Monday, October 30, 2017

423: National Security Agency

Shuangqing City, Jade Dis­trict, com­mon three small build­ing.
Here is Na­tional Se­cu­rity Agency Shuangqing Sub­sta­tion Head­quar­ters, com­plex­ion se­ri­ous mid­dle-aged man named Zhong Wei­jian, Na­tional Se­cu­rity Agency Shuangqing Sub­sta­tion Bu­reau Chief.

Zhong Wei­jian the doc­u­ment in hand, has given the as­sis­tant, dis­trib­uted to con­fer­ence room in all peo­ple. Prob­a­bly waited for five min­utes, Zhong Wei­jian with not the big sound, opens the mouth say­ing: „Head­quar­ters just sent in the news, Wo Sang Na­tion For­eign Min­istry In­ter­na­tional In­tel­li­gence Agency Spe­cial Se­cu­rity De­part­ment four per­son­nel, ar­rived in our Shuangqing City, mak­ing us wait gravely, do not let Wo Sang Na­tion Lit­tle 'Devil', in our Shuangqing City, does any ac­ci­dent to come!”

„Is Chief Zhong, these four peo­ple?” What speech is one brings beer to cover the man of eye­glasses, he is tak­ing the four pic­tures in data, ask­ing of wav­ing.
This man called Huang Wei, held an of­fice in Sev­enth Di­vi­sion Di­vi­sion Head. Sev­enth Di­vi­sion is the de­part­ment of Su­per­vi­sor counter-es­pi­onage in­tel­li­gence col­lec­tion.

„En, right. Lit­tle Huang, your side pays at­ten­tion, found these four peo­ple as soon as pos­si­ble. And clar­i­fies, they come the Shuangqing City goal!” Zhong Wei­jian told.
Huang Wei gives be­hind as­sis­tant the pic­ture, hints him to go to the im­ple­ment order im­me­di­ately, „sends to So­cial Se­cu­rity Su­per­vi­sion Di­vi­sion and traf­fic de­part­ment road mon­i­tor­ing branch the pic­ture, let them co­or­di­nates in­ves­ti­gate, seeks for in­for­ma­tion of these four men!”
An­other is slightly young, brings man who a gang of local ruf­fian is mad, says with a smile: „Big Brother Huang, has any in­for­ma­tion, must in­form me im­me­di­ately!”

Man who this lit­tle local ruf­fian is mad is Eighth Di­vi­sion Di­vi­sion Head Zheng Huazhong, the Eighth Di­vi­sion Su­per­vi­sor For­eign spy with the prison, de­tec­tion, ar­rest, this four Wo Sang Na­tion spy, is then in­ves­ti­gated by Eighth Di­vi­sion, even is the ar­rest.
„Lit­tle Zheng, if there is a news, I can the First time in­form you. Your Eighth Di­vi­sion, must be ready at any time!” The re­la­tions of Huang Wei and Zheng Huazhong are good. Should say that is the re­la­tions of Sev­enth Di­vi­sion and Eighth Di­vi­sion is very good, both sides are the co­op­er­a­tion close de­part­ments, is re­spon­si­ble for in­quir­ing the in­for­ma­tion, is re­spon­si­ble for seiz­ing sus­pi­cion per­son­nel.

„Big Brother Huang, you could rest as­sured that so long as the in­for­ma­tion ar­rived, our Eighth Di­vi­sion goes to catch im­me­di­ately the per­son!” Zheng Huazhong guar­an­tees to say.
Zhong Wei­jian coughs, has in­ter­rupted their di­a­log, „this time, you pay at­ten­tion to a point to me. That side Wo Sang Na­tion, re­cently had quite se­ri­ous Hacker in­tru­sion event, they have the pos­si­bil­ity to come the in­ves­ti­gate sit­u­a­tion. If For­eign Min­istry In­ter­na­tional In­tel­li­gence Agency, has sub­mit­ted the of­fi­cial doc­u­ment to us, how we can­not to them!”
„Boss, that side For­eign Min­istry In­ter­na­tional In­tel­li­gence Agency, has not is­sued the doc­u­ment to come!” Zheng Huazhong smil­ingly was say­ing, has the name of Jianghu taste Zhong Wei­jian, lets Zhong Wei­jian help­less shak­ing the head.

