Monday, October 30, 2017

426: ……

Su­per­com­puter [Thun­der], in No­vem­ber, World Top 500 Su­per­com­puter Ranked of 2006, rank Nine­teenth. The es­ti­mated per­for­mance has achieved 19.9 TFLop /s, the equiv­a­lent to Su­per­com­puter [Swal­low] 42 per­for­mance.
From per­for­mance as­pect, Su­per­com­puter [Thun­der] has also missed a point, after all its Safety trans­fer com­pu­ta­tion load is only 45 TFLop /s merely, might as well Dream En­ter­tain­ment own Su­per­com­puter.
Ini­tially, Shi Lei and [Raphael] to war, the ex­cess trans­ferred the Su­per­com­puter [Swal­low] 20 TFLop /s re­sources, has de­feated Su­per­com­puter [Thun­der] thor­oughly. Also that time, Su­per­com­puter [Thun­der] se­cret, ac­ci­den­tally was held by mys­te­ri­ous [CPX­Jazz], thus has cre­ated the [Raphael] tragedy.

There­fore , the ex­cess uses Su­per­com­puter com­put­ing re­sources, ab­solutely is a ten points Dan­ger mat­ter.
Solely an­a­lyzes from the per­for­mance, Shi Lei chooses Su­per­com­puter [Thun­der], is not the good choice. With the aid of the Su­per­com­puter [Swal­low] Out­stand­ing per­for­mance, Shi Lei can def­i­nitely choose more pow­er­ful Su­per­com­puter to take tar­get.
For ex­am­ple in No­vem­ber, 2006 Su­per­com­puter Ranked World­wide Third [BGW], this is the IBM Com­pany Thomas Wat­son Re­search Cen­ter main com­puter. The es­ti­mated per­for­mance has achieved 91.3 TFLop /s, is al­most the Su­per­com­puter [Swal­low] two times of per­for­mance!

Al­though en­ters [BGW] black, and con­trols it, dif­fi­culty very huge. But re­gard­ing Shi Lei, is not can­not the ac­com­plish mat­ter.
How­ever, Shi Lei has cho­sen Su­per­com­puter [Thun­der]!
Be­cause of Su­per­com­puter [Thun­der], for­merly be­longs to [Raphael], can be used well makes an issue!
In front of Num­ber One Server, Shi Lei's both hands ten fin­gers, fast is beat­ing on the key­board, or­ders send out from Num­ber One Server.

Mean­while, Shi Lei still in Voice Com­mand [Izual], „[Izual], mon­i­tors Su­per­com­puter [Thun­der] all ac­tiv­ity, dis­cov­ered that has the change of any ab­nor­mal, im­me­di­ately re­minds me!”
„[Sir], is un­able im­ple­ment this fuzzy order, please in de­tail to de­fine the ab­nor­mal mo­bil­ity scale.” [Izual] even­tu­ally is only Low Grade Pseudo Ar­ti­fi­cial In­tel­li­gence, re­gard­ing the order of fuzzy, is un­able the util­ity pro­gram to de­fine the un­der­stand­ing.
The Shi Lei de­pressed use voice, is [Izual] was de­ter­min­ing ‚ab­nor­mal change’ the range, „[Izual], mon­i­tors the Su­per­com­puter [Thun­der] es­ti­mated per­for­mance oc­cu­pancy sit­u­a­tion, is sim­i­lar to ap­pears cal­cu­lates data oc­cu­pancy to in­crease sud­denly, the value sur­passes 20, im­me­di­ately re­ports to the po­lice \; Mon­i­tors the Su­per­com­puter [Thun­der] in­ter­net con­nec­tion sit­u­a­tion, if dis­cov­ered that the data emerg­ing quan­tity ex­ceeds the band­width total quan­tity 80, im­me­di­ately gives the warn­ing \; Mon­i­tors Sys­tem Data Flow, once there is a pro­ce­dure to pry us, im­me­di­ately trans­mits de­ceives in­for­ma­tion, and gives the warn­ing!”
„[Sir], the order ac­cepts!” Had clar­i­fi­ca­tion pro­ce­dure con­di­tion re­stric­tion(s), [Izual] ac­cepted the order im­me­di­ately.
Has [Izual] to help Shi Lei mon­i­tor the Su­per­com­puter [Thun­der] sit­u­a­tion, Shi Lei can wholly-ab­sorbed in­va­sion Su­per­com­puter [Thun­der], an­a­lyzes Su­per­com­puter [Thun­der] Sys­tem struc­ture.

