro­found God Con­fer­ence im­me­di­ately, the open­ing and process should think not same as your any­body......】

1123: Returns to Snow Song again

#1123: Returns to Snow Song again
Comments 110
The con­scious­ness re­gains con­scious­ness in the dim­ness grad­u­ally, the Mu Xu­anyin form ap­pears in the mind clearly.
Hon­ored Mas­ter!
Yun Che quickly grasps the mean­ing of some­thing, sat all of a sud­den.
„!” The screams that the ear trans­mits the young girl, the hur­ried sound of foot­steps ap­proaches fast: „Yun Che, you awoke!”
Looks at the pre­sent blue clothes young girl, Yun Che stayed one dull: „Xi­aolan...... Se­nior Sis­ter?”
This time he is sit­ting on half high thick ice, the vi­sion in­sti­tute, is the fa­mil­iar ice crys­tal amber, aura of tip of the nose, is fa­mil­iar pure cold qi, at pre­sent, is lead­ing the whole face pleas­antly sur­prised girl, Mu Xi­aolan that does not see for a long time.
Here is...... Snow Song Realm...... The Ice Phoenix 36 th palace......
„very good, you come back the stu­por, I am also think­ing that you were in­jured, but looked like a mat­ter does not have prob­a­bly.” Mu Xi­aolan was say­ing joy­fully, pair of bright eyes sparkle vis­its him: „Where your did this pe­riod of time run? Why will faint? Hon­ored Mas­ter said that you went out to go in­formed and ex­pe­ri­enced, I also think that you needed many years to give up.”
Mu Xi­aolan said big bunch of words, Yun Che in god ac­tu­ally has not heard sud­denly clearly. He shook the head, is re­call­ing scene be­fore the stu­por, some­what ab­sent-minded [say / way]: „Hon­ored Mas­ter?”
„...... Sect Mas­ter she has not come back, is the Sect Mas­ter's Saint Dragon mount brings you.” Looked that the Yun Che's ap­pear­ance is some­what strange, Mu Xi­aolan hes­i­tant, can­not re­press cu­ri­ously: „Was Yun Che, what hap­pened?”
Yun Che shook the head, was unas­nwer­able.
„Xi­aolan, you exit.”
A gen­tle sound con­veys, but Mu Bingyun grad­u­ally, snow face and ice pupil chilly as be­fore.
„Yes.” Al­though has mind filled with cu­ri­ously, but Mu Xi­aolan is clever de­par­ture.
The Mu Bingyun trend comes, looks that the Yun Che's pupil light im­me­di­ately be­comes in­com­pa­ra­bly com­plex.
Yun Che low­ered the head, the first time does not dare with Mu Bingyun look­ing at each other. Be­cause he knows what he vi­o­lates is what kind of blun­der, the Mu Xu­anyin younger sis­ter who es­pe­cially at this mo­ment faces, has oblig­a­tion Mu Bingyun to him.
„Where your did Hon­ored Mas­ter find your?” The Mu Bingyun start to talk, the sound is still the fa­mil­iar gen­tle­ness.
„East­ern, Il­lu­sory Is­land cen­ter, named Il­lu­sory Sea An­cient Bound­ary an­cient times Se­cret Realm.” Yun Che replied that still low­ers the head, state of mind dif­fi­cult draw.
Yun Che: „......”
„Your Hon­ored Mas­ter now where? Why hasn't come back?” Mu Bingyun asked.
Yun Che shakes the head: „I do not know. I just saw Hon­ored Mas­ter, then under her great anger...... Wakes up al­ready here.”
„......” Mu Bingyun had not asked again, look that also is not wor­ried about, after all by the Mu Xu­anyin strength, where re­gard­less of she places, does not need any worry, her vi­sion puts aside from Yun Che body, the chest of stand­ing tall and erect is fluc­tu­at­ing slowly, ob­vi­ously the in­ner­most feel­ings are not calm, the gen­tle sound are many for sev­eral points to be dif­fi­cult to cover quiet cold: „Yun Che, you at the mat­ter that Flame God Realm does, I knew com­pletely...... Ex­cept for your Hon­ored Mas­ter, only has me to know.”
Yun Che com­plex­ion one gloomy: „I knew...... The crime does not have the amnesty.”
„Your in­deed crime does not have amnesty.” The Mu Bingyun sound has the un­usual mood to fluc­tu­ate, she car­ries to pass away, as if feared that the vi­sion will stay in Yun Che body too for a long time will make her quiet mil­len­ni­ums the pure-heart lose con­trol: „Sect Mas­ter she is not only Snow Song Realm King, Ice Phoenix Sect Mas­ter, is Snow Song Realm counts the hun­dred thou­sand year the first per­son, ven­er­a­tion of her sta­tus, the great strength of strength, it may be said that un­prece­dented cer­tainly now. Even if em­peror of the coun­try, dares to look straight ahead rashly blas­phemes, even/in­clud­ing Jin the body hun­dred chi (0.33 m) ex­pected that half a word spo­ken lan­guage af­fronts, is the un­for­giv­able cap­i­tal crime!”
„She is your Hon­ored Mas­ter!”
„How­ever you......”
Even if car­ries to Yun Che, the Mu Bingyun sound lost the tran­quil, grace­ful back as in slight is shiv­er­ing, for a long time slowly re­turns to nor­mal.
Even if passed were so long, she is still not able to ac­cept and for­give.
Six months ago what even if Yun Che af­fronted is one, she is in­suf­fi­cient so.
Yun Che still low­ers the head, not hav­ing half a word to argue the re­but­tal...... It is not able to dis­pute.
„Sect Mas­ter al­though at that time under the se­vere wound had the blood of Horned Dragon, is un­able to help one­self, but you al­ready led her to get out of trou­ble, may draw sup­port from the strength of three Flame God Sect Mas­ter ob­vi­ously, scat­tered the blood of Horned Dragon eas­ily, why ac­tu­ally wanted......”
„I do not be­lieve them!” Yun Che raise one's head, blurted out slightly: „I fear them to take ad­van­tage of some­body, in­jure Hon­ored Mas­ter. More­over I am not will­ing to make them blas­pheme......”
That time he, but also im­mersed dur­ing hate that in Yan Wan­cang and the oth­ers did not res­cue self­ishly, when to they hated even has killed the heart, how also to have the least bit to be­lieve. Even if they are will­ing to res­cue fully, will have the body to move surely, by the Mu Xu­anyin ar­ro­gant ice cer­tainly, how also to ac­cept.
Then half a word words, he told only half that then again is un­able to say.
Be­cause on the re­sult, he does to Mu Xu­anyin, far more than blas­phemed.
„Be­sides draw­ing sup­port from the strength of three Sect Mas­ter, a also mat­ter, you do not know.” Mu Bingyun faintly said: „Sect Mas­ter's within the body has the for­mi­da­ble Ice Phoenix source soul, even if pro­found strength all loses, con­scious­ness the stu­por, the blood of triv­ial Horned Dragon, basic im­pos­si­ble en­dan­gers her soul and life.”
Yun Che fierce raise one's head, there.
„You vi­o­late, is in the en­tire Snow Song Realm his­tory, most un­for­giv­able big crime. But after all, be­fore that you have saved the Sect Mas­ter's life...... Oth­er­wise, she must al­ready to die in God Bur­ial Fire Prison.”
Yun Che can only see her back, is un­able to see clearly her fa­cial ex­pres­sion, but can feel she com­plex in­com­pa­ra­ble mood and mood clearly.
„Even so, I as be­fore am un­able to con­vince it­self to for­give you.” Mu Bingyun sigh gen­tly: „Your Hon­ored Mas­ter...... She is ex­tremely also dis­ap­pointed and angry to you.”
„I know.” Yun Che whis­pered low-spir­ited, then from ashamed smiled: „I now...... Did not have the qual­i­fi­ca­tions to make her dis­ci­ple. Palace Mas­ter Bingyun, is you brings to ar­rive at Snow Song Realm me, later re­peat­edly looks after to me, in any event, I will not for­get your benev­o­lence....... I should not have the op­por­tu­nity to repay.”
To al­ti­tude that the Mu Xu­anyin sta­tus and she is, Yun Che tiny is not in­clud­ing the ants.
Blas­phemed the em­press who the whole world has ven­er­ated on such as a base and low beg­gar, put to death by dis­mem­ber­ment 10,000 times to be dif­fi­cult to re­deem its crime.
Not only has tar­nished her Sa­cred Body, but also has de­stroyed the body of her com­plete Pri­mor­dial Yin...... Do not say that she is his Hon­ored Mas­ter, to his also great­est benev­o­lence.
When he felt Mu Xu­anyin vi­sual him the anger, this time, he has com­pleted the con­scious­ness that with­stood to pun­ish se­verely, more­over did not pre­pare to run away again.
Mu Bingyun is silent, for a long time, gen­tly said: „You may know, why Sect Mas­ter she will go to that place that called Il­lu­sory Is­land?”
„Was re­al­izes my aura.” Yun Che replied. He does not know who how Mu Xu­anyin found. When goes to Heiya Realm, Huo Rulie pledged that keeps se­cret for him. In Heiya Realm, he said by „Ling Yun” that knows him „Yun Che” the name, has Ji Ruyan.
In order to pre­vent to be known him to come from Snow Song Realm, he al­most never uses Ice Phoenix God Con­fer­ring Codex. Prac­tices, chose in has been able very big de­gree con­ceal­ment and con­fuses aura Black Soul Moun­tain Range.
„No.” Mu Bingyun shakes the head slowly: „She, al­though has been seek­ing for you, but God Realm is vast, she can never seek to have been to your trail. Rea­son that she will go to Il­lu­sory Is­land, ac­ci­den­tally knew there to have the ap­pear­ance of Em­peror Im­mor­tal Grass, for was not taken to go by other peo­ple by one­self...... Be­cause, that is re­fines Uni­verse Five Jade Pill the thing of being prob­a­ble for you!”
„......!” Yun Che stayed there all of a sud­den.
Looks askance deeply looked at Yun Che one, Mu Bingyun left grad­u­ally, ice quiet sound was faintly rec­og­niz­able from the dream­land: „Com­pares huge mis­take that you make, she is more dis­ap­pointed and angry, is your flee­ing to the wilder­ness.”
