Friday, May 11, 2018

1114: Emperor Immortal Grass news

#1114: Emperor Immortal Grass news
Comments 214
The in­jury re­turns to nor­mal grad­u­ally, the Yun Che's com­plex­ion was also bet­ter. He has thought sud­denly a thing, has put out that the ash-gray won­der stone that ob­tains from Lei Qian­feng body from Sky Poi­son Pearl: „Miss Ruyan, this thing from Lei Qian­feng corpse body ob­tained, should not be or­di­nary pro­found stone, what can you rec­og­nize it are?”
Saw in the Yun Che hand grey stone first, the Ji Ruyan fil­a­ment eye­brow ob­vi­ously beat, ac­tu­ally can­not be­lieve that the own first judg­ment, she took it from the Yun Che hand care­fully, mo­ment, then fierce raise one's head, ex­uded one to call out in alarm: „Il­lu­sory Stone!”
The Ji Ruyan ex­pe­ri­ence is vast, the world rare trea­sure that con­tacts are in­nu­mer­able, had the so in­tense re­sponse. Yun Che asked im­me­di­ately: „What is Il­lu­sory Stone? What has to af­fect?”
Ji Ruyan both hands hold above, on the pow­der cheek the star­tled color have not dis­ap­peared: „On plane/level, Il­lu­sory Stone must above Nine Stars Bud­dha Di­vine Jade, the scarce de­gree be by far re­ally it. More­over Il­lu­sory Stone is non-re­new­able, with one, among pri­mor­dial chaos for­ever will be then few.”
Yun Che looks star­tled to ac­com­mo­date... Also wants the high level scarce thing com­pared with Nine Stars Bud­dha Di­vine Jade!?
„About Il­lu­sory Stone, two dif­fer­ent records and rumor. A say­ing it was by one of the Heav­enly Pro­found Trea­sure ‚World Nee­dle’ power lived, an­other say­ing, was World Nee­dle breeds in a giant il­lu­sory orig­i­nal stone, lat­ter World Nee­dle left, that il­lu­sory orig­i­nal stone shat­tered, bro­ken be­came in­nu­mer­able Il­lu­sory Stone scat­ters in var­i­ous pri­mor­dial chaos places. Re­gard­less of which type is, a lit­tle ac­tu­ally with­out a doubt... Its em­bod­i­ment World Nee­dle that plane/level space power ---, al­though has one time.”
World Nee­dle, in Heav­enly Pro­found Trea­sure is sit­u­ated sixth, has peak space power Supreme Trea­sure!
„Il­lu­sory Stone in body, if with the fatal dan­ger­ous sit­u­a­tion, may its smash­ing, side high plane/level space power of its re­lease, be pos­si­ble to trans­fer the per­son to other spaces in­stan­ta­neously.” Ji Ruyan said.
„This... Prob­a­bly or­di­nary space pro­found stone and di­men­sion can pro­found array achieve?” The Yun Che doubts said.
„Nat­u­rally dif­fer­ent.” Ji Ruyan shakes the head: „Or­di­nary space trans­mis­sion con­sump­tion is enor­mous, the dis­tance is far­ther, the con­sump­tion is huge in­com­pa­ra­ble, the time also will be­come long, might meet suf­fi­ciently the fatal space storm. The space shift of Il­lu­sory Stone is ac­tu­ally not away from the limit, may trans­fer to Chaos Di­men­sion any cor­ner di­rectly, and re­gard­less of far dis­tance, even if from the pri­mor­dial chaos Antarc­tic to the pri­mor­dial chaos North Pole, can com­plete in­stan­ta­neously.”
„Or­di­nary space trans­mis­sion can leave be­hind the space tra­jec­tory, to the pow­er­house, traces the space tra­jec­tory is not a dif­fi­cult mat­ter, but Il­lu­sory Stone ac­tu­ally ab­solutely, its space shift can­not have any path to seek, even if skilled in the space prin­ci­ple per­son again, im­pos­si­ble trac­ing.”
