Tuesday, May 8, 2018

1090: Beginning retaliation

#1090: Beginning retaliation
Comments 71
Black Soul Di­vine Sect.
Lei Kuangfeng leads the dis­ci­ple corpse to dash about wildly, re­turns to sect, some­what is also still shaken. As Soul Sect's Vice Hall Mas­ter, he in Heiya Realm is also the well-known great per­son, never has ac­tu­ally ex­pe­ri­enced the so strange scary mat­ter.
Just about to di­rectly soars the total hall, his eyes saw that a the front per­son of front sur­face walks, he foot­steps speed up im­me­di­ately.
This per­son of stature is short and stout, but the look cloudy of­fense like the vul­ture, on the face was wooden, but the re­lease let the per­son pal­pi­ta­tion the pres­sure. Along with his tak­ing a walk, nearly fear­ful con­stric­tion is closely as­so­ci­ated, that be­longs to Di­vine Spirit Realm ter­ror aura. Every­where one visit, guard dis­ci­ple in sect sin­gle knee wor­ships on bended knees all im­me­di­ately.
Lei Tian­gang, Black Soul Di­vine Sect 64 Halls Chief Hall Mas­ter, the Sect Mas­ter Lei Qian­feng younger male cousin, is or­thog­o­nal in the Soul Sect sta­tus and el­ders, pro­found strength high to Di­vine Spirit Realm In­ter­me­di­ate stage, is Heiya Realm lets char­ac­ter who ex­tremely the per­son be­comes angry while talk­ing about it, out­side the Inner Sect sect, no­body dares to annoy.
„Chief Hall Mas­ter!” Be­fore the Lei Kuangfeng half step rushes to the Lei Tian­gang body.
Sees the corpse on Lei Kuangfeng, the Lei Tian­gang brow big wrin­kle: „What hap­pened?”
„Chief Hall Mas­ter, the sub­or­di­nate Japan se­lects the in­spec­tion of dis­ci­ple in the Black Soul Moun­tain gen­er­a­tion of Hall Mas­ter in­spec­tor gen­er­als now, but... Hun­dred dis­ci­ple, are buried in Black Soul Moun­tain un­ex­pect­edly com­pletely.” Lei Kuangfeng was say­ing at the same time, puts out a hand to scratch the cold sweat of fore­head un­ceas­ingly.
„What!?” Lei Tian­gang is angry: „Do some peo­ple dare to plot against my Soul Sect dis­ci­ple un­ex­pect­edly? Is who does?”
„Sub­or­di­nate does not know.” Lei Kuangfeng said: „When sub­or­di­nate dis­cov­ers, they died com­pletely, the mid­dle has sep­a­rated a dou­ble-hour, the sub­or­di­nate leaves not far, ac­tu­ally did not re­al­ize.”
„What did you say?” Lei Tian­gang brow big wrin­kle, ac­tu­ally ob­vi­ously does not be­lieve the Lei Kuangfeng words.
Corpse of Lei Kuangfeng in the hand puts down: „Not only that these dis­ci­ple death shapes are quite strange, some are de­cap­i­tated, does not have the strug­gling trace. But many dis­ci­ple, is... Turns into such liv­ing corpse.”
The Lei Tian­gang squat­ting lower part of the body, puts out a hand ac­cord­ing to „corpse” Chest, along with it brow one tight, puts out a hand to hold his day spirit, has crossed was very long, slowly stands up, a com­plex­ion piece gloomy un­cer­tain.
„Chief Hall Mas­ter, ac­tu­ally does he why die?” Lei Kuangfeng asked.
A Lei Tian­gang eye of time is muddy, sink­ing sound track: „These dis­ci­ple corpses are, are away from you far.”
„Most is also less than 50 li (0.5km).” Lei Kuangfeng said. These dis­ci­ple leave is so far, means that feared was the in­spec­tion just started less than the quar­ter, they com­pletely died ac­tu­ally cer­tainly.
„Snort, if you said real, the so short dis­tance, lets not have the sound that en­tire hun­dred dis­ci­ple die, mak­ing you not re­al­ize... Feared that is links me un­able to achieve!”
In Lei Kuangfeng heart one star­tled: „Sub­or­di­nate does not dare to de­ceive Chief Hall Mas­ter!”
„For­gives you not to dare!” The Lei Tian­gang com­plex­ion sinks as be­fore darkly a piece: „This cause of death was strangeer, body not any in­ter­nal in­jury flesh wound, even in­clud­ing the life still, likely died Soul Search­ing... But this dis­ci­ple is Di­vine Soul Realm, the soul source is im­preg­nable, only if he does not re­volt, oth­er­wise is Sect Mas­ter wants to search for his soul basic im­pos­si­ble!”