Mu Bingyun leaves, Yun Che is star­tled there, the whole per­son such as pulled out to the soul...... For a long time, his lift­ing hand slowly, pressed on the Chest, there, had any thing fiercely was seething, is un­able to stop.
„Hon­ored Mas­ter do not kill me...... She goes to there...... Seeks for Em­peror Im­mor­tal Grass for me......”
„Yes...... For me......”
In An­cient Bound­ary the blue light wreaks havoc, each phoenix called the wolf to roar, will ini­ti­ate trem­bling of en­tire world to swing even turns over.
Since this pre­serves from an­cient times var­i­ous Era of Gods, does not know that had many years in­de­pen­dent Small World, changed to bit­ter cold and de­struc­tion Pur­ga­tory thor­oughly. The space dis­rup­tion, the myr­iad things all fall, prin­ci­ple al­ready in com­plete brink of col­lapse.
An­cient Bound­ary has bor­dered on the avalanche, Mu Xu­anyin and Lit­tle Jas­mine nat­u­rally must re­al­ize, but their fierce bat­tles as be­fore are ac­tu­ally con­tin­u­ing, fights North Pole from the east of world, ar­rives at the sum­mit of South Pole again, does not have in­stant stop­ping.
Mu Xu­anyin is for­mi­da­ble Di­vine Lord, knows its to be known to every­body in God Realm, Snow Song Realm as well as neigh­bor­ing Flame God Realm are clear. But, Yun Che, or is being Ice Phoenix God Sect or Flame God three Sect Mas­ter, if sees at pre­sent the pic­ture, de­cid­edly can­not be­lieve own eye.
A God Bur­ial Fire Prison war, Mu Xu­anyin en­coun­ters two An­cient Horned Dragon to plot, al­though pro­tects to es­cape the tribu­la­tion of to die at the Yun Che's shed fate, but ac­tu­ally ex­pe­ri­ences per­son­ally the heavy losses, pro­found strength not only con­sumes to dry­ing up. Also under hope­less sit­u­a­tion to ex­tin­guish force­fully kills Horned Dragon, but dam­ages blood essence greatly, has re­leased the strength of taboo „Bro­ken Moon De­struc­tion”, this act not only ag­gra­vates the in­jury, but also dam­ages nat­ural tal­ent greatly and cul­ti­vates is.
Later loses Ice Phoenix Pri­mor­dial Yin be­cause of Yun Che......
The se­vere wound, fol­lows pro­found strength, blood essence, nat­ural tal­ent and Pri­mor­dial Yin buckle, to the at­tack and dam­age heav­i­ness of Mu Xu­anyin, it may be said that as big as peak. In the Yun Che's ex­pec­ta­tion, Mu Xu­anyin prob­a­bly wants the stu­por to wake up sev­eral months, as for restor­ing pro­found strength, pos­si­bly is the year, even longer time.
Even if re­stores, must weakly in the past, more­over is life-long, may not have the least bit ad­vance­ment.
Re­gard­ing being lo­cated in the per­son of sum­mit of Pro­found Dao, this with­out doubt is the bru­tal re­sult that is un­able to ac­cept.
But, with Mu Xu­anyin of Lit­tle Jas­mine fierce bat­tle, her body is not hav­ing the least bit in­jury not and pro­found en­ergy weak ap­pear­ance, this is some are in­com­pre­hen­si­ble.
But what is more as­ton­ish­ing, her pro­found strength not only does not have the sign of slight buckle, in­stead when com­pared it ini­tially and An­cient Horned Dragon bat­tle also for­mi­da­ble...... More­over for­mi­da­ble in­ces­santly tiny bit.
That lifts in the hands to let ter­ri­fy­ing power that vast An­cient Bound­ary shiv­ers, even if fac­ing two, even three An­cient Horned Dragon, can ex­tin­guish it eas­ily!
Con­tin­u­ally the bound­ary of Di­vine Lord, the God Realm in­nu­mer­able pro­found prac­ti­tioner ex­pec­ta­tions do not dare to high Realm. But in this Realm, even if ad­vance small one step, the ef­fort that needs shock­ing nat­ural tal­ent, the great­est chance, the long-time years and av­er­age man is un­able to imag­ine.
Six months, to Di­vine Lord, but is sep­a­ra­tion of snap­ping fin­gers. But is this short a half year, under the se­vere wound dam­ages again Mu Xu­anyin not only in­jury pro­found strength re­stores, but also was for­merly more for­mi­da­ble than it the sev­eral fold!
Not only does not have the wound to be loss­less, but may also be called to be re­born sim­ply!
The change of this com­pletely in­com­pat­i­ble cog­ni­tion and gen­eral knowl­edge, even if built on sum­mit of pri­mor­dial chaos the king of King Realm, de­cid­edly does not be­lieve.
Lit­tle Jas­mine power con­tin­u­ally pro­motes, the power and in­flu­ence of each sword, all seas will throw off An­cient Bound­ary in com­pletely, but through­out is ac­tu­ally not able to sup­press Mu Xu­anyin, more and more heavy amazed con­denses in the star pupil of her dark blue, fi­nally changes to one group of scar­let berserk blood light un­ex­pect­edly.
„Blood moon/month ex­e­cutes the im­mor­tal sword!!”
The shade of Heav­enly Wolf reap­pears, ac­tu­ally no longer is the color of dark blue, but as if came from the hell blood pond, all over the body blood red. Es­pe­cially two wolf pupil that gets angry stares, such as two rounds Hengkong (across the sky) scar­let bright moon­light, ex­tin­guish the light of world to the world shop.
The Mu Xu­anyin snow clothes is light, such as the broad moon/month ex­iles the im­mor­tal, ap­pointed is earth-shak­ing, ac­tu­ally does not dye a dust. The place of Snow Princess Sword sword re­fer­ring, myr­iad things to seal|con­fer Jie, nine ice links tie fast, over­laps in­stan­ta­neously, un­folds giant ice cold, in the sky cover to blood sex­ual ha­rasser shade.
Bit­ing ............
In a flash, in so­ci­ety all rays and sounds van­ish com­pletely, along with it, in An­cient Bound­ary all, from the sea to the earth, from the giant stone to the sand dust, by to seal|con­fer Jie, was changed to the thick ice com­pletely thor­oughly, in later all shat­tered, the end­less pow­der pow­der chaotic flut­ters in the world of avalanche in­stant.
Kacha...... Kacha...... BOOM......
Said surely space fis­sure spreads, con­nects crazily and ex­pands in all the cor­ners of ex­is­tence, along with did not reply all bangs, in trem­bling sup­ported for a long time Il­lu­sory Sea An­cient Bound­ary fi­nally thor­ough avalanche......

Tuesday, May 22, 2018

1122: ancient boundary collapse

#1122: ancient boundary collapse
Comments 109
Filled the hori­zon ice-cold and Mu Xu­anyin pro­found en­ergy such as in­sane gen­eral ris­ing sud­denly, when ter­ri­fy­ing cold qi pow­er­ful to some crit­i­cal point, changed un­ex­pect­edly seemed to be aura, the heav­ily im­pact was twist­ing pro­found en­ergy Do­main be­fore Lit­tle Jas­mine body.
Grad­u­ally, she starts to feel ice-cold that ap­proached fast.
In Lit­tle Jas­mine screams, con­tin­u­ously laugh­ter free her fi­nally face aus­tere, the pro­found en­ergy Do­main sev­eral fold in­flates, all dis­pels sur­round­ing cold qi, im­mi­nent ice-cold feel­ing also along with it ex­tin­guish­ing.
The blue light dodges lightly, such as the day­break ago North Pole multi-col­ored sun­light. The Mu Xu­anyin snow clothes hikes up, the white del­i­cate arms light dance, Snow Princess Sword de­lim­its sev­eral hun­dred sword shades in count­ing breaths, in­ter­nal qi of en­tire world seemed towed, but, changes to the cold prison storms from nine quiet under.
Cli­mate big change of Il­lu­sory Sea An­cient Bound­ary, even if be­yond thou­sand li(500 km), life of sur­viv­ing des­per­ate wail in cold wind. But the cen­ter of ice-cold and storm, what con­den­sa­tion is the av­er­age man, even if ten live the ter­ri­fy­ing ice prison that tenth ab­solutely is un­able to un­der­stand.
Lit­tle Jas­mine form fast re­treat, her pro­found en­ergy Do­main was layer upon layer twisted and sup­pressed, but will im­me­di­ately re­store com­pletely, re­gard­less of cold de­struc­tion, from be­gin­ning to end has not moved her seems like the del­i­cate in­com­pa­ra­ble body. But her face is ac­tu­ally float­ing off deeper and deeper sur­prised and un­be­liev­able, to fi­nally, turned grad­u­ally was in­com­pre­hen­si­ble.
Al­though is only Mid­dle-Rank Star Realm Realm King, but the name of Mu Xu­anyin, knows in High-Rank Star Realm and King Realm per­son widely. Be­cause she after is for­mi­da­ble Di­vine Lord.
Has Di­vine Lord Star Realm, any other Star Realm eas­ily will not pro­voke.
But, the strength that Mu Xu­anyin shows, has been sep­a­rated from her ex­pec­ta­tion com­pletely, is in­com­pat­i­ble about all her ma­te­ri­als and rumor by far.
Under thou­sand ice shades, has not bro­ken Lit­tle Jas­mine pro­found en­ergy Do­main as be­fore. This to Lit­tle Jas­mine, is the nat­ural mat­ter. The al­ti­tude of be­cause by her sta­tus and being, even if strength far ultra ex­pec­ta­tion of Mu Xu­anyin, im­pos­si­ble poses the threat to her de­cid­edly, even if she has only used less than 30% power.
ice-cold as be­fore, but the storm and cold light rest slightly, as if after is the lim­it­ing con­di­tion next, strength is dif­fi­cult. Lit­tle Jas­mine face lifts, just about to speaks, sud­denly, Ice Phoenix called spa­tially, along with flut­ter­ing of wing of Ice Phoenix, the deep blue ice link dropped from the clouds to­gether, cov­ered Lit­tle Jas­mine. In a twin­kling, the en­tire world be­comes the deep blue piece.
