Saturday, October 28, 2017

404: Goes on stage personally

The Rongcheng Mil­i­tary Dis­trict check­out area, two [The Steel and Iron] over­took Shi An dri­ving [Dawn], but the MP7 Mini Sub-ma­chine Gun might is too weak, is very lim­ited to the in­flu­ence that [Dawn] has.

Shi Lei to test the [Dawn]'s per­for­mance, to give the Rongcheng Mil­i­tary Dis­trict pres­sure, he has hit a look to Li Yuan, in­ten­tion­ally with the sound that Lu Qiang can hear, as well as makes the Blue­tooth ear­phone pass to Shi An, opens the mouth say­ing: „Lit­tle Yuan Zi, sui­cide at­tack, mak­ing [The Steel and Iron] hit [Dawn]!”

„Good!” Li Yuan hā hā laughs, he is a per­son of anx­ious­ing to stir up trou­ble, dif­fi­cult meet­ing dif­fi­cult with seiz­ing Chia Tai Light op­por­tu­nity has taught Shi An, his mood is very crisp.

The [Dawn]'s mini loud­speaker, the Shi Lei's sound, in dri­ving in the fore­head space of cabin, re­turned to orig­i­nal state.
„Damn! Shi Lei, you crack a joke Right?” Shi An to have a tense rhetor­i­cal ques­tion im­me­di­ately, [The Steel and Iron], al­though has not car­ried Swift Arrow Guided Mis­sile, but if [The Steel and Iron] sui­cide at­tack, if has cre­ated the fuel tank ex­plo­sion, that ab­solutely is not the happy mat­ter.

Can Lu Qiang in in­tense in­quiry Lu Fang, „Pro­fes­sor Lu, the sui­cide bomb­ing of [The Steel and Iron], cause the se­ri­ous dam­age to [Dawn] at the same time?”
Lu Fang in a heart in­ter­me­di­ate total for­get about it [The Steel and Iron] Fuel quan­tity, counts a for­get about it [Dawn]'s de­fense in­ten­sity, fi­nally shakes the head say­ing: „So long as is not in ex­plodes Cen­ter, will not have any issue. even though ex­plodes Cen­ter, will only have the slight cere­bral con­cus­sion, is not big issue.”

In check­out area, [Dawn] car­ry­ing Ares Sys­tem, with the Su­per­com­puter ex­te­rior com­put­ing ser­vice sup­port of Rongcheng Mil­i­tary Dis­trict, rapid cal­cu­la­tion two [The Steel and Iron] flight tra­jec­to­ries, as well as Dan­ger de­gree.
„Warn­ing, two Small-scale fliers, over 70 pos­si­bil­i­ties, will soon hit the [Dawn] main body. The de­gree of threat is high, sug­gests to avoid.” The Ares Sys­tem analy­sis said.

The Shi An de­pressed com­plaint, „I know cer­tainly that two [The Steel and Iron], soon must hit us. The [The Steel and Iron] speed, has been far in ex­cess of us, avoids?”
„Sys­tem does not have data, in­vited the op­er­a­tor vol­un­tar­ily Plan course of ac­tion.” The logic of Ares Sys­tem processes Mod­ule to be very stodgy, to a great ex­tent, can only de­pend upon Sys­tem built-in data to make de­ter­mine.
„Your Mother!” Shi An is con­trol­ling [Dawn], the anom­alous mi­gra­tion, ex­cept for small cal­iber light snipe rifle at­tack that the pro­tec­tion pos­si­bly has, guards against [The Steel and Iron] di­rectly from the air­borne sui­cide hit.

Shi Lei ma­nip­u­late [The Steel and Iron], to nearby Li Yuan, has been bel­low­ing. „Lit­tle Yuan Zi, you on first!”
Li Yuan nod­ded, brief reply: „Good!” He is op­er­at­ing [The Steel and Iron] im­me­di­ately, re­duced High De­gree, goes to the [Dawn] hit.
How­ever, [Dawn]'s Ares Sys­tem, as for­mi­da­ble Com­bat Sys­tem, after Li Yuan dri­ves [The Steel and Iron] was re­duc­ing High De­gree, [Dawn]'s aims at Sys­tem, im­me­di­ately has locked [The Steel and Iron].

Shi An through the HUB lens, had dis­cov­ered by [The Steel and Iron] of green aper­ture lock­ing, in his eyes was re­vealed has wiped the sur­prised color, then bel­lows: „Drop Dead!”
Li Yuan is dri­ving [The Steel and Iron], is away from [Dawn], only then less than ten me­ters dis­tance. But Alloy Shield in [Dawn] left hand, had been lifted by both hands un­ex­pect­edly, then pounds fiercely to­ward [The Steel and Iron]!
The Alloy Shield weight has 350 kg, with the rush­ing power sup­port of two Mi­cro­tur­bine En­gine, Alloy Shield flies to [The Steel and Iron]!

