Monday, October 30, 2017

420: Ling Yumo trail?

For­eign Min­istry In­ter­na­tional In­tel­li­gence Agency, is sim­i­lar to Li Jian Na­tion CIA and FBI com­plex com­pound. As a huge in­tel­li­gence sum­mary and spy agency, For­eign Min­istry In­ter­na­tional In­tel­li­gence Agency not only then the in­tel­li­gence ser­vice, some re­sponded the de­part­ment spe­cially.

Spe­cial Se­cu­rity De­part­ment, ex­actly as stated re­sponded one of the de­part­ments spe­cially, with by rapid re­ac­tion spe­cial ac­tion. For ex­am­ple im­ple­ment es­pi­onage ac­tiv­ity and counter-es­pi­onage mo­tion, even are kid­nap and kid­nap, de­struc­tion, as­sas­si­na­tion and other mo­tions.

After For­eign Min­istry In­ter­na­tional In­tel­li­gence Agency con­firmed re­la­tions of Shi Lei and [Mr. M], im­me­di­ately dis­patches four Spe­cial Se­cu­rity De­part­ment mem­ber, let them to rush to Shuangqing City, car­ries on in­ves­ti­gate to Shi Lei. Had bet­ter be able through Shi Lei, seek for [Mr. M]. If can through [Mr. M], find Earth­quake Hacker [EQ], that was the most per­fect re­sult!
The ten­ta­tive plan of For­eign Min­istry In­ter­na­tional In­tel­li­gence Agency is very good, but they do not know the truth of mat­ter
Shuanghu Dis­trict, First Gen­eral Hos­pi­tal, Ad­vanced Ward.

Shi Lei cur­rently and Bai Qiang tele­phone, be­tween Shi Lei and Bai Qiang, be­long to re­la­tions of mu­tual co­op­er­a­tion. The suc­cesses of Shi Lei's cer­tain be­hav­iors, al­though there is Shi Lei own a re­sult of plan­ning, but also has the Bai Qiang in­flu­ence to exist.
In the cell phone re­ceiver, the Bai Qiang sound passes on, „Buddy Shi, you will have free time to­mor­row Right? to be hon­est, that quota is not I wants. To­mor­row I lead you to see a per­son, ex­pands the in­ter­per­sonal re­la­tion­ship.”
In the Shi Lei heart moves, can ask the per­son who Bai Qiang helps, own sta­tus was ab­solutely im­pos­si­ble to lower! Knows these big­wig, has the con­sid­er­ably large ad­van­tage re­gard­ing Shi Lei.
„Elder Brother Bai, dis­closed that whom to­mor­row can rec­om­mend?” Shi Lei in­quired with a smile.

Bai Qiang hā hā smiles, „our Shuangqing City First Vice-mayor, what kind, is in­ter­ested in know­ing?”
Shi Lei has raised the eye­brow, First Vice-mayor, nom­i­nal Shuangqing City Sec­ond-In-Com­mand , has priv­i­lege ac­tu­ally, ab­solute Shuangqing City high-level char­ac­ter!
„Elder Brother Bai, that to­mor­row asked!” The Shi Lei re­sponse said that if can know that Shuangqing City First Vice-chief, is a very big boost.
Hung up the tele­phone, Shi Lei con­tin­ued to train the sen­ti­ment with Ouyang Xiang, to around 7 : 00 pm, Shi Lei and Ouyang Xiang fin­ished eat­ing the warm sup­per to­gether, the Shi Lei's tele­phone, sud­denly has ex­uded a ding.

Hears the ding, the Shi Lei com­plex­ion sud­denly be­comes very ugly!
Ouyang Xiang looks at the Shi Lei's ex­pres­sion, in­quired: „Shi Lei, what hap­pened?”
„Ouyang, my a lit­tle ur­gent mat­ter, must tem­porar­ily leave.” Shi Lei has not stated clearly.
Ouyang Xiang tact­ful had not asked that this is the Ouyang Xiang merit, if Shi Lei must tell her, does not need her to ask that Shi Lei will also say. If Shi Lei does not want to tell her, even though she asked that be­sides stir­ring up Shi Lei is not feel­ing well, what but also there is to af­fect?

„Goes, Shi Lei, does not need to be wor­ried about me.” Ouyang Xiang has hes­i­tated the mo­ment, bites lip, said in a soft voice: „Pays at­ten­tion to Safety!”
Shi Lei makes an ef­fort to nod, on the Ouyang Xiang fore­head, has kissed lightly, turns around to go out of Ad­vanced Ward. On the cor­ri­dor, Shi Lei pulls out cell phone, opened SMS in­for­ma­tion.

