Monday, October 30, 2017

427: The layout of Jedi Strikes Back

Shuanghu Dis­trict, First Gen­eral Hos­pi­tal, Ad­vanced Ward.
Com­pares in yes­ter­day, the Ouyang Xiang sit­u­a­tion was bet­ter, at least to get out of bed to walk, more­over re­quest leaves the hos­pi­tal.
But does Shi Lei pos­si­bly make Ouyang Xiang leave the hos­pi­tal? The sug­ges­tion that Doc­tor gives is re­mains in the hos­pi­tal ob­ser­va­tion, not hav­ing Doc­tor con­firmed, Shi Lei not to agree that Ouyang Xiang will leave the hos­pi­tal.
That side Bai Qiang, Shi Lei does not want to go, but wants to make Bai Qiang they come. After all in Shuanghu Dis­trict, at noon, Shi Lei can find the ex­cuse to re­treat, then comes to the hos­pi­tal to look after Ouyang Xiang. Per­haps if in Beiyu Dis­trict, had no rea­son to re­treat!
The Bai Qiang hear Shi Lei's does not want, ex­plained low voice: „My Buddy Shi, you can­not let Mayor Meng, goes to Shuanghu Dis­trict Right? per­son­ally, al­though Mayor Meng needs help from you, but wants Mayor Meng to look for you re­ally per­son­ally, per­haps Mayor Meng will have the opin­ion!”

Shi Lei help­less sighed, „will Elder Brother Bai, be good to­mor­row? To­mor­row I will de­liver per­son­ally!”
Ouyang Xiang vi­sion gen­tle looks at Shi Lei, said in a low voice: „Shi Lei, my cousin must come to see me today, if you have the mat­ter, that goes busily!”
Bai Qiang in tele­phone that head, heard the Ouyang Xiang sound ob­vi­ously, in his heart was sigh­ing, does not know for Ouyang Xiang sighed sen­si­bly, sighed woe­fully for Mu Shuang.
„Buddy Shi, Ouyang spoke, this time you al­ways had no rea­son Right?”
Shi Lei hes­i­tant looks at Ouyang Xiang, in look that Ouyang Xiang en­cour­ages, fi­nally nods say­ing: „Good, Elder Brother Bai, I wait a while!”
„En! we in Tianyue Hotel , etc. you!” Bai Qiang has hung up the tele­phone with a smile.

In Tianyue Hotel top layer lux­u­ri­ous ad­min­is­tra­tive suite, Bai Qiang and Meng Xun re­spect­ful sit­ting in an old man op­po­site. This old man hair is gray­ing, fa­cial fea­tures are res­olute, both eyes are fiery. But the old man sits on the wheel­chair, the both legs lo­cate Qi Gen to in­ter­rupt from the knee!
„El­derly Liu, Shi Lei com­plied, im­me­di­ately dri­ves to catch up.” Bai Qiang was say­ing re­spect­fully.

El­derly Liu Sixty five years old, iden­tity is not very sim­ple this year, Meng Xun has not ex­plained El­derly Liu iden­tity to Bai Qiang, but can­not sup­port Bai Qiang to guess.
If Bai Qiang guessed not wrong, El­derly Liu was that
El­derly Liu has se­lected under one slightly, „Lit­tle Bai, this mat­ter, you were at­ten­tive!”
Al­though was called as Lit­tle Bai, one types were al­ways re­garded mean­ing of dog, but Bai Qiang ac­tu­ally not cares a whoop, in­stead in heart wild with joy, can be re­mem­bered by El­derly Liu, is the ad­van­tage is ab­solutely in­fi­nite!
„El­derly Liu, can share sor­row for you, that is my being hon­ored!” Bai Qiang was say­ing mod­estly.

Shuanghu Dis­trict, Shi Lei puts in the tele­phone the trouser pocket, on the face shows the ex­pres­sion that has no al­ter­na­tive, „Ouyang, that side Bu­reau Chief Bai a lit­tle mat­ter, was re­ally sorry!”
Say­ing with a smile of Ouyang Xiang bright af­fair: „Shi Lei, has the mat­ter to go busily! Today my cousin must ac­com­pany me, hav­ing no need for you wor­ry­ing!”
Shi Lei flex­ure scratch­ing the head, „I made a phone call first, mak­ing peo­ple de­liver noon nour­ish­ing soup.”
„Does not need to trou­ble, lit­tle drinks a point lit­tle to drink, has not re­lated.” Ouyang Xiang con­soles to say to Shi Lei.
Shi Lei has not re­sponded to her, but has made a phone call to Li Cai, ex­plained a sit­u­a­tion, mak­ing Li Cai do for some­body. Li Cai not any de­clin­ing agrees, be­cause of other rea­sons, merely is not be­cause Shi Lei for­merly has said that they are broth­ers!

