Wednesday, May 9, 2018

1098: Burns to kill heartlessly

#1098: Burns to kill heartlessly
Comments 8
A flame shut­tles back and forth in the sky, below Black Soul Moun­tain, is ac­tu­ally spreads to­gether more and more long bloody road. Under the hope­less sit­u­a­tion tight en­cir­clement, how long the Yun Che sen­sa­tion did not ar­rive passed, has killed many peo­ple, the pre­sent in­jury is light is heavy com­pletely does not know. He must main­tain brunts as well as pro­tects in the good bosom at­ten­tively to make him hate the tooth itchy young girl, but the sword of his right hand does not need to lock on the goal, under each sword, can the blood dye the night­time sky.
At this mo­ment, two aura that makes the Yun Che whole body pres­sure in­crease sud­denly ap­proaches from the flank ex­tremely fast.
„Ling Yun...... Suf­fers to death!!”
Two twine fierce light­ning Black Soul Spear to rip open the strength of Yun Che's Heavy Sword eas­ily, such as two pur­sue soul black snake, one on the left and other on the right en­tan­gles to Yun Che.
Two big Soul Sect Vice Hall Mas­ter...... Di­vine Tribu­la­tion Realm In­ter­me­di­ate stage pro­found strength!
pro­found strength aura is not in­fe­rior to Lei Kuangfeng com­pletely!
The Yun Che light­ning turns round, Rum­bling Heaven opens, pro­found en­ergy rises sud­denly, a sword wel­comed.
„Death!” Two big Soul Sect Vice Hall Mas­ter see Yun Che is the self-ex­am­i­na­tion pos­i­tive pho­to­graph wel­comes un­ex­pect­edly, the vi­sion in­stan­ta­neously be­comes the mean sev­eral fold, twined light­ning on Black Soul Spear such as sud­denly to have the life, danced reck­lessly.
Likely is to­gether the star­tling thun­der­clap tear­ing space, under thun­der that but ex­plodes, has a piece of shat­tered empty shade.
Bro­ken Moon's Flick­er­ing Shadow flick­ers the be­hind short form and aura sta­tions, lets these two Soul Sect Vice Hall Mas­ter strikes fully si­mul­ta­ne­ously strikes spa­tial, in­stant being caught off guard, Yun Che's Heavy Sword al­ready from the above heart­less bang.
Also is to­gether star­tling thun­der­clap bang, two big Vice Hall Mas­ter from air­borne plant to fall ma­li­ciously...... But al­most at the same time, is two for­mi­da­ble power si­mul­ta­ne­ously rum­bles to...... That is dif­fer­ent from the or­di­nary dis­ci­ple at­tire, im­pres­sively is two Vice Hall Mas­ter level char­ac­ters!
The Yun Che sword po­ten­tial re­turns to gather to­gether rapidly, vast great strength straight bang on.
Heaven Smit­ing Sword bumps into with two Black Soul Spear in the sky, sends out sky to be called by tear Zheng.
Even if Yun Che the con­di­tion, both hands hold the sword fully , the im­pos­si­ble frontage shakes two Soul Sect Vice Hall Mas­ter de­cid­edly hardly, do not say sin­gle-handed con­di­tion that the sword po­ten­tial and might greatly re­duce. Heaven Smit­ing Sword was shaken in­stan­ta­neously, the Yun Che right arm cracks, the whole per­son such as the me­te­orite crashes, pounds to fall on jet black Black Soul Moun­tain ma­li­ciously.
Bang! The ground blasts open, the sur­round­ing sev­eral moun­tain mas­sifs fiercely shook have shaken.
Yun Che was rum­bled to fall, sur­round­ings all Soul Sect dis­ci­ple im­me­di­ately lock the po­si­tion, in a flash, sev­eral thou­sand pro­found en­ergy also erupt fully, Qi ex­plo­sion under.
The ground was pounded to count the hun­dred feet gulf, the Yun Che cor­ners of the mouth over­flow­ing blood, but the vi­sion is ac­tu­ally coldly awakes in­com­pa­ra­bly, his sen­sa­tion to ap­proach­ing of sev­eral thou­sand aura, so fear­ful con­verg­ing at­tack, once by cage, even if ten lives must die with­out doubt.
„Phoenix wing vault of heaven!!”
