Sunday, May 6, 2018

1081: Blood oath

#1081: Blood oath
Comments 176
Wood Spirit se­cret place, chilly wind dreary.
Yun Che gath­ers the same place all Wood Spirit re­mains, He Lin kneels there, lonely 11 see off them. Then, as the Yun Che arm pushes gen­tly, deeply buried them in this piece once was only on their lands.
Al­though not his mean­ing, not his hop­ing, but he ac­tu­ally cre­ates the prin­ci­pal fac­tor of this tragedy, in Yun Che heart guilty speech­less. His deep in­spi­ra­tion , the knees kneel, heav­ily nine knock on.
Puts out a hand, the palm, is that plants the bracelet that the sub­string has with the as­sorted flow­ers and plants, it is not only re­leas­ing nat­ural aura and Wood Spirit spir­i­tual en­ergy, but also con­tains young girl's heart that ini­tially is sprout­ing.
The palm opens out the land, bracelet care­ful lay­ing down, Yun Che raised the head, in the inner world, per­form­ing is that Wood Spirit girl's limpid pupil light and pure to does not en­dure to stroke the loose sound lan­guage the breeze, he said gen­tly: „Qing He, my this gives you a clan to bring the devil of dis­as­ter hard­ship, not hav­ing the qual­i­fi­ca­tions to ac­cept you so happy pre­sent­ing, hope you next life...... Can be kindly treated by the des­tiny.”
He Lin has knelt there, from be­gin­ning to end has not ac­tu­ally shed drop of tears, even does not have the ex­tremely strong mood to fluc­tu­ate, this makes in the Yun Che heart feel ur­gently con­strains with rest­lessly.
„He Lin,” Yun Che has pat­ted his shoul­der: „Later, I fol­low in my side, I will help you find an enough se­cu­rity again the place. You had said be­fore wants to re­quest me to be the mas­ter, al­though, I do not think that I can be­come nice Mas­ter, but if you still in­sist, I will not re­ject again.”
His pur­sue and sit­u­a­tion, are not suit­able to have one to hob­ble own dis­ci­ple ex­tremely let alone are mo­men­tar­ily prob­a­bly bring Royal Fam­ily Wood Spirit of huge cat­a­stro­phe, but...... Never has huge guilty, mak­ing his im­pos­si­ble aban­don He Lin not to at­tend to de­cid­edly.
He Lin there­fore is not ex­cited, has not nod­ded or shaken the head, he has trans­ferred the face, re­veals one to­ward Yun Che very pale very lightly smiles...... The pupil light passes the heart like the crys­tal as be­fore limpidly, but brings should not be the chilly wound of this age.
„Big Brother Yun Che,” he says with a smile: „Your life, has the flaw for some rea­sons...... Should be­fore very short time, right?”
Yun Che is star­tled, nods slowly.
Fac­ing An­cient Horned Dragon, he dis­plays „Draw­ing Moon Re­turn­ing Star” force­fully, this dis­obey­ing prin­ci­ple, dis­obeys the com­mon sense, dis­obeys heaven de­fy­ing power, the price, is the life per­ma­nent buckle!
That life was cut to feel­ing, is one type is un­able to de­scribe, but is hard to with­stand the ex­treme the agony, al­though the pain is very short, but re­minds him at this mo­ment, Soul trem­bles. Fol­lows this cut­ting to pain, also an­other fuzzy pre­mo­ni­tion...... That is if he will con­tinue to dis­play Draw­ing Moon Re­turn­ing Star from now on, by his im­me­di­ately vi­tal­ity, most 45 times, he will owe be­cause of the life com­pletely dies an un­timely death di­rectly.
„Re­ally,” He Lin still smiles: „Our Wood Spirit, has the spe­cial sen­si­tiv­ity to life aura, ac­tu­ally I am see­ing Big Brother Yun Che first, felt this point . More­over, was very se­ri­ous life buckle. If not patch promptly, lit­tle ex­actly many years. The Big Brother Yun Che such good per­son, should live for a long time is very very long, is fair.”
„...... You could rest as­sured that I will try to find so­lu­tion.” Yun Che along with the tastes, he has swept around one dis­cretely, said: „He Lin, we leave here first. Per­son who I had killed a mo­ment ago their, that sect that called Black Soul Di­vine Sect de­cided how­ever had re­al­ized that will have more evil peo­ple to come to here quickly.”
„You could rest as­sured that only if I die, oth­er­wise, I will not make any­body in­jure you again.” Yun Che firm in­com­pa­ra­ble [say / way].
