Sunday, October 29, 2017

415: Back plot

Shuanghu First Gen­eral Hos­pi­tal, Ad­vanced Ward.
Shi Lei brought small pot red ju­jube dried lon­gan gruel, this was yes­ter­day in the evening, Shi Lei through tele­phone, to the break­fast shop sched­uled spe­cial break­fast of back street. He will for­get that pre­pares the nu­tri­tion break­fast to Ouyang Xiang?

In the man­age­ment mer­chants of back street, the rash fel­low who has not known the Shi Lei given name. That re­ceives the break­fast shop of Shi Lei tele­phone, what was very happy was Shi Lei has pre­pared the spe­cial com­pas­sion break­fast.
The ma­te­r­ial that in order to flat­ter Shi Lei, they use, as well as the pro­du­cuc­tion process, has adopted the strictest re­quest com­pletely.
Shi Lei is car­ry­ing the red ju­jube dried lon­gan gruel, sits be­fore the hos­pi­tal bed, the left hand end gruel, the right hand is tak­ing a pure white ce­ramic soup ladle, scoops up a spoon by the red ju­jube in­car­na­dine rice gruel, places the mouth to blow, then small sip, after hav­ing dis­cov­ered first is not hot, hey to Ouyang Xiang.

Ouyang Xiang com­plex­ion micro red, shows the whites of the eyes to stare Shi Lei. But under Shi Lei's in­sists, has not re­jected by Shi Lei sip small red ju­jube dried lon­gan gruel.
Shi Lei pa­tient is feed­ing Ouyang Xiang, spoil­ing and care in look, lets the heart of Ouyang Xiang, un­ceas­ing per­ish­ing.
‚Shi Lei, if I fell in love with you, what to do should?’ Ouyang Xiang en­joys Shi Lei's to care, but in the heart has own worry.
She this year is 25 years old, but Shi Lei is only 19 years old. As the say­ing goes fe­male big three hold the gold brick, but if holds two gold bricks?
In ad­di­tion, Ouyang Xiang is very clear, Shi Lei also has other women. Ling Yumo, is Mu Shuang, Ouyang Xiang knows their data.

Ling Yumo just likes neigh­bor younger sis­ters gen­tle tran­quil, Mu Shuang im­i­tates, if ice­berg Snow Lotus Noble is el­e­gantly sim­ple, is very out­stand­ing, is not bad com­pared with Ouyang Xiang the half minute.
The ap­pear­ance that Ouyang Xiang is proud, be­fore them, does not have the least bit su­pe­ri­or­ity.
In such a case, will Shi Lei also elect her?
Ouyang Xiang can­not de­ter­mine, does not dare many imag­ines. She only wants to enjoy Shi Lei's to care now purely that does not want to con­sider the too much fu­ture.

Dif­fer­ent Shi Lei the warmth, after Bai Qiang gets out of bed, start dial tele­phone that is burn­ing with im­pa­tience, but the Shi Lei's tele­phone prompts turn off the ma­chine as be­fore.
But, Bai Qiang dri­ves to kill per­son­ally to Shuanghu Dis­trict, the prepa­ra­tion vis­its to stop up Shi Lei.
Shuanghu Dis­trict, the Emer­ald Lake Build­ing park­ing lot, at this mo­ment is full. The var­i­ous sorts and va­ri­eties ve­hi­cles, are in the po­si­tion of Emer­ald Lake Build­ing park­ing lot.
These ve­hi­cles, the com­mon fea­tures, that is the au­to­mo­bile body is la­belling ‚XXX Tele­vi­sion Sta­tion’ and ‚XXX news­pa­per of­fices’ and ‚XXX mag­a­zine com­pa­nies’.