Di­verts at­ten­tion to look that rad­i­cally with­out enough time Lit­tle Jas­mine does have in­jured, his body flame con­fla­gra­tion, res­o­nant Phoenix cry re­sounds through in the Black Soul Moun­tain Range night­time sky.
In the Phoenix cry sound, a flame shoots up to the sky, the flash di­rect im­pact thou­sand zhang (3.33 m), the huge pres­sure and brunts to bring the ter­ror peer­less flame storm, ap­proaches Soul Sect dis­ci­ple that to shake com­pletely the sur­round­ings.
On him flick­ers the place that is, changes to de­struc­tion Pur­ga­tory under sev­eral thou­sand Soul Sect dis­ci­ple power in­stan­ta­neously.
„What...... What?” The over­bear­ing peer­less Phoenix pres­sure rear sev­eral Vice Hall Mas­ter will be star­tled in a panic backs up, but Yun Che has been tow­ing the flame, does not make any stay es­capes to go.
„Pur­sues quickly!” Vice Hall Mas­ter ex­claimed.
„Relax, he can­not be in­escapable.” [Say / Way] that an­other Vice Hall Mas­ter is ac­tu­ally not wor­ried about.
„Brother-in-law, you bled.” Lit­tle Jas­mine put out a hand to poke the Yun Che's chest, a blood stream was tum­bling from there, at first was sev­eral, was sev­eral...... More and more, but her whole body pro­tects by the Yun Che's body and pro­found strength, is ac­tu­ally sends with­out the wound.
„Also not be­cause of you!” Yun Che clenches teeth say­ing: „I if today dies here, you will wait for the next gen­er­a­tion to give me, when the tend­ing to maid­ser­vant will repay a debt!!”
„yi? Wanted me to say many, I was your sis­ter-in-law, you were the brother-in-law save me should be sup­posed should!!”
„......” The Yun Che mouth spouts big blood froth, does not know that is in the in­ter­nal or­gans ex­travasated blood is given the air/Qi by Lit­tle Jas­mine. Under this as­pect, her also thoughts choke him un­ex­pect­edly!
Even if I get rid am brain rem­nant in ad­di­tion vi­o­late in­ex­pen­sively, your she meow good and evil a lit­tle grat­i­tude Ah!!
Soul Sect dis­ci­ple that from wells up in all di­rec­tions are get­ting more and more, which di­rec­tion re­gard­less, every­where shadow is dense and nu­mer­ous, even if under is the field lit­tered with corpses, but cov­ers the Yun Che's big net is ac­tu­ally being more and more crowded, let­ting Yun Che is un­able to have the op­por­tu­nity of respite, even if flick­ers.
At this time, Yun Che's brow sud­denly fierce moved...... His rear area, four aura by far are ap­proach­ing in his speed fast, and is get­ting more and more near, four heavy in­com­pa­ra­ble aura solidly have also locked in his body.
„Seven Hall Mas­ter, ten Hall Mas­ter, 30 four Hall Mas­ter, 30 five Hall Mas­ter...... Four Hall Mas­ter!” Sur­round­ings, has re­sounded the Soul Sect dis­ci­ple ex­cited shout.
Fol­lows as if by prior agree­ment in the sev­eral Vice Hall Mas­ter body po­ten­tials of be­hind Yun Che being in hot pur­suit one slow, four Black Soul Hall Mas­ter si­mul­ta­ne­ous ap­prox­i­ma­tions, Yun Che this time again not run­ning away road.
„Ling Yun! Has not been with­out a fight!”
Calls out, is hav­ing four more and more near ter­ri­fy­ing pres­sure, lets the Yun Che's whole body blood for it play.
„Does not need to keep the hand. The Sect Mas­ter orig­i­nal words, this time does not need to live, ex­e­cutes di­rectly!”
„Homi­cide my hall that many dis­ci­ple, I had a dream want to kill with one's own hand him...... Gets rid to­gether!!”
Four Di­vine Tribu­la­tion Realm Late Stage, have aloof sta­tus Soul Sect Hall Mas­ter in Heiya Realm, got rid at this time un­ex­pect­edly, four huge power formed the cov­ers the sky storm, straight du­pli­cate Yun Che.
