Wednesday, May 9, 2018

1091: Also sees Little Jasmine

#1091: Also sees Little Jasmine
Comments 53
But for serveral days, Heiya Realm pre­sented many as­ton­ish­ing rumor grad­u­ally, and re­cov­ers the bi­og­ra­phy to be broader, re­cov­ers the bi­og­ra­phy to be fiercer.
„Heard that yes­ter­day sev­eral thou­sand Soul Sect dis­ci­ple died in Ling Yun under the hand/sub­or­di­nate, this half month, Soul Sect died min­i­mum 50,000-60,000 dis­ci­ple, but Soul Sect sends out every day on a large scale, does not have to in­jure in­clud­ing a Ling Yun hair. I also heard that their Ling Yun long any­thing ap­pear­ance has not known.”
„! Talked non­sense only es­pe­cially! Soul Sect at least had been killed sev­eral hun­dred thou­sand dis­ci­ple by Ling Yun, sole yes­ter­day died not under 50,000 dis­ci­ples, that called a field lit­tered with corpses, the rivers of blood...... The big nephews of my uncle fam­ily|home are Soul Sect dis­ci­ple, he told me per­son­ally. Now Soul Sect's dis­ci­ple hears ‚Ling Yun’ this name to trem­ble.”
„Words said that what back­ground this Ling Yun is? Soul Sect this time has an­noyed a devil in­car­nate sim­ply.”
„The lat­est news, today, Soul Sect has is­sued the pro­hi­bi­tion rule! All dis­ci­ple must stay in Inner Sect firmly, can not go out, ab­solutely true! Solemn Soul Sect was fright­ened the tur­tle un­ex­pect­edly, Gente ex­cit­ingly, crisp! Wa­ha­ha­ha­haha!”
„! The dot sound, was care­ful that was heard by the Soul Sect's per­son.”
„Was fright­ened the nest not to dare, fears a bird!”
Is no­to­ri­ous in Heiya Realm, an­other cov­ers the sky Soul Sect con­tin­u­ally was ac­tu­ally killed mas­sive dis­ci­ple, but also was com­pelled to under the pro­hi­bi­tion rule, Inner Sect is flus­tered, this to Heiya Realm pro­found prac­ti­tioner, far more than is ex­cit­ing. Most starts also only to dare to dis­cuss in se­cret that is grad­u­ally warmer, Soul Sect got down the news of pro­hi­bi­tion rule to spread, was happy greatly Pu Ben, en­tire Heiya Realm aroused one mar­velous warm at­mos­phere within the short sev­eral days...... Sim­ply with big new year's cel­e­bra­tion.
But „Ling Yun” the name, was al­ready the whole fam­i­lies all knew, likes thun­der re­ver­ber­at­ing in one's ears.
Black Soul Di­vine Sect.
The stone table was bro­ken to pieces by a bang, Lei Qian­feng com­plex­ion dark like bot­tom of the pot: „These news is who passes on, is sim­ply ab­surd!!”
„This def­i­nitely is that Ling Yun does.”
„No.” Lei Tian­gang ac­tu­ally shakes the head: „For serveral days, Ling Yun had not left in the thou­sand li(500 km) ab­solutely. More­over de­pends on him, basic im­pos­si­ble in such a short time, ad­vances this sit­u­a­tion the pub­lic opin­ion, his per­haps also any­thing part­ner! This part­ner Heiya Realm per­son!”
„Ac­cu­rately...... These news as if start to travel from Heiya City, his part­ner, is very likely is Heiya City some in­flu­ence . More­over the scale is not ab­solutely small!”
„Chief Hall Mas­ter stands to rea­son! How­ever I pour can­not find out for a while, Heiya Realm which sect will in­flu­ence have such big courage!”
„Do not say this use­less mat­ter!” Lei Qian­feng anger sound track: „Catches Ling Yun, these out­castes will nat­u­rally shut up! If he has any part­ner in Heiya Realm, that makes them die with­out the bur­ial ground!”
„also half a month time!” Lei Qian­feng scary of eye of time of­fense: „I, re­gard­less of you use any method, must look to me him! I must pinch his whole body bone per­son­ally, mak­ing him live to might as well die!”
