Sunday, May 6, 2018

1071: Royal Family Wood Spirit

#1071: Royal Family Wood Spirit
Comments 102
„12 mil­lion!”
„15 mil­lion! Below from North Ter­ri­tory Wind Break­ing Al­liance, thinks that Jing Yun­gong of nu­mer­ous po­si­tions to my Wind Break­ing Al­liance should slightly have hear­ing, if this fe­male, ben­e­fits greatly below surely, but also please give a face!”
„, Heiya Realm cul­ti­vates wind at­tribute Pro­found Arts not, only then your Wind Break­ing Al­liance, here is Black Feather Cham­ber of Com­merce, never the taste­ful sta­tus favour, only looked that the net worth is thick enough! 20 mil­lion!”
In an in­stant, but the triv­ial sev­eral peo­ple offer, then has risen to 20 mil­lion, lets many peo­ple when as­ton­ished, sits re­sent­fully.
„23 mil­lion!”
„25 mil­lion!”
The Yun Che's brow has been tight­en­ing, his di­vine sense has swept sur­round­ing, dis­cov­ered that re­gard­ing this „com­mod­ity”, un­ex­pect­edly basic no­body re­veals as­ton­ished con­di­tion, ob­vi­ously be­comes ac­cus­tomed.
This Un­der­ground Cham­ber of Com­merce, ex­pected that com­pared with him wants dirty many.
That car­ries the Wind Yin Body fe­male is sect El­dest Young Lady, ac­tu­ally ex­ter­mi­nated an en­tire fam­ily by one night... Now is blocked in the shack­les, re­gards the com­mod­ity to be auc­tioned, with­out doubt feels sorry to the ex­treme. If in Lower Realm, he will not sit by and do noth­ing. But here, he did not have to silly mind­ing oth­ers'busi­ness.
In the ten­der­ing sound con­tin­u­ously, this fe­male by ac­cord­ing to 43 mil­lion pur­ple pro­found stone price, sat by one in most front young man fi­nally ob­tained.
That young man goes for­ward, after pay­ing 43 mil­lion pur­ple pro­found stone, di­rectly per­son­ally un­ties pro­found array, draws that fe­male in the bosom, re­turned to the seat.
To this piti­ful fe­male, this is her des­tiny turn­ing point, out of the deep sym­pa­thy, Yun Che can only wish her to be bought her per­son to kindly treat, fin­ished this bru­tal des­tiny. Oth­er­wise, but from hell, falls to an­other hell.
„Con­grat­u­lates this young mas­ter,” Ji Ruyan shows the in­com­pa­ra­bly charm­ing smile: „Be­lieves that this young mas­ter this beau­ti­ful woman, cul­ti­vates to de­cide ten thou­sand li in a day. But your ser­vant does not un­der­stand dual cul­ti­va­tion, but also once heard, the essence of method of dual cul­ti­va­tion not only lies in Yin-Yang melts, if can the mind be in­ter­linked, will have the un­ex­pected ef­fect. There­fore, this young mas­ter may prob­a­bly kindly treat in her, oth­er­wise, slightly will pos­si­bly have wasted her Wind Yin Body.”
„That is nat­ural.” Op­po­site party thin smile [say / way].
Yun Che deep looked at Ji Ruyan one, he could see when Ji Ruyan these words pro­ceed from the sin­cer­ity ac­tu­ally, the vi­sion shoot a look at to that Wind Yin Body fe­male, at pre­sent will also pass pities... Also cal­cu­lates her com­pletely heart­lessly not.
„That, then...”
„Miss Ruyan!”
A sound re­sounded sud­denly, has in­ter­rupted the Ji Ruyan words, along with it, cen­ter seat the front, a tall sturdy man has stood, he did not have dis­guise, an eye was pass­ing the fear­ful point, his coat, did not con­ceal printed a sect mark --- angry glare to show dis­dain for black Xiongy­ing that.
