Sunday, May 6, 2018

1075: Wood Spirit Hidden Place

#1075: Wood Spirit Hidden Place
Comments 193
The Wood Spirit youth there, still can­not be­lieve that he does not have to run to leave im­me­di­ately, but is the trem­bling sound track: „Re­ally... Real? You re­ally... Can put me to walk?”
„...” Yun Che deep in­spi­ra­tion, Royal Fam­ily Wood Spirit, his Wood Spirit Bead is keep­ing aloof the rare trea­sure of High-Rank Star Realm in­com­pa­ra­ble saliva, one­self spent the huge price to ob­tain him, own was away from saw that Jas­mine was also near a stride... Ac­tu­ally un­ex­pect­edly is not being able to get down hand.
He does not even un­der­stand ac­tu­ally one are think­ing any­thing, why must such do...
But I... Was once cruel the devil that a per­son in city killed by poi­son com­pletely!
„Walks... Be­fore I have not changed the mind, im­me­di­ately walks!” Yun Che clenches jaws, soul chaos.
„I... I know... You cer­tainly is a good per­son.” He can­cels the tear stains on face, foot­steps slow and care­ful back­ing up, the vi­sion has ac­tu­ally looked at Yun Che, after pass­ing the tribu­la­tion , the joy of re­birth, also deep grat­i­tude.
Good peo­ple...
When Mu Xu­anyin ini­tially men­tioned Wood Spirit Race, once men­tioned the Wood Spirit pure busy soul strength to be able the evils or the hos­til­i­ties of other sen­sa­tion lives.
The hand dyes of in­nu­mer­able blood, in his Soul in­duc­tion, un­ex­pect­edly is „good per­son”?
He self-ridicules smiles.
be­hind, the Wood Spirit youth slow sound of foot­steps is get­ting more and more far, but, does not have to es­cape to leave sud­denly at the max­i­mum speed, but after re­ces­sion sev­eral, stopped.
„Se­nior.” He timid mak­ing noise.
„...” Yun Che was side­ways, the vi­sion is cut-throat: „You do not walk, I change the mind the words, you for­ever could not get away!”
„I... Does not dare.” The Wood Spirit youth shakes the head, he sud­denly brave raised the head: „Se­nior, I... Can ask your mat­ter? Can you re­turn to my fam­ily|home me. My words... Also will be caught by them im­me­di­ately.”
„...” Yun Che stands there, for a long time has not spo­ken.
Wood Spirit has ex­tremely con­spic­u­ous phys­i­cal char­ac­ters, one­self have put in­deed him, the one per­son alone falls into Heiya City Wood Spirit, only has is caught again, the re­sult of even hunt­ing and killing.
„Your fam­ily|home?”
„Right!” The Wood Spirit youth nods hastily, then puts out a hand south the di­rec­tion: „My fam­ily|home not far the place out­side city, the se­nior so is fierce, so long as left Heiya City from this di­rec­tion, quick can... Asked the se­nior.”
The Yun Che cor­ner of the eye is twitch­ing, the heart is also twitch­ing... Then, his stride for­wards, one led the Wood Spirit youth: „Walks!”
De­cided to put him a mo­ment ago... Now, un­ex­pect­edly does such de­ci­sion eas­ily es­cort him?
What am I mak­ing es­pe­cially?
Shout! Ok! Since has de­cided to put him, then achieves the bot­tom on the good per­son, oth­er­wise he falls into the per­son hand of Heiya City again, Bai Fang!
In his heart was say­ing to one­self, the speed speeds up, under cov­er­ing up of cur­tain of night south di­rect im­pact.
„The feel­ing that se­nior, my one­self knows thank you can­not be wrong, you are re­ally a big good per­son.” The Wood Spirit youth grate­ful [say / way].
„Do you name?” Yun Che asked.
„I called He Lin.” The Wood Spirit youth replied, fac­ing let­ting off him, is es­cort­ing Yun Che that he goes home, he did not have the fear again, only has in­fi­nite grate­ful and joy, looks that the Yun Che's emer­ald green pupil light also be­came ra­di­ant: „Has not known the se­nior... How should call?”
„Name does not need, but do not shout that good of my se­nior, I am also older than you are sev­eral years old.” The Yun Che sound does not have the emo­tion color, also in un­ceas­ing is gen­tle the chaotic puz­zled surg­ing emo­tions.
