Tuesday, October 31, 2017

445: final trial, congratulates to be promoted

in­for­ma­tion re­trieve is one type pro­ce­dure that is sim­i­lar to Search En­gine, but in­for­ma­tion re­trieve only ac­cord­ing to rule of Shi Lei set­ting, key words in­for­ma­tion of re­trieve cor­re­spon­dence.
[Izual] is con­trol­ling in­for­ma­tion re­trieve, adopts the nor­mal in­for­ma­tion ac­cess method in net­work, screens in­for­ma­tion in rule cor­re­spon­dence.
„Sir, Li Jian Na­tion had is­sued in­for­ma­tion about [Raphael], ex­am­ines?” The [Izual]'s sound, re­sounds in the Wire­less ear­phone.
Shi Lei nod­ded, [Izual] through high-de­f­i­n­i­tion cam­era, uses Dy­namic Be­hav­ior Recog­ni­tion En­gine, the move­ment of de­ter­mine Shi Lei nod, then on Mon­i­tor, demon­strated in­for­ma­tion that Li Jian Na­tion re­trieve ar­rives.
The «Li Jian Today» evening re­ported that an­nounced the Li Jian Na­tion Wash­ing­ton D.C. procu­ra­torate, an­nounced to the [Raphael] final trial re­sult.
The en­tire trial process, has con­tin­ued for three hours, passed through Judge to rec­og­nize with the jury con­sis­tently that [Raphael] se­verely im­paired Li Jian Na­tion Cyber Se­cu­rity, de­ter­mine to guilty!
The Wash­ing­ton D.C. procu­ra­torate, is sen­tenced to the [Raphael] set term of im­pris­on­ment 12 years, dur­ing serv­ing a prison sen­tence, for­bids [Raphael] to con­tact any Elec­tronic Equip­ment, grasps com­puter, to grasp the Mo­bile Com­mu­ni­ca­tions equip­ment in­clud­ing com­puter, even is the radio does not per­mit the con­tact.
[Raphael] de­ten­tion lo­ca­tion, is a se­cret prison, the sub­urb sit­u­ated in New Jer­sey state, was not known by the pop­u­lace.
Shi Lei looks at [Raphael] trial re­sult news, the cor­ners of the mouth re­veals has wiped the happy curve.
Pre­tended to be a [Uriel] such rest­less­ness after him, the op­por­tu­nity that [Raphael] has not dumped tray fi­nally Right?
How­ever, is re­ally this?
At noon on Jan­u­ary 19, Shi Lei put out the tele­phone close, the dial gives Zhou Cheng. The tele­phone was put through quickly, the Zhou Cheng sound, was passed from the tele­phone re­ceiver.
„Does Boss, what mat­ter have?” Zhou Cheng cur­rently trains Rul­ing Se­cu­rity Com­pany mem­ber, for Shi Lei that ‚im­por­tant Task’, Rul­ing Se­cu­rity Com­pany mem­ber, the train­ing that goes all out com­pletely.
After all Shi Lei ini­tially said that only al­lows Squadron to par­tic­i­pate, Squadron that par­tic­i­pates, each mem­ber can re­ceive the 150,000 bonus, but Cap­tain Level can re­ceive 200,000 bonuses!
Only needs im­ple­ment Task, the bonus that re­ceives then can pur­chase one set of not small area house in Shuanghu Dis­trict, this ab­solutely is a huge en­tice­ment.
„Zhou Cheng, bring­ing two Squadron to come im­ple­ment Task. That side the Shu'an Vil­lage train­ing base, gives Li Zifeng Su­per­vi­sor tem­porar­ily, mak­ing sev­eral Lit­tle Cap­tain co­op­er­ate the con­trol. Liu Dazhuang comes with you to­gether, his Squadron is good!” Shi Lei told in the tele­phone.
„Un­der­stood, Boss!” Zhou Cheng has not in­quired con­crete Task, waits a while Shi Lei also to tell him in any case.