His life aura is quite young, pro­found strength aura that but body shakes some­thing is ac­tu­ally es­pe­cially abun­dant, im­pres­sively is the Di­vine Soul Realm peak, is away from Di­vine Tribu­la­tion Realm, per­haps only misses final one.
His voice and stand­ing up sud­denly, at­tracted the at­ten­tion of all peo­ple im­me­di­ately, the en­tire stone cham­ber was also peace­ful im­me­di­ately, the vi­sion of many per­son have also taken the awes of vary­ing de­grees, is very ob­vi­ous, the fam­ily back­ground of this per­son is far from com­mon.
„He is Heiya Realm third largest sect, Black Eagle Is­land Is­land Mas­ter youngest grand­son Ying Yushan.” Side Yun Che, per­son low voice dis­cussing of: „It is said that is also nat­ural tal­ent best one, in the fu­ture will pos­si­bly in­herit Is­land Mas­ter.”
„Orig­i­nally is Young Mas­ter Ying.” Ji Ruyan faint smile Yingy­ing: „Does not know that Young Mas­ter Ying does have what in­struc­tion?”
„In­struc­tion is not at all, but...” The Ying Yushan sound is light, but among the stances is ac­tu­ally the ice how­ever ar­ro­gance: „Your cham­ber of com­merce ini­ti­ates in­vi­ta­tion rarely on own ini­tia­tive, this lit­tle thinks that has rare won­drous item, there­fore does not hes­i­tate to go to ten thou­sand li (0.5km) per­son­ally, but in high spir­its. But was a pity, thing that your cham­ber of com­merce as­sumes, al­though is not the trash, but does not have pleas­antly sur­prised.”
Ying Yushan lifts the head, said proudly: „Again two years, are Pro­found God Con­fer­ence. But this lit­tle only misses one, can par­tic­i­pate in the qual­i­fi­ca­tions of Pro­found God Con­fer­ence, thus to this few is very im­por­tant in the two years, the lit­tle while can­not waste. If your cham­ber of com­merce this time has any good thing, that is early takes, solemn Black Feather Cham­ber of Com­merce also keeps guess­ing, was too sense­less. If sum­mons us to come to be only this kind of thing, that lit­tle does not ac­com­pany!”
The Ying Yushan words, mak­ing more peo­ple look askance, these ages were less than a sixty-years cycle per­son have re­vealed the in­tense envy and ad­mired. Takes the Ying Yushan age and cul­ti­vat­ing of Di­vine Soul Realm Tenth Level peak as, two years later, will have enor­mously pos­si­bly par­tic­i­pates in Pro­found God Con­fer­ence.
But en­tire Heiya Realm, can be qual­i­fied for par­tic­i­pat­ing in Pro­found God Con­fer­ence, ab­solutely not over 100 peo­ple!
„chuckle chuckle...” Ji Ruyan has smiled ten­derly, a pair flat­ters the eye such as to split the peach blos­som: „Worthily is Young Mas­ter Ying, is re­ally great, un­ex­pect­edly can par­tic­i­pate in Pro­found God Con­fer­ence. Oh, if your ser­vant this whole life can go to Eter­nal Sky God Realm to be con­sid­ered as on died with no re­grets, Pro­found God Con­fer­ence, wants un­able to think rad­i­cally.”
„Snort! This is not any­thing.” The Ying Yushan sound is light, but on the face can­not con­strain com­pletely proudly and self-sat­is­fied: „This lit­tle only wants to know that what your cham­ber of com­merce this time to the pleas­ant sur­prise that we do pre­pare is? If the so-called pleas­ant sur­prise were a mo­ment ago that Wind Yin Body woman, that few, but must to your Black Feather Cham­ber of Com­merce dis­ap­point­edly.”
Ji Ruyan smiles once more ten­derly, soft sound light lan­guage: „Au­di­ences young mas­ters are our cham­ber of com­merce most im­por­tant hon­ored guest, the your ser­vant huge courage, does not dare to dis­ap­point an au­di­ences young mas­ter. This time pleas­ant sur­prise, your ser­vant is the prepa­ra­tion re­mained fi­nally, but since Young Mas­ter Ying were im­pa­tient, that your ser­vant nat­u­rally wants obe­di­ently to com­ply with.”
