Tuesday, October 31, 2017

446: Purchases and determines new Headquarters

Mir­ror Sci­ence and Tech­nol­ogy Com­pany, Emer­ald Lake Build­ing of cur­rent Head­quar­ters sit­u­ated in Shuangqing City Shuanghu Dis­trict. The spe­cial de­tails were Im­mor­tal Pic­ture Com­pany oc­cu­pied six­teenth floor, Dream En­ter­tain­ment oc­cu­pied 17 build­ings and 18 build­ings, but fif­teenth floor sched­uled gave Rul­ing Se­cu­rity Com­pany tem­porar­ily.
Also in other words, Emer­ald Lake Build­ing fif­teenth floor to 18 build­ings, be­longs to Shi Lei to have com­pletely. Now needs to de­velop Fan­tasy Sci­ence and Tech­nol­ogy and Yumo Med­ical, but Emer­ald Lake Build­ing less va­cant floors, but Shi Lei does not want to make sev­eral Com­pany sep­a­rate, there­fore plans the over­all re­lo­ca­tion to Emer­ald Build­ing.
About Emer­ald Build­ing, Mu Shuang in­ves­ti­gate, she has put out a paper doc­u­ment, then opens the mouth say­ing: „Emer­ald Build­ing al­to­gether 38, the sin­gle-layer area have been 3000 square me­ters, more­over is the non- col­umn space.”
Shi Lei sur­prised, the non- col­umn space of 3000 square me­ters sin­gle-layer area, it seems like Emer­ald Build­ing has used the brand-new con­struc­tion craft, oth­er­wise is im­pos­si­ble to achieve such big sin­gle-layer non- col­umn space.
Mu Shuang shot a look at Shi Lei's to be sur­prised, con­tin­ued to in­tro­duce: „Emer­ald Build­ing also ex­ceeds the quota has pro­vided ten el­e­va­tors, the High, Medium, Low re­gion re­spec­tively three el­e­va­tors, a freight el­e­va­tor. In ad­di­tion, the total berth num­ber of Un­der­ground park­ing lot, has achieved 400, is the ex­ceed­ing the quota equip­ment.”
38 of­fices, pro­vide ten el­e­va­tors, the sur- 400 Un­der­ground park­ing lots, in­deed is a dis­po­si­tion of ex­ceed­ing the quota, suit­able at­trac­tion Com­pany moves into.
„Mu Shuang, do not hang my ap­petite, Emer­ald Build­ing that side rent how many?” Ask­ing that Shi Lei urged.
The Mu Shuang as if small plot pre­vails yiyàng has smiled, is Shi Lei ex­plains, „also wants to be cheaper than Emer­ald Lake Build­ing! Emer­ald Build­ing that side ge­o­graph­i­cal po­si­tion, not hav­ing Emer­ald Lake Build­ing to be good, al­though all kinds dis­poses is higher, but the ge­o­graph­i­cal po­si­tion has de­cided their flaw. The high-level rent is. Each month of each square rent, only needs 20 Yuan, but their side each square, needs to pay 5 Yuan man­age­ment fees every month. in un­der­ly­ing bed to cheap.”
Shi Lei in mind in­ter­me­di­ate total for­get about it, if has been counted the man­age­ment fee, Emer­ald Build­ing and Emer­ald Lake Build­ing price, in fact is yiyàng. Be­cause of the Emer­ald Lake Build­ing man­age­ment fee, has avoided to Mir­ror Sci­ence and Tech­nol­ogy, does not need to pay.
„Mu Shuang, you thought that Emer­ald Lake Build­ing is good. Is Emer­ald Build­ing good?” Shi Lei can­not make up mind, de­cides to ask the opin­ion of Mu Shuang.
Mu Shuang had not replied that Shi Lei's cell phone has made a sound. He pulls out cell phone to ex­am­ine Caller ID, dis­cov­ery leads Epic Chap­ter Xie Hui.
Pressed down the an­swer­ing key, Shi Lei in­quired: „Old Xie. What mat­ter has?”
The Xie Hui ex­pres­sion has some anx­i­ety, „Chief Shi. Had the ur­gent mat­ter. Needs you to process per­son­ally, you where?”