Su­per­com­puter Op­er­at­ing Sys­tem, over­whelm­ing ma­jori­ties have used closed Sys­tem. Closed Sys­tem is help­ful to pro­tect­ing Su­per­com­puter Safety, re­duces by the prob­a­bil­ity of Hacker in­va­sion.
At least, is not most Top Hacker, re­gard­ing closed Sys­tem, ba­si­cally is at a loss. But Shi Lei ex­actly is most Top Hacker!
Shi Lei is an­a­lyz­ing Su­per­com­puter [Thun­der] Sys­tem struc­ture, is seek­ing for Sys­tem flaw. Sys­tem of even though in­su­late the or­ga­ni­za­tional man­age­ment sys­tem, it as be­fore is Com­puter Sys­tem, has Sys­tem Flaw.
In is smelling of World Sum­mit Grade Hacker searches, Su­per­com­puter [Thun­der] Sys­tem Flaw, grad­u­ally by the Shi Lei 11 dis­cov­er­ies. Sys­tem Flaw that but at pre­sent dis­cov­ers, is some im­ma­te­r­ial low harms flaw com­pletely, wants to enter the Sys­tem Core Au­thor­ity group, too waste time.

This so-called waste time, is very likely takes sev­eral days, even is sev­eral days. Shi Lei that many time waste, he does not need to give a For­eign Min­istry In­ter­na­tional In­tel­li­gence Agency les­son as soon as pos­si­ble, but must look for a mat­ter to do to them!
„[Sir], Sys­tem com­put­ing re­sources pro­moted to 74 oc­cu­pan­cies.” [Izual] sends out the prompt, just sys­tem re­sources took the de­gree to have 51 merely, sud­denly pro­moted 23 oc­cu­pan­cies.

Su­per­com­puter [Thun­der], sub­or­di­nates in Li Jian Na­tion Lawrence Liv­er­more Na­tional Lab­o­ra­tory, this Lab­o­ra­tory is one to syn­the­size Lab­o­ra­tory, mainly stud­ies Life Sci­ence and health, Safety and Power Source, the re­sources and en­vi­ron­ment, the com­pu­ta­tion, chem­istry, ma­te­r­ial wait / etc..
As syn­thetic study Lab­o­ra­tory, data that they need to cal­cu­late are many, Su­per­com­puter [Thun­der] work Task is very ar­du­ous.
Shi Lei has not paid at­ten­tion to the prompt , to con­tinue to search for Su­per­com­puter [Thun­der] Sys­tem Flaw.
„[Sir], Sys­tem com­put­ing re­sources pro­moted to 97 oc­cu­pan­cies, Sys­tem close limit op­er­ates!” [Izual] sends out the prompt once more. Su­per­com­puter [Thun­der] com­pu­ta­tion Task, re­ally ten points. No won­der ini­tially Shi Lei and [Raphael] to war, Lafuge will ex­pose Su­per­com­puter [Thun­der].
cur­rently smells to search Sys­tem Flaw Shi Lei, sud­denly has dis­cov­ered strange Sys­tem Flaw!

Shi Lei fast in­spec­tion this flaw sit­u­a­tion, after a com­pu­ta­tion, dis­cov­ered that pro­duc­tion of this flaw, un­ex­pect­edly is Sys­tem se­verely im­pairs flaw. Be­cause after Sys­tem com­put­ing re­sources oc­cu­pancy searched 95, but tem­porar­ily pro­duces se­verely im­pairs Sys­tem Flaw.
Through this flaw, Shi Lei di­rectly en­ters the au­thor­ity group, and ob­tains part of au­thor­ity. After ob­tain­ing part of au­thor­ity of au­thor­ity group, Shi Lei in the au­thor­ity group, car­ries on the mem­ber list of re­trieve en­tire au­thor­ity group im­me­di­ately.
The Su­per­com­puter [Thun­der] au­thor­ity group list are many, Shi Lei is only re­trieve, ex­am­ined whether has au­thor­ity user of hide­away, does not plan to carry on any change.
The process of re­trieve au­thor­ity group list is very smooth, under Shi Lei op­er­a­tion cau­tiously, has not trig­gered any warn­ing es­tab­lish­ment. En­tire au­thor­ity group has nu­mer­ous B-Class and C level and D level au­thor­ity ac­count, above also has few * the level au­thor­ity ac­count with three S-Class au­thor­ity ac­counts, SA Super Admin ac­count that as well as was hid­den.

In Or­di­nary sit­u­a­tion, in­clud­ing the S-Class au­thor­ity ac­count, can­not look up the SA Super Admin ac­count, Shi Lei has re­sorted to the spe­cial method, can look up the SA Super Admin ac­count in­for­ma­tion.
When in­quired SA Super Admin in­for­ma­tion, Shi Lei al­to­gether has shielded three trig­gers, if changed tech­ni­cal poor per­son to come a slightly, ab­solutely by per­cus­sion alarm.
Looked up SA Super Admin in­for­ma­tion, Shi Lei this time has not adopted the whole to change the pro­ce­dure of au­thor­ity group. After all the whole changes the pro­ce­dure of au­thor­ity group to be very trou­ble­some, but also needs to an­a­lyze Su­per­com­puter [Thun­der] Op­er­at­ing Sys­tem com­pletely. This is not a sim­ple mat­ter, an­a­lyzes a Su­per­com­puter in­su­late the or­ga­ni­za­tional man­age­ment sys­tem Op­er­at­ing Sys­tem fur­ther in­for­ma­tion, needs a long time.