Dream En­ter­tain­ment Of­fi­cial Web­site, issue hand­i­capped peo­ple As­sis­tance Sys­tem, through the dis­sem­i­na­tion of gen­eral Gamer, has aroused the enor­mous in­ter­est in the so­ci­ety.
Not is only only the Shuangqing City media, the media of Shuangqing City pe­riph­eral provinces and cities, are catch­ing up to­ward here, what now ar­rives is only the dis­tance is near, or has the per­ma­nent rep­re­sen­ta­tive per­son­nel media in Shuangqing City.
Shuangqing City Of­fi­cial Tele­vi­sion Sta­tion, is Shuangqing Tele­vi­sion Sta­tion, the in­ter­view team that sends out, is headed by trump card news Host Hu Ke Force Ac­com­pa­ny­ing as be­fore.
Rongcheng Tele­vi­sion Sta­tion after re­ceiv­ing mes­sage, has sent out their actor play­ing role of pretty young woman Lin Shan, lead­ing the team to ar­rive at Shuanghu Dis­trict, pre­pares to in­ter­view Dream En­ter­tain­ment, as well as Shi Lei.
Some place re­gion Tele­vi­sion Sta­tion, as well as the nu­mer­ous news­pa­per of­fice and mag­a­zine com­pany, want to in­ter­view Dream En­ter­tain­ment and Shi Lei, strives to ob­tain First, data about hand­i­capped peo­ple As­sis­tance Sys­tem.
As a re­sult of Re­porter pop­u­la­tion too much, Emer­ald Lake Build­ing Se­cu­rity per­son­nel, after ask­ing for in­struc­tions Dream En­ter­tain­ment Xie Hui, re­fuses to allow to pass any Re­porter to enter Emer­ald Lake Build­ing.

Emer­ald Lake Build­ing 17 build­ings, Xie Hui some­what dif­fi­cult through the win­dow, looks at Re­porter of ground floor.
Hong Xiang is crack­ing a joke to say at the same time: „Per­haps Old Xie, this time also wants you to force up!”
Xie Hui shakes the head to say again and again: „Old Hong, the pre­vi­ous time is I goes, this time should on you!”
„Don't! Old Xie, you are Dream En­ter­tain­ment Ex­ec­u­tive Deputy Gen­eral Man­ager! Chief Shi not in the sit­u­a­tion, the Dream En­ter­tain­ment mat­ter, is han­dled by you!” Hong Xiang de­clines hastily said.
Down­stairs Re­porter, at least over a hun­dred, if got down at this time, ab­solutely is not the good op­por­tu­nity!
„Old Hong , to con­tinue to give Chief Shi to tele­phone.” Xie Hui was say­ing worn out.

„Con­tin­u­ously turn off the ma­chine! Old Xie, dis­closed to me that hand­i­capped peo­ple As­sis­tance Sys­tem, was ac­tu­ally mat­ter? How haven't I heard what rumor?” Hong Xiang half half Fake said re­ally: „Is it pos­si­ble that was I dis­charged the au­thor­ity Cen­ter po­si­tion?”
„Non­sense! I do not know any rumor. If not the Server op­er­at­ing record, in­di­cated that this is Chief Shi up­date, I must think that our Server, en­coun­tered the in­va­sion of Hacker!” Xie Hui de­pressed say­ing: „This called any mat­ter, hand­i­capped peo­ple As­sis­tance Sys­tem, prob­a­bly very fierce ap­pear­ance!”
Shuanghu Dis­trict, Bai Qiang in Jingya Gar­den, has not dis­cov­ered Shi Lei, he has to go by car to catch up to Emer­ald Lake Build­ing. Emer­ald Lake Build­ing is Dream En­ter­tain­ment Tem­po­rary Head­quar­ters, Bai Qiang [Hope] seizes Shi Lei in Emer­ald Lake Build­ing.
Even if can­not hold Shi Lei in Emer­ald Lake Build­ing, can find Mu Shuang. So long as Mu Shuang is will­ing to open the mouth, Bai Qiang be­lieves that Shi Lei will not have the truth of shirk­ing.

When Bai Qiang ar­rived at Emer­ald Lake Build­ing, he also out­side the lineup by Emer­ald Lake Build­ing, had a scare. More than 100 Re­porter, sur­round out­side Emer­ald Lake Build­ing, is this scene what kind shock?
‚These many Re­porter sur­round Emer­ald Lake Build­ing, is it pos­si­ble that Shi Lei that Brat re­ally in Emer­ald Lake Build­ing?’ In the Bai Qiang heart is think­ing se­cretly.
When he wants to enter Emer­ald Lake Build­ing, had ac­tu­ally been blocked by Emer­ald Lake Build­ing Se­cu­rity Guard. Bai Qiang but is ac­tu­ally not the ar­bi­trary per­son, he has shone Po­lice Force iden­tity, does not have to in­di­cate one are Po­lice De­part­ment Bu­reau Chief, en­tered Emer­ald Lake Build­ing di­rectly.

