Thursday, October 26, 2017

373: Very expensive construction cost

Since Dream En­ter­tain­ment con­venes unites Press Con­fer­ence, an­nounced that Dream En­ter­tain­ment of­fi­cially es­tab­lishes, and an­nounced that since «Brave's World» has played, the Shi Lei's tele­phone num­ber, as if en­tire World knew, any peo­ple can call him.
But some tele­phones, Shi Lei must meet. For ex­am­ple AMD Com­pany, ASUS Com­pany and Mi­cro-Star Com­pany, as well as King­soft the tele­phone, Shi Lei al­ways has no al­ter­na­tive but to put through Right?

Al­though after first time puts through, then knew the tele­phone num­ber of op­po­site party, can sup­pose is the con­tact per­sonal name film jacket, but be­fore has not com­mu­ni­cated, al­ways does not know Right?

For this rea­son, Shi Lei can­not es­tab­lish to re­sist not to meet in the tele­phone num­ber of con­tact per­sonal name film jacket. Oth­er­wise, pos­si­bly fum­bles very im­por­tant tele­phone.
How­ever, Shi Lei thinks ac­tu­ally a very Evil method, that is asks an at­trac­tive young sec­re­tary to help!

Meets tele­phone mat­ter, sec­re­tary helps is best. More­over, func­tion that many of sec­re­tary, have the mat­ter sec­re­tary to do, is all right that any­thing sec­re­tary.
What a pity was a pity that this idea can only stay in the Shi Lei's mind merely!
If he dares such im­ple­ment, per­haps this to be re­ally most quickly found the Ling Yumo plan, but the re­sult can a lit­tle tragedy. For with Ling Yumo, bet­ter meet­ing once more, Shi Lei can only give up look­ing for the plan of pretty young sec­re­tary!

Is tak­ing cell phone, Caller ID is the Li Jian Na­tion num­ber, Shi Lei presses down the an­swer­ing key, opens the mouth to say with pure Eng­lish: „Here is Dream En­ter­tain­ment, Shi Lei.” Al­though he re­ported his name merely, but ac­tu­ally holds to in­quire op­po­site party iden­tity opin­ion.

„Hello, Mr. Shi, I am Tom Cruise.” AMD High Grade Vice-Di­rec­tor Gen­eral Tom Cruise, re­sponded in the tele­phone.
In the Shi Lei heart com­plained se­cretly that this Tom Cruise, traded the tele­phone num­ber to hit un­ex­pect­edly, he also in Fan­tasy was the phone call that Intel made!

„Mr. Tom, what mat­ter has?” Shi Lei shot a look at com­puter screen right bot­tom time, ap­proached 11 : 00 o'clock at night ap­pear­ances, that side Li Jian Na­tion is morn­ing close 11 points. „Mr. Tom, has any mat­ter, a bit faster said that me 11 : 00 pm, I have pre­pared to rest to sleep!”
Tom Cruise stares slightly, is hav­ing the apol­ogy: „Mr. Shi, sorry for the in­con­ve­nience, I have for­got­ten among us the time dif­fer­ence. Today tele­phones, mainly tells you a mat­ter, the co­op­er­a­tion among us, our AMD has pre­pared ac­com­plish. Our com­mer­cial del­e­ga­tions will travel by air­plane today, first ar­rives in Xia Na­tion Shang­hai, then the fa­vor­able turn goes to Shuangqing City.”

Shi Lei thinks that re­sponded: „Mr. Tom, your AMD opin­ion is, we will con­vene Press Con­fer­ence to­mor­row, an­nounced mat­ter that among us co­op­er­ates?”
„hā hā hā, Mr. Shi, you just were still re­mind­ing issue of my time dif­fer­ence, how do you for­get now? Our AMD del­e­ga­tion, ar­rives in the Shuangqing time, is al­most Xia Na­tion Time, Jan­u­ary 10 evening. There­fore, wants to con­vene Press Con­fer­ence most quickly the day after to­mor­row.” Tom Cruise re­sponded with a smile.

„En, then con­venes Press Con­fer­ence on the day after to­mor­row!” Shi Lei had con­sid­ered, on Jan­u­ary 11 con­vened Press Con­fer­ence, will not have any in­flu­ence.

„Mr. Shi, lo­ca­tion about Press Con­fer­ence, as well as the re­lated arrange­ment, all asked your Dream En­ter­tain­ment!” Tom Cruise is hav­ing an ex­pres­sion of Xia Na­tion type, said to Shi Lei.
Shi Lei slightly sur­prised, then com­plies say­ing: „Does not have issue! The Xia Na­tion media, hand over by our Dream En­ter­tain­ment process. If needs the media at­ten­dance of your Li Jian Na­tion, per­haps this needs your AMD to emit a sound slightly. After all, our Dream En­ter­tain­ment news, had not at­tached great im­por­tance to by your Li Jian Na­tion media tem­porar­ily.”

