Sunday, October 29, 2017

412: Old friends? Enemies!

In the Yun­shan jun­gle, Shi Lei is dri­ving [Dawn], hur­ries to the hide­away point that Ouyang Xiang is, but [Izual] sud­denly has ac­tu­ally sent out the warn­ing prompt.
„[Sir], after the hot In­duc­tion image analy­sis, five human tar­get one of them body tem­per­a­tures is some­what low.” [Izual] through the mini loud­speaker, the cabin in dri­ving is prompt­ing.
„Is body tem­per­a­ture some­what low? What opin­ion is this?” Shi Lei asked hastily.

„[Sir], the human body tem­per­a­ture is some­what low, ex­am­ines to weaken on be­half of the life es­pe­cially. tar­get is very likely to be at in­jured con­di­tion!” [Izual] an­swered to Shi Lei.
In Shi Lei heart one tight, as­so­ci­ates to the tele­phone of sud­den stop, he sped up the foot­steps, and told to [Izual]: „[Izual], con­tact Shuanghu Dis­trict First Gen­eral Hos­pi­tal, let them pre­pares the ur­gent op­er­at­ing room.”
[Dawn] has Com­mu­ni­ca­tion Mod­ule, can through the way of net­work tele­phone, carry on nor­mal tele­phone con­tact.
„[Sir], cur­rently con­tact Shuanghu Dis­trict First Gen­eral Hos­pi­tal.” [Izual] sends out the prompt.
For­mi­da­ble [Dawn] on the pitch, sim­ply had not been stopped, ar­rives at the Drug En­force­ment Group avoid­ance in di­rectly rub­ble heap. Fan Yuan and Yang Kelin they, lift pis­tol to aim at [Dawn].
Fan Yuan Mang sound Mang Qi [say / way]: „What east and west|thing is this? Who is?”

Shi Lei sim­ply has not paid at­ten­tion to him, but looks to back on Stone, sits in ground Ouyang Xiang. Ouyang Xiang sit­u­a­tion at this mo­ment is not good, as a re­sult of ex­ces­sive loss of blood, com­plex­ion ex­cep­tion­ally pale.
„[Izual], the analy­sis is in­jured the tar­get sit­u­a­tion!” Shi Lei at­tempts to order [Izual], he does not know whether [Izual] has the analy­sis ca­pa­bil­ity.
„[Sir], the life an­a­lyzed Sys­tem not to be still im­per­fect, the re­sults analy­sis was only for ref­er­ence.” [Izual] has first prompted one, is fast on HUB Mon­i­tor, is demon­strat­ing a se­ries of in­for­ma­tion.
Shi Lei ar­rives at side Ouyang Xiang, looks at Ouyang Xiang, sum­moned low voice: „Ouyang, buoys up, I lead you to go to the hos­pi­tal im­me­di­ately!”
Ouyang Xiang worn out has smiled re­luc­tantly, „you came” to say after these words, Ouyang Xiang fell into the stu­por. She has not sum­moned the Shi Lei's name, lets Third Drug En­force­ment Group, is un­able con­firmed Shi Lei's iden­tity.
„[Sir], is in­jured tar­get to be at the ane­mic shock co­matose con­di­tion tem­porar­ily, the sit­u­a­tion not cri­sis, please within one hour, be in­jured tar­get to de­liver to the med­ical in­sti­tu­tion to treat.” The [Izual]'s life an­a­lyzes Sys­tem, mainly es­tab­lishes in the ther­mal im­agery analy­sis, through the ther­mal im­agery dif­fer­ent sit­u­a­tions, an­a­lyzes the health of hu­man­ity, the ac­cu­racy is not too high.

Shi Lei cau­tiously held Ouyang Xiang, cold snort, „I brought Ouyang Xiang to go to Shuanghu Dis­trict First Gen­eral Hos­pi­tal first, as for you, did not have the free time to pay at­ten­tion!”
After say­ing, Shi Lei is hold­ing Ouyang Xiang, runs to Yun­shan.
„[Izual], cal­cu­lates the best route, the re­quest jolt­ing de­gree is low­est, si­mul­ta­ne­ously short­ens the time as far as pos­si­ble.” Cabin of Shi Lei in dri­ving, through voice in­struc­tion.
„[Sir], is un­able ac­com­plish this order, not to have the Yun­shan Re­gion real-life scenery map. Ac­cord­ing to con­trols the radar and hot In­duc­tion sound­ing set, as well as Audi A4L po­si­tion in­for­ma­tion, cal­cu­lates to cor­re­spond route, please move ac­cord­ing to the prompt.” [Izual] is un­able the ac­com­plish Shi Lei's order, to choose other order Ac­tion Plan.
The short two min­utes, Shi Lei then re­turns to the high­way, he is hold­ing Ouyang Xiang care­fully, mak­ing her seat the copi­lot, then has fired into the high­way mid­dle guard rail, di­rectly de­stroyed a guard rail, fa­cil­i­tated to make Audi A4L pass.