„Ah?” He Lin mouth big, on the face has re­vealed deep sur­prised, crossed some lit­tle time, has called out in alarm said: „Orig­i­nally is Big Brother.... Big Brother, you are quite fierce, re­ally quite fierce, can be de­feated in­clud­ing that fear­ful peo­ple all of a sud­den, I also think that the Big Brother age is cer­tainly big.”
From his sound, in the also pupil light, Yun Che saw deep earnest and wor­ship.
„I heard that Heiya City has nu­mer­ously hunts and kills the Wood Spirit per­son in se­cret, will your fam­ily|home, why ap­proach such dan­ger­ous place?” Yun Che asked.
The Yun Che's words, mak­ing He Lin all of a sud­den silent. In Yun Che thinks when he is not will­ing to reply, his say­ing gen­tly: „Com­pares in Mid­dle-Rank Star Realm and High-Rank Star Realm, Low-Rank Star Realm is safest, dis­cov­ered words, at least also some pos­si­bil­i­ties of es­cap­ing. More­over, the pre­sent fam­ily|home has the power pro­tec­tion of na­ture, I and my clans­man lived for two years there, had not been dis­cov­ered.”
„Your clans­man... also how many?”
He Lin hes­i­tates slightly, said: „My clans­man, only re­mained 100. My this time was seized, they very much will cer­tainly worry. If they to look for me leave there words, was bad.”
„He Lin, are you big this year?”
„I... 11 years old.”
„Your also Elder Sis­ter?” Yun Che spoke thought­lessly to ask.
„Um.” He nods the head gen­tly, sound low-spir­ited: „Three years ago, that fear­ful dis­as­ter... Par­ents to pro­tect Elder Sis­ter and I,...... After that I and Elder Sis­ter were sep­a­rate, has not seen her again. How­ever, I be­lieve that Elder Sis­ter is also cer­tainly liv­ing, I can feel!”
Yun Che has not asked again.
The par­ents dou­ble per­ish, final fam­ily mem­ber is sep­a­rate, this 11-year-old youth, ac­tu­ally ex­pe­ri­ences the bru­tal­ity and mis­ery that the av­er­age man was un­able to imag­ine, not be­cause of his wrong or crime, but only be­cause of him is Wood Spirit --- Royal Fam­ily Wood Spirit.
A their clan is in­her­it­ing purest Power of Na­ture ob­vi­ously, ac­tu­ally likely got down the most bru­tal curse.
Left Heiya City, Yun Che has not stopped, non-stop flies to go fol­low­ing the di­rec­tion that He Lin di­rected. After most dou­ble-hour, he has flown into one piece not to see in the jun­gle of bound­ary.
„Fam­ily that you said that in this for­est?” Yun Che said.
„Um!” He Lin puts out a hand south­east the di­rec­tion, leaves home to be get­ting more and more near, he is more ex­cited: „In that di­rec­tion, I felt there aura... Good.”
Goes through in the jun­gle fast, for a long time, fi­nally stopped.
the front, heaven old tree stands in great num­bers, the in­nu­mer­able [say / way] sturdy in­com­pa­ra­ble azure black vine cane spreads reck­lessly, dies of suf­fo­ca­tion the road ahead com­pletely, does not know that ex­tends where.
In vi­sion of Yun Che doubts, He Lin ex­cited for­ward­ing, small hand gen­tly in a flash, im­me­di­ately, azure black vine cane if sud­denly had the in­tel­li­gence, the fast dis­tor­tion, moves, has sep­a­rated a long and nar­row chan­nel fast.
„Big Brother, comes quickly!”
He Lin has drawn Yun Che's hand, in the run­ning in vine cane sep­a­rated chan­nel of jump­ing. Yun Che hes­i­tant, fol­lowed in be­hind.
The chan­nel is very long, walked some lit­tle time fi­nally saw the exit / to speak, when they just trod the chan­nel, dan­ger­ous aura headed on sud­denly, sev­eral azure black vine canes such as the devil lackey, pounded down from the dif­fer­ent di­rec­tions ma­li­ciously.
