Thursday, May 10, 2018

1102: Having no alternative

#1102: Having no alternative
Comments 123
Soul Sect 64 Halls loses se­ri­ously, in sect floods one to let the per­son pal­pi­ta­tion flur­ried aura.
Ob­tains the news Lei Qian­feng storm to re­turn, just en­tered sect, an in­dis­tinct poi­so­nous breath then lets in his heart the big quake...... This clearly ruins Lei Guangmo that deadly poi­son aura! His foot­steps speed up once again, at „bang” in de­stroys the gate to enter, then in­stan­ta­neous eye socket com­pletely cracks.
Red mist that scat­ters mixes the fear­ful poi­so­nous breath to fill the en­tire hall, Lei Qiandu and an­other two el­ders, each com­plex­ion are stiff, Xiao Qing­tong sits down ex­hausted when the place, the pear col­ored belt rain of cry­ing, Lei Qian­feng bursts, she did not re­spond.
Send­ing out gas cloud poi­so­nous breath al­to­gether has six peo­ple, the paral­y­sis lies down on the ground com­pletely, has been in­ca­pable of stand­ing up rad­i­cally, the moan that launches in salvos is weak. But these six peo­ple...... Im­pres­sively is he after buckle Lei Guangmo, re­main­ing six sons.
Lei Qian­feng brain „buzz”, the en­tire head blasts out likely sud­denly, the body sways, nearly stag­gers in the place. The Lei Guangmo killed by poi­son pain still close at hand, panic-stricken of this flash, let him, if drop­ping end­less abyss.
„This is...... What's the mat­ter? What's the mat­ter!!” Be­fore Lei Qian­feng rushes to six son bod­ies, lost one's voice the roar to call out.
„Sect Mas­ter.” Lei Qiandu walks: „In their in­sti­tute, is Guangmo ex­actly the same toxin, but the Guangmo in­sti­tute is more vi­o­lent. Ling Yun...... He has clearly sub­merged our sect, 11 plots against six young mas­ters!”
When spoke these words, the back of Lei Qiandu is still flee­ing the cold air.
The Lei Qian­feng com­plex­ion twitches, be­fore he rushes to the el­dest son Lei Guangqian body, trem­bling sound track: „Qian'er, what's the mat­ter? How are you toxin?”
The Lei Guangqian com­plex­ion is red, the lip opened and closed con­tin­u­ously sev­eral times, fi­nally makes the painful fuzzy sound: „Child...... Does not know...... Only thinks at pre­sent...... Ab­sent-minded...... Wak­ing up...... Then al­ready............ Royal Fa­ther...... Saves me......”
„......” The Lei Qian­feng body sways, cold in­tent straight thrust mar­row.
Sect Head­quar­ters not only has var­i­ous Lei Qian­feng, Great Elder and Hall Mas­ter these to be lo­cated in the top char­ac­ter in en­tire Heiya Realm, also 8 mil­lion dis­ci­ple guards. The Lei Qian­feng six sons are, with­out doubt is the en­tire sect core re­gion, guards in­nu­mer­ably, said that is en­tire Heiya Realm safest place is not over­rated.
Was qui­etly by one per­son un­ex­pect­edly...... Got down com­pletely died deadly poi­son!
No­body knows when he sneaks, no­body knows when he leaves.
More fear­ful, is con­tin­u­ally the peo­ple of these poi­sons, com­pletely does not know how one are toxin!
The Kuangfeng vol­ume, Lei Tian­gang and Fifth Elder fol­lowed fi­nally, the pre­sent scene, lets their in­stan­ta­neous com­plex­ion big change, panic-stricken de­sire cer­tainly.
„This...... This......” Lei Tian­gang creepy feel­ing, he looks to Lei Qian­feng, that scary com­plex­ion, mak­ing him not dare to speak at once.
Lei Qiandu has swept their one eyes, passes on the tone chan­nel: „Old Fourth they? How to have come back with you?”
„They...... Died.”
„What!?” The Lei Qiandu di­rect slip of the tongue makes noise, was full is the dark clouds com­plex­ion be­comes uglier in­com­pa­ra­ble.
„could it be that...... Is Ling Yun? No...... im­pos­si­ble......”
„This mat­ter said again!” Lei Tian­gang for­wards: „First finds the way to save sev­eral young mas­ters!”
He just for­ward two steps, by being star­tled has drawn back. How he can­not see, in these six peo­ple of in­sti­tutes the toxin, the Lei Guangmo in­sti­tute is more vi­o­lent than!
But Lei Qian­feng uses per­son­ally fully, ex­hausts in the sect all top spirit med­i­cine, can­not re­trieve Lei Guangmo...... Even can say does not af­fect, he can­not want then to be any con­se­quence.
