Sunday, May 6, 2018

1074: Does not endure

#1074: Does not endure
Comments 94
Ini­tially to Heiya Realm, what is ac­cu­rate is runs away to Heiya Realm, the Yun Che let alone backer, the peo­ple who can dis­cuss do not have, is not will­ing to have any in­ci­dent.
But, he does not look for trou­ble, has to look for him trou­ble­some.
He does not want to look for trou­ble, ac­tu­ally does not rep­re­sent him to fear trou­ble­some!
„Now, but also wants me to hand over him?” The Yun Che sound is quiet, does not pity. His vi­sion, dam­ages in the black snake mark that under the coat re­veals to sweep from black clothed mid­dle-aged per­son.
„You...” A black clothed mid­dle-aged per­son opens mouth, the blowout full mouth blood froth, this time he, seems like then nailed tight in hell pun­ish­ment, is in deep sor­row: „You... Meet­ing... Re­gret......”
„, Can I re­gret that does not know, but you... Cer­tain meet­ing!”
A Yun Che foot de­parts, kicks ma­li­ciously on pass­ing through Black Soul Spear of black clothed mid­dle-aged per­son, a black clothed mid­dle-aged per­son piti­ful yell, dur­ing blood stream dis­pers­ing, Black Soul Spear de­taches to de­part, spike on above stone wall, the black clothed mid­dle-aged per­son called out piti­fully in the ground tum­bling, the blood stream gushed out from the blood hole of his front like the foun­tain crazily, could not with­stand the word mis­er­ably.
In the Black Feather Cham­ber of Com­merce do­main, not only does not have the lee­way, but also starts un­ex­pect­edly is so vi­cious. Pre­sents all peo­ple are in the heart trem­bles with fear... Such per­son, ei­ther is back­ground big ex­tra­or­di­nary, com­pletely not places in Black Feather Cham­ber of Com­merce and its back Soul Sect the eye, ei­ther... Is a through lu­natic!
But which type re­gard­less of he is, is they do not dare to mind oth­ers'busi­ness to pro­voke.
But near the Yun Che's ear, ac­tu­ally once more trans­mit­ted passes mes­sage of Ji Ruyan at this time:
„Young Mas­ter Ling Yun, walks quickly! Their peo­ple are catch­ing up to­ward here, in­clud­ing Di­vine Spirit Realm Hall Mas­ter! Here re­stric­tion I opened com­pletely, you walk quickly, oth­er­wise, with­out enough time!”
Short stag­na­tion of vi­sion of doubts on the face of Ji Ruyan... Rea­son that he under how cruel meth­ods to black clothed mid­dle-aged per­son, mainly to frighten Ji Ruyan, can thus force her to untie here re­stric­tion with ease, the words that oth­er­wise he breaks through force­fully, must spend a lot of time surely.
Has not ac­tu­ally thought that Ji Ruyan will untie on own ini­tia­tive... He can­not even find out any her to help his rea­son.
Their peo­ple?
Deeply looked at Ji Ruyan one, he flick­ers to the Wood Spirit boy body side, catches him in the hand, div­ing pos­ture, di­rect im­pact on.
Bang bang bang...
pro­found array still, ac­tu­ally clashes bro­ken, Ji Ruyan has not de­ceived him slightly, he does not have across here four re­stric­tion that the least bit hin­ders, Ex­treme Mi­rage Light­ning to start, under the speed vi­o­lent in­creases, then van­ishes in the bound­less night­time sky in a flash.
The Heiya Realm cur­tain of night is es­pe­cially pro­found, nat­u­rally very helps hid­ing. Yun Che to south, con­tin­u­ously passed over gen­tly and swiftly less than half Heiya City, after rear area the con­fir­ma­tion al­ways no­body traces, speed fi­nally slow, then did not have the aura se­cluded place to stop around one, and col­lected whole body aura by Hid­den Flow­ing Light­ning im­me­di­ately.
Since he es­capes to stop, was con­trolled the Wood Spirit boy in hand by him un­ex­pect­edly es­pe­cially peace­ful, has not yelled, has not strug­gled, peace­ful un­usu­al­ity.
The sur­round­ings are silent, Yun Che pon­dered that the words of passes mes­sage and that black clothed mid­dle-aged per­son of Ji Ruyan, that „im­pli­cates High-Rank Star Realm” to keep him from re­gard­ing pale. Per­haps, which High-Rank Star Realm great per­son might be know ex­is­tence of this Royal Fam­ily Wood Spirit, if were re­ally so, this act, held with­out doubt a big bas­ket.
Not only has of­fended Black Feather Cham­ber of Com­merce thor­oughly, that High-Rank Star Realm that may annoy is angry very much.
