Sunday, May 6, 2018

1072: Contradictory

#1072: Contradictory
Comments 122
„As­sists alchemy by its Wood Spirit Bead, the pos­si­bil­ity of re­gard­less of high level spirit med­i­cine, al­most not hav­ing been de­feated.”
„By its aux­il­iary prac­tice, below Di­vine King Realm, does not have the bot­tle­neck again.”
„Life per­son com­pletely its Wood Spirit Bead spirit strength, may add sev­eral thou­sand years of life... Trades the life by pro­found stone the mat­ter, unique.”
The Wood Spirit Bead book is the rare trea­sure that Wood Spirit is in sole pos­ses­sion, but Royal Fam­ily Wood Spirit Wood Spirit Bead, is the rare trea­sure in rare trea­sure. Each de­scrip­tion of Ji Ruyan, lis­tens es­pe­cially in­con­ceiv­able, but per­son of no­body pres­ence re­veals the shock or the sus­pi­cion... Be­cause Royal Fam­ily Wood Spirit Bead in leg­end, is so mys­te­ri­ous ex­is­tence.
Near ear sound lets the Wood Spirit boy whole body in pro­found array is trem­bling.
Wood Spirit pro­found strength and human dif­fer from, the ag­gres­siv­ity is very low, more­over cul­ti­vates for the upper limit also low pity, in ad­di­tion the quan­tity is scarce, once falls into the human hand, then ba­si­cally again not es­capes pos­si­bly. Most Wood Spirit after falling into the human hand, will choose self-de­struc­tion Wood Spirit Bead... Also is equal to me­di­ates.
But he not...
Be­cause he is Wood Spirit Royal Fam­ily [lin­eage/vein] in the son who en­tire Chaos Di­men­sion only saves... Once he died, means that Wood Spirit Royal Fam­ily blood­line com­pletely cuts off in light of this, has no chil­dren again. There­fore he is young, but he fully re­al­izes him­self in any event, even if the hu­mil­i­a­tion de­spairs again, can­not die.
„Now, is not only an au­di­ences young mas­ter, even if High-Rank Star Realm, even King Realm, thinks that Wood Spirit Royal Fam­ily ex­ter­mi­nated. How­ever, now ac­tu­ally Royal Fam­ily Wood Spirit liv­ing in an au­di­ences young mas­ter at pre­sent, is the same with your ser­vant in an au­di­ences young mas­ter of sit­ting, is en­tire God Realm few lucky fel­lows. But is luck­i­est, which young mas­ter can also be.”
She was say­ing at the same time, a pair of won­der­ful eye brings the sup­ple gen­tle light to sweep every­one. If usu­ally, under the stage the peo­ple meet the color and soul surely give, but at this time, vi­sion star­ing of every­one stub­bornly in body of Wood Spirit boy, has not had the in­stant dis­place­ment.
„Catches this Royal Fam­ily Wood Spirit that se­nior to enjoy per­son­ally, but under many rea­sons, he will fi­nally choose en­trust­ing in your ser­vant. If can lead to ar­rive at High-Rank Star Realm him, sells bil­lions, even hun­dred hun­dred mil­lion pur­ple pro­found stone are easy, but, your ser­vant this is only a small cham­ber of com­merce, where has the abil­ity to with­stand the High-Rank Star Realm wind and rain, gave the au­di­ences a young mas­ter most to feel at ease him.”
„Miss Ruyan... You bid freely!” Ying Yushan stares big both eyes to ex­claim. His cul­ti­vat­ing for the pre­sent is the Di­vine Soul Realm peak, but must break through the achieve­ment Di­vine Tribu­la­tion Realm bot­tle­neck, not only needs to try hard, needs the sud­den en­light­en­ment under chance. If this chance, let alone two years, dozens years is un­able to break through is very nor­mal mat­ter.
But if ob­tains this Royal Fam­ily Wood Spirit Wood Spirit Race, this bot­tle­neck does not exist, his short sev­eral days can break through di­rectly! More­over to his fu­ture cul­ti­vat­ing is the ad­vance­ment, has the enor­mous ben­e­fit.
