Monday, October 30, 2017

421: Other two!

The Shuanghu Dis­trict long-dis­tance motor sta­tion, in its be­hind, there is a very re­mote old lane. This old lane, orig­i­nally to the chan­nel of old wait­ing build­ing, but after hav­ing con­structed the new wait­ing build­ing, this lane is then at partly aban­dons the con­di­tion.
When Shi Lei stands in the lane, dis­cov­ery lane hol­low does not have one per­son, he raises im­me­di­ately not a won­der­ful feel­ing.

„[Izual], tar­get dis­place­ment in po­si­tion?” Shi Lei in­quired in a low voice.
„[Sir], the tar­get po­si­tion has not had the mi­gra­tion, ac­cord­ing to the com­puted re­sult, is away from tar­get about 14 me­ters, the error in 3 me­ters.” [Izual] mo­men­tar­ily is cal­cu­lat­ing the re­sult, fa­cil­i­tates the re­port to give Shi Lei.
Shi Lei also wants to ask again, but he be­hind, has heard two sounds of foot­steps. Two black suits, as if the man of body­guard, slowly walked.
Two black-clothed men, as if have not hid­den opin­ion of per­sonal ap­pear­ance, a per­son opens the mouth, the sound said lightly: „Shi Lei?”

Shi Lei whole body mus­cle one tight!
Al­though the voice of this man is light, but Shi Lei ac­tu­ally from his sound, heard the ab­solute self-con­fi­dence, as if not place the self-con­fi­dence in eye Shi Lei!
The turn­ing around body, Shi Lei had not replied slowly that asked back: „Who are you?”

In two black-clothed peo­ple, has pulled out the pic­ture from the bosom, under bright [Moon­light], he is siz­ing up the pic­ture, is siz­ing up Shi Lei, then nods to say to the com­pan­ion: „tar­get con­firmed!”
Shi Lei also wants to ask any­thing, but that two black-clothed peo­ple flushed to him. From their move­ments, Shi Lei saw the fla­vor of army.
‚Ac­tu­ally is who!’

This thought dodges to pass in the Shi Lei's mind, but the cur­rent sit­u­a­tion, not being able to allow him to think much that fac­ing two pow­er­ful en­e­mies be­fore, comes face to face with an ad­ver­sary the Brave vic­tory!
Shi Lei is bend­ing the body slightly, when a black-clothed per­son clashes, did not draw back to the black-clothed per­son who in­stead en­tered over­runs, has held on the right hand of black-clothed per­son, drew to stag­ger the black-clothed per­son, Shi Lei lifted the knee of right foot, hit on the belly of black-clothed per­son, hit to back up the black-clothed per­son, tum­bled on the ground, tem­porar­ily lost the bat­tle ef­fi­ciency.

An­other black-clothed per­son as if not care about the com­pan­ion by at­tack, at­tacks to Shi Lei di­rectly. His fights with the fists to the Shi Lei's chest, from leav­ing fist ef­fort de­ter­mine, if Shi Lei were hit, per­haps will have the scant of breath, does not fall to the ground the sit­u­a­tion.
Shi Lei this time has not spelled hardly, after the re­birth, Shi Lei did not have the Sys­tem ex­er­cise body with enough time, is far from achiev­ing the pre­vi­ous life Sum­mit strength.

To re­treat two steps, have shunted the fist of black-clothed per­son. But the black-clothed per­son is in power does not for­give per­son, after re­ceiv­ing the fist, im­me­di­ately lifts the foot to kick to Shi Lei.
Shi Lei is in for­mer strength but com­pletely new strength has not lived, but, Shi Lei has the right palm be­fore, Zuo Zhangdi in the right hand back, to re­sist the foot of black-clothed per­son to kick!
„pū ~”

The thigh and palm hit, send out if still the sound of fist strike leather, Shi Lei only thinks both hands to tin­gle with numb­ness, body re­treat can­not help but sev­eral steps.
He then awak­ens, the un­ex­pected so­lu­tion a black-clothed per­son, was ac­tu­ally just lucky!
The bat­tle ef­fi­ciency of black-clothed per­son, en­dures com­pared with Xia Na­tion Top Spe­cial Forces ab­solutely, under Shi Lei com­pared with pre­sent con­di­tion, wants fierce one sec­tion.
Shi Lei with the aid of the strength that the foot kicked, after re­treat sev­eral, the fast and start to talk in a low voice said: „[Izual], takes me as tar­get, lead­ing Rul­ing Se­cu­rity to come, my [Hope] you can ar­rive within three min­utes!”

