Friday, May 11, 2018

1109: Falling Star Destroying Light

#1109: Falling Star Destroying Light
Comments 188
The Wu Guike body in a flash, a face turns into the liver col­ored in­stan­ta­neously.
But the Soul Sect's per­son com­pletely looks at dumbly at the scene, then vi­sion lit­tle change Lei Qian­feng.
When Lit­tle Jas­mine said that Lei Qian­feng is only such as was struck by light­ning, when he sees the com­plex­ion of Wu Guike in­stant dras­tic change, the sub­con­scious sus­pi­cion is de­feated and dis­persed in­stan­ta­neously, brain „buzz”, the con­scious­ness even pre­sented the in­stant blank, he lifts the arm, shiv­ers is aim­ing at Wu Guike, a face is twist­ing under huge panic-stricken and hu­mil­i­a­tion: „Guike, re­ally... Re­ally...... Real!!”
The face of Wu Guike is twist­ing sim­i­larly, eye flood alarmed and afraid, but his alarmed and afraid is not this mat­ter is in front of Lei Qian­feng to rip open, but is this mat­ter, once to di­vulge to an out­sider... Makes do with own aunt, this is vi­o­lates the human re­la­tions with­out doubt the huge scan­dal, more­over do not want to wash off for a life­time. This to him, want se­ri­ous many com­pared with the Wood Spirit Bead mat­ter.
When he was star­tled shakes all over, steep lis­tens to the in­ter­ro­ga­tion of Lei Qian­feng, his first re­sponded that is not afraid, but be­comes angry out of shame. Fierce turn­ing around, stares big eye, for­merly noble changes to a face torn to pieces fierce­ness proudly im­me­di­ately: „Also is what kind of! I might as well told you, I aunt ten years ago started, oth­er­wise you think why I must come one every year time this in­fe­rior place!”
„You!!” The rea­son that the Lei Qian­feng fierce two steps, only re­main for­ward lets his an­chor­ing stub­bornly, puffs the roar to scold: „Bas­tard... She is your aunt!!”
„He he he,” Wu Guike is sneer­ing: „Lei Qian­feng, you are any waste, one­self at heart clear. My aunt that may the beau­ti­ful woman of per­son, ac­tu­ally prob­a­bly de­fend the lving widow with your junk, when my this nephew how could looked not to love dearly.”
„You , if in­tel­li­gent enough, treats as good that does not know. In that case, you are my Uncle, is the king in this in­fe­rior place. Oth­er­wise... You can only work as the full head green old mixed wool!”
„You!” Out­side Lei Qian­feng eye­ball raised, the chest cav­ity wants to ex­plode, the anger and hu­mil­i­a­tion have em­bez­zled his all rea­son all of a sud­den, such as wild beast plunged Wu Guike: „Your this bas­tard!!”
Be­fore body of Wu Guike , the light in a flash, Wu Chengyan has kept off in the front, Lei Qian­feng has not ap­proached, on wall that the body then likely is the hit in not being able to see, was hit to fly vi­o­lently.
Drops spurts a big blood in place Lei Qian­feng fiercely, does not know that is in­jured or the painstak­ing care ad­verse cur­rent. He sits the body, has not ac­tu­ally stood up, such paral­y­sis where, both eyes straighten, such as lost the soul not to have the focal dis­tance, only then in the mouth was al­ways talk­ing re­peat­edly: „Live­stock... Fresh... Cheap peo­ple... Live­stock... Lives...”
The Soul Sect's per­son has en­cir­cled care­fully, is ac­tu­ally no­body dares to exude the sound, each one heart fright trem­bles... Al­though Wu Guike has called Uncle to Lei Qian­feng, but does not have the re­spect, the mat­ter that scolds face to face they even be­come ac­cus­tomed, but to Xiao Qing­tong ac­tu­ally es­pe­cially good, this even is the mat­ter that Lei Qian­feng has come re­ally to dare to com­fort.
Has not thought that among them has had such scan­dal un­ex­pect­edly, and has con­tin­ued ten years of!
They are un­able to imag­ine, such as­pect, how will then end.
„Ah, how to quar­rel sud­denly, more­over good omi­nous ap­pear­ance.” Lit­tle Jas­mine in­no­cent is blink­ing the eye, as if this mat­ter and she does not re­late, then sud­denly the smil­ing face blooms: „It looks like amus­ing, if I give other peo­ple to look it, can be equally amus­ing?”
