Friday, October 27, 2017

384: Very big probability draws a prize-winning ticket

The Robot Plan branch, the Metal Ex­oskele­ton tech­nol­ogy, in Wo Sang Na­tion For­eign Min­istry In­ter­na­tional In­tel­li­gence Agency, in ex­clu­sive Un­der­ground re­search in­sti­tute, had been stud­ied for over five years.

The con­fig­u­ra­tion de­sign of Metal Ex­oskele­ton, early passed through the in­nu­mer­able po­ten­cies. If can through in­creas­ing the Metal Ex­oskele­ton vol­ume, solves se­ries issue, then For­eign Min­istry In­ter­na­tional In­tel­li­gence Agency sub­or­di­nate re­search in­sti­tute Spe­cial­ist, is an idiot?

In the Metal Ex­oskele­ton tech­nol­ogy file, sup­ple­ments is in­creas­ing the vol­ume plan the fail­ure de­tails.
In­creases the vol­ume plan the most First Year dif­fi­cult prob­lem, in­crease of ex­actly as stated com­plete ma­chine qual­ity!
The Metal Ex­oskele­ton ear­lier ma­chine weight, in the orig­i­nal de­sign com­pared with Robot Plan, was slightly lighter, this is be­cause of the com­plete ma­chine ex­oskele­ton frame, as well as de­fense armor, has adopted com­pletely lat­est se­cu­rity High-tech ma­te­r­ial.

But even though this, Metal Ex­oskele­ton ear­lier ma­chine in the full oil con­di­tion, the gross weight has also achieved 550.25 kg. If there is added on two ex­ter­nal parts, is Alloy Heavy Sword and Alloy Shield, then the gross weight will achieve 1060.25 kg.
If con­tin­ues to in­crease the Metal Ex­oskele­ton vol­ume, then the Metal Ex­oskele­ton qual­ity, will greatly im­prove. In­crease in qual­ity, ab­solutely is huge issue.

First, after the qual­ity in­creases, re­gard­ing the power sup­ply is a bur­den. Own qual­ity is big­ger, the power sup­ply that must take are more.
Next, in­crease of qual­ity will also af­fect the Metal Ex­oskele­ton ma­neu­ver­ing force, es­pe­cially in the high-speed, the qual­ity more great in­er­tia is big­ger. The over­sized in­er­tia, will not only let the Metal Ex­oskele­ton ma­noeu­vring vari­a­tion, even Metal Ex­oskele­ton or­gan­ism, but also be­cause of the over­sized in­er­tia, will di­rectly be de­stroyed!

Fi­nally, if in­creases the vol­ume, then Metal Ex­oskele­ton is going over­all to re­design. In­creases the vol­ume pro­ject, is not the sim­ple pro­por­tion­ate ex­pan­sion.
The sim­ple pro­por­tion­ate ex­pan­sion, must leave big issue ab­solutely!
Was sim­i­lar to just said that the vol­ume gain con­nec­tion qual­ity in­creased, the qual­ity in­creased the con­nec­tion in­er­tia to in­crease, the in­er­tia in­creased to the or­gan­ism over­all ma­te­r­ial re­quire­ment, large scale pro­moted!

If pos­si­ble, doesn't Shi Lei want to make sim­i­larly reaches as high as that mecha? Also is not be­cause metal­lic ma­te­r­ial craft is not up to stan­dard, is un­able to make, meets the counter-bal­ance in­er­tia need the high strength ma­te­r­ial!
Per­haps syn­the­sizes all sorts of sit­u­a­tions, Metal Ex­oskele­ton in a short time, can­not through in­creas­ing issue of vol­ume, solves com­mu­ni­ca­tion, Power Source, power wait / etc. issue.

Con­sid­ered that Ares. Sys­tem needs ex­te­rior net­work to sup­port, once has shut off the sup­port of ex­te­rior net­work, per­haps the Metal Ex­oskele­ton op­er­a­tional ca­pac­ity will ap­proach zero. Con­sid­ered stem­ming from such sit­u­a­tion that Shi Lei has de­signed sim­ple Ares Sys­tem.

So-called sim­ple Ares Sys­tem, is Shi Lei acts ac­cord­ing to the Metal Ex­oskele­ton en­tire frame­work, has made Vir­tual 3 D model, then ac­cord­ing to this 3 D model, in ad­di­tion Metal Ex­oskele­ton own cam­era, Dy­namic Be­hav­ior that the cor­re­spond­ing com­pu­ta­tion needs.
Such com­pu­ta­tion, uses Metal Ex­oskele­ton built-in com­puter then to be able ac­com­plish. Be­cause, is Vir­tual 3 D model, will have some dis­par­i­ties in ac­cu­racy as­pect, even if has some dis­par­i­ties, is al­ways good in Metal Ex­oskele­ton ab­solutely does not have the bat­tle ef­fi­ciency sit­u­a­tion!

About the Metal Ex­oskele­ton op­er­at­ing mode, Shi Lei also has an­other idea, but that idea, is not ma­ture tem­porar­ily. Only can use Dy­namic Be­hav­ior tech­nique of sim­u­la­tion first, op­er­ates Metal Ex­oskele­ton.