„Thump ~”
Out­side the con­fer­ence room, hears the knock, Zhong Wei­jian not dis­con­tent­edly, in­stead opens the mouth say­ing: „Comes in!”
The work of Safety bu­reau is very spe­cial, if there is lat­est in­for­ma­tion, even though is meet­ing, can be in­ter­rupted to dis­turb.
The as­sis­tant who Sev­enth Di­vi­sion just left, took a doc­u­ment to run, „Chief Zhong, Di­vi­sion Head Huang, looked up the where­abouts of that four per­son, this af­ter­noon 6.3 12, through the So­cial Se­cu­rity Su­per­vi­sion Di­vi­sion cam­era, dis­cov­ered them in Shuanghu Dis­trict.”
Di­vi­sion Head Huang has pushed on the bridge of the nose, en­dures cov­ers the com­mon eye­glasses com­pared with beer, the analy­sis said: „Shuanghu Dis­trict? Dream En­ter­tain­ment? Fan­tasy Sci­ence and Tech­nol­ogy? Yumo Med­ical? Is it pos­si­ble that For­eign Min­istry In­ter­na­tional In­tel­li­gence Agency these are Lit­tle 'Devil', hav­ing the ideas of these three Com­pany? To steal Sci­ence and Tech­nol­ogy data?”

Zheng Huazhong ‚cut­ting’ one, „Big Brother Huang, these three Com­pany, prob­a­bly are Right? of that per­son . More­over, Shuanghu Dis­trict also has Lit­tle Over­lord!”
„Lit­tle Over­lord?” Zhong Wei­jian strange asked one. The mat­ter that he usu­ally needs to han­dle are many, not clear this gos­sip in­for­ma­tion.
Zheng Huazhong ex­plained: „Boss, don't you know? Hasn't Big Brother Huang given you to re­port? Shuanghu Dis­trict Lit­tle Over­lord, is Shi Lei that fel­low!”
If Shi Lei knows that he has Lit­tle Over­lord Title, can per­haps be mad spits blood!

Lit­tle Over­lord, Bound­less Joy ~
„Who is Shi Lei?” Zhong Wei­jian in­deed does not know Shi Lei, as Shuangqing City Na­tional Se­cu­rity Agency Bu­reau Chief, his vi­sion takes a broad view in the over­all sit­u­a­tion, has not paid at­ten­tion to Shuanghu Dis­trict small issue.
Zheng Huazhong has to ex­plain, kills the per­son who four Wo Sang Na­tion [Pink Sakura] have sent in­clud­ing Shi Lei, al­though Zheng Huazhong does not know that these peo­ple are the [Pink Sakura] peo­ple.
Zhong Wei­jian angry strik­ing with force board, cold -ly snorted and said: „Ab­surd! This Shi Lei crime is count­less, to be get­ting how still off scot-free?”
Zheng Huazhong lets go say­ing: „Boss, you must ask Big Brother Huang!”
Zhong Wei­jian looks im­me­di­ately to Huang Wei, but Huang Wei said: „Chief Zhong, the re­la­tions of Shi Lei and Bai Qiang are very good, more­over he is the Rongcheng Mil­i­tary Dis­trict per­son, and his back in­flu­ence is not very sim­ple.”
„Fart! Im­me­di­ately catches to me him! I su­per­vise Bai Qiang to han­dle this case per­son­ally! This per­son, needs the law sanc­tion, re­gard­less of be­hind him stands any peo­ple not to be good!” Zhong Wei­jian is an out-and-out hard­liner, more­over is an hon­est fac­tion.