Shi Lei does not want to grasp Su­per­com­puter [Thun­der] for a long time, but is plans to bor­row Su­per­com­puter [Thun­der], han­dles the un­har­mo­nious mat­ter, but the short time has.
There­fore, Shi Lei has not changed in­clud­ing the sit­u­a­tion of au­thor­ity group, through au­thor­ity group in­ter­nal flaw, ob­tained the Su­per­com­puter [Thun­der] SA Super Admin ac­count pass­word di­rectly.
Also in other words, Shi Lei bor­rowed the ac­count pass­word, but has not es­tab­lished an ac­count pass­word for one­self. Said sim­ply that equiv­a­lent to Shi Lei has robbed the num­ber, can use the SA Super Admin ac­count num­ber that robs, uti­lizes Su­per­com­puter [Thun­der] all re­sources.

Ob­tained the SA Super Admin ac­count num­ber pass­word, Shi Lei first ex­am­ined the ac­cu­racy of an ac­count num­ber and pass­word, had de­ter­mined after ac­count num­ber avail­able, Shi Lei used SA Super Admin au­thor­ity im­me­di­ately, started the es­tab­lish­ment of mod­ify Su­per­com­puter [Thun­der], as well as in­for­ma­tion of SA Super Admin ac­count num­ber.
All by mod­ify in­for­ma­tion, was all hid­den under orig­i­nal in­for­ma­tion, if not in­spect thor­oughly, will not dis­cover Shi Lei's mod­ify.
After all es­tab­lish­ment mod­ify fin­ished, Shi Lei man­ual is clean­ing up the all kinds trace, and Voice Com­mand said: „[Izual], cleans up in­va­sion trace aux­il­iary.”
„[Sir], in cur­rently rea­son, please wait a mo­ment.” The speed of [Izual] pro­cess­ing clean­ing up trace, has been far in ex­cess of the Shi Lei's speed. The short 78 sec­onds, [Izual] has then sent out the prompt: „[Sir], the trace cleans up!”
The in­spec­tion that Shi Lei does not feel re­lieved, had dis­cov­ered that [Izual] is pro­cess­ing all kinds trace as­pect, does is wa­ter­tight, sim­ply does not have issue that any leaves be­hind!

So long as does not have hard­ware to pro­tect, [Izual] then can clean up all in­va­sion traces. even though has the hard­ware pro­tec­tion, [Izual] will also send out the prompt.
The Su­per­com­puter [Thun­der] in­va­sion trace cleans up, Shi Lei with­drew from Su­per­com­puter [Thun­der]. At this mo­ment could not have used Su­per­com­puter [Thun­der], the in­terim re­lease it, cuts the dis­cov­ered prob­a­bil­ity.
Looked at the com­puter screen right bot­tom time, ap­proached 12 o'clock, early to­mor­row morn­ing must go to that side Ouyang Xiang, Shi Lei has es­tab­lished an alarm clock, washed one then in a hurry to sleep.

Sec­ond Heav­ens (next day) very early in the morn­ing, Shi Lei get­ting out of bed early, is bring­ing the break­fast of nu­tri­tion, went to that side Ouyang Xiang, looks after Ouyang Xiang to have the break­fast.
Around 9 : 00 am, Shi Lei was ac­com­pa­ny­ing Ouyang Xiang, the Bai Qiang tele­phone has been hit­ting. The forced smile of Shi Lei to Ouyang Xiang apol­ogy, then con­nects the call.
„Buddy Shi, you now where?” Bai Qiang an in­quiry said first.
„I in Shuanghu Dis­trict.” In the Shi Lei heart guessed se­cretly that is it pos­si­ble that is the AIP Ar­ti­fi­cial In­tel­li­gence Pros­thetic mat­ter?
Sure enough, the Bai Qiang hol­low laugh two, then said: „Buddy Shi, the Ar­ti­fi­cial In­tel­li­gence Pros­thetic mat­ter, pre­pared Right?”

„En, pre­pared! Where do we meet?” Shi Lei yes­ter­day in the evening, when that side Shu'an Vil­lage, then took one set of thigh Knee Sec­tion Ver­sion Ar­ti­fi­cial In­tel­li­gence Pros­thetic, places in Audi A4L trunk.
„Buddy Shi, you drive im­me­di­ately Beiyu Dis­trict! We in Beiyu Dis­trict Tianyue Hotel , etc. you.” Tianyue Hotel is Beiyu Dis­trict well-known 5★ Guest­house, has very per­fect fa­cil­ity, as well as lux­u­ri­ous hard­ware dis­po­si­tion.
„Now?” Shi Lei some are not glad was ask­ing, if he went to Beiyu Dis­trict now, Ouyang Xiang def­i­nitely no­body looked, that noon what to do?.


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