Saturday, October 28, 2017

408: Also was disclosing

[Dawn] has adopted the uni­tized con­fig­u­ra­tion de­sign, the ad­van­tage of de­sign lies in the or­gan­ism seal­ing prop­erty is so greatly strength­ened, the de­fense per­for­mance also has pro­moted.
But has the short­com­ing!
Short­com­ing also quite ob­vi­ous, es­pe­cially in re­place­ment process.
„Com­man­der He, the [Dawn]'s re­place­ment process, needs by no means cer­tainly other per­son­nel help to op­er­ate, can def­i­nitely re­al­ize ** re­place­ment.” Shi Lei re­but­tal an­swered.

„Oh?” He Zhen­bang cu­ri­ous ask­ing: „In the re­port of Lu Qiang, Shi An Equip­ment doesn't [Dawn], with the help of Dong Guoguo, re­place?”
Shi Lei said Ming­dao lightly: „Com­man­der He, that is be­cause of Di­vi­sion Head Lu and Group Head Shi, not fa­mil­iar [Dawn]'s rea­son. first time starts [Dawn], needs ex­te­rior to op­er­ate the [Dawn]'s con­trol plane, un­ties in [Dawn]'s dri­ving the cabin. There­fore, in the Equip­ment [Dawn]'s time, needs other per­son­nel to help. If fa­mil­iar [Dawn], even though first time starts [Dawn], ** ac­com­plish op­er­a­tion.”
He Zhen­bang look slightly one bright, „, if not first time starts [Dawn], can re­place fast?”

„Nat­u­rally Pos­si­ble! [Dawn] built-in Com­mu­ni­ca­tions Sys­tem, can with mo­bile equip­ment bind­ing, for ex­am­ple cell phone and satel­lite tele­phone. first time starts [Dawn], binds First au­thor­ity Voice­print Sig­na­ture in Ares Sys­tem, then can use cell phone or the satel­lite tele­phone, con­trols [Dawn] to open in dri­ving through voice op­er­ated the cabin. If in dis­tance not far sit­u­a­tion, can di­rectly with the way of front­line pro­pa­ganda, or­der­ing [Dawn] to open in dri­ving the cabin.” Shi Lei was say­ing the [Dawn]'s de­tailed func­tion care­fully.
„so it was orig­i­nally this! Then ** re­place­ment can [Dawn], how much time most quickly in ac­com­plish?” He Zhen­bang asked issue again.

„Com­man­der He, ** the re­place­ment [Dawn]'s time, after the ana­log test com­pu­ta­tion, can ap­prox­i­mately in 15 sec­onds to 20 sec­onds ac­com­plish.” Shi Lei said a quite ideal speed.
[Dawn] opens in dri­ving the cabin to take 3 sec­onds most quickly \; Dri­ves per­son­nel to enter in dri­ving the cabin, be­cause of the de­sign rea­son, re­gard­less of quick re­sponse nerve, at least also takes 8 sec­onds.
Dri­ves per­son­nel to enter in [Dawn]'s dri­ving cabin, is di­vided into three steps.
First, by way that the back draws back, the first crouch body, drills into the [Dawn]'s fore­head space po­si­tion the fore­head. This step is most te­dious, hu­man­ity is to own pro­tec­tion, when en­ters in dri­ving the cabin, the fore­head move­ment is im­pos­si­ble to be too quick.
Sec­ond, after the fore­head en­ters in dri­ving the fore­head space of cabin, the both arms drill into dri­ving of in­su­late the or­ga­ni­za­tional man­age­ment sys­tem the cabin. After this step wants is skilled, the speed will go a step fur­ther pro­moted.
Third, body part and both legs, stick to dri­ving the cabin.