Soul Sect Great Elder Lei Qiandu said: „ Came from these days Ling Yun method, per­son who he started, was Di­vine Tribu­la­tion Realm fol­low­ing dis­ci­ple, but never dares to get rid to the Di­vine Tribu­la­tion Realm per­son, ex­plained that his pro­found strength should not be high, dis­ci­ple that killed each time, most over 200 peo­ple, ac­tu­ally never will not leave any trace. These syn­the­size, ob­vi­ously his pro­found strength cul­ti­vates for should not be high, but is good at going into hid­ing ex­tremely, per­haps, can achieve the com­plete con­ceal­ment of aura, but the most as­ton­ish­ing place, is his mind strength......
„I con­sulted the an­cient book for serveral days, found has been able much by the mind strength mur­der in the in­vis­i­ble record, but this kind of method ex­tremely hard to re­pair be­comes, the risk is also very big, more­over com­pletely Star Realm from High-Rank Star Realm and True God in­her­i­tance of Mid­dle-Rank, hav­ing no in­ter­est of bodhi im­pe­r­ial sac­ri­fices kills the in­can­ta­tion to be pos­si­ble in count­ing breaths to can­cel per­son's all con­scious­ness only, Flame God Realm has spe­cial Do­main to be pos­si­ble the flame to in­te­grate the soul strength wide scope to burn to ex­tin­guish enemy Soul, the ice soul in­ac­ces­si­ble re­mote area of West­ern God Ter­ri­tory Blue Dragon is......”
„I do not want to lis­ten to these use­less words!” Lei Qian­feng crude in­ter­rup­tion: „Ling Yun not from Clean Moon Realm, im­pos­si­ble comes Mid­dle-Rank or High-Rank Star Realm cer­tainly, oth­er­wise is also in­suf­fi­cient such covertly. I only want to know how long you also want to catch him!”
„This......” Lei Tian­gang [say / way] cau­tiously: „Sect Mas­ter, I had arranged 64 Halls to dis­perse 200 teams last night, each team at least two Di­vine Tribu­la­tion Realm as­sume per­sonal com­mand, then took ad­van­tage that the night am­bushes qui­etly in some places that Ling Yun is most likely to pre­sent, should...... Will har­vest.”
The fol­low­ing two words, Lei Tian­gang lacks in res­o­nance ob­vi­ously, said: „Best method, can find the Ling Yun fam­ily mem­ber or any han­dle, com­pelling him to come out. Clean Moon Realm after is not Heiya Realm, and do­main be big­ger than on the sev­eral fold Heiya Realm, the per­son who sends in day and night con­tin­u­ous in­ves­ti­ga­tion, had not had the re­sult, Sect Mas­ter will be slightly peace­ful, be­lieves sev­eral days later, will de­cide will have the good news.”
„Best is this.” Each char­ac­ter that Lei Qian­feng said was bring­ing the scary ma­lig­nant in­flu­ences: „Oth­er­wise, Di­vine Mar­tial Realm fell crime to get down half a month later, I do not feel bet­ter, do not want to feel bet­ter!!”
Black Soul Moun­tain Range.
Lei Kuangfeng, Lei Qinglie, Soul Sect Thirty-Sixth Hall two big Vice Hall Mas­ter, they pre­sented the life of Lei Tian­gang last night, is bring­ing hun­dred 36 elite dis­ci­ple, ar­rives at Black Soul Moun­tain while the cur­tain of night and thick fog qui­etly, the dis­per­sion con­ceal­ment in the dry thick patch of grass, then re­strains aura fully, and is­sues re­peat­edly may not make any sound ab­solutely the strict order.
In jet black and peace­ful, they waited for one all night.
Al­though this has the sus­pi­cion of wait­ing for gains with­out pains, but they were tossed about half a month ac­tu­ally not to see in­clud­ing the shadow of op­po­site party, could not find out a bet­ter method.
The dawn is bright grad­u­ally, the fog also starts to di­verge, does not have big ac­ci­den­tal / sur­prised, they have de­fended spa­tial once more. How­ever Lei Kuangfeng and Lei Qinglie ac­tu­ally as be­fore squat the orig­i­nal po­si­tion, until day al­ready greatly bright, the fog also com­pletely di­verges, two tal­ented peo­ple send greet­ings mu­tu­ally, then leaps to go from the thick patch of grass.
„Re­ceives the team, re­turns to the sect!” Lei Kuangfeng roared.