This thinks that has achieved peak ice-cold un­ex­pect­edly in flash sev­eral fold sud­denly to in­crease.
„Yeah Ai!?” Lit­tle Jas­mine pro­found en­ergy was sup­pressed all of a sud­den, along with it by to seal|con­fer Jie, was lost the con­trol un­ex­pect­edly slowly. Never has bit­ter cold sud­denly such as myr­iad in­vis­i­ble ice edges, pierces her pro­found en­ergy Do­main di­rectly, the du­pli­cate vine whole body, pricks the soul again, caused that her calls out in alarm.
The deep blue ice link con­tracts in the where­abouts, top Lit­tle Jas­mine pro­found en­ergy to con­tinue to de­press, grad­u­ally nearly to dis­tance of in­suf­fi­cient hun­dred feet, on the Lit­tle Jas­mine tight face pre­sented some painful looks, fi­nally, her look slightly changes, in the pupil pupil, flashes through wipes ex­cep­tion­ally Can goal blue light.
Il­lu­sory Sea An­cient Bound­ary fierce trem­bling, rum­bled, has ex­ceeded this an­cient times Se­cret Realm in his­tory all star­tling thun­der­clap, in all Gu Jing lives lost the sense of hear­ing in the flash com­pletely.
Deep blue ice link blast­ing open, the en­tire hun­dred li (0.5km) re­gion, all cold qi were evac­u­ated by the flash, was can­celled from the world by an in­vis­i­ble hand likely di­rectly.
Dis­places, is the in­nu­mer­able [say / way] neighs to flash, such as light­ning com­mon dark green blue pro­found light.
Mu Xu­anyin such as by the ham­mer of Tian­qing, the form was shot hun­dred li (0.5km) but ac­tu­ally, when an­chors, on snow Yan Zhi ac­tu­ally does not change.
Ice blue and dark green blue, orig­i­nally is two close col­ors, ac­tu­ally dis­tin­guishes right from wrong, di­vides into two en­tire an­cient bound­ary world.
Lit­tle Jas­mine as be­fore was at for­merly po­si­tion, but be­fore she ab­solutely did not have , the op­tional ap­pear­ance of leisurely strolling idle court­yard, can only call in ex­quis­ite both hands, grasped one to be big­ger much the dark green blue great sword.
The sword body is more spa­cious than girl's body, the sword long is two times in the height of young girl, even if the thick sword hilt girl is both hands is un­able about grasp­ing.
So big sword, even if nine chi (0.33 m) great Han being hard phase con­trast, do not say an ex­quis­ite young girl. But, was held by the girl in hand, pre­sents un­ex­pect­edly is a not dif­fer­ent sense of har­mony, as if the ir­re­sistible and un­ques­tion­able sounds flut­ter in Soul: It should con­trol for her, only has her, matches it con­trols.
Sword blade steel and iron, col­ored glaze, on flick­ers the dark green blue flash eye, next one will flicker darkly will sink with­out the light. Sword hilt one foot, the sword blade does not have blade edge to be not sharp, be­fore the dark green blue sword blade, is ac­tu­ally flash­ing all over the body two scar­let blood light, such as wolf of berserk bleed­ing the eye of blood­thirsty.
The great sword comes, Lit­tle Jas­mine aura thor­ough changed. For­merly she, looked like care­free, naive was lead­ing the cun­ning elf young girl, even if she dis­played is crush­ing Mu Xu­anyin power suf­fi­ciently, was still very dif­fi­cult to give the fear feel­ing.
But at this time, her face faint­ness, aura did not have the least bit again light and lively tem­per­ate, but is com­plete an­other peak
Un­equalled evil spirit and cru­elty!
If Pri­mor­dial Devil God, takes her pe­tite body to re­gain con­scious­ness as the car­rier sud­denly.
The sky fracto cloud tum­bles, the earth trem­bles, the sea anger heavy breath­ing, ten thou­sand bow the head spirit, at this mo­ment, as if world's con­trol is born, all life dead souls sub­mit to the fear trem­ble.
„Heav­enly Wolf Saint sword!” In the ice pupil of Mu Xu­anyin, re­leases the ra­di­ant dif­fer­ent light.
Lit­tle Jas­mine has not said a word, the slen­der both arms lift slowly, the dark green blue great sword holds up spa­tial and ver­ti­cal...... Her body does not have the spunk, with­out killing in­tent, but ac­tu­ally seethes angry sea rag­ing waves to fight in­tent, as if her sword, her power then to fight to live, the non- ori­gin, must shake the day to star­tle the world.
When the great sword raises, that in­nu­mer­able [say / way] flashes dark green blue bril­liance also slowly to waver, the sword blade refers to spa­tial that mo­ment, con­gealed shade of the height hun­dred li (0.5km) great dark green wolf.
„That...... That...... That...... That is any­thing!!”
In Il­lu­sory Sea An­cient Bound­ary, sur­viv­ing pro­found prac­ti­tioner did not have one per­son to stand, their com­plete paral­y­sis looks spa­tially, in panic-stricken looks above ex­tremely sky that was only huge the dark green wolf, the pupil of en­large­ment al­most sup­ports com­pletely the en­tire eye socket.
Ices the eye­brow to sink slightly, pitches up to wipe in the snow face of Mu Xu­anyin dig­ni­fiedly. The el­e­ment han­dles gen­tly the pen­du­lum, Snow Princess Sword is pad­dling the strange path, in an in­stant, sev­eral small pro­found array have con­gealed be­fore the body.
The cen­ter of hun­dred li (0.5km) dark green wolf, Lit­tle Jas­mine moved fi­nally, under dark green blue great sword su­per­fi­cial cut­ting, among fresh-faced flow­ery lips, the sound is as be­fore elu­sive, is bring­ing the in­dif­fer­ence and dig­nity of trem­bling soul:
„Sky Wolf Slash!”
The dark green wolf roar spa­tially, dashes to Mu Xu­anyin, above shake sky, put a huge dark green blue path, for a very long time was not loose.
If Yun Che in the side, de­cides at this time how­ever will be sur­prised.
Be­cause of this sword, is he re­ceives from Jas­mine im­pres­sively, usu­ally quite takes ad­van­tage „Heav­enly Wolf's Di­vine Tome of Im­pris­on­ment” first sword Sky Wolf Slash!
But, al­though with is Sky Wolf Slash, its power and in­flu­ence and its charm, its ideal con­di­tion, must ex­ceed Yun Che far more than thou­sands of times.
If Sky Wolf Slash of Yun Che lim­it­ing con­di­tion is the strength of fire­fly can­dle, then Lit­tle Jas­mine this sword, then such as vast Milky Way.
The Mu Xu­anyin form ill­ness draws back, flash­ing be­fore of each Bro­ken Moon's Flick­er­ing Shadow, will leave be­hind a clear ice lotus.
Hun­dred li (0.5km) Heav­enly Wolf rips spa­tially, but, under the cov­ers the sky wolf shade, the Mu Xu­anyin form is then small like the sand dust, but at this time, be­fore her body, em­bell­ished 99 ice lo­tuses, a Snow Princess Sword fin­ger, all ice lo­tuses also bloom, re­lease every­where ice mag­nif­i­cent.
„Nine cer­tainly lotus plumule!”
World in­stantly silent, only had ice blue bril­liance rich the sev­eral fold. 99 ice lo­tuses in the blue light like the stars vac­il­la­tion, spread one huge star, hun­dred li (0.5km) dark green wolf im­pris­on­ment, in an in­stant, the shade of dark green wolf then stopped roar­ing, stub­bornly frozen, frames in air­borne.
After being in­stant quiet, ices the lotus and wolf shade also blasts open, blue light every­where, the pres­tige of Heav­enly Wolf, al­though the power and in­flu­ence re­duces greatly, but the re­main­ing pres­tige is as be­fore scary, the Mu Xu­anyin form is mo­tion­less, Snow Princess Sword punc­tures gen­tly, the Heav­enly Wolf re­main­ing pres­tige was di­vided into two im­me­di­ately, howls from her body, after half breath, the rear world trans­mits the earth-shak­ing de­struc­tion sound tide.
„......?” On the Lit­tle Jas­mine in­dif­fer­ent face reap­peared once more sur­pris­edly. Mu Xu­anyin com­pels her to ap­pear Heav­enly Wolf Saint sword, is makes her quite shock­ing. But she ap­pears a sword after Heav­enly Wolf Saint sword, un­ex­pect­edly was also re­ceived by her, more­over seems does not take the trou­ble.
This to her, was nearly in­com­pre­hen­si­ble.
The Heav­enly Wolf Saint sword holds up once more, the sec­ond sword cuts hor­i­zon­tally.
„Wild tooth!!”
Rum­ble pros­per­ous rum­ble
Trem­bling of world is more in­tense, Il­lu­sory Sea An­cient Bound­ary each cor­ner, each life, see­ing help­lessly, big such as the sky dark green blue great wolf brings to de­stroy the heav­enly might po­ten­tial to throw to­ward one­self
Ka CHA!!
A huge space fis­sure broke out like light­ning, has spanned one-third Il­lu­sory Sea An­cient Bound­ary, con­tin­ued to count breaths slightly has not ac­tu­ally healed. Il­lu­sory Sea An­cient Bound­ary no longer is pure trem­bling, but com­pletely boil­ing.
sky and earth turn over di­rectly, all moun­tain avalanches, the sea over­turns, in­nu­mer­able lives whooshes des­per­ately is de­feated com­pletely, then buries to­gether with the life in grad­u­ally the world of col­lapse.
En­ters trans­forms Gu Jing pro­found prac­ti­tioner, sur­vived in in Gu­jing in­nu­mer­able pro­found beast. They until death, do not know why one are dies.
Dis­as­ter? In does the world, how pos­si­bly have such ter­ri­fy­ing dis­as­ter?
**? How that pos­si­bly be­longs to power of life!
Is away from al­most the space fis­sure that Gu Jing di­vides into two, two groups of blue light burn the eye as be­fore and dis­tin­guish right from wrong. Lit­tle Jas­mine di­vine sense crosses sev­eral hun­dred li (0.5km), is lock­ing ex­is­tence of Mu Xu­anyin clearly.