After en­ter­ing in dri­ving the cabin, an ex­am­i­na­tion pro­ce­dure, the ex­am­i­na­tion dri­ves per­son­nel whether en­ters in dri­ving com­pletely the cabin. This process prob­a­bly only takes 1 sec­ond.
If the ex­am­i­na­tion passes, in seal dri­ving the cabin also takes 3 sec­onds. In sum­mary all time add, the quick­est speed also takes 15 sec­onds.
But 15 sec­onds are the best lim­it­ing ve­loc­i­ties, the op­ti­mistic point es­ti­mate, in very skilled sit­u­a­tion , the re­place­ment time should be able to enter for 20 sec­onds. If the Or­di­nary sit­u­a­tion, within one minute re­places, is ex­cus­able.
He Zhen­bang does not know that Shi Lei's com­put­ing mode, is only re­gard­ing 15 sec­onds is very sat­is­fied. „Lit­tle Shi, you teach our Rongcheng Mil­i­tary Dis­trict com­puter Spe­cial­ist as soon as pos­si­ble, how to in­stall Ares Sys­tem. Had bet­ter be able the let them so­ci­ety, solve some sim­ple issue. So as to avoid [Dawn] has a wee bit issue, needs you to go into ac­tion to solve.”

Shi Lei nod­ded, agrees.
„Good, Com­man­der He. Mil­i­tary Satel­lite au­tho­riza­tion that I need, [Hope] your Rongcheng Mil­i­tary Dis­trict pre­pares as soon as pos­si­ble ap­pro­pri­ately.” Shi Lei while con­ve­nient has also put for­ward own re­quest.
„Relax, satel­lite au­thor­ity can give you today!” Say­ing that He Zhen­bang pledged.
„That was re­ally good! Hap­pen to today has free time, can teach Rongcheng Mil­i­tary Dis­trict com­puter Spe­cial­ist, in­stalls Ares Sys­tem issue. Right, Com­man­der He, I pre­pare to go to Lin'an Un­der­ground Base first. Rents to my your Rongcheng Mil­i­tary Dis­trict trans­porta­tion He­li­copter, I need to ship some ma­te­ri­als to re­turn to Shuangqing City.” Shi Lei thinks that the sup­ple­ment said one: „Trans­ports the He­li­copter cartage ex­pense, ac­cord­ing to do­mes­tic trans­porta­tion stan­dard com­pu­ta­tion!”
Zhang Lim­ing of He Zhen­bang to Lo­gis­tics De­part­ment said: „Old Zhang, this mat­ter you process.”
Zhang Lim­ing nods, „good, Com­man­der He.”

Both sides dis­cussed again some de­tail issue, then Rongcheng Mil­i­tary Dis­trict three Big Shot to­gether de­part. Be­fore de­par­ture, about rent­ing to trans­port the He­li­copter mat­ter, Zhang Lim­ing has given Li Yuan pro­cess­ing.
On the af­ter­noon of Jan­u­ary 15 1 : 00 pm just passed, after han­dling the Rongcheng Mil­i­tary Dis­trict mat­ter, Shi Lei is bring­ing Dong Guoguo, Mi­cro­tur­bine En­gine and ce­ramic that heat in­su­la­tion mod­ule as well as Lu Fang and the oth­ers, Rongcheng Mil­i­tary Dis­trict pro­vides, re­turns to Lin'an Un­der­ground Base.

Li Yuan kept Rongcheng Mil­i­tary Dis­trict, sim­i­larly stays be­hind also has the [Dawn] No. 0 ma­chine.
The [Dawn] No. 0 ma­chine was wrested away by Li Yuan of­fi­cially, this makes Shi An very de­pressed. Shi An also wanted the [Dawn] No. 0 ma­chine. How Li Yuan iden­tity to be spe­cial, Shi An can­not strug­gle Li Yuan.

Be­fore Shi Lei walks, Shi An drew him to try every means to per­suade a Da­tong, mak­ing Shi Lei make a num­ber of [Dawn] as soon as pos­si­ble, paid to the Rongcheng Mil­i­tary Dis­trict use.
These time brought 10 sets of Mi­cro­tur­bine En­gine and ce­ramic heat in­su­la­tion mod­ule from Rongcheng Mil­i­tary Dis­trict, can pro­duce ten sets of [Dawn]. These [Dawn]'s as­sign issue, Shi Lei and He Zhen­bang dis­cussed ap­pro­pri­ately.

