Wednesday, May 23, 2018

1123: Returns to Snow Song again

#1123: Returns to Snow Song again
Comments 110
The con­scious­ness re­gains con­scious­ness in the dim­ness grad­u­ally, the Mu Xu­anyin form ap­pears in the mind clearly.
Hon­ored Mas­ter!
Yun Che quickly grasps the mean­ing of some­thing, sat all of a sud­den.
„!” The screams that the ear trans­mits the young girl, the hur­ried sound of foot­steps ap­proaches fast: „Yun Che, you awoke!”
Looks at the pre­sent blue clothes young girl, Yun Che stayed one dull: „Xi­aolan...... Se­nior Sis­ter?”
This time he is sit­ting on half high thick ice, the vi­sion in­sti­tute, is the fa­mil­iar ice crys­tal amber, aura of tip of the nose, is fa­mil­iar pure cold qi, at pre­sent, is lead­ing the whole face pleas­antly sur­prised girl, Mu Xi­aolan that does not see for a long time.
Here is...... Snow Song Realm...... The Ice Phoenix 36 th palace......
„very good, you come back the stu­por, I am also think­ing that you were in­jured, but looked like a mat­ter does not have prob­a­bly.” Mu Xi­aolan was say­ing joy­fully, pair of bright eyes sparkle vis­its him: „Where your did this pe­riod of time run? Why will faint? Hon­ored Mas­ter said that you went out to go in­formed and ex­pe­ri­enced, I also think that you needed many years to give up.”
Mu Xi­aolan said big bunch of words, Yun Che in god ac­tu­ally has not heard sud­denly clearly. He shook the head, is re­call­ing scene be­fore the stu­por, some­what ab­sent-minded [say / way]: „Hon­ored Mas­ter?”
„...... Sect Mas­ter she has not come back, is the Sect Mas­ter's Saint Dragon mount brings you.” Looked that the Yun Che's ap­pear­ance is some­what strange, Mu Xi­aolan hes­i­tant, can­not re­press cu­ri­ously: „Was Yun Che, what hap­pened?”
Yun Che shook the head, was unas­nwer­able.
„Xi­aolan, you exit.”
A gen­tle sound con­veys, but Mu Bingyun grad­u­ally, snow face and ice pupil chilly as be­fore.
„Yes.” Al­though has mind filled with cu­ri­ously, but Mu Xi­aolan is clever de­par­ture.
The Mu Bingyun trend comes, looks that the Yun Che's pupil light im­me­di­ately be­comes in­com­pa­ra­bly com­plex.
Yun Che low­ered the head, the first time does not dare with Mu Bingyun look­ing at each other. Be­cause he knows what he vi­o­lates is what kind of blun­der, the Mu Xu­anyin younger sis­ter who es­pe­cially at this mo­ment faces, has oblig­a­tion Mu Bingyun to him.
„Where your did Hon­ored Mas­ter find your?” The Mu Bingyun start to talk, the sound is still the fa­mil­iar gen­tle­ness.
„East­ern, Il­lu­sory Is­land cen­ter, named Il­lu­sory Sea An­cient Bound­ary an­cient times Se­cret Realm.” Yun Che replied that still low­ers the head, state of mind dif­fi­cult draw.
Yun Che: „......”
„Your Hon­ored Mas­ter now where? Why hasn't come back?” Mu Bingyun asked.
Yun Che shakes the head: „I do not know. I just saw Hon­ored Mas­ter, then under her great anger...... Wakes up al­ready here.”
„......” Mu Bingyun had not asked again, look that also is not wor­ried about, after all by the Mu Xu­anyin strength, where re­gard­less of she places, does not need any worry, her vi­sion puts aside from Yun Che body, the chest of stand­ing tall and erect is fluc­tu­at­ing slowly, ob­vi­ously the in­ner­most feel­ings are not calm, the gen­tle sound are many for sev­eral points to be dif­fi­cult to cover quiet cold: „Yun Che, you at the mat­ter that Flame God Realm does, I knew com­pletely...... Ex­cept for your Hon­ored Mas­ter, only has me to know.”
Yun Che com­plex­ion one gloomy: „I knew...... The crime does not have the amnesty.”