„Oh? I in Im­mor­tal Pic­ture Com­pany, what hap­pened?” Shi Lei cu­ri­ous ask­ing. Mean­while, in the heart was guess­ing se­cretly, is it pos­si­ble that issue about «Brave's World» de­vel­op­ment?
„Chief Shi, you wait a bit. I get down im­me­di­ately re­port to you per­son­ally!” Xie Hui ex­plained hur­riedly, then has hung up the tele­phone, ob­vi­ously pre­pares to get down while the el­e­va­tor, comes the Im­mor­tal Pic­ture Com­pany re­port per­son­ally.
Mu Shuang wrin­kled slightly such as Liu Ye the yiyàng thin eye­brow. In­quired: „Shi Lei, what hap­pened?”
„Has not known that Xie Hui gets down im­me­di­ately, we go to the con­fer­ence room he!” Say­ing that Shi Lei pro­posed.
Mu Shuang slightly hes­i­tant, „for­get about it, after is the Dream En­ter­tain­ment mat­ter.”
„Said that any non­sense, Mu Shuang, you now are Mir­ror Sci­ence and Tech­nol­ogy Xia Na­tion Re­gion Deputy Gen­eral Man­ager. Im­mor­tal Pic­ture Com­pany, Fan­tasy Sci­ence and Tech­nol­ogy and Dream En­ter­tain­ment, Yumo Med­ical, is you to man­age com­pletely.” Say­ing that the Shi Lei com­plex­ion sinks.
Mu Shuang nod­ded, has not re­jected again, ar­rives in the Im­mor­tal Pic­ture Com­pany con­fer­ence room with Shi Lei to­gether.
After sev­eral min­utes, a Xie Hui face anx­ious ex­pres­sion, has run into the con­fer­ence room.
„Chief Shi, the im­por­tant mat­ter is not good, the im­por­tant mat­ter is not good!” Xie Hui look star­tled loud [say / way].
Shi Lei has knocked the board, hints Xie Hui quiet to get down. Xie Hui then dis­cov­ers Mu Shuang also on the scene, he hastily dili­gently calm. „Sorry, Chief Shi, I was some­what ex­cited!”
„Ac­tu­ally what hap­pened?” The Shi Lei com­plex­ion calm in­quiry, fac­ing the For­eign Min­istry In­ter­na­tional In­tel­li­gence Agency star­tled huge cri­sis, Shi Lei can also re­verse as be­fore fi­nally, mak­ing For­eign Min­istry In­ter­na­tional In­tel­li­gence Agency have bad luck. He does not be­lieve that Dream En­ter­tain­ment what hap­pened, is more trou­ble­some than For­eign Min­istry In­ter­na­tional In­tel­li­gence Agency.
Xie Hui hes­i­tant looks at Mu Shuang, opin­ion is Mu Shuang on the scene, can say these se­cret mat­ters.
Shi Lei is pro­moted to Mu Shuang is the Mir­ror Sci­ence and Tech­nol­ogy Xia Na­tion Re­gion Deputy Gen­eral Man­ager mat­ter, told to Xie Hui, mak­ing Xie Hui sur­prised. Mu Shuang iden­tity, Xie Hui is quite clear, Mu Shuang is only First Year stu­dent(s), al­though dresses up in­ten­tion­ally some­what old man­nishly, but can look at young of Mu Shuang as be­fore.
‚Mu Shuang can as­cend to Xia Na­tion Re­gion Deputy Gen­eral Man­ager, per­haps have the Chief Shi merit! After all, Chief Shi is one of the Mir­ror Sci­ence and Tech­nol­ogy Stock­holder, more­over re­la­tions be­tween Mu Shuang and Chief Shi, are not sim­ple!’
Xie Hui knew after Mu Shuang new iden­tity, an eye­ball rev­o­lu­tion, con­grat­u­lates to say im­me­di­ately: „Chief Mu, con­grat­u­la­tions!”
Mu Shuang in­dif­fer­ent has se­lected under one, does not have in­di­cat­ing of too much.
„Was good, Old Xie, said that ac­tu­ally Dream En­ter­tain­ment what hap­pened!” The Shi Lei sink­ing sound asked.