«Brave's World» that Dream En­ter­tain­ment will soon pro­mote, al­though in the en­tire World Gamer cir­cle, has not the small rep­u­ta­tion. But for­eign media at­ten­tion was also short, after is only a game, more­over game that has not ap­peared on the mar­ket.
If after ap­pear­ing on the mar­ket, Shi Lei be­lieves that these for­eign media are sim­i­lar to smelled the shark of smell of blood, Crazy will cer­tainly throw to «Brave's World» carry on the de­tailed re­port.

What a pity, «Brave's World» has not ap­peared on the mar­ket, any­thing un­known, the for­eign media will not have too much at­ten­tion.
„Mr. Shi, the mat­ter about our Li Jian Na­tion media, does not need your Dream En­ter­tain­ment to worry. Be­fore we em­bark, through some chan­nels, will spread the hearsay. These as­tute Media In­dus­try, will cer­tainly not let off such good news Right?” the re­sponse of Tom Cruise filled with happy ex­pres­sion.

„En, that is good! Tem­porar­ily first this, after we will meet to­mor­row, dis­cussed the con­crete mat­ter.” After Shi Lei said that waited for Tom Cruise to re­spond to one, then has hung up the tele­phone.
Places on cell phone the com­puter table, Shi Lei mut­tered, „looks like Sap­phire does not plan and our con­tact!”
Sap­phire is dif­fer­ent from ASUS and Mi­cro-Star, Sap­phire only pro­duces Graph­ics Card, AMD Com­pany will as­sign cer­tain amount «Brave's World» Closed Test­ing In­vi­ta­tion Code gives Sap­phire, Sap­phire also does not have other prod­ucts, there­fore they do not need con­tact Dream En­ter­tain­ment Lim­ited Com­pany, ob­tains extra Closed Test­ing In­vi­ta­tion Code.

After Shi Lei has washed, has not han­dled other mat­ters again, but lay on the bed has pre­pared to rest. In the re­cent sev­eral days, is busy com­pil­ing based on GMM Model of the Vocal Sys­tem, the stay­ing up late work of Shi Lei ex­cess load, mak­ing his men­tal state very not good.
Based on GMM Model of the Vocal Sys­tem, com­piled ac­com­plish rarely fi­nally, Shi Lei must rest well.

Lin'an Un­der­ground Base, Dong Guoguo is lead­ing Metal Ex­oskele­ton Plan, the sub­or­di­nate all stud­ies Lit­tle Group, sim­i­larly is stay­ing up late to fight bravely.
The me­chan­i­cal power that be­cause Lu Fang leads stud­ies Lit­tle Group, short­com­ings that the suc­cess­ful de­vel­op­ment 25 horse­pow­ers Mi­cro­tur­bine En­gine, has solved Metal Ex­oskele­ton un­der­pow­ered, the en­tire Metal Ex­oskele­ton Plan progress, has had the leap speed.

Over­all con­tour of Dong Guoguo de­sign, the mech­a­nism and Shock Ab­sorp­tion that Lit­tle Group Pro­fes­sor Jin Da leads, has made the con­sid­er­ably large progress com­pletely.
By Jan­u­ary 9 till 11 : 00 o'clock at night, two Mi­cro­tur­bine En­gine, as well as two Ce­ramic High Tem­per­a­ture Heat In­su­lat­ing Mod­ule, these four most pre­cious mod­ules, process ac­com­plish by re­search in­sti­tute of mil­i­tary in Lab­o­ra­tory, de­liv­ers to Lin'an Un­der­ground Base.

Merely these four mod­ules, value is as­tro­nom­i­cal fig­ures!
Mi­cro­tur­bine En­gine, leaves the womb in model ship Tur­bine En­gine. As a re­sult of the model ship Tur­bine En­gine ma­te­r­ial and craft issue, its life has about the Forty hour gen­er­ally. But Mi­cro­tur­bine En­gine of Metal Ex­oskele­ton use, def­i­nitely can­not such short life time. There­fore using the van­guard tech­nol­ogy and craft of mil­i­tary, has adopted the con­fi­den­tial for­mula ce­ramic ma­te­r­ial, man­u­fac­ture Mi­cro­tur­bine En­gine, the life reaches as high as the Ten Thou­sand hour, is 416 days, more than one year some ap­pear­ances.

Just, such craft pro­moted, lets a Mi­cro­tur­bine En­gine price, has been the scary 1.2 mil­lion Yuan!
En­tire 1.2 mil­lion, the Shuanghu Dis­trict house price 1500 Yuan / square, can buy 8000 squares com­mer­cial do­mes­tic build­ings of!