„Thank you, Big Brother Yun Che, has your words, I re­ally quite happy.” He Lin smiles is deeper, is gaz­ing in the Yun Che's pupil light, were many sev­eral points of un­usual bril­liance: „Be­fore, I had thought des­tiny is very bru­tal, but, can in the life fi­nally runs into you, is the god of na­ture is car­ing for me.”
Yun Che shook the head, in heart five senses mixed Chen, but the horse is care­ful quickly grasps the mean­ing of some­thing fiercely......
Final of life!?
But in this flash, he sud­denly feels that He Lin life aura was sim­i­lar to has leaked the rub­ber ball of air/Qi, dis­si­pated at the ex­tremely quick speed sud­denly, on his face was hav­ing the smile as be­fore, but small and weak body, ac­tu­ally slowly went back­ward but ac­tu­ally.
„He Lin!!”
Yun Che changes col­ors with amaze­ment, one step sup­ports him in a panic for­ward...... His body soft­ness, the body tem­per­a­ture is drop­ping slowly, but crazy pass­ing that life aura con­tin­ues.
„This...... What's all this about?” The Yun Che eye stares in a big way, has thought of any­thing sud­denly, star­tled sound track: „You...... Your self-de­struc­tion Wood Spirit Bead?!”
„He Lin!” Ac­cu­mu­la­tion world spir­i­tual en­ergy that the Yun Che rave, both hands are going all out, but, after these world spir­i­tual en­er­gies enter the body of He Lin, will flow out im­me­di­ately: „He Lin! You...... Are you doing! Why do you want such to do?”
How can like this!? Why can like this......
I early should dis­cover that does not suit!
„Big Brother Yun Che......” the He Lin sound be­comes empty soft, he looks at Yun Che, [say / way] gen­tly: „I know that you will cer­tainly not throw down me, no mat­ter, but, I how...... Uncle Qing Mu said is very right, Big Brother Yun Che in the fu­ture cer­tainly will be­come a very great per­son, will be my sav­ior, I how...... Be­com­ing your bur­den......”
Yun Che Soul such as was shelled by the steel­yard weight, the whole body fiercely shiv­ers, he loudly ex­claimed: „Any bur­den! How you can be my bur­den! You...... You do not want to re­quest me to be the mas­ter, wants to be­come and I pro­tects your clans­man equally for­mi­da­ble! You hurry...... You, cer­tainly will cer­tainly have the means!!”
In the Yun Che mouth the asthma like the cow, Great Way of the Bud­dha Art re­volved peak, but...... He Lin body, still only then makes the Yun Che nearly des­per­ate life pass.
No...... Cer­tainly has the means!
Finds the way to res­cue his Ah!! quickly
I have killed all clans­men of his side ob­vi­ously, he com­plained about me, to hate me, even if must kill me should be...... Why is ac­tu­ally this!!
Here other all Wood Spirit died be­cause of me, how I can let He Lin also......
„Big Brother Yun Che, you can...... Com­plies with a I will­ful re­quest?” He Lin twit­ter­ing said gen­tly.
„You said...... Re­gard­less of any­thing re­quested that I will promise you.” Rev­o­lu­tion that Yun Che does not lose heart the strength of Rage God, ex­claim­ing with­out hes­i­ta­tion.
„Asked you...... For me...... Found Elder Sis­ter......”
„Good!” Yun Che nods, the sound char­ac­ter char­ac­ter trem­bles: „I will find her...... I will cer­tainly make your sis­ter and brother re­unite!”
He Lin weak shak­ing the head: „I know that my re­quest is very ex­ces­sive, very self­ish...... How­ever, I...... With­out the means that did not have other means re­ally......”
The tears, in this mo­ment crazy wan­der­ing about des­ti­tute, drop fi­nally in Yun Che's body, too deeply too deep painful and sad will shortly spread his whole body, the He Lin words, al­ready char­ac­ter char­ac­ter belt tears: „I am en­tire clan final Royal Fam­ily Wood Spirit, is hav­ing the en­tire clan final hope...... How­ever, I ac­tu­ally that use­less...... I could not pro­tect Elder Sis­ter, could not pro­tect the clans­man...... My any­thing can­not achieve...... Even if con­tin­ues to live on dis­hon­or­ably, will only harm the sin­cer­ity to my good Big Brother Yun Che...... Use­less I...... Could not find Elder Sis­ter, is un­able to pro­tect her...... Only en­ergy...... Self­ish re­quest Big Brother Yun Che......”
„Do not say again.” Yun Che chest cav­ity heavy was un­able to breathe, he is hoarse the sound say­ing: „You could rest as­sured that even if trav­e­les across en­tire God Realm, I cer­tainly will also find your Elder Sis­ter! I will pro­tect her...... Whose strate­gic point she, I kills who! Even if must sac­ri­fice the life, I will not make her re­ceive any in­jury ab­solutely! I pledged...... I pledged!!”