These Re­porter, after look­ing Bai Qiang goes, to Se­cu­rity Guard is shout­ing, wants to make Se­cu­rity Guard put them also to go. Was only a pity that they are Re­porter, but is not Po­lice Force.
Shuangqing Tele­vi­sion Sta­tion trump card news Host Hu Ke, looks at the Bai Qiang back, a pair of beau­ti­ful eye has shown the look of think­ing.
‚City Bu­reau Bai Qiang Bu­reau Chief? Does he come to here to do?’
Al­though Hu Ke guessed cor­rectly Bai Qiang iden­tity, but she had not pointed out di­rectly. Re­lated to Bai Qiang that Gra­da­tion per­son­nel, can­not ca­sual re­port ran­domly, oth­er­wise isn't that courts death?
Shuanghu First Gen­eral Hos­pi­tal, Shi Lei one bowl of red ju­jube dried lon­gan gruel, fed to Ouyang Xiang fin­ished eat­ing, ask­ing of smil­ing: „Ouyang, but can also eat?”

Ouyang Xiang shook the head, the well sat­is­fied start to talk said: „Shi Lei, you have a look at SMS, prob­a­bly many peo­ple look for you.”
Shi Lei when hey Ouyang Xiang to sip gruel, he places cell phone on sofa, has made at least ten SMS prompt sounds. In the day­time, the turn off the ma­chine con­di­tion of Shi Lei set­ting, will not pre­vent calls com­pletely. These SMS prompt sounds, are the prompts that [Izual] trans­mits, in­di­cated that has the tele­phone in di­al­ing the Shi Lei's num­ber, more­over at least has di­aled over three times, will have the prompt.
Shi Lei smiled to Ouyang Xiang, is car­ry­ing Sheng Zhou the small bowl, ar­rives by the sofa, places on the small bowl the tea table, then has taken up the cell phone ex­am­i­na­tion.

In cell phone, al­to­gether 12 SMS, re­minded Shi Lei sep­a­rately, Bai Qiang gave him to dial five times, Xie Hui to give him to dial six times, Mu Shuang also to dial one time.
‚How will Bai Qiang call me?’ Shi Lei an­a­lyzes se­cretly, he first thinks of the Yun­shan mat­ter, but was over­ruled di­rectly. If the Yun­shan mat­ter, the Bai Qiang group can­not make a con­nec­tion with the tele­phone, def­i­nitely will di­rectly come First Gen­eral Hos­pi­tal to look for him.
How­ever, what Shi Lei does not know, Drug En­force­ment Di­vi­sion Third Group, re­turns to City Bu­reau after at the same night, the re­lated sit­u­a­tion will re­port to Drug En­force­ment Di­vi­sion Di­vi­sion Head Gong Xin­meng.
How­ever, Gong Xin­meng is ac­tu­ally per­son­nel of Dai Guanghua de­part­ment, he has given Dai Guanghua the sit­u­a­tion re­port of Yun­shan, but has not told to Bai Qiang.

There­fore Bai Qiang does not know Shi Lei in Shuanghu Dis­trict First Gen­eral Hos­pi­tal. Even does not know that Drug En­force­ment Di­vi­sion Third Group mem­ber, met Dan­ger in Yun­shan.
Shi Lei has thought re­peat­edly many sit­u­a­tions, ac­tu­ally as be­fore can­not guess cor­rectly Bai Qiang to the goal that he tele­phones, there­fore can only pick up the phone to dial the past.
The tele­phone was put through quickly, Bai Qiang first opened the mouth, brings to tease with the com­plaint union fla­vor is say­ing: „Buddy Shi, my busy man, you start­ing re­turned the call fi­nally!”
Shi Lei coughs, dis­re­gards the com­plaint and teas­ing of Bai Qiang, asked di­rectly: „Does Elder Brother Bai, what mat­ter have?” In the Shi Lei heart is pon­der­ing se­cretly, if Bai Qiang must in­quire that Yun­shan mat­ter, how he should reply.
„Buddy Shi, your is Dream En­ter­tain­ment up to mis­chief? That what hand­i­capped peo­ple As­sis­tance Sys­tem, re­ally or Fake?” Bai Qiang in­quired.