Two Tur­bine En­gine, the cost price needs 2 400,000.
An­other two Ce­ramic High Tem­per­a­ture Heat In­su­lat­ing Mod­ule, the main func­tion is to iso­late the quan­tity of heat of Mi­cro­tur­bine En­gine send­ing out, causes the dam­age to Metal Ex­oskele­ton op­er­a­tion per­son­nel.
Con­sid­ered stem­ming from the de­sign of se­cu­rity as­pect that Mi­cro­tur­bine En­gine will in­stall in half close en­vi­ron­ment, will there­fore have the huge quan­tity of heat. If no Ce­ramic High Tem­per­a­ture Heat In­su­lat­ing Mod­ule, per­haps Metal Ex­oskele­ton, can­not travel by any op­er­ates per­son­nel.

In order to achieve al­most iso­lates the ther­mal de­gree, the Ce­ramic High Tem­per­a­ture Heat In­su­lat­ing Mod­ule con­struc­tion cost, each reaches as high as 1 100,000, are merely less than Mi­cro­tur­bine En­gine 100,000!
The prices of four Core parts, have been 4 600,000 de­grees, the Metal Ex­oskele­ton lo­cal­iza­tion too high-end, even if there is for­mi­da­ble bat­tle ef­fi­ciency, should also only pro­duce in the small scale range.
Be­sides four Core parts ex­pen­sive, other part same not cheap, for ex­am­ple de­fense as­pect, the av­er­age value thick­ness have achieved the 10 mm Spe­cial-type alloy armor board, as well as the key place sur­passes 20 mm alloy ce­ramic to com­bine the armor board. The price of en­tire armor board, has been over 500,000 high prices.

Under armor board, av­er­age value thick­ness 4 mm rub­ber shock layer, as well as in shock layer, all kinds hy­draulic pipe Sys­tem of hide­away. Es­pe­cially hy­draulic pipe, be­cause will bear the huge pres­sure, has adopted the ex­otic ma­te­r­ial man­u­fac­ture, each set of Metal Ex­oskele­ton tub­ing price, the rub­ber shock layer cost, has ex­ceeded in ad­di­tion the 100,000 Yuan.

Metal Ex­oskele­ton in­ter­nal elec­tric­ity Sub­sys­tem equip­ment, in­clud­ing mini scan­ning radar, in­frared de­tec­tory and Small-scale com­puter and GPS po­si­tion finder and satel­lite com­mu­ni­ca­tions con­nec­tiv­ity Mod­ule and pho­to­graph mon­i­tor­ing con­trol unit wait / etc., all Elec­tronic Equip­ment prices, has ex­ceeded 500,000 de­grees.

Spe­cial eye­lens glass that the re­main­ing some frag­men­tary parts, for ex­am­ple the eye­lens image tech­nol­ogy, needs. The equiv­a­lent to Fighter HUD tech­nol­ogy, this tech­nol­ogy is help­ful to the Metal Ex­oskele­ton pilot, finds out the Metal Ex­oskele­ton sit­u­a­tion when nec­es­sary. For ex­am­ple po­si­tion in­for­ma­tion and that radar scan and ther­mal im­agery view armor dam­age con­di­tion and Fuel resid­ual, cur­rently are, as well as im­me­di­ate fight in­for­ma­tion wait / etc.. These frag­men­tary parts, prob­a­bly cost is at about the 100,000 Yuan.

The whole cal­cu­lates, one set of Metal Ex­oskele­ton con­struc­tion cost, tem­porar­ily is not the man­ual pro­duc­tion cost, is not the re­search cost, is not the mil­i­tary in­ter­nal man­u­fac­ture sell­ing prof­its, sim­i­larly was not the Op­er­at­ing Sys­tem value that Shi Lei has not de­vel­oped, the Metal Ex­oskele­ton cost price has achieved over 5.8 mil­lion.
If counted ex­penses of all ad­di­tional gains, per­haps the con­struc­tion cost must break the 8 Mil­lion crit­i­cal junc­tion!
So can the ter­ri­fy­ing con­struc­tion cost, ac­tu­ally form the ef­fec­tive bat­tle ef­fi­ciency, tem­porar­ily is an un­known num­ber, after all Shi Lei com­pi­la­tion Op­er­at­ing Sys­tem, but also does not have ac­com­plish.

Once after Op­er­at­ing Sys­tem ac­com­plish, the load­ing en­ters Metal Ex­oskele­ton in­te­rior com­puter, can test the Metal Ex­oskele­ton bat­tle ef­fi­ciency. Can know, Metal Ex­oskele­ton bat­tle ef­fi­ciency, ac­tu­ally geom­e­try!.


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