„Chief Shi, the con­struc­tion of Emer­ald Lake Build­ing has issue! Su­per­com­puter that AMD Com­pany sends in­stalls En­gi­neer, ex­am­ines through the in­stru­ment, in in­stalling the Su­per­com­puter 18 build­ings, dis­cov­ered the floor floor to pre­sent the fis­sure. If dis­re­gards, per­haps soon, 18 build­ings per­haps will be pressed col­laps­ing by Su­per­com­puter!” The Xie Hui ex­pres­sion was say­ing de­pressed.
It looks like in Xie Hui, so the Large-scale writ­ing of­fice build­ing, un­ex­pect­edly is also the jerry-built pro­ject, this is sim­ply in­con­ceiv­able!
The Shi Lei's fore­head re­veals wipes the cold sweat, „, Old Xie, you have not cracked a joke Right?”
The dif­fer­ence of Su­per­com­puter with in­di­vid­ual com­puter is very big, for ex­am­ple Su­per­com­puter has the huge fuse­lage, as well as un­wieldy qual­ity, Ex­tra­or­di­nary elec­tric­ity de­mand.
AMD sup­port to Dream En­ter­tain­ment Su­per­com­puter, after the Emer­ald Lake Build­ing 18 build­ings in­stall, AMD in­stall­ment En­gi­neer, to the Emer­ald Lake Build­ing floor, has car­ried on the struc­tural test­ing.
How­ever fi­nally makes peo­ple very shock­ing, be­cause the Emer­ald Lake Build­ing de­sign is un­rea­son­able, in ad­di­tion in­ter­nal steel bar ma­te­r­ial has the de­fla­tion spec­i­fi­ca­tion. For ex­am­ple should use the di­am­e­ter 12 mm steel bar ob­vi­ously, ac­tu­ally merely only uses the di­am­e­ter 8 mm steel bar, can such build­ing frame not have issue?
„Chief Shi, I have not cracked a joke! En­gi­neer that AMD sends, cur­rently dis­man­tles Su­per­com­puter. They give our opin­ion, mak­ing us should bet­ter to change a lo­ca­tion to arrange Su­per­com­puter. Oth­er­wise in the fu­ture will have any issue, they will not shoul­der the re­spon­si­bil­ity.” Xie Hui puts on a long face to say.
Shi Lei looked at Mu Shuang, shrugs, is bring­ing a teas­ing lan­guage gas chan­nel: „Mu Shuang, it seems like we pre­pare mov­ing Head­quar­ters. This is the mat­ter of being des­tined!”
On the Mu Shuang face re­vealed has wiped the happy ex­pres­sion, „Shi Lei, that side Emer­ald Build­ing, we could pur­chase some floors ac­tu­ally. Cur­rently the Emer­ald Build­ing price, prob­a­bly is at about 18002500. Ac­cord­ing to the Shuanghu Dis­trict fu­ture de­vel­op­ment, the Emer­ald Build­ing value will only in­crease. Will not re­duce.”
Shi Lei has con­sid­ered. The Emer­ald Build­ing sin­gle-layer area has been 3000 square me­ters, ac­cord­ing to a 2000 Yuan square com­pu­ta­tion, needs 600 ten thou­sand Xia Na­tion Yuan a yet higher goal.
Cur­rently Shi Lei also has about 125 Mil­lion Xia Na­tion Yuan, as well as 200 ten thou­sand US Dol­lar. Syn­the­sizes, about 100 Mil­lion 40 Mil­lion Xia Na­tion Yuan.
Al­though this sum of money in the Or­di­nary per­son eyes is as­tro­nom­i­cal fig­ures, but in the Shi Lei eye. Also missed was so lit­tle, after all Shi Lei has owed a Rongcheng Mil­i­tary Dis­trict Three Bil­lion Yuan debt!
100 Mil­lion 40 Mil­lion Xia Na­tion Yuan, if pur­chases Emer­ald Build­ing, can­not pur­chase many. If Shi Lei pur­chase. Will pur­chase up­per­most sev­eral surely. Is higher ac­cord­ing to the high-rise con­struc­tion a more ex­pen­sive rule, the Emer­ald Build­ing high level should be 2500 Yuan one square, a yet higher goal needs seven hun­dred 500,000, ten build­ings are 75 Mil­lion.
