Saturday, October 28, 2017

392: Lowers the stance

Rongcheng Mil­i­tary Dis­trict, Vice-com­man­der Of­fice.
Mil­i­tary Dis­trict cur­rent Com­man­der is Li Long, is the Li Yuan grand­fa­ther, Li Long is at the semi­re­tire­ment con­di­tion, the phys­i­cal con­di­tion is not ideal.
As a re­sult of such sit­u­a­tion, Rongcheng Mil­i­tary Dis­trict at pre­sent by Vice-com­man­der He Zhen­bang host over­all sit­u­a­tion. He Zhen­bang wants to con­trol Shi Lei, mak­ing Shi Lei serve for Rongcheng Mil­i­tary Dis­trict.

Lu Qiang shakes the head slightly, „Lit­tle Shi, my in­structs you in­ves­ti­gate Shi Lei's iden­tity data, you give the Com­man­der He re­port re­port!”
Shi An was re­spect­ing a rit­ual to He Zhen­bang, opens the mouth say­ing: „Com­man­der, my for­merly fol­lows or­ders in­ves­ti­gate Shi Lei's iden­tity data. Shi Lei's in­di­vid­ual iden­tity is very sim­ple, he is the or­phan, par­ents' in­for­ma­tion has not looked up since child­hood, was called the per­son adop­tion of Shi Wen by one, but the re­la­tions of Shi Lei and Shi Wen are not very good. Start­ing from 3 rd, Shi Lei's liv­ing ex­penses as well as school ex­pense, are earned by him com­pletely.”
The He Zhen­bang di­gres­sion asked: „How does Shi Lei make money?”

„3 rd time, Shi Lei has the gang per­son to work as the un­skilled la­borer, more­over help school­mate and neigh­bor ser­vice the com­puter. The High School time, Shi Lei lives at school in Shiqiao Dis­trict High School, in the com­puter ser­vice shop of pros­per­ous elec­tron, help­ing oth­ers cul­ti­vate the com­puter, gained the liv­ing ex­penses and school ex­pense. Also in this time, in­di­cated through data that Shi Lei has stud­ied nu­mer­ous and com­puter pro­grams the re­lated knowl­edge.” Shi An in­ves­ti­gate data, is very in­deed de­tailed. In­clud­ing Shi Lei's Ju­nior High School and data of High School time, in­ves­ti­gate.

„Con­tinue!” He Zhen­bang frowns. ‚If iden­tity is so sim­ple . More­over the or­phan, that even though puts under house ar­rest, must de­tain Shi Lei, serves for me!’
„After First Year be­gins school, the Shi Lei's de­vel­op­ment speed is ex­tremely fast! Smile De­tec­tion Pro­gram, sold to Leica Com­pany and aigo (Pa­triot) Com­pany, ob­tained the nu­mer­ous cap­i­tal. In ad­di­tion, the Shi Lei suc­cess and aigo (Pa­triot) Com­pany makes con­tact with the line.” Shi An stopped, peeps the He Zhen­bang com­plex­ion.

The aigo (Pa­triot) Com­pany back­ground, Shi An is also very clear, if Shi Lei is the aigo (Pa­triot) Com­pany per­son, then Rongcheng Mil­i­tary Dis­trict wants to snatch, per­haps is not quite easy.
„Is Shi Lei the aigo (Pa­triot) Com­pany per­son?” He Zhen­bang calm ask­ing.
Shi An com­plex­ion strange shak­ing the head, „com­man­der, aigo (Pa­triot) Com­pany had the giant ac­ci­dent! Ac­cord­ing to my in­ves­ti­gate, aigo (Pa­triot) Com­pany has 48.9 stocks, grasps in a non- in­vis­i­ble Com­pany hand, more­over Shi Lei achieve­ment ** Di­rec­tor, has 0.3 stock. Also in other words, aigo (Pa­triot) Com­pany in the hand of Eight Great Fam­i­lies, merely only re­main­ing 50.8.”