Ji Ruyan said that has curled up­wards the out­stand­ing eye­brow cor­ner/horn, low voice think­ing aloud: „Strange, how Lei Qian­feng body will have Il­lu­sory Stone this type of thing... Be­fore he dies, why doesn't use?”
„Then, with it in the words of body, was equal to a life?” Yun Che said.
„Nat­u­rally, this is God Realm recog­ni­tion thing of the strongest main­tain­ing life.” Ji Ruyan says with a smile: „Even if one day, young mas­ter were com­pelled into the dead bound­ary by King Realm Realm King this grade of char­ac­ter, can save skin. Con­grat­u­lated the young mas­ter to ob­tain this di­vine item, it seems like, young mas­ter by heaven the per­son of car­ing.”
„Snort.” The re­mote sky, Lit­tle Jas­mine the nose, has ex­uded one lightly.
„The only flaw, is its space trans­fers is not steer­able, no one is able to ex­pect where it will trans­fer to say the per­son. After all World Nee­dle that level the strength of space, is not the av­er­age man can con­trol.”
Meets Il­lu­sory Stone, in Yun Che's heart were many im­me­di­ately a thick se­cu­rity sense. Not eye stone that has no in­ten­tion to ob­tain from Lei Qian­feng body, un­ex­pect­edly can be the thing of so for­mi­da­ble main­tain­ing life.
In ad­di­tion his long-awaited Nine Stars Bud­dha Di­vine Jade and two are hav­ing Pro­found Im­agery Stone of Di­vine Mar­tial Realm han­dle... This Lei Qian­feng did evil in­nu­mer­ably, after dying, he meow sim­ply was an angel!
„About Em­peror Im­mor­tal Grass, began to ma­te­ri­al­ize?” Yun Che asked.
Ji Ruyan shakes the head gen­tly: „Fa­ther was seek­ing fully. The fa­ther was born in the black feather, re­garded as im­por­tant the good faith and benev­o­lence ex­tremely, the gra­cious­ness of young mas­ter, the fa­ther often sighed re­cently not thinks the re­port, the young mas­ter asks, the fa­ther he will spare no ef­fort surely, feared that is his pre­sent cut­ting, but must ex­ceed the young mas­ter, thus asked the young mas­ter to feel re­lieved that be­lieved for one year, will de­cide will have the re­sult.”
Yun Che nods, feels grate­ful: „Had the work.”
The Ji Ruyan smile shakes the head, her pair of beau­ti­ful eye looks at Yun Che, sud­denly said in a soft voice: „Does not know that Ruyan can for­tu­nately, know young mas­ter’s true given name?”
Her vi­sion limpid like water, is bring­ing in­born gen­tle, sin­cere and pulls up the heart.
„clouds... clear.” Not too many con­sid­er­a­tion, Yun Che slow sound reply.
He con­ceals the real name at first, is the load teach­ings trans­mit­ted from mas­ter to pupil over gen­er­a­tions to Snow Song Realm that side. In Heiya Realm this pe­riod of time, be­tween he and Ji Ruyan has built up enough trust, did not have the con­ceal­ment ne­ces­sity.
flow­ery lips light sip, in beau­ti­ful eyes rip­ples par­tic­u­larly bil­low­ing bril­liance, her light lan­guage said: „These two char­ac­ters, Ruyan will re­mem­ber for a life­time...”
The Ji Ruyan sup­ple sound has not fallen, a sharp long young girl ten­der call then trans­mits from the sky, in their sur­prised vi­sion, Lit­tle Jas­mine from air­borne falls, „whiz” side ar­riv­ing Yun Che: „Is brother-in-law, what you mak­ing? How in­jured?”
„...” Ji Ruyan flow­ery lips opens, looks at this cute such as the fairy tale Princess Caiyi (col­ored clothes) young girl: „Young Mas­ter, she called you... Brother-in-law?”