100 Mil­lion 40 Mil­lion sin­cer­ity can­not buy many! This 100 Mil­lion 40 Mil­lion fund, Shi Lei also has own plan!
Shi Lei said own con­sid­er­a­tion, Mu Shuang rare hee has smiled, „fool Shi Lei, why do we want to buy that many? Emer­ald Lake Build­ing, is Emer­ald Build­ing, is only tem­po­rary tran­si­tional Tem­po­rary Head­quar­ters! In the fu­ture, we must cer­tainly con­struct our Head­quar­ters. You said that you are stu­pid?”
Un­der­went the re­minder of Mu Shuang, Shi Lei has tapped the head, some of his in­deed pen­e­trate into a bull's horn, why must pur­chase the nu­mer­ous Emer­ald Build­ing floor, can def­i­nitely need many to buy many.
The Emer­ald Build­ing sin­gle-layer area has been 3000 square me­ters, Im­mor­tal Pic­ture Com­pany are most only needs 1000 squares. Fan­tasy Sci­ence and Tech­nol­ogy is Empty Shell Child Com­pany, cur­rently only needs one to be sim­i­lar to east and west|thing of of­fice, merely pro­vides the prod­uct con­sul­ta­tion of Fan­tasy Sci­ence and Tech­nol­ogy Com­pany, as well as the post-sale ser­vice tech­ni­cal sup­port, gives them most Of­fice, in­vited sev­eral peo­ple.
As for Yumo Med­ical, along with aip Ar­ti­fi­cial In­tel­li­gence Pros­thetic, as well as Dy­namic Be­hav­ior Recog­ni­tion En­gine Med­ical Ver­sion, in the fu­ture large-scale ap­pli­ca­tion, Yumo Med­ical can use the re­main­ing 2000 squares spaces. Mainly for keep­ing in stock aip Ar­ti­fi­cial In­tel­li­gence Pros­thetic, in­stalls aip Ar­ti­fi­cial In­tel­li­gence Pros­thetic, pro­vides aip Ar­ti­fi­cial In­tel­li­gence Pros­thetic ex­pe­ri­ence for one­self and post-sale ser­vice.
Over­all, in other words Im­mor­tal Pic­ture Com­pany, YuMo Med­ical Lim­ited Com­pany and Fan­tasy Sci­ence and Tech­nol­ogy Lim­ited Com­pany, three Com­pany gather at a yet higher goal.
Dream En­ter­tain­ment as a big de­part­ment, is di­vided into Game De­vel­op­ment De­part­ment, the Game En­gine de­vel­op­ment di­vi­sion, the Server con­trol di­vi­sion, will de­velop many de­part­ments Game De­vel­op­ment De­part­ment in the fu­ture. There­fore, Dream En­ter­tain­ment should mo­nop­o­lize one.
As for Rul­ing Se­cu­rity Com­pany, can def­i­nitely in Emer­ald Lake Build­ing. Emer­ald Lake Build­ing fif­teenth floor to 18 build­ings, after Dream En­ter­tain­ment and Im­mor­tal Pic­ture Com­pany move out, then meets va­cant.
Emp­ties in any case is also emp­ty­ing, might as well give the Rul­ing Se­cu­rity Com­pany use, hap­pen to draws sup­port from this op­por­tu­nity, Rul­ing Se­cu­rity Com­pany Ex­ten­sion, forms the de­part­ment that two uses vary.
„Old Xie, you go to con­tact AMD En­gi­neer, let them are bring­ing the in­stru­ment, we sur­vey Emer­ald Build­ing first is whether qual­i­fied, if Emer­ald Build­ing meets the re­quire­ment, then we pre­pare mov­ing new Head­quar­ters!” After think­ing through, Shi Lei smil­ingly was say­ing.
New Head­quar­ters, is only Tem­po­rary Head­quar­ters, in the fu­ture, Dream En­ter­tain­ment will cer­tainly con­struct truly own Head­quar­ters!.


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