Sunday, October 29, 2017

410: seek for help information

Rul­ing Se­cu­rity Strat­egy Lim­ited Com­pany is Shi Lei ten­able per­sonal na­ture Safety de­fends Com­pany, if ex­ter­nally, Com­pany of such na­ture then can apply to ob­tain the armed per­mis­sion.
How here is Xia Na­tion, a strict For­bid Guns state, does not per­mit the per­sonal na­ture ab­solutely Com­pany, ob­tains the armed per­mis­sion.

Jingya Gar­den, in the Shi Lei Room liv­ing room, Rul­ing Se­cu­rity Com­pany four Squadron, Zhou Cheng, is look­ing at Shi Lei com­pletely, waits for the Shi Lei's an­swer.
Shi Lei had con­sid­ered, opens the mouth say­ing: „This Task is very ar­du­ous, could go abroad im­ple­ment, even pos­si­bly has life Dan­ger. There­fore, this Task only chooses Most Elite Squadron. Mean­while, this Task bonus is very high! Par­tic­i­pates in Squadron Cap­tain, will ob­tain 200,000 \; Squadron mem­ber ob­tains 150,000! Good, Zhou Cheng, goes back to train them well!”

Zhou Cheng makes an ef­fort to nod, „is!”
Rul­ing Se­cu­rity Com­pany per­son­nel, after Zhou Cheng leads to leave, Shi Lei opened a Mod­ule box of sil­ver-white metal box.
sil­ver matte [Dawn], stand­ing of quiet in metal box, as if fierce tiger of deep sleep.
Shi Lei is hold­ing Note­book Com­puter, uses the USB con­nec­tion, has con­nected Note­book Com­puter and [Dawn], start is [Dawn] in­stalls Ares Sys­tem. These [Dawn] Ge­nius makes ac­com­plish now, has not in­stalled Ares Sys­tem with enough time.

The erec­tion work of Ares Sys­tem is quick, PC on note­book car­ries Ares Sys­tem, cur­rently self-checks.
Shi Lei opens the mouth to tell: „[Izual], pre­pares to con­nect [Dawn]'s Ares Sys­tem, takes over con­trol of the Sys­tem com­pre­hen­sive func­tion.”
„Order ac­cepts, [Sir].”
[Izual] takes over con­trol of Ares Sys­tem, a bet­ter dis­play the Ares Sys­tem func­tion, will dis­play the more pow­er­ful bat­tle ef­fi­ciency.

About after one minute, [Dawn]'s first time self-check­ing passes, the [Izual] prompt said: „[Sir], self-check­ing passes, please bind First au­thor­ity Voice­print Sig­na­ture.”
„Binds First au­thor­ity Voice­print Sig­na­ture!” Shi Lei has du­pli­cated the [Izual]'s prompt, bind­ing about voice print, spoke the phrase of any over five char­ac­ter, can by suc­cess­ful ex­am­i­na­tion bind­ing.
„[Sir], First au­thor­ity Voice­print Sig­na­ture binds suc­cess­fully.” [Izual] was re­spond­ing to Shi Lei.

Shi Lei sits to Num­ber One Server in front, is com­pil­ing all var­i­ous pro­fes­sions source code. His cur­rently man­u­fac­tures Shield­ing Soft­ware, can shield Rongcheng Mil­i­tary Dis­trict Mil­i­tary Satel­lite mon­i­tor. When he uses Rongcheng Mil­i­tary Dis­trict Mil­i­tary Satel­lite, Rongcheng Mil­i­tary Dis­trict can­not ex­am­ine the sit­u­a­tion of use.
How­ever, while Shi Lei is com­pil­ing code the time, his cell phone has made a sound. cell phone Caller ID is Ouyang Xiang, Shi Lei is bring­ing the happy ex­pres­sion press­ing down an­swer­ing key.
Shi Lei also planned mouth col­ored two, is the Ouyang Xiang anx­ious sound, trans­mits from the cell phone re­ceiver.
„Shi Lei, I need you to help! My pre­sent cur­rently Bang!”

In the cell phone re­ceiver, has trans­mit­ted a bang, then the bi­og­ra­phy is to­gether the im­pact noise, then the tele­phone was in­ter­rupted.
In Shi Lei heart one tight, he can af­firm that just bang, ab­solutely was the sound of gun­fire! Seek­ing help of re­com­bi­na­tion Ouyang Xiang, mak­ing Shi Lei have very bad as­so­ci­a­tion.
Ouyang Xiang works in Drug En­force­ment Group at pre­sent, this made Shi Lei think with­out doubt, is it pos­si­ble that Ouyang Xiang meet­ing with re­volt of Drug Lord or drug dealer?