„Ling Yun...... You are ruth­less enough!” The Lei Qian­feng whole body trem­bles, the cut­ting tooth wants bro­ken: „I am...... Pur­sues to the pri­mor­dial chaos edge...... Also must tear to shreds you, frus­trates the bone to raise the ash!!”
Xiao Qing­tong raised the head, hoarse the sound was say­ing: „Lei Qian­feng! Be­fore the in­can­ta­tion com­plained about Ling Yun, you think first own these years have made many scan­dals! Thinks that is who Ling Yun bring­ing in! Now you know that what was the ret­ri­bu­tion!! I lost Mo'er, if Qian'er has an ac­ci­dent again...... I will not for­give for a life­time you! Be­cause they were killed by you!!”
„You...... You shut up!” Lei Qian­feng calls out, is ac­tu­ally cov­er­ing the head, weak sit­ting, in the mouth lost the soul but was ac­tu­ally talk­ing over: „No...... Cer­tainly has the means that cer­tainly has means......”
„Sect Mas­ter! That Black Heart Poi­son Saint!” Lei Tian­gang said sud­denly loudly: „He now per­haps also in Heiya City! If he real, cer­tainly has the means to save six young mas­ters.”
„Good!” Lei Qiandu also echoes say­ing: „Sect Mas­ter, Guangmo skele­ton not cold...... The fear­ful­ness of this toxin, we are hands tied not han­dle, re­gard­less of that Black Heart Poi­son Saint is true or false, this were the only method.”
„That has not hur­ried to make Black Feather Cham­ber of Com­merce look for that Black Heart Poi­son Saint where­abouts!” Lei Qian­feng puffs say­ing: „After find­ing, re­gard­less of he pledges any black heart con­di­tion first to com­ply! At the max­i­mum speed leads him!”
„Sect Mas­ter.” Lei Tian­gang said: „Your could it be that has for­got­ten, the pre­vi­ous time in­vited that Black Heart Poi­son Saint, he...... He wants us to have the per­son to go.”
„thing!” Lei Qian­feng sink­ing sound track: „His small poi­so­nous med­i­cine, by the stray cur that in­nu­mer­able Star Realm chase down, what thing thinks one­self in­fal­li­ble? Also does match­ing make this King visit to ask per­son­ally? After find­ing, he must come to be best, the words that has not known the lim­i­ta­tion knocked down to tow!”
„This......” Lei Tian­gang looks the em­bar­rass­ment.
„Lei Qian­feng!!” Xiao Qing­tong flings the sleeve to set out, just re­ceived the pain of los­ing a child, an­other son en­coun­ters same deadly poi­son, under her in­ner­most feel­ings fear sadly, which can also man­age the Lei Qian­feng face, cursed an­grily loudly: „That Black Heart Poi­son Saint is not known how many Mid­dle-Rank Star Realm have chased down for sev­eral thou­sand years, now also live, why does he pay at­ten­tion to your Low-Rank Star Realm Sect Mas­ter well? What thing is he? How you do not ask first one are any thing!”
„You his bi­o­log­i­cal sons could not pro­tect, for an own honor, you have killed Mo'er, now pre­pares to kill your re­main­ing all sons!!”
„You......” this shout­ing to scold, mak­ing the Lei Qian­feng com­plex­ion all of a sud­den pale, quickly be­comes pal­lid, in­stead has not scolded, but ex­plodes sud­denly ex­claims: „You are also gawk­ing doing! In­forms Black Feather Cham­ber of Com­merce, this King only to give them quickly three dou­ble-hour, re­gard­less of that Black Heart Poi­son Saint still in Heiya City, within three dou­ble-hour, must find him to this King! Oth­er­wise this King does not cer­tainly make them feel bet­ter!”
„Yes.” Lei Tian­gang re­ceives an order hastily.
„Qiandu!” Lei Qian­feng puffs say­ing: „Im­me­di­ately starts to arrange, in half dou­ble-hour brings Qian'er they to em­bark to go to Heiya City along with this King, pro­found stone can bring many to bring many...... That Black Heart Poi­son Saint is best real, is best in his eter­nal truth leg­end the solv­able world ten thou­sand tox­ins, oth­er­wise, this King first per­son­ally crumb his bone...... Goes quickly!!”
When Yun Che opens the eye, day al­ready greatly bright.
Under for­mi­da­ble Great Way of the Bud­dha Art, his flesh wound sur­face has re­cov­ered, could not see any wound scar well, the in­ter­nal in­jury also 70-80%, pro­found strength also re­stored al­most, only to have the mind strength only to re­store about 30%-40%.
But he so ea­gerly wakes up, is mat­ter that today must do.