Com­pared with the it first sword more for­mi­da­ble „wild tooth”, as be­fore has not ac­tu­ally routed Mu Xu­anyin, com­pels to draw back 200 li (0.5km) it merely.
„......” In the pupil pupil of Lit­tle Jas­mine flashes through wipes look of sur­prise, along with it, her war in­tent along with the blood sex­ual ha­rasser pupil that the Saint sword em­peror's wrath opens, but berserk.
The space was torn crudely, sev­eral times shut­tled back and forth, sev­eral hun­dred li (0.5km) space pulls closer in a flash, two blue shades hit in the sky, then in­ter­locked in a flash dozens times, the shade and dark green wolf shade of Ice Phoenix also fi­nally col­lides, over­turned in the world, in world that prin­ci­ple col­lapsed, the re­gion that they were, cre­ated one to have sev­eral hun­dred li (0.5km) de­struc­tion vac­uum fast fully, any ex­isted to move, can van­ish in in­vis­i­ble in­stan­ta­neously.
【this pe­riod of time had been seized by a na­tive of Sin­ga­pore , Maya, but be­cause I grow Shuai Pa to be snatched the light by me the fe­male in their world, put me...... Yes, is this.】

Monday, May 14, 2018

1121: The deity fights, the mortal met with a disaster

#1121: The deity fights, the mortal met with a disaster
Comments 696
The snow clothes fe­male has turned around slowly, ice jade carves, if beau­ti­ful the im­mor­tal imag­i­nary ap­pear­ance ap­pears in the Yun Che's line of sight, but ac­tu­ally turns round is let­ting the per­son such as the ice-cold Wei ice of falling ice prison, the lan­guage of in­ter­labial, is the char­ac­ter char­ac­ter pierc­ing pure-heart: „Your also face shouted me Hon­ored Mas­ter!”
If in this world has a per­son to make Yun Che be will­ing to col­lect all ar­ro­gance and dig­nity on own ini­tia­tive com­pletely, only has Mu Xu­anyin. He, kneel­ing down slowly, the head of dan­gling does not dare to look that pair is con­dens­ing in so­ci­ety all cold ice pupils: „Hon­ored Mas­ter to dis­ci­ple...... Gra­cious­ness is heavy such as moun­tain...... dis­ci­ple can­not have a re­pay­ment...... Ac­tu­ally makes the ir­re­triev­able huge mis­take...... dis­ci­ple...... Non- face see again/good­bye Hon­ored Mas­ter......”
„Makes the huge mis­take then to walk away, I have such have taught you!” End­less cold qi and anger, dis­ap­pointed con­dense in that pair of ice pupil, the Mu Xu­anyin sound slows down, ac­tu­ally tap web: „I have never thought that you un­ex­pect­edly are so spir­it­less with not hav­ing the per­son of act­ing, does not match for my Mu Xu­anyin dis­ci­ple!”
Yun Che is un­able to re­fute, does not have face to argue for one­self, even if half a word. Slowly, he un­ex­pect­edly was raised the head, vi­sion ini­tia­tive look­ing straight ahead to the eye pupil of Mu Xu­anyin, said gen­tly: „Leaves Hon­ored Mas­ter this pe­riod of time, the dis­ci­ple heart has hung the Hon­ored Mas­ter in­jury, today saw that Hon­ored Mas­ter was safe and sound, dis­ci­ple can feel at ease fi­nally. dis­ci­ple knew that the crime does not have to be pos­si­ble, Hon­ored Mas­ter pun­ishes in any event, dis­ci­ple is will­ing.”
„......” Snow face does not change coun­te­nance, Mu Xu­anyin lifts the white hands slowly, the ice white palm cov­ers the Yun Che's fore­head: „You let me dis­ap­point­edly...... Un­for­giv­able!”
A light sound, such as ice crys­tal shat­tered, the Yun Che pre­sent world dis­in­te­grates im­me­di­ately, from changes to dim gray­ish white, under the body slowly paral­y­sis, falls down, acts reck­lessly.
In silent ice-cold, Mu Xu­anyin has turned around slowly, the pupil light swept to the Mu Baimei three peo­ple.
Ap­pears from Mu Xu­anyin, Mu Baimei, Great Em­peror Nan Lie and Han Kuan three peo­ple are mo­tion­less, they do not stand there, but dis­tinct felt that was sewn to in­de­scrib­able ice-cold from the body to Soul by a ter­ror there, can­not move, does not dare to move.
This is their this life this life, never has felt pres­sure, but „Mu Xu­anyin” three char­ac­ters, let them al­most soul de­stroyed/ter­ror-stricken in panic-stricken.
Let the grace and tal­ent that the world changes col­ors take to them is not shock­ing, but ex­treme fear, when that pair of ice pupil ap­pears in their pupils, their bod­ies as if all of a sud­den dropped into be­yond re­demp­tion ice-cold abyss to­gether with Soul.
„Re­cited...... Snow Song...... Realm King......” in three peo­ple, only has pro­found strength high­est Mu Baimei also to say the words to come re­luc­tantly, but the sound trem­bles had been bit­ten the throat by the poi­so­nous snake likely: „re­spect­ful...... Con­grat­u­la­tions...... mas­ter and dis­ci­ple...... Re­union...... We.................. Does not dis­turb...... Con­sid­er­ing...... Said good­bye......”
The con­scious­ness of Mu Baimei com­pletely is at a twi­light state, has not heard clearly to say any­thing in­clud­ing him, how long also said that he wants to leave, but he spells to try, is ac­tu­ally not able to step the foot­steps, until be­comes in­clud­ing ex­is­tence of body more and more weak.
In the deathly still­ness, cold wind howls sud­denly, the cold wind has stroked in­stant, the Mu Baimei three peo­ple change to three ice sculp­tures di­rectly, then silent and bro­ken, changes to every­where dis­pers­ing the ice crys­tal pow­der.
Three big Di­vine King, in a flash, have not called out piti­fully, has not strug­gled, does not have the Mu Xu­anyin least bit hes­i­tant or pities, from com­mand­ing Great Realm King, changed to the ni­hility in ice-cold, eas­ily can­celled three small sand dust likely.
The white del­i­cate arms lift, the snow sleeve dances in the air, the blue light drops from the clouds to­gether, changes to makes one to ice wing cov­ers the sky Cold Ice Giant Dragon. The Mu Xu­anyin palm grasps, lost into Yun Che the Cold Ice Giant Dragon mouth, cold sound track: „You go.”
A Cold Ice Giant Dragon low roar, shakes the wing, van­ishes in the hori­zon quickly, does not know.
Mu Xu­anyin is built on the orig­i­nal po­si­tion, for a very long time has not acted. Until Cold Ice Giant Dragon aura goes far away, she sud­denly turns around, cold light rum­bles to­gether the the front space: „Get lost!”
Ka ka ka!
The space was frozen in­stan­ta­neously, then shat­tered, myr­iad veg­e­ta­tion were ex­tin­guished loudly com­pletely, the the front world pre­sented one piece un­able to see the blank of bound­ary.
But in the world of this blank, del­i­cate and ex­quis­ite, the color light sparkling young girl grad­u­ally goes out, with de­light­ful elu­sive laugh­ter: „Big Sis­ter, you are ob­vi­ously long so at­trac­tive, is quite omi­nous.”
If at this time Yun Che also here is pre­cisely the sober con­di­tion, can star­tled fall down Pales­tine. Be­cause of this Caiyi (col­ored clothes) girl, im­pres­sively is Lit­tle Jas­mine!
All pres­sure and ice-cold con­densed in Lit­tle Jas­mine body, fac­ing this Yun Che cog­ni­tion, only then the Em­peror Pro­found Realm young girl, the Mu Xu­anyin fa­cial ex­pres­sion and look ac­tu­ally pre­sented Yun Che has never been see­ing the dig­nity: „Who you are, why must in se­cret with him!”
Lit­tle Jas­mine flow­ery lips curls up­wards, does not want to let fac­ing the Mu Xu­anyin im­pos­ing man­ner un­ex­pect­edly: „This issue should be ob­vi­ously I asked first that who you are, why must se­cretly with him!”
„I am his Hon­ored Mas­ter,” Mu Xu­anyin cold sound track: „You should hear the suf­fi­ciently clear.”
„Snort, is omi­nous and scolds also knocks down him, where has your such Hon­ored Mas­ter.” Lit­tle Jas­mine holds the chest, whole face is in­dig­nant.
„This is the mat­ter of our mas­ter and dis­ci­ple, has noth­ing to do with you!”
„How not to have re­lated! He is I......” words ar­rives at half, the Lit­tle Jas­mine voice steep rev­o­lu­tions, a right hand of fin­ger of Mu Xu­anyin: „That Il­lu­sory Stone is I gives to him, why you over­take! Ei­ther gives back to me, ei­ther gives back to him!”
Takes up Il­lu­sory Stone, in Mu Xu­anyin ice pupil flashes through to­gether the dif­fer­ent glow: „Do you give to him? Why you must give him this type of thing, ac­tu­ally you are, how many knows about him, has what scheme?”
She for­merly was hav­ing doubts, why Yun Che body will have Il­lu­sory Stone this grade of di­vine item, this is far from the thing that his strength can at­tain.
„He is my sav­ior, I repay him not to be good, likes de­liv­er­ing any­thing to close your any­thing mat­ter!”
„Sav­ior?” The Mu Xu­anyin ice pupil sinks slightly, the shade of Ice Phoenix ap­pears in her be­hind to­gether slowly, in hand, were many an ice white sword: „It seems like, you will not have spo­ken the truth hon­estly, that do not blame me!”
The sword blade is tall and slen­der, the widest place inch, does not have Ze with­out the light, such as snow drift pen­e­trat­ing.
Pair of hand in vain car­ried be­hind, faced sud­denly sud­denly to in­crease cold qi and sud­denly is be­com­ing the pale world, she was ac­tu­ally as be­fore is a face laugh­ter: „Feared that Big Sis­ter can­not achieve.”
Ice Phoenix long re­cited, Snow Princess Sword dodged, but presently, con­denses in so­ci­ety most eye-catch­ing bril­liance, in­stantly, this in in­de­pen­dent Small World wind sit­u­ated in Il­lu­sory Sea An­cient Bound­ary turned Yun Bian.