Lei Kuangfeng creepy feel­ing: „Re­ally is could it be that, the ghosts and gods is in­ad­e­quate?”
„Any ghosts and gods!” Lei Tian­gang an­grily re­bukes, sud­denly asked: „Hasn't op­po­site party what trace stayed be­hind re­ally?”
Lei Kuangfeng puts out the pro­found shade tongue rapidly, re­leased for­merly the image under seal: „These words, should be he stay be­hind.”
100,000 Black Soul lives, blood sac­ri­fice Wood Spirit soul.
„Ling Yun!?” The Lei Tian­gang com­plex­ion sud­den change, raise one's head loudly ex­claimed sud­denly: „Im­me­di­ately in­forms var­i­ous, each belt at least five thou­sand dis­ci­ple, in­stantly em­bark to search for the moun­tain! Runs into the live per­son, im­me­di­ately takes! The se­vere wound hits rem­nantly, but must live!!”
Lei Kuangfeng one star­tled, al­though has as­sas­si­nated Soul Sect so many dis­ci­ple, but so searches for the moun­tain scale, too has ex­ag­ger­ated re­ally: „Chief Hall Mas­ter, this Ling Yun ac­tu­ally what kind of char­ac­ter...”
„Does not need to ask!” Lei Tian­gang sink­ing sound track: „Why can you know Sect Mas­ter to leave to go to Heiya City sud­denly at the same night per­son­ally? Has not thought ac­tu­ally that he de­liv­ers un­ex­pect­edly... 100,000 Black Soul lives? Re­ally is the scary tone --- you are also gawk­ing doing, has not gone quickly! Re­mem­ber, must live!”
„Yes!” Lei Kuangfeng re­ceives an order to go.
Lei Tian­gang takes up sound trans­mis­sion jade, passes on the tone chan­nel: „Sect Mas­ter, has not needed to go to Heiya City. Ling Yun de­liv­ered!”
--- --- --- ---
Black Soul Di­vine Sect clam­our sound rises from all di­rec­tions im­me­di­ately, counts hun­dred thou­sand Soul Sect dis­ci­ple one after an­other, di­rectly soars Black Soul Moun­tain Range. Sets out Sect Head­quar­ters about 10% dis­ci­ple to search for the moun­tain one time, this ab­solutely is the his­tory for the first time, and does not have the omen.
Black Soul Moun­tain Range was dis­trib­ut­ing nu­mer­ous dan­ger­ous pro­found beast, pro­found prac­ti­tioner are ex­tremely few in­clud­ing the en­trants, do not say thor­oughly. But moun­tain range East Ter­ri­tory is Soul Sect is re­spec­tive, only if live is im­pa­tient, oth­er­wise Heiya Realm pro­found prac­ti­tioner, even if many ten courage do not dare to ap­proach again.
There­fore this searches for the moun­tain to con­tinue to the weather to be dim mas­sively, ex­cept for alarm­ing in­nu­mer­able pro­found beast, has not sought half per­son's shadow.
The night falls, thick ashen fog grad­u­ally has also cov­ered en­tire Black Soul Moun­tain Range.
The search­ing for moun­tain team of hav­ing achieved noth­ing re­turns to sect suc­ces­sively, to Lei Tian­gang re­port­ing re­sult.
„Chief Hall Mas­ter, searched for one all day, let alone the per­son's shadow, even/in­clud­ing Wairen has pre­sented the trace had not found.” Per­son of speech slant­ing Lei Kuangfeng: „Lei Kuangfeng, you said real?”
„How dare this mat­ter I bring to crack a joke!” Lei Kuangfeng anger sound track: „Chief Hall Mas­ter, after should be he plots, im­me­di­ately made a get­away. How­ever, so long as he does not leave Heiya Realm, can­not es­cape from our palms ab­solutely.”
„It seems like ran away with­out doubt, owes I also to think that he must take my Soul Sect hun­dred thou­sand life. Sect Mas­ter also al­most should come back, this mat­ter, then waits for him to come back to re­con­sider.” Lei Tian­gang has swept au­di­ences Hall Mas­ter one, sud­denly said: „How to have been short of one per­son? 11?”
„Chief Hall Mas­ter!” The Lei Tian­gang voice just fell, a rapid sound then con­veys from out­side, along with it, a mid­dle-aged man crashes in fast, is of Lei Chuo 11 th Vice Hall Mas­ter.
His ap­pear­ance, lets the peo­ple brow big wrin­kle, the Lei Tian­gang sink­ing sound track: „Had an ac­ci­dent?”
