Monday, October 30, 2017

432: Secret [Black Hand]?

Li Jian Na­tion FBI Head­quar­ters had ex­plo­sion!
The Shi Lei's brow wrin­kled, this ex­plo­sion is not he plans, had not told that [Izual] does. In this cru­cial phase, the out­break such mat­ter, Shi Lei was wor­ried to dis­rupt his Plan.
How­ever, [Izual] con­tin­ued to trans­mit in­for­ma­tion, mak­ing Shi Lei relax slightly.
‚[Sir], FBI Head­quar­ters ex­plo­sion, some peo­ple an­nounced in net­work shoul­der the re­spon­si­bil­ity, an­nounced that the per­son is [Uriel].’ [Izual] is only Low Grade Pseudo Ar­ti­fi­cial In­tel­li­gence Sys­tem, does not have Human Emo­tion Im­i­ta­tion Mod­ule.

After Shi Lei ex­am­ined the [Izual]'s news, the cor­ners of the mouth flood have wiped the strange happy ex­pres­sion, ‚is an­other pre­tends to be the [Uriel] fel­low? Mat­ter that [Uriel] this fel­low han­dle?’
In any case se­cretly [Black Hand] is not Shi Lei!
‚Does [Izual], trace to an­nounce IP in­for­ma­tion of per­son?’ Shi Lei is trans­mit­ting in­for­ma­tion on cell phone.
‚[Sir], is un­able to trace op­po­site party IP in­for­ma­tion, all chained records of op­po­site party, cleans up very cleanly, has not kept the goes of­fline rope.’ [Izual] ac­cord­ing to the In­for­ma­tion Searcher rule, has adopted IP ad­dress trac­ing to in­for­ma­tion ori­gin, but has not ac­tu­ally ob­tained any use­ful in­for­ma­tion.
In Ad­vanced Ward, Lu Chen looks at Shi Lei con­tin­u­ously in ‚play­ing’ cell phone, she has hit a mean­ing­ful glance to Ouyang Xiang, then sneak­ily walks to­ward Shi Lei.

Al­though Shi Lei has not re­stored the pre­vi­ous life strength, but Lu Chen ap­proaches, Shi Lei feels as be­fore. Re­ceived cell phone, Shi Lei smiles looks at Lu Chen, opens the mouth say­ing: „Does the Lu Chen cousin, what mat­ter have?”
Lu Chen hee hee says with a smile: „Shi Lei Big Bro, were you chat­ting Ah? with whom are beau­ti­ful woman?”
Shi Lei shakes the head hastily, „is not! The mat­ter that works, has not processed.” This ac­tu­ally say a lie, Shi Lei and [Izual]'s talked, in­deed was the mat­ter on work, but was other work.
„Shi Lei Big Bro, since is this, you do dare to show me cell phone?” Ask­ing of Lu Chen un­earthly.

Shi Lei hā hā smiles, „is not good! In my cell phone, may have many com­mer­cial se­cret, how can look to you?”
Ouyang Xiang has stopped de­lib­er­ately cre­at­ing trou­ble of Lu Chen, said to Shi Lei: „Shi Lei, I want to leave the hos­pi­tal.”
„Being out of hos­pi­tal?” Shi Lei by­passes Lu Chen, ar­rives at side Ouyang Xiang, ex­am­ined the Ouyang Xiang sit­u­a­tion, shook the head say­ing: „I and oth­ers ask Doc­tor.”

„No!” Ouyang Xiang rare act­ing like a spoiled brat, but her com­plex­ion rapid one red, shoots a look at Lu Chen that cur­rently very has smiled, then shows the whites of the eyes to Shi Lei, „these Doc­tor nat­u­rally [Hope] I the longer the bet­ter in the hos­pi­tal, they think the pit money!”
Shi Lei says with a smile pale: „They do not dare!”
Shi Lei is Black King that Shuanghu Dis­trict de­serves, Shuanghu First Gen­eral Hos­pi­tal, the pit every­one can­not pit Shi Lei! Oth­er­wise, what Shi Lei are many are method ti­dies up them. Sim­ple med­i­cine. Noisy, then can let the Shuanghu First Gen­eral Hos­pi­tal thor­ough tragedy.
In this med­i­cine. Trou­ble. Re­la­tional tense age, med­i­cine. Noisy. Is one kills greatly.
Ouyang Xiang dis­guises the piti­ful [say / way]: „I have de­layed for two days not to go to go to work, bu­reau in­side has the opin­ion!”

