Monday, May 7, 2018

1085: Black Soul Mountain

#1085: Black Soul Mountain
Comments 81
„You said a mo­ment ago you have means to send out Heiya Realm me safely, then, can you have the means to de­liver me to Heaven's Fate Realm?” Yun Che asked.
„Heaven's Fate Realm?” Ji Ruyan said with amaze­ment: „Is it pos­si­ble that young mas­ter wants to seek the in­for­ma­tion, or what thing looks for? If pos­si­ble, whether to in­form Ruyan first, the Black Feather Cham­ber of Com­merce strongest place is the in­tel­li­gence ca­pa­bil­ity, per­haps...... Does not need to go to re­mote Heaven's Fate Realm, Ruyan then can help.”
Yun Che hes­i­tates slightly, said: „I must look for Nine Stars Bud­dha Di­vine Jade and Em­peror Im­mor­tal Grass.”
„......” Ji Ruyan is star­tled, but, those who let Yun Che ac­ci­den­tal / sur­prised is, she has not said „im­pos­si­ble” and so on words, but after is short silent said: „This two won­drous items, Ruyan will be try­ing seek­ing, is only the hope is un­cer­tain. If fruit­less fi­nally, to Heaven's Fate Realm, in­deed is the op­ti­mal choice. How­ever since the young mas­ter has this pur­sue, that must live from Soul Sect there is com­ing back...... Ruyan hopes that the young mas­ter can be more sane, gives way be­fore dif­fi­cul­ties.”
„Does Heaven's Fate Realm have god that re­ally?” Yun Che knits the brows to say. For­merly that old man also had said that to Heaven's Fate Realm, so long as could pay pro­found stone, cer­tainly dis­ap­point­edly will not turn over.
„Heaven's Fate Realm ‚heaven's fate’ the name, is far from a func­tion word.” Ji Ruyan said: „Also is only one lets au­di­ences King Realm for re­spect Star Realm.”
„could it be that, can there per­son also re­ally as­cer­tain heaven's fate to be in­ad­e­quate?” Yun Che curls the lip slightly.
„Heaven's Fate Realm his­tor­i­cally sev­eral times the big pre­dic­tion, com­pletely had ful­filled.” Ji Ruyan said: „Needs any in­for­ma­tion, so long as does not vi­o­late the hu­mane ethics, so long as they want, can give the ac­cu­rate re­sult, never hears to have the de­vi­a­tion to fail.”
„Young Mas­ter de­cides how­ever knows two years to con­vene again, alarms en­tire God Realm Pro­found God Con­fer­ence, be­cause of Heaven's Fate Realm.”
„...... Um!?” Yun Che is quite sur­prised: „Be­cause of Heaven's Fate Realm? could it be that is be­cause Heaven's Fate Realm what pre­dicted?”
„Is so.” Ji Ruyan nods the head slowly: „Knows ac­cord­ing to Ruyan, Heaven's Fate Realm ini­ti­ates the pre­dic­tion ten years ago, within 30 years, East­ern God Ter­ri­tory, and even en­tire God Realm will be very likely to lower the great mis­for­tune. And tribu­la­tion heav­i­ness, un­prece­dented. Four Great Royal Realm early start to get ready be­cause of this pre­dic­tion, this holds sud­denly, and Pro­found God Con­fer­ence that the mech­a­nism dif­fers from the past com­pletely, the main pur­pose is to se­lect East­ern God Ter­ri­tory in­tel­li­gence best thou­sand young pro­found prac­ti­tioner, Eter­nal Sky Pearl power that then uses makes them grow rapidly, to deal the great mis­for­tune of pos­si­bly low­er­ing.”
Yun Che ac­tu­ally does not change coun­te­nance: „So-called heaven's fate this type of thing, I never be­lieve. More­over what this pre­dic­tion men­tioned was only ‚pos­si­ble’, to put it bluntly to leave a way out to own being mys­te­ri­ous rad­i­cally. More­over, this so-called pre­dic­tion, I have not heard in Mid­dle-Rank Star Realm that plane/level, why do you know?”