Luck­ily here is the high­way, more­over evening's traf­fic flow mag­ni­tude is not big, even if there is ve­hi­cles to pass through, is speeds along, not hav­ing the op­por­tu­nity care­fully to ob­serve [Dawn].
Shi Lei con­trols [Dawn] to ar­rive by dri­ving seat, opens the mouth to order say­ing: „In open­ing dri­ving cabin!”
In [Dawn]'s dri­ving cabin, after 3 sec­onds, com­plete open­ing. Cabin of Shi Lei from dri­ving in comes out, told: „[Izual], you con­trol [Dawn] to go to Shu'an Vil­lage, the Rul­ing Se­cu­rity Com­pany train­ing base. Po­si­tion in­for­ma­tion of train­ing base, you through the Zhou Cheng call, vol­un­tar­ily com­pu­ta­tion lock­ing. If needs with my con­tact, to dial my cell phone num­ber. Pays at­ten­tion to hide the where­abouts, by the too much per­son be not dis­cov­ered [Dawn]'s ex­ists.”

[Dawn]'s ex­ists, less peo­ple know are bet­ter, so as to avoid makes the trou­ble of too much.
„Order ac­cepts, [Sir]!” In [Dawn]'s dri­ving cabin, after fast seal, [Izual] is con­trol­ling [Dawn], rushed to Yun­shan once more.
Shi Lei is Ouyang Xiang is the good Safety belt, is dri­ving Audi A4L, di­rectly from by the chan­nel that the [Dawn] de­struc­tion makes, ar­rived at an­other side of high­way, hur­ries to Shuanghu Dis­trict First Gen­eral Hos­pi­tal rapidly.
Yun­shan, Shuangqing City Bu­reau Drug En­force­ment Di­vi­sion Third Drug En­force­ment Group, under the lead­er­ship of Group Leader Chen Hao, hur­ries along to Yun­shan.

pretty boy ef­fem­i­nate Feng Yukun walks, while in­quired: „Group Leader, what just that was east and west|thing?”
Ac­tu­ally Chen Hao also wants to know that ac­tu­ally [Dawn] is any­thing. „Does not know that should be weaponry. Ouyang for­merly has said that the re­la­tions of Shi Lei and Rongcheng Mil­i­tary Dis­trict are very deep, that east and west|thing per­haps is Rongcheng Mil­i­tary Dis­trict newest Equip­ment, even pos­si­bly is se­cu­rity east and west|thing, we pre­tend not to know to well.”
Ap­proval that short Yang Kelin sec­onds the mo­tion, „Group Leader said right! If is re­ally se­cu­rity Equip­ment of mil­i­tary, we said that def­i­nitely will not have the ad­van­tage!”

Feng Yukun is hav­ing a dis­sat­is­fac­tion: „Ouyang has Shi Lei such Friend, why doesn't in­form Shi Lei from the be­gin­ning? If in­forms Shi Lei from the be­gin­ning, per­haps these drug traf­ficker, can­not run away. We will not fall to the pre­sent pad­dies, was chased down by 12 armed drug dealer, this ex­pe­ri­ence is re­ally spe­cial!”
The Fan Yuan man­ner is sim­ple and hon­est, he said for the Ouyang Xiang de­fense: „Yukun, you lit­tle said two. Ouyang Xiang this woman, you can­not stir up. She comes our Lit­tle Group, ex­actly as stated to arrange by Bai Qiang Bu­reau Chief per­son­ally. Bai Qiang Bu­reau Chief and Shi Lei's re­la­tions, you will not have heard any hearsay Right?”
Feng Yukun ridicules say­ing: „Big Brother Yuan, I spoke thought­lessly!”
An­other side, Shuanghu Dis­trict First Gen­eral Hos­pi­tal, Shi Lei is burn­ing with im­pa­tience has sent in the [Izual] con­tact ur­gent op­er­at­ing room Ouyang Xiang.
The Shi Lei's rep­u­ta­tion, a lit­tle af­fects in Shuanghu Dis­trict luck­ily, after [Izual] re­ported the Shi Lei's name, Shuanghu Dis­trict First Gen­eral Hos­pi­tal has arranged the ur­gent op­er­at­ing room im­me­di­ately.

Out­side the ur­gent op­er­at­ing room, Shi Lei is anx­ious tak­ing a walk back and forth. Sud­denly, a sound of foot­steps trans­mits, the Shuanghu Dis­trict black in­flu­ence, is headed by Black Tiger Gang Big Tiger, be­fore ar­riv­ing at the Shi Lei's body.
Big Tiger said re­spect­fully: „Mr. Shi, what mat­ter has?” Big Tiger is very in­tel­li­gent, when re­ceives the Shi Lei's call, told they come First Gen­eral Hos­pi­tal time, then guessed that per­haps has any per­son in­jured, there­fore his man­ner is quite re­spect­ful, for fear that stirs up Shi Lei's to be dis­con­tented.
Shi Lei com­plex­ion gloomy [say / way]: „All of you, give me a in­ves­ti­gate mat­ter. Tonight, in drug traf­ficker of Yun­shan ac­tiv­ity, is ac­tu­ally which Or­ga­ni­za­tion per­son­nel. Which Or­ga­ni­za­tion per­son­nel only needs to tell me is, other mat­ters do not need you to process.”