Shi Lei hēi hēi said with a smile: „I give you Bu­reau Chief to tele­phone im­me­di­ately, puts one month of va­ca­tion to you. I be­lieve Elder Brother Bai, a lit­tle face, will give me!”
„You! Re­pug­nant!” Ouyang Xiang dis­con­tented looks at Shi Lei.
Lu Chen at the same time slightly sur­prised looks at the Shi Lei's back, ‚ac­tu­ally this is Shi Lei who? Jinghe Group Boss fears him, hos­pi­tal as­pect also very awes him prob­a­bly, gives him in­clud­ing City Bu­reau Bu­reau Chief the face? Is it pos­si­ble that is the de­scen­dant of some high of­fi­cial?’
„Ouyang, you raise body re­lieved, should not be will­ful, Drug En­force­ment Group that side work, I will give the Elder Brother Bai ex­pla­na­tion.” Shi Lei did not feel re­lieved that was say­ing.

„But I felt that I was good!” The Ouyang Xiang re­but­tal said. In fact, Shi Lei this is cares chaot­i­cally, Ouyang Xiang is only be­cause lost blood to cause the shock stu­por, was not se­ri­ous issue.
After an ar­gu­ment, in ad­di­tion the proof of Doc­tor, Shi Lei fi­nally agreed with the re­quest of Ouyang Xiang being out of hos­pi­tal.
Ouyang Xiang and Lu Chen sit in the Audi A4L back row, Shi Lei drive to re­turn to Jingya Gar­den them, con­cerned about hav­ing Lu Chen, Shi Lei not in Ouyang Xiang there stay, but ex­horts Ouyang Xiang to pay at­ten­tion to rest much.
After re­turn­ing to Build­ing Ten, Shi Lei has un­tied Num­ber One Server Dy­namic Be­hav­ior Recog­ni­tion En­gine, in­ves­ti­gated FBI Head­quar­ters ex­plo­sion through [Izual].

After FBI Head­quar­ters had the ex­plo­sion, the Li Jian Na­tion major media have given the all kinds re­port im­me­di­ately. Li Jian Na­tion Media In­dus­try and Xia Na­tion are com­pletely dif­fer­ent.
Their that side is en­joy­ing a broader opin­ion. Free­dom, even can in News­pa­per and news, pub­lishes the Li Jian Na­tion Pres­i­dent all kinds scan­dal. Nat­u­rally, the scan­dal must be true, will oth­er­wise pos­si­bly be sued to falsely ac­cuse.
At this mo­ment is Xia Na­tion Time in the evening close eight o'clock, is the Li Jian Na­tion New York time, in the morn­ing close eight o'clock. In the well-known «Li Jian Today» morn­ing paper, had the event of ex­plo­sion to FBI Head­quar­ters, has made the de­tailed re­port.
Shi Lei on «Li Jian Today» Of­fi­cial Web­site, is ex­am­in­ing the sit­u­a­tion of re­port.

‚...... This morn­ing 4.13, FBI Head­quar­ters sit­u­ated in Wash­ing­ton D.C., out­break ex­plo­sion. Has the ex­plo­sion the de­tailed place is Cy­ber­crime Unit As­sis­tant Di­rec­tor Of­fice. Cy­ber­crime Unit As­sis­tant Di­rec­tor Bruce Camp­bell, as a re­sult of the cur­rently cof­fee gate pulse cof­fee, es­caped by luck, and does not have other per­son­nel ca­su­al­ties.’

‚...... Ac­cord­ing to news­pa­per Re­porter in­ves­ti­gate, has the rea­son of ex­plo­sion is the in­te­rior ven­ti­lates Sys­tem, was de­liv­ered plas­tic Bomb. The might of ex­plo­sion, en­tire Cy­ber­crime Unit As­sis­tant Di­rec­tor Of­fice, makes shitty mess. Es­ti­mated ac­cord­ing to FBI ex­plo­sion Spe­cial­ist, if ex­plodes time, there is per­son­nel in As­sis­tant Di­rec­tor Of­fice, is un­able to es­cape death by a hair's breadth ba­si­cally.’

‚...... Up to now, FBI has sent out to post a re­ward the com­mand of­fi­cially, any pro­vides the ex­plo­sion clue per­son­nel, will ob­tain the rich re­ward, and FBI to pro­vide the per­son­nel strict se­cu­rity of clue. Wel­come any in­sider, is FBI pro­vides the re­li­able clue mes­sage.’

‚...... After the FBI Head­quar­ters ex­plo­sion in­ves­ti­gates a law case, well-known com­mer­cial web­site was in­vaded by Hacker, this Hacker an­nounced that is re­spon­si­ble for the FBI ex­plo­sion, and has re­vealed iden­tity. Be­fore but ac­tu­ally is, de­stroyed 18 web­site [Uriel], cur­rently did not have the con­clu­sion.’