Wu Guike whole body one cold, turns round hastily, [say / way] that hur­ried does not fall: „... Wait / Etc.! Your High­ness, that Pro­found Im­agery Stone, I buy! So long as Your High­ness start to talk... Was in­fe­rior... How is in­fe­rior to this...”
Wu Guike clenches teeth, both hands trem­ble holds to­gether the fist size, does not have the reg­u­lar ash-gray stone. This lime­stone is un­pol­ished, but when works as the vi­sion gaze to it, sur­round­ings then faint dark, as if en­tire world is lu­mi­nous silently its is swal­low­ing.
„Oh?” Looks at the lime­stone of this out­ward ap­pear­ance not strange place, the Lit­tle Jas­mine pupil light deep place ac­tu­ally flashes through wipes the het­e­rochro­sis: „Il­lu­sory Stone? Waah! Prob­a­bly is re­ally Il­lu­sory Stone, your this small tur­tle body has like this good thing un­ex­pect­edly!”
When at­tain­ing Nine Stars Bud­dha Di­vine Jade, Lit­tle Jas­mine has pre­vailed the later self-sat­is­fa­ca­tion. But this lime­stone, was makes her re­veal sur­pris­edly... Is quite in­tense sur­prised.
„Young Mas­ter!” Saw that Wu Guike puts out Il­lu­sory Stone un­ex­pect­edly, Wu Chengyan star­tled sound track: „Does not may!”
Wu Guike shook the head slightly, the ratio of smil­ing was uglier be­fore: „Your High­ness men­tal per­cep­tion, good, this is Il­lu­sory Stone. Il­lu­sory Stone is var­i­ous Era of Gods, by Heav­enly Pro­found Trea­sure 【World Nee­dle】 power is preg­nant fresh space di­vine stone, not only ex­tremely scarce, but also with a few same place, cer­tainly does not have the re­gen­er­a­tion to be pos­si­ble. Has it in the body, re­gard­less of what dan­ger­ous sit­u­a­tion, may be used to es­cape to leave im­me­di­ately, even if West­ern God Ter­ri­tory Dragon Em­peror, im­pos­si­ble car­ries on space trac­ing ab­solutely. Your High­ness was match­less, has it, is... Is ab­solutely safe. Con­sid­ers to ex­press Guike to Your High­ness... The re­spect ad­mires.”
Wu Guike said every time a char­ac­ter, then drops a drop of blood at heart.
The name of Il­lu­sory Stone, upper God Realm is known to every­body. Gen­eral that it such as Wu Guike said that not only ex­tremely scarce, but also was non-re­new­able, were then few with one. But its for­mi­da­ble place, lies in it can have the per­son to shift the space under the ran­dom con­di­tion, and can­not be blocked and traced, is far from or­di­nary space pro­found stone may com­pare.
There­fore, had Il­lu­sory Stone to­gether in body, the com­plete­ness on quite in Duo a life, did not ex­ag­ger­ate.
Must say that its short­com­ing, is not con­trol­lable... No one knows that which space it will trans­mit the per­son.
When this Il­lu­sory Stone, is his 30 th birth­day Wu Sanzun gives, is the biggest re­ward that this whole life re­ceives, mak­ing his broth­ers and sis­ters envy in­com­pa­ra­bly.
He knows at pre­sent girl's sta­tus, there­fore in­com­pa­ra­bly be­lieves firmly that or­di­nary thing basic im­pos­si­ble en­ters her eye, but Pro­found Im­agery Stone in her hand suf­fi­ciently makes him bring ruin and shame upon one­self, even leaves a stink for ten thou­sand years, under en­tire body, can be looked to glance by her only, only then this Il­lu­sory Stone, even if swal­lows the tooth to swal­low the blood, he also only has to take it, more­over plead­ing of whole face, lest the girl does not com­ply.
„...” Lit­tle Jas­mine vi­sion vac­il­la­tion, as if in con­firm­ing this Il­lu­sory Stone truth, quick, on her small face has stacked nat­u­rally: „Ap­pear­ance that al­though is good to owe, but since you are so sin­cere, that re­placed with you, after all oth­ers were a nat­ural good beau­ti­ful young girl!”
Then, her small hand ex­tended, refers to Pro­found Im­agery Stone then fly­ing in the Wu Guike hand, si­mul­ta­ne­ously Il­lu­sory Stone also ar­rived in her hand, was re­ceived by her, smil­ing of face.
Wu Chengyan wants to block, but does not dare to block even­tu­ally.