Ten sets of [Dawn] fifty-fifty di­vide equally, Shi Lei di­vides five sets, Rongcheng Mil­i­tary Dis­trict di­vides five sets. And Rongcheng Mil­i­tary Dis­trict as­pect, re­quests Shi Lei's Lin'an Un­der­ground Base, is [Dawn] de­signs Weapon Car­ry­ing Sys­tem, solves long-dis­tance Hot Weapon car­ry­ing issue.
Lin'an Un­der­ground Base, Sec­ond Level.
In Dong Guoguo Of­fice, has Shi Lei and Dong Guoguo they, the Lu Fang and other mil­i­tary of Spe­cial­ist, cur­rently makes ten [Dawn]'s to work.

„Old Dong, how AIP did Plan pre­pare?” Al­though in Rongcheng Mil­i­tary Dis­trict, Shi Lei had asked one time, but AIP Plan is im­por­tant, Shi Lei does not feel re­lieved asked again one time.
So-called AIP Plan, the full title is ‚Ar­ti­fi­cial In­tel­li­gence Pros­thetic Plan’, is called AIP Plan. This Plan for the pur­pose of uni­fy­ing Dy­namic Be­hav­ior Recog­ni­tion En­gine and Metal Ex­oskele­ton tech­nol­ogy, for the hu­man­ity of motor dis­abil­ity, pro­vides ob­tains the ac­tion once more so­lu­tion.
Shi Lei planned that through AIP Plan, is Dream En­ter­tain­ment and «Brave's World» drums up sup­port. Mean­while, what is also smooth is YM Med­ical Lim­ited Com­pany rec­ti­fies names, founds Mir­ror Sci­ence and Tech­nol­ogy, the Med­ical Field en­ter­prise.

With be­long­ing to med­ical Safety Plan of YM Med­ical Lim­ited Com­pany, al­though through with the co­op­er­a­tion of City First Hos­pi­tal, has made the good progress, but med­ical Safety Plan, is only ex­tend­ing of Cam­pus Safety Plan, has not brought the in­flu­ence that any­thing shocks.
If can AIP Plan, through the YM Med­ical Lim­ited Com­pany pro­mo­tion, then YM Med­ical Lim­ited Com­pany, then can smooth open­ing in the Med­ical Field rep­u­ta­tion.

More­over, about YM Med­ical Lim­ited Com­pany, the Shi Lei also mat­ter needs to process
„Boss, AIP Plan im­ple­ment is smooth. The pros­thetic model al­to­gether 100 sets at pre­sent stock­pil­ing, sep­a­rately is the thigh pros­thetic model 90 sets, the hand pros­thetic model 10 sets. And, thigh pros­thetic model, is di­vided into three ver­sion, top digit para­ple­gia ver­sion, Knee Sec­tion Ver­sion and Foot Sec­tion Ver­sion. Hand pros­thetic model has ver­sion, Palm Sec­tion Ver­sion.” The Dong Guoguo de­tailed so­lu­tion said.
Shi Lei nod­ded, pro­posed: „Hand pros­thetic model should make other ver­sion.”

„Boss, other ver­sion hand pros­thetic model con­struc­tion costs are very high. After all the flex­i­ble de­gree of hand, is much higher than the thigh.” Dong Guoguo an­swered.
opin­ion that Shi Lei has not blamed, the hand pros­thetic model com­plex de­gree, in­deed is much higher than the thigh. Is palm dis­abil­ity pros­thetic model, wants to be cer­tainly flex­i­ble de­gree, then needs quite for­mi­da­ble com­puter, pro­vides the ex­te­rior com­put­ing ser­vice sup­port.
As for thigh pros­thetic model, if only needs to walk and run, caper and other sim­ple move­ments, then the built-in mini proces­sor, can the ac­com­plish Dy­namic Be­hav­ior ana­log com­pu­ta­tion.