„‚Great mis­for­tune’ two char­ac­ters will def­i­nitely ini­ti­ate greatly scared, must there­fore hid­den not pro­claim...... How­ever this Pro­found God Con­fer­ence is ex­tremely un­usual, ac­tu­ally var­i­ous places had some sim­i­lar guesses. Al­though Black Feather Cham­ber of Com­merce po­ten­tial, but the in­tel­li­gence net­work dis­tri­b­u­tion is quite broad, the per­son of con­tact is also ex­tremely nu­mer­ous, on the in­tel­li­gence ca­pa­bil­ity, prob­a­bly com­pared with want on strong some that the young mas­ter imag­ines. More­over, ‚heaven's fate’ said that whom is to lis­ten is the il­lu­sory thing, but young mas­ter, if after going to Heaven's Fate Realm, per­haps...... Will have a new look.”
The Yun Che eye­brow cor­ner/horn moves, the nod said: „Good. That is ex­hausted you to use your Black Feather Cham­ber of Com­merce in­tel­li­gence ca­pa­bil­ity, help­ing me look for Nine Stars Bud­dha Di­vine Jade and Em­peror Im­mor­tal Grass, if can have the re­sult, I will cer­tainly give the cor­re­spond­ing re­ward. Can live com­ing back as for me, this you do not need to be wor­ried.”
„Ruyan, as for the re­ward, Ji Ruyan will shake the head fully”: „Does not need. If can help the young mas­ter , is also the good for­tune of Ruyan.”
„......” The Yun Che vi­sion lifts, sized up Ji Ruyan one, the ex­pres­sion ob­vi­ously had for­merly re­laxed sev­eral points com­pared with it: „Miss Ruyan, you know that I am fam­ily back­ground Lower Realm, but also all alone unim­por­tant per­son, im­pos­si­ble helps your Black Feather Cham­ber of Com­merce again, why do you also want such to help me?”
On the Ji Ruyan face re­veals the faint smile: „Be­cause the young mas­ter does not hes­i­tate the life, the per­son who must deal with is Soul Sect that Ruyan most hates . More­over, Ruyan also ex­tremely ad­mires young mas­ter’s cor­rect path and prin­ci­ple of right­eous­ness.”
„Cor­rect path? Prin­ci­ple of right­eous­ness?” Yun Che self-ridicules smiles, then div­ing pos­ture: „I have said that this is the debt that I am in...... Must debt also!”
The sound dis­si­pates, the Yun Che's form also dis­ap­peared in the cur­tain of night.
Heiya City East­ern, the upper air looks, the hills wind, does not see the bound­ary, the vi­sion is ex­treme, the en­tire moun­tain range wound around in the dark grey mist, is pass­ing the heavy gloomi­ness.
Beast roar trans­mits dis­tantly, the fright­en­ing step is timid.
„Black Soul Moun­tain Range!” Stands be­fore the moun­tain range, Yun Che read one lowly.
„Soul Sect is away from Heiya City not to be re­mote, Heiya City to east­ern three thou­sand miles, the moun­tain range of piece of two thou­sand li(500 km), named Black Soul Moun­tain Range, across Black Soul Moun­tain Range, is Soul Sect is then.”
„Black Soul Moun­tain Range is an ex­tremely dan­ger­ous place, has in­nu­mer­able dan­ger­ous pro­found beast, es­pe­cially from the evening to next morn­ing, in the moun­tain range will meet the vine the ex­tremely heavy fog, even if will be Di­vine Dao pro­found prac­ti­tioner, will be lim­ited the vi­sion and Spirit Sense to a great ex­tent.”
„West Black Soul Moun­tain Range, will year to year have many pro­found prac­ti­tioner choices in in­formed and ex­pe­ri­enced or seeks for the op­por­tu­nity, but dares to enter is the pow­er­houses, or­di­nary pro­found prac­ti­tioner does not dare to ap­proach. But east­ern part, is Soul Sect, once the trade en­ters by Soul Sect's dis­ci­ple is re­al­ized, the fate will be quite piti­ful, no one dares to ap­proach...... Must be ex­tremely care­ful.”