‚Shi Lei, Ling Yumo in our hands, if not think that she has any ac­ci­dent, you come to the long-dis­tance motor sta­tion.’
SMS not any sig­na­ture, has not put for­ward any re­quest, likely is not the Or­di­nary kid­nap­ping case. Ling Yumo iden­tity is spe­cial, her fa­ther is Cyber Se­cu­rity Agency West­ern Head­quar­ters Bu­reau Chief, the power and in­flu­ence even also wants the high sev­eral points com­pared with Shuangqing City Mayor.
As any has the Ex­pe­ri­ence kid­nap­per gang, will not choose Ling Yumo such tar­get ab­solutely. Be­cause, that is court­ing death ab­solutely!
More­over, ac­cord­ing to Shi Lei's data, Ling Yumo ab­solutely not in Shuangqing City. The op­po­site party makes Shi Lei to meet in the long-dis­tance motor sta­tion, per­haps rest­less good in­ten­tion.
But Shi Lei is ir­recus­able, this time they can threaten it­self with Ling Yumo, then the next time can be one's turn Mu Shuang, Ouyang Xiang or Li Zhiyue?
Shi Lei on cell phone, has pressed down a digit ‚5’, then di­rect dial. In the tele­phone, feeds back to­gether the ice-cold stereo­typ­i­cal sound im­me­di­ately: „Does [Sir], what have to tell?”

„Does [Izual], trace in cell phone SMS ori­gin? In­forms Zhou Cheng, leads Rul­ing Se­cu­rity Com­pany all Squadron, goes to the Shuanghu long-dis­tance motor sta­tion, you con­trol [Dawn] to go to­gether!” Shi Lei opens the mouth to tell.
„[Sir], the order ac­cepts, cur­rently in­forms Mr. Zhou Cheng. The SMS ori­gin cur­rently analy­sis, needs some time, please wait a mo­ment.” Dig­i­tal num­ber ‚5’, ex­actly as stated con­nects the Low Grade Pseudo Ar­ti­fi­cial In­tel­li­gence [Izual]'s spe­cial-pur­pose digit di­al­ing.
„[Izual], [Dawn]'s fuel enough?” Shi Lei asked that yes­ter­day has used in Yun­shan, more­over [Dawn] alone rushes to Shu'an Vil­lage from Yun­shan, should con­sume many fuels.

„[Sir], ac­cord­ing to the Ares Sys­tem sup­plies rule, through Mr. Zhou Cheng is the [Dawn] add fuel. At pre­sent fuel sta­tus 99!” [Izual] as Low Grade Pseudo Ar­ti­fi­cial In­tel­li­gence, al­though the log­i­cal pro­gram is very bad, plan that but it can es­tab­lish ac­cord­ing to the pro­ce­dure in ad­vance, ac­cord­ing to Plan im­ple­ment.
In [Dawn]'s Ares Sys­tem, the stor­age has the prepa­ra­tion sup­plies plan. Once after [Dawn] stops Task, ac­cord­ing to the rule of prepa­ra­tion plan, needs to in­crease the [Dawn]'s fuel, at least main­tains over 90.
„Is very good!” Shi Lei praised one, then has hung up the tele­phone, con­tin­ued to give Li Cai to dial the past.
Li Cai an­swered the speed of tele­phone not to be quick, prob­a­bly waited for after 30 sec­onds, has con­nected the call. „Big Brother Stone, has any mat­ter Ah?” Li Cai cur­rently to process the Elec­tro­mag­netic Ar­tillery gun tube, there­fore the an­swer­ing tele­phone speed was slower.

„Lit­tle Plum, we now how many [Shadow Dragon]?” Shi Lei ex­pres­sion low and deep ask­ing. Was used Ling Yumo to threaten him, Shi Lei very pissed!
The pre­sent was around 7 : 00 pm, the weather al­ready dark, by the [Shadow Dragon] mute per­for­mance, was very good be­cause of the con­fi­den­tial­ity of sky. In ad­di­tion, [Shadow Dragon] car­ried Elec­tro­mag­netic Ar­tillery, this is in the Shi Lei hand, at pre­sent only long-dis­tance kills weapon, more­over weapon that not known!
Dares to threaten his per­son re­gard­ing these, when nec­es­sary, Shi Lei will not have any ten­der­ness.
In pre­vi­ous life, Shi Lei lost too much too much, his heart has stiff­ened.
Loses some im­por­tant east and west|thing, will make the per­son grow, will let part of Soul of per­son, be­comes Dark
Shi Lei's Soul Dark!

[Shadow Dragon] that „Big Brother Stone, can use has one, is that puts up ear­lier ma­chine. Other [Shadow Dragon] did not have ac­com­plish.” Reply of Li Cai sorry for the in­con­ve­nience. Shi Lei told that he makes three Set-up [Shadow Dragon] again, he has not man­u­fac­tured with enough time.
„Lit­tle Plum, the [Shadow Dragon] elec­tric quan­tity is full Right?” Shi Lei is in­quir­ing.
„En, close en­tire full con­di­tion, should over 95.” Since pre­vi­ous Li Cai uses [Shadow Dragon] kills two human traf­fick­ing, he again has not then used [Shadow Dragon].
Shi Lei re­laxed slightly, „Lit­tle Plum, in­stalls Elec­tro­mag­netic Ar­tillery. Then starts ECH Sys­tem, mak­ing [Shadow Dragon] main­tain the readi­ness for ac­tion, I pos­si­bly want the re­mote ac­cess, then con­trols [Shadow Dragon].”
„Un­der­stood!” Li Cai had not in­quired that Shi Lei does do with [Shadow Dragon], be­cause Shi Lei is his broth­ers! „Big Brother Stone, care­ful!”