The He Zhen­bang com­plex­ion be­comes some­what ugly, „which Com­pany con­crete is?”
„Off­shore Com­pany, only knows that the name was called Se­cret, other data, have gone be­yond the Xia Na­tion range, in­ves­ti­gate. But in­di­cated ac­cord­ing to all sorts of signs that Se­cret Com­pany is con­trolled by fa­mous Hacker [Mr. M], but Shi Lei is [Mr. M] agent. This point ob­tained con­firmed. Also in other words, if we moved Shi Lei, per­haps will be re­tal­i­ated by [Mr. M]!” Shi An said own guess.

„[Mr. M]? That in Wo Sang Na­tion, has cre­ated the day ** both­er­some Hacker?” [Mr. M] big of rep­u­ta­tion, even knows in­clud­ing He Zhen­bang. After all when Rongcheng Mil­i­tary Dis­trict Ju­nior High School [Sakura Virus], but [Mr. M] in [Moon Virus] that Wo Sang Na­tion emits, worse and cru­eler.

„Right, Com­man­der, is that [Mr. M], we want Shi Lei, has to con­sider [Mr. M] issue!” Shi An swal­lows the saliva, looked at He Zhen­bang cau­tiously , to con­tinue say­ing: „Com­man­der, be­sides [Mr. M], be­hind that mys­te­ri­ous Mir­ror Sci­ence and Tech­nol­ogy Com­pany, Off­shore Com­pany Re­mote Op­er­ated, has not known that is the Shi Lei's ex­te­rior ally. And, re­cently in Africa very ac­tive Pun­ish­ment Merc Warsquad, I looked up de­tailed in­for­ma­tion, they are our coun­try for­merly Spe­cial Forces Ye Feng, Ma Liang and Zheng San­pao. in­for­ma­tion of an­other three peo­ple, have not looked up tem­porar­ily. But Pun­ish­ment Merc Warsquad, sub­or­di­nates in Shi Lei all, if Shi Lei kept any spe­cial order to them, will cause the enor­mous harm to our coun­try.”

He Zhen­bang is some­what weak, thinks can grasp Shi Lei smoothly, but has not thought the strength that Shi Lei hides, has the de­ter­rent of burn both jade and com­mon stone un­ex­pect­edly.
But Shi An as if also dis­likes He Zhen­bang to be not very wor­ried , to con­tinue to open the mouth say­ing: „Com­man­der, I from Cyber Se­cu­rity Agency West­ern Head­quar­ters, but also had known a mat­ter, Shi Lei one­self is very fierce Hacker. He is Hacker Union Inner Mem­ber, can be­come Hacker Union Inner Mem­ber, that Shi Lei's Hacker tech­nol­ogy, will not be ab­solutely sim­ple.

If he in net­work, after hav­ing left be­hind any­thing the move, guards against our Rongcheng Mil­i­tary Dis­trict, per­haps has very big trou­ble to our Rongcheng Mil­i­tary Dis­trict! After all, Shi Lei or Dream En­ter­tain­ment Lim­ited Com­pany CEO, but Dream En­ter­tain­ment re­ceives the en­tire World at­ten­tion at pre­sent, not only and AMD Com­pany has the co­op­er­a­tion, but also has the thor­ough co­op­er­a­tion with Trea­sure Is­land Province In­ter­Serv In­ter­na­tional, and ASUS and Mi­cro-Star Com­pany, has the co­op­er­a­tion with Dream En­ter­tain­ment!”