„When Chief Hall Mas­ter, the sub­or­di­nate leads dis­ci­ple to re­turn to sect, the in­ven­tory pop­u­la­tion, the dis­cov­ery un­ex­pect­edly has ac­tu­ally been short of 160 peo­ple, the sub­or­di­nate as­signs the per­son to re­turn to Black Soul Moun­tain im­me­di­ately... Ob­tained the news a mo­ment ago, sought more than 70 corpses, but their death shapes, for­merly said with Lei Kuangfeng ex­actly the same! dis­ci­ple that other have not sought, should also by the vi­o­lent treach­ery.”
„What...!?” In the hall at­mos­phere chang­ing sud­denly, au­di­ences Hall Mas­ter looks to shock all... also some panic-stricken.
Counts hun­dred thou­sand dis­ci­ple, also about two hun­dred Vice Hall Mas­ter and even Hall Mas­ter to lead, has not dis­cov­ered any trace... Death that is ac­tu­ally qui­etly more than 100 dis­ci­ple. More­over looks at the re­sponse of Lei Chuo, he for­merly clearly did not have the least bit to re­al­ize.
Dense in­tends to all per­son bod­ies to flee coldly.
„What hap­pened!”
The peo­ple, dig­ni­fied sound have not had the thun­der pres­sure to press in all per­son souls.
The hall en­trance, a mid­dle-aged per­son of black clothed is walk­ing grad­u­ally, the chest prints one to twine light­ning, is open­ing fierce big mouth black snake, be­hind with the peo­ple of four same choroids.
His ar­rival, mak­ing the air cur­rent of en­tire hall con­geal im­me­di­ately, sad such as the dark clouds are du­pli­cate.
Black Soul Di­vine Sect Chief Sect Mas­ter, Heiya Realm Great Realm King , is built on the sum­mit of Heiya Realm Pro­found Dao, the only one Di­vine King Realm ter­ri­fy­ing char­ac­ter.
Lei Qian­feng!
„Sect Mas­ter!” His ar­rival, mak­ing all peo­ple hurry to do obei­sance, the head deeply bends down, does not have one per­son to dare to lift ar­bi­trar­ily.
„Gets up... Tian­gang, ac­tu­ally what hap­pened?” Lei Qian­feng has swept peo­ple one eyes, light ask­ing.
Lei Tian­gang sets out, fast the mat­ter of today will nar­rate.
„Ice... clouds.” The Lei Qian­feng eye nar­rows the eyes, slightly raise one's head: „Re­ally was won­der­ful. My Soul Sect has not asked him to do ac­counts, he asks us to be un­lucky un­ex­pect­edly on own ini­tia­tive, un­ex­pect­edly also claimed that must take my Soul Sect hun­dred thou­sand life... Rea­son be­cause of Wood Spirit? He He, it seems like that this boy, feared that is a lu­natic.”
„Sect Mas­ter, this Ling Yun seems like so sim­ple, these dis­ci­ple death shapes that does not have us to think, re­minded me in the record ac­tu­ally 【North­ern God Ter­ri­tory】 These ‚Demon’, rumor these Demon meet hid­den in se­cret, seizes a per­son of soul in the si­lence. Nat­u­rally, there per­son will never leave North­ern God Ter­ri­tory, Ling Yun also de­cid­edly im­pos­si­ble there, is only... Quite sim­i­lar.” Lei Tian­gang said.
„Catches him, nat­u­rally knows that he has used any method.” Lei Qian­feng said fierce: „Ling Yun hides in Black Soul Moun­tain ob­vi­ously, to­mor­row, 64 Halls will all send out, to spread to search for Black Soul Moun­tain, digs three feet, must look to me him!”
„Sect Mas­ter, this Ling Yun... Ac­tu­ally is?” Hall Mas­ter can­not bear ask fi­nally.
„This mat­ter you do not need to know too. Only must know that his body, has the thing that Di­vine Mar­tial Realm wants!” Lei Qian­feng cloudy sound track.
„Di­vine Mar­tial Realm” three char­ac­ters, mak­ing the au­di­ences Hall Mas­ter com­plex­ion be star­tled change.
„More­over this thing, he over­takes from our hands.” Lei Qian­feng deeply in­spires, eye of dew of­fense light: „Di­vine Mar­tial Realm has only given us one month! If in one month can­not re­trieve ‚that thing’, feared that was we must un­able to eat to cap­ture!”
„Re­mem­ber... Grasps lives!”
Overnight, Ling Yun this name all sect Jiezhi.
After the first large-scale search­ing for moun­tain, next day, ac­tu­ally first day the scale is larger the search­ing for moun­tain com­pared with it. Sends out, but also com­pletely is the 64 Halls per­son... In Black Soul Di­vine Sect, 64 Halls is most top layer so­cial class.