The sound falls, she lifts hand slowly, has pat­ted four.
In the slight bel­low, near the foot of Ji Ruyan, an­other stone plat­form from un­der­ground raises, above stone plat­form, is one be­fore ex­actly the same block­ade pro­found array.
The vi­sion of all peo­ple firmly cen­tral­ized above stone plat­form, is wait­ing for this time pleas­ant sur­prise.
Ob­vi­ously, this is a liv­ing crea­ture. Ji Ruyan has not spo­ken, hav­ing the mys­te­ri­ous smile, the fin­ger to se­lect gen­tly above pro­found array. Im­me­di­ately, the pro­found light is com­pletely loose, turns into translu­cent pro­found array, is one closely rolls up im­pres­sively in the cor­ner...
Yun Che can only see his side, this is only one should have about ten -year-old young boys, the body has the ex­tremely con­spic­u­ous char­ac­ter­is­tics... That is the emer­ald green col­ored hair, as well as likely porce­lain jade gen­er­ally white belt light skin.
But two phys­i­cal char­ac­ters make the Yun Che vi­sion fierce con­cen­trates... Be­cause of these two char­ac­ter­is­tics, fully con­forms to Wood Spirit Race in record!!
could it be that, this child is Wood Spirit!?
Along with clear­ing of pro­found light, young boy sub­con­scious look­ing back of slightly, the ear that he re­veals sharp is quite long, in both eyes flood pupil light, im­pres­sively is the emer­ald green col­ored!
These, fully con­forms to record the de­scrip­tion about Wood Spirit Race!
Looks at a fear­ful eye, the Wood Spirit boy closes tightly the tooth in pairs, the body in rolling up trem­bles, a pair of green crys­tal eye pupil is hav­ing the deep fear, but does not have drop of tears... Be­yond fear, is clearly hav­ing the deep ha­tred.
Spe­cial Wood Spirit Bead that Mr. Ji said... Orig­i­nally refers to un­ex­pect­edly is live Wood Spirit!
„Wood Spirit!?!” Ying Yushan is ac­tu­ally thin smile: „Wood Spirit in­deed is fewer and fewer, can seize live Wood Spirit is rare, so long as there is enough pro­found stone, some are the place buys! In com­par­i­son, per­son who rarer many in­stead has Wind Yin Body! The is pleas­ant sur­prise of Miss Ruyan, can it be that teas­ing us?”
Yun Che brow big wrin­kle, both hands also pinched. He needs Wood Spirit Bead. If only Wood Spirit Bead, the big price he will buy. But, at pre­sent is ac­tu­ally live Wood Spirit, but also is only child in a Wood Spirit. Must take its Wood Spirit Bead, must kill him...
„Young Mas­ter Ying do not worry, if he is only or­di­nary Wood Spirit, how your ser­vant will feel all right in­vites an au­di­ences young mas­ter to come spe­cially.”
Her lon­g­leg steps, ar­rives to block Wood Spirit boy the side of pro­found array, the slen­der fin­ger se­lects into pro­found array gen­tly, [say / way] of smil­ing: „An au­di­ences young mas­ter fa­vored care­fully.”
Weak pro­found en­ergy de­parts from the Ji Ruyan fin­ger­tip to­gether, in be­tween the eye­brows of Wood Spirit boy, the Wood Spirit boy whole body trem­bled, ac­tu­ally does not utter a word, but above his be­tween the eye­brows , ac­tu­ally slowly screens a emer­ald green col­ored light seal.
Whish --- ---
This emer­ald green light seal ap­pears the screams that in­stant, erupts in­stan­ta­neously such as such as have thrown down star­tling thun­der­clap in the sad stone cham­ber. Be­sides Yun Che, all peo­ple all of a sud­den have stood. Be­fore , whole face ar­ro­gant Ying Yushan, is the com­plex­ion dras­tic change, is glassy-eyed.