This is Ji Ruyan gives him, news about Black Soul Moun­tain Range.
Fac­ing huge Soul Sect, crushed stone of Yun Che under on such as moun­tain is tiny, the im­pos­si­ble frontage shakes ab­solutely ab­solutely hardly...... But, he also has his tak­ing ad­van­tage.
„Soul Sect, pre­pares to ask for ad­vice the anger of unim­por­tant per­son!” Yun Che closes tightly the tooth, chant­ing in a low voice of gloomy said.
Yun Che from air­borne falls, steps into Black Soul Moun­tain Range on foot. Al­though he hates ex­tremely, but knows one are mak­ing any­thing, in any event must cau­tiously, have slightly care­lessly, then courts death.
Also at least, this finds out here en­vi­ron­ment ap­prox­i­mately, es­cap­ing under con­ve­nience dan­ger­ous sit­u­a­tion leaves.
Be­cause is day­time, in Black Soul Moun­tain Range not thick fog, but just stepped into, then can feel a gloomy feel­ing ob­vi­ously.
The Yun Che straight line is thor­ough, here in all di­rec­tions ob­vi­ously dif­fer­ent at­tire and aura pro­found prac­ti­tioner, Ji Ruyan said that right, dares to enter Black Soul Moun­tain Range, is far from or­di­nary pro­found prac­ti­tioner. Yun Che the per­son of meet­ing, pro­found strength aura does not have is lower than Di­vine Soul Realm, oc­ca­sion­ally also will run into the Di­vine Tribu­la­tion Realm pow­er­house. Mean­while, these peo­ple ac­com­pany com­pletely, even forms groups, has not met one to look like his so all alone.
Al­though is also only the moun­tain range pe­riph­eral zone, pro­found beast that but here wan­ders was also more crowded than human.
Royal Fam­ily Wood Spirit Bead that after ob­tain­ing He Lin gives, Yun Che's vi­sion, sense of hear­ing and sense of smell by far in the past, even can feel the breath of veg­e­ta­tion clearly. But the vi­sion, all flow­ers and plants stand­ing grain wood, he can ac­cu­rate in­com­pa­ra­ble shouted the name and char­ac­ter­is­tics, with­out ex­cep­tion.
Avoids pro­found beast aura, Yun Che is tak­ing a fast look around the sur­round­ing ter­rain, while not so fast but so slow nei­ther thor­ough Black Soul Moun­tain Range, along with ap­proaches Soul Sect step by step, his look also grad­u­ally cloudy of­fense, but at this time, his eye­brow cor­ner/horn moved slightly.
A heavy line snake pro­jects from his right dead wood slit sud­denly, at the same time, an­other bunch of same aura are ready in the con­tra­dict­ing left side. Yun Che putting out a hand like light­ning, one grasped in the seven cuns (2.5cm) place of heavy line snake, pro­found en­ergy has spat slightly, shook its in­ter­nal or­gans crushes...... But in same in­stant, the sec­ond heavy line snake threw to nip like light­ning to his nape of the neck.
„Care­ful be­hind!!”
The sound just, Jade Sword flew to shoot, but , the ac­cu­rate in­com­pa­ra­ble thorn on the air­borne heavy line snake, along with it sword blade in the air­borne at­trac­tive ro­ta­tion, bring­ing cold sword qi to fly back, but the heavy line snake has di­vided into two, the black blood that sprin­kles the place of falling, the veg­e­ta­tion in­stan­ta­neous jet black piece, alarmed.
Yun Che: „......”
Pro­jects the fly­ing sword, is a thin and small black ink clothes man, what with him for part­ner is a big man of same at­tire, is ob­vi­ously younger than them with one many sub­debu­tantes.
From aura, this „res­cu­ing” under his thin and small man cul­ti­vates to ex­ceed him slightly, should be Di­vine Soul Realm Third Level, but many that the big man stronger, should al­ready to Di­vine Soul Realm Fifth Level. As for that fe­male, then in their ac­com­pa­ny­ing a sick per­son to pro­vide nurs­ing care, pro­found strength has Di­vine Essence Realm In­ter­me­di­ate stage ob­vi­ously.