The [The Steel and Iron] fly­ing speed has been every sec­ond of Forty many me­ters, both sides were away from less than ten me­ters dis­tance, the even though [Dawn]'s speed have been about 17 me­ters, the rel­a­tive ac­cel­er­a­tion of both sides, any­time reached as high as every sec­ond of twenty many me­ters. Also in other words, less than ten me­ters dis­tance, has a half sec­ond of re­ac­tion time merely.

Such short time, [The Steel and Iron] is un­able to change to the avoid­ance, Alloy Shield pounded on [The Steel and Iron], the 350 kg weight, the huge rel­a­tive ac­cel­er­a­tion, mak­ing [The Steel and Iron] from the sky dis­in­te­grate di­rectly, then changed to one group of flames.
Shi An fast with­draw­ing, op­er­ates [Dawn] both hands to keep off in front of the neck and head, ex­cept for by some butts, on the [Dawn]'s or­gan­ism, was de­lim­ited some shal­low marks, does not have any loss again!

The Li Yuan com­plex­ion is some­what ugly, cold snort, „has cal­cu­lated your good luck!”
‚Shi An Shi An, you are re­ally the qual­i­fied sol­dier. Ares Sys­tem has given the prompt, im­me­di­ately seized the at­tack op­por­tu­nity?’ In the Shi Lei heart sighed, is dri­ving [The Steel and Iron], has not flushed away to any weapon [Dawn].
After more than ten sec­onds, [The Steel and Iron] has run upon [Dawn], in the final mo­ment, Shi An shunted ex­ploded Cen­ter, but the fierce ex­plo­sion, let in dri­ving as be­fore Shi An of cabin, some dizzy, feel­ing that the chest wants to spit stuffily. This is the short dis­tance by the re­sult of shock-wave pa­tron­age, [Dawn] is re­sisted the ex­plo­sive shock wave com­pletely

Shi Lei through the Blue­tooth ear­phone, opens the mouth to say to Shi An: „Group Head Shi, the test ended, comes back. Re­mem­bers that picks Alloy Shield and Alloy Heavy Sword!”
In Shi An in [Dawn] dri­ves the cabin, breath in gulps, has re­laxed the dizzy symp­tom, im­me­di­ately com­plains: „Shi Lei, you also re­ally under went well!”
„Was good, a bit faster picks Alloy Sword and Alloy Shield, waits a while to give you an op­por­tu­nity of re­veng­ing!” Shi Lei smil­ingly was say­ing.

As for re­veng­ing op­por­tu­nity, is Shi Lei must go on stage to test per­son­ally!
Dur­ing the ana­log test, the [Dawn]'s bat­tle ef­fi­ciency, is much more such de­gree!
If [Dawn], merely is only such de­gree, that Shi Lei will be very cer­tainly dis­ap­pointed. Shi Lei both hands build in the note­book, through Rongcheng Mil­i­tary Dis­trict Mil­i­tary Satel­lite net­work, the at­tempt searches ex­te­rior net­work.
„Pro­fes­sor Lu, Mil­i­tary Satel­lite can net­work, con­nect ex­te­rior net­work?” Shi Lei searches, while the in­quiry said.
Lu Fang nod­ded, „can con­nect ex­te­rior net­work, but needs the Safety code au­tho­riza­tion.”

The start to talk re­quest that Shi Lei smiles said: „Pro­fes­sor Lu, gives the au­tho­riza­tion! I need to con­nect ex­te­rior net­work, han­dles a mat­ter.”
„Good!” Lu Fang has not post­poned but ac­tu­ally, Rongcheng Mil­i­tary Dis­trict Mil­i­tary Satel­lite Sys­tem, by spe­cial Safety army de­fense, has con­nected ex­te­rior Net­work Sys­tem, does not have Dan­ger.

After Safety code au­tho­riza­tion, Shi Lei has trans­mit­ted E-mail im­me­di­ately. This E-mail is­sues [Izual]'s in­for­ma­tion, and has used the mul­ti­ple skip­ping pro­tec­tions, [Izual] when re­ceives E-mail, will delete mail ori­gin, pre­vents to be traced by Rongcheng Mil­i­tary Dis­trict.
‚[Izual], con­trols Su­per­com­puter [Swal­low], then uses Black Magic Soft­ware, at­tack tar­get. The tar­get con­di­tion screens First Item: Has Xia Na­tion IP ad­dress. Sec­ond Item: Avail­able com­put­ing re­sources sur­passes 1 TFLop /s. Third Item, pro­tec­tion de­gree is in low level, can by the high speed con­trol. Fourth Item, meets first three con­di­tions Server, choice con­nec­tion speed quick­est Server at­tack, then takes over con­trol of Server, in­stalls [End­less De­fense] Sys­tem, through this Server IP ad­dress, as con­ceal­ing ad­dress, con­nects my cur­rent IP ad­dress.’