The clear and bound­less sky, turned into the snow to be long!
In the snow and ice, Ice Phoenix drops from the clouds to­gether, is hav­ing the pres­tige of du­pli­cate world, the vol­ume to sup­ple, if the Caiyi (col­ored clothes) young girl of moun­tain stream.
„, Is quite at­trac­tive.”
The shade of this Ice Phoenix ac­cu­mu­lated heav­enly might, buries to ex­tin­guish a dy­nasty in the twin­kling to­gether suf­fi­ciently. The first re­sponse of Lit­tle Jas­mine, is ac­tu­ally in the pupil the star light sparkles, shouted ten­derly, then the form in a flash, dis­ap­peared by far.
But wipes the as­ter­ism ac­tu­ally to dodge in hori­zon, Snow Princess Sword puts on the space, the straight young girl, that said that the shade of Ice Phoenix is also closely as­so­ci­ated, ices the wing to flut­ter, turned round the space that com­pletely Lit­tle Jas­mine was.
„Hee, since this case, Big Sis­ter must make me play happy.” The Lit­tle Jas­mine win­ning smile is still sweet, but in her pupil pupil, ac­tu­ally bloomed the deep blue ray. Charm­ingly gen­tle voice words, were ac­tu­ally turn round Ice Phoenix to call ob­vi­ously.
Space fierce trem­bling, shortly the snow fog will fill the air, puts out a hand not to see the five fin­gers. All that the en­tire world has, the veg­e­ta­tion, the fly­ing beasts, moun­tains and earth, all fly to empty, in a flash, above sky pre­sented a ice mist hazy back­drop.
Even if this in God Realm, is count­less peo­ple have not seen his en­tire life the mar­velous sight.
In the back­drop, ex­cept for the ice blue ray of flash­ing, left pale sword glow. The Lit­tle Jas­mine pe­tite form flashes in the ice shade cold glow un­ceas­ingly the vac­il­la­tion, hand waves each time, leaves to de­part to­gether the pale sword glow, will come from the Mu Xu­anyin sword shade and cold light de­stroys com­pletely.
Sound of power col­li­sion is very leisurely, but, erupts in the back­drop, is ac­tu­ally Di­vine Lord plane/level power. Is flood­ing ice mist not in­stant sub­sid­ing of en­tire world, the erup­tion of each power, fol­lows is wide scope blast­ing open of space.
Their forms, will dis­place dozens li (0.5km) each flash. sky trem­bling, jet black space fis­sures from the sky straight vine earth, to seal|con­fer He, many fis­sures then crazily have not been di­vid­ing with enough time.
Bang rum­ble
Mu Xu­anyin form micro rev­o­lu­tions, thou­sand li(500 km) space co­ag­u­lates in­stan­ta­neously, blocks Lit­tle Jas­mine in the cen­ter of frozen world. But the twin­kling, the co­ag­u­lated space then di­rectly blasts open, de­parts myr­iad sword glow, is con­geal­ing in­stan­ta­neously one bunch, per­pen­dic­u­lar in­ci­dence Mu Xu­anyin.
The pale sword shade such as Snow Princess Sword bumps into, a Zheng called, the back­drop col­lapsed, sky and earth were sim­i­lar to the cover to a close spi­der web......
This blast­ing open no longer is the thou­sand li(500 km) space, in two fear­ful such as under power of dis­as­ter, this quiet 1 mil­lion years of Small World fi­nally avalanches......
Il­lu­sory Sea An­cient Bound­ary, var­i­ous places are walk­ing ran­domly three big Star Realm peo­ple, par­tic­u­larly three big con­trol pro­found prac­ti­tioner out­side sect, in cau­tiously si­mul­ta­ne­ously, is in the heart ex­cited ex­cep­tion­ally.
The cen­ter of an­cient bound­ary, the side of mau­soleum cham­ber en­trance, sev­eral Di­vine Spirit el­ders still de­fend there. No­body knew under the mau­soleum cham­ber chan­nel to have any­thing.
Does not know that Realm King of their three big have been buried.
A nine Sky Pro­found Thun­der Ban bang, does not have the omen.
The Il­lu­sory Sea An­cient Bound­ary cen­tral area blasts open sud­denly, the en­tire even thou­sands li (0.5km) re­gion, all lives, from three big Star Realm Di­vine Spirit pow­er­houses, to small pro­found beast, be­come the ashes by de­struc­tion in the flash.
They do not know how one are dies, even with­out enough time felt own death.
But these by luck not af­fected pro­found prac­ti­tioner com­pletely was also shaken by the shake of space turns in the place, is star­tled soul de­stroyed/ter­ror-stricken.
In every­where sand dust, two forms shoot up to the sky, until ten thou­sand zhang (3.33 m) upper air. Two as if come from un­sur­passed heav­enly palace pres­sure also cov­ers the sky, mak­ing en­tire Il­lu­sory Sea An­cient Bound­ary all bi­ol­ogy dying thing trem­ble in the deathly still­ness.
Mu Xu­anyin snow clothes dust­less­ness, in the hand the Snow Princess Sword ice shade col­ored glaze, is re­fract­ing cold light in her beau­ti­ful eyes.
Ex­isted for at least hun­dred years ten thou­sand still com­pletely, but also nur­tures Em­peror Im­mor­tal Grass Small World, ac­tu­ally com­plete avalanche under their power, Lit­tle Jas­mine face red­den, ac­tu­ally as be­fore a grin­ning ap­pear­ance: „I have heard, Mid­dle-Rank Star Realm that called Snow Song Realm, its Realm King was very fierce, can com­pared with many High-Rank Star Realm Realm King, orig­i­nal also lit­tle not be­lieve that orig­i­nally not only real, but also wanted to be fiercer than rumor.”
„Re­veals your pointed weapons.” If Mu Xu­anyin eye cold arrow: „Oth­er­wise, you did not have op­por­tu­nity.”
„Does not want.” Lit­tle Jas­mine is ac­tu­ally di­rectly the hand back after the neck: „Al­though you are very fierce, but wish makes me put forth fully, is un­qual­i­fied.”
If moon/month fil­a­ment eye­brow sinks slightly, cherry color flow­ery lips has no time finely, ac­tu­ally char­ac­ter char­ac­ter pure-heart: „If six months ago, I in­deed were not your match, what a pity......”
The light breeze has stroked sound.
But ac­tu­ally in this sud­denly, the ice-cold pierc­ing world, the tem­per­a­ture sud­denly plum­meted at a ter­ror peer­less scope, like sud­denly crazily dropped to ice-cold hell under thou­sands of level.
In Mu Xu­anyin beau­ti­ful eyes, the pupil van­ishes slowly, gets up along with it flash un­ex­pect­edly sud­denly wipes the ice blue multi-col­ored sun­light, her send­ing silk flut­ters, sev­eral near snow white, along with the light dance of her arm, Ice Phoenix has launched the ice crys­tal wing in her body slowly.
„Well......?” Lit­tle Jas­mine crooked tilt­ing the head, opens along with it flow­ery lips slightly, mo­ment, the pupil pupil cir­cle stares sud­denly, flow­ery lips also all of a sud­den opened in a big way „zero” shape: „Well well well well well!!??”

1120: If the dream meets by chance

#1120: If the dream meets by chance
Comments 159
Is Mu Baimei is shocked in­ces­santly, Great Em­peror Nan Lie and Han Kuan are fierce stares, then the vi­sion nic­ti­ta­tion, looked to Mu Baimei. Yun Che main­tained for­merly pos­ture is stand­ing there, they were for­mi­da­ble Di­vine King, how has not seen clearly him to ap­pear there un­ex­pect­edly com­pletely.
Yun Che look ice-cold, the con­ceal­ment taunted, sneered a sound track: „Mu Baimei, your this cloven hoof is re­ally ugly.”
Solemn Di­vine King, in the mean­est most and shame­less method, in two away sud­denly, only then under Di­vine Soul Realm young pro­found prac­ti­tioner the ex­treme meth­ods, strike to be spa­tial un­ex­pect­edly, in their cog­ni­tion, this is basic im­pos­si­ble, is un­able the mat­ter of un­der­stand­ing. Mu Baimei slowly has turned around, looked at Yun Che, ice shade that also looked in a hand dis­si­pated, com­plex­ion gloomy un­cer­tain.
„Won­der­ful! Re­ally won­der­ful.” Great Em­peror Nan Lie eye of dew dif­fer­ent light: „Old Man Mu, this King also thinks that your per­form­ing skill wise, this boy has been guard­ing against you. Solemn Di­vine King Realm, links a Di­vine Soul Realm boy to plot un­ex­pect­edly in­ad­e­quately, the how big joke, feared that was the face of this half a life­time loses, Ha­ha­haha.”
„.” Yun Che smiles one lowly: „Does not have the stance to the ex­ter­nal later gen­er­a­tion, a po­lite ami­able king, how pos­si­bly raises not to have the son of cour­tesy ed­u­ca­tion. Son's well­do­ing adds on that po­lite healthy ten­dency the coun­te­nance, from the be­gin­ning told me this ei­ther is a false de­ceit­ful dis­ci­ple, ei­ther was the shrewd­ness sin­is­ter gen­er­a­tion, ei­ther both were.”
„Ha­ha­haha, Ha­ha­haha!!” Great Em­peror Nan Lie claps to laugh: „Good! Said well! Old Man Mu Old Man Mu, this boy knew that your dou­ble-hour, digs up sim­ply the slight­est not to re­main your skin, is re­ally splen­did, this King is re­ally re­gret use­less Pro­found Im­agery Stone en­graves, oth­er­wise the fol­low­ing tens of thou­sands years the fa­cial ex­pres­sion air/Qi is crisp daily, Ha­ha­ha­haha.”
„...” The Mu Baimei palm loosens, has not ac­tu­ally be­come angry out of shame, only has piece of gloomy: „You are Snow Song Realm King Mu Xu­anyin di­rect dis­ci­ple!”
Yun Che fierce stares, Great Em­peror Nan Lie and Han Kuan si­mul­ta­ne­ously the com­plex­ion changes: „What did you say?”
„Is­land Mas­ter Mu what this word!?” Han Kuan aus­tere sound track.
