Friday, May 11, 2018

1119: The immortal of all various grassy plants

#1119: The immortal of all various grassy plants
Comments 42
Has mys­te­ri­ous power that He Lin gives, Yun Che every­where one visit, all flow­ers and plants trees likely wake up from the sleep, re­lease fresher rich nat­ural aura. Al­though is first time saw, but Yun Che can ac­tu­ally clear in­com­pa­ra­ble called their name, as well as their char­ac­ter­is­tics, in­tel­li­gence and prop­erty...... With­out ex­cep­tion.
The Yun Che's vi­sion looks at all around un­ceas­ingly, var­i­ous spirit flower that is count­ing these ob­vi­ously first see­ing, but the body never has the lit­tle while to stag­nate, the in­duc­tion from Sky Poi­son Pearl is get­ting more and more in­tense, one such as he more and more in­tense heart­beat.
Very near...... More and more near......
So long as at­tains Em­peror Im­mor­tal Grass again, can tem­pered leave „Uni­verse Five Jade Pill”, after one­self it re­fin­ing up suc­cess­fully, can di­rectly break through to Di­vine Tribu­la­tion Realm.
Al­though Mu Xu­anyin once had said that even if ob­tains Uni­verse Five Jade Pill , is also not this level can re­fine, needs her to be aux­il­iary in the side. But, Yun Che is re­fin­ing up to melt other same rank pro­found prac­ti­tioner im­pos­si­ble have built up med­i­cine pill re­peat­edly force­fully, to own spe­cial Pro­found Vein and con­sti­tu­tion has enough con­fi­dence.
Al­though Di­vine Dao large scale pro­found strength sur­mounts the brought giant mal­prac­tice he has com­pre­hended by one­self......
But achieve­ment Di­vine Tribu­la­tion, he is qual­i­fied for par­tic­i­pat­ing in Pro­found God Con­fer­ence, can enter Eter­nal Sky God Realm...... Can see Jas­mine!
Only misses this last...... More­over is a near at hand half step!
Yun Che train of thought in un­con­trolled flood. Jas­mine is he does not hes­i­tate to drop out to ar­rive at the only rea­son of God Realm, hav­ing the hope to come, but greets im­me­di­ately his is ac­tu­ally dis­ap­pointed and even des­per­ate, fi­nally, Mu Xu­anyin said „Uni­verse Five Jade Pill”, to light can be said as the only hope.
The close at hand, he is not how could ex­cited.
The re­sponse of Sky Poi­son Pearl is get­ting more and more in­tense, fi­nally, dodges along with the green light, the Yun Che's body also stopped, vi­sion slowly looks to under.
A sturdy old tree, less than high of two hun­dred feet, the thick­ness of hun­dred feet, the branches and leaves are sparse.
The top of old tree, is re­leas­ing among the sin­cere plain aura branches and leaves, wipes the strange flow­ing light to tow gen­tly, such as falls the busy moon­light of green leaf in the wind.
At this mo­ment, the Yun Che's heart­beat stopped, has for­got­ten the breath.
From the He Lin Wood Spirit soul strength, how can also not be called the sov­er­eigns of ten thou­sand wood, im­mor­tal of all var­i­ous grassy plants the in­for­ma­tion of Em­peror Im­mor­tal Grass.
Above growth in Gumu, emer­ald green tall and slen­der, piece by piece leave of grass sev­eral cuns (2.5cm), against the wind light dance, if not cov­er­ing a beau­ti­ful flow­ing light, it seems is every grass, will not bring to any­body's at­ten­tion.
But it, ac­tu­ally in en­tire God Realm, in­clud­ing High-Rank Star Realm long-awaited day ma­te­r­ial trea­sure Em­peror Im­mor­tal Grass!
Deeply in­spires, Yun Che from air­borne low­ers, move­ment leisurely falling ar­rives above the an­cient wood.
Ex­is­tence of Em­peror Im­mor­tal Grass this plane/level, had the rel­a­tive high in­tel­li­gence, un­der­stands to pro­tect one­self. Its aura will spread to the sur­round­ing all flow­ers and plants, even if sen­sa­tion to its aura, is hard to lock its po­si­tion, but the de­tec­tion the dan­ger­ous life ap­proaches, it will also col­lect body bril­liance, be­comes and every grass not dif­fer­ent.