Eye pupil fierce trem­bling of full tears is swing­ing, He Lin up­hold arm slowly: „Thank you, Big Brother Yun Che, this is I...... Only...... Can repay your thing......”
The palm that has gripped tightly opens slowly, wipes the pure emer­ald green ray to pass his Soul from the Yun Che's eye pupil in­stan­ta­neously.
Wood Spirit Bead......
This Wood Spirit Bead wants on small half com­pared with that it Yun Che just ob­tained, but under com­ing from its spir­i­tual en­ergy and ray, Yun Che as if sud­denly placed one­self an­other world, his eye and body, even Soul, re­sem­bled by the pure run­ning water slow and gen­tle lo­tion.
Under the emer­ald green mirac­u­lous glow shines, Yun Che stayed there for a while.
This is He Lin Wood Spirit Bead.
It is not or­di­nary Wood Spirit Bead, but is Royal Fam­ily Wood Spirit Bead...... Is Brahma Em­peror God Realm this had the long-awaited thing.
Will not ex­pect in­clud­ing Brahma Em­peror God Realm that even never truly has ap­peared in the en­tire God Realm his­tory...... Per­fect Royal Fam­ily Wood Spirit Bead!
„Al­though...... I very use­less...... But...... My Wood Spirit Bead, is very great thing.” He is hold­ing his Wood Spirit Bead, near­ness slowly to the Yun Che's chest: „It can give a Big Brother Yun Che 50,000 years of life, abil­ity that as well as our Wood Spirit is in sole pos­ses­sion of......”
50,000 years of life!?
In pri­mor­dial chaos, can have human of 50,000 years of life, feared that only has supreme Di­vine Lord!
„When I am very young...... The par­ents have said...... My Wood Spirit Bead is very spe­cial, it is one 【Seed of Mir­a­cle】, Hopes that it one day...... Re­ally...... Brings power of mir­a­cle to Big Brother Yun Che......”
The emer­ald green ray is slowly near, in Yun Che that in strange aura stares blankly for a long time fi­nally as if awak­en­ing from a dream, the run­ning to­gether of two syl­la­bles in rapid speech ex­claimed: „He Lin! I do not need your Wood Spirit Bead! Im­me­di­ately re­ceives......!”
Wood Spirit Bead moved the Yun Che's chest...... Then, such as gen­tly falls into the peace­ful level of the lake the wa­ter­drop, peace­ful silent in­te­gra­tion to the Yun Che's body in......
Ob­vi­ously is the ex­ter­nal for­eign mat­ter, but the Yun Che's body has not ap­peared, even if a repel!
Wipes the emer­ald green ray to take the Yun Che's Chest as the source im­me­di­ately, fast du­pli­cate is slow his whole body. In a flash, pure in­com­pa­ra­ble, is huge to in­con­ceiv­able life aura in each cor­ner fast mul­ti­ply­ing and cir­cu­la­tion of his whole body......
Pale small hand falling of slowly, feels the Yun Che life aura mu­ta­tion, on the small face of He Lin is re­veal­ing the sat­is­fied chuckle, his eye also at this time slowly closed......
„Fa­ther...... Mother...... Lin'er fi­nally...... Saw you......”
The sound passes slowly, his final life aura, along with wisp of bru­tal light breeze strokes has van­ished......
„Stand­ing grain...... Con­tin­u­ous rain......”
Yun Che has made this life most with­ered sound, slowly knees down.
In his hand sud­denly one light, He Lin flash in bosom has the green glow, then sud­denly such as by the light snow that the wind blows off, changes green light star that every­where danced in the air, flew to fall to that piece of bury­ing has elapsed the Wood Spirit land.
Im­me­di­ately, the green grass emerges as the times re­quire, the rapid-growth, shortly is deep green one piece, along with it a hun­dred flow­ers in full bloom, du­pli­cate fills the land that trim Wood Spirit has slept soundly.
Per­haps, this is He Lin gives clans­man to pro­tect fi­nally.
„......” Yun Che such as changed to an ice sculp­ture, mo­tion­less kneel­ing there, until has still ob­structed his body in flow­ered that the green grass of growth and puts.
A fist bang ma­li­ciously in own Chest, Yun Che has spat a big blood fiercely, the both arms sup­ported all of a sud­den on the ground, fierce raise one's head, the cor­ners of the mouth cru­en­ta­tion, a pair of eye pupil was ac­tu­ally ac­tu­ally shin­ing through such as the Pur­ga­tory Yama hate light.
„Soul...... An­ces­tors......”
„Does not con­quer by killing your en­tire sects...... My Yun Che...... The oath is not a per­son!!”


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