„Wood Spirit... Royal Fam­ily!!” Ying Yushan loses one's voice to ex­claim!
Yun Che: „???”
„Good, just like an au­di­ences young mas­ter sees, this is not or­di­nary Wood Spirit, but is... Royal Fam­ily Wood Spirit!”
The fin­ger of Ji Ruyan leaves, but the light seal be­tween Wood Spirit boy be­tween the eye­brows is not loose for a very long time: „your ser­vant can guar­an­tee an au­di­ences young mas­ter, al­though knew that this sym­bol­izes the Royal Fam­ily Wood Spirit mark, but is first time sees cer­tainly true Royal Fam­ily Wood Spirit, be­cause of the ap­pear­ance of pre­vi­ous Royal Fam­ily Wood Spirit, is more than 2000 years ago.”
„Did not say... Royal Fam­ily Wood Spirit al­ready... Ex­ter­mi­nated? This... Un­ex­pect­edly real?” In the Ying Yushan spo­ken lan­guage is bring­ing the in­com­pa­ra­bly in­tense ex­cite­ment.
„After all more than 2000 years had not ap­peared, are con­sid­ered will ex­ter­mi­nate, are nat­ural. Be­fore your ser­vant, has be­lieved that Royal Fam­ily Wood Spirit ex­ter­mi­nated, had found him until your ser­vant.”
In the stone cham­ber be­comes falls nee­dle to hear im­me­di­ately, swal­low­ing sound that only then re­sounds un­ceas­ingly. They be­lieve ab­solutely the pleas­ant sur­prise of Black Feather Cham­ber of Com­merce will cer­tainly not dis­ap­point them, will oth­er­wise not rush to ten thou­sand li (0.5km) but, but no one has thought that this time pleas­ant sur­prise, un­ex­pect­edly is so huge.
Be­cause of or­di­nary Wood Spirit, with Royal Fam­ily Wood Spirit, is the en­tirely dif­fer­ent con­cept.
This only caught Royal Fam­ily Wood Spirit, even if to High-Rank Star Realm, will have cre­ated the huge stir.
„Royal Fam­ily Wood Spirit has in the world purest Power of Na­ture, al­though this only Royal Fam­ily Wood Spirit has not grown into, but his ‚won­drous use’ big, be­lieves by the au­di­ences young mas­ter’s ex­pe­ri­ence, cer­tainly clear. But ac­com­mo­dates your ser­vant again su­per­flu­ous word.”
„Royal Fam­ily Wood Spirit, re­quests harsh strange flower spirit med­i­cine to the en­vi­ron­ment, can cul­ti­vate with ease, more­over growth quickly at least ten times! Nat­u­rally, in the palace pre­serves live Wood Spirit after is the risk very high mat­ter, be­lieves that most young mas­ters are not will­ing to take such risk, then, his body Wood Spirit Bead, is the se­ri­ous thing.”
„Royal Fam­ily Wood Spirit Wood Spirit Bead, may not be or­di­nary Wood Spirit Wood Spirit Bead may com­pare. He me­di­ates, self-de­struc­tion Spirit Bead, so long as takes out in hun­dred breaths, even if resid­ual spirit strength only re­mains 20% , must ex­ceed re­tains 100% spirit strength or­di­nary Wood Spirit Bead per­fectly... This is many pro­found stone, top rare trea­sure that can­not trade!”
The Yun Che look moves fiercely.
One need, at least re­tains 70% spirit strength Wood Spirit Bead. But Wood Spirit Bead of this grade of qual­ity is ex­tremely dif­fi­cult to seek, does not have the city valu­ably.
But this Wood Spirit boy body Wood Spirit Bead, even if takes down force­fully, even if be­fore tak­ing down, his self-de­struc­tion, spirit strength must ex­ceed 100% spirit strength or­di­nary Wood Spirit Bead force­fully!! Fully tal­lies... No, is sur­passes him to need!


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