But, replied his, was ac­tu­ally a piece of ter­ri­fy­ing si­lenc­ing, dis­ci­ple aura com­pletely, but in him, as soon as roared, did not have one per­son to re­spond un­ex­pect­edly.
Lei Kuangfeng and Lei Qinglie com­plex­ion chang­ing sud­denly, Lei Kuangfeng soars hastily, under a palm bang, in the perime­ter the thick patch of grass of re­gion was raised im­me­di­ately high...... Si­mul­ta­ne­ously was raised, body of dis­ci­ple also all they bring.
Ping ping......
The Soul Sect dis­ci­ple body fol­low­ing stuffed dumpling falls in abun­dance, their both eyes cir­cle stares com­pletely, does not have the ap­pear­ance, the shape, if de­ceased per­son, but their aura ac­tu­ally com­plete ex­is­tences.
Lei Kuangfeng and Lei Qinglie si­mul­ta­ne­ously were star­tled there, al­though for­merly per­son­ally had ex­pe­ri­enced sim­i­lar mat­ter, but the Lei Kuangfeng whole body felt cold as be­fore, but Lei Qinglie, Soul Sect dis­ci­ple death quan­tity, even if again on many ten times, could not com­pare panic-stricken that this in­sti­tute brought by far.
„could it be that...... Re­ally...... Re­ally fishy in­ad­e­quate?” Is Soul Sect solemn Vice Hall Mas­ter, the Lei Qinglie sound is ac­tu­ally trem­bling.
But at this time, weak blood en­ergy trans­mit­ted from the front, Lei Kuangfeng had a sleep, for­warded quickly, opens a body of dis­ci­ple, car­ried on the back after him, saw sev­eral lines of tiny blood char­ac­ters im­pres­sively:
„Goes back to tell Lei Qian­feng, I give him three days of time, lets him apol­o­gizes from waste Pro­found Arts and both hands both feet! Oth­er­wise, I must make him re­gret life-long!”
„Ling Yun.”
„...... Re­ally is Ling Yun!” Lei Qinglie has not re­cov­ered from huge panic-stricken as be­fore.
But Lei Kuangfeng is ac­tu­ally the com­plex­ion one cloudy: „Blood­stain not com­pletely dry, he should begin shortly, also ex­plained that he def­i­nitely has not walked away! We look quickly!”
Two big Vice Hall Mas­ter soar im­me­di­ately, the Spirit Sense re­lease, the vi­sion sweeps ran­domly...... Soul Sect all peo­ple rec­og­nized that „Ling Yun” has the strong aura con­ceal­ment abil­ity ex­tremely surely, more­over de­ceit­ful care­ful, will begin in the con­fir­ma­tion ab­solute safety, goes well will es­cape im­me­di­ately...... Ac­tu­ally has a dream does not be­lieve that Yun Che not only can be pos­si­ble be called per­fect con­ceal­ment aura, but can also con­ceal the form com­pletely.
Bro­ken Moon's Flick­er­ing Shadow, from an­cient times Ice Phoenix, plane/level Di­vine Dao Pro­found Tech­nique above Ice Phoenix God Con­fer­ring Codex, was un­able to prac­tice in­clud­ing Mu Xu­anyin to can Stealth great per­fec­tion Realm, can it be that Low-Rank Star Realm pro­found prac­ti­tioner can the cog­ni­tion.
The dis­tant place, a shadow of not being able to see stared at sev­eral air­borne , if no two per­son's shad­ows of fly, sneers, at a mod­er­ate pace goes to the west. Lines of sight and Spirit Sense of two big Soul Sect Vice Hall Mas­ter sweeps him to be at the po­si­tion that has not had any stay.
After being far away from enough se­cu­rity the dis­tance, Yun Che picks up pro­found strength, the speed speeds up, the form also ap­pears.
„First has al­most been com­pleted, should gives the Soul Sect's sec­ond largest rit­ual.” The Yun Che palm places the Chest, re­cited lightly: „He Lin, I cer­tain...... Will make their ten thou­sand times of re­pay­ments owe you Wood Spirit Clan blood debt!”
But he just ap­peared the per­sonal ap­pear­ance, prepa­ra­tion ac­cel­er­ated to fly from, sud­denly felt that the front pre­sented weak, ac­tu­ally fa­mil­iar aura.
This aura...... could it be that?
His form fast for­ward-swept, vi­sion across below grove, saw a pe­tite form jumped walks, seven color long skirts are par­tic­u­larly eye-catch­ing.
