Tuesday, October 31, 2017

434: Strength!

ps: Has the wood to have ‚ap­proves’? The high praise index low­ers of­fends some­body, re­quest­ing earnestly every­body to sup­port the sup­port!
Wo Sang Na­tion, is one both for­mi­da­ble and small and weak Na­tion(s).
Wo Sang Na­tion Sci­ence and Tech­nol­ogy stan­dard is very de­vel­oped, es­pe­cially elec­tronic it prod­uct as­pect, had al­most the half of the coun­try of Xia Na­tion mar­ket, hits the elec­tronic it en­ter­prise in Xia Na­tion na­tive place un­able to gain ground.

Not is only the elec­tronic it prod­uct, in­clud­ing the all kinds in­dus­try equip­ment and au­to­mo­bile, even is the ap­pli­ance, makes the Xia Na­tion na­tive place prod­uct not have the strength of re­sist­ing.
Such for­mi­da­ble Wo Sang Na­tion, when fac­ing Li Jian Na­tion, ac­tu­ally act­ing servilely of ser­vil­ity. In Wo Sang Na­tion, there are many areas to be oc­cu­pied by Li Jian Na­tion, has built the mil­i­tary base, the equiv­a­lent to for­eign set­tle­ment was the same.

For ex­am­ple Futenma Navy Ground war­fare Base in Ok­i­nawa Pre­fec­ture, in Futenma Base, Li Jian Na­tion has de­ployed close 100 Armed He­li­copter, even also has newest se­cret weapon,
City Cen­ter of Futenma Base sit­u­ated in Gi­nowan, oc­cu­pied en­tire urban dis­trict area 25%, has en­coun­tered local res­i­dent's se­ri­ous protest, but Wo Sang Na­tion Gov­ern­ment is help­less.
Orig­i­nal at the end of 2006 time, Wo Sang Na­tion Gov­ern­ment and Li Jian Na­tion Gov­ern­ment, then reached(an agree­ment) Futenma Base thor­oughly with­drew from Gi­nowan in 2014, but be­fore the Shi Lei re­birth, has not seen Li Jian Na­tion to have any move­ment.

Per­haps Gov­ern­ment of two coun­tries, al­ready knows that so-called final agree­ment, is only a mod­er­ate pre­tence.
Be­cause of Futenma Base, be­tween Wo Sang Na­tion and Li Jian Na­tion, have filled the bat­tle openly or covertly, there­fore Shi Lei looks for Futenma Base to start!
At the end of last year in this sen­si­tive time, had signed the with­drawal of troops agree­ment the time. Futenma Base, most can pro­voke in­ci­dent!

Jingya Gar­den. Shi Lei is bring­ing Wire­less head­set, main­tains with the [Izual]'s com­mu­ni­ca­tion, looks at data on Mon­i­tor, both hands builds on the key­board, is mak­ing the final prepa­ra­tion.
„[Izual], du­pli­cates [End­less De­fense] Sys­tem to Su­per­com­puter [Thun­der], once the thun­der can­not with­stand, im­me­di­ately starts [End­less De­fense] Sys­tem. Sa Super Ad­min­is­tra­tor Au­thor­ity of use thun­der, ob­tains the thun­der all com­put­ing re­sources, is [End­less De­fense] Sys­tem pro­vides sup­ports com­pletely.” Shi Lei has first con­sid­ered the worst plan, if in Mil­i­tary Net­work, after being dis­cov­ered that Su­per­com­puter [Thun­der] def­i­nitely can­not pre­serve, that might as well in­sist the last time for one­self. Let [Izual] clean up the link­age record, pro­tects own real ip ad­dress.

Why this is also Shi Lei must cap­ture a Su­per­com­puter au­thor­ity rea­son again, can­not lose Right? [Swal­low]
„Sir, [End­less De­fense] Sys­tem has in­stalled, mo­men­tar­ily can be the thun­der, opens [End­less De­fense] Sys­tem.” The [Izual] re­sponse said.