Even can also es­cape wooden walks.
But, when Yun Che ap­proaches, it not only does not have the self- con­ceal­ment or flee­ing, in­stead bril­liance is more abun­dant, the leave of grass also slowly opens, fa­vors the po­si­tion that Yun Che was.
Yun Che body has the strength of Royal Fam­ily Wood Spirit, this ex­isted to Em­peror Im­mor­tal Grass , has greatly strength­ened com­pat­i­ble and at­trac­tion.
Yun Che ex­tends the left hand, mov­ing cau­tiously on Em­peror Im­mor­tal Grass. Deep green ray from Sky Poi­son Pearl im­me­di­ately its pack­age.
Other peo­ple pick Em­peror Im­mor­tal Grass, must ar­rive at peak care­fully, but Sky Poi­son Pearl ex­ists, that flash that the green light flashes be­fore, then turned round to its each root hair, its per­fect pick­ing, will not have, even if the dam­age of least bit.
Em­peror Im­mor­tal Grass...... This is Em­peror Im­mor­tal Grass...... Suc­ceeded in ob­tain­ing!
Yun Che's hand is shiv­er­ing, in heart fu­ri­ously is shout­ing.
Qilin Horn, An­cient Dragon Heart, Wood Spirit Bead and Nine Stars Bud­dha Di­vine Jade...... Em­peror Im­mor­tal Grass!
Must re­fine Uni­verse Five Jade Pill this to ini­ti­ate won­drous item of mir­a­cle, five ma­te­ri­als that needs, seeks its in­com­pa­ra­bly dif­fi­cult rare trea­sure all.
Snow Song Realm Ice Wind Em­pire, takes Qilin Horn with ease.
Flame God Realm God Bur­ial Fire Prison, with the Hon­ored Mas­ter same place, comes the heart of An­cient Horned Dragon by the life abun­dantly.
Wood Spirit Bead that Wood Spirit do­nates......
If the space falls meat pie Nine Stars Bud­dha Di­vine Jade......
At the pre­sent, Em­peror Im­mor­tal Grass also al­ready in hand.
Short less than one year, the col­lec­tion com­plete has re­fined Uni­verse Five Jade Pill all ma­te­ri­als un­ex­pect­edly re­ally!
„Jas­mine, re­ally...... The heaven wants to let my see again/good­bye to you.”
Yun Che was read­ing lowly, was feel­ing in the hand the strange mild feel­ing, after ar­riv­ing at God Realm, all mighty waves, dan­gers and grief of ex­pe­ri­enc­ing, paced back and forth alarmed and afraid and no use, as if all be­came can­not with­stand raises.
By Em­peror Im­mor­tal Grass as be­fore bright light sparkling that the Sky Poi­son Pearl ray wraps, re­leases high level life aura that has not been weak­en­ing slightly. Yun Che's hand tight­ens slightly, loosens hastily, de­presses the mighty waves that in the heart fluc­tu­ates un­ceas­ingly slowly...... At this time, his look sud­denly changed, has turned around sud­denly, Em­peror Im­mor­tal Grass in­stan­ta­neously was also re­ceived in Sky Poi­son Pearl by him.
A form drops from the clouds, whole body gold cloth, mag­nif­i­cent and ex­pen­sive some­what daz­zling. He smil­ingly looks at Yun Che: „Oh, un­ex­pect­edly can re­al­ize me, your this boy is not re­ally sim­ple.”
„Orig­i­nally is Great Em­peror Nan Lie,” the Yun Che vi­sion sinks slightly: „You are track­ing me!?”
„Right.” Great Em­peror Nan Lie di­rectly ac­knowl­edged: „Your body strange place were too many. Sneaks be­longs to our three Star Realm Il­lu­sory Sea An­cient Bound­ary, should hide hon­estly, you ac­tu­ally to save a ir­reg­u­lar per­son, but ex­poses be­fore all peo­ple on own ini­tia­tive, prob­a­bly makes Old Man Mu owe you ex­cept for seiz­ing the chance the favour, bet­ter not to have ex­plained.”