„En, I know!” After Shi Lei said that has hung up the tele­phone.
Just hung up the Li Cai tele­phone, Low Grade Pseudo Ar­ti­fi­cial In­tel­li­gence [Izual]'s tele­phone con­ver­sa­tion Shen Qing­bian con­nects, Shi Lei pressed down the an­swer­ing key, waited for the [Izual]'s re­port.
„[Sir], SMS ori­gin an­a­lyzes. Al­ready lo­cal­iza­tion op­po­site party num­ber po­si­tion in­for­ma­tion, in the Shuanghu Dis­trict long-dis­tance motor sta­tion. Has not looked up this num­ber all peo­ple, the num­ber ac­ti­va­tion date for this af­ter­noon 6.5 19.” in­for­ma­tion that [Izual] will look up, has re­ported com­pletely.
The Shi Lei's look does not fluc­tu­ate, re­gard­ing num­ber is newly opened in­for­ma­tion, he has not been sur­prised.
„[Izual], con­tin­u­ally trac­ing op­po­site party po­si­tion in­for­ma­tion. Then they shows the way to Zhou Cheng, sur­rounds the tar­get po­si­tion!” Shi Lei cold hum said.
„[Sir], yes!”

Shi Lei has hung up the tele­phone, is dri­ving Audi A4L, first re­turned to Jingya Gar­den. In Jingya Gar­den, Shi Lei puts out a mil­i­tary use dag­ger from bed­room.
Spreads to be in a stew the col­ored mil­i­tary use dag­ger, be­sides the sharp cut­ting edge, other places by cam­ou­flage paint matte pro­cess­ing, was pre­vented the re­flec­tion com­pletely.
Tested the [Dawn]'s time in Rongcheng Mil­i­tary Dis­trict, Shi Lei has been suit­able for a mil­i­tary use dag­ger con­ve­niently, can be used to trun­cate the fruit, can be used to in­jure other peo­ple, traded view ex­actly as stated to pro­tect it­self.
Gen­eral in­serts with the dag­ger in the re­strict­ing, then hangs in the waist, blocks with the cot­ton ma­te­r­ial T-shirt, is dri­ving Audi A4L, hur­ries to the Shuanghu Dis­trict long-dis­tance motor sta­tion.
On the way, Shi Lei a call to Zhou Cheng in the past, Zhou Cheng puts through the speed of tele­phone to be quick, al­most an­swered the Shi Lei's tele­phone im­me­di­ately.

„Zhou Cheng, you now where?” Shi Lei is grasp­ing the steer­ing wheel sin­gle-handed, in­quired.
Zhou Cheng is dri­ving sim­i­larly, „Boss, we en­tered Shuanghu Dis­trict, prob­a­bly takes 7 min­utes to ar­rive in the long-dis­tance motor sta­tion.”
„I have three min­utes, I pass first. You under the [Izual]'s di­rec­tion, come to con­verge with me!” Shi Lei re­sponded to one, then said: „Has any mat­ter, passes [Izual] and my con­tact.”
Hangs up with the tele­phone con­ver­sa­tion of Zhou Cheng, Shi Lei hangs the Blue­tooth ear­phone on the ear, then has put through the voice com­mu­ni­ca­tion with [Izual].
„[Izual], does the tar­get po­si­tion have to have the change?” Shi Lei calm was ask­ing. Ac­cord­ing to the tri­an­gle com­pu­ta­tion of Ex­plor­ing soft­ware, using the pre­ci­sion of tele­phone sig­nal lo­cal­iza­tion, can achieve three me­ters error!

Also in other words, al­most can through the cell phone lo­cal­iza­tion, def­i­nite op­po­site party iden­tity.
„[Sir], has locked the op­po­site party po­si­tion. The op­po­site party in the long-dis­tance motor sta­tion, has not moved.” The [Izual]'s sound, is re­ver­ber­at­ing in the Blue­tooth ear­phone.
Fast shut­tle of Audi A4L in stream of ve­hi­cles, then covert stop­ping out­side the long-dis­tance motor sta­tion, Shi Lei under the [Izual]'s di­rec­tion, hur­ries to the cell phone sig­nal latched po­si­tion.
„[Izual], re­port newest po­si­tion!” Shi Lei is bring­ing Blue­tooth head­set, in­quired [Izual].

„[Sir], ac­cord­ing to your cell phone sig­nal po­si­tion in­for­ma­tion, the tar­get po­si­tion is lo­cated in South­ern 22 ° in the west, the straight dis­tance 127 me­ters.” The [Izual] re­sponse said.
Shi Lei acts ac­cord­ing to [Izual]'s in­for­ma­tion fast, over­takes to the tar­get po­si­tion.
How­ever, Shi Lei close tar­get po­si­tion time, foot­steps sud­denly slow. Be­cause, tar­get po­si­tion, sit­u­ated in be­hind a long-dis­tance motor sta­tion small lane, but ac­cord­ing to com­pu­ta­tion in Shi Lei heart, he at this mo­ment from the tar­get not over 15 me­ters.
How­ever, in small lane, no­body left


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