„That. Starts!” Shi Lei deeply in­spired, ten fin­gers on the key­board, are rap­ping fast, en­ters code one after an­other.
The Wo Sang Na­tion time merely only com­pared with Xia Na­tion slightly late one hour, at pre­sent is Xia Na­tion Time around 9 : 00. Wo Sang Na­tion that side around 10 : 00, the time dif­fer­ence of both sides is not big. Also is in the 6 p.m. to mid­night, the Futenma Base mas­ter con­trol com­puter, should have Safety On-duty Per­son­nel, there­fore Shi Lei must very care­ful.

The Shi Lei main at­tack, the [Izual] ex­am­i­na­tion and de­fense, time one minute one sec­ond of past, Fire­wall of Futenma mas­ter con­trol com­puter, ob­struct­ing Shi Lei's to enter.
Be­cause in Mil­i­tary Net­work, Shi Lei can­not at­tack force­fully, in order to avoid causes the Fire­wall warn­ing, can only keep is seek­ing for Sys­tem flaw.
Xia Na­tion Time, ap­proached 11 : 00 pm, Shi Lei has dis­cov­ered Sys­tem Flaw of Futenma mas­ter con­trol com­puter fi­nally, and suc­ceeded en­tered the Futenma mas­ter con­trol com­puter.

In the Futenma mas­ter con­trol com­puter, Shi Lei is prob­ing the sit­u­a­tion of au­thor­ity group, wants from the au­thor­ity group, ob­tains the cor­re­spond­ing in­for­ma­tion.
After one dili­gently, Shi Lei ob­tained some basic in­for­ma­tion.
Futenma Base, as a for­eign base, has the enor­mous right to in­de­pen­dence. After all if had Emer­gency Sit­u­a­tion, war is fast chang­ing, can­not any mat­ter ask for in­struc­tions Li Jian Na­tion De­part­ment of De­fense Right?

Al­though in Mil­i­tary Net­work, Futenma Base in­for­ma­tion, can trans­mit to ar­rive at De­part­ment of De­fense at any time, but De­part­ment of De­fense im­pos­si­ble re­sponse in­for­ma­tion any­time and any­where.
There­fore, High­est Au­thor­ity of Futenma Base mas­ter con­trol com­puter has the con­sid­er­ably large right to in­de­pen­dence, es­pe­cially Au­to­mated Weapon(s) as­pect, High­est Au­thor­ity of Futenma mas­ter con­trol com­puter, then can fi­nally de­ter­mine di­rectly that but does not need to pass through De­part­ment of De­fense order con­firmed.

Shi Lei looked up these in­for­ma­tion, in the heart was ex­cited, his choice re­ally not wrong. So long as ob­tained Futenma Base mas­ter con­trol com­puter High­est Au­thor­ity, that
Hacker strength ac­tu­ally big?
Re­gard­ing the Or­di­nary per­son, most Hacker might are vague, es­pe­cially broad­band con­nects user, be­cause is dy­namic al­lo­ca­tion ip ad­dress, tech­ni­cal slightly poor Hacker, how Or­di­nary user. But tech­ni­cal pro­found Hacker, only if idles the egg to hurt, will oth­er­wise not start to or­di­nary user.

But re­gard­ing com­mer­cial user, has fixed Of­fi­cial Web­site, fixed Server ad­dress, is ex­tremely then easy to en­counter Hacker at­tack. Hacker re­gard­ing com­mer­cial user, sim­ply is the dis­as­ter.
As for the Or­di­nary pop­u­lace, be­fore De­cem­ber 20, 2006, Hacker to them, merely was a noun, the rep­re­sen­ta­tive had the net­work asta­tic mem­ber of for­mi­da­ble com­puter tech­nol­ogy.
But on De­cem­ber 20, 2006, Earth­quake Hacker [EQ] to en­tire World all peo­ple, has an­no­tated Hacker, ac­tu­ally to have the how huge strength!