He when sit­ting in med­i­ta­tion ther­apy, out­side has kept one point to re­al­ize, Lit­tle Jas­mine leaves he had then re­al­ized, but until now, she has not come back.
Who is she?
Yun Che stands up, at this time re­calls and her sev­eral times „meet­ing by chance”, some words that as well as she spoke last night, Yun Che sud­denly had a sub­tle feel­ing...... This girl is not only not so is ab­solutely sim­ple, but also seems hold­ing some goal that the sur­face seems to ap­proach it­self de­sir­ably.
But, one­self and she for­merly were not ac­quainted, im­pos­si­ble and she has any griev­ances, she......
Dur­ing the Yun Che think­ing, sound trans­mis­sion jade trans­mits pro­found strength to fluc­tu­ate sud­denly.
Takes up sound trans­mis­sion jade, in­side broad­casts the sound that Ji Ruyan feels re­lieved: „Good...... Gen­eral that Young Mas­ter Ling Yun, that side Soul Sect re­ally such as you for­merly said that makes us look for the Black Heart Poi­son Saint where­abouts once again, more­over was much more anx­ious than be­fore. For­merly could not con­tact with you, I also think that you had an ac­ci­dent.”
Con­sid­ers as fin­ished a next pre­sent dou­ble-hour, Yun Che re­turns say­ing: „Had a con­di­tion, I still in Black Soul Moun­tain, must re­turn to Heiya City also to need some time now. You find the way to tow their sev­eral dou­ble-hour again.”
Crossed well some time, Ji Ruyan has given re­cov­er­ing: „Good...... How­ever the young mas­ter must as soon as pos­si­ble.”
Straight­ens out aura, di­verges the body smell, has changed clothes, Yun Che no longer goes to man­age the Lit­tle Jas­mine where­abouts, flies from Black Soul Moun­tain, turns back fast to Heiya City.
Heiya City, the place of sub­urb aban­don­ing.
This is one cov­ers en­tirely the fis­sure, the house that the win­dows and doors al­ready bro­ken de­feated, alone will be built on this lit­tle some peo­ple to visit on the land that ex­tremely.
But today, the place of this leav­ing un­cul­ti­vated, wel­comed „hon­ored guest”.
The group ar­rive in a hurry, is the per­son of head, im­pres­sively is Heiya Realm Great Realm King Lei Qian­feng, his body side, the sta­tus in the sect al­most not in the least under his wife Xiao Qing­tong, be­hind, Chief Hall Mas­ter Lei Tian­gang and Great Elder Lei Qiandu fol­lows, side also sect chief doc­tor Lei Deyan.
Be­hind, au­di­ences dis­ci­ple cau­tiously was lift­ing in Lei Qian­feng hus­band and wife six deadly poi­son son.
In the past was so long, fierce that in their in­sti­tute toxin man­i­fested sud­denly, six bod­ies cov­ered in the light red smog, the poi­so­nous breath that solely was as­signed away from the cap­i­tal, let close to the Soul Sect dis­ci­ple whole body was un­com­fort­able.
The group lower, be­fore ar­riv­ing at the hut that this Black Feather Cham­ber of Com­merce in­forms, just ap­proached, Lei Qian­feng, Lei Tian­gang, Lei Qiandu and the oth­ers then com­plex­ion fierce changes, si­mul­ta­ne­ously lie foot­steps.
Be­cause, they clearly felt in­com­pa­ra­bly gloomy and cloudy and cold aura.
This cloudy and cold feel­ing not only came from out­side body, but also si­mul­ta­ne­ously from the heart of hearts flood, lets their whole body quench­ing, in the heart pal­pi­tates sud­denly, the per­spi­ra­tion hair root root raises up. At pre­sent this dam­aged hut, looks like cov­ers in com­ing from bot­tom of Yel­low Springs Yin en­ergy, makes their these are in the sum­mit of Heiya Realm to Gao Qiang all of a sud­den ab­solutely ter­ri­fied.
„Sect Mas­ter...... This is......” Lei Tian­gang looks as­ton­ishedly, the feel­ing of so fear­ful aura, he al­ways never has.
But at this mo­ment, a hoarse low laugh­ter trans­mits from in­side: „Hey, it seems like had the big busi­ness to visit, then came on obe­di­ently, hey......”
The sound that this re­sounds sud­denly gloomy such as the ma­li­cious ghost smiles sim­ply craftily, in ad­di­tion here is far from com­mon cloudy and cold aura, is star­tled rear sev­eral dis­ci­ple con­tin­u­ally to draw back sev­eral steps, whole body feels cold.
The Lei Qian­feng com­plex­ion fluc­tu­ates slightly, has not re­acted, his Xiao Qing­tong is the quick steps en­ters, his brow sinks, must fol­low.


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