Yun Che: „......”
„You said that was passed on by some space pro­found array to the mau­soleum cham­ber chan­nel was strange, later scat­ters the mi­asma that links three of us un­able to pass with joint forces by that stone. The fear­ful­ness of that mi­asma, feared that is at least Di­vine Sov­er­eign Realm power can break, you ac­tu­ally de­pend on a small stone eas­ily to melt, the value of that stone feared that is un­able to es­ti­mate, you ac­tu­ally on own ini­tia­tive put out. Your all sorts of be­hav­iors told the this King two mat­ters, you are Em­peror Im­mor­tal Grass come spe­cially, two, you as if had the con­sid­er­ably large as­sur­ance to find it.”
„There­fore this King is think­ing, with your words, will per­haps have the pleas­antly sur­prised har­vest. It seems like if so.” Great Em­peror Nan Lie reaches out Yun Che: „You are obe­di­ently hand over, is a this King multi- fee small ef­fort, takes away from your corpse.”
Yun Che does not have any panic-stricken color, in­stead a face is calm: „Great Em­peror Nan Lie, I in­deed come for Em­peror Im­mor­tal Grass, after all this grade of di­vine item, any pro­found prac­ti­tioner will long for even in dreams. How­ever, you have for­got­ten a mat­ter prob­a­bly, be­fore en­ter­ing here, we have the agree­ment, who found Em­peror Im­mor­tal Grass first, Em­peror Im­mor­tal Grass is any­one, other peo­ple can­not seize. Your Great Em­peror Nan Lie is not only Monarch of the coun­try, is a king, al­ways won't be the shame­less one of the fail­ing to keep one's word?”
„Hey!” Great Em­peror Nan Lie has smiled: „this King thinks you can go against three of us to achieve so the sit­u­a­tion, in­evitably is an ex­tremely in­tel­li­gent per­son, has not thought that orig­i­nally does not have the idiot of brain. After all was too young.”
The sound falls, the happy ex­pres­sion has not re­duced, the per­sonal ap­pear­ance ac­tu­ally sud­denly bends down to empty, takes Yun Che.
„Nan Lie, stop!!”
At the same time, star­tling thun­der­clap drinks se­verely trans­mits sud­denly in the sky, deep blue pro­found en­ergy also sud­denly rum­bles to to­gether, from the sky changes to the in­nu­mer­able water ar­rows, the cover to the Great Em­peror Nan Lie whole body.
Great Em­peror Nan Lie heavy snort|hum, [gold/metal] Xiu strokes, shakes the pow­der all water arrow whole bod­ies, the per­son in­stead is also shak­ing under the strength to draw back by far, nar­rows the eyes shortly to the per­son's shadow that pre­sents sud­denly, sneers say­ing: „Old Man Mu, what comes is re­ally skill­ful.”
Mu Baimei is bring­ing a giant air wave, from air­borne „sigh” falling, the angry glare looks to Great Em­peror Nan Lie: „Nan Lie, what you make? Is solemn Di­vine King, un­ex­pect­edly is smaller than to one age hun­dred times under your later gen­er­a­tion so the vi­o­lent treach­ery, did not fear that loses com­pletely own shame­less­ness!”
„Hey.” Great Em­peror Nan Lie sneers: „Your Old Man Mu is so in­tel­li­gent, why this King will get rid, won't you be able to think?” His pout­ing: „This boy also is re­ally the mon­ster very much, our three Spirit Sense straight du­pli­cate hun­dred li (0.5km), do not at­tain, he ac­tu­ally came up di­rectly to find Em­peror Im­mor­tal Grass. Em­peror Im­mor­tal Grass in his hands, how your does Old Man Mu pre­pare to do now?”
„!?” Mu Baimei looks to Yun Che: „Ling Yun, do this words take se­ri­ously? You have at­tained re­ally......”
The words have not said that he turns the head sud­denly, cold eyes stares Great Em­peror Nan Lie: „Since Ling Yun has at­tained Em­peror Im­mor­tal Grass, then de­ferred to for­merly the agree­ment, Em­peror Im­mor­tal Grass then has been he, no one may seize! Nan Lie, you are also the hon­ored and pop­u­lar char­ac­ter, for Em­peror Im­mor­tal Grass, makes the so mean ac­tion un­ex­pect­edly!”