„[Sir], prob­a­bly takes from two min­utes to four min­utes, we ar­rive in the tar­get po­si­tion.” [Izual] is only Low Grade Pseudo Ar­ti­fi­cial In­tel­li­gence, does not un­der­stand Shi Lei to be in Dan­ger is any con­cept.
„As soon as pos­si­ble! The quicker the bet­ter!” After Shi Lei said that vig­i­lant looks at the re­main­ing that black-clothed peo­ple. He pon­dered se­cretly iden­tity of black-clothed per­son, while was pon­der­ing how to re­sist for three min­utes, even is four min­utes.

Ac­cord­ing to the bat­tle ef­fi­ciency that this black-clothed per­son dis­plays, Shi Lei wants to in­sist for three min­utes, is not the sim­ple mat­ter. To delay the time as far as pos­si­ble, Shi Lei shouts loudly: „And other Wait!”
After the black-clothed per­son hears the sound, stopped slightly, but throws im­me­di­ately to Shi Lei.
Shi Lei re­treat, while said loudly: „Ac­tu­ally are you who? To do? We can dis­cuss, not need­ing di­rect vi­o­lence so­lu­tion!”
The black-clothed per­son has stopped once more, seems pon­der­ing any­thing.
Shi Lei sees with own eyes pos­si­ble, opens the mouth to say once more: „Has any mat­ter, can put on dis­cussed out­wardly. Through dis­cussing is un­able to achieve the uni­fi­ca­tion opin­ion, con­sid­ers other ways again. Did you say isn't that right?”

The black-clothed per­son looks at Shi Lei, then looked to lie down in the com­pan­ion of ground, in the heart is pon­der­ing the Shi Lei's propo­si­tion. Shi Lei just dis­played the un­ex­pected bat­tle ef­fi­ciency, this makes the black-clothed per­son some­what dread. He is un­able rapid uni­form Shi Lei, if de­lays, was dis­cov­ered by Xia Na­tion Po­lice, per­haps he and com­pan­ion have Dan­ger.
Might as well lis­ten to Shi Lei's to pro­pose first that waited for while con­ve­nient the com­pan­ion re­stores the bat­tle ef­fi­ciency, then by two pairs of fast uni­form Shi Lei.
Both sides both hit the idea of pro­tracted time, the fight are stop­ping im­me­di­ately, the black-clothed per­son ex­pres­sion des­o­late start to talk said: „Shi Lei, is ac­tu­ally [Mr. M] who?”

In Shi Lei heart in great sur­prise!
‚Ac­tu­ally these two fel­lows are, ac­tu­ally knows [Mr. M] and my re­la­tions. Is it pos­si­ble that was that side aigo (Pa­triot) Com­pany left issue?’ In Shi Lei heart sur­prised un­cer­tain.
About [Mr. M] agent iden­tity, Shi Lei al­ready ex­pected that per­haps be­comes a un­sta­ble blast­ing fuse. Shi Lei has not imag­ined that this blast­ing fuse such will quickly be ig­nited!

But even if op­po­site party knows ex­is­tence of [Mr. M], looks up is in it­self so-called agent, Shi Lei ab­solutely is also un­war­rantable.
„What [Mr. M]?” In the Shi Lei's ex­pres­sion, is hav­ing a ques­tion just right, as if not know to be the same.
The black-clothed per­son has sneered, „Shi Lei, does not need to quib­ble. We looked up, you are [Mr. M] agent. [Mr. M] has stolen Robot Plan, so-called AIP Ar­ti­fi­cial In­tel­li­gence Pros­thetic, in ex­actly as stated Robot Plan, Metal Ex­oskele­ton ex­tend­ing tech­nol­ogy. Also wanted me to say?”