„...” Yun Che is also in the heart greatly moves: Does he rec­og­nize? could it be that...
„Snow Song Realm Ice Phoenix God Sect two big di­vine skill, Ice Phoenix God Con­fer­ring Codex and Bro­ken Moon's Flick­er­ing Shadow!” Mu Baimei sink­ing sound track: „He flick­ered the body a mo­ment ago is far from the gen­eral move­ment, how could oth­er­wise to fail under Spirit Sense lock­ing of this King, that may be Snow Song Realm di­vine skill Bro­ken Moon's Flick­er­ing Shadow ex­tremely!”
„Ice Phoenix God Con­fer­ring Codex, Ice Phoenix God Sect high level dis­ci­ple may prac­tice, but Bro­ken Moon's Flick­er­ing Shadow, rumor only has Snow Song Realm King Mu Xu­anyin to build, this King once ac­ci­den­tally saw in the past, star­tled shakes for a long time, is hard to put be­hind. He can dis­play Bro­ken Moon's Flick­er­ing Shadow, only may be Snow Song Realm King Mu Xu­anyin give!”
sea­side three con­trol sect are prac­tice water at­tribute Pro­found Arts, but the ice water a com­mon ori­gin, nat­u­rally knows. East­ern God Ter­ri­tory ice at­tribute most pow­er­house is Snow Song Realm Mu Xu­anyin, how the Mu Baimei three peo­ple can not know name of Mu Xu­anyin and Snow Song Realm.
„Hehehe, Old Man Mu, you made a mis­take. Snow Song Realm King di­rect dis­ci­ple, how pos­si­bly alone rushes to here.” Great Em­peror Nan Lie said that but some happy ex­pres­sion ob­vi­ous dis­tor­tions. Di­vine Soul Realm avoids the short dis­tance sur­prise at­tack of Di­vine King Realm per­fectly, he sees what one never saw be­fore, heard that has not seen, that is far from the or­di­nary move­ment can achieve. More­over the Mu Baimei ex­pres­sion is se­ri­ous, by him to a Mu Baimei many years of un­der­stand­ing, likely is not false.
Yun Che after ini­tial as­ton­ished, in­stead thin smile gets up: „Is­land Mas­ter Mu also is re­ally ex­pe­ri­enced. Good, Snow Song Realm King, in­deed is my Hon­ored Mas­ter!”
Then, his body blue light fluc­tu­ates, the shade of Ice Phoenix is his be­hind flashes past to­gether, but pierc­ing cold qi ac­tu­ally rapidly spreads, for a very long time is not loose.
„Ice Phoenix God Con­fer­ring Codex!”
Great Em­peror Nan Lie and Han Kuan com­plex­ion fi­nally dras­tic change. They have not seen Bro­ken Moon's Flick­er­ing Shadow, but how can not know Snow Song Realm Ice Phoenix God Con­fer­ring Codex.
Snow Song Realm is Mid­dle-Rank Star Realm, is they can­not stir up ab­solutely. But Snow Song Realm King Mu Xu­anyin en­dures com­pared with High-Rank Realm King Di­vine Lord, is they looks up to does not have aloof ex­is­tence of qual­i­fi­ca­tions. But her di­rect dis­ci­ple, on God Realm plane/level, the sta­tus is not in­fe­rior to their three Low-Rank Star Realm Realm King, even in field still haves it.
Three Great Realm King after short shock, look grad­ual slow. Great Em­peror Nan Lie said easely: „No won­der has such big courage, orig­i­nally un­ex­pect­edly is Snow Song Realm King dis­ci­ple, no won­der no won­der.”
„Since you knew, I do not need ar­gu­ment.” The Yun Che's man­ner re­laxed com­pletely: „This Em­peror Im­mor­tal Grass, I have car­ried off, the be­fore­hand mat­ter, I am also pure, when has not oc­curred, don't you have the opin­ion?”
„To walk? Hehehe, feared that is not easy.” The Mu Baimei sin­is­ter smile gets up.
The Yun Che eye nar­rows the eyes: „What's wrong? Do you also want to seize my body Em­peror Im­mor­tal Grass?”
„, this King had not said that must snatch your Em­peror Im­mor­tal Grass.” Re­moved the af­fect­edly vir­tu­ous coun­te­nance, the face of Mu Baimei pre­sents is let­ting the per­son pal­pi­ta­tion the den­sity: „After all we for­merly had agree­ment, Em­peror Im­mor­tal Grass who found first is whose, other peo­ple can­not seize. The this King good and evil is a king, how could fail­ing to keep one's word makes the per­son scoff.”
„But, we had not said that will not kill you! So long as you died, Em­peror Im­mor­tal Grass has be­come the thing of with­out owner, we can cer­tainly splen­did tak­ing away, not vi­o­late the agree­ment, you said right?”
Yun Che com­plex­ion one cloudy, ridiculed: „Shame­less I have seen much, but looks like you to so shame­less dis­gust­ing, but also is re­ally rare. Do you want to kill me? For­got to tell you, my body had spirit Soul Im­print that Hon­ored Mas­ter left be­hind to record, so long as I died, Hon­ored Mas­ter will im­me­di­ately know. Be­fore I die, image that sees, Hon­ored Mas­ter com­pletely will also see!”
„You, since knows my Hon­ored Mas­ter given name, should know that her tem­pera­ment is not quite good. At the ap­pointed time , to con­tinue you, your fam­ily mem­ber and sect en­tire Star Realm, will even bury to ex­tin­guish under my Hon­ored Mas­ter anger. You must give a try!”
„Ha­ha­haha.” Mu Baimei not only not alarmed and afraid, in­stead laughs, Great Em­peror Nan Lie and Han Kuan also look to laugh. Mu Baimei moves to­ward Yun Che slowly: „Ling Yun, this King has to ac­knowl­edge that in your this age, you in­deed is a great char­ac­ter, no won­der Snow Song Realm King will re­ceive you for di­rect dis­ci­ple. But was a pity that your story even­tu­ally was too shal­low.”
„If here is other places, this King in­deed does not have the courage to begin to you, can­not do well must the good words apol­o­gize to you. But here, is ac­tu­ally the in­de­pen­dent world in in­de­pen­dent world, in your mind was planted 100 spirit Soul Im­print to record by your Hon­ored Mas­ter, after dying, do not want any in­duc­tion.”
„Hey, what a pity.” When Great Em­peror Nan Lie shook the head, pities, pours mean­ing that also some­what re­grets: „If orig­i­nally is obe­di­ent, per­haps has not used. The ex­posed sta­tus, ac­tu­ally the right and wrong re­fused stub­bornly to be pos­si­ble!”
„Hehehe,” Yun Che is still ac­tu­ally smil­ing: „Mu Baimei, al­though you a mo­ment ago to my sud­denly under ex­treme meth­ods, but your I do not have the lond stand­ing grudge after all, not big en­mity, has the lee­way that the big piece can re­volve. But knew my Hon­ored Mas­ter given name, ac­tu­ally still the mal­ice does not change, it seems like you are do not leave a way out to your­self that iron core!”
His vi­sion slant­ing Great Em­peror Nan Lie and Han Kuan: „You are also.”
„That do not blame me after leav­ing here, your names, told me Hon­ored Mas­ter!”
„Leaves here? Good.” Mu Baimei laughs, in­vis­i­ble Di­vine King aura is cov­ered firmly by the space that Yun Che is at: „How that this King must have a look at you to live but ac­tu­ally de­par­ture!”
Yun Che lifted the hand, the palm has worked on gray­ish white non- light pro­found stone: „Do not re­gret!”
„Ha­ha­haha!” Sees pro­found stone that in the Yun Che hand takes up, three Great Realm King see a joke likely once more, si­mul­ta­ne­ously laughs: De­par­ture that „you said that de­pends upon this di­men­sion pro­found stone? You naive laugh­able, it seems like your Hon­ored Mas­ter has not re­ally taught you space prin­ci­ple. power of di­men­sion stone, can only carry on the shut­tle of same space, you use here, let alone runs away out­side, can­not ar­rive in­clud­ing Il­lu­sory Sea An­cient Bound­ary of outer layer, even if 10,000 in body, for­ever im­pos­si­ble leaves this small world...”
Has Mu Baimei said that sud­denly the look con­cen­trates, after short one is sur­prised , the com­plex­ion big change, loses the sound track: „Il­lu­sory Stone!?”
„What?” Mu Baimei this drinks lowly, lets Great Em­peror Nan Lie and Han Kuan is in the heart one star­tled, grey pro­found stone in vi­sion per­pen­dic­u­lar in­ci­dence Yun Che hand. The di­men­sion stone is high level, but the shut­tle dis­tance is longer, but again high level di­men­sion stone , the im­pos­si­ble cross space shut­tles back and forth.
Al­though Il­lu­sory Stone is also a di­men­sion stone, but its level ac­tu­ally at is not the com­mon di­men­sion stone may com­pare, its space shut­tle any space prin­ci­ple can­not limit, be­cause of its ex­is­tence, is built on space prin­ci­ple most apex.
„Now re­gret­ted, al­ready late.” Yun Che smiles one lowly, works on Il­lu­sory Stone.
A "Ah!" Mu Baimei low roar, cov­ers Yun Che's aura to tighten in­stan­ta­neously, body is pro­found en­ergy erupts, dashes to Yun Che, in the fa­cial fea­tures pre­sents clearly is panic-stricken.
He had rec­og­nized that the op­po­site party is Snow Song Realm King di­rect dis­ci­ple, if es­caped by him, by the Snow Song Realm King strength, in also rumor ice-cold heart­less dis­po­si­tion, after know­ing today all, how he can the also means of liveli­hood!
In tur­bu­lent air­ing sound, Mu Baimei grasps to be spa­tial once more, in the hand is still only an ice shade of piece of fast dis­si­pa­tion. He cries out strangely, swoops once more.
By Yun Che that the air­ing com­ple­men­tary waves clash ma­li­ciously, pro­found strength is urged in­stan­ta­neously to Il­lu­sory Stone. On the face is sneer­ing, in the heart is one sighs darkly.