„Your in­deed crime does not have amnesty.” The Mu Bingyun sound has the un­usual mood to fluc­tu­ate, she car­ries to pass away, as if feared that the vi­sion will stay in Yun Che body too for a long time will make her quiet mil­len­ni­ums the pure-heart lose con­trol: „Sect Mas­ter she is not only Snow Song Realm King, Ice Phoenix Sect Mas­ter, is Snow Song Realm counts the hun­dred thou­sand year the first per­son, ven­er­a­tion of her sta­tus, the great strength of strength, it may be said that un­prece­dented cer­tainly now. Even if em­peror of the coun­try, dares to look straight ahead rashly blas­phemes, even/in­clud­ing Jin the body hun­dred chi (0.33 m) ex­pected that half a word spo­ken lan­guage af­fronts, is the un­for­giv­able cap­i­tal crime!”
„She is your Hon­ored Mas­ter!”
„How­ever you......”
Even if car­ries to Yun Che, the Mu Bingyun sound lost the tran­quil, grace­ful back as in slight is shiv­er­ing, for a long time slowly re­turns to nor­mal.
Even if passed were so long, she is still not able to ac­cept and for­give.
Six months ago what even if Yun Che af­fronted is one, she is in­suf­fi­cient so.
Yun Che still low­ers the head, not hav­ing half a word to argue the re­but­tal...... It is not able to dis­pute.
„Sect Mas­ter al­though at that time under the se­vere wound had the blood of Horned Dragon, is un­able to help one­self, but you al­ready led her to get out of trou­ble, may draw sup­port from the strength of three Flame God Sect Mas­ter ob­vi­ously, scat­tered the blood of Horned Dragon eas­ily, why ac­tu­ally wanted......”
„I do not be­lieve them!” Yun Che raise one's head, blurted out slightly: „I fear them to take ad­van­tage of some­body, in­jure Hon­ored Mas­ter. More­over I am not will­ing to make them blas­pheme......”
That time he, but also im­mersed dur­ing hate that in Yan Wan­cang and the oth­ers did not res­cue self­ishly, when to they hated even has killed the heart, how also to have the least bit to be­lieve. Even if they are will­ing to res­cue fully, will have the body to move surely, by the Mu Xu­anyin ar­ro­gant ice cer­tainly, how also to ac­cept.
Then half a word words, he told only half that then again is un­able to say.
Be­cause on the re­sult, he does to Mu Xu­anyin, far more than blas­phemed.
„Be­sides draw­ing sup­port from the strength of three Sect Mas­ter, a also mat­ter, you do not know.” Mu Bingyun faintly said: „Sect Mas­ter's within the body has the for­mi­da­ble Ice Phoenix source soul, even if pro­found strength all loses, con­scious­ness the stu­por, the blood of triv­ial Horned Dragon, basic im­pos­si­ble en­dan­gers her soul and life.”
Yun Che fierce raise one's head, there.
„You vi­o­late, is in the en­tire Snow Song Realm his­tory, most un­for­giv­able big crime. But after all, be­fore that you have saved the Sect Mas­ter's life...... Oth­er­wise, she must al­ready to die in God Bur­ial Fire Prison.”
Yun Che can only see her back, is un­able to see clearly her fa­cial ex­pres­sion, but can feel she com­plex in­com­pa­ra­ble mood and mood clearly.
„Even so, I as be­fore am un­able to con­vince it­self to for­give you.” Mu Bingyun sigh gen­tly: „Your Hon­ored Mas­ter...... She is ex­tremely also dis­ap­pointed and angry to you.”
„I know.” Yun Che whis­pered low-spir­ited, then from ashamed smiled: „I now...... Did not have the qual­i­fi­ca­tions to make her dis­ci­ple. Palace Mas­ter Bingyun, is you brings to ar­rive at Snow Song Realm me, later re­peat­edly looks after to me, in any event, I will not for­get your benev­o­lence....... I should not have the op­por­tu­nity to repay.”
To al­ti­tude that the Mu Xu­anyin sta­tus and she is, Yun Che tiny is not in­clud­ing the ants.
Blas­phemed the em­press who the whole world has ven­er­ated on such as a base and low beg­gar, put to death by dis­mem­ber­ment 10,000 times to be dif­fi­cult to re­deem its crime.