Then, will trace to chase down to him surely mas­sively... to seal|con­fer City are very likely mat­ter.
While ob­tain­ing this Royal Fam­ily Wood Spirit, an­noyed one to in­volve High-Rank Star Realm very much super greatly trou­ble­some.
High-Rank Star Realm, wants aloof ex­is­tence of high plane/level com­pared with Snow Song Realm, means the sit­u­a­tion, if in­ten­si­fies, can pre­serve him in­clud­ing Snow Song Realm im­pos­si­ble... Do not say that he fled Snow Song now, is only all alone.
How­ever, he after is the false name that Black Feather Cham­ber of Com­merce uses, the face com­pletely is also strange, in ad­di­tion he car­ries Bro­ken Moon's Flick­er­ing Shadow of bound­ary of great per­fec­tion again and ex­tremely high dis­guise tech­nique, wants to search for him is not that easy... But he may be tracked down only, is that Huo Rulie gives his black jade.
Black Feather Cham­ber of Com­merce that Mr. Ji, but knows his black jade from Huo Rulie! We hope that this will not bring any­thing to trou­ble to Flame God Realm.
How­ever, after at­tain­ing Wood Spirit Bead, first es­capes to Heiya Realm is quite good!
In the dark­ness, the dou­ble pupil of Wood Spirit boy is still pass­ing the emer­ald green bril­liance, likely is in the dark night the splen­did busy crys­tal. This wipes in the emer­ald green pupil light, does not have too many ter­ri­fied fears, he looks at Yun Che, makes the limpid sound: „Se­nior... Thank you.”
Yun Che stares, sneers: „Thanked me? You should not ar­rive to be­lieve naively that I have spent these many pur­ple pro­found stone, but also of­fended a huge in­flu­ence, for saves from their hands you?”
„I...” Wood Spirit boy pupil light moves lightly, he is look­ing straight ahead the Yun Che's eye, sud­denly chuckle: „Be­cause I know that the se­nior cer­tainly is a good per­son.”
„In­fant, you re­ally naive laugh­able.” The Yun Che sound is low, is look­ing straight ahead his emer­ald green dou­ble pupil, his mind one sud­denly, he never has seen gen­tly so pure busy pupil light, it looks like at the same time to pure to mir­ror only, is shin­ing upon all evils of his soul deep place, mak­ing them hide nowhere.
The Yun Che un­con­scious putting aside vi­sion, does not dare to look straight ahead his pupil light again, the cold below sound also pre­sented some non- na­tures strongly: „Good per­son? I have killed the per­son, must the per­son prob­a­bly be much more than your this whole life has seen! You also this clear, I spend such big price to do you, for is Wood Spirit Bead of your within the body!”
„You are obe­di­ently hands over it, wants me to begin to take per­son­ally?”
Yun Che's body, mur­der­ous aura over­flows.
mur­der­ous aura that Yun Che is as­signed away from the cap­i­tal, can it be that a Wood Spirit youth can with­stand. On his face re­veals fi­nally alarmed and afraid, the body in cow­er­ing to back up, but a pair flood the eye pupil of fear is still ac­tu­ally look­ing straight ahead Yun Che: „I... I... No, is not this, the se­nior is a good per­son, I... I can feel, asked... Asked the se­nior to let off me... I will cer­tainly repay the se­nior.”
Looks the ap­pear­ance that he is afraid, Yun Che's both hands grip silently in light trem­bling, in the heart suf­fo­cates, in the mouth ac­tu­ally still makes the gloomy sound: „Re­pay­ment? You best re­pay­ment, gives me Wood Spirit Bead! horse ~~ on!!”
„No, does not want...” The Wood Spirit boy in back­ing up shakes the head, then his sud­denly heav­ily has knelt, both eyes flood emer­ald green tears: „Se­nior, ask­ing you to let off me. Al­though I am young, but I do not fear death, but... I can­not die. Be­cause... Be­cause I and Elder Sis­ter, were blood­line that Wood Spirit Royal Fam­ily only saved, Elder Sis­ter she was a girl, but I... If I died, our Wood Spirit Royal Fam­ily blood­line, the hope of also en­tire Wood Spirit Race com­pletely will cut off... I can­not cer­tainly die, ask­ing the se­nior to let off me.”
The Yun Che eye­brow cor­ner/horn twitches slightly, is ac­tu­ally the cold sound track: „That is your Wood Spirit Race mat­ter, what re­la­tions also has with me? What I want is only Wood Spirit Bead!”
The Yun Che chest fluc­tu­ates, the sound is ac­tu­ally chill­ing: „In­fant, that group of peo­ple surely is chas­ing down me in the en­tire city now, my pa­tience is very lim­ited with the time, now I give you ten breaths the time, ei­ther, your obe­di­ently gives me Wood Spirit Bead, force­fully ei­ther, you can self-de­struc­tion Wood Spirit Bead, the choice die has the dig­nity, in any case the re­sult for me is the same. Oth­er­wise, if changes me to begin, feared that is you can die is un­com­fort­able!”