Al­though the black-clothed per­son is Wo Sang Na­tion For­eign Min­istry In­ter­na­tional In­tel­li­gence Agency Spe­cial Se­cu­rity De­part­ment per­son­nel, but his iden­tity, is ac­tu­ally
Lis­tens to the words of black-clothed per­son, Shi Lei to know fi­nally which link makes a mis­take. Orig­i­nally is AIP Ar­ti­fi­cial In­tel­li­gence Pros­thetic, has aroused the in­ter­est of For­eign Min­istry In­ter­na­tional In­tel­li­gence Agency!
The wise thou­sand wor­ries must have one to lose!

Shi Lei is con­sid­er­ing only the tech­no­log­i­cal de­vel­op­ment, has ac­tu­ally for­got­ten the threat of For­eign Min­istry In­ter­na­tional In­tel­li­gence Agency, has for­got­ten the threat of Wo Sang Na­tion!
„I did not un­der­stand you to say any­thing! AIP Ar­ti­fi­cial In­tel­li­gence Pros­thetic, ori­gin in Mir­ror Sci­ence and Tech­nol­ogy Lim­ited Com­pany, has con­formed with the Dy­namic Be­hav­ior Recog­ni­tion En­gine tech­nol­ogy, as well as the ma­chine sim­u­la­tion tech­nol­ogy, is not the ex­oskele­ton tech­nol­ogy!” In the Shi Lei's ex­pres­sion, bring­ing a jade tablet to get angry, a taunt, as if ridiculed that the black-clothed per­son does not un­der­stand the tech­nol­ogy to be the same.

The black-clothed per­son had ac­tu­ally rec­og­nized the Shi Lei's sus­pi­cion, does not pay at­ten­tion to Shi Lei's to quib­ble. By Shi Lei at­tack an­other black-clothed per­son, was crawled from the ground slowly, his look rogue looks at Shi Lei, cold -ly snorted and said: „No. 2, I must make Shi Lei at­trac­tive!”
Is called the No. 2 black-clothed per­son, has fought with Shi Lei one round, and black-clothed per­son who oc­cu­pies the win­ning side, chuckle.
„Num­ber One, under you han­dles gen­tly, our only need­ing makes Shi Lei co­or­di­nate to reply sev­eral issue.” The No. 2 black-clothed per­son said that then un­ex­pect­edly held both hands to stand on one side, looked at the good play the ap­pear­ance.

The Num­ber One black-clothed per­son with the Shi Lei idle talk, di­rectly had not flushed to Shi Lei. Shi Lei dis­guised re­treat, the right hand has un­know­ingly placed the waist, has taken out the cam­ou­flage paint mil­i­tary use dag­ger rapidly.
When the Num­ber One black-clothed per­son clashes, in the Shi Lei eye the none re­main­ing dodges, the cam­ou­flage paint mil­i­tary use dag­ger, to­gether [Light­ning] seems to be same, punc­tures to the Num­ber One black-clothed per­son.
The Num­ber One black-clothed per­son eats Shi Lei one time to owe, how pos­si­bly once more fooled? His body turns force­fully, al­though had been de­lim­ited a blood­stain by the mil­i­tary use dag­ger on the arm, has not ac­tu­ally re­ceived the se­vere wound.

Looks at Shi Lei to put out the mil­i­tary use dag­ger, the No. 2 black-clothed per­son has joined the war im­me­di­ately, „Num­ber One, quickly ended the fight, here is Xia Na­tion, Shi Lei's iden­tity is not sim­ple, do not make the un­nec­es­sary trou­ble!”
The Num­ber One silent nod, with the No. 2 co­or­di­na­tion with each other, over­ran to Shi Lei.

Al­though there is a mil­i­tary use dag­ger in the hand, but faces two black-clothed peo­ple's at­tacks, Shi Lei re­treats in de­feat again and again as be­fore. In the Shi Lei heart pledged se­cretly, after this mat­ter, must ex­er­cise well, at least must re­store pre­vi­ous life eight stan­dard!