He Zhen­bang long vented anger, but said: „It seems like, we need to es­tab­lish the long-term col­lab­o­ra­tion to re­late with Shi Lei!”
Shi An does not dare to reply, low­er­ing the head retro­ver­sion sev­eral steps, hav­ing made Lu Qiang reply this issue.
„Com­man­der He, if pos­si­ble, we as far as pos­si­ble es­tab­lish the friendly re­la­tions with Shi Lei. More­over, should bet­ter win over in our Fac­tion him.” Said here, Lu Qiang some­what hes­i­tated, „Com­man­der He, the mat­ter, does not know that should say”

He Zhen­bang is star­ing at Lu Qiang, cold sound track: „Had the words to say!”
„Com­man­der He, heard that made rich|daugh­ter is Su­per­star, the in­born beauty, might be called ten thou­sand peo­ple of fans, was in­fe­rior that” Lu Qiang has not con­tin­ued, but his opin­ion was very ob­vi­ous.
In the He Zhen­bang eye has shown a look of think­ing, a mo­ment later, he opens the mouth say­ing: „You get down! Right, Lit­tle Shi, you hurry to Lin'an Un­der­ground Base im­me­di­ately, can­not make Li Yuan in­de­pen­dent flat­ter Shi Lei, you win over Shi Lei fully.”

„Yes, Com­man­der!” Shi An saluted, then and Lu Qiang with­draws from Of­fice to­gether.
After they leave, He Zhen­bang sighed: „Shi Lei Shi Lei, ac­tu­ally you are, un­ex­pect­edly con­sid­ers so long-term, the cloth has got­ten down all sorts of sub­se­quent par­ties, keep­ing our Rongcheng Mil­i­tary Dis­trict from start­ing!”
Ac­tu­ally, agent this iden­tity about [Mr. M], mak­ing Rongcheng Mil­i­tary Dis­trict have the scru­ples, Shi Lei has not ex­pected.
Truly is the Shi Lei lay­out, only then Pun­ish­ment Merc Warsquad of Ye Feng lead­er­ship, Mir­ror Sci­ence and Tech­nol­ogy Lim­ited Com­pany back Mir­a­cle Sci­ence and Tech­nol­ogy Lim­ited Com­pany, as well as be­comes the pub­lic fig­ure with the aid of Dream En­ter­tain­ment «Brave's World».

Shi Lei al­ready un­der­stands that co­op­er­ates with Rongcheng Mil­i­tary Dis­trict, is no dif­fer­ent seeks an im­pos­si­bil­ity, but only draws sup­port from Rongcheng Mil­i­tary Dis­trict, he can de­velop rapidly.
For ex­am­ple Lin'an Un­der­ground Base, al­though there is re­la­tions of Li Yuan in in­side, but Rongcheng Mil­i­tary Dis­trict that good in­ten­tion sold to him Lin'an Un­der­ground Base, per­haps also de­cided that five years later re­ceives!

After all in the Rongcheng Mil­i­tary Dis­trict high-level idea, Shi Lei wants in five years, gains three One Bil­lion cap­i­tal, is al­most not pos­si­ble! Was a pity that Rongcheng Mil­i­tary Dis­trict does not know Shi Lei is the per­son of re­birth, does not know the Shi Lei's am­bi­tion in a big way.
Five years later, let alone triv­ial three One Bil­lion, ex­actly as stated Shi Lei does not give back to Rongcheng Mil­i­tary Dis­trict, that is also what kind of! After all five years, too long were too long!

But if Rongcheng Mil­i­tary Dis­trict ten ap­por­tion the strength, is will­ing with the Shi Lei fair co­op­er­a­tion, that Shi Lei not to mind with Rongcheng Mil­i­tary Dis­trict, main­tains the friendly man­ner.
Many pow­er­ful al­lies, al­ways com­pare many strength pow­er­ful en­e­mies to be bet­ter!
On Jan­u­ary 13, around 8 : 00 am, Shi Lei from the bed, after hav­ing washed, the prepa­ra­tion con­tin­ues to com­pile Ares Sys­tem.