In these four peo­ple any per­son of power he can­not, four peo­ple with joint forces, to Yun Che with­out doubt be abyss night­mar­ish power. This power has not ap­proached, the air wave that the huge pres­sure and ap­proaches has made him creaky.
Yun Che has not turned round, clenches teeth fiercely, Heaven Smit­ing Sword re­ceives, the both arms si­mul­ta­ne­ously en­clasp in the bosom the young girl, „Rum­bling Heaven” opens again, Evil God bar­rier largest scale open­ing.
„Seal­ing Cloud Lock­ing Sun!!”
If the sea rough sea waves heart­less racket to a small boat, the Evil God bar­rier dis­torts in­stan­ta­neously, in next shat­tered, Yun Che whole body in­tense shock, falls in­stan­ta­neously com­pletely once more loudly...... But this po­ten­tial of time crash, be more se­ri­ous than a mo­ment ago far more than sev­eral fold, the place of falling, is drag­ging long blood fog, for a very long time is not loose.
The Yun Che body pounds ma­li­ciously in a moun­tain peak peak, the moun­tain mas­sif breaks im­me­di­ately around the mid­dle, crushed stone every­where. Yun Che's cas­trates ac­tu­ally does not re­duce, pounds to fall on the moun­tain­ous re­gion thou­sand zhang (3.33 m) away ma­li­ciously, in the long-time crack earth­quake sounds, leaves the ground plow counts the hun­dred zhang (333 m) long gul­ley to­gether, fi­nally stops.
After being in­stant peace­ful, sur­round­ings Soul Sect dis­ci­ple si­mul­ta­ne­ously cheers im­me­di­ately. Above the upper air, right Soul Sect Hall Mas­ter sneers: „Has killed my Soul Sect these many dis­ci­ple, but also makes the en­tire sects suf­fer the great shame, such made him die, was too cheap he.”
„At least can con­fess with Sect Mas­ter, oth­er­wise under the Sect Mas­ter anger has not dis­ap­peared, has not known that will do to have an ac­ci­dent.”
„Wait / Etc.!” A mid­dle that Hall Mas­ter sud­denly com­plex­ion piece: „His aura...... Also in! He has not died!”
Four big Hall Mas­ter Spirit Sense si­mul­ta­ne­ously sweep to the Yun Che's po­si­tion, this sud­denly faints from fear, Yun Che's aura im­pres­sively also clear ex­is­tence.
Al­though com­pared it to be weak a mo­ment ago, but could still be called in­tensely, after when im­pos­si­ble was died, or is on the verge of death cer­tainly re­main­ing aura.
„This...... How is this pos­si­ble?” Four big Hall Mas­ter al­most si­mul­ta­ne­ously the slip of the tongue is star­tled to shout. By their four Di­vine Tribu­la­tion Realm Late Stage per­son bang, had not been un­rav­elled with joint forces is some­what in­con­ceiv­able, the meet­ing has not died how pos­si­bly.
But those who make them more panic-stricken is, the end of that gul­ley, spreads to have the form of full blood, un­ex­pect­edly in this time stand­ing up slowly.
Four big Hall Mas­ter look at each other in blank dia­may, at this mo­ment, they are not only shock­ing, but also clearly has the fear that sees from each other pupil.
Ac­tu­ally this is one...... What kind of freak!
Ob­vi­ously Di­vine Soul Realm Sec­ond Level pro­found strength aura, how pos­si­bly fear­ful to this de­gree. Fuses their life­time cog­ni­tion, de­cid­edly is un­able to un­der­stand.
„He the se­vere wound, has killed him im­me­di­ately! In any event...... In any event can­not make him live again!!”
„In any event” four char­ac­ters said two times con­tin­u­ally, is show­ing alarmed and afraid of their in­ner­most feel­ings. Four big Hall Mas­ter si­mul­ta­ne­ously swoop, fac­ing al­ready the se­vere wound, Yun Che that the threat de­gree re­duced greatly, their mur­der­ous aura ac­tu­ally also wanted by far for­merly.
„Brother-in-law, they came, runs away quickly!” Lit­tle Jas­mine is shout­ing in the Yun Che ear...... The Yun Che whole body all in­jures, more­over heav­i­ness ex­tremely, but her ap­pear­ance, as if as be­fore is sends with­out the wound un­ex­pect­edly.