Shi Lei is ex­am­in­ing on «Li Jian Today» Of­fi­cial Web­site, after FBI Head­quar­ters ex­plodes the scene sit­u­a­tion, through the image of pic­ture, Shi Lei is an­a­lyz­ing rapidly.
‚C4 plas­tic Bomb! No won­der can pass Safety De­tec­tion Sys­tem of FBI ven­ti­lat­ing duct!’ Shi Lei is not Bomb Spe­cial­ist, but the ex­pe­ri­ence of pre­vi­ous life, mak­ing Shi Lei also quite have the un­der­stand­ing to Bomb.
C4 plas­tic Bomb not spe­cial fla­vor, is un­able to use the metal de­tec­tor to dis­cover, even has not passed through search­ing for of spe­cial­ized train­ing to ex­plode the dog un­able to smell. Al­though the C4 plas­tic Bomb might is very pow­er­ful, but ac­tu­ally Safety, even though uses the pis­tol per­pen­dic­u­lar in­ci­dence, will not ex­plode, but can only det­o­nate with det­o­na­tor.

There­fore, feeds in FBI through ven­ti­lat­ing duct C4, does not need to be wor­ried to have any ac­ci­dent in the mid­way.
‚In the Of­fice ex­plo­sion of [Uriel], but [Uriel] just es­caped. If this mat­ter and [Uriel] have not re­lated, kills me not to be­lieve!’ In the Shi Lei heart sneers se­cretly.
With a brain thinks slightly can un­der­stand, if must kill [Uriel], why mid­night around 4 : 00 am det­o­na­tions? Only needs to use the anony­mous tele­phone, makes a phone call to go to Cy­ber­crime Unit As­sis­tant Di­rec­tor Of­fice, then can con­firmed [Uriel] whether in Of­fice.

After con­firmed, det­o­nates Bomb, ac­cord­ing to the C4 plas­tic Bomb might, [Uriel] does not die must be­come the veg­etable!
After Shi Lei has cleared off the men­tal­ity, the chief in­sti­ga­tor who sus­pects this ex­plo­sion, has the pos­si­bil­ity ex­actly as stated [Uriel] part­ner ex­tremely, was in ca­hoots [Uriel] to com­mit a crime to­gether, in­creases the rid­dle of case.
Ac­cord­ing to the cur­rent sit­u­a­tion, jumps over dis­or­der to jump over Safety to [Uriel].
Shi Lei has to think, ex­poses [Uriel] di­rectly is the FBI Cy­ber­crime Unit As­sis­tant Di­rec­tor mat­ter. What iden­tity but does Shi Lei by ex­pose him?
Ex­poses on own ini­tia­tive, in­stead to the lit­tle clue, not hav­ing made FBI look up to have the ef­fect.

Some­times hu­man­ity rather be­lieves happy rumor, will not be­lieve the bru­tal truth.
„[Izual], sus­pends the map sim­u­lat­ing Task, ac­ti­vates Zom­bie Net­work, we pre­pare to work!” Shi Lei is bring­ing one share ex­cited [say / way].
Since [Uriel] has given the re­sponse, that Shi Lei does not give him to be lit­tle, was too rather sense­less a point?
„[Sir], the map sim­u­lates Task to stop, Zom­bie Net­work ac­ti­vates ac­com­plish, waited for that fur­ther or­ders.” Be­cause [Izual] has au­thor­ity to use Su­per­com­puter [Swal­low], processes the Task speed to be quick.

„[Izual], at­tacks Wash­ing­ton D.C. com­mer­cial elec­tron ad Sys­tem fully, the [Uriel] rep­re­sen­ta­tive pic­ture, demon­strates in elec­tronic ad Sys­tem, and in ad­di­tion: ‚FBI pros­ti­tute. Re­leases [Raphael], oth­er­wise con­se­quence is proud! [Uriel]’ this line of char­ac­ters!” Shi Lei sin­is­ter in­struc­tion.

Threat­ens Li Jian Na­tion and FBI in­for­ma­tion, sends in net­work, the in­flu­ence not to be per­haps big. If this news, through elec­tronic ad Sys­tem, demon­strates in en­tire Wash­ing­ton D.C. elec­tronic bill­board, the in­flu­ence that then cre­ates, will be a part in the Re­al­ity life!
Pride of Li Jian Na­tion, in­te­grated in most Li Jian Na­tion cit­i­zens, fac­ing the threat of Hacker, the Li Jian Na­tion cit­i­zen will be very ab­solutely angry.
With the aid of these proud cit­i­zens, [Uriel] and FBI con­tra­dic­tion will ex­pand con­tin­u­ally, Shi Lei does not be­lieve that could not have ti­died up [Uriel]!
„[Sir], com­mer­cial elec­tron ad Sys­tem, in cur­rently at­tack, opened in­stead traces the IP shield.” [Izual] is re­port­ing the sit­u­a­tion.

Shi Lei on the key­board, both hands knocks keys, is dif­fer­ent to [Izual]'s tar­get, Shi Lei cur­rently at­tacks FBI Of­fi­cial Web­site.
FBI Of­fi­cial Web­site, the Safety pro­tec­tion is not strict, Shi Lei do not at­tack FBI In­ter­nal Net­work, he wants in FBI Of­fi­cial Web­site, mod­ify lit­tle in­for­ma­tion


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