„Now comes, I in Jingya Gar­den , etc. you!” Shi Lei said, has hung up tele­phone, then looked in the re­frig­er­a­tor has eaten, has dealt with the lunch re­luc­tantly.
About after a half hour, Zhou Cheng is bring­ing Liu Dazhuang First Squadron and Wei Liang Sec­ond Squadron, Wei Liang is Ermao, is loyal to one of the Shi Lei's hood­lum first.
First Squadron and Sec­ond Squadron mem­ber, is very high to the Rul­ing Se­cu­rity Com­pany loy­alty.
Shi Lei sits on the sofa of liv­ing room, points at four [Dawn] say­ing: „Zhou Cheng, Dazhuang, Wei Liang, your Task these four [Dawn], de­liver to go out from the west broad province, de­liv­ers to the Nanyue Na­tion bor­der. Left the west­ern broad province, nat­u­rally some per­son and your con­tact. Zhou Cheng, you un­der­stand that Right?” Shi Lei said de­sir­ably, re­minded Zhou Cheng.
Zhou Cheng slightly one star­tled, af­ter­ward has thought Ye Feng and the oth­ers, he layer on layer nods, „Boss, I un­der­stood!”
„Èn! was right, Zhou Cheng, in this USB, is con­tain­ing very im­por­tant Tech­ni­cal In­for­ma­tion, you are bring­ing per­son­ally, then gives Ye Feng face to face, un­der­stood Right?” Shi Lei smil­ingly took a fast look around, dis­cov­ered that Liu Dazhuang and the oth­ers, look the doubts the ex­pres­sion, there­fore poised and calm said Ye Feng.
After all Liu Dazhuang they to Rul­ing Se­cu­rity Com­pany and Shi Lei's loy­alty, are con­sid­ered as on are loyal and de­voted, does not need to hide the truth from them.
In Liu Dazhuang heart one star­tled, said se­cretly: ‚Re­ally is Ye Feng they! It seems like Boss ex­ter­nally, there is a con­sid­er­ably large in­flu­ence!’
The Wei Liang com­plex­ion is quite ac­tu­ally or­di­nary, even some happy, Shi Lei is more for­mi­da­ble, they mix with Shi Lei, is that also ad­van­tage many?
„Boss please feel re­lieved that I per­son­ally give cer­tainly A'Feng, will not have any ac­ci­dent!” Zhou Cheng was say­ing se­ri­ously.
Shi Lei looks to Liu Dazhuang and Wei Liang, the ex­pres­sion said se­ri­ously: „Dazhuang, Wei Liang, you, the at­ten­tion pro­tects good Mil­i­tary In­struc­tor Zhou, my [Hope] does not have any ac­ci­dent!”
Liu Dazhuang and Wei Liang make to pledge hastily: „Boss please feel re­lieved that Mil­i­tary In­struc­tor Zhou, is the USB, will not pre­sent any issue ab­solutely!”
Shi Lei is point­ing on the tea table, a paper takes the bag, said to Zhou Cheng: „Zhou Cheng, in­side has the Hun­dred-thou­sand block, that side the out­let pipe card, can spend money to dredge, that open­ing. Re­ally is not good, then con­tact Ye Feng they, let them get rid to help! Down­stairs are stop­ping that freight ve­hi­cle, I have paid the rent, the key in the purse, ships [Dawn] to go to the west­ern broad province bor­der with it. Com­pany Jin­bei Car also goes, pre­pares ab­solutely safe. Good, bring­ing [Dawn] to walk!”
Shi Lei waved, hints Zhou Cheng and Liu Dazhuang and the oth­ers left.
Four [Dawn] al­to­gether have trans­ported two, loads in seal­ing the freight ve­hi­cle of pack­ing con­tainer, by Liu Dazhuang Squadron, is called mem­ber dri­ving of Lin Jian.