Li Yuan reached an agree­ment, wants the en­tire jour­ney to su­per­vise Shi Lei, but ob­vi­ously he is pit goods, went to that side Li Cai, prob­a­bly basic for­got the Ares Sys­tem mat­ter!
Shi Lei fin­ished eat­ing the bread, drinks up the milk, un­ties Num­ber One Server Dy­namic Be­hav­ior Recog­ni­tion En­gine, starts to com­pile Dy­namic Be­hav­ior Recog­ni­tion En­gine -based Ares Sys­tem.
Just had com­piled less than 100 lines of codes, placed cell phone on com­puter table to make a sound. Shi Lei looked at Caller ID, is ASUS Xu Wenyang.

„hā hā, the ASUS fel­low, re­ally could not bear!” The Shi Lei chuckle, has then pressed down the an­swer­ing key.
„Hello, Mr. Shi, I am ASUS Xu Wenyang!” Xu Wenyang first opens the mouth , to con­tinue say­ing: „Mr. Shi, does not know that you have had free time now? Our ASUS and Mi­cro-Star Com­pany, plans and your com­pany dis­cussed mat­ters con­cerned that co­op­er­ates.” Xu Wenyang in­ten­tion­ally said ASUS and Mi­cro-Star to­gether, to give Shi Lei in­creased the pres­sure.

But in the Shi Lei heart ac­tu­ally does not care, re­gard­less of ASUS and Mi­cro-Star whether unites in to­gether, to Dream En­ter­tain­ment, at is not the threat.
Dream En­ter­tain­ment is oc­cu­py­ing the ini­tia­tive, ASUS and Mi­cro-Star does not co­op­er­ate, Earth­ling and Alien, as well as Ra­Book wait / etc. high-end note­book Com­pany, can choose the co­op­er­a­tion.
„Mr. Xu, I now any­thing is not spa­tial!” Shi Lei de­clines in­ten­tion­ally, counter-bal­ances the pow­er­ful that Xu Wenyang just formed.

Fac­ing the Shi Lei's pre­tence under pre­text, Xu Wenyang wor­ries, he and Lin Xi­antong rushes to Shuangqing City at the same night, that is wants with the Dream En­ter­tain­ment reached(an agree­ment) con­sis­tent co­op­er­a­tion plan.
If could not see in­clud­ing the Shi Lei's sur­face, but also dis­cussed that what co­op­er­ates?

Thinks of here, Xu Wenyang can­not help but low­ered the stance, opens the mouth say­ing: „Mr. Shi, I and Mr. Lin Xi­antong, cur­rently Emer­ald Lake Guest­house, [Hope] can see Mr. Shi, dis­cussed our three Com­pany co­op­er­a­tion plans.”
Shi Lei had con­sid­ered, ASUS and Mi­cro-Star Com­pany, had the co­op­er­a­tion with Dream En­ter­tain­ment, al­though un­der­went the in­di­rect co­op­er­a­tion of AMD bridg­ing, but also cal­cu­lated the good co­op­er­a­tion base.
If co­op­er­ates with ASUS and Mi­cro-Star, is one is good to choose!

„Oh? You now in Emer­ald Lake Guest­house?” Shi Lei some­what is slightly sur­prised, but sound is very light. ‚Mi­cro-Star and ASUS do some­thing, Shuangqing City when Xu Wenyang and Lin Xi­antong come!’
Shi Lei is lean­ing the head, with pro­file and shoul­der, sup­pressed cell phone, fast input code order of both hands on the key­board, en­ters to Beiyu In­ter­na­tional Air­port In­ter­nal Sys­tem, in­quired Xu Wenyang and Lin Xi­antong flight record.

„Right, Mr. Shi, we in Emer­ald Lake Guest­house. Also [Hope] Mr. Shi, can meet with us, chat­ted the co­op­er­a­tion mat­ters con­cerned specif­i­cally.” Xu Wenyang low­ered the stance, the ex­pres­sion show­ing weak­ness some fla­vors.
Shi Lei in Beiyu In­ter­na­tional Air­port, looked up Xu Wenyang and Lin Xi­antong flight record, was yes­ter­day evening's flight.
‚At the same night catches up with Shuangqing City? Then’.


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