Can sell hun­dred hun­dred mil­lion pur­ple pro­found stone in High-Rank Star Realm... These words do not ex­ag­ger­ate! Black Feather Cham­ber of Com­merce is many 10,000 courage, im­pos­si­ble tried to sell to Mid­dle-Rank or High-Rank Star Realm him... Ab­solutely does not dare the rev­e­la­tion. Oth­er­wise, does not need to wait for them to auc­tion, comes the per­son who robs in se­cret to be many to counts breaths suf­fi­ciently has opened en­tire Black Feather Cham­ber of Com­merce.
Also de­cided that sells him, place that must in them def­i­nitely be able con­trol­ling.
„chuckle, it seems like, au­di­ences young mas­ters were im­pa­tient.” The Ji Ruyan dou­ble pupil nar­rows the eyes to rip­ple to flat­ter the light to­gether the eye seam, stretches out a fin­ger slowly: „This Royal Fam­ily Wood Spirit low price... Hun­dred mil­lion pur­ple pro­found stone!”
Hun­dred mil­lion pur­ple pro­found stone, lis­ten in any­body is the sky-high prices. But if can buy Royal Fam­ily Wood Spirit, that is sim­ply cost-ef­fec­tive to the ex­treme. A more es­sen­tial point is, if misses, per­haps this whole life again not pos­si­ble meet­ing.
„Wait / Etc.!!” Mak­ing noise is that Ying Yushan, his one step, the breath slightly is for­ward rapid: „Miss Ruyan, this few today hur­ried, pro­found stone belt are not many, whether...”
„Nat­u­rally can­not!” Ji Ruyan not any hes­i­tant breaks him, said with a smile: „Young Mas­ter Ying should the clear­est here cus­tom, be­fore the trade fair fin­ish, any­body can not leave. Es­pe­cially today, here has a Royal Fam­ily Wood Spirit mat­ter, if spreads ahead of time, that con­se­quence your ser­vant may un­able to un­der­take.”
„But if Young Mas­ter Ying buys him, that mo­men­tar­ily can cer­tainly leave, he did not have the re­la­tions with my Black Feather Cham­ber of Com­merce in any case at that time, some peo­ple will not know and be­lieve that he is came from Black Feather Cham­ber of Com­merce... Be­fore this, nat­u­rally is not good. Al­though your ser­vant in­com­pa­ra­bly be­lieves each young mas­ter, but, even if the small even­tu­al­ity, your ser­vant ab­solutely can­not with­stand.”
Ji Ruyan smil­ing face like flower, but each char­ac­ter does not have the lee­way.
„...” The Ying Yushan fore­head sweated slightly, sup­presses some lit­tle time said: „Does that give this few ten breaths to send greet­ings, with great speed how mak­ing the per­son send pur­ple pro­found crys­tal? Won't your black jade cham­ber of com­merce, rather al­ways put the good money not to gain?”
„Young Mas­ter Ying, do not feel em­bar­rassed your ser­vant. Black Feather Cham­ber of Com­merce can exist how the year, the biggest rea­son is never the bad cus­tom. In in­vi­ta­tion that , your ser­vant sent, but a re­minder au­di­ences young mas­ter must bring pro­found stone.”
The Ying Yushan cor­ners of the mouth twitch... Since he will come, nat­u­rally brought much! But who can think that will have the ap­pear­ance of Royal Fam­ily Wood Spirit un­ex­pect­edly!
This is not for­tu­nate enough to „rare trea­sure that” sees in­clud­ing High-Rank Star Realm, is loses every­thing to take does not owe!
The Ji Ruyan vi­sion puts aside from Ying Yushan body: „Hun­dred mil­lion pur­ple pro­found stone, ten­der­ing starts.”
The Ji Ruyan sound falls, no­body re­sponded for a while, when Ji Ruyan soon once more start to talk, Yun Che sud­denly slowly will have stood: „200 mil­lion!”
Whish ---
All vi­sion neat falling in Yun Che's body. The per­son of pres­ence is the Heiya Realm upper for­ma­tion ex­ists, al­though two hun­dred mil­lion pairs of their any­body is also a huge digit, but can­not with­stand com­pletely... But the key is, the fam­ily prop­erty is rich, who will be all right es­pe­cially is bring­ing sev­eral hun­dred mil­lion pur­ple pro­found stone along!