„Has not re­lated!” Shi Lei has pat­ted the arm of Dong Guoguo, en­cour­ages. Then opens the mouth say­ing: „Old Dong, after your this leave, the work focus shifts to de­sign­ing [Dawn]'s Weapon Car­ry­ing Sys­tem comes up. Mean­while, told that Rongcheng Mil­i­tary Dis­trict re­lated per­son­nel, fur­ther in­no­vates [Dawn]'s power Power Source. Also, find­ing the way to ad­ver­tise for some En­gine, ma­chiner­ies, the aero­dy­nam­ics, physics, chem­istry and other rel­e­vant area Spe­cial­ist. So long as Spe­cial­ist strength enough, I can give very ex­cel­lent treat­ment. The way of re­cruit­ment, you can apply for out­side the net to con­nect au­thor­ity to Pro­fes­sor Lu Fang, scat­ters In­ter­net Café in net­work broadly!”
„Good, Boss!” Dong Guoguo nod re­sponse.

They in Of­fice, dis­cussed after mat­ter, goes out of Of­fice to­gether, ex­am­ined that Pro­fes­sor Lu Fang makes the [Dawn]'s progress.
Uni­tized con­fig­u­ra­tion de­sign that [Dawn] adopts, as­sem­bly process quite sim­ple. Pro­fes­sor Lu Fang is di­rect­ing the mil­i­tary en­gi­neer who shifts from Rongcheng Mil­i­tary Dis­trict, the cur­rently fast as­sem­bly [Dawn] com­plete ma­chine.
„Pro­fes­sor Lu, as­sem­bly progress how?” Shi Lei ar­rives at the Lu Fang side, in­quired with a smile.

Lu Fang has re­vealed a faint trace con­tented fla­vor, „Lit­tle Shi, the as­sem­bly progress is very grat­i­fy­ing, 10 sets of [Dawn] ac­com­plish 7 sets, the re­main­ing 3 sets after 20 min­utes, then have been ap­prox­i­mately able the ac­com­plish work.”
„That was too good!” The Shi Lei prepa­ra­tion is his [Dawn] 5 sets, moves back to Shuangqing City. Places Lin'an Un­der­ground Base, per­haps will be being been keep­ing think­ing by Rongcheng Mil­i­tary Dis­trict.

In Jan­u­ary 15 af­ter­noon close six o'clock, Shi Lei and Dong Guoguo they, ride mil­i­tary use to trans­port He­li­copter, is bring­ing five small big six metal boxes, re­turns to Shuangqing City Po­lice De­part­ment in Fallen Jade Moun­tain Train­ing Field.

These six metal boxes, the big box thinks of 100 sets of Ar­ti­fi­cial In­tel­li­gence Pros­thetic \; Five rel­a­tively small points boxes, think of five [Dawn].
Fallen Jade Moun­tain Train­ing Field, Shi Lei bor­rowed the Po­lice car­rier ve­hi­cle, ships back Shuanghu Dis­trict Rul­ing Se­cu­rity Com­pany six metal boxes, in the Shu'an Vil­lage train­ing base.
On the road, Shi Lei in Bank, took a 100,000 Yuan cash to give Dong Guoguo, and was the same ac­cord­ing to the com­mit­ment, gave him two days of va­ca­tion. Two days later, Dong Guoguo in­forms Li Yuan vol­un­tar­ily, then in Fallen Jade Moun­tain Train­ing Field, rides He­li­copter to go to Lin'an Un­der­ground Base.

Shi Lei re­turned to Jingya Gar­den, has washed sim­ply, un­ties Num­ber One Server Dy­namic Be­hav­ior Recog­ni­tion En­gine, then voice op­er­ated said: „[Izual], uses ‚Mys­te­ri­ous Game In­sider’ ID, skip­ping con­ceals IP ad­dress, the Signed In Gamer­sky web­site «Brave's World» col­umn.”.


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