Yun Che pro­found strength wells up in­stan­ta­neously, but He Lin ac­tu­ally slightly not alarmed and afraid, in­stead con­tin­ues to for­ward, small hand gen­tly pushes, the green light dodges for the first time, im­me­di­ately, was then blue the black vine cane to stag­nate all of a sud­den there, along with it recla­ma­tion like light­ning.
„Grandma Qing Ye! Aunt Kui! Uncle Mu Han... I came back! I came back!!”
The pre­sent world ten thou­sand wood cre­ate shade, the green grass is spooky, the leaf and veg­e­ta­tion in line of sight pre­sent purely are ar­riv­ing at the in­cred­i­ble emer­ald green col­ored, the air fresh let­ting per­son is also com­pletely re­laxed. Is far­ther, can see the strange flower dif­fer­ent grass every­where, the color but­ter­fly dances in the air, too beau­ti­ful to be­hold, any­body ar­rived here, one type will step into im­mor­tal realm sud­denly not the third di­men­sion.
The He Lin cheer­ful clear sound, is re­ver­ber­at­ing in this im­mor­tal realm Small World by far.
„Con­tin­u­ous rain... Lin'er! Lin'er!!”
„Young Pa­tri­arch... Is Young Pa­tri­arch!”
The peace­ful world has re­sounded ex­cit­edly to the ex­treme shout in­stan­ta­neously, emer­ald green forms ap­pear from the old trees and ten thou­sand flow­er­ing shrubs, in­sane gen­eral fir­ing into He Lin. Old per­son who old­est, the step slightly ob­vi­ously limps He Lin tight hug­ging in bosom, has not opened the mouth, is the tears.
„Lin'er... Re­ally is you? Was you comes back re­ally... I also think, you by human grasp­ing... Good, all your is well is re­ally good...”
Other peo­ple com­pletely have also en­cir­cled, in the eye socket of every­one is shak­ing some­thing the ex­cited tears.
These peo­ple are emer­ald green col­ored hair, the cal­cium flu­o­ride eye, sharp long both ears, as well as the out­side skin of porce­lain jade im­pec­ca­ble char­ac­ter, with­out a doubt, these are hid­den here Wood Spirit, the clans­man in He Lin mouth.
Quan­tity be­fore such as He Lin said that has about hun­dred peo­ple.
As ex­cited then can see as the re­sponse of ex­treme from here per­son, He Lin to them is im­por­tant ex­ists... male blood­line that Wood Spirit Royal Fam­ily only saves, young still young, is ac­tu­ally shoul­der­ing the Wood Spirit Clan final hope.
„Sorry, Grandma Qing Ye, is un­fair to every­body, was I makes every­body be wor­ried.” In He Lin both eyes the tears spin: „I... I in­deed by human grasp­ing...”
„Ah!?” the He Lin words, mak­ing all Wood Spirit have a big shock.
„But, I run into a good per­son, ultra good, ultra fierce Big Brother, was he has res­cued me, but also pro­tected me to re­turn to here.”
He Lin makes an ef­fort to wipe the tears, ar­rives at side Yun Che's quickly: „Is this Big Brother , he I per­haps... Re­ally...”
Vi­sion cen­tral­ized in Yun Che's body, old­est, was called makes „Grandma Qing Ye” the old per­son to for­ward by He Lin grad­u­ally, then sud­denly body short, kneel­ing down of heav­ily in Yun Che's the front.
The Yun Che eye­lid jumps, just about to makes noise, ac­tu­ally sud­denly sees, all Wood Spirit, all of a sud­den have knelt un­ex­pect­edly.
Yun Che: „...”
„Young human... Thank you, thank you have res­cued our Young Pa­tri­arch.” The Grandma Qing Ye old sound is bring­ing from the grat­i­tude of Soul, the also deep fear: „Al­though, we hate these evils human, but, you have res­cued our Young Pa­tri­arch, later, is our Wood Spirit Clan oblig­a­tion per­son, please re­ceive us to do obei­sance.”
„Young Pa­tri­arch is in dan­ger, ac­tu­ally runs into so the hon­ored per­son, cer­tainly is bless­ing of Pa­tri­arch soul in heaven.” Mid­dle-aged Wood Spirit raises head to yell, then turns to­ward Yun Che deeply to do obei­sance.
„...” Yun Che mouth micro, crossed some lit­tle time, some un­nat­ural [say / way]: „I am also only slight ef­fort, you do not need so.”


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