In Yun­shan, Shi Lei struck to kill 12 drug traf­ficker, but Shi Lei did not plan such to un­cover. When he looks at Ouyang Xiang that pale fa­cial fea­tures, in his heart is in an un­con­trol­lable rage, to these Drug Lord drug dealer, hated the acme.
The Shuanghu Dis­trict black in­flu­ences, lower the head com­pletely, keep silent.
Shi Lei light snort, „the per­son who looks up the news, re­wards Hun­dred-thou­sand!”
Hears to have the re­ward, is dye­ing small hood­lum of yel­low hair, gains ground say­ing: „Mr. Shi, I know some news.”
„Said!” Shi Lei looked at the past to that small hood­lum.

That small hood­lum had a scare by the Shi Lei's look, then as if spills the beans to be the same, mat­ter that all knows, said com­pletely.
„Mr. Shi, these drug traf­fick­ing peo­ple, prob­a­bly are Azure Dragon Gang rem­nant. After pre­vi­ous Azure Dragon Gang falls from power, their Boss Du Hai­long fall into the dis­as­ter of im­pris­on­ment, but their Young Gang Mas­ter Du Ziteng, ac­tu­ally lucky es­cap­ing. It is said Du Ziteng must re­venge for his fa­ther prob­a­bly, has stepped onto drug traf­fick­ing smug­gling road, fa­cil­i­tates to raise the fund.” yel­low-haired hood­lum was say­ing fast.

The Shi Lei look be­comes very cloudy and cold, un­ex­pect­edly is Du Ziteng!
Sim­ply soul of a de­ceased has not yet dis­persed!
Pre­vi­ous Cyber Se­cu­rity Agency West­ern Head­quar­ters, gets rid to cope with Azure Dragon Gang, as a re­sult of the in­ter­fer­ence of Shuangqing City Bu­reau First Vice-chief Dai Guanghua, has let off Du Hai­long son Du Ziteng fi­nally.
Shi Lei thinks that Du Ziteng that va­grant, can­not turn the spray, but looked like he thinks mis­tak­enly now.
Any per­son, can­not be de­spised, per­haps the next quar­ter, he will cre­ate the bar­rier to you!

„Do you know, Du Ziteng now where?” Shi Lei pur­sues asks.
yel­low-haired small hood­lum has hes­i­tated, „Mr. Shi, where I do not know Du Ziteng. But has the hearsay, Du Ziteng is bring­ing a num­ber of ca­pa­ble per­son­nel, went to Yel­low Tri­an­gle Re­gion.”
Yel­low Tri­an­gle Re­gion is the drug planter and pro­duc­tion base that on World ranks among the best. Has over 3000 vil­lages and small towns to plant poppy flower in this area.
If Du Ziteng went to Yel­low Tri­an­gle Re­gion, and suc­ceeds came to a stop do­main, his de­gree of threat, can sig­nif­i­cant pro­moted!
„Where does this news from come? Is the news re­li­able?” Shi Lei knits the brows was ask­ing.

„Mr. Shi, this is I ac­ci­den­tally hears in a Azure Dragon Gang rem­nant mouth. As for the news re­li­a­bil­ity level, I do not dare to make any guar­an­tee.” yel­low-haired small hood­lum was say­ing anx­iously.
Shi Lei has pat­ted the shoul­der of yel­low-haired small hood­lum, „was good, this mat­ter I knew!” After say­ing, Shi Lei turns the head to say to Big Tiger: „Big Tiger, waits a while your Black Tiger Gang, first gives this young fel­low Hun­dred-thou­sand Yuan re­ward. I will arrange the per­son, gives your ac­count, col­lects the Hun­dred-thou­sand Yuan!”
Big Tiger beck­ons with the hand to say hastily: „Mr. Shi, does not use, does not use also!”
„You get down , to con­tinue to trace the Yun­shan drug dealer mat­ter, if there is re­lated per­son­nel, grasps di­rectly!” Shi Lei look cloudy duck was say­ing.
Small hood­lum all nod, de­par­ture that is qui­etly.

Shi Lei sits out­side the first aid, on the bench of cor­ri­dor, was pon­der­ing how to han­dle this mat­ter. The Du Ziteng this for­merly enemy, this Shi Lei will not let off him again eas­ily.
To pity­ing of enemy, ex­actly as stated to own cru­elty!
If this time, Ouyang Xiang hit is not the left arm, but is the head?
Re­gard­ing the enemy, can­not be soft­hearted ab­solutely!
In the Shi Lei eye is glit­ter­ing se­vere light, but light in the first-aid room surgery, went out sud­denly


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