„Damn!” Shi Lei cursed one, yelled: „Did [Izual], look up just lo­cal­iza­tion in­for­ma­tion of tele­phone?”
Moves the Telecom­mu­ni­ca­tions Op­er­a­tor com­mu­ni­ca­tion, has used the form of ser­vice base depot. Cites a sim­ple ex­am­ple, for ex­am­ple Shuanghu Dis­trict and Beiyu Dis­trict, the com­mu­ni­ca­tion be­tween cell phone, is not di­rectly by the way dis­sem­i­na­tion of wire­less elec­tric wave, but uses ‚the Wire­less base depot wired route Wire­less base depot’ pat­tern dis­sem­i­na­tion.

Based on this, sig­nal that cell phone sends out, au­to­matic scan re­cent ser­vice base depot, sig­nal ac­cess mo­bile ser­vice base depot. Mo­bile ser­vice base depot sip­nal con­ver­sion for wired sig­nal, and po­si­tion of con­firmed tar­get tele­phone, is away from the tar­get sig­nal re­cent base depot the sig­nal prop­a­ga­tion through wired route, then by the op­po­site base depot trans­for­ma­tion wired sig­nal is the Wire­less sig­nal, trans­mits in tar­get cell phone.
Be­cause of such prin­ci­ple, Shi Lei for­merly has de­vel­oped named ‚Ex­plor­ing’ soft­ware, can use sig­nal source of mo­bile ser­vice base depot, car­ries on tri­an­gle lo­cal­iza­tion trac­ing.

Ex­plor­ing soft­ware takes the [Izual] con­ven­tional load soft­ware, any dials the Shi Lei's tele­phone num­ber, will be lo­cated by Ex­plor­ing soft­ware.
„[Sir], be­cause the com­mu­ni­ca­tion time is ex­ces­sively short, can only cal­cu­late the ap­prox­i­mately po­si­tion of tar­get tele­phone, from our Yun­shan Re­gion 7 kms away, po­si­tion in­for­ma­tion has trans­mit­ted in cell phone. More con­crete po­si­tion in­for­ma­tion, has not sur­veyed the dis­cov­ery.” The [Izual] re­sponse said.
„Yun­shan?” Shi Lei the USB on com­puter table, con­nects in Num­ber One Server rapidly, told loudly: „In [Izual], opens [Dawn] to drive the cabin! Con­nects Rongcheng Mil­i­tary Dis­trict Mil­i­tary Satel­lite, the li­cens­ing key in the Pass­Word doc­u­ments of USB. More­over, con­nects Su­per­com­puter [Swal­low] Ares Sys­tem, com­pletes to con­ceal the work.”

„Yes, [Sir]!” [Izual] is con­trol­ling Ares Sys­tem, in opens [Dawn]'s to drive the cabin.
Shi Lei fast takes off the coat and pants, only in re­main­ing un­der­pants, then sneaked in [Dawn]'s to drive the cabin. HUB Bul­let­proof Glass Mon­i­tor of [Dawn] eye spot, was demon­strat­ing fuzzy po­si­tion that [Izual] cal­cu­lates.
Ouyang Xiang cell phone sig­nal source, south a Yun­shan hill­side, the mag­ni­tude of error is at about 100 me­ters. Also in other words takes the sig­nal lo­ca­tion as Cen­ter, 100 me­ters are in the cir­cu­lar scopes of ra­dius, may be the Ouyang Xiang exact place.
„Hasn't [Izual], con­nected on Rongcheng Mil­i­tary Dis­trict Mil­i­tary Satel­lite?” Looks at the time to pass close one minute, the Shi Lei anger said.

„[Sir], cur­rently es­tab­lishes the spare de­fense mech­a­nism, pre­vents by the Rongcheng Mil­i­tary Dis­trict Mil­i­tary Satel­lite sur­vey! please wait a mo­ment, prob­a­bly takes 17 points to 19 points, im­ple­ment es­tab­lishes de­fense!” [Izual]'s is only Low Grade Pseudo Ar­ti­fi­cial In­tel­li­gence, Shi Lei was burn­ing with im­pa­tience firmly, it also slowly es­tab­lishes the de­fense mech­a­nism un­ex­pect­edly.
„de­fense you lull! Does not need the de­fense mech­a­nism, where mak­ing Rongcheng Mil­i­tary Dis­trict know our ex­actly as stated! Im­me­di­ately con­nects Rongcheng Mil­i­tary Dis­trict Mil­i­tary Satel­lite, re­sists Rongcheng Mil­i­tary Dis­trict by [End­less De­fense], re­verse track­ing Su­per­com­puter [Swal­low]. As for our po­si­tion in­for­ma­tion, wants to look looks!” Shi Lei loudly ex­claimed.
[Dawn] has not con­nected Mil­i­tary Satel­lite, is un­able to con­nect Su­per­com­puter [Swal­low], is un­able to earn the ex­te­rior com­put­ing ser­vice sup­port, can­not start Ares Sys­tem Dy­namic Be­hav­ior Sim­u­la­tion Sys­tem.
„[Sir], con­nects to Mil­i­tary Satel­lite, con­nects to Su­per­com­puter [Swal­low], Ares Sys­tem starts com­pletely!” The [Izual] prompt said.