Lit­tle Jas­mine as if notes her ex­is­tence, face has trans­ferred, full is the doubt looks at Ji Ruyan: „Well? The brother-in-law, who is this aunt?”
Has not waited for Yun Che and Ji Ruyan had re­sponded that Lit­tle Jas­mine sud­denly face changes, sends out ear-spit­ting call­ing out in alarm: „Ah!! brother-in-law, could it be that you... You carry Elder Sis­ter to do other woman out­side un­ex­pect­edly! How you can like this! Elder Sis­ter she to you that good, for you re­ceived that many griev­ance, you not only dis­re­gard to her, un­ex­pect­edly is still mak­ing do other woman! Too hate­ful! Elder Sis­ter she quite piti­ful...”
„Lit­tle Sis­ter,” a Lit­tle Jas­mine ap­pear­ance, Ji Ruyan felt from her in­tense en­mity: „I and young mas­ter are not...”
„Brother-in-law!” No mat­ter Lit­tle Jas­mine ac­tu­ally she said any­thing, is con­tinue shout loudly to Yun Che: „You do right by like this Elder Sis­ter! More­over this woman is not only older than Elder Sis­ter, is uglier than Elder Sis­ter, but also... Did not have Elder Sis­ter to be gen­tle! Ex­cept for the chest, where can­not com­pare Elder Sis­ter greatly! Your you un­ex­pect­edly... I must go home to tell Elder Sis­ter to go, mak­ing her also pay no at­ten­tion to you again!”
„...” Ji Ruyan stands up, lip angle faint smile: „Young Mas­ter, it seems like you have fam­ily work to process, Ruyan then first said good­bye. Has the news time, Ruyan meets first in­forms the young mas­ter.”
In Lit­tle Jas­mine such as in the tor­ren­tial flood com­plaint, the Ji Ruyan div­ing pos­ture de­parts.
Yun Che puts out a hand, pinches on flow­ery lips that Lit­tle Jas­mine talked end­lessly: „Was good, do not de­velop.”
“Pā”, Lit­tle Jas­mine is ac­tu­ally a palm of the hand opens his hand, the anger of whole face has not dis­ap­peared, pant­ing in in­dig­na­tion [say / way]: „Who de­vel­ops! You said that you and that woman was any­thing re­lated a mo­ment ago, was she en­tices you are you en­tices her!”
„I and she ab­solutely do not have that re­la­tions that you think of in­ex­plic­a­bly...”
„Non­sense! Why you sit is so near, added is so happy, snort|hum!”
The Yun Che su­per­cil­ious look turns: „Well good, even if I make do with her, what re­la­tions also has with you?”
„How not to have re­lated!!” The Lit­tle Jas­mine sound has pro­moted eight de­grees sud­denly: „You are my brother-in-law, you had my Elder Sis­ter, how pos­si­bly again to make do other woman!”
„He he he...” Yun Che droops to focus to smile: „lit­tle girl, even if you are the role sub­sti­tu­tion over­state thor­ough, this makes clear a mat­ter first, I had said with you, Jas­mine is not my wife, but is my Mas­ter!”
„Yeah?” Lit­tle Jas­mine stares, winked con­tin­u­ally sev­eral times eyes, the sound also weakly: „Has... Has? Don't I re­mem­ber? No mat­ter! I shouted that your brother-in-law, you can­not so be again near with other women... Can­not!!”
„...” Yun Che for­wards, near­ness slowly to Lit­tle Jas­mine face: „You can find my me not say­ing that each time, why I thought more and more you have any­thing to at­tempt to me... Who are you?”