In the morn­ing, after Li Yuan goes out ap­prox­i­mately twenty many min­utes, he buys the break­fast, the Shi Lei fin­ish break­fast, then started to com­pile Ares Sys­tem. The work of pro­gram­ming is arid, if not this mat­ter is quite im­por­tant, ac­tu­ally the Shi Lei plan im­proves based on GMM Model of the Vocal Sys­tem first.
Based on GMM Model of the Vocal Sys­tem, to some Shi Lei time, then can ac­com­plish GMM Shal­low Neural Net­work -based Pseudo Ar­ti­fi­cial In­tel­li­gence.

Even if merely is Shal­low Neural Net­work Pseudo Ar­ti­fi­cial In­tel­li­gence, very greatly will also be very big re­gard­ing the Shi Lei's help. At least com­piles the Ares Sys­tem foun­da­tion code, can let Pseudo Ar­ti­fi­cial In­tel­li­gence ac­com­plish.
Just, com­pil­ing Pseudo Ar­ti­fi­cial In­tel­li­gence needs to spend the nu­mer­ous time, but Metal Ex­oskele­ton Ares Sys­tem, is un­able to wait for that ob­vi­ously is so long. ex­actly as stated that is worth re­joic­ing only, the Ares Sys­tem mas­ter rou­tine is Dy­namic Be­hav­ior Recog­ni­tion En­gine, Shi Lei only needs to com­pile con­crete func­tion Mod­ule.

Dif­fer­ent Shi Lei arid the pro­gram­ming work, AMD Of­fi­cial Web­site, ASUS, Mi­cro-Star and Sap­phire, three Graph­ics Card Com­pany Of­fi­cial Web­site, the col­lec­tive match­ing about «Brave's World» Closed Test­ing In­vi­ta­tion Code will sell an­nounce­ment(s), has put com­pletely.
Three Graph­ics Card Com­pany time de­f­i­n­i­tion strate­gies, are con­sis­tent with AMD Com­pany, sim­i­larly re­stric­tion(s) after Jan­u­ary 1, 2007.

En­tire World re­gional elec­tronic prod­ucts deal­ers, re­ceived the no­tices of four Com­pany in yes­ter­day, sends out along with four Com­pany an­nounce­ment(s), they have re­placed ad syn­chro­nously. Es­pe­cially Xia Na­tion Shuangqing City, as the Dream En­ter­tain­ment home game, Shiqiao Dis­trict and Bei­jiang Dis­trict, these two elec­tronic prod­ucts col­lec­tion and dis­tri­b­u­tion areas, pre­pares good four Com­pany ad to hang im­me­di­ately ahead of time.

Wait­ing in Gamer of PC mar­ket, after ad hangs, im­me­di­ately starts to pur­chase AMD CPU, as well as that three Com­pany Graph­ics Card.
yes­ter­day evening's time, Dream En­ter­tain­ment Of­fi­cial Forum, has been is­sued a pur­chase guide by Dream En­ter­tain­ment Of­fi­cial. The pur­chase guide re­minded all Gamer, when pur­chased the Dream En­ter­tain­ment co­op­er­a­tion busi­ness prod­uct, should bet­ter prob­a­bly in­quire the SN code on the spot, and Of­fi­cial Web­site of Signed In cor­re­spon­dence reg­is­tered, then in Dream En­ter­tain­ment Of­fi­cial Web­site lot­tery.

The ad­van­tage that so makes lies, pre­vent­ing these prof­i­teers to use the SN code se­cretly, causes sit­u­a­tion that the SN code is un­able to reg­is­ter!
Re­gard­ing the Dream En­ter­tain­ment Of­fi­cial pur­chase guide, Gamer re­mem­ber very clearly. Even Ex­ceed Grade Gamer Mu Feng, but also Or­ga­ni­za­tion a group buy team, has pre­pared in the Shiqiao Dis­trict com­puter city col­lec­tive pur­chase.

Shiqiao Dis­trict, the Mu Feng group buy team, has more than 30 mem­ber. And sev­eral filthy rich per­son­nel, they only need Closed Test­ing In­vi­ta­tion Code, re­gard­ing pur­chas­ing any east and west|thing, in­stead does not have the too big con­cept.
In a DIY com­puter shop, Mu Feng puts out a quo­ta­tion di­rectly, the bill of pur­chase, gives sales per­son­nel of com­puter shop, opens the mouth say­ing: „Ac­cord­ing to the price of quo­ta­tion, this busi­ness can make!”