Wu Guike gets hold, Pro­found Im­agery Stone turns into the pow­der in palm di­rectly. Nine Stars Bud­dha Di­vine Jade, Il­lu­sory Stone, this whole life ob­tains the most high level two things, were used to trade two Pro­found Im­agery Stone un­ex­pect­edly... Wu Guike ex­hausts the com­plete will, has not cried to make noise, but also sup­presses is squeez­ing out the smil­ing face: „Yes... Thanked Your High­ness to help. Your High­ness... But other also in­struc­tion?”
Last few words, each char­ac­ter trem­bling with fear.
The young girls replied with a smile lets in the Wu Guike heart the big loosen, ac­tu­ally saw that her vi­sion changes the po­si­tion that Lei Qian­feng and the oth­ers are at un­ex­pect­edly sud­denly, then the small face con­cen­trates, has clearly re­vealed the angry look: „Snort! That sev­eral vil­lain, dare to bully Ling Yun un­ex­pect­edly, this Princess... I am angry!”
In young girl mouth „Ling Yun” makes Wu Guike stare, but he has not re­sponded that the young girl arm lifts sud­denly, a fil­a­ment white del­i­cate fin­ger gen­tly point, with­out any pro­found en­ergy fluc­tu­a­tion, be­side hun­dred zhang (333 m), Lei Qian­feng and Lei Tian­gang, the peo­ple of other also Soul Sect is the whole body one stiff, like re­ceive an elec­tric shock twitches along with it whole body, then si­mul­ta­ne­ously ex­udes the panic-stricken piti­ful yell sound.
The sad shat­tered sound gets up, Lei Qian­feng... This Heiya Realm Great Realm King, the en­tire only one achieve­ment Di­vine King Realm peer­less pow­er­house, his Pro­found Vein di­rect shat­tered, straight bro­ken be­comes the pow­der. He cul­ti­vates sev­eral thou­sand years of ob­tained pro­found en­ergy also di­rectly to col­lapse, scat­ters in all di­rec­tions crazily.
In­clud­ing him is so, Lei Tian­gang and the oth­ers nat­u­rally im­pos­si­ble flee the calamity, com­plete Pro­found Vein shat­tered, pro­found strength is com­pletely waste.
The body of Lei Qian­feng stopped twitch­ing, pounds again in the place, but does not have the stu­por, has not neighed.
Seven child com­pletely lose, the dig­nity com­pletely loses, the nephew who the wife and has flat­tered care­fully puts to­gether, one­self from a king, be­came does not have pro­found strength again, in­clud­ing cul­ti­vates the im­pos­si­ble dis­abled per­son once more, he stares in the straight eye pupil, only has gray­ish white des­per­ate... In­clud­ing the hu­mil­i­a­tion and hate, des­per­ately was de­feated.
The evil of al­though, re­gard­ing him mak­ing, this re­sult by far is still not enough to repay. Per­haps to him, again has not com­pared this more bru­tal ret­ri­bu­tion.
The pupil of Wu Chengyan, has con­tracted sev­eral points ob­vi­ously.
Lit­tle Jas­mine has pat­ted clap­ping, the ap­pear­ance that the anger has not dis­ap­peared: „Snort, then knew fiercely.” Then her pupil light rev­o­lu­tion, stares at Wu Guike and Wu Chengyan, grin­ning [say / way]: „Told you, be­fore this group of vil­lain, wanted to bully me, good Big Brother that called Ling Yun has saved me, you said that he was my sav­ior?”
He... Saves you??
Wu Guike opened the mouth, ac­tu­ally can only brace one­self say­ing: „Yes, nat­u­rally is.”
„Right!” Lit­tle Jas­mine sat­is­fac­tory nod: „But this group of vil­lain not only need bully me, but must bully my sav­ior, there­fore I can only give to dis­card them, not only pro­tects me, and can repay the sav­ior, Wa! does was too right... Oh? Wait / Etc.! I record sud­denly, you come out with them to­gether, prob­a­bly to look for Big Brother Ling Yun... Is this?”
Lei Qian­feng and the oth­ers the fates in not far away, fac­ing Lit­tle Jas­mine that beau­ti­ful cute face, Wu Guike are ac­tu­ally are star­tled the whole body fine hair to raise up, hur­ried sound track: „Not not! They dare... Dares to af­front Your High­ness, died also the pun­ish­ment is de­served. As for Ling Yun... Our two sim­ply have not lis­tened to this name, we will leave Heiya Realm today, leaves and en­sure will for­get this name, later will not think ab­solutely.”