„Be­fore ,... Se­niors! Asked you... Asked you to let off me, I can­not die.” The Wood Spirit youth kneels on the ground, fright­ened plead­ing.
„Eight!” Yun Che ac­tu­ally does not change coun­te­nance, only has to put out the ice-cold heart­less phrase.
„Se­nior, our Wood Spirit Race has not in­jured any other lives, has not vi­o­lated any un­for­giv­able evil. Even if... Even if your human is al­most ruth­less our en­tire clan quickly, we also never have, be­cause hates and des­per­ate, has done any in­jury in­no­cent human mat­ter...”
Yun Che: „...”
„My that many clans­men died, par­ents to pro­tect me, dies in the hand of your human, Elder Sis­ter... My final fam­ily mem­ber is also sep­a­rate, per­haps this whole life again is un­able to see... Why? Why... We made mis­takes, why your human must treat us like this!”
„... Five!” Yun Che be­gins supinely, deeply in­spires.
„Se­nior,” on the face of Wood Spirit youth, slowly coasts two limpid tear stains: „Par­ents told me, al­though, human was ruth­less to us, but in human, more was ac­tu­ally the good per­son, I know that the se­nior was such good per­son. Be­cause, these vil­lain make me be afraid, but when side the se­nior, I do not feel the fear...”
„Three!” The Yun Che's breath is slightly chaotic, the tooth slightly has also nipped.
„Se­nior... Asked you to let off me... If I died now, will not have the honor to see the par­ents... So long as... So long as you let off me, I will cer­tainly repay you... You want me to make any­thing, I... I will try hard to achieve.”
The Yun Che cut-throat vi­sion presses up to the Wood Spirit youth: „I have given you op­por­tu­nity, such being the case... I have to begin per­son­ally! This is you, also your Wood Spirit Race life! Must hate, al­though hates!”
The Yun Che body has trans­ferred sud­denly, fulls floaded op­er­a­tion the right arm of pro­found strength to grasp to the chest of Wood Spirit youth, this strength of grasp­ing, pierces his frail body suf­fi­ciently eas­ily.
„Se­nior!!” Wood Spirit youth calls out in grief.
The air was torn ma­li­ciously, the berserk power chaotic es­cape that just surged, Yun Che's palm stopped sud­denly in the chest of Wood Spirit youth, was cut off by the heart­less wall likely to­gether, is un­able to go for­ward again.
I... What am I mak­ing? I am mak­ing any­thing now...
Re­ally for pos­si­ble Uni­verse Five Jade Pill, but dis­ap­pears hu­mane mas­sacres one not to have the en­mity with­out the in­jus­tice, more in­no­cent Wood Spirit?
Let alone, he is also only a child...
body, but also is shoul­der­ing the en­tire Wood Spirit Race fu­ture.
No... My these two live, under ha­tred and anger, be­cause of me, but the death in­no­cent per­son are few... If not for I, he will die surely also in oth­ers hand, he is I spends mas­sive pro­found stone, of­fends an enor­mous ca­pac­ity, but must come, I am com­pletely en­ti­tled, can sat­is­fied de­ci­sion his des­tiny be right...
His body has Wood Spirit Bead that I most need... If misses, per­haps be­fore Pro­found God Con­fer­ence, will not have again pos­si­bly found ap­pro­pri­ate Wood Spirit Bead, will be hope­less to see Jas­mine!
„...” The chest in fierce fluc­tu­at­ing, the pupil light is cut-throat from time to time, from time to time is chaotic, al­most pastes the palm of Wood Spirit youth chest in in­com­pa­ra­bly fiercely is shiv­er­ing. His times con­vinced them­selves, but he may lose its life ob­vi­ously in­stan­ta­neously the palm, in any event is un­able the rege­la­tion to have least bit pro­found strength.
I... In hes­i­tant any­thing...
„Oh... Oh...” The long-time si­lence, the en­tire world fell into silent, the Wood Spirit youth face whiten, vis­its him, the whole body moves does not dare to move, an ice-cold night wind has blown, the Yun Che's breath sud­denly be­comes loud, loud just passed through a life and death fierce bat­tle likely.
, His palm grips slowly, then lit­tle dan­gling.
„... You walk... Hur­ries!” He has turned around, raise one's head looks at the dark night­time sky, the pupil light is pass­ing va­cant, the soul, floods the re­laxed­ness that is un­able to un­der­stand un­ex­pect­edly.
Why can like this...
Where I changed!?


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