Not only has tar­nished her Sa­cred Body, but also has de­stroyed the body of her com­plete Pri­mor­dial Yin...... Do not say that she is his Hon­ored Mas­ter, to his also great­est benev­o­lence.
When he felt Mu Xu­anyin vi­sual him the anger, this time, he has com­pleted the con­scious­ness that with­stood to pun­ish se­verely, more­over did not pre­pare to run away again.
Mu Bingyun is silent, for a long time, gen­tly said: „You may know, why Sect Mas­ter she will go to that place that called Il­lu­sory Is­land?”
„Was re­al­izes my aura.” Yun Che replied. He does not know who how Mu Xu­anyin found. When goes to Heiya Realm, Huo Rulie pledged that keeps se­cret for him. In Heiya Realm, he said by „Ling Yun” that knows him „Yun Che” the name, has Ji Ruyan.
In order to pre­vent to be known him to come from Snow Song Realm, he al­most never uses Ice Phoenix God Con­fer­ring Codex. Prac­tices, chose in has been able very big de­gree con­ceal­ment and con­fuses aura Black Soul Moun­tain Range.
„No.” Mu Bingyun shakes the head slowly: „She, al­though has been seek­ing for you, but God Realm is vast, she can never seek to have been to your trail. Rea­son that she will go to Il­lu­sory Is­land, ac­ci­den­tally knew there to have the ap­pear­ance of Em­peror Im­mor­tal Grass, for was not taken to go by other peo­ple by one­self...... Be­cause, that is re­fines Uni­verse Five Jade Pill the thing of being prob­a­ble for you!”
„......!” Yun Che stayed there all of a sud­den.
Looks askance deeply looked at Yun Che one, Mu Bingyun left grad­u­ally, ice quiet sound was faintly rec­og­niz­able from the dream­land: „Com­pares huge mis­take that you make, she is more dis­ap­pointed and angry, is your flee­ing to the wilder­ness.”
Mu Bingyun leaves, Yun Che is star­tled there, the whole per­son such as pulled out to the soul...... For a long time, his lift­ing hand slowly, pressed on the Chest, there, had any thing fiercely was seething, is un­able to stop.
„Hon­ored Mas­ter do not kill me...... She goes to there...... Seeks for Em­peror Im­mor­tal Grass for me......”
„Yes...... For me......”
In An­cient Bound­ary the blue light wreaks havoc, each phoenix called the wolf to roar, will ini­ti­ate trem­bling of en­tire world to swing even turns over.
Since this pre­serves from an­cient times var­i­ous Era of Gods, does not know that had many years in­de­pen­dent Small World, changed to bit­ter cold and de­struc­tion Pur­ga­tory thor­oughly. The space dis­rup­tion, the myr­iad things all fall, prin­ci­ple al­ready in com­plete brink of col­lapse.
An­cient Bound­ary has bor­dered on the avalanche, Mu Xu­anyin and Lit­tle Jas­mine nat­u­rally must re­al­ize, but their fierce bat­tles as be­fore are ac­tu­ally con­tin­u­ing, fights North Pole from the east of world, ar­rives at the sum­mit of South Pole again, does not have in­stant stop­ping.
Mu Xu­anyin is for­mi­da­ble Di­vine Lord, knows its to be known to every­body in God Realm, Snow Song Realm as well as neigh­bor­ing Flame God Realm are clear. But, Yun Che, or is being Ice Phoenix God Sect or Flame God three Sect Mas­ter, if sees at pre­sent the pic­ture, de­cid­edly can­not be­lieve own eye.
A God Bur­ial Fire Prison war, Mu Xu­anyin en­coun­ters two An­cient Horned Dragon to plot, al­though pro­tects to es­cape the tribu­la­tion of to die at the Yun Che's shed fate, but ac­tu­ally ex­pe­ri­ences per­son­ally the heavy losses, pro­found strength not only con­sumes to dry­ing up. Also under hope­less sit­u­a­tion to ex­tin­guish force­fully kills Horned Dragon, but dam­ages blood essence greatly, has re­leased the strength of taboo „Bro­ken Moon De­struc­tion”, this act not only ag­gra­vates the in­jury, but also dam­ages nat­ural tal­ent greatly and cul­ti­vates is.
Later loses Ice Phoenix Pri­mor­dial Yin be­cause of Yun Che......