The Huang Wei forced smile said: These mat­ters that „Chief Zhong, just said that do not have the ev­i­dence com­pletely! The spec­u­la­tion of our Sev­enth Di­vi­sion and Eighth Di­vi­sion, proved with­out any ev­i­dence that Shi Lei's has han­dled these mat­ters firmly. His method is very wise, has not left be­hind any tail. Oth­er­wise, City Bu­reau Dai Guanghua, al­ready ti­died up him!”

„Dai Guanghua?” Zhong Wei­jian strange ask­ing, he does not un­der­stand that this mat­ter, how in­volved Dai Guanghua.
„Be­tween Dai Guanghua and Shi Lei con­tra­dic­tory layer on layer, yes­ter­day in the evening, re­lates am­bigu­ous Drug En­force­ment fe­male Po­lice Force with Shi Lei, is in dan­ger in Yun­shan, Dai Guanghua ac­tu­ally sees some­body in dan­ger and does noth­ing. If were not Shi Lei has res­cued Ouyang Xiang, per­haps Ouyang Xiang died in Yun­shan. There­fore be­tween Shi Lei and Dai Guanghua, it may be said that are the life and death arch­en­emy. A mat­ter, yes­ter­day Shi Lei res­cues Ouyang Xiang time, pos­si­bly has used ex­tremely ad­vanced weaponry. The guard rail of going out of town high­way was de­stroyed by vi­o­lence, but the Yun­shan crime scene, we send for in­ves­ti­gate, had dis­cov­ered some sus­pi­cious places, the pre­lim­i­nary sus­pi­cion was Rongcheng Mil­i­tary Dis­trict de­vel­ops in­di­vid­ual com­bat armor sim­i­lar Equip­ment, and has given the Shi Lei use!” The Huang Wei one breath said big sec­tion in­for­ma­tion.

Zhong Wei­jian angry cold -ly snorted and said: „Rongcheng Mil­i­tary Dis­trict that helps Mad­man, in their brains, com­pletely is the bean waste!”
Zheng Huazhong strange smil­ing, „Rongcheng Mil­i­tary Dis­trict was re­ally pos­si­bly in­sane! Their Lin'an Un­der­ground Base has given Shi Lei! More­over has given back to Shi Lei Cap­tain iden­tity, if not need, I am not will­ing to pro­voke Shi Lei that Lit­tle Over­lord.”
Huang Wei also opens the mouth say­ing: „Chief Zhong, that sev­eral Wo Sang Na­tion spy went to Shuanghu Dis­trict, is looks for Shi Lei's to be trou­ble­some mostly, then leaps on let them make noise!”

Zheng Huazhong backed up: „Right right! Boss, Shi Lei that Lit­tle Over­lord method are many, Wo Sang Na­tion spy not being able to flat­ter place. At the worst are also many sev­eral to be miss­ing per­son­nel, in any case in Leng River!”
Zhong Wei­jian sighed, this hon­est and strong man, on fac­ing Shi Lei's issue , can only the help­less choice dis­re­gard.
In Xia Na­tion, al­though Na­tional Se­cu­rity Agency priv­i­lege is very big, but the strength of mil­i­tary is very sim­i­larly big, in­volves with the mil­i­tary in the re­la­tions of same place, al­ways has not being clear issue. From the cur­rent in­tel­li­gence analy­sis, Rongcheng Mil­i­tary Dis­trict this is pro­tect­ing the Shi Lei's stance!
„, So long as that Shi Lei, does not look for the Or­di­nary per­son's trou­ble, that goes along with him! More­over, you must pay close at­ten­tion to the For­eign Min­istry In­ter­na­tional In­tel­li­gence Agency spy, if Shi Lei can­not with­stand, we can­not sit by and do noth­ing.”