Lin Jian has the dri­ver's li­cense, more­over dri­ves the li­cense of freight ve­hi­cle, saved Zhou Cheng to go on stage per­son­ally.
Zhou Cheng sits in the copi­lot of freight ve­hi­cle, Liu Dazhuang and Wei Liang sits in Jin­bei Car, Jin­bei Car ad­vances, leads the way in front, the freight ve­hi­cle ac­com­pa­nies in be­hind, two car(riage)s one after the other dri­ves to the west­ern broad province.
This trav­el­ing sched­ule, big date spends 45 days, in the Shi Lei heart prays se­cretly to­gether smoothly.
2 : 30 pm, Shi Lei is dri­ving Audi A4L, hur­ries to Emer­ald Lake Build­ing.
Today is on Fri­day, Shi Lei had for­got­ten how long has not gone to the school to at­tend class, but Li Zhiyue, is the Shuangqing Uni­ver­sity school au­thor­i­ties, has not urged Shi Lei's opin­ion.
After all Shi Lei be­came the Shuangqing Uni­ver­sity Celebrity stu­dent, is the pride of Shuangqing Uni­ver­sity, re­gard­less of he does at­tend class, Shuangqing Uni­ver­sity will give him the grad­u­a­tion cer­tifi­cate.
If the Shi Lei such suc­cess­ful stu­dent, has not ob­tained the grad­u­a­tion cer­tifi­cate, that isn't the com­edy?
Ar­rived at Emer­ald Lake Build­ing, Shi Lei first went to Im­mor­tal Pic­ture Com­pany, in Gen­eral Man­ager Of­fice, had found Mu Shuang. Be­cause Shi Lei has not knocked on a door, di­rectly en­tered Gen­eral Man­ager Of­fice, had a scare Mu Shuang.
In Im­mor­tal Pic­ture Com­pany Gen­eral Man­ager Of­fice, Mu Shuang stared Shi Lei ma­li­ciously, light snort said: „Shi Lei, how don't you knock on a door?”
Shi Lei hēi hēi smiled one, the ex­pres­sion was bring­ing a friv­o­lity, „that was be­cause, I want to take a look, were you doing!”
„You!” Mu Shuang stares Shi Lei, the ex­pres­sion slightly is re­veal­ing pissed.
„Good, Mu Shuang, asks you to have the proper busi­ness today.” Shi Lei beck­oned with the hand, hints it­self just to crack a joke.
Mu Shuang im­me­di­ately has not ac­tu­ally calmed down, but is the ex­pres­sion chilly [say / way]: „What proper busi­ness is? Your this Dis­patched Su­per­vi­sor is ac­tu­ally leisurely and care­free, has any mat­ter to know that di­rects me to do, your day knows that plays!”
Shi Lei smiled bit­terly, griev­ance has asked for re­dress say­ing: „Mu Shuang, my where one day knows that plays! Right, Mu Shuang, told you a good news.” Shi Lei changes the topic to say in­ten­tion­ally.
„What good news?” Mu Shuang slightly a lit­tle cu­ri­ous ask­ing.
„That side Mir­ror Sci­ence and Tech­nol­ogy Par­ent Com­pany has spread news, you have been pro­moted, is pro­moted to you for Mir­ror Sci­ence and Tech­nol­ogy Xia Na­tion Re­gion Deputy Gen­eral Man­ager, Su­per­vi­sor Im­mor­tal Pic­ture Com­pany and Yumo Med­ical and Fan­tasy Sci­ence and Tech­nol­ogy, as well as Dream En­ter­tain­ment. Also in other words, you now ple­nary pow­ers Su­per­vi­sor Mir­ror Sci­ence and Tech­nol­ogy, in Xia Na­tion Re­gion all Com­pany. What kind, this is good news Right?” smil­ing of Shi Lei pleased.
In fact, the Mu Shuang cur­rent work al­most so, sev­eral Com­pany busi­ness, ba­si­cally com­pletely are Mu Shuang is also man­ag­ing.