Im­pres­sively is Lit­tle Jas­mine!
She can here!?
Does not know is the co­in­ci­dence, sees her same time in Yun Che com­pletely, Lit­tle Jas­mine just raise one's head looks like, saw Yun Che, im­me­di­ately eye fierce one bright.
In not the good Yun Che heart one sud­denly, to rush with great speed, but is with­out enough time, a de­light­ful ten­der shout re­sounds in the moun­tain val­ley.
„Brother-in-law, I here!”
Lei Kuangfeng and Lei Qinglie, al­though is sep­a­rated by very far, but they are at the con­di­tions of Spirit Sense fully re­lease, but Lit­tle Jas­mine this shouts such as the crys­tal col­li­sion to be sim­ply clear, even if they are not the vig­i­lant state es­ti­ma­tion suf­fi­ciently can hear.
Yun Che such as the fierce hawk rushes, holds Lit­tle Jas­mine, the right hand cov­ers her flow­ery lips stub­bornly, locks in her aura by Hid­den Flow­ing Light­ning in­stan­ta­neously, then pastes the tread to de­part fast, the vi­sion in­sti­tute, bring­ing Lit­tle Jas­mine silent to fly into two giant rocks in the crevices.
„Can­not make noise!” The Yun Che tooth closes tightly, pro­found en­ergy seals up her mo­tion to pre­vent her to strug­gle, locks in her aura by Hid­den Flow­ing Light­ning, cov­ers her mouth and nose that the palm does not feel re­lieved as be­fore.
„......” Lit­tle Jas­mine moves can­not move, is un­able to make the sound, only has to stare the big in­no­cent eye.
With­out a doubt, in a while, Lei Kuangfeng and Lei Qinglie bring two storm air cur­rents to fly, ac­cu­rate falling in the po­si­tion that they for­merly were.
„Prob­a­bly is the girl voice, how to van­ish sud­denly?”
„The girl was clearly shout­ing any per­son...... Cer­tainly in the, im­me­di­ately looks!”
Yun Che whole body such as frozen, moves does not dare to move.
Hid­den Flow­ing Light­ning adds the dual con­ceal­ment of Bro­ken Moon's Flick­er­ing Shadow, even if they ap­proach to hun­dred feet, he has the ab­solute as­sur­ance not to be dis­cov­ered. But, that is his one­self! Hid­den Flow­ing Light­ning can use in other peo­ple body, but Bro­ken Moon's Flick­er­ing Shadow can­not ob­vi­ously! By Hid­den Flow­ing Light­ning, sur­passes his Great Realm also many peo­ple fac­ing pro­found strength only, he can­not guar­an­tee that de­cid­edly was not dis­cov­ered...... Pre­pared say­ing that was Lit­tle Jas­mine is dis­cov­ered.
But, the luck seems to be good, Lei Kuangfeng and Lei Qinglie their where­abouts the south side, per­son of where­abouts the west side, left them to be get­ting more and more far grad­u­ally.
Yun Che re­laxed se­cretly, he looked at a Lit­tle Jas­mine star pupil cir­cle to stare, the piti­ful ap­pear­ance, said in a low voice: „That two peo­ple are chas­ing down me, if were dis­cov­ered by them, our two died, un­der­stood! There­fore can­not make noise, gasps for breath loudly is not good, the un­der­stand­ing what is heard words, wink the eye.”
„......” The eye of Lit­tle Jas­mine is very ef­fort winked con­tin­u­ally sev­eral.
Yun Che then slowly puts out a hand, main­tains Hid­den Flow­ing Light­ning, the prepa­ra­tion brings Lit­tle Jas­mine to leave qui­etly.
Lit­tle Jas­mine has not re­ally made noise, she com­pletely suf­fer­ing from in­jus­tice looked at Yun Che one, put out a hand to rub as if by the dark pain small nose, then......
A re­sound­ing in­com­pa­ra­ble sneeze sound, is star­tled the Yun Che whole body fine hair in­stan­ta­neously to raise up.
„I ~! @#¥%......” Yun Che wants not to think that works on Lit­tle Jas­mine, whole body pro­found en­ergy erupts, flies to flee to go.
But same in­stan­ta­neous, two for­mi­da­ble aura such as tie up the soul mine-moor­ing cable, lock­ing stub­bornly in his body.


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