Huang Wei and Zheng Huazhong ab­sent-minded nod, they paid at­ten­tion to Shi Lei to be very long, the Shi Lei's abil­ity they were clear. Sev­eral times, they want to mon­i­tor Shi Lei through the So­cial Se­cu­rity Su­per­vi­sion Di­vi­sion cam­era, ac­tu­ally the cam­era of dis­cov­ery cor­re­spon­dence, at cru­cial mo­ments can al­ways dam­age!
Re­peat­edly after sev­eral times, Huang Wei and Zheng Huazhong also gave up hold­ing the plan of Shi Lei ev­i­dence. Mean­while, they also un­der­stood the Shi Lei's en­ergy!

9 : 00 pm just passed, the Shu'an Vil­lage Rul­ing Se­cu­rity Com­pany train­ing base, in the va­cant room in most attic, two black-clothed peo­ple were thrown on the ground, Shi Lei sit on their front chairs.
The corpses of an­other two black-clothed peo­ple, in searched for the body, after any east and west|thing takes, at this mo­ment should by Zhou Cheng be brought, sends to Leng River to feed the fish.
Spa­tial Room of attic, Li Zifeng is car­ry­ing trough water, sprin­kles fiercely in two peo­ple. Was waked up by elec­tron­ics corona two spook­ily, con­fused shak­ing the head, then im­me­di­ately strug­gles.
Shi Lei coughs lightly, „did not need to strug­gle, we ex­am­ined searched re­peat­edly, tied up very re­li­ably!”
After two black-clothed peo­ple hear the word, im­me­di­ately stopped not stu­dious strug­gling, a black-clothed per­son is feel­ing sit­u­a­tion, dis­cov­ered that had not been searched, then im­me­di­ately looks up Shi Lei, cold -ly snorted and said: „Shi Lei, do you know that who we are?”
Shi Lei is pinch­ing the chin, asked back: „You are Who?”

„We are Na­tional Se­cu­rity Agency in­ves­ti­gate, you dare to catch us, sim­ply is bold!” black-clothed man com­plex­ion is angry, cold snort looks at Shi Lei.
„Oh? Are you Na­tional Se­cu­rity Agency?” Shi Lei pats clap­ping, Li Zifeng has launched two pa­pers im­me­di­ately, booth be­fore two black-clothed peo­ple. „You were Wo Sang Na­tion Na­tional Se­cu­rity Agency fel­low Right? should say that was For­eign Min­istry In­ter­na­tional In­tel­li­gence Agency?”

black-clothed per­son of speech, the com­plex­ion im­me­di­ately changes, „No. 3 and No. 4 per­son?”
„Died!” Shi Lei rub­bish, knew in any case their iden­tity, is keep­ing Num­ber One and No. 2 life, has a look to ask more in­for­ma­tion.
„You!” black-clothed per­son of speech looks at Shi Lei an­grily.
„Don't you your! Now I ask you to an­swer, if you give me some use­ful in­for­ma­tion, I did not say that any­thing has put your this ru­mors, I can give you a hap­pi­ness!” On the Shi Lei face is hav­ing the smil­ing face, but the look ice-cold piece, is sim­i­lar to a per­son with kindly face and cruel heart.

„Dies in any case, why do we want to say?” The black-clothed per­son was say­ing un­yield­ingly.
Shi Lei in­dif­fer­ent shrug­ging, „you can also re­main silent did not say, but I will make you know, even if dies, will have the con­sid­er­ably large dif­fer­ence. For ex­am­ple did not have the painful death, or was liv­ing of suf­fer­ing greatly might as well die. Do not at­tempt to give my mis­in­for­ma­tion, re­gard­ing your For­eign Min­istry In­ter­na­tional In­tel­li­gence Agency, I also cal­cu­lates that some un­der­stood, more­over your two peo­ple, sep­a­rately the in­ter­ro­ga­tion is a very good method.”
Dur­ing two black-clothed peo­ple fell into were silent.

„What kind, how do you con­sider? Can co­or­di­nate my ques­tion?” Shi Lei in­quired pale with a smile.


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