Mu Shuang faint smile looks at Shi Lei, „oh? Is this Par­ent Com­pany high-level de­ci­sion?”
Shi Lei braces one­self the nod, „right, this is the Mir­ror Sci­ence and Tech­nol­ogy Par­ent Com­pany high-level de­ci­sion.”
„How many should my yearly salary be?” Mu Shuang looks at Shi Lei, has shown a smile.
„I re­mem­ber that should be 1 Mil­lion Xia Na­tion Yuan one year, re­cent two days of Par­ent Com­pany will trans­mit Email to come, the spe­cific sit­u­a­tion you look!” Shi Lei has pushed the eye­glasses on bridge of the nose, nearly must say in­ad­ver­tently.
Mu Shuang hee has smiled mak­ing noise, „that was re­ally thanks the Mir­ror Sci­ence and Tech­nol­ogy Par­ent Com­pany high level!” She said this say­ing time, the look is ac­tu­ally star­ing at Shi Lei's, mak­ing Shi Lei one feel weak.
„hā hā hā, Mu Shuang, con­grat­u­lated you to be pro­moted!” Shi Lei re­sponded to one care­lessly, has not pestered in Mir­ror Sci­ence and Tech­nol­ogy high-level issue.
Mu Shuang has com­plied with one, then said with a smile lightly: „I have been pro­moted, your this should Dis­patched Su­per­vi­sor, lis­ten to my in­struc­tion?”
Shi Lei ac­tu­ally shook the head, beauty that „you think! Mu Shuang, after the ap­pre­ci­a­tion, a First mat­ter YuMo Med­ical Lim­ited Com­pany, as well as the Fan­tasy Sci­ence and Tech­nol­ogy Com­pany basic frame­work builds, the busi­ness lo­ca­tion chooses as in Emer­ald Lake Build­ing, chat­ted with the Emer­ald Lake Build­ing prop­erty side, let them ten build­ing above floors, rented to us com­pletely.”
Mu Shuang knit the brows, „per­haps Shi Lei, this is un­likely! 11, 12 and 13 Com­pany quan­ti­ties are quite many, is not quite easy to out­mi­grate. If Yumo Med­ical and Fan­tasy Sci­ence and Tech­nol­ogy, need quite spa­cious work lo­ca­tion, we can choose Emer­ald Lake op­po­site Emer­ald Build­ing. Emer­ald Build­ing will prob­a­bly fin­ish next month, al­to­gether 38 are, com­pared with our Emer­ald Lake Build­ing Yao Hong­wei, well below de­cides Yumo Med­ical and Fan­tasy Sci­ence and Tech­nol­ogy in that side?”
Op­po­site of Emer­ald Build­ing sit­u­ated in Emer­ald Lake Build­ing, is build­ing work Large Build­ing, but cur­rently speak­ing, Emer­ald Build­ing nearby com­mer­cial at­mos­phere, but also can­not com­pare Emer­ald Lake Build­ing.
After a Mu Shuang such say­ing, the Shi Lei also re­ally dessert moved. But Dream En­ter­tain­ment and Im­mor­tal Pic­ture Com­pany here, Yumo Med­ical and Fan­tasy Sci­ence and Tech­nol­ogy in an­other side, let the feel­ing that Shi Lei is a lit­tle not feel­ing well slightly.
‚Might as well Dream En­ter­tain­ment and Im­mor­tal Pic­ture Com­pany, mi­grate to­gether?’ In the Shi Lei heart is pon­der­ing this pos­si­bil­ity se­cretly strongly, sub­or­di­nate Com­pany in the same place, more con­ve­nient man­age­ment, more­over more con­ve­nient re­source in­te­gra­tion.
„Mu Shuang, that side Emer­ald Build­ing, how many are the cur­rent rent price?” Shi Lei had con­sid­ered, in­quired.


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