After the con­fes­sion is clear, Shi Lei then dri­ves to drive to Beiyu Dis­trict. Within a half hour, Shi Lei ar­rives at Tianyue Hotel, has as­cer­tained the po­si­tion to Bai Qiang, then holds a print to have the AIP boast­ing paper box, rides the el­e­va­tor to go to the Tianyue Hotel top layer. Tianyue Hotel al­to­gether six six­teenth floor, in Shuangqing City also cal­cu­late tall build­ing that ranks among the best.
Shi Lei is hold­ing boast­ing paper box, the length about one meter, the width and High De­gree are 40 cen­time­ters, has com­posed a rec­tan­gle bar­rel.
In the boast­ing paper box, has a sym­bol of AIP ex­cept for the print, does not have other any sym­bols, brief to acme. ex­actly as stated AIP Ar­ti­fi­cial In­tel­li­gence Pros­thetic that in the paper box, thinks.
The high-speed el­e­va­tor stopped in six six­teenth floor, Shi Lei ar­rived at No. 6606 Room, ac­cord­ing to mak­ing a sound door­bell.
Bai Qiang opens the door rapidly, says with a smile: „Buddy Shi, you came fi­nally!”

Shi Lei com­plained: „Elder Brother Bai, a bit faster catches, I hug do not get up!” Say­ing, Shi Lei the boast­ing paper box in hand, has given Bai Qiang rashly.
„, This ex­actly as stated Ar­ti­fi­cial In­tel­li­gence Pros­thetic?” Bai Qiang is hold­ing the com­po­nent quite heavy boast­ing paper box, has thought over, per­haps has the 20 kg above weight!
„En!” Shi Lei re­sponded to one, under the lead­er­ship of Bai Qiang, en­tered ad­min­is­tra­tive suite.
Ad­min­is­tra­tive suite and Pres­i­den­tial Suite each has his good points, Pres­i­den­tial Suite em­pha­sized lux­u­ri­ously, ad­min­is­tra­tive suite em­pha­sized com­merce. In the suite liv­ing room, Bai Qiang cau­tiously puts down the boast­ing paper box.

Shi Lei has taken a look at two in Room, young that should be Meng Xun, but the old man of hair gray­ing both legs dis­abil­ity, should be the Ar­ti­fi­cial In­tel­li­gence Pros­thetic user.
„Buddy Shi, comes, I give you to in­tro­duce. This is our Shuangqing City Meng Xun Mayor, you later have any mat­ter, re­ported the Meng Xun Mayor rep­u­ta­tion di­rectly, in the Shuangqing City place, the mat­ter that could not have set­tled!” Bai Qiang led a gang of Jianghu ban­dit to be mad is say­ing.
The Meng Xun forced smile said: „Bu­reau Chief Bai, does my rep­u­ta­tion where have your re­sound­ing? Isn't your this is ap­ply­ing makeup?”

Shi Lei smiles to put out a hand to say pale: „Mayor Meng, hello!”
Meng Xun put out a hand to grasp with Shi Lei in one, „hello, Shi Lei. About the AIP Ar­ti­fi­cial In­tel­li­gence Pros­thetic mat­ter, I no longer said words that any­thing thanked. Later in Shuangqing City, has any trou­ble­some mat­ter, re­mem­bers that told me one!”
„Thank Mayor Meng!” In the Shi Lei heart has smiled, isn't this re­pay­ment that he wants?
„Shi Lei, this is Mr. El­derly Liu.” Meng Xun re­places the Bai Qiang in­tro­duc­tion say­ing that in his ex­pres­sion, is bring­ing Es­teemed.

In the Shi Lei heart guessed El­derly Liu iden­tity se­cretly, but Shi Lei was in­sen­si­tive to the pol­i­tics, has not guessed El­derly Liu iden­tity. „El­derly Liu, hello!”
El­derly Liu shot a look at Shi Lei, the light nod, „Lit­tle Shi, you later have any mat­ter, can look for the Lit­tle Meng help.”
Hears El­derly Liu to men­tion again, in the Shi Lei heart blos­somed hap­pily, in­di­cates the po­lite [say / way]: „El­derly Liu, does not use too po­litely!”
Meng Xun help­less shak­ing the head, Bai Qiang said: „Shi Lei, AIP Ar­ti­fi­cial In­tel­li­gence Pros­thetic, can in­stall Right? now”
„En, can in­stall! Each set of AIP Ar­ti­fi­cial In­tel­li­gence Pros­thetic in­te­rior, con­tains to in­stall Tool. But here has not in­stalled the en­vi­ron­ment, needs El­derly Liu to lie on the bed in­stalls, more­over must take off the pants, this did not have no Right?” Shi Lei to shoot a look at El­derly Liu, asked.