The first start to talk after Yun Che ar­rival, in­creases price di­rectly hun­dred mil­lion, mak­ing in the stone cham­ber 90% peo­ple sigh low-spir­ited. But in other places, they can im­me­di­ately passes mes­sage to send pro­found stone pro­found crys­tal, but this is the un­der­ground trade fair of black feather, can­not cause pow­er­fully, can only com­plain about to bring are too few.
The Ji Ruyan pupil light such as the soft water stroked gen­er­ally in Yun Che's body: „This young mas­ter gets rid is re­ally sim­ply ex­trav­a­gant, your ser­vant most ap­pre­ci­ated young mas­ter such per­son.”
One in­creases price hun­dred mil­lion... That is one hun­dred mil­lion! Even if comes Heiya Realm third sect Ying Yushan ma­li­ciously to be star­tled. He slant­ing Yun Che, micro one clenches teeth, said slowly: „210 mil­lion!”
His body al­to­gether brought 200.06 mil­lion surely pur­ple pro­found stone, in which two hun­dred mil­lion, be­fore he just be­fore leav­ing, brings from fa­ther there spe­cially. He thinks that has on this day the great sum of money of ar­ti­cle digit in the body, the thing that Heiya Realm he could not have bought... Now ac­tu­ally can only pray that does not want some peo­ple to sur­pass this num­ber.
„300 mil­lion!” Yun Che is with­out turn­ing a hair, light shouts three pur­ple pro­found stone likely.
The hearts of all peo­ple beat fiercely.
Also in­creases price di­rectly hun­dred mil­lion!!
Is comes Heiya Realm most top sect and fam­ily, but they also never see, have lis­tened so to take hun­dred mil­lion as in­creas­ing price of unit!
Who is this per­son? Even if again rich, is in­suf­fi­cient such to fling... Can be the brain has the prob­lem?
The Ying Yushan dou­ble fist grips tightly, has not will­ingly sits down.
After Ji Ruyan shouted the low price, all peo­ple think that fol­low­ing ten­der­ing was surely in­tense like the dif­fi­cult sit­u­a­tion, by the Yun Che two times offer, hun­dred mil­lion in­creas­ing price was ac­tu­ally shaken an en­tire stone cham­ber peace, falling the nee­dle may hear.
The vi­sion strongly in Yun Che's body, all peo­ple in se­cret was guess­ing his sta­tus.
In the pro­found array shack­les, the Wood Spirit boy also in this time care­ful turn­ing the head, looked to Yun Che... Sud­denly, he is in the dim emer­ald green eye pupil, sud­denly were many sev­eral points of hope color.
„chuckle, this young mas­ter has bid to three hun­dred mil­lion pur­ple pro­found stone, gets rid the so agile young mas­ter, your ser­vant this whole life is also first time sees.” The Ji Ruyan vi­sion from the be­gin­ning has sized up the foot Yun Che: „Other do also young mas­ters bid? If no...”
„320 mil­lion!”
Quite gloomy, re­sem­bles to clench jaws to shout the sound that re­sounds sud­denly, sound Mas­ter is sta­tus diminu­tive black clothed young peo­ple, he looks askance to look at Yun Che, that look was clearly say­ing: Some skills add again!
„400 mil­lion!”
That had not feared that in­stant hes­i­ta­tion, al­most in the in­stance that his voice drops, Yun Che cold makes noise... Still di­rectly added one hun­dred mil­lion!
The black clothed young peo­ple are in­stan­ta­neously stiff there, quite a while could not speak.
Four hun­dred mil­lion pur­ple pro­found stone, the av­er­age man the imag­i­na­tion can­not huge wealth. But this is Yun Che from Ice Wind Em­pire fishes to con­ve­niently, does not spend to blow the strength of fly­ing, there­fore loses is not le­nient, does not love dearly.
This time, the Ji Ruyan small mouth slightly opens, for a long time closes up.