Three peo­ple of ob­vi­ous mas­ters leave the same side, from get­ting rid, should major in Sword Path.
„You, are you all right?” Three peo­ple for­ward, that thin and small man said: „This is Black Soul Moun­tain no­to­ri­ous Black Fiend Snake, not only sly, are often many only to­gether hunts, but also has deadly poi­son, a mo­ment ago was re­ally the dan­ger.”
Yun Che nod­ded, looked at their one eyes, smiled: „Thank lends a hand to as­sist.”
That big male brow wrin­kled wrin­kle, ob­vi­ously is quite not feel­ing well to Yun Che such thanks, a thin smile sound track: „If not for a mo­ment ago my Ju­nior Brother got rid, you died, could be black in­clud­ing the corpse, you first think how should repay us.”
„He He, this you, First Se­nior Brother he is cracks a joke.” That thin and small man me­di­ates to say hastily: „Why can you a per­son come to this place? Was in­fe­rior...... How do we ac­com­pany to­gether? Also is good to take care. Words of per­son, too were here dan­ger­ous.”
„Right, we ac­com­pa­nied are to­gether good.” The fe­male also im­me­di­ately said that Yun Che the look was un­com­mon, adds on Ling Qi and in­dis­tinct noble gas again, is ex­tremely easy to ini­ti­ate the fa­vor­able im­pres­sion of fe­male, she quite proud [say / way]: „I called Gu Xi­ao­lian, this was my First Se­nior Brother and Third Se­nior Brother, they spe­cially were fierce, the fame was also very big, says, you def­i­nitely have lis­tened.”
That big man curled the lip, a face not minces mat­ter proudly.
„Does not need.” Yun Che said that no longer talks too much with them, turns around to leave di­rectly.
„, This boy.” The big man dis­dains coldly snorted.
„Third Se­nior Brother, what is he cul­ti­vates is? Is could it be that also Di­vine Soul Realm?” Gu Xi­ao­lian cu­ri­ous ask­ing.
The thin and small man said: „Um, Di­vine Soul Realm Sec­ond Level.”
„, Is quite fierce.” Gu Xi­ao­lian blinked: „More­over I felt, his age should with me al­most...... Even also small ap­pear­ance.”
„How pos­si­ble!” The big man curls the lip say­ing: „About 30 -year-old Di­vine Soul Realm, in­clud­ing Soul Sect few, he? How­ever, if his words below 60, pour also can in­deed be called the tal­ent, what a pity, is ac­tu­ally an idiot, un­ex­pect­edly dares a per­son to come Black Soul Moun­tain, feared that is also first time comes, be­cause his im­pos­si­ble has the life the sec­ond time.”
„First Se­nior Brother!” Gu Xi­ao­lian had a scare, said hastily: „Do not say, he...... He can hear.”
„Is that also what kind of?” First Se­nior Brother dis­dains to sneer: „Hears, he is an idiot.”
In they spoke, in the line of sight, pre­sented two statures to be sturdy, wears the per­son of same black clothed, re­al­ized when these two Black-robed Man aura, they were in the heart a cold, big man sneer con­tin­u­ally hastily re­strain.
Be­cause of these two Black-robed Man, body re­lease im­pres­sively is Di­vine Soul Realm Late Stage aura!
Two black clothed men also at the same time see them, their foot­steps im­me­di­ately one slow, has ex­changed a mean­ing­ful glance, un­ex­pect­edly change di­rec­tion, straight leaves to three peo­ple, the vi­sion, stares im­pres­sively in Gu Xi­ao­lian's body.
Re­al­izes their vi­sion, thin and small male hur­ried sound track: „The fu­ture is bad, we walk quickly.”
„Halts!” They had just turned around, to­gether the sound that shakes Thun­der Ban has re­sounded after the ear, mak­ing their whole bod­ies trem­ble, does not dare to act rashly.
Three peo­ple turn around slowly, thin and small man salutes say­ing: „Below Jade Sword Sect Luo Mu, does not know that two se­niors have what ad­vice.”
„Jade Sword Sect? What thing is that?” Right Black-robed Man said.