But so drags in lots of peo­ple, only to find a per­son, all peo­ple think that this can only be a cat of ex­ag­ger­a­tion stresses the game of mouse, cer­tainly has not ac­tu­ally thought that this un­ex­pect­edly is a be­gin­ning of fear­ful night­mare.
Like first day, they searched for one all day, is a per­son's shadow has not ac­tu­ally traced. But, grad­u­ally, along with the search deep place, they had found corpses... Com­pletely is the Soul Sect dis­ci­ple corpse, no­body sees or knows how they die, be­fore find­ing them, does not have any un­usual aura and sound... It looks like in sud­denly soul de­stroyed/ter­ror-stricken.
A day later, they have achieved noth­ing, only brought back to 200 not to have the Soul liv­ing corpse.
Third day is also so.
Fourth day, Lei Tian­gang brings major Hall Mas­ter to go in per­son Black Soul Moun­tain, they re­side in the upper air, Spirit Sense under pro­found strength pro­moted to re­lease peak, after sev­eral dou­ble-hour, ob­tained passes mes­sage that made him al­most spit blood:
„Chief Hall Mas­ter! Re­mained be­hind back side of the moun­tain Se­cret Realm all dis­ci­ple dead, the dead shape and died in Black Soul Moun­tain dis­ci­ple ex­actly the same... Very pos­si­ble is Ling Yun!”
„What? Back side of the moun­tain Se­cret Realm!!” Lei Tian­gang calls out: „We walk! Ling Yun not here!”
Comes up empty-handed in Black Soul Moun­tain, searched for the back side of the moun­tain re­gion again up­side down, as be­fore has had achieved noth­ing, but let news ac­tu­ally trans­mit­ting of per­son creepy feel­ing.
„Chief Hall Mas­ter, car­ries out the duty re­turn two hun­dred dis­ci­ple to be in­ter­cepted from pur­ple Zhu Yu on the way, does not have the life also!”
„Sect Mas­ter! Half dou­ble-hour pre­sents you to order se­cretly to go to Heiya City that group of peo­ple, al­ready... Died com­pletely, the corpse is leav­ing an sect less than 300 li (0.5km) place.”
„Chief Hall Mas­ter, 17 Hall Mas­ter sec­ond sons and sev­enth son, as well as their guard dis­ci­ple died in the Black Soul river... Should be­fore half dou­ble-hour.”
„Be­fore three dou­ble-hour, sends to take to trans­port pur­ple Thun­der Stone dis­ci­ple not to turn over, more­over does not have the mes­sage, feared that is al­ready...”
All over the body sends cold news trans­mit­ting one after an­other, every day, will have the Soul Sect dis­ci­ple death, the news that even van­ishes comes. Oc­curs in the dif­fer­ent time, dif­fer­ent re­gions, but near Soul Sect, dying, van­ishes is Soul Sect dis­ci­ple.
Lit­tle sev­eral peo­ple, many sev­eral hun­dred peo­ple!
The short half a month time, is ac­cu­mu­lates sev­eral thou­sand Soul Sect dis­ci­ple to be killed.
If were only sim­ple being killed, Soul Sect high and low not as for scared. But, in these a half moon/month, dur­ing the death in­creased day-by-day, Soul Sect high and low, it can be said that crazily has searched for the Ling Yun trail not at any cost, wished one could Sect Head­quar­ters 8 mil­lion dis­ci­ple to turn out in full strength.
A news day of Soul Sect dis­ci­ple death has not in­ter­rupted, means that „Ling Yun” has never left nearby Soul Sect, but in Heiya Realm only hand cov­ers the sky, in­flu­ence huge in­com­pa­ra­ble Soul Sect, ac­tu­ally in own do­main, under in­sane same search, ac­tu­ally never touches has been to „Ling Yun” the shadow.
Even, from Sect Mas­ter and Chief Hall Mas­ter, to dis­ci­ple of low­est level, no­body knows his long any­thing ap­pear­ance.
Knows only, only then „Ling Yun” this name.
But this Shad­ow­less in­vis­i­ble fear, any make Devil God that the per­son is awed at the sight also prob­a­bly come fear­fully com­pared with it. Day-by-day passes, this fear day-by-day is also ac­cu­mu­lat­ing, to af­ter­ward, al­most did not have dis­ci­ple to dare to tread sect again ca­su­ally, but these fol­low or­ders to the sect, but dis­ci­ple, every step is trem­bling with fear... The en­tire back is cool, as if eye of the pair of Death God in silent is look­ing steadily at him.
Half a month later, Soul Sect has is­sued in his­tory most shame pro­hi­bi­tion rule fi­nally: All Soul Sect cul­ti­vate is the Di­vine Tribu­la­tion Realm fol­low­ing per­son, has not per­mit­ted, can not leave the sect half step!


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