One time in­creases price hun­dred mil­lion, the exit / to speak, the des­o­late sound is bring­ing in­vis­i­ble over­bear­ing each time, all peo­ple who presses in­dis­tinctly have a feel­ing of not gasp­ing for breath. At once, again un­manned with price, a vi­sion is tak­ing a fast look around Yun Che un­ceas­ingly, al­though does not have one per­son to rec­og­nize this face, but they be­lieve firmly... Al­though this per­son pro­found strength ex­tremely does not lose face, but fam­ily back­ground is far from com­mon, solely that lets their heart star­tled im­pos­ing man­ners, is not the av­er­age per­son can have.
„400 mil­lion, four hun­dred mil­lion pur­ple pro­found stone, also which young mas­ter must in­crease price? Royal Fam­ily Wood Spirit, this may be an au­di­ences young mas­ter al­ways only op­por­tu­nity ex­tremely, may do not miss.”
Ji Ruyan shouted con­tin­u­ally sev­eral, ac­tu­ally again un­manned in­crease price. Yun Che is also darkly re­laxes... He has even made to shout him the prepa­ra­tions of com­plete fam­ily be­long­ings --- five hun­dred mil­lion pur­ple pro­found stone.
Then, Wood Spirit Bead was also suc­ceeds in ob­tain­ing... Al­though the price is some­what big, but this is be­gin­ning Heiya Realm sec­ond day . More­over, Wood Spirit Bead that soon will suc­ceed in ob­tain­ing, but must ex­ceed the de­mand by far. In com­par­i­son, four hun­dred mil­lion pur­ple pro­found stone prices in­stead are not any­thing.
„, Con­grat­u­lates this young mas­ter, this is very likely only saves in Shi Royal Fam­ily Wood Spirit, is you.”
In all peo­ple envy, in the un­will­ing vi­sion, Yun Che in­com­pa­ra­bly sim­ple for­ward­ing, has paid four hun­dred mil­lion pur­ple pro­found stone to Ji Ruyan di­rectly, then coldly said: „Now, can I take away him?”
„Nat­u­rally.” To near, smile of Ji Ruyan ob­vi­ously charm­ing: „From now on, he is young mas­ter all thing.”
At the same time was say­ing, Ji Ruyan is the fin­ger, blocks pro­found array to open ac­cord­ingly, the Yun Che half step for­wards, has worked on the arm of that Wood Spirit boy. What slightly ac­ci­den­tal / sur­prised is, did not have to block pro­found array, the Wood Spirit boy has not ac­tu­ally made the ac­tion that any tried to es­cape, what­ever Yun Che caught him in the hand... Per­haps al­ready ac­cepted fate.
„This young mas­ter, be­lieves that you def­i­nitely know the truth of tal­ent can arouse jeal­ousy.” Ji Ruyan smil­ing re­minder: „Not to men­tion the Eter­nal Sky God Realm pro­hi­bi­tion rule, Royal Fam­ily Wood Spirit, is the thing that High-Rank Star Realm can be jeal­ous, al­though your ser­vant be­lieves that in all young mas­ters of sit­ting is the trust­wor­thy hon­ored guest, will keep the se­cret, but was known this mat­ter ac­ci­den­tally, the young mas­ter may be dan­ger­ous. There­fore, the young mas­ter sooner han­dles him will be quite good... The best choice, here di­rectly takes its Wood Spirit Bead, then...”
„Does not need, my in­nate dis­cre­tion, many thanks the re­minder.” Yun Che ac­cord­ingly, then must lead the Wood Spirit boy to leave at will.
While he turns around, his vi­sion shoots a look at that to stand in Ji Ruyan be­hind, the black clothed mid­dle-aged per­son who from be­gin­ning to end does not act has taken up black sound trans­mis­sion jade slowly.
This un­der­ground space iso­la­tion passes mes­sage, but sound trans­mis­sion jade in black clothed mid­dle age per­son hand can ac­tu­ally re­ceive to send greet­ings, ob­vi­ously is „spe­cially-made”. After his con­geal­ing eye­brow lis­tens passes mes­sage, sud­denly the com­plex­ion changes, the vi­sion changes Yun Che sud­denly.
A low and deep sound, after the Yun Che ear trans­mits: „Wait / Etc.. This young mas­ter, this Royal Fam­ily Wood Spirit, we do not only sell.”


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