„Ha­ha­haha, man­ages its any­thing thing, in­stead in our Soul Sect eye is, has plea­sure that's al­right .” Left Black-robed Man said with a smile crazily.
Soul Sect...... These two char­ac­ters make in three peo­ple of hearts star­tle greatly. They also shot a look at their body black snake mark at this time, big male trem­bling with fear said: „Orig­i­nally, yes...... Is the Soul Sect's se­nior, does not know two se­niors...... Has what in­struc­tion?”
„In­struc­tion? Snort!” Right Black-robed Man com­plex­ion sud­denly black under: „Your sev­eral things, are re­ally the big courage, un­ex­pect­edly dares to excel at rush­ing to our Soul Sect's ter­ri­tory! could it be that does not know that en­tire Black Soul Moun­tain is our Soul Sect's do­main?”
„This...... This......” thin and small man hur­ries say­ing: „ju­nior does not dare ab­solutely, is only...... ju­nior knew for some time that east of Black Soul Moun­tain is your ho­n­ourable sect all, but west......”
„Fart!” Black-robed Man anger sound track: „Since called Black Soul Moun­tain, that nat­u­rally was our Black Soul Di­vine Sect thing, you ex­celled at rush­ing did not say that un­ex­pect­edly also dares to quib­ble. Ok, our Soul Sect is Heiya Realm con­trols sect after all, is spa­cious from this heart, does not lower one­self to the same level with your ig­no­rant ju­niors.”
In three peo­ple of hearts one happy, just about to ex­presses grat­i­tude, ac­tu­ally sees that per­son to stretch out the fin­ger, aims at Gu Xi­ao­lian, on the face re­veals re­pul­sive ob­scene smile: „So long as gives us this young miss hap­pily one happy, we do not go into one's past, for­give you to excel at rush­ing to the crime, if Le Shuang, greatly will per­haps enjoy, Ha­ha­ha­haha!”
Their look sud­den change, Gu Xi­ao­lian is the in­stan­ta­neous com­plex­ion is more pal­lid, shrank all of a sud­den be­hind them, the fear flut­tered: „No...... Does not want......”
„Se­nior Brother,” thin and small male both hands grip tightly, shake all over, clench teeth to pass on the tone chan­nel: „Se­nior Brother, they go too far...... We spelled!”
„It is not good! You want dead!” Big male hastily echo: „They are the Soul Sect's per­son, Soul Sect! More­over these two per­son pro­found strength are so high, in the Soul Sect's sta­tus def­i­nitely not low...... Do not im­pulse!”
„Se­nior Brother, res­cues...... Saves me.” Gu Xi­ao­lian sor­row sound track.
„Ju­nior Sis­ter Xi­ao­lian,” First Se­nior Brother eye­brow cor­ner/horn twitches: „They are Soul Sect's...... Se­niors, only en­ergy...... Only can put in great in­con­ve­nience you, oth­er­wise...... Our three must die.”
„Big...... Se­nior Brother......” Gu Xi­ao­lian stays there all of a sud­den, the ghastly pale look, can­not be­lieve own ear.
„Ha­ha­haha, cal­cu­lates that you are obe­di­ent to know the lim­i­ta­tion. You have not gone! Dif­fi­cult to be in­ad­e­quate, can be to­gether happy one hap­pily?”
„No, no...... We get lost im­me­di­ately, im­me­di­ately get lost!” Hears „get lost” char­ac­ter, First Se­nior Brother, not only has not felt the hu­mil­i­a­tion, in­stead such as hears heav­enly sound, he one has en­trained the thin and small man, draws him to leave force­fully back­ward.
„......” Gu Xi­ao­lian sits down ex­hausted slowly in the place, a face de­spairs.
„Ha­ha­haha......” two Black-robed Man si­mul­ta­ne­ously loudly laugh wildly: „, Re­ally is in­sti­gates pack­age, but also thinks that can se­lect the plea­sure.”
But at this mo­ment, after their ears, sud­denly re­sounds one not to have the emo­tion ice-cold sound:
„Are you, the Soul Sect's peo­ple?”


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