If there are pre­vi­ous life phys­i­cal qual­ity eight stan­dard, in ad­di­tion the mil­i­tary use dag­ger in the hand, op­pres­sive these two black-clothed peo­ple sim­ply with play­ing to be the same. Is fight­ing, al­though the Shi Lei's con­scious­ness can fol­low, and many meth­ods coun­ter­at­tack two black-clothed peo­ple, but his so­matic ef­fect speed can­not fol­low!
The mil­i­tary use dag­ger of cam­ou­flage paint, in the waist of Num­ber One black-clothed per­son, de­lim­ited a blood trough once more, so long as made an ef­fort to pull again, the Num­ber One black-clothed per­son met the se­vere wound to lose the strength ab­solutely. But a No. 2 black-clothed per­son foot kicks to Shi Lei with the wrist|skill of dag­ger, at­tempts to dis­card the Shi Lei's right hand.
Shi Lei re­ceives the hand force­fully, gave up caus­ing heavy losses to the op­por­tu­nity of Num­ber One black-clothed per­son, re­treat sev­eral steps. His breath short­ness, in the look was hav­ing one dig­ni­fiedly looks at two black-clothed peo­ple.

Time that while two black-clothed peo­ple pre­pare to clash once more, out­side the small lane broad­casts the sound that the ve­hi­cles drove. Shi Lei com­plex­ion one happy, but two black-clothed peo­ple are ac­tu­ally com­plex­ion one stiff.
The No. 2 black-clothed per­son start to talk of coura­geously: „Walks!”
The Num­ber One black-clothed per­son is cov­er­ing the wound of waist, stared Shi Lei ma­li­ciously, then de­parts to­ward the lane deep place with the No. 2 black-clothed per­son.
But does Shi Lei pos­si­bly allow them such to de­part?

They threaten them­selves by Ling Yumo, more­over knows [Mr. M], but also knows Robot Plan. Then their iden­tity, then have two pos­si­bil­i­ties!
First pos­si­bil­ity, Wo Sang Na­tion For­eign Min­istry In­ter­na­tional In­tel­li­gence Agency. This pos­si­bil­ity, Shi Lei [Hope] does not ap­pear , if For­eign Min­istry In­ter­na­tional In­tel­li­gence Agency, that rep­re­sents Shi Lei to need with a huge Na­tion(s) vi­o­lence in­tel­li­gence re­lated ac­tiv­ity to re­sist.

A Sec­ond pos­si­bil­ity, for­merly has con­tacted Robot Plan, but by [Mr. M] force­fully trun­ca­tion Hu's [Raphael] back in­flu­ence, Angel Par­lia­ment!
To For­eign Min­istry In­ter­na­tional In­tel­li­gence Agency, Shi Lei is not will­ing to cope with Angel Par­lia­ment!
Al­though For­eign Min­istry In­ter­na­tional In­tel­li­gence Agency is Na­tion(s) vi­o­lence in­tel­li­gence re­lated ac­tiv­ity, but they after all are the Na­tion(s) or­ga­ni­za­tions, re­ceives very big re­stric­tion(s) in the ac­tiv­ity of Xia Na­tion. Be­cause of Xia Na­tion it­self, there is an own Safety in­tel­li­gence re­lated ac­tiv­ity, for ex­am­ple Na­tional Se­cu­rity Agency.
But if Angel Par­lia­ment, they do not have re­stric­tion(s) of Na­tion(s) or­ga­ni­za­tion, they will make very crazed mat­ter, is sim­i­lar to Shi Lei does to be the same in Wo Sang Na­tion!

Shi Lei is tak­ing the cam­ou­flage paint mil­i­tary use dag­ger, pur­sues to­ward two black-clothed peo­ple, si­mul­ta­ne­ously told in the Blue­tooth ear­phone: „[Izual], lead­ing Zhou Cheng they to pur­sue, holds that two black-clothed peo­ple to me!”
If were es­caped by that two black-clothed peo­ple, they will be in the hid­den place, poses the se­ri­ous threat to Shi Lei!
How­ever, Shi Lei has not known that Wo Sang Na­tion For­eign Min­istry In­ter­na­tional In­tel­li­gence Agency, al­to­gether has sent four peo­ple, but here has two


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