Under the in­tently watch of Yun Che pro­found look, Lit­tle Jas­mine heart micro hur­ried, but the vi­sion slightly has not ac­tu­ally moved aside, seems mount­ing the eye pupil of star straight looks at each other with him: „I nat­u­rally am your at­trac­tively most cute sis­ter-in-law! Is the brother-in-law, again you must obe­di­ently hear of my words, not prob­a­bly leave with that woman too near... Other women are dif­fer­ent, oth­er­wise... Snort!”
The eye cir­cle stares, the flow­ery lips stilts, gave him one not to have the warn­ing look of de­ter­rent force, then has turned around, de­par­ture that did not re­turn.
„...” Looks the di­rec­tion that Lit­tle Jas­mine leaves, Yun Che frowned, was lost in thought.
Rec­ol­lec­tion and Lit­tle Jas­mine ini­tially meets, com­pletely is ac­ci­den­tal, does not have arrange­ment the sign of de­sir­ably cer­tainly. But, all re­lated to the Lit­tle Jas­mine mat­ter, is all pass­ing strangely.
„Who is she?” Yun Che was read­ing in the heart once again lowly.
--- --- --- --- ---
Yun Che's cul­ti­vates to enter the Di­vine Dao time was very short, in soon, be­cause of Mu Xu­anyin Ice Phoenix Pri­mor­dial Yin but strides di­rectly from Di­vine Essence Realm Di­vine Soul Realm, but a con­se­quence that so causes, is un­der­stand­ing of Yun Che to Di­vine Dao pro­found strength is quite then su­per­fi­cial.
Black Soul Moun­tain has prac­ticed for two months later, pro­found strength al­most did not have the ad­vance­ment, Yun Che fi­nally has also re­al­ized this point, there­fore stopped cul­ti­vat­ing, started with con­cen­tra­tion pro­found strength prin­ci­ple of bound­ary of sen­sa­tion Di­vine Soul.
If the side has Jas­mine or Mu Xu­anyin, their guid­ances, in ad­di­tion the Yun Che high ex­tremely per­cep­tion, de­cides to achieve mas­tery through a com­pre­hen­sive study quickly, even if no ex­ter­nal force nonego to as­sist, pro­found strength ad­vance­ment also far ultra com­mon pro­found prac­ti­tioner. But his, Di­vine Essence Realm not yet sta­ble, then wants thor­ough Di­vine Soul Realm power, is ex­tremely re­ally dif­fi­cult. But his pro­found strength is spe­cial, body also has ex­tremely can­not for the se­cret that the by­stander knows, there­fore can­not con­sult other pow­er­houses, al­though there­fore con­tin­u­ously in­sti­tute ad­vance­ment in the Di­vine Dao un­der­stand­ing, but is quite slow.
Yun Che stayed in Black Soul Moun­tain for five months.
pro­found strength as be­fore is Di­vine Soul Realm Sec­ond Level, bogs down.
Opens the eye, Yun Che sighs one breath again: „The prac­tice of Di­vine Dao so is un­ex­pect­edly dif­fi­cult. Be­fore had not thought in Snow Song Realm that left Hon­ored Mas­ter, oh.”
Ka-beng! Ka-beng!
One over­flows the Di­vine Dao aura big sword under the tooth of Hong'er, smash­ing that like is the crisp ice re­laxed bit. Hong'er one is eat­ing greatly, at the same time am­bigu­ous [say / way]: „Why doesn't Mas­ter go back? There, Hong'er most liked in vain.”
„Goes back to be killed by Hon­ored Mas­ter, if I died, you wait to starve to death.” Re­mem­bers on Pri­mor­dial Pro­found Ark, the dim look and sound be­tween Mu Xu­anyin un­con­scious­ness, he breathed to stag­nate, shook the head: „It seems like, can only hope in Em­peror Im­mor­tal Grass.”
Yun Che's sound trans­mis­sion jade, trans­mit­ted quite in­tense pro­found en­ergy fluc­tu­a­tion at this time sud­denly, Yun Che takes up rapidly.
„Young Mas­ter, had the Em­peror Im­mor­tal Grass news!”


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