Meng Xun also looks at El­derly Liu, waits for the reply of El­derly Liu.
After must take off the pants, who knows that what El­derly Liu does have to ab­stain from?
El­derly Liu does not have the con­sid­er­a­tion to be too long, the di­rect nod re­sponded: „Has not re­lated! Does not need scru­ples! Does my bad old man, what have to be good to have scru­ples?”
Under the Shi Lei's di­vi­sion of labor, a half after about hour, one set of AIP Ar­ti­fi­cial In­tel­li­gence Pros­thetic in­stalls on the El­derly Liu both legs. AIP Ar­ti­fi­cial In­tel­li­gence Pros­thetic, is di­vided for three parts.

pros­thetic both legs, waist struc­tural sup­port, Dy­namic Be­hav­ior col­lec­tion cam­era. AIP Ar­ti­fi­cial In­tel­li­gence Pros­thetic Dy­namic Be­hav­ior col­lec­tion cam­era, al­to­gether two choices.
The First type is to match the eye­glasses use, the pin­hole -type cam­era, in -line in­stalls on the op­ti­cal glasses mid­dle sup­port of for­ward­ing as an en­clo­sure. The Sec­ond type is a brooch, in a por­tray has on the brooch of YuMo Med­ical Lim­ited Com­pany sym­bol, sim­i­larly in signs the pin­hole cam­era.
Each set of AIP Ar­ti­fi­cial In­tel­li­gence Pros­thetic, will be­stow two forms the Dy­namic Be­hav­ior col­lec­tion cam­eras re­spec­tively two sets, fa­cil­i­tates the Free­dom choice of user, as well as re­place­ment charge use.
El­derly Liu has cho­sen the brooch, be­cause he does not like wear­ing the op­ti­cal glasses.

Shi Lei was El­derly Liu has taken the brooch out­ward ap­pear­ance Dy­namic Be­hav­ior col­lec­tion cam­era, then took Re­mote Con­trol that AIP Ar­ti­fi­cial In­tel­li­gence Pros­thetic was throw­ing, was El­derly Liu ex­plains: „El­derly Liu, on Re­mote Con­trol, what this is la­belling the red but­ton is power source switch. This green key is searches Dy­namic Be­hav­ior to col­lect the pair of cam­era. For ex­am­ple, you dis­liked the brooch, wanted to try the op­ti­cal glasses, the re­place­ment later needs to use this key again con­firmed. The brooch and op­ti­cal glasses, built-in have charge Lithium Bat­tery, but can also re­place the but­ton bat­tery to re­al­ize to re­place Power Source. The Liq­uid Crys­tal dis­play mon­i­tor on Re­mote Con­trol, will demon­strate the Ar­ti­fi­cial In­tel­li­gence Pros­thetic all kinds sit­u­a­tion. Good, AIP Ar­ti­fi­cial In­tel­li­gence Pros­thetic in­stalled!”
On the El­derly Liu face has shown a faint trace hope ex­pres­sion, „Lit­tle Shi, can I stand to walk now?”

Shi Lei nod­ded, „nat­u­rally! Be­cause first time uses Ar­ti­fi­cial In­tel­li­gence Pros­thetic, El­derly Liu, you a lit­tle pos­si­bly will not be fa­mil­iar with, the multi- at­tempts walk two steps then to adapt. Right, Ar­ti­fi­cial In­tel­li­gence Pros­thetic has adopted the Top Level wa­ter­proof tech­nol­ogy, so long as the water depth does not sur­pass the knee spot, in other words does not sub­merge the knee above con­nec­tion spot, Ar­ti­fi­cial In­tel­li­gence Pros­thetic then does not have issue. The wet weather does not need to pro­tect Ar­ti­fi­cial In­tel­li­gence Pros­thetic de­sir­ably!”
El­derly Liu nod­ded, sat from the bed slowly, then at­tempts to use Ar­ti­fi­cial In­tel­li­gence Pros­thetic to stand.
first time uses Ar­ti­fi­cial In­tel­li­gence Pros­thetic, El­derly Liu some were not fa­mil­iar, shook Youyou (leisurely) have stood, then jerky walked sev­eral steps, af­ter­ward acted more and more quickly.
To fi­nally, El­derly Liu ran in ad­min­is­tra­tive suite un­ex­pect­edly, the speed en­dures com­pared with nor­mal jog­ging of Or­di­nary per­son, more­over can last­ing.
„hā hā hā hā! My Liu Kai stood!” Liu Boss sound has smiled.

In the Shi Lei heart se­cretly pon­dered that orig­i­nally the El­derly Liu name was called Liu Kai! If that Liu Kai, that Liu Kai iden­tity
In the Meng Xun eye re­veals pleas­antly sur­prised vi­sion, his both hands grip the Shi Lei's right hand, ef­fort is grasp­ing, „Shi Lei, thanked! Re­ally too thanked! Ar­ti­fi­cial In­tel­li­gence Pros­thetic, is re­ally lives up to rep­u­ta­tion!”
Shi Lei smiled, in the mouth said mod­estly: „you flat­ter me!”
Ran El­derly Liu of meet­ing to stop, ar­rived at side Shi Lei, earnest looks at Shi Lei say­ing: „Lit­tle Shi, my Liu Kai owes you a favour!”

In the Shi Lei heart moves, if Liu Kai the favour, can cash, his lay­out, can be broader.
This lay­out, will let For­eign Min­istry In­ter­na­tional In­tel­li­gence Agency, falls into very pas­sive as­pect


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