Does not need the re­minder of Lit­tle Jas­mine, he has felt rear four huge pres­sure ap­proach­ing of once more clearly. The Yun Che stand­ing body, again has not ac­tu­ally at­tempted to es­cape to leave fully, but is the erect­ness there, the cor­ners of the mouth blood stream con­tin­ues, on the face does not have the pain, only has the ma­li­cious ghost gen­eral fierce­ness.
A per­son fac­ing sect, this mat­ter he does not have lit­tle has done.
At age 19, he once fac­ing being of Burn­ing Heaven Clan Blue Wind Na­tion Four Great Sects, and by a per­son of strength, will burn the day to ex­ter­mi­nate an en­tire fam­ily. Al­though is some­what dif­fi­cult, but that time he, in­deed had such power.
Af­ter­ward, his an­other per­son faced Di­vine Phoenix Sect, at that time, he had Ex­treme Mi­rage Light­ning and Pri­mor­dial Pro­found Ark in the body, al­though im­pos­si­ble and Di­vine Phoenix Sect just, have Di­vine Phoenix Sect no­body to be pos­si­ble hardly and speed, but his strength, makes him self-con­fi­dent not fall into the dan­ger­ous sit­u­a­tion...... Fi­nally, he also re­lies on strength of the, com­pels into the hope­less sit­u­a­tion Di­vine Phoenix Sect ac­tu­ally.
But this time, ac­tu­ally and two times was for­merly com­pletely dif­fer­ent.
Burn­ing Heaven Clan, he can by strength ex­ter­mi­na­tion \; Di­vine Phoenix Sect, he can the whole body draw back \; But Soul Sect...... God Realm Star Realm con­trol sect, he in its front, can only de­gen­er­ate into tiny, ab­solute im­pos­si­ble achieves hardly just, can­not achieve the whole body to draw back, there­fore he can do, only has with the aid of Bro­ken Moon's Flick­er­ing Shadow car­ries on to plot against the as­sas­si­na­tion.
Con­se­quence that this ini­tia­tive ex­po­si­tion, with­stands, he does not think ac­ci­den­tal / sur­prised.
Sees Yun Che that sets out not to run away im­me­di­ately, but stands mo­tion­less, four big Hall Mas­ter think that he has ac­cepted fate, pre­pares to be with­out a fight, but pro­found en­ergy on four man­power do not have one per­son to re­strain slightly, the po­ten­tial must take its life com­pletely, should bet­ter ex­tin­guish the fly­ing ash him di­rectly!
„Ling Yun...... Death!!”
Yun Che ac­tu­ally sud­denly turned around at this time, huge dark green blue Dragon Shadow reap­peared, then blasted open in the sky, a Dragon Roar du­pli­cate day ate del­i­ca­cies.
This is Yun Che in his­tory, range biggest Dragon Soul Do­main that re­leases, a sur­round­ings hun­dred li (0.5km) re­gion, was en­tered in shock­ing Dragon Roar by the cage.
Is hot-tem­pered chaotic Black Soul Moun­tain sud­denly be­comes in­com­pa­ra­bly tran­quil, on the face of Soul Sect dis­ci­ple re­veals the deep fear, these air­borne Soul Sect dis­ci­ple both eyes change col­ors, then the nose oven, ap­proaches Yun Che's four big Hall Mas­ter in abun­dance com­pletely stiff there, the pupil is lax, on the face is bring­ing in­tense panic-stricken sim­i­larly.
Yun Che shot up to the sky at this time fi­nally, es­caped to rapidly at the same time, one group of pure gold flame con­densed and burn in his body at the ter­ror peer­less speed. The in­fla­tion, shortly, as if golden Sun presently in the night­time sky, re­leases the burn­ing light that is un­able to look straight ahead.
„Yel­low Springs Ashes!!”
Golden Sun ex­plodes heart­lessly, the Soul Sect peo­ple just got rid of Dragon Soul Do­main, then di­rectly was in­volved in Golden Crow Pur­ga­tory.
Sur­round­ings en­tire 300 li (0.5km) re­gion, in short ten count breaths changes to one golden seas of fire com­pletely, looks like falls into Yel­low Springs Pur­ga­tory sud­denly, the com­bus­tion, is most ter­ror­ist heart­less Golden Crow Di­vine Flame.


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