Mu Feng as Ex­ceed Grade Gamer, the price of his very clear all kinds com­puter fit­ting, this group buy, their al­to­gether 34 mem­ber, planned that sched­uled 100 AMD Top Level CPU, then on the spot reg­is­ter the SN code, ex­tracts «Brave's World» Closed Test­ing In­vi­ta­tion Code.
AMD Top Level CPU odds of win­ning is 1 / 100, this odds of win­ning is not high, but is not low. 1 / 100 odds of win­ning, did not mean that 100 Top Level CPU, draws a prize-win­ning ticket surely, but is each CPU odds of win­ning is 1 / 100. If the luck goes against heaven's will, then may also draw a prize-win­ning ticket 100 times \; If luck back, then one time, also has the pos­si­bil­ity mat­ter very much!
Boss of com­puter shop, reads the de­tailed list that Mu Feng has handed over, is tak­ing the hand of de­tailed list, can­not help but has shaken. This mid­dle-aged per­son be all smile looks at Mu Feng, opens the mouth say­ing: „The broth­ers part­ner, this price low­ered re­ally!”

„The price that I give is very rea­son­able, each CPU price, you at least can gain 20 Yuan, 100 CPU can gain many, did not need me to say Right?” Mu Feng ex­pres­sion calm start to talk, quite ate the im­pos­ing man­ner of op­po­site party.
The mid­dle-aged Boss forced smile said: „broth­ers, you said right. How­ever you have ne­glected, we have the ex­pense of ship­ping!”

Mu Feng light snort, „trans­port ex­pense? That need how much money? Good, we let again one step! So long as we CPU SN code, after we have reg­is­tered, re­turn­ing that these CPU are left in­tact to you, each cal­cu­lates that you 30 Yuan ex­pense, that CPU you can gain 50 Yuan, 100 are 5000 Yuan!”

Mid­dle-aged Boss swal­lows the saliva, fi­nally shakes the head the re­jec­tion say­ing: „The broth­ers part­ner, I am also game player, ac­tu­ally «Brave's World» hot, I am quite also clear. AMD CPU, can use the SN code to ex­tract «Brave's World» Closed Test­ing In­vi­ta­tion Code, I want at the «Brave's World» fiery de­gree, the CPU price also will per­haps in­crease!”

This point Mu Feng knows ac­tu­ally!
Mu Feng just wanted to fore­stall op­po­nent by a show of strength, a dupe op­po­site party, but has not thought that the op­po­site party can un­dergo the en­tice­ment. „Boss, how many do you ask a price?”
„After you have used up the SN code, cuts 130 Yuan price, I re­cy­cle CPU!” Mid­dle-aged Boss lion big tastes, 100 CPU profit ex­actly as stated 15000 Yuan.

Al­though was reg­is­tered the SN code, this batch of CPU re­cently, are not per­haps good to sell, but can sell to other does not play per­son­nel of game. Cuts a price slightly, can at­tract these not to play the buyer of game ab­solutely. Even can sell other areas, for ex­am­ple is South Amer­ica, or Africa?
Mu Feng had pon­dered slightly, turns the head to dis­cuss with other per­son­nel. 34 group buy in mem­ber, 30 did not agree that in­di­cated this price is hard to with­stand.

Be­sides Mu Feng, has four per­son Coun­try Money-bags to be will­ing to ac­cept this price merely. Mu Feng with that four Coun­try Money-bags, has com­posed five peo­ple of Lit­tle Group di­rectly, has paid 15000 Yuan. Boss of com­puter shop, first takes 10 packed CPU, gives Mu Feng them to reg­is­ter.
Five group buy mem­ber, a per­son re­ceived two CPU, then uses bring­ing Note­book Com­puter to reg­is­ter. Has spent for sev­eral min­utes, Mu Feng first ob­tains two elec­tronic codes.

Signed In Dream En­ter­tain­ment Of­fi­cial Web­site, Mu Feng in Elec­tronic Code Lot­tery Sys­tem, has input the First elec­tron code, clicks on the lot­tery but­ton.
In the Note­book Com­puter screen, Dream En­ter­tain­ment Of­fi­cial Web­site, Elec­tronic Code Lot­tery Sys­tem, sprang a di­a­log box.

‚Thank you to sup­port AMD, was very re­gret­table, you have not ob­tained «Brave's World» Closed Test­ing In­vi­ta­tion Code, please make per­sis­tent ef­forts!’
Di­a­log box, but also enu­mer­ates this elec­tronic code de­tailed in­for­ma­tion. For ex­am­ple in the AMD Of­fi­cial Web­site reg­is­tra­tion time, con­crete CPU model, as well as in the Dream En­ter­tain­ment Of­fi­cial Web­site lot­tery time, odds of win­ning.

Mu Feng looks at odds of win­ning that fence, un­ex­pect­edly only then 1 / 100, he frowned im­me­di­ately. In AMD Of­fi­cial Web­site ad, may not have such de­tailed data, they with ‚have the ad­jec­tive that very big prob­a­bil­ity’ draws a prize-win­ning ticket, in­di­cates AMD Top Level CPU odds of win­ning.

‚Your Mother, does this have very big prob­a­bil­ity? 1 / 100 are odds of win­ning, un­ex­pect­edly very big odds of win­ning? AMD Com­pany, I want to say damn!’ In the Mu Feng heart crit­i­cizes at the same time, im­me­di­ately opens the mouth to say to Boss of com­puter shop: „Boss, some of your also how many AMD CPU?”.


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