Hears Bai Qiang to in­quire hand­i­capped peo­ple As­sis­tance Sys­tem un­ex­pect­edly, Shi Lei re­laxed. Al­though the Yun­shan mat­ter, Shi Lei has the suf­fi­cient rea­son to es­cape the crime, but in the final analy­sis, is not the hon­ored mat­ter.
„Elder Brother Bai, has mat­ter such. This is above Par­ent Com­pany, east and west|thing that Mir­ror Sci­ence and Tech­nol­ogy does, the spe­cific sit­u­a­tion I not am quite clear.” Say­ing that Shi Lei is per­func­tory.
Bai Qiang no mat­ter Mir­ror Sci­ence and Tech­nol­ogy, hand­i­capped peo­ple As­sis­tance Sys­tem that Dream En­ter­tain­ment does, he only wants a quota!

„Buddy Shi, that any hand­i­capped peo­ple As­sis­tance Sys­tem, I take a quota. Wants the thigh dis­abil­ity, the Knee Sec­tion Ver­sion quota. This mat­ter, any issue Right?” Bai Qiang has not asked with a smile.
Shi Lei did in­ten­tion­ally to hes­i­tate, „this Elder Brother Bai, was a lit­tle dif­fi­cult. This mat­ter, op­er­ates the plan by Par­ent Com­pany Mir­ror Sci­ence and Tech­nol­ogy that side, our Dream En­ter­tain­ment is only im­ple­ment.”
Bai Qiang hēng hēng said: „Buddy Shi, a lit­tle mat­ter, do not de­cline Right?”
Shi Lei dis­guises ten to be di­vided: „Elder Brother Bai, since you said that I can also de­cline? How­ever Elder Brother Bai, this quota is only one, can­not be many ab­solutely! Oth­er­wise, I that side Par­ent Com­pany, am un­able to re­port on ac­com­plish­ments!”
„Relax! So long as!” Bai Qiang says with a smile.

„Was right, Elder Brother Bai, I have a mat­ter, wants to ask you.” Is in­jured re­gard­ing Ouyang Xiang, if in the Shi Lei heart does not have the re­sent­ment, that is ab­solutely im­pos­si­ble.
Bai Qiang ob­tained the Shi Lei's com­mit­ment, mood ex­cel­lent say­ing: „What issue has?”
Drug En­force­ment Group that „Ouyang Xiang is, yes­ter­day was be­sieged by drug dealer in Yun­shan. Your hasn't City Bu­reau dis­patched [The Steel and Iron] to res­cue? Also, this mat­ter, Elder Brother Bai, you as if do not know that Right?” Shi Lei an­a­lyzed, Bai Qiang must know Ouyang Xiang to his im­por­tance.
Ouyang Xiang was in­jured by drug dealer at­tack, if Bai Qiang knew, def­i­nitely should tele­phone to Shi Lei of­fi­cially in­forms one. But now does not have, that ex­plained that Bai Qiang does not know!
The Emer­ald Lake Build­ing 18 build­ings, Bai Qiang in the Dream En­ter­tain­ment Com­pany re­stroom, the com­plex­ion be­comes is some­what ugly.
„Buddy Shi, haven't you cracked a joke?”
Some Shi Lei pissed said: „Elder Brother Bai, do I crack a joke?”

„Buddy Shi, mat­ter, you pos­si­bly do not know. Drug En­force­ment Di­vi­sion Di­vi­sion Head is the Dai Guanghua per­son, but Deputy Di­vi­sion Head is my per­son. Re­cent two days, Deputy Di­vi­sion Head goes Cap­i­tal City to have mat­ter pro­cess­ing, there­fore the Drug En­force­ment Di­vi­sion mat­ter, fell into the hand of Dai Guanghua com­pletely.” Bai Qiang an­swered.

The Shi Lei look cold brightness dodges, „Elder Brother Bai,your opinion is”.


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