Through the Hacker tech­nol­ogy, Earth­quake Hacker [EQ], lets the loss of Wo Sang Na­tion, un­prece­dented great strength!
Be­cause there is Earth­quake Hacker [EQ], the en­tire World Or­di­nary pop­u­lace, knew Top Level Hacker, es­pe­cially Crazy Top Level Hacker, in this named Sci­ence and Tech­nol­ogy so­ci­ety, what de­struc­tive power can cre­ate!
Now, the Shi Lei prepa­ra­tion makes the en­tire World Or­di­nary pop­u­lace know that Hacker can also achieve any mat­ter, the Hacker strength is ac­tu­ally huge!
Shi Lei's both hands, fast knock­ing on key­board, starts from Futenma Base mas­ter con­trol com­puter Op­er­at­ing Sys­tem, slowly is nib­bling Op­er­at­ing Sys­tem au­thor­ity.

Al­though Futenma Base Op­er­at­ing Sys­tem is very for­mi­da­ble, but in Shi Lei is not only World Sum­mit Grade Hacker, but also sup­ports the The Fu­ture six years of com­puter tech­nolo­gies.
Even if Shi Lei be­gins a new ca­reer late in life, ma­jor­ity of tech­nolo­gies with the Angel Par­lia­ment Pseudo Ar­ti­fi­cial In­tel­li­gence [Ab­diel] study. But Shi Lei is also quite for­mi­da­ble!

„Sir, ex­am­ines ex­cep­tion­ally the data scan­ning. cur­rently traces to us!” When Shi Lei in ex­plain­ing Futenma Op­er­at­ing Sys­tem, [Izual] sent out sud­denly warned in­for­ma­tion.
In Shi Lei heart one tight, starts to input the code hastily, dis­guises own data class.

A mo­ment later, in Futenma In­ter­nal Net­work, the data scan­ning has de­lim­ited to­gether, had not dis­cov­ered Shi Lei that dis­guises. Shi Lei re­laxed slightly, so long as had not been dis­cov­ered that is good.
„[Izual]. Con­tin­ues to mon­i­tor en­tire In­ter­nal Net­work. Has any sit­u­a­tion, prompt re­port!” Shi Lei told , to con­tinue to ex­plain Futenma Base Op­er­at­ing Sys­tem.

‚Your Mother, ob­tained de­scrip­tion in­for­ma­tion that au­thor­ity lived in ob­vi­ously, why is un­able to enter the au­thor­ity group!’ Shi Lei is pon­der­ing se­cretly, sud­denly his mirac­u­lous glow dodges.
Typ­ing of strings of codes, when Shi Lei has pressed down the enter key. The Futenma Base mas­ter con­trol com­puter has launched entry au­thor­ity of au­thor­ity group im­me­di­ately.

‚Re­ally so! Un­ex­pect­edly is Dual Sys­tem Com­bi­na­tion Op­er­at­ing Sys­tem, there is 520 xss, was re­ally too sin­is­ter!’ In the Shi Lei heart is de­spis­ing se­cretly.
The range of dou­ble Sys­tem ap­pli­ca­tion is very nar­row, is mainly Dual Sys­tem Com­bi­na­tion gets up very trou­ble­some, but the se­cu­rity de­gree is not bet­ter than closed Sys­tem. There­fore. Dou­ble Sys­tem was elim­i­nated by Sealed Off Sys­tem grad­u­ally.