After leav­ing Heiya Realm, be­fore en­ter­ing Il­lu­sory Sea An­cient Bound­ary, in his heart all ten­ta­tive plans, launch re­gard­ing Il­lu­sory Stone. He after hav­ing the life takes Em­peror Im­mor­tal Grass, but must have the life to leave, the for­mer was ex­tremely dif­fi­cult, the lat­ter be more dif­fi­cult than on not to have the sev­eral fold the for­mer.
But has Il­lu­sory Stone that can per­fect es­cape in the body, the lat­ter in­stead be­came the easy mat­ter. He must do, does not hes­i­tate to at­tain Em­peror Im­mor­tal Grass, so long as Em­peror Im­mor­tal Grass starts, even if the sur­round­ing ten thou­sand items look steadily, he can also es­cape to leave safely.
In God Realm, if by the value and rare, Il­lu­sory Stone must ex­ceed Em­peror Im­mor­tal Grass ab­solutely, al­though he with­out hes­i­ta­tion, but many was a lit­tle also a pity where also some­what is rest­less to be trans­mit­ted by Il­lu­sory Stone.
But, in this com­pared with the elec­tric light flint also wants short in­stant, Yun Che's palm, Il­lu­sory Stone van­ishes un­ex­pect­edly sud­denly di­rectly does not see, rushes Il­lu­sory Stone pro­found en­ergy also sim­i­larly to fail.
„!!??” The Yun Che com­plex­ion is star­tled changes, but be­fore his body, the Mu Baimei body shadow band bound­less such as sea the strength of Di­vine King has been swoop­ing, but , the next in­stance, then suf­fi­ciently buries into abyss him.
In the world, re­sounds weak sud­denly, ac­tu­ally the play swings the soul the light whin­ing noise, wipes the blue light to dodge in Mu Baimei the front lightly, moves this wipes the blue light in­stant, Mu Baimei body hot tem­pered pro­found en­ergy is de­feated and dis­persed with­out the trace un­ex­pect­edly all of a sud­den com­pletely, the whole per­son such as the hit bonds in the space wall that a wall could not see, flies after a stuffy pshaw back­ward hor­i­zon­tally, pounds again in the place.
The mu­ta­tion that this comes lets Great Em­peror Nan Lie and Han Kuan has a big shock, Mu Baimei stands up from fail­ure fast, ex­claimed se­verely: „Any per­son!!”
But he just roared to make noise, then all of a sud­den there, again could not make a sound, Great Em­peror Nan Lie and Han Kuan is also star­tled in the orig­i­nal po­si­tion, under en­tire body mo­tion­less, likely is sud­denly frozen, only pair of eye­ball in fierce in­com­pa­ra­ble con­trac­tion trem­bling.
This is cool breeze Small World slowly sud­denly be­comes in­com­pa­ra­ble ice-cold, each wisp of light breeze be­comes the cold pen­e­trat­ing mar­row.
Be­fore Yun Che's body, such as ap­pears to wipe the back vi­sion­ally slowly. A snow clothes, with­out any dec­o­ra­tion, out­lined is not being able to use any grace and tal­ent of spo­ken lan­guage de­scrip­tion, the long hair vine waist, each ice sent the silk as if to con­dense the mag­nif­i­cent in so­ci­ety purest snow and ice blue.
Under the snow sleeve, a pair of white hands beau­ti­ful does not re­sult in the thing of world of mor­tals, is grasp­ing that lightly in Il­lu­sory Stone that in the Yun Che hand van­ishes.
Her ar­rival, mak­ing the world in­com­pa­ra­ble ice-cold, is very peace­ful, the flow­ers and plants stopped sway­ing, the wind com­pletely stopped sway­ing. Grad­u­ally, her flow­ers and plants started to re­move once color, turned into glit­ter­ing and translu­cent carv­ing ice flower, and spread to go piece by piece, the color of world started be­comes mo­not­o­nous, but ac­tu­ally beau­ti­ful.
„......” Dull looks that at pre­sent as if came from the dream­land the back, a Yun Che's line of sight dim­ness, myr­iad com­plex emo­tions dash in his soul chaotic, until chang­ing to a blank.
For a long time los­ing soul loses one's voice, he fi­nally ex­udes the bit­ter nan sound: „Mas­ter... Ven­er­a­ble...”
--- --- --- --- ---

Friday, May 11, 2018

1119: The immortal of all various grassy plants

#1119: The immortal of all various grassy plants
Comments 42
Has mys­te­ri­ous power that He Lin gives, Yun Che every­where one visit, all flow­ers and plants trees likely wake up from the sleep, re­lease fresher rich nat­ural aura. Al­though is first time saw, but Yun Che can ac­tu­ally clear in­com­pa­ra­ble called their name, as well as their char­ac­ter­is­tics, in­tel­li­gence and prop­erty...... With­out ex­cep­tion.
The Yun Che's vi­sion looks at all around un­ceas­ingly, var­i­ous spirit flower that is count­ing these ob­vi­ously first see­ing, but the body never has the lit­tle while to stag­nate, the in­duc­tion from Sky Poi­son Pearl is get­ting more and more in­tense, one such as he more and more in­tense heart­beat.
Very near...... More and more near......
So long as at­tains Em­peror Im­mor­tal Grass again, can tem­pered leave „Uni­verse Five Jade Pill”, after one­self it re­fin­ing up suc­cess­fully, can di­rectly break through to Di­vine Tribu­la­tion Realm.
Al­though Mu Xu­anyin once had said that even if ob­tains Uni­verse Five Jade Pill , is also not this level can re­fine, needs her to be aux­il­iary in the side. But, Yun Che is re­fin­ing up to melt other same rank pro­found prac­ti­tioner im­pos­si­ble have built up med­i­cine pill re­peat­edly force­fully, to own spe­cial Pro­found Vein and con­sti­tu­tion has enough con­fi­dence.
Al­though Di­vine Dao large scale pro­found strength sur­mounts the brought giant mal­prac­tice he has com­pre­hended by one­self......
But achieve­ment Di­vine Tribu­la­tion, he is qual­i­fied for par­tic­i­pat­ing in Pro­found God Con­fer­ence, can enter Eter­nal Sky God Realm...... Can see Jas­mine!
Only misses this last...... More­over is a near at hand half step!
Yun Che train of thought in un­con­trolled flood. Jas­mine is he does not hes­i­tate to drop out to ar­rive at the only rea­son of God Realm, hav­ing the hope to come, but greets im­me­di­ately his is ac­tu­ally dis­ap­pointed and even des­per­ate, fi­nally, Mu Xu­anyin said „Uni­verse Five Jade Pill”, to light can be said as the only hope.
The close at hand, he is not how could ex­cited.
The re­sponse of Sky Poi­son Pearl is get­ting more and more in­tense, fi­nally, dodges along with the green light, the Yun Che's body also stopped, vi­sion slowly looks to under.
A sturdy old tree, less than high of two hun­dred feet, the thick­ness of hun­dred feet, the branches and leaves are sparse.
The top of old tree, is re­leas­ing among the sin­cere plain aura branches and leaves, wipes the strange flow­ing light to tow gen­tly, such as falls the busy moon­light of green leaf in the wind.
At this mo­ment, the Yun Che's heart­beat stopped, has for­got­ten the breath.
From the He Lin Wood Spirit soul strength, how can also not be called the sov­er­eigns of ten thou­sand wood, im­mor­tal of all var­i­ous grassy plants the in­for­ma­tion of Em­peror Im­mor­tal Grass.
Above growth in Gumu, emer­ald green tall and slen­der, piece by piece leave of grass sev­eral cuns (2.5cm), against the wind light dance, if not cov­er­ing a beau­ti­ful flow­ing light, it seems is every grass, will not bring to any­body's at­ten­tion.
But it, ac­tu­ally in en­tire God Realm, in­clud­ing High-Rank Star Realm long-awaited day ma­te­r­ial trea­sure Em­peror Im­mor­tal Grass!
Deeply in­spires, Yun Che from air­borne low­ers, move­ment leisurely falling ar­rives above the an­cient wood.
Ex­is­tence of Em­peror Im­mor­tal Grass this plane/level, had the rel­a­tive high in­tel­li­gence, un­der­stands to pro­tect one­self. Its aura will spread to the sur­round­ing all flow­ers and plants, even if sen­sa­tion to its aura, is hard to lock its po­si­tion, but the de­tec­tion the dan­ger­ous life ap­proaches, it will also col­lect body bril­liance, be­comes and every grass not dif­fer­ent.
Even can also es­cape wooden walks.
But, when Yun Che ap­proaches, it not only does not have the self- con­ceal­ment or flee­ing, in­stead bril­liance is more abun­dant, the leave of grass also slowly opens, fa­vors the po­si­tion that Yun Che was.
Yun Che body has the strength of Royal Fam­ily Wood Spirit, this ex­isted to Em­peror Im­mor­tal Grass , has greatly strength­ened com­pat­i­ble and at­trac­tion.
Yun Che ex­tends the left hand, mov­ing cau­tiously on Em­peror Im­mor­tal Grass. Deep green ray from Sky Poi­son Pearl im­me­di­ately its pack­age.
Other peo­ple pick Em­peror Im­mor­tal Grass, must ar­rive at peak care­fully, but Sky Poi­son Pearl ex­ists, that flash that the green light flashes be­fore, then turned round to its each root hair, its per­fect pick­ing, will not have, even if the dam­age of least bit.
Em­peror Im­mor­tal Grass...... This is Em­peror Im­mor­tal Grass...... Suc­ceeded in ob­tain­ing!
Yun Che's hand is shiv­er­ing, in heart fu­ri­ously is shout­ing.
Qilin Horn, An­cient Dragon Heart, Wood Spirit Bead and Nine Stars Bud­dha Di­vine Jade...... Em­peror Im­mor­tal Grass!
Must re­fine Uni­verse Five Jade Pill this to ini­ti­ate won­drous item of mir­a­cle, five ma­te­ri­als that needs, seeks its in­com­pa­ra­bly dif­fi­cult rare trea­sure all.
Snow Song Realm Ice Wind Em­pire, takes Qilin Horn with ease.
Flame God Realm God Bur­ial Fire Prison, with the Hon­ored Mas­ter same place, comes the heart of An­cient Horned Dragon by the life abun­dantly.
Wood Spirit Bead that Wood Spirit do­nates......