The se­vere wound, fol­lows pro­found strength, blood essence, nat­ural tal­ent and Pri­mor­dial Yin buckle, to the at­tack and dam­age heav­i­ness of Mu Xu­anyin, it may be said that as big as peak. In the Yun Che's ex­pec­ta­tion, Mu Xu­anyin prob­a­bly wants the stu­por to wake up sev­eral months, as for restor­ing pro­found strength, pos­si­bly is the year, even longer time.
Even if re­stores, must weakly in the past, more­over is life-long, may not have the least bit ad­vance­ment.
Re­gard­ing being lo­cated in the per­son of sum­mit of Pro­found Dao, this with­out doubt is the bru­tal re­sult that is un­able to ac­cept.
But, with Mu Xu­anyin of Lit­tle Jas­mine fierce bat­tle, her body is not hav­ing the least bit in­jury not and pro­found en­ergy weak ap­pear­ance, this is some are in­com­pre­hen­si­ble.
But what is more as­ton­ish­ing, her pro­found strength not only does not have the sign of slight buckle, in­stead when com­pared it ini­tially and An­cient Horned Dragon bat­tle also for­mi­da­ble...... More­over for­mi­da­ble in­ces­santly tiny bit.
That lifts in the hands to let ter­ri­fy­ing power that vast An­cient Bound­ary shiv­ers, even if fac­ing two, even three An­cient Horned Dragon, can ex­tin­guish it eas­ily!
Con­tin­u­ally the bound­ary of Di­vine Lord, the God Realm in­nu­mer­able pro­found prac­ti­tioner ex­pec­ta­tions do not dare to high Realm. But in this Realm, even if ad­vance small one step, the ef­fort that needs shock­ing nat­ural tal­ent, the great­est chance, the long-time years and av­er­age man is un­able to imag­ine.
Six months, to Di­vine Lord, but is sep­a­ra­tion of snap­ping fin­gers. But is this short a half year, under the se­vere wound dam­ages again Mu Xu­anyin not only in­jury pro­found strength re­stores, but also was for­merly more for­mi­da­ble than it the sev­eral fold!
Not only does not have the wound to be loss­less, but may also be called to be re­born sim­ply!
The change of this com­pletely in­com­pat­i­ble cog­ni­tion and gen­eral knowl­edge, even if built on sum­mit of pri­mor­dial chaos the king of King Realm, de­cid­edly does not be­lieve.
Lit­tle Jas­mine power con­tin­u­ally pro­motes, the power and in­flu­ence of each sword, all seas will throw off An­cient Bound­ary in com­pletely, but through­out is ac­tu­ally not able to sup­press Mu Xu­anyin, more and more heavy amazed con­denses in the star pupil of her dark blue, fi­nally changes to one group of scar­let berserk blood light un­ex­pect­edly.
„Blood moon/month ex­e­cutes the im­mor­tal sword!!”
The shade of Heav­enly Wolf reap­pears, ac­tu­ally no longer is the color of dark blue, but as if came from the hell blood pond, all over the body blood red. Es­pe­cially two wolf pupil that gets angry stares, such as two rounds Hengkong (across the sky) scar­let bright moon­light, ex­tin­guish the light of world to the world shop.
The Mu Xu­anyin snow clothes is light, such as the broad moon/month ex­iles the im­mor­tal, ap­pointed is earth-shak­ing, ac­tu­ally does not dye a dust. The place of Snow Princess Sword sword re­fer­ring, myr­iad things to seal|con­fer Jie, nine ice links tie fast, over­laps in­stan­ta­neously, un­folds giant ice cold, in the sky cover to blood sex­ual ha­rasser shade.
Bit­ing ............
In a flash, in so­ci­ety all rays and sounds van­ish com­pletely, along with it, in An­cient Bound­ary all, from the sea to the earth, from the giant stone to the sand dust, by to seal|con­fer Jie, was changed to the thick ice com­pletely thor­oughly, in later all shat­tered, the end­less pow­der pow­der chaotic flut­ters in the world of avalanche in­stant.
Kacha...... Kacha...... BOOM......
Said surely space fis­sure spreads, con­nects crazily and ex­pands in all the cor­ners of ex­is­tence, along with did not reply all bangs, in trem­bling sup­ported for a long time Il­lu­sory Sea An­cient Bound­ary fi­nally thor­ough avalanche......


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