The good and evil is the child of Di­vine Mar­tial Realm King, is in­tel­li­gent. Nod that Lit­tle Jas­mine smiles: „, Is this oh. Hee hee, this mat­ter of doing has done, that does not ac­com­pany you to play, walks!”
Sees the girl to turn around, Wu Guike felt that body was all of a sud­den lighter, hastily has made the ges­ture of see­ing off, in the mouth ac­tu­ally does not dare to voice, lest brought to a wee bit at­ten­tion of this fe­male demon again slightly.
But, Lit­tle Jas­mine walked 2-3 steps, ac­tu­ally sud­denly stopped.
Stretches out refers to ten­derly, un­con­scious­ness point on flow­ery lips, the Lit­tle Jas­mine star pupil is up­ward, a rack­ing one's brains shape of face, in mouth in care­ful read bro­ken: „... They are the ap­pear­ances of many peo­ple... He is a super bloody fool, if... Well... Can­not kill peo­ple ca­su­ally... Oth­er­wise Elder Sis­ter will cer­tainly scold... What to do...”
Eye pupil bright Can, Lit­tle Jas­mine floats the body in­stant sud­denly, the arm stretches out, a vast pro­found en­ergy silent re­lease, in a flash, sur­round­ings all things such as were swept across by the end storm, com­plete dis­pers­ing goes. Wu Guike calls out in alarm, was curled by storm to sev­eral li (0.5km) be­yond in an in­stant, until was hur­ried to pro­tect by Wu Chengyan, the com­plex­ion slightly re­laxes.
The Lit­tle Jas­mine arm, Soul Sect sev­eral hun­dred li (0.5km) away, ap­peared un­ex­pect­edly sky-blue stars, the stars has in­creased fast, deep blue bril­liance that re­leases cov­ered en­tire Soul Sect grad­u­ally... Then in some dou­ble-hour, the stars ex­plodes, changes to every­where stars, em­bell­ishes one huge star.
Cage space, all pro­found en­ergy such as by di­rect­ing of day aim, in crazy rush­ing star.
Is away from sev­eral hun­dred li (0.5km), as if faintly heard has whooshed from Soul Sect's panic-stricken... Today to greet Wu Guike and the oth­ers ar­rivals, not only Soul Sect dis­ci­ple and high level get to­gether, all ar­rives in­clud­ing the major Branch Sect lead­ing fig­ures.
Enough 8 mil­lion peo­ple, con­tained Soul Sect al­most all key peo­ple.
The Lit­tle Jas­mine eye of cover blue glow, small face did not have the young color of least bit at this time, tran­quil, Wei ice, is sim­i­lar to over­looks Ce­les­tial Maiden of this mor­tal world, along with a star rev­o­lu­tion, Soul Sect all peo­ple, from dis­ci­ple of low­est level to the Di­vine Spirit Realm elder, pro­found en­ergy was towed com­pletely force­fully, until dry­ing up...
Not far away, Wu Chengyan pro­tects Wu Guike with pro­found strength firmly, he is star­tled to look at the air­borne Caiyi (coloured clothes) young girl, the eye pupil is un­able to stop shiv­er­ing in any event.
„God... The strength of Di­vine Lord!?” His shock­ing chant­ing in a low voice, but im­me­di­ately, he is star­tled the whole body sud­denly to shrink, the gas of all in­hal­ing within the body change to the awl soul com­pletely cold qi, in the mouth lose one's voice star­tled shouted: „Falling Star De­stroy­ing Light Array!!”
„She... She is... Well!”
The Wu Chengyan dou­ble tooth bites fiercely, sup­pressed the fol­low­ing sound stub­bornly, does not dare say­ing that half char­ac­ter, but a fear­ful peer­less name ap­peared in the brain, mak­ing him be star­tled to the body from the face the in­ter­mit­tent blanch.
To at this mo­ment, him fi­nally un­der­stands that by the Wu Guike sta­tus, so will be why timid be­fore her, even if to swal­low­ing the blood must meet rude­ness with a smile by the pit.
--- --- --- --- --- ---
【Il­lu­sory Stone: Right! Also is I! Orig­i­nal for­mula! Orig­i­nal func­tion! Used to es­cape sec­ondary, key is sud­denly op­er­ates a new map that it can be­wil­dered not pre­pare! Is used to tow the num­ber of words sim­ply... Bah! Ex­pands the re­cent plot not two mag­i­cal in­stru­ments.】


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