[Izual] as Low Grade Pseudo Ar­ti­fi­cial In­tel­li­gence Sys­tem, al­though the Shi Lei's order is a lit­tle com­plex, but after de­com­pos­ing, each order is also very sim­ple.

About after 78 min­utes, the note­book of Shi Lei cur­rently op­er­a­tion, shoots a prompt frame sud­denly, has word Axios!
On the Shi Lei face re­vealed has wiped the light smil­ing face, through the Blue­tooth ear­phone, opens the mouth to say with the sound that micro can­not be ob­served: „Axios!”
In the Blue­tooth ear­phone, the [Izual] ice-cold sound con­veys, „[Sir], [Izual] standby.”

Be­cause Li Yuan, Lu Qiang and Lu Fang in the side, Shi Lei have not adopted Voice Com­mand, but on the key­board, is rap­ping the code fast.
The sig­nif­i­cances of these code or­ders, ex­actly as stated lets [Izual], waits a while to con­nect [Dawn], is Shi Lei pro­vides the sup­port ser­vice.

The Rongcheng Mil­i­tary Dis­trict elec­tronic Safety army, uses Mil­i­tary Satel­lite in Shi Lei, con­nects ex­te­rior net­work time, then starts to mon­i­tor this route.
When [Izual] con­nects Mil­i­tary Satel­lite net­work, the elec­tronic Safety army had dis­cov­ered im­me­di­ately [Izual]'s con­nects in­for­ma­tion. How­ever, when they pre­pare to trace the [Izual]'s time, ac­tu­ally the dis­cov­ery did not trace!

Se­cu­rity Spe­cial­ist of elec­tronic Safety army, have made one group im­me­di­ately ran­domly. Luck­ily, [Izual] comes in ac­cord­ing to Shi Lei's route, more­over after com­ing, then stays in the Shi Lei's note­book, has not acted un­rea­son­ably in mil­i­tary use net­work, oth­er­wise Spe­cial­ist of elec­tronic Safety army, must look for Shi Lei's to be trou­ble­some ab­solutely.
Check­out area, a half after about hour, Shi An Alloy Shield, Alloy Heavy Sword has picked to­gether.

The [Dawn]'s out­ward ap­pear­ance sit­u­a­tion is not very good, es­pe­cially the when de­fense armor piece of both hands and both legs, by the [The Steel and Iron] ex­plo­sion, the all kinds frag­ment that pro­duces, at­tacked pro­found traces.
Dong Guoguo is bring­ing Shi An, ar­rives at the open style goods ware­house of mil­i­tary use truck, on the [Dawn]'s bracket fix­ing, Dong Guoguo and Lu Fang and the oth­ers, with the help of all kinds Tool, at­tempted to open [Dawn] to be dam­aged dili­gently the se­ri­ous pos­i­tive part.
Shi Lei in the below of mil­i­tary use truck, in­quired: „Does Old Dong, the [Dawn]'s main­te­nance time, how long prob­a­bly need?”

„Boss, [Dawn]'s loses is quite se­ri­ous, we need to re­place many parts, as well as de­fense armor piece. The en­tire process, prob­a­bly takes about one hour.” The Dong Guoguo re­sponse said.
Shi Lei looked at the time, now just passed five o'clock, is counted the time of ser­vice, the be­gin­ning time of that Sec­ond Round test, ba­si­cally must over six o'clock.

„Old Dong, you act, as far as pos­si­ble strive for ear­lier ac­com­plish quickly, waits a while also to have the Sec­ond Round test.” Shi Lei de­cides to con­duct the Sec­ond Round test today, al­though around 6 : 00 time, slightly late lit­tle, but hap­pen to tests the [Dawn]'s night op­er­a­tion abil­ity.

In the time of wait­ing ser­vice, Shi Lei sits by Lu Qiang, in­quiry of smil­ing: „Did the wild boar that Di­vi­sion Head Lu, must put in order in the evening, pre­pare?”
Cor­ners of the mouth of Lu Qiang one crooked, the nod of hēng hēng said: „Relax, pre­pared!”
In the mil­i­tary use truck open style goods ware­house, Shi An dri­ves the cabin to come out from [Dawn], after well-dressed, im­me­di­ately walks to Shi Lei, is hav­ing a face com­plaint ex­pres­sion.
„Shi Lei, is this does not have Dan­ger that you said? Un­ex­pect­edly also uses [The Steel and Iron] sui­cide at­tack! That ex­plo­sion, al­most killed me!” Shi An loud asked.

Shi Lei shrugs, a face in­dif­fer­ent ex­pres­sion. „Group Head Shi, does your this have dead? More­over, [Dawn] may not only then that de­gree! Just I had said that waited a while to give you an op­por­tu­nity of re­veng­ing!”
„What opin­ion?” Shi An asked.


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