If the space falls meat pie Nine Stars Bud­dha Di­vine Jade......
At the pre­sent, Em­peror Im­mor­tal Grass also al­ready in hand.
Short less than one year, the col­lec­tion com­plete has re­fined Uni­verse Five Jade Pill all ma­te­ri­als un­ex­pect­edly re­ally!
„Jas­mine, re­ally...... The heaven wants to let my see again/good­bye to you.”
Yun Che was read­ing lowly, was feel­ing in the hand the strange mild feel­ing, after ar­riv­ing at God Realm, all mighty waves, dan­gers and grief of ex­pe­ri­enc­ing, paced back and forth alarmed and afraid and no use, as if all be­came can­not with­stand raises.
By Em­peror Im­mor­tal Grass as be­fore bright light sparkling that the Sky Poi­son Pearl ray wraps, re­leases high level life aura that has not been weak­en­ing slightly. Yun Che's hand tight­ens slightly, loosens hastily, de­presses the mighty waves that in the heart fluc­tu­ates un­ceas­ingly slowly...... At this time, his look sud­denly changed, has turned around sud­denly, Em­peror Im­mor­tal Grass in­stan­ta­neously was also re­ceived in Sky Poi­son Pearl by him.
A form drops from the clouds, whole body gold cloth, mag­nif­i­cent and ex­pen­sive some­what daz­zling. He smil­ingly looks at Yun Che: „Oh, un­ex­pect­edly can re­al­ize me, your this boy is not re­ally sim­ple.”
„Orig­i­nally is Great Em­peror Nan Lie,” the Yun Che vi­sion sinks slightly: „You are track­ing me!?”
„Right.” Great Em­peror Nan Lie di­rectly ac­knowl­edged: „Your body strange place were too many. Sneaks be­longs to our three Star Realm Il­lu­sory Sea An­cient Bound­ary, should hide hon­estly, you ac­tu­ally to save a ir­reg­u­lar per­son, but ex­poses be­fore all peo­ple on own ini­tia­tive, prob­a­bly makes Old Man Mu owe you ex­cept for seiz­ing the chance the favour, bet­ter not to have ex­plained.”
Yun Che: „......”
„You said that was passed on by some space pro­found array to the mau­soleum cham­ber chan­nel was strange, later scat­ters the mi­asma that links three of us un­able to pass with joint forces by that stone. The fear­ful­ness of that mi­asma, feared that is at least Di­vine Sov­er­eign Realm power can break, you ac­tu­ally de­pend on a small stone eas­ily to melt, the value of that stone feared that is un­able to es­ti­mate, you ac­tu­ally on own ini­tia­tive put out. Your all sorts of be­hav­iors told the this King two mat­ters, you are Em­peror Im­mor­tal Grass come spe­cially, two, you as if had the con­sid­er­ably large as­sur­ance to find it.”
„There­fore this King is think­ing, with your words, will per­haps have the pleas­antly sur­prised har­vest. It seems like if so.” Great Em­peror Nan Lie reaches out Yun Che: „You are obe­di­ently hand over, is a this King multi- fee small ef­fort, takes away from your corpse.”
Yun Che does not have any panic-stricken color, in­stead a face is calm: „Great Em­peror Nan Lie, I in­deed come for Em­peror Im­mor­tal Grass, after all this grade of di­vine item, any pro­found prac­ti­tioner will long for even in dreams. How­ever, you have for­got­ten a mat­ter prob­a­bly, be­fore en­ter­ing here, we have the agree­ment, who found Em­peror Im­mor­tal Grass first, Em­peror Im­mor­tal Grass is any­one, other peo­ple can­not seize. Your Great Em­peror Nan Lie is not only Monarch of the coun­try, is a king, al­ways won't be the shame­less one of the fail­ing to keep one's word?”
„Hey!” Great Em­peror Nan Lie has smiled: „this King thinks you can go against three of us to achieve so the sit­u­a­tion, in­evitably is an ex­tremely in­tel­li­gent per­son, has not thought that orig­i­nally does not have the idiot of brain. After all was too young.”
The sound falls, the happy ex­pres­sion has not re­duced, the per­sonal ap­pear­ance ac­tu­ally sud­denly bends down to empty, takes Yun Che.
„Nan Lie, stop!!”
At the same time, star­tling thun­der­clap drinks se­verely trans­mits sud­denly in the sky, deep blue pro­found en­ergy also sud­denly rum­bles to to­gether, from the sky changes to the in­nu­mer­able water ar­rows, the cover to the Great Em­peror Nan Lie whole body.
Great Em­peror Nan Lie heavy snort|hum, [gold/metal] Xiu strokes, shakes the pow­der all water arrow whole bod­ies, the per­son in­stead is also shak­ing under the strength to draw back by far, nar­rows the eyes shortly to the per­son's shadow that pre­sents sud­denly, sneers say­ing: „Old Man Mu, what comes is re­ally skill­ful.”
Mu Baimei is bring­ing a giant air wave, from air­borne „sigh” falling, the angry glare looks to Great Em­peror Nan Lie: „Nan Lie, what you make? Is solemn Di­vine King, un­ex­pect­edly is smaller than to one age hun­dred times under your later gen­er­a­tion so the vi­o­lent treach­ery, did not fear that loses com­pletely own shame­less­ness!”
„Hey.” Great Em­peror Nan Lie sneers: „Your Old Man Mu is so in­tel­li­gent, why this King will get rid, won't you be able to think?” His pout­ing: „This boy also is re­ally the mon­ster very much, our three Spirit Sense straight du­pli­cate hun­dred li (0.5km), do not at­tain, he ac­tu­ally came up di­rectly to find Em­peror Im­mor­tal Grass. Em­peror Im­mor­tal Grass in his hands, how your does Old Man Mu pre­pare to do now?”
„!?” Mu Baimei looks to Yun Che: „Ling Yun, do this words take se­ri­ously? You have at­tained re­ally......”
The words have not said that he turns the head sud­denly, cold eyes stares Great Em­peror Nan Lie: „Since Ling Yun has at­tained Em­peror Im­mor­tal Grass, then de­ferred to for­merly the agree­ment, Em­peror Im­mor­tal Grass then has been he, no one may seize! Nan Lie, you are also the hon­ored and pop­u­lar char­ac­ter, for Em­peror Im­mor­tal Grass, makes the so mean ac­tion un­ex­pect­edly!”
„Snort!” Taunt that quite Great Em­peror Nan Lie smiles: „Agree­ment is our mat­ters, as for this boy, but was you com­plies, this King has not com­plied.”
„Does not have Ling Yun, three of us enter this place un­able.” Mu Baimei anger sound track: „You whether com­plies not to be unim­por­tant, since this King had con­sented that will not allow you to seize. If you dare to begin to Ling Yun again, do not blame this King not being im­po­lite! Later left this place, story cir­cu­late, mak­ing the com­mon peo­ple know that you make the so mean and shame­less ac­tion for Em­peror Im­mor­tal Grass, feared that is en­tire Star Realm wants, be­cause you are shamed!”
„Ha­ha­haha!” Great Em­peror Nan Lie laughs wildly: Good that „said that what said is re­ally good. Worthily is Old Man Mu, these words se­ri­ously is awe-in­spir­ing, deeply mov­ing, said again that this King feared shed­ding bit­ter tears that must be moved, wants ashamed.”
„Had an ac­ci­dent!? How Em­peror Im­mor­tal Grass aura dis­ap­pears!”
The se­ri­ous sound passes on, Han Kuan also came, falls on the side of Great Em­peror Nan Lie.
„Em­peror Im­mor­tal Grass had found, in that boy hand.” Great Em­peror Nan Lie [say / way] with a smile: „How Han does Sect Mas­ter pre­pare to do?”
„......” The Han Kuan look changes, Mu Baimei of vi­sual Yun Che and his body side, has not spo­ken, com­plex­ion fluc­tu­ates.
„Just now Nan Lie un­ex­pect­edly breaks a promise to break a promise, strikes a vi­cious blow to Ling Yun sud­denly, this King just rushes, feared that was Ling Yun al­ready by his vi­o­lent treach­ery.” Mu Baimei aus­tere sound track: „Ling Yun is not only the this King son's sav­ior, can enter this bound­ary, was helped by him, his first found Em­peror Im­mor­tal Grass, that is also the des­tiny de­cides, ac­cord­ing to the agree­ment, our three no one may rob. Han Sect Mas­ter, you are al­ways in­suf­fi­cient to make with this Nan Lie the same shame­less ac­tion.”
„......” Han Kuan smiled, but the com­plex­ion is quite ugly: „Is­land Mas­ter Mu is wise, Han feels ashamed of one's in­fe­ri­or­ity.”
„That is good.” Mu Baimei nod­ded, then moves to­ward Yun Che, a face is tem­per­ate: „Ling Yun, you can at­tain Em­peror Im­mor­tal Grass, that is your fate. Aban­dons your life-sav­ing oblig­a­tion to the this King son, this King will not allow some peo­ple to seize Em­peror Im­mor­tal Grass in your hand. In order to avoid cer­tain vil­lains is in­cor­ri­gi­bly wicked, this King first leads you to leave this place, to out­side, some peo­ple again has not dared to begin to you, after all the good and evil is also the main point face.”
Yun Che grate­ful nod: „Yes, Is­land Mas­ter Mu.”
„Walks.” Be­fore Mu Baimei ar­rives at the Yun Che body, puts out a hand to him, re­sem­bling is the prepa­ra­tion leads him fast to leave by own pro­found strength.
But in Yun Che also ex­tends arm, Mu Baimei changes the palm to grasp sud­denly, the poi­so­nous snake that orig­i­nally is the tem­per­ate palm is surg­ing sud­denly under pro­found strength that changes to re­gains con­scious­ness, takes the Yun Che throat......
Is clearly re­lent­less, does not have the ex­treme meth­ods of lee­way!
With in ugly grin hideously that on the Mu Baimei face floats off.
The deep green earth by crude tear­ing, the shat­tered flow­ers and plants was mixed every­where silt to scat­ter in all di­rec­tions crazily, but grin hideously on Mu Baimei face just reap­peared then stiff­ened.
Be­cause in his hand catches is not the throat bone of Yun Che shat­tered, but wipes the shat­tered ice shade.