En­tered the au­thor­ity group of Futenma Base mas­ter con­trol com­puter, Shi Lei first started all user sit­u­a­tions of se­cret re­trieve au­thor­ity group. When not the clear sit­u­a­tion, Shi Lei will not tam­per with any in­for­ma­tion of au­thor­ity group ar­bi­trar­ily.
After all does not know pro­tec­tion of au­thor­ity group, if tam­pered with in­for­ma­tion, what to do has ini­ti­ated the warn­ing?

re­trieve au­thor­ity group time. Shi Lei has then pre­vented not under ten warn­ings, from this can look. The Futenma Base mas­ter con­trol com­puter, ac­tu­ally Safety es­tab­lishes has strictly how. Is only user of re­trieve au­thor­ity group, then trig­gered over ten time warn­ings.
Once starts to the au­thor­ity group truly, ac­tu­ally that will stim­u­late how many warn­ings?

Spent for sev­eral min­utes, Shi Lei to come out user all re­trieve of au­thor­ity group fi­nally, to pre­vent to hide ex­is­tence of user, Shi Lei has in­spected re­peat­edly three, con­firmed not other au­thor­ity user of hide­away, started to an­a­lyze to each au­thor­ity user.
The Futenma Base mas­ter con­trol com­puter, Shi Lei is only sim­ple analy­sis each au­thor­ity user, au­thor­ity of ex­am­i­na­tion cor­re­spon­dence. Be­cause this is mil­i­tary use net­work, Shi Lei has not used own pass­word dic­tio­nary, crypt­analy­sis to each au­thor­ity user.
The analy­sis method of pass­word dic­tio­nary, through mul­ti­ple test pos­si­ble pass­word, if the pass­word test is re­peat­edly wrong, is very likely to cause the warn­ing of mas­ter con­trol com­puter.
Along with each au­thor­ity user cor­re­spond­ing au­thor­ity, after an­a­lyz­ing, Shi Lei has fi­nally cho­sen High­est Au­thor­ity user. Has High­est Au­thor­ity user, can trans­fer Futenma Base all Au­to­mated Weapon(s).

In order to ob­tain High­est Au­thor­ity user, Shi Lei starts to pon­der that ac­tu­ally should how do, can ob­tain High­est Au­thor­ity. Ac­cord­ing to the analy­sis of au­thor­ity group cor­re­spon­dence code, Shi Lei ob­tained in­for­ma­tion.
High­est Au­thor­ity user of Futenma mas­ter con­trol com­puter, be­cause has enor­mous au­thor­ity, can through Li Jian Na­tion De­part­ment of De­fense, then un­able to use all Au­to­mated Weapon(s) of Futenma di­rectly.

There­fore, the High­est Au­thor­ity ac­count pass­word of Futenma Base mas­ter con­trol com­puter, will change every day. For ex­am­ple today's pass­word is abc, then the to­mor­row's pass­word ab­solutely will not be abc, might be abd, or will be cbd.

The day after to­mor­row pass­word will change!
The daily pass­word is com­pletely dif­fer­ent!
Be­cause every day adopts a new pass­word, the guar­an­tee of enor­mous de­gree Safety of pass­word, has pre­vented to be em­bez­zled by Hacker.
In fact, every day changes a new pass­word the plan, re­gard­ing guard­ing against Hacker, in­deed very ef­fec­tively. After Shi Lei knew this in­for­ma­tion, quite wor­ried.

even though he, wants to ob­tain the pass­word, needs to spend very big Gongfu (ef­fort). More­over, cer­tain prob­a­bil­ity was dis­cov­ered. Futenma Base In­ter­nal Net­work, con­tains in Li Jian Na­tion mil­i­tary use net­work. Shi Lei im­pos­si­ble un­scrupu­lous op­er­a­tion in mil­i­tary use net­work, must main­tain own con­fi­den­tial­ity.

‚Damn Futenma Base, adopted every day to trans­form the pass­word un­ex­pect­edly the way, I dis­liked such pass­word way!’
Com­plained, Shi Lei starts doc­u­ment Sys­tem of care­ful in­spec­tion Futenma Base mas­ter con­trol com­puter, wants from doc­u­ment Sys­tem, searches to have any clue.

How­ever, Shi Lei had ac­tu­ally dis­cov­ered east and west|thing that makes him not know whether to laugh or cry


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