„Snort!” Taunt that quite Great Em­peror Nan Lie smiles: „Agree­ment is our mat­ters, as for this boy, but was you com­plies, this King has not com­plied.”
„Does not have Ling Yun, three of us enter this place un­able.” Mu Baimei anger sound track: „You whether com­plies not to be unim­por­tant, since this King had con­sented that will not allow you to seize. If you dare to begin to Ling Yun again, do not blame this King not being im­po­lite! Later left this place, story cir­cu­late, mak­ing the com­mon peo­ple know that you make the so mean and shame­less ac­tion for Em­peror Im­mor­tal Grass, feared that is en­tire Star Realm wants, be­cause you are shamed!”
„Ha­ha­haha!” Great Em­peror Nan Lie laughs wildly: Good that „said that what said is re­ally good. Worthily is Old Man Mu, these words se­ri­ously is awe-in­spir­ing, deeply mov­ing, said again that this King feared shed­ding bit­ter tears that must be moved, wants ashamed.”
„Had an ac­ci­dent!? How Em­peror Im­mor­tal Grass aura dis­ap­pears!”
The se­ri­ous sound passes on, Han Kuan also came, falls on the side of Great Em­peror Nan Lie.
„Em­peror Im­mor­tal Grass had found, in that boy hand.” Great Em­peror Nan Lie [say / way] with a smile: „How Han does Sect Mas­ter pre­pare to do?”
„......” The Han Kuan look changes, Mu Baimei of vi­sual Yun Che and his body side, has not spo­ken, com­plex­ion fluc­tu­ates.
„Just now Nan Lie un­ex­pect­edly breaks a promise to break a promise, strikes a vi­cious blow to Ling Yun sud­denly, this King just rushes, feared that was Ling Yun al­ready by his vi­o­lent treach­ery.” Mu Baimei aus­tere sound track: „Ling Yun is not only the this King son's sav­ior, can enter this bound­ary, was helped by him, his first found Em­peror Im­mor­tal Grass, that is also the des­tiny de­cides, ac­cord­ing to the agree­ment, our three no one may rob. Han Sect Mas­ter, you are al­ways in­suf­fi­cient to make with this Nan Lie the same shame­less ac­tion.”
„......” Han Kuan smiled, but the com­plex­ion is quite ugly: „Is­land Mas­ter Mu is wise, Han feels ashamed of one's in­fe­ri­or­ity.”
„That is good.” Mu Baimei nod­ded, then moves to­ward Yun Che, a face is tem­per­ate: „Ling Yun, you can at­tain Em­peror Im­mor­tal Grass, that is your fate. Aban­dons your life-sav­ing oblig­a­tion to the this King son, this King will not allow some peo­ple to seize Em­peror Im­mor­tal Grass in your hand. In order to avoid cer­tain vil­lains is in­cor­ri­gi­bly wicked, this King first leads you to leave this place, to out­side, some peo­ple again has not dared to begin to you, after all the good and evil is also the main point face.”
Yun Che grate­ful nod: „Yes, Is­land Mas­ter Mu.”
„Walks.” Be­fore Mu Baimei ar­rives at the Yun Che body, puts out a hand to him, re­sem­bling is the prepa­ra­tion leads him fast to leave by own pro­found strength.
But in Yun Che also ex­tends arm, Mu Baimei changes the palm to grasp sud­denly, the poi­so­nous snake that orig­i­nally is the tem­per­ate palm is surg­ing sud­denly under pro­found strength that changes to re­gains con­scious­ness, takes the Yun Che throat......
Is clearly re­lent­less, does not have the ex­treme meth­ods of lee­way!
With in ugly grin hideously that on the Mu Baimei face floats off.
The deep green earth by crude tear­ing, the shat­tered flow­ers and plants was mixed every­where silt to scat­ter in all di­rec­tions crazily, but grin hideously on Mu Baimei face just reap­peared then stiff­ened.
Be­cause in his hand catches is not the throat bone of Yun Che shat­tered, but wipes the shat­tered ice shade.


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