Shi Lei is dri­ving [Dawn] im­me­di­ately, works on the key on sofa, then walks to­ward out of the door. The stair hall, Shi Lei looked at one com­pletely in an el­e­va­tor of build­ing, gave up wait­ing for that the plan of el­e­va­tor, ran di­rectly down­ward from the Safety stair­case.
The [Dawn]'s speed is ex­tremely fast, goes to a yet higher goal al­most only to use for two sec­onds!
In the Jingya Gar­den Un­der­ground garage, Shi Lei has crushed into the Audi A4L dri­ving seat re­luc­tantly. [Dawn] ex­ceeds the 500 kg weight, mak­ing the Audi A4L pres­sure enor­mous.

Shi Lei may, no mat­ter Audi A4L pres­sure big, in dri­ving the [Dawn]'s sit­u­a­tion, dri­ves Audi A4L to drive fast to the des­ti­na­tion.
The [Dawn]'s max­i­mum ve­loc­ity, can only achieve 30 m /s, is well below the Audi A4L speed. Is dri­ving Audi A4L, dri­ves to the Yun­shan di­rec­tion. All the way Audi A4L all kinds over­speed, ran over 160 kilo­me­ters speed.
The Shuanghu Dis­trict traf­fic po­lice, know luck­ily Shi Lei's li­cense num­ber, after see­ing is the Shi Lei's car(riage), dis­guises not to dis­cover the Shi Lei over­speed fact.

Yun­shan be­tween Shuanghu Dis­trict and moun­tain ice areas, Shuanghu Dis­trict is in the sub­urbs of Shuangqing City half, but the moun­tain ice area com­pletely be­longs to the sub­urb.
Be­tween the moun­tain ice area and Shuanghu Dis­trict, on road have set up the check­point, if Drug Lord drug dealer want to enter the urban dis­trict from the sub­urb, passes through Yun­shan is a very good choice!
Less than three min­utes, Shi Lei the car(riage) stops, in has been away from the Yun­shan not far going out of town high­way, he opened the cab then to flush away to the Yun­shan di­rec­tion, could not at­tend to also in­serts the key in car(riage), but told one: „[Izual], locks the ve­hi­cle-borne com­puter, close ve­hi­cle-borne se­cu­rity Sys­tem.”

Audi A4L has sounded a bur­glar alarm, then four se­cu­rity locks fell.
„Al­ready ac­com­plish, [Sir].”
„[Izual], the use con­trols radar and hot In­duc­tion sound­ing set, pe­riph­ery the search the max­i­mum range, ex­am­ines all sus­pi­cious sit­u­a­tions!” Shi Lei ur­gently the in­struc­tion was say­ing.
In Yun­shan, in a steep pitch, Ouyang Xiang hides be­hind a rock, her left hand arm, en­tan­gled sev­eral med­ical gauzes, on the gauze has been seep­ing out the dark red blood­stain.

Just she and Shi Lei talked over the tele­phone, sud­denly had been hit the arm by a (spear|gun), caus­ing the tele­phone to fall Xi­ax­iepo, hit on Stone, fell sev­eral petals, stopped the tele­phone con­ver­sa­tion.
By Ouyang Xiang, skin micro black, is hav­ing the short hair, im­i­tates, if the false Brat fe­male, opens the mouth say­ing: „Ouyang, Hold On, we have in­formed City Bu­reau. That side City Bu­reau, cur­rently dis­patches res­cue strength to come.”
This is sim­i­lar to the false Brat fe­male, named Chen Hao, quite butch name! Chen Hao is Shuangqing City Bu­reau, Drug En­force­ment Di­vi­sion Third Group Group Leader, is Drug En­force­ment Group that Ouyang Xiang is.
Each Drug En­force­ment Group is con­sti­tuted by five mem­ber, be­sides Ouyang Xiang and Chen Hao, three gen­tle­man mem­ber. Sep­a­rately is high strong skin swarthy Fan Yuan, a sem­blance and in­ner­most feel­ings sim­ple and hon­est hon­est and good-na­tured per­son, it is said height over 190.
Fan Yuan is hid­ing be­hind Ouyang Xiang Stone, is lift­ing the woods under pis­tol aim­ing pitch.

In Fan Yuan nearby man, is very sim­i­larly strong is very black, what and Fan Yuan is clearly op­po­site, this man is very short, was at least shorter than Fan Yuan 30 cen­time­ters!
This male named Yang Kelin, is known as the height two peo­ple of groups with Fan Yuan!
Last gen­tle­man mem­ber, is bring­ing non- frame eye­glasses, the skin fair young and fresh-look­ing, is ef­fem­i­nate seems to be same, hides in the Chen Hao side. He called Feng Yukun, usu­ally was mainly re­spon­si­ble for in each Bar, in­quired the drug in­for­ma­tion.

„Ouyang, you just